Re: [Haskell-cafe] Debugging partial functions by the rules

2006-11-17 Thread Neil Mitchell


To see at a glance the various bug reports about fromJust you can
search the bug database:[EMAIL 

I count 7 bugs.

I would be interested to see the results of static analysis tools
(Catch?) or applying Oleg's strategy.  Any volunteers?

Unfortunately darcs is too big, and too unhaskell-98 to go through
Catch as it currently stands. In reality the best strategy would
probably be to use Catch on darcs, then where Catch is unable to
automatically verify the program use Oleg's techniques and other
rewritings until Catch can verify everything.

Just taking a random example (the first fromJust I stumbled upon):, cleanPop

The requirement here is that the modifiedHowI field of the 2nd field
of the Pop at the top must be not a removal. Figuring out in an
existing code-base whether that is a general invariant for Pop, true
in this specific case, or any other random combination is quite a hard


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Wiki page for rewrite rules tips, types and tricks

2006-11-17 Thread Donald Bruce Stewart
After suggesting solutions based on rewrite rules to three different
questions this week, I though maybe we better have a wiki page on using
rewrite rules for non-traditional ad-hoc tricks.

If you've used rewrite rules for something fun (other than implementing
a major deforestation system), please add it to the page.

-- Don
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Debugging partial functions by the rules

2006-11-17 Thread Jason Dagit

This good long thread prompted Don and I to take a look at the darcs
source (this is current darcs-unstable).  You can get the darcs source
darcs get

Here are some data points (without interpretation):

In impossible.h we have the definitions:
import Bug ( bug )
#define impossible (bug $ "Impossible case at "++__FILE__++":"++show
(__LINE__ :: Int)++" compiled "++__TIME__++" "++__DATE__)

#define fromJust (\m_fromJust_funny_name -> case m_fromJust_funny_name
of {Nothing -> bug ("fromJust error at "++__FILE__++":"++show
(__LINE__ :: Int)++" compiled "++__TIME__++" "++__DATE__); Just x ->

The second definition gives bug reports like the following:
fromJust error at Push.lhs:136 compiled 11:51:58 Jun 16 2006
Please report this to [EMAIL PROTECTED],
If possible include the output of 'darcs --exact-version'.

To see at a glance the various bug reports about fromJust you can
search the bug database:[EMAIL 

I count 7 bugs.

Some other datapoints:
$ grep fromJust *.lhs *.hs | wc -l
$ grep fromMaybe *.lhs *.hs | wc -l
$ grep maybe *.lhs *.hs | wc -l

I would be interested to see the results of static analysis tools
(Catch?) or applying Oleg's strategy.  Any volunteers?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Are associated types synonyms like type classes?

2006-11-17 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty
Brian Smith:
> When using AT then we have to decide what part of the abstraction is
> the class and what part is the associated type. Sometimes this seams
> arbitrary. If we have: 
> class A a where
> type B b
> f :: a -> B b
> instance A Int where
> type B = Bool
> f  = (==0)
> Can't we also rewrite it as:
> class B b where
> type A a
> f :: A a -> b
> instance B Bool where
> type A = Int
> f = (==0)

If it is arbitrary, you should use a two parameter class.  The bias in
an associated type is on purpose; ie, an associated type should be used
if one type depends on the other.

Bulat wrote:
> > Also, has anybody written a paper on the differences between
> > typeclasses + associated types and ML's module system +
> overloading? 
> "ML Modules and Haskell Type Classes: A Constructive Comparison"

In addition to this comparison, there is now also a proposal for type
classes with associated types as a mode of use of ML modules.  See our
forthcoming POPL paper:

Ie, this gives you ML modules + overloading.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re[2]: [Haskell] I18N, external strings

2006-11-17 Thread Donald Bruce Stewart
> Hello Axel,
> Friday, November 17, 2006, 11:27:00 AM, you wrote:
> > (l_ "Translate this")
> > is compiled into a C string constant, that GHC then turns lazily into a
> > list of characters, which l_ then turns into an array in C land to pass
> > to the gettext function, which, in turn, returns a new C string array
> > that has to be turned into a Haskell string again. So I'm glad Lennart
> > proposed to turn String into a class which would then make it possible
> > to pass a pointer to a contant C string to gettext.
> i'm not sure that you are right. GHC can perform compile-time computation
> of constant expressions. Don Bruce should know better, once he pointed
> out how a String constant can be turned into ByteString one at compile
> time

Quite so, using (what else?) rewrite rules!

Supposing I want to use a ByteString literal (and lennart hasn't yet
committed overloaded strings into GHC..) I can write:

import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
main = C.putStrLn mystring
mystring = C.pack "rewrite rules are fun!"

and it is compiled by GHC to:

mystring_rDR =
  Data.ByteString.Char8.pack (GHC.Base.unpackCString# "rewrite rules are 

Main.main :: GHC.IOBase.IO ()
Main.main = Data.ByteString.putStrLn mystring_rDR

:Main.main :: GHC.IOBase.IO ()
:Main.main = GHC.TopHandler.runMainIO @ () Main.main

Now, the string literals has been packed by GHC for us into a Addr#,
pointing to a proper C string. Now, we'd like to remove that
intermediate unpackCString#, and just pack the string literal straight
into a ByteString, avoiding an intermediate list.

So we add a rewrite rule:

"pack/packAddress" forall s .
  pack (unpackCString# s) = B.packAddress s

Now, when compiled with -O -fglasgow-exts, we get:

1 RuleFired
1 FPS pack/packAddress

and the code is transformed as follows:

mystring = Data.ByteString.Base.packAddress "rewrite rules are fun!"


mystring =
  Data.ByteString.Char8.pack (GHC.Base.unpackCString# "rewrite rules are 

and then the rewrite rule kicks in, and we construct a new ByteString
directly from the Addr#, via a call to strlen to get the length:

mystring =
  let addr#_a146 :: GHC.Prim.Addr#
  addr#_a146 = "rewrite rules are fun!"#
  in case Data.ByteString.Base.$wccall addr#_a146 s2#_a1Q8 of
 (# ds3_a1Re, ds4_a1Rf #) ->
Data.ByteString.Base.PS addr#_a146 
(GHC.ForeignPtr.PlainForeignPtr var#_a1Q9)
(GHC.Prim.word2Int# ds4_a1Rf)

*exactly* what we'd like.
So at runtime, this string will require only a call to strlen to build.

If the compiler was able to pack string literals to CStringLen, tagging
them with their length, we could avoid the O(n) strlen call, and directy
build ByteStrings in O(1), using unsafePackAddress#, which takes a
length field. 

I.e. something like:

mystring =
  let addr#_a146 :: GHC.Prim.Addr#
  addr#_a146 = "rewrite rules are fun!"#

  len:: GHC.Prim.Int#
  len= 22

  in Data.ByteString.Base.PS addr#_a146 
 (GHC.ForeignPtr.PlainForeignPtr var#_a1Q9)

-- Don
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Debugging partial functions by the rules

2006-11-17 Thread Daniel McAllansmith
On Saturday 18 November 2006 00:37, Neil Mitchell wrote:
> Hi
> > > How controversial would a proposal to {-# DEPRECATE fromJust #-} be, in
> > > favour of:
> > >
> > > Just _ = x  -- which will give you the precise line number
> > >
> > > It seems to me this is one cause of mysterious newbie errors we
> > > could easily discourage, with little harm.
> >
> > Btw, I'm not seriously suggesting removing it ;)
> > It could be discouraged ever so slightly in the haddocks though.
> I strongly disagree. If we are removing things that confuse newbies
> why not start with higher rank types, MPTC's and GADT's ;)
> fromJust is simple, useful and clear. What you mean is that
> implementations aren't very good at debugging this. It seems unfair to
> blame partial functions for the lack of a debugger. If a call stack
> was automatically output every time a fromJust failed would this even
> be something people complained about?

Well, I strongly disagree. :)

I suspect I would be classified as a newbie relative to most posters on this 
list but here's my thoughts anyway...

I chose to learn haskell largely because I thought the static type safety 
would help eliminate bugs, I've never once been happy when I've needed to 
fire up a debugger or add trace statements and I hoped they would become 
things of the past.

One of my initial responses to haskell was disappointment upon seeing head, 
fromJust and the like.  'Those look nasty', I sez to meself.
From day one I've tried to avoid using them.  Very occasionally I do use them 
in the heat of the moment, but it makes me feel unclean and I end up having 
to take my keyboard into the bathroom for a good scrubbing with the sandsoap.

The disappointment has pretty much changed to frustration since reading Oleg, 
and others, type-hackery work.  I realise the problems are just poor/limited 
usage of haskell, not inherent in the language.  Unfortunately I can 
understand the 'right' solutions but still have trouble formulating them 
myself.  I'm hoping that if I hang out in the type-hackery 'hot zone' long 
enough I'll start emitting enough picoOlegs myself to solve simple 
problems. ;)

My view is that if I can reason about my program and know a static property I 
want to be able to stamp this into the types and have my reasoning validated 
during compilation.  
But existing library code with weak typesafety is a large inertial mass, when 
trying to do something 'right' the interfacing is a daunting prospect.

In general I'd rather have effort go into promoting 'right' solutions, and 
making those solutions easier to express, than going into debuggers 
for 'wrong' solutions.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Debugging partial functions by the rules

2006-11-17 Thread John Meacham
On Fri, Nov 17, 2006 at 11:37:12AM +, Neil Mitchell wrote:
> fromJust is simple, useful and clear. What you mean is that
> implementations aren't very good at debugging this. It seems unfair to
> blame partial functions for the lack of a debugger. If a call stack
> was automatically output every time a fromJust failed would this even
> be something people complained about?

indeed. jhc debugs this quite fine. when you use it the wrong way you

Main.hs:23:33:fromJust Nothing

as your error message. or you should at least.

likewise for head, tail, undefined, etc.. actually any function
including ones you write yourself for which you give the SRCLOC_ANNOTATE

boy I want to have the time to port that to ghc... a six pack of beer
for whoever does :)


John Meacham - ⑆⑆john⑈
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Try Graphics.SOE.Gtk ? was Re: Updated School of Expression Sources?

2006-11-17 Thread Shae Matijs Erisson
"Justin Bailey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I downloaded the SOE sources from and found they
> were not compatible with the my version of WinHugs (Sep 2006). I have two
> questions:
> 1) Is an updated version of those sources available?
> 2) If not, would someone like to host mine? I updated all the source files
> so they at least load without error. Mostly it involved changing a few
> import statements. I also had to make some updates to the included Haskore
> files.

Another option is Duncan Coutts' reimplementation of Graphics.SOE in GTK2:
I've tried to teach people autodidactism,|
but it seems they always have to learn it for themselves.| Shae Matijs Erisson

Description: PGP signature
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Collection of objects?

2006-11-17 Thread Henk-Jan van Tuyl
On Fri, 17 Nov 2006 20:04:22 +0100, Steve Schafer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

 myList = [(Integer 42), (Character 'a'), (Float 3.14159)]

You can leave out the parentheses, making even simpler:
   myList = [Integer 42, Character 'a', Float 3.14159]

Met vriendelijke groet,
Henk-Jan van Tuyl


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Newbie; Can't Install Hat From Source

2006-11-17 Thread Aditya Siram
Thanks to Malcolm Wallace I got Hat installed and working from darcs using: 
'darcs get' cd'ing in to the 'hat' directory 
and doing an 'sh start'. This last step makes all scripts executable.

Appreciate the support...

From: Malcolm Wallace <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Newbie; Can't Install Hat From Source
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2006 10:42:10 +

"Aditya Siram" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have been trying to install Hat for the last couple of days but GHC
> does  not recognize it as a package. I compiled 2.05 from source, but
> at the 'make  install' step I see this error message:
> Installing hat package for ghc under
>   /usr/local/lib/hat-2.05/ix86-Linux/ghc-606
> ghc-pkg: cannot find package hat <-ERROR MESSAGE!

This error message can be safely ignored - it comes from a requirement
to support several different versions of ghc, each of which has a
different interface to the package manager ghc-pkg.

> ghc-pkg: package hat-2.4 is already installed
> /usr/local/lib/ghc-6.6/package.conf:
> ...
> /home/deech/.ghc/i386-linux-6.6/package.conf:
> (hat-2.4)   
> For some reason it thinks that hat-2.4 is installed.

This is one of a couple of bugs in the 2.05 package.  The .cabal file
simply had the wrong version number in it.

> Bad interface file:
> /usr/local/imports/hat-2.05/ghc-606/Hat/PreludeBasic.hi
> Something is amiss; requested module  hat-2.4:Hat.PreludeBasic
> differs from name found in the interface file hat:Hat.PreludeBasic

And this is the other bug: the Hat library package was built using
"-package-name hat" instead of "-package-name hat-2.05" (as now required
by ghc-6.6 and above).

I have re-rolled the Hat-2.05 distribution package with these two very
minor bugfixes.  Please try downloading it again, and re-building.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] Updated School of Expression Sources?

2006-11-17 Thread Aditya Siram
My understanding is that the SOE sources only work with an old version of 
Hugs. It is available at :


From: "Justin Bailey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Haskell-cafe] Updated School of Expression Sources?
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2006 09:03:11 -0800

I downloaded the SOE sources from and found they
were not compatible with the my  version of WinHugs (Sep 2006). I have two

1) Is an updated version of those sources available?
2) If not, would someone like to host mine? I updated all the source files
so they at least load without error. Mostly it involved changing a few
import statements. I also had to make some updates to the included Haskore

Also, I found the some of the programs included crash Hugs without warning.
For example, evaluating "test cball5" in the file "Fal.lhs" will crash Hugs
after running for a few seconds, or if the mouse is moved over the window.
Does anyone know why that may occur?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Collection of objects?

2006-11-17 Thread Steve Schafer
On Fri, 17 Nov 2006 18:36:30 +0100, you wrote:

>But I need something which is heterogeneous and non-fixed length. I'm 
>used do Java, and this switch to functional languages is very strange to 
>me. So, to be clear, I need something like LinkedList in java.

In an attempt to leverage your existing Java knowledge...

In Java, while the "things" in your list are heterogeneous at some
level, they are homogeneous at another: They are all instances of Object
(or a subclass thereof). You can't, for example, put an int in your
list. And in fact, that's a primary reason for the existence of the
Integer class--it makes your int look like an Object, so that you can
treat it like one. (And similarly for Character, Float, Double, etc.)

So you do the analogous thing in Haskell: First, you ask yourself, "What
kinds of things do I want to put in my list?" Once you have the answer
to that, you ask, "Are these things homogeneous at some level?" If they
are, then you make your list a list of those homogenous things
(actually, the compiler generally does it for you). If they aren't, then
you wrap them up in a homogeneous wrapper in exactly the same way as you
wrap your int in an Integer, your double in a Double, etc., in Java.

Some of the other replies have shown you how to declare this; it's
trivially simple:

 data MyHomogeneousWrapper = Integer Int
   | Character Char
   | Float Float
deriving Show

Finally, constructing new instances of this homogenous wrapper in
Haskesll is just like it is in Java:

 myList = [(Integer 42), (Character 'a'), (Float 3.14159)]


 myList = new LinkedList();
 myList.add(new Integer(42));
 myList.add(new Character('a'));
 myList.add(new Float(3.14159));

Steve Schafer
Fenestra Technologies Corp.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Collection of objects?

2006-11-17 Thread Valentin Gjorgjioski

On 17.11.2006 19:08 Donn Cave wrote:

On Fri, 17 Nov 2006, Valentin Gjorgjioski wrote:
But I need something which is heterogeneous and non-fixed length. I'm 
used do Java, and this switch to functional languages is very strange to 
me. So, to be clear, I need something like LinkedList in java.

I looked in a couple of on-line tutorials, thinking I would quickly
find something about this, but -- maybe in my haste I missed something.
Objective CAML documentation gets right to it, I wonder if we're assuming
prior exposure to strongly typed functional languages?

Anyway, you need to define a type that accounts for the types you
want to support -

  data Object = IntObject Int | StringObject String

  objectString :: Object -> String
  objectString (IntObject v) = show v
  objectString (StringObject v) = v

  main = mapM (putStrLn . objectString) [(IntObject 7), (StringObject "eight")]



Thanks to all try to help me. I like the solution from Donn and Henning.
I obviously not read enough. The solution is also in Yet Another Haskell
Tutorial. Ok, not this much explicit, but its there. It says

We have seen an example of the data type with one constructor: Pair. It
is also possible (and extremely useful) to have multiple
constructors(I'm shame that I even didn't know this).

It's interesting that it's said EXTREMELY useful. And yes, it is!

So, I think that Henning idea is good and this should go on some haskell
wiki - s.

Once again thanks to all for quick and nice solution.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Collection of objects?

2006-11-17 Thread Matthias Fischmann

i have cut-and-pasted the last few postings into the wiki:

it'is very ad hoc, but i hope it helps those who bump into it a
little.  and it's easier to edit and improve than a mailing list
thread.  (-:


Description: Digital signature
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] working with lists of couples

2006-11-17 Thread Valentin Gjorgjioski

On 17.11.2006 19:51 Valentin Gjorgjioski wrote:

So, this algorithm should work fine for you

buildCouples :: [Int]->Int->[(Int,Int)]
buildCouples (x:[]) s = [(x,s)]
buildCouples (x:xs) s = [(x,s)] ++ (buildCouples xs (x+s)).

Please ignore the . at the end, it is a typo :( Sorry again...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] working with lists of couples

2006-11-17 Thread Valentin Gjorgjioski

On 17.11.2006 19:29 Clara Zamolo wrote:

i'd like to write a function that given a list like [1,2,3,4...]
returns a list of couple where the first element is the corresponding
element of the string, and the second is the sum of the previous
An example:
input: [1,2,3,4]
output: [(1,0)(2,1)(3,3)(4,6)]

The problem could seem trivial, and here's a first solution:

buildCouples = snd . foldl op (0,[])
op (v,xs) x = (v+x,xs++[(x,v)])

The problem is that this solution is quadratic, and I want a solution
that take time n (2n is not good either).

time n = time 2*n because of O(n)=O(2*n)

So, this algorithm should work fine for you

buildCouples :: [Int]->Int->[(Int,Int)]
buildCouples (x:[]) s = [(x,s)]
buildCouples (x:xs) s = [(x,s)] ++ (buildCouples xs (x+s)).

buildCouples [1,2,3,4,5,6] 0

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] working with lists of couples

2006-11-17 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Fri, 17 Nov 2006, Clara Zamolo wrote:

> Hello,
> i'd like to write a function that given a list like [1,2,3,4...]
> returns a list of couple where the first element is the corresponding
> element of the string, and the second is the sum of the previous
> elements.
> An example:
> input: [1,2,3,4]
> output: [(1,0)(2,1)(3,3)(4,6)]
> The problem could seem trivial, and here's a first solution:
> buildCouples = snd . foldl op (0,[])
>op (v,xs) x = (v+x,xs++[(x,v)])
> The problem is that this solution is quadratic, and I want a solution
> that take time n (2n is not good either).
> Any suggestion?

I suggest using 'scanl' and then 'zip' the result together with the
original list.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] working with lists of couples

2006-11-17 Thread Clara Zamolo

i'd like to write a function that given a list like [1,2,3,4...]
returns a list of couple where the first element is the corresponding
element of the string, and the second is the sum of the previous
An example:
input: [1,2,3,4]
output: [(1,0)(2,1)(3,3)(4,6)]

The problem could seem trivial, and here's a first solution:

buildCouples = snd . foldl op (0,[])
op (v,xs) x = (v+x,xs++[(x,v)])

The problem is that this solution is quadratic, and I want a solution
that take time n (2n is not good either).

Any suggestion?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Collection of objects?

2006-11-17 Thread Nicolas Frisby

Depending on your needs and your comfort level with fancier types, the
existential approach to ADTs might solve your problem. The following
code is a demonstration you can cut-and-paste-and-run.

This is example akin to upcasting in Java to an interface that lets
you print things. That way you know how to print every object (or do
whatever else it is you need to do) in the list. Beware: there is no
safe downcasting (that's what Typeable would be for); that would
likely be more than you need.

There are other ways to do this with existentials (e.g. bounded
existentials), but this is what came out of my head when I read your
post. Existentials seems to be the "Haskellish" way to reduce a
hetergenous list to a collection of objects with common operations.
HList would be the Haskellish way for more static and flexible

{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}

module Test where

data PrintPackage = forall a . PrintPackage a (a -> String)

instance Show PrintPackage where
   show (PrintPackage val showMethod) = showMethod val

list = [ PrintPackage 3 show
  , PrintPackage "string" show
  , PrintPackage 3.4 show

main = print list

Hope that helps more than it confuses,

On 11/17/06, Henning Thielemann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Fri, 17 Nov 2006, Valentin Gjorgjioski wrote:

> Is some kind of collection of object with different types in Haskell exist?
> Except the tuples, which have fixed length.
> I find this
>* Tuples heterogeneous, lists homogeneous.
>* Tuples have a fixed length, or at least their length is encoded in
>  their type. That is, two tuples with different lengths will have
>  different types.
>* Tuples always finite.
> But I need something which is heterogeneous and non-fixed length. I'm used do
> Java, and this switch to functional languages is very strange to me. So, to be
> clear, I need something like LinkedList in java.
> Can you please help me or suggest me, what can I use in this case?

If the number of types to cover is fixed, then I suggest a data type like

data T =
   | ConsString String
   | ConsChar   Char

Since this is a very FAQ I wonder why I don't find the answer in any of
the Haskell wikis.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Collection of objects?

2006-11-17 Thread Robert Dockins

On Nov 17, 2006, at 12:36 PM, Valentin Gjorgjioski wrote:

Is some kind of collection of object with different types in  
Haskell exist? Except the tuples, which have fixed length.

I find this

   * Tuples heterogeneous, lists homogeneous.
   * Tuples have a fixed length, or at least their length is  
encoded in

 their type. That is, two tuples with different lengths will have
 different types.
   * Tuples always finite.

But I need something which is heterogeneous and non-fixed length.  
I'm used do Java, and this switch to functional languages is very  
strange to me. So, to be clear, I need something like  
LinkedList in java.

The thing you're looking for doesn't really exist. (OK, yes, I'm  
lying a bit.  You can use existential types, but you probably don't  
actually need them, and they can get complicated quickly; they're  
better left until later).

Can you give us more details about what you're trying to do?  
Readjusting your thinking patterns can be difficult, but the people  
on this list are usually happy to help.

Can you please help me or suggest me, what can I use in this case?


Rob Dockins

Speak softly and drive a Sherman tank.
Laugh hard; it's a long way to the bank.
  -- TMBG

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Collection of objects?

2006-11-17 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Fri, 17 Nov 2006, Valentin Gjorgjioski wrote:

> Is some kind of collection of object with different types in Haskell exist?
> Except the tuples, which have fixed length.
> I find this
>* Tuples heterogeneous, lists homogeneous.
>* Tuples have a fixed length, or at least their length is encoded in
>  their type. That is, two tuples with different lengths will have
>  different types.
>* Tuples always finite.
> But I need something which is heterogeneous and non-fixed length. I'm used do
> Java, and this switch to functional languages is very strange to me. So, to be
> clear, I need something like LinkedList in java.
> Can you please help me or suggest me, what can I use in this case?

If the number of types to cover is fixed, then I suggest a data type like

data T =
   | ConsString String
   | ConsChar   Char

Since this is a very FAQ I wonder why I don't find the answer in any of
the Haskell wikis.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Collection of objects?

2006-11-17 Thread Donn Cave
On Fri, 17 Nov 2006, Valentin Gjorgjioski wrote:
> But I need something which is heterogeneous and non-fixed length. I'm 
> used do Java, and this switch to functional languages is very strange to 
> me. So, to be clear, I need something like LinkedList in java.

I looked in a couple of on-line tutorials, thinking I would quickly
find something about this, but -- maybe in my haste I missed something.
Objective CAML documentation gets right to it, I wonder if we're assuming
prior exposure to strongly typed functional languages?

Anyway, you need to define a type that accounts for the types you
want to support -

  data Object = IntObject Int | StringObject String

  objectString :: Object -> String
  objectString (IntObject v) = show v
  objectString (StringObject v) = v

  main = mapM (putStrLn . objectString) [(IntObject 7), (StringObject "eight")]


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Collection of objects?

2006-11-17 Thread Matthias Fischmann

this is not exactly what you are looking for, but it contains a link
to HList:

and then there is the follow-up work to HList, an OO library written
in Haskell:

it's quite a challenging read if you just want to go ahead and use
hetero-collections, but it should give you a lot of ideas and
pointers.  i think there are also less type-safe alternatives in at
least ghc.  is Data.Typeable an interesting thing to look at?


On Fri, Nov 17, 2006 at 06:36:30PM +0100, Valentin Gjorgjioski wrote:
> To:
> From: Valentin Gjorgjioski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2006 18:36:30 +0100
> Subject: [Haskell-cafe] Collection of objects?
> Is some kind of collection of object with different types in Haskell 
> exist? Except the tuples, which have fixed length.
> I find this
>* Tuples heterogeneous, lists homogeneous.
>* Tuples have a fixed length, or at least their length is encoded in
>  their type. That is, two tuples with different lengths will have
>  different types.
>* Tuples always finite.
> But I need something which is heterogeneous and non-fixed length. I'm 
> used do Java, and this switch to functional languages is very strange to 
> me. So, to be clear, I need something like LinkedList in java.
> Can you please help me or suggest me, what can I use in this case?
> Valentin
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Collection of objects?

2006-11-17 Thread Kurt Hutchinson

On 11/17/06, Valentin Gjorgjioski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

But I need something which is heterogeneous and non-fixed length.

You're looking for HList:

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Collection of objects?

2006-11-17 Thread Valentin Gjorgjioski
Is some kind of collection of object with different types in Haskell 
exist? Except the tuples, which have fixed length.

I find this

   * Tuples heterogeneous, lists homogeneous.
   * Tuples have a fixed length, or at least their length is encoded in
 their type. That is, two tuples with different lengths will have
 different types.
   * Tuples always finite.

But I need something which is heterogeneous and non-fixed length. I'm 
used do Java, and this switch to functional languages is very strange to 
me. So, to be clear, I need something like LinkedList in java.

Can you please help me or suggest me, what can I use in this case?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Updated School of Expression Sources?

2006-11-17 Thread Justin Bailey

I downloaded the SOE sources from and found they
were not compatible with the my  version of WinHugs (Sep 2006). I have two

1) Is an updated version of those sources available?
2) If not, would someone like to host mine? I updated all the source files
so they at least load without error. Mostly it involved changing a few
import statements. I also had to make some updates to the included Haskore

Also, I found the some of the programs included crash Hugs without warning.
For example, evaluating "test cball5" in the file "Fal.lhs" will crash Hugs
after running for a few seconds, or if the mouse is moved over the window.
Does anyone know why that may occur?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re[2]: [Haskell] I18N, external strings

2006-11-17 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Axel,

Friday, November 17, 2006, 11:27:00 AM, you wrote:

> (l_ "Translate this")

> is compiled into a C string constant, that GHC then turns lazily into a
> list of characters, which l_ then turns into an array in C land to pass
> to the gettext function, which, in turn, returns a new C string array
> that has to be turned into a Haskell string again. So I'm glad Lennart
> proposed to turn String into a class which would then make it possible
> to pass a pointer to a contant C string to gettext.

i'm not sure that you are right. GHC can perform compile-time computation
of constant expressions. Don Bruce should know better, once he pointed
out how a String constant can be turned into ByteString one at compile

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Friday Afternoon Play: The Burrows Wheeler Transformation

2006-11-17 Thread Jón Fairbairn

So, it's Friday afternoon (well, here anyway), and
presumably everyone is thinking of leaving for the
weekend. Is anyone interested in playing a little game?  I'm
going to make the first move, and then just wait and see if
anyone makes the next. I'm certainly not promising to make
any further moves myself, but I'm not promising I won't,

Below you'll see a naïve implementation of the Burrows
Wheeler transformation and its inverse.  That's my
move. (And don't complain too much about style and such --
I'm half asleep.)  Further moves are made by transforming
the programme so that it becomes more efficient.  The first
target is not raw speed, but to adjust it until the
computational complexity gets to be what it should be.  I'm
hoping for elegant moves here.  After that, folk might start
replacing the lists with more efficient datastructures and
so on, but still /elegantly/.

The object of the game isn't ultimate speed -- I've no
particular wish to see a Haskell version that's as fast as a
good C version, especially not if it ends up /looking/ like
a C version.  Really the objective is to think about Haskell
programming -- and probably come up with some observations
such as "there really ought to be a class of indexable
structures, so that we don't have to change (!!) to (!) all
over the place". And to have fun, anyhow...

* * *

Demonstration of the principle of the Burrows Wheeler
transform. The implementations are simplistic (and have
worse complexity than is possible).

> module Burrows_Wheeler_Transform where
> import List

This is surely the wrong module to have to find (><) from:

> import Data.Graph.Inductive.Query.Monad((><))

The forward transformation. Input a list, output the
transformed list and possibly an int (Nothing if there were
no elements in the input -- perhaps the result type should
be Maybe (NonEmptyList t,Int))

> slow_bwt:: Ord t => [t] -> ([t], Maybe Int)

This version works by computing a list of all the rotations
of the input and sorting it. The transformation is then the
last element of each line of the sorted rotations. Tag the
data with an index so that it's possible to find where the
original form of the unput ends up after sorting. This is
essentially the specification of the transform coded up

> slow_bwt l
> = (map fst tagged_bwt, index_of_original)
>   where tagged_bwt = map (last>  $ sort
>  $ rotations l`zip`[0..]
> index_of_original = findIndex ((==0).snd) tagged_bwt

that looks like worst case n²×log n to me (where n is the
length of the string): if every element is the same, the
n×log n comparisons the sort does will each look at every
element, and that's really more than is necessary.

The inverse transform. We should have that 

slow_inv_bwt . slow_bwt == id

Observe that sorting the input gives the first column of the
sorted rotations (and the input is the last). So after one
sort we have

X...   c
Y...   b
Z...   a
. ..
. ..
. ..

Since they are rotations, rotating each row of this gives
pairs that belong to the original list:

cX   ...
by   ...
aZ   ...
. .
. .
. .

sorting these gives us the first two columns of the sorted
rotations, and again we already know the last column, which
can be rotated into the first and so on.

> slow_inv_bwt ([],_) = []
> slow_inv_bwt (l,Just index_of_original)
> = iterate catsort (replicate len [])

After (length input) iterations we have the original sorted

>   !! len

and we have the index of where the untransformed string is,
so we can just pick it back out.

>   !! index_of_original

>   where catsort s = sort $ map (uncurry (:)) $ l `zip`s
> len = length l

This version does rather fewer sorts:

> mark2_inv_bwt ([],_) = []
> mark2_inv_bwt (l,Just n)
> = (transpose $ take (length l) $ iterate (permuteWith perm) l)!!(perm!!n)
>   where perm = map snd $ sort $ l `zip` [0..]

Should I simply have left it out and hoped that it would
turn up after a few moves? I'm not going to explain it,

> rotations l = init $ zipWith (++) (tails l) (inits l)

> permuteWith ns l = map (l!!) ns


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Debugging partial functions by the rules

2006-11-17 Thread Lennart Augustsson


On Nov 17, 2006, at 07:30 , Henning Thielemann wrote:

It seems to me like the discussion about static typesafety vs. no  
or weak

typesafety. (Which still exists with respect to several Haskell
libraries.) Of course, all type errors can be catched also by a  
So was the decision of making Haskell statically type-safe only  
made in

order to be freed of writing a debugger? Certainly not, because type
checks can catch errors early and precisely, that is, better than any
debugger. That's also true for DEPRECATE fromJust.  Give the user a  
early, that his decision of using fromJust is shortsighted and is  

due to unfortunate program design.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Debugging partial functions by the rules

2006-11-17 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Fri, 17 Nov 2006, Neil Mitchell wrote:

> Hi
> > > How controversial would a proposal to {-# DEPRECATE fromJust #-} be, in
> > > favour of:
> > >
> > > Just _ = x  -- which will give you the precise line number
> > > It seems to me this is one cause of mysterious newbie errors we
> > > could easily discourage, with little harm.
> > 
> > Btw, I'm not seriously suggesting removing it ;)
> > It could be discouraged ever so slightly in the haddocks though.
> I strongly disagree. If we are removing things that confuse newbies
> why not start with higher rank types, MPTC's and GADT's ;)
> fromJust is simple, useful and clear. What you mean is that
> implementations aren't very good at debugging this. It seems unfair to
> blame partial functions for the lack of a debugger. If a call stack
> was automatically output every time a fromJust failed would this even
> be something people complained about?

It seems to me like the discussion about static typesafety vs. no or weak
typesafety. (Which still exists with respect to several Haskell
libraries.) Of course, all type errors can be catched also by a debugger.  
So was the decision of making Haskell statically type-safe only made in
order to be freed of writing a debugger? Certainly not, because type
checks can catch errors early and precisely, that is, better than any
debugger. That's also true for DEPRECATE fromJust.  Give the user a hint
early, that his decision of using fromJust is shortsighted and is possibly
due to unfortunate program design.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Debugging partial functions by the rules

2006-11-17 Thread Neil Mitchell


> How controversial would a proposal to {-# DEPRECATE fromJust #-} be, in
> favour of:
> Just _ = x  -- which will give you the precise line number

> It seems to me this is one cause of mysterious newbie errors we
> could easily discourage, with little harm.

Btw, I'm not seriously suggesting removing it ;)
It could be discouraged ever so slightly in the haddocks though.

I strongly disagree. If we are removing things that confuse newbies
why not start with higher rank types, MPTC's and GADT's ;)

fromJust is simple, useful and clear. What you mean is that
implementations aren't very good at debugging this. It seems unfair to
blame partial functions for the lack of a debugger. If a call stack
was automatically output every time a fromJust failed would this even
be something people complained about?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Debugging partial functions by the rules

2006-11-17 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Fri, 17 Nov 2006, S. Alexander Jacobson wrote:

> As long as we are doing this, perhaps we should also discourage the use of
> (head list)?

Is 'cycle' also bad style, because it fails on empty lists?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] 'type' for isomorphism [was poorly named: aggressiveness of functional dependencies]

2006-11-17 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Nicolas,

Friday, November 17, 2006, 1:17:30 AM, you wrote:

> So it works, but it wasn't quite what I had hoped for. Has there been
> any work/proposals for specifying a "finalized" type class? I.E. Those
> not subject to overlap and thus "closed" to the world?

it is a common idea, at least i had it and seen John Meacham's proposal

reasons mainly falls into two categories:

1) optimization: this allows compiler to make final decisions and
inline appropriate code instead of be ready for some new instances
that will change the whole game

2) with closed class, compiler may be smarter about overlapping, type
deriving and other type checking/inferring procedures

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Generalizing zip

2006-11-17 Thread Jón Fairbairn
Jón Fairbairn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> "Jason Dagit" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Well, this is basically just a zip with a special base case.  But you
> > [...]
> I wonder if there is mileage to be had from persuing
> something like this, rather different (off top of head, very
> provisional, E&OE &c) approach:
>extend_infinitely l = map Just l ++ repeat Nothing
>promote1 rel (Just a) b = rel a b
>promote1 rel Nothing b = False
>is_pfx_of l1 l2 = and (zipWith (promote1 (==)) (extend_infinitely l2) l1)

or, possibly better 

   extend_infinitely l = map Just l ++ repeat Nothing
   is_pfx_of l1 l2 = and (zipWith (==) (extend_infinitely l2) (map Just l1))


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