[Haskell-cafe] Simple HTTP lib for Windows?

2007-01-17 Thread Greg Fitzgerald

I'd like to write a very simple Haskell script that when given a URL, looks
up the page, and returns a string of HTML. I don't see an HTTP library in
the standard libs, and the one in Hackage requires Windows machines have GHC
and MinGW to be installed and in the PATH.

Is there a simple way to get the contents of a webpage using Haskell on a
Windows box?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Article review: Category Theory

2007-01-17 Thread Yitzchak Gale

I wrote:

It is nice that you gave proofs of the >>= monad
laws in terms of the join monad laws...
Maybe give the proofs in the opposite
direction as an exercise.

David House wrote:

Yes, they are, here are my proofs:...
I've added the suggested exercise.

Alas, too late - you've published the
solutions! :)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Article review: Category Theory

2007-01-17 Thread David House

On 17/01/07, Brian Hulley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Ok I understand it now, because David has just clarified offlist the thing
that puzzled me about the diagram: namely that morphisms have an
individuality of their own that isn't fully determined by the lhs and rhs of
the arrow like the relationship between a function and its type.

I've written a bit more, moved things around and just generally made
the intro section clearer. Your troubles have been addressed with an
explanatory sentence that gives sin and cos as examples of morphisms
with the same source and target objects but that are different. We now
deal with composition a bit better too; when we're defining a category
we briefly mention composition but the closure under the composition
operator is now defined and exemplified alongside the other two laws.

Thanks, Brian, for your input, it's been valuable. I hope everything's
clear now.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ICFP07 Call for Papers

2007-01-17 Thread Matthew Fluet (ICFP Publicity Chair)

Call for Papers
 ICFP 2007: International Conference on Functional Programming
  Freiburg, Germany, 1-3 October 2007

ICFP 2007 seeks original papers on the art and science of functional
programming. Submissions are invited on all topics from principles to
practice, from foundations to features, from abstraction to application.
The scope includes all languages that encourage functional programming,
including both purely applicative and imperative languages, as well as
languages with objects and concurrency. Particular topics of interest
 * Applications and domain-specific languages: systems programming;
   scientific and numerical computing; symbolic computing; artificial
   intelligence; databases; graphical user interfaces; multimedia
   programming; scripting; system administration; distributed-systems and
   web programming; XML processing; security
 * Foundations: formal semantics; lambda calculus; type theory; monads;
   continuations; control; state; effects
 * Design: algorithms and data structures; modules; type systems;
   concurrency and distribution; components and composition; relations to
   object-oriented or logic programming
 * Implementation: abstract machines; compile-time and run-time
   optimization; just-in-time compilers; memory management; parallel
   hardware; interfaces to foreign functions, services, components or
   low-level machine resources
 * Transformation and analysis: abstract interpretation; partial
   evaluation; program transformation
 * Software-development techniques: design patterns; specification;
   verification; validation; debugging; test generation; tracing;
 * Practice and experience: novel results drawn from experience in
   education or industry
 * Functional pearls: elegant, instructive examples of functional

A functional pearl need not report original research results, but it must
be instructive, elegant, and fun.

ICFP 2007 also seeks Experience Reports. An Experience Report is a short
paper (2-4 pages) which need not present novel results, but which should
provide evidence that functional programming really works or should
describe obstacles that prevented it from working.  Detailed guidelines
appear below.

What's new this year?
Experienced ICFP authors may want to pay special attention to the points
below, which are new this year.
 * Double-blind review
 * Author-date citations
 * Supplemental material in a separate document,
   not appended to the main text
 * Morning deadline (but equivalent to late afternoon or early evening in
   many time zones of interest)
 * Experience Reports

  Instructions for authors

By 11:00 AM Friday, 6 April 2007, Samoan time, submit an abstract of at
most 300 words and a full paper of at most 12 pages or an Experience
Report of at most 4 pages. Submissions will be accepted electronically, at
a URL to be named later. The deadline is set at Samoan time, so if your
submission is in by 11:00 AM Friday according to your local time, wherever
you are, the submission will be on time. The world clock at
can give you the equivalent in your local time, e.g., 3:00 PM Friday
in Portland, 6:00 PM Friday in Boston, and midnight Friday in Freiburg.

The deadline is firm.

Your submission should explain its contributions in both general and
technical terms, clearly identifying what has been accomplished,
explaining why it is significant, and comparing it with previous work.
Make the technical content understandable to a broad audience.

Each submission must adhere to SIGPLAN's republication policy, which
appears in full at http://www.acm.org/sigplan/republicationpolicy.htm.
The policy means in part that your paper may not have already appeared in
a journal, conference, or workshop with published proceedings; that
you may not submit substantially the same work simultaneously to ICFP
and to another venue; and that your submission must discuss any
closely related material, including your own, that was previously
accepted at a journal, conference, or workshop with or without
published proceedings. Full details of the policy are available at the
SIGPLAN site. If you are in any doubt about whether this policy
applies to your paper, either consult the program chair in advance or
notify the chair when you submit. To do otherwise risks summary
rejection of your submission.

If your submission is accepted, you must assign copyright to ACM.
Proceedings will be published by the ACM Press.

Double-blind review
To increase confidence in the fairness and objectivity of the reviewing
process, reviewing will be double blind. Make it possible for reviewers to
evaluate your paper without having to know who you are. It should suffice
to omit your names from 

[Haskell-cafe] Re: IO in lists

2007-01-17 Thread Martin Huschenbett


It's probably eaiser to work with normal lists:

listChars :: IO [Char]
listChars = do
  c <- getChar
  if c == 'q'
then return c
else liftM2 (:) (return c) listChars

But that is not lazy any more, is it? The idea of the OT was, I think,
that he can use the first elements of the list even before the last one
was entered.

But it's possible to make it lazy again using 

listChars :: IO [Char]
listChars = unsafeInterleaveIO $ do
  c <- getChar
  if c == 'q'
then return c
else liftM2 (:) (return c) listChars


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Article review: Category Theory

2007-01-17 Thread David House

On 17/01/07, Yitzchak Gale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

A few semicolons were missing in the do blocks
of the Points-free style/Do-block style table. I
fixed that. I think it would be simpler without the
do{} around f x and m - are you sure it's needed?

They're not needed, but I think it makes it more symmetric. It also
clarifies that we're talking about moving things around within
do-blocks; one could potentially have statements before and after the
given statements. There isn't much of a case either way, I guess.

You wrote: "category theory doesn't have a notion
of 'polymorphism'". Well, of course it does - after
all, this is "abstract nonsense", it has a notion
of *everything*. But obviously we don't want to
get into that complexity here. Here is a first
attempt at a re-write of that paragraph:

Note: The function id in Haskell is 'polymorphic' -
it can have many different types as its domain
and range. But morphisms in category theory
are by definition 'monomorphic' - each morphism
has one specific object as its domain and one
specific object as its range. A polymorphic
Haskell function can be made monomorphic by
specifying its type, so it would be more
precise if we said that the Haskell function
corresponding to idA is (id :: A -> A).
However, for simplicity, we will ignore this
distinction when the meaning is clear.

I've changed the paragraph to almost what you said, modulo a few
tweaks to make it sit nicer with the rest of the article.

It is nice that you gave proofs of the >>= monad
laws in terms of the join monad laws. I think
you should state more clearly that the two
sets of laws are completely equivalent.
(Aren't they?) Maybe give the proofs in the opposite
direction as an exercise.

Yes, they are, here are my proofs:

join . fmap join = join . join

join . fmap join
(\m -> m >>= id) . fmap (\m -> m >>= id)
\m -> (m >>= (\n -> return (n >>= id))) >>= id
\m -> m >>= (\n -> return (n >>= id) >>= id)
\m -> m >>= (\n -> id (n >>= id))
\m -> m >>= (\n -> n >>= id)
\m -> m >>= (\n -> id n >>= id)
\m -> (m >>= id) >>= id
\m -> join m >>= id
\m -> join (join m)
join . join

join . fmap return = id

join . fmap return
(\m -> m >>= id) . (\m -> m >>= return . return)
\m -> (m >>= return . return) >>= id
\m -> m >>= (\n -> return (return n) >>= id)
\m -> m >>= (\n -> id (return n))
\m -> m >>= (\n -> return n)
\m -> m >>= return
\m -> m

join . return = id

join . return
(\m -> m >>= id) . (\m -> return m)
\m -> return m >>= id
\m -> id m

return . f = fmap f . return

return . f
(\x -> fmap f x) . return
\x -> fmap f (return x)
\x -> return x >>= return . f
\x -> (return . f) x
return . f

join . fmap (fmap f) = fmap f . join

join . fmap (fmap f)
(\m -> m >>= id) . (\m -> m >>= return . (\n -> n >>= return . f))
\m -> (m >>= return . fmap f) >>= id
\m -> (m >>= \x -> return (fmap f x)) >>= id
\m -> m >>= (\x -> return (fmap f x) >>= id)
\m -> m >>= (\x -> id (fmap f x))
\m -> m >>= (\x -> fmap f x)
\m -> m >>= (\x -> x >>= return . f)
\m -> m >>= (\x -> id x >>= return . f)
\m -> (m >>= id) >>= return . f
(\m -> m >>= id) >>= return . f
fmap f . (\m -> m >>= id)
fmap f . join

I've added the suggested exercise.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Article review: Category Theory

2007-01-17 Thread Brian Hulley

Yitzchak Gale wrote:

David House wrote:

I've added a bit more explanation, so it may now be palatable. It is
quite a hard exercise, though, perhaps it shouldn't come so early on.

In my opinion, it is now much more clear. And it is a very
instructive example.

If people still find it too hard, you could add the additional
hint: Keep in mind that there are no morphisms
other than the ones shown in the diagram.

Ok I understand it now, because David has just clarified offlist the thing 
that puzzled me about the diagram: namely that morphisms have an 
individuality of their own that isn't fully determined by the lhs and rhs of 
the arrow like the relationship between a function and its type.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] type and class problems compiling code on GHC 6.6

2007-01-17 Thread José Miguel Vilaça
Dear Haskellers,


I had used some code which worked fine on GHC 6.4 and now it don’t compile
on GHC 6.6.

Can anyone please give me some workarounds and/or explanations about these 2


instance InfoKind a b => InfoKind (Maybe a) b where

blank = Nothing

check n _ Nothing  = ["No info value stored with "++n]

check n g (Just a) = check n g a


GHC complains that

Illegal instance declaration for `InfoKind (Maybe a) b'

(the Coverage Condition fails for one of the functional

In the instance declaration for `InfoKind (Maybe a) b'



multiListViewGetTSelections :: MultiListView x () -> IO [x]

multiListViewGetTSelections multiListView =

 do { Just ((model, _) :: (Var [x], x -> String)) <-
unsafeObjectGetClientData multiListView

; -- more and more code



GHC complains that

A pattern type signature cannot bind scoped type variables `x'

  unless the pattern has a rigid type context

In the pattern: (model, _) :: (Var [x], x -> String)


I would really appreciate some help.


Best regards

Miguel Vilaça

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Article review: Category Theory

2007-01-17 Thread Yitzchak Gale

David House wrote:

I've added a bit more explanation, so it may now be palatable. It is
quite a hard exercise, though, perhaps it shouldn't come so early on.

In my opinion, it is now much more clear. And it is a very
instructive example.

If people still find it too hard, you could add the additional
hint: Keep in mind that there are no morphisms
other than the ones shown in the diagram.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Article review: Category Theory

2007-01-17 Thread Yitzchak Gale

David House wrote:

I've written a chapter for the Wikibook that attempts to teach some
basic Category Theory in a Haskell hacker-friendly fashion.

Very, very nice!

A few comments:

A few semicolons were missing in the do blocks
of the Points-free style/Do-block style table. I
fixed that. I think it would be simpler without the
do{} around f x and m - are you sure it's needed?

You wrote: "category theory doesn't have a notion
of 'polymorphism'". Well, of course it does - after
all, this is "abstract nonsense", it has a notion
of *everything*. But obviously we don't want to
get into that complexity here. Here is a first
attempt at a re-write of that paragraph:

Note: The function id in Haskell is 'polymorphic' -
it can have many different types as its domain
and range. But morphisms in category theory
are by definition 'monomorphic' - each morphism
has one specific object as its domain and one
specific object as its range. A polymorphic
Haskell function can be made monomorphic by
specifying its type, so it would be more
precise if we said that the Haskell function
corresponding to idA is (id :: A -> A).
However, for simplicity, we will ignore this
distinction when the meaning is clear.

It is nice that you gave proofs of the >>= monad
laws in terms of the join monad laws. I think
you should state more clearly that the two
sets of laws are completely equivalent.
(Aren't they?) Maybe give the proofs in the opposite
direction as an exercise.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Article review: Category Theory

2007-01-17 Thread David House

On 17/01/07, Brian Hulley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I still have no idea what the solution to the second exercise is though.

I've added a bit more explanation, so it may now be palatable. It is
quite a hard exercise, though, perhaps it shouldn't come so early on.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Default (or empty) values

2007-01-17 Thread Max Vasin
> "Pedro" == Pedro Baltazar Vasconcelos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Pedro> On Wed, 17 Jan 2007 16:57:54 +0300
Pedro> Max Vasin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It does not enforce presence of required fields at type level. Also it
>> does not enforce that fields pages and year are Int. And I want
>> to move as much checks to compile time as possible.

Pedro> You can combine the two solutions: a product-type of
Pedro> required fields plus list of optional fields. You're right
Pedro> that you lose the typing constraints on fields. I probabily
Pedro> woudn't bother, but you might be able to recover that with
Pedro> the type-classes or GADTs (?).

I have only a very basic understading of what GADTs are :-(

Pedro> But more important: it sounds to me like you have two
Pedro> conflicting requirements: one the one hand you want to have
Pedro> required fields (presumability those that were not Maybe
Pedro> types) but on the other hand you want an "empty" book
Pedro> (i.e. with "" for title, etc.).

I want to get as strict type checking as possible while writing as
little code handling Book as possible. The empty value is needed only
to start with when analising external represenation. And as suggested
by Colin DeVilbiss and Henning Thielemann it will be better to use
undefined for required fields.

Max Vasin.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Default (or empty) values

2007-01-17 Thread Max Vasin
> "Henning" == Henning Thielemann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Henning> On Wed, 17 Jan 2007, Max Vasin wrote:

> Hello all!
>> Let
>> > data Book = Book { > authors :: [String], > title :: String,
>> > editor :: Maybe String, > edition :: Maybe String, > volume
>> :: Maybe (Int, Int), -- e.g. volume 1 of 3 > publisher ::
>> String, > year :: Int, > pages :: Int
>> > } 
>> and
>> > convertBook :: Map String String -- a map from field names to
>> values (string representation) > -> Maybe Book
>> convertBook takes info about book from some external source
>> (e.g. a BibTeX database) and returns Just book value or Nothing
>> (if convertion failed). Fields of the Book datatype which are
>> not (Maybe a) are required to be present.
>> convertBook looks like
>> > convertBook = (rq "title" (\b v -> b { title = v }) <.> > rq
>> "publisher" (\b v -> b { publisher = v }) <.> > ... ) (Just $
>> Book [] "" Nothing Nothing Nothing "" 0 0)
>> I don't like the `(Just $ Book [] "" Nothing Nothing Nothing ""
>> 0 0)' part, I would prefer instead someting like `empty ::
>> Book'. So I define
>> > class Empty e where > empty :: e
>> But still I have to emplement instances by hand. There are a
>> number of approaches to automatically derive instances (TH,
>> generic classes in GHC, drift). What would you recommend using
>> in this case?  Or may be it would be better to drop out Empty
>> and use something else?

Henning> Using a record with named fields is good style, as you
Henning> pointed out later.  Stick to it!  Why do you need a type
Henning> class? What about simply

Henning> empty :: Book empty = Book [] "" Nothing Nothing Nothing
Henning> "" 0 0

Well the type class is not necessary, a TH function generating
an empty value for given datatype. OTOH convertBook can be
rewritten (using type class) as:

> convertBook = (rq "title" (\b v -> b { title = v }) <.> 
>rq "publisher" (\b v -> b { publisher = v }) <.>
>... )

and it will be used like 'convertBook empty'. I like this way more
since convertBook looks more declarative.

Henning> For updates empty { title = "new title" } is perfectly
Henning> ok.

Henning> You can also let undefined fields undefined. In

Henning> Book {}

This will be enough if there were no optional fields.

Max Vasin.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Default (or empty) values

2007-01-17 Thread Max Vasin
> "Colin" == Colin DeVilbiss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Colin> On 1/17/07, Max Vasin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Fields of the Book datatype which are not (Maybe a) are
>> required to be present.

Colin> This doesn't actually answer your question, but if those
Colin> fields are really required and you want to avoid the
Colin> possibility of a "default" value sneaking into the program
Colin> through a bug, you may prefer to use undefined instead of a
Colin> non-bottom value for the required fields.  That is,

Colin> Book undefined undefined Nothing Nothing Nothing undefined
Colin> undefined undefined

Hmm that's interesting...

Colin> (lots of typing, but if a bug slips in and you get a
Colin> partially-defined book into the guts of the program, you'll
Colin> die instead of silently using invalid data.)

>> > class Empty e where > empty :: e
>> But still I have to emplement instances by hand.

Colin> What would the strategy be here for automatically defining
Colin> the instances?  For example, what are the Empty instances
Colin> for

Colin> data Foo = Bar | Baz | Quux data Foo2 = Bar2 Int | Baz2
Colin> String | Quux2 (Maybe String)

In my program (a BibTeX analog) Empty instances will be defined for
datatypes representing bibliography entries which will have only
one value constructor (records can't be used with newtype AFIAK).
So for

> data Foo = Foo t1 t2 ... tN

> instance Empty Foo where
>  empty = Foo (empty :: t1) (empty :: t2) ... (empty :: tN)

>> Or may be it would be better to drop out Empty and use
>> something else?
Colin> I see no inherent problem with Empty, just with the
Colin> automated instantiation.  Then again, I'd be tempted to
Colin> wait to define Empty until I saw the second or third
Colin> instance of its use.

There will be datatypes representing books, articles, thesis, reports,

Max Vasin.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Default (or empty) values

2007-01-17 Thread Pedro Baltazar Vasconcelos
On Wed, 17 Jan 2007 16:57:54 +0300
Max Vasin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It does not enforce presence of required fields at type level. Also it
> does not enforce that fields pages and year are Int. And I want to
> move as much checks to compile time as possible.

You can combine the two solutions: a product-type of required fields plus list 
of optional fields. You're right that you lose the typing constraints on 
fields. I probabily woudn't bother, but you might be able to recover that with 
the type-classes or GADTs (?). 

But more important: it sounds to me like you have two conflicting requirements: 
one the one hand you want to have required fields (presumability those that 
were not Maybe types) but on the other hand you want an "empty" book (i.e. with 
"" for title, etc.). 


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Default (or empty) values

2007-01-17 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Wed, 17 Jan 2007, Max Vasin wrote:

> Hello all!
> Let
> > data Book = Book {
> >  authors   :: [String],
> >  title :: String,
> >  editor:: Maybe String,
> >  edition   :: Maybe String,
> >  volume:: Maybe (Int, Int), -- e.g. volume 1 of 3
> >  publisher :: String,
> >  year  :: Int,
> >  pages :: Int
> > } 
> and
> > convertBook :: Map String String -- a map from field names to values 
> > (string representation)
> > -> Maybe Book
> convertBook takes info about book from some external source (e.g. a BibTeX 
> database) and returns
> Just book value or Nothing (if convertion failed). Fields of the Book 
> datatype which are not (Maybe a)
> are required to be present. 
> convertBook looks like
> > convertBook = (rq "title" (\b v -> b { title = v }) <.>
> >rq "publisher" (\b v -> b { publisher = v }) <.>
> >... ) (Just $ Book [] "" Nothing Nothing Nothing "" 0 0)
> I don't like the `(Just $ Book [] "" Nothing Nothing Nothing "" 0 0)' part, I 
> would prefer
> instead someting like `empty :: Book'. So I define 
> > class Empty e where
> >   empty :: e
> But still I have to emplement instances by hand. There are a number of 
> approaches to automatically
> derive instances (TH, generic classes in GHC, drift). What would you 
> recommend using in this case?
> Or may be it would be better to drop out Empty and use something else?

Using a record with named fields is good style, as you pointed out later. 
Stick to it!
Why do you need a type class? What about simply

empty :: Book
empty = Book [] "" Nothing Nothing Nothing "" 0 0

For updates
  empty { title = "new title" }
is perfectly ok.

You can also let undefined fields undefined. In

Book {}

all fields are undefined.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Article review: Category Theory

2007-01-17 Thread Brian Hulley

Brian Hulley wrote:

David House wrote:


But in the second exercise in the intro it's clear that function
composition is not associative.

Apologies. I got totally confused with the way function composition is back 
to front etc.

I still have no idea what the solution to the second exercise is though.

Thanks, Brian.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Default (or empty) values

2007-01-17 Thread Colin DeVilbiss

On 1/17/07, Max Vasin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Fields of the Book datatype which are not (Maybe a)
are required to be present.

This doesn't actually answer your question, but if those fields are
really required and you want to avoid the possibility of a "default" value
sneaking into the program through a bug, you may prefer to use
undefined instead of a non-bottom value for the required fields.  That is,

Book undefined undefined Nothing Nothing Nothing undefined undefined undefined

(lots of typing, but if a bug slips in and you get a partially-defined
book into the guts of the program, you'll die instead of silently
using invalid data.)

> class Empty e where
>   empty :: e

But still I have to emplement instances by hand.

What would the strategy be here for automatically defining the instances?
For example, what are the Empty instances for

data Foo = Bar | Baz | Quux
data Foo2 = Bar2 Int | Baz2 String | Quux2 (Maybe String)

Or may be it would be better to drop out Empty and use something else?

I see no inherent problem with Empty, just with the automated instantiation.
Then again, I'd be tempted to wait to define Empty until I saw the second
or third instance of its use.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Article review: Category Theory

2007-01-17 Thread Brian Hulley

David House wrote:

I'd love comments from newcomers and experts alike regarding my
approach, the content, improvements and so on. Of course, it's on the
wikibook, so if you have anything to add (that's not _too_ substantial
otherwise I'd recommend discussion first) then go ahead.

Hi David,

In the introduction you say that Set is the category of all sets with 
morphisms as standard functions and composition as standard function 

But in the second exercise in the intro it's clear that function composition 
is not associative. Therefore surely this means everything based on function 
composition can't be a category?

Also, why does this exercise contain redundant morphisms (I hope I'm not 
spoiling it for anyone by saying this or perhaps I've just totally 
misunderstood everything)?

Thanks, Brian.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Default (or empty) values

2007-01-17 Thread Max Vasin
> "Pedro" == Pedro Baltazar Vasconcelos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Pedro> On Wed, 17 Jan 2007 15:58:04 +0300
Pedro> Max Vasin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello all!
>> Let
>> > data Book = Book { > authors :: [String], > title :: String,
>> > editor :: Maybe String, > edition :: Maybe String, > volume
>> :: Maybe (Int, Int), -- e.g. volume 1 of 3 > publisher ::
>> String, > year :: Int, > pages :: Int
>> > } 

> One suggestion: why not make the Book type more general, e.g. a list of 
> labeled fields:

>> data Label = Author | Title | Editor |   type Field =
>> String newtype Book = Book [(Label,Field)]

Pedro> The idea is that e.g. multiple authors would be represented
Pedro> by multiple entries with an "Author" label and optional
Pedro> fields can be omitted.  Then the empty book is simply

It does not enforce presence of required fields at type level. Also it
does not enforce that fields pages and year are Int. And I want to
move as much checks to compile time as possible.

Max Vasin.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Default (or empty) values

2007-01-17 Thread Pedro Baltazar Vasconcelos
On Wed, 17 Jan 2007 15:58:04 +0300
Max Vasin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello all!
> Let
> > data Book = Book {
> >  authors   :: [String],
> >  title :: String,
> >  editor:: Maybe String,
> >  edition   :: Maybe String,
> >  volume:: Maybe (Int, Int), -- e.g. volume 1 of 3
> >  publisher :: String,
> >  year  :: Int,
> >  pages :: Int
> > } 

One suggestion: why not make the Book type more general, e.g. a list of labeled 

> data Label = Author | Title | Editor | 
> type Field = String
> newtype Book = Book [(Label,Field)]

The idea is that e.g. multiple authors would be represented by multiple entries 
with an "Author" label and optional fields can be omitted.
Then the empty book is simply

> empty = Book []

You might also find that this makes the processing of fields more uniform and 
easier to extend. 

Best regards,

Pedro Vasconcelos.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Default (or empty) values

2007-01-17 Thread Max Vasin
Hello all!


> data Book = Book {
>  authors   :: [String],
>  title :: String,
>  editor:: Maybe String,
>  edition   :: Maybe String,
>  volume:: Maybe (Int, Int), -- e.g. volume 1 of 3
>  publisher :: String,
>  year  :: Int,
>  pages :: Int
> } 


> convertBook :: Map String String -- a map from field names to values (string 
> representation)
> -> Maybe Book

convertBook takes info about book from some external source (e.g. a BibTeX 
database) and returns
Just book value or Nothing (if convertion failed). Fields of the Book datatype 
which are not (Maybe a)
are required to be present. 

convertBook looks like

> convertBook = (rq "title" (\b v -> b { title = v }) <.>
>rq "publisher" (\b v -> b { publisher = v }) <.>
>... ) (Just $ Book [] "" Nothing Nothing Nothing "" 0 0)

I don't like the `(Just $ Book [] "" Nothing Nothing Nothing "" 0 0)' part, I 
would prefer
instead someting like `empty :: Book'. So I define 

> class Empty e where
>   empty :: e

But still I have to emplement instances by hand. There are a number of 
approaches to automatically
derive instances (TH, generic classes in GHC, drift). What would you recommend 
using in this case?
Or may be it would be better to drop out Empty and use something else?


Max Vasin.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] IO in lists

2007-01-17 Thread ajb
G'day all.

Quoting Yitzchak Gale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> What can be done to get an improved list transformer
> into MTL?

Not sure.  But a lot of people use mine:


(My darcs repository is down at the moment, unfortunately.)

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] IO in lists

2007-01-17 Thread Yitzchak Gale

I wrote:

But the list monad [] is not a transformer, so you can't lift in it,
even if the contained type happens also to be a monad.

Andrew Bromage wrote:

ListT is also not a transformer.

True, unfortunately. But it does provide MonadTrans
and MonadIO instances that solve problems like
this in practice.

What can be done to get an improved list transformer
into MTL?

See here for details:

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