Re: Why are strings linked lists?

2003-11-28 Thread Mark Carroll
(shifting to Haskell-Cafe)

On Fri, 28 Nov 2003, Donald Bruce Stewart wrote:

> ajb:
> > As a matter of pure speculation, how big an impact would it have if, in
> > the next "version" of Haskell, Strings were represented as opaque types
> > with appropriate functions to convert to and from [Char]?  Would there be
> > rioting in the streets?

I'd be sad to lose some convenient list-based string type because I make a
lot of use of the fact that strings are lists in processing them.

> You could look at GHC's FastString representation (used internally).
> It is in $fptools/ghc/compiler/utils/FastString.lhs

It does make sense to have a rather faster form of string conveniently
available in /some/ form.

-- Mark
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Multiple functions applied to a single value

2003-11-28 Thread Graham Klyne
At 21:03 27/11/03 -0500, Derek Elkins wrote:
On Thu, 27 Nov 2003 14:56:03 +
Graham Klyne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
(perhaps a more serious and to the point reply later)

> But not all cases I encounter involve lists or monads.  A different
> case might look like this:
Are you sure this doesn't involve monads?
No, I'm not, and yours is very much the kind of response I was hoping to 
elicit...  but I think I may need a little more help to properly "get it".

I'm looking at:
You say of my examples "(these work fine with a Monad instance ((->) r) 
which is a Reader monad)".  If I get this correctly, (->) used here is a 
type constructor for a function type [ah yes... p42 of the Haskell report, 
but not in the index].

In [2] I see ((->) r) as an instance of MonadReader r, which you also 
say.  I think this means that a function from r to something is an instance 
MonadReader r.  So in my definition of eval:

  eval f g1 g2 a = f (g1 a) (g2 a)

g1 and g2 are instances of MonadReader a.  Which I can see means that eval 
is liftM2 as you say:  it takes a 2-argument function f and 'lifts' it to 
operate on the monads g1 and g2.

So far, so good, but what are the implications of g1 and g2 being monads?
From [2], we have:
  class (Monad m) => MonadReader r m | m -> r where
  MonadReader r ((->) r)
So ((->) r) must be a Monad.
How are the standard monad operators implemented for ((->) r)?  Maybe:
instance Monad ((->) r) where
return a = const a   -- is this right?  As I understand,
 -- return binds some value into a monad.
-- (>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
g1 >>= f = \e -> f (g1 e) e

so, if f is \a -> g2, we get:
g1 >>= f = \e -> (\a -> g2) (g1 e) e
 = \e -> g2 e
 = g2

Hmmm... this seems plausible, but I'm not clear-sighted enough to see if I 
have the ((->) r) monad right.  [Later: though it seems to work as intended.]

Looking at [3], I get a little more insight.  It seems that ((->) r) is a 
function with a type of "Computations which read values from a shared 
environment", where r is the type of the shared environment.  Monadic 
sequencing (>>=) passes the result from one monad/function to the 
next.  The monad is used by applying it to an instance of the shared 

So, returning to my example, it would appear that the idiom I seek is:
liftM2 f g1 g2
liftM3 f g1 g2 g3
Provided that ((->) r) is appropriately declared as an instance of 
Monad.  Does this work with the above declaration?

liftM2 f g1 g2
= do { g1' <- g1 ; g2' <- g2 ; return (f g1' g2') }  [from 
= g1 >>= \g1' -> g2 >>= \g2' -> return (f g1' 
g2')   [do-notation]
= \e1 -> (\g1' -> g2 >>= \g2' -> return (f g1' g2')) (g1 e1) e1
  [above:  g1 >>= f = (\e -> f 
(g1 e) e)]
= \e1 -> (\g1' -> \e2 -> (\g2' -> return (f g1' g2')) (g2 e2) e2) 
(g1 e1) e1
= \e1 -> (\e2 -> (return (f (g1 e1) (g2 e2))) e2) e1
  [apply fns: g1' = g1 e1,g2' 
= g2 e2]
= \e1 -> (return (f (g1 e1) (g2 e1))) e1
  [apply fn:  e2 = e1]
= \e1 -> (return (f (g1 e1) (g2 e1))) e1
  [apply fn:  e2 = e1]
= \e1 -> (const (f (g1 e1) (g2 e1))) e1
  [above: return = const]
= \e1 -> (f (g1 e1) (g2 e1)))
  [apply const]

Which is the desired result (!)

(these work fine with a Monad instance ((->) r) which is a Reader monad)
Hmmm... is it true that ((->) r) *is* a reader monad?  It seems to me that 
it is a Monad which can be used to build a reader monad.


The more I do with Haskell the more impressed I am by the folks who figured 
out this Monad wizardry.

A question I find myself asking at the end:  why isn't ((->) r) declared as 
a Monad instance in the standard prelude?  If I'm following all this 
correctly, it seems like a natural to include there.

Thanks for pointing me in this direction.  I hope my ramblings are 
on-track, and not too tedious to wade through.


>  >  eval :: (b->c->d) -> (a->b) -> (a->c) -> (a->d)
>  >  eval f g1 g2 a = f (g1 a) (g2 a)
eval :: Monad m => (b -> c -> d) -> m b -> m c -> m d
eval = liftM2
> So, for example, a function to test of the two elements of a pair are
> the same might be:
>  > pairSame = eval (==) fst snd
> giving:
>  > pairSame (1,2) -- false
>  > pairSame (3,3) -- true
> Or a function to subtract the second and subsequent elements of a list
> from the first:
>  > firstDiffRest = eval (-) head (sum . tail)
>  > firstDiffRest [10,4,