Re: [Haskell-cafe] interaction between OS processes

2007-09-01 Thread Andrea Rossato
On Sat, Sep 01, 2007 at 09:12:30PM -0400, Albert Y. C. Lai wrote:
>  Andrea Rossato wrote:
> > loop s = do
> >  putStrLn s
>  Most likely, the content of s sits in a local buffer and never leaves this 
>  process, following most OS conventions and as others point out. Another 
>  process waiting for it will deadlock.
>  Most similar process deadlock problems are not specific to Haskell or even 
>  relevant to Haskell; they are misunderstandings of the underneath OS. I 
>  recommend every Haskell programmer to take an in-depth Unix course.

Yes, I knew it was something related to the underneath OS. I'll have
to study Unix seriously

Thanks you guys for your kind attention.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Looking for suggestions to improve my algorithm

2007-09-01 Thread Sterling Clover
I played around with this for a while based on the same sort of  
algorithm and ended up with a similar solution too. It turns out the  
operations saved by keeping track of already visited nodes are more  
than outweighed by the cost of doing so. (As you can see, I still  
have the hook in my code where amCn returns the visited list that I'm  
just disregarding. Ii had initially kept a giant array of all values  
to calculate, but the cost of that was unmanageable. After that, my  
big roadblock was that I couldn't come up with a good sumDivisors  
function to save my life. I tried a number of "optimized" methods  
that combined trial division with reduction based on prime  
factorizations, but i had to either reduce the lists by checking  
divisibility again somewhere along the way, or calling nub, and  
strictness and memoization  still didn't let me produce a  
factorization in reasonable time. In the end, I ended up lifting  
yours. The only problem is that I've been staring at it for a bit and  
am not really sure how it works. I'd love an explanation.

In any case, the code of my solution follows:

amCn maxval n = amCn' (propDSum n) []
 amCn' cur visitedlist  =
  if cur > maxval  || cur < n then (0,visitedlist) else
  if elem cur visitedlist then (0,visitedlist) else
  if (cur == n) then ((length visitedlist) + 1,visitedlist)  

  (amCn' $! (propDSum cur)) $! (cur:visitedlist)

longestAmTo maxval = longestAm' 2 (0,0) where
 longestAm' n bestFit@(chainLen,minVal) =
  if n > maxval then bestFit
  else longestAm' (n+1) $! bestFit'
  (count, visited) = amCn maxval n
  bestFit' = if chainLen > count then bestFit else (count,n)

properDivisorsSum :: UArray Int Int
properDivisorsSum = accumArray (+) 1 (0,100)
$ (0,-1):[(k,factor)|
   factor<-[2..100 `div` 2]
 , k<-[2*factor,2*factor+factor..100] ]
propDSum n = properDivisorsSum ! n


On Aug 30, 2007, at 11:33 AM, Chaddaï Fouché wrote:

2007/8/30, Chaddaï Fouché <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I managed it in 7 seconds (on 1500 MHz) with an idea close to yours
(but I used IntSet, not IntMap), Daniel Fisher gave you some good
ideas to achieve it, the real snail in this problem is the  


I put my final solution on the wiki, it get it done in 6s now (on a
Pentium M 1.73Mhz).

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: HApps API Documentation?

2007-09-01 Thread James Britt

Martin Lütke wrote:
> James Britt> writes:
>> Are there alternative sites for HAppS API docs?
>> There are two links on but both give
>> "File not found!" messages.
>> Thanks,
>> James
> Just compile your one version from the HAppS source. Use runghc Setup.hs
> haddock.

OK, I can give that a shot.

I'm still curious about my original question, though.  Are there 
alternative online API docs for Happs?

> You do have have haddock installed, havent you?

I didn't.  I'm grabbing Alex from darcs now.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Extending the idea of a general Num to other types?

2007-09-01 Thread Peter Verswyvelen
I like the fact that Haskel treats numbers in a generic way, so you can 
lift them to any other datatype by instantiating Num.

Can the same be done on other builtin constructs? For example, if I have 
[a], can this list be lifted to other types? I guess not, because no 
type class exists for the list type?

Does this make sense? I'm still searching for correct terminology...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Learn Prolog...

2007-09-01 Thread Peter Verswyvelen

Peter Verswyvelen wrote:

Thanks, this is very useful information!
Prolog is indeed on my list as languages I want to learn. I understand
the basic principles, but haven't digged deep yet. But first I want to
do Haskell, which I'm now totally addicted to!
But after reading,
it seemed to me that Prolog was a dead language, having only pure
theoretical purposes. Is this true?
Having a rich imperative background (I wrote some simple imperative
compilers and a large semi-functional visual programming toolkit
currently being used by a game development company), a book I found
really useful to understand how the inners of FP and Prolog work is Modern
Compiler Design.
It provides C code for all the concepts, so an imperative programmer
feels right at home. But to me it had the side effect that after
reading the last chapters on functional and logical programming, I felt
I had to get rid of these imperative languages as quickly as possible
(I always felt I was hacking when doing C, C++, or C#... which maybe
just meant I'm a bad programmer ;-)
PS: A part of the "Prolog for AI" book can be read  on Google
Books (this Google Books thing looks *very* illegal to me, but
since it's google and not some hackers website, I felt free to provide
a link here...)
Peter Verswyvelen
I know, this is Haskell list. So, I apologize, but not too much... 
Johan Grönqvist cites me: 

  Anyway, I believe strongly that ALL
who have problems... 
should be encouraged to learn Prolog. IN DEPTH, 
Do you have a recommendation on how to do this? 
(e.g., books, web-pages, (available) lecture notes, problem sets) 

First, install a decent Prolog on your machine. There are plenty:
You may wish to install the free version of Visual Prolog. 
My favourite is the SWI Prolog: 
(University of Amsterdam) 
The documentation is complete, and the reference manual contains
to such standard books as ClocksinMellish, or Sterling&Shapiro. The
last one 
is very, very instructive. 
Also, Prolog Programming for Artificial Intelligence, written by
Bratko, is 
very useful. There are on the web collection of examples from this
don't remember where. 
Try here:

On-line there are thousands of examples, tutorials, etc. 
J. Fisher: (There is an example of cut, especially for A. Coppin)


Etc., etc. Really! 
Examples. For example:

and of course there are discussion lists, FAQs, etc. Ask Google... 
Andrew Coppin writes: 
I did once try to learn Prolog. And failed.

I just couldn't bend my head around how the
Prolog interpreter manages to > make seemingly "impossible" leaps of
deduction. (It's a *machine*! How can > it deduce arbitrarily
complex conclusions from any arbitrary set of axioms? That requires
*intelligence*!) And yet, in other, seemingly identical cases, it
utterly fails to deduce patently *obvious* results... really weird! 

One of standard exercices in Prolog is the construction of the 
meta-interpreter of Prolog in Prolog. While this is cheating, I
it to you. It opens eyes. 
Actually, there are three basic items to learn while trying to master
after having dealt with the syntactic essentials term construction, and
1. The unification, which shows the "ultimate" instance of
 and is useful for recognizing some techniques for the automatic
 of types in functional languages. 
2. The usage of unbound "logical variable", which sometimes permits to 
 to do things which require laziness in Haskell. 
3. The control backtracking, which is at the heart of the logical
Now, the non-deterministic algorithms in Haskell are usually
using the *data backtracking*, or the List Monad. The control
via, say success/failure continuations, is more difficult, they are
taught, and problematic because of strong typing. 
Prolog strategies are straightforward, and I simply cannot understand
comments of Andrew Coppin. Which arbitrary set of conclusions?? Which 
patently obvious results not derivable?? Be kind

Re: [Haskell-cafe] RE: Definition of the Haskell standard library

2007-09-01 Thread Hugh Perkins
A really simple way to track the "quality" of a package is to display
the number of downloads.

A posteriorae, this works great in other download sites.

We can easily hypothesize about why a download count gives a decent
indication of some measure of quality:
- more people downloading it means more people specifically wanted that package
- more people downloading it means more people trying it, giving
feedback, maybe giving patches
- and, of course, it's an objective measure, easy to do
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Learn Prolog...

2007-09-01 Thread Hugh Perkins
Cool I had prolog for my Spectrum, many years ago (83?), but I
stopped using it when I realized it didnt have any input/output
capabilities beyond print, and no way to "escape" from the prolog
"bubble", eg FFI (not sure what FFI stands for, but I think it is a
way for Haskell to "escape" into other libraries?).

Thanks for the links, it sounds fun.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] let and fixed point operator

2007-09-01 Thread Albert Y. C. Lai

Mitar wrote:

I did once try to learn Prolog. And failed. Miserably.

You should backtrack at this point and try again differently. :-)

There is likely a problem if he has inadvently walked past a cut. XD
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] interaction between OS processes

2007-09-01 Thread Albert Y. C. Lai

Andrea Rossato wrote:

loop s = do
 putStrLn s

Most likely, the content of s sits in a local buffer and never leaves 
this process, following most OS conventions and as others point out. 
Another process waiting for it will deadlock.

Most similar process deadlock problems are not specific to Haskell or 
even relevant to Haskell; they are misunderstandings of the underneath 
OS. I recommend every Haskell programmer to take an in-depth Unix course.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] RE: Definition of the Haskell standard library

2007-09-01 Thread Duncan Coutts
On Sat, 2007-09-01 at 18:47 +0200, Sven Panne wrote:
> On Tuesday 31 July 2007 19:39, Duncan Coutts wrote:
> > [...]
> > The docs for those packages would be available for packages installed
> > via cabal (assuming the user did the optional haddock step) and would
> > link to each other.
> Well, on a normal Linux distro a user should *never* have to call cabal (or 
> any of its cousins) directly, the distro's package manager should be the used 
> instead. On an e.g. RPM system, the .spec file would use Cabal to e.g. 
> (un-)register a package, because RPM has to know what is installed, which 
> other packages are prerequisites, how to cleanly uninstall, etc. IMHO Cabal 
> should not try to mirror a full-fledged package system, simply because on 
> every (non-Windows ;-) platform there are tons of native tools for this 
> purpose, and Cabal is not "in the driver's seat" when it comes to SW 
> installation.

I think it's inevitable that there will always be a mixture of packages
that are managed by the system package manager and ones that are too
insignificant to be packaged by the distro. So cabal-install should
cooperate with the system package manager somehow.

Another strategy would be to have tools that the users can use to
generate system packages from cabal packages and then install those via
the system package manager. We already have such tools for rpm and
gentoo ebuilds. Again, these would be for the case of less significant
package that the distro does not package itself. For example, gentoo has
a tool that can be used to install perl CPAN packages via the system
package manager, since there are many 1000's of CPAN packages and only a
few hundred of those are included in the main portage collection.

There are other cases not covered by system package managers, like
unprivileged user installations under $HOME.

> > The problem with generating one of those is what manages it? What
> > package would it belong to etc.
> Of course we are not the first project to face this kind of problem: Texinfo 
> offers a central contents page as well. To maintain this page, it comes with 


> A "install-haddock" tool would be the solution IMHO.

That re-generates the index page, right.

Perhaps haddock itself should be extended with this ability. All it
should need to do is read all the .haddock files that ghc-pkg knows
about and generate the index page from that. I assume the .haddock files
contain enough information to do this, or it could be modified to
include enough.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: wanted: HAppS example combining state and io

2007-09-01 Thread Martin Lütke
Thomas Hartman> writes:

> In the latest happs (darcs pulled, updated
> head is 0.9.1 iirc), I am experimenting with the example file in
> I would like to combine state with io.
> Eventually io will mean stuff like reading from a database, but for now
> I'm just reading a file.
> The example file HTTP1.hs has an example
> that demonstrates state with macid.
> I added an example that allows you to
> execute arbitrary io.
> I tried, but was unable to, add a handler
> that combines state and io. 
>,  h ["iohandler"]GET $ ioReadFileHandler
>,  h ["statehandler"] GET $ stateHandler
>--,  h ["ioandstatehandler"] GET $ ioAndStateHandler
> .
> -- displays contents of HAPPS.hs in
> current directory
> ioReadFileHandler = iohandler $ readFile
> "./HAppS.hs" 
> -- displays incremented state counter
> stateHandler = ok $ \() () -> 
>  modify (+(1::Int)) >> get >>=
> respond . show
> -- should combine effect of iohandler
> with statehandler
> -- specifically, should display contents
> of HAppS.hs, and under that an incremented state handler
> -- is this possible
> ioAndStateHandler = undefined undefined
> Is mixing state and io possible with
> HAppS? If so, an example showing how to do it would be extremely helpful.
> best, thomas.
> ---This e-mail may contain confidential and/or privileged information. If you
are not the intended recipient (or have received this e-mail in error) please
notify the sender immediately and destroy this e-mail. Any unauthorized copying,
disclosure or distribution of the material in this e-mail is strictly forbidden.
> Attachment (https1-whatsnew): application/octet-stream, 1933 bytes
> Attachment (HTTP1.hs): application/octet-stream, 4794 bytes
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> Haskell-Cafe

I had no trouble getting this handler to work:

h ["iohandler"] GET $ \() () -> do
modify (+1)
x <- get
respond $ do
cnts <- readFile "./sometext.txt"
sresult 200 (cnts ++ show x)

I believe the trick is that you cant mix io INTO the HAppS ServerPart monad. 
But from the ServerPart monad you can RETURN an io action.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: HApps API Documentation?

2007-09-01 Thread Martin Lütke
James Britt> writes:

> Are there alternative sites for HAppS API docs?
> There are two links on but both give 
> "File not found!" messages.
> Thanks,
> James

Just compile your one version from the HAppS source. Use runghc Setup.hs
haddock. You do have have haddock installed, havent you?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] let and fixed point operator

2007-09-01 Thread Mitar

> I did once try to learn Prolog. And failed. Miserably.

You should backtrack at this point and try again differently. :-)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: RE: Definition of the Haskell standard library

2007-09-01 Thread Benjamin Franksen
Sven Panne wrote:
> On Tuesday 31 July 2007 19:39, Duncan Coutts wrote:
>> [...]
>> The docs for those packages would be available for packages installed
>> via cabal (assuming the user did the optional haddock step) and would
>> link to each other.
> Well, on a normal Linux distro a user should *never* have to call cabal
> any of its cousins) directly, the distro's package manager should be the
> instead. 

This is very theoretical. I use debian (stable) and have to install non-deb
Haskell libraries all the time. No way distro package maintainers can
provide packages for each and every library out there, and even
for 'standard' libs (whatever that may mean) sometimes you need a newer or
an older version of a certain library (relative to what the distro offers).

>> On some systems (windows, gnome) there are dedicated help viewers that
>> can help with this contents/index issue. haddock supports both (mshelp,
>> devhelp). I'm not sure everyone would find that a sufficient solution
>> however.
> A "install-haddock" tool would be the solution IMHO.



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Learn Prolog...

2007-09-01 Thread jerzy . karczmarczuk

Yes, I know, this is Haskell list. So, I apologize, but not too much...

Johan Grönqvist cites me:

Anyway, I believe strongly that ALL people who have problems...
should be encouraged to learn Prolog. IN DEPTH,

Do you have a recommendation on how to do this?
(e.g., books, web-pages, (available) lecture notes, problem sets)

First, install a decent Prolog on your machine. There are plenty:

You may wish to install the free version of Visual Prolog.

My favourite is the SWI Prolog:
(University of Amsterdam)

The documentation is complete, and the reference manual contains references
to such standard books as ClocksinMellish, or Sterling&Shapiro. The last one
is very, very instructive.

Also, Prolog Programming for Artificial Intelligence, written by Bratko, is
very useful. There are on the web collection of examples from this book,
don't remember where.
Try here:

On-line there are thousands of examples, tutorials, etc.

J. Fisher: (There is an example of cut, especially for A. Coppin)


Etc., etc. Really!
Examples. For example:

and of course there are discussion lists, FAQs, etc. Ask Google...

Andrew Coppin writes:

I did once try to learn Prolog. And failed. Miserably.

I just couldn't bend my head around how the Prolog interpreter manages to > make seemingly 
"impossible" leaps of deduction. (It's a *machine*! How can > it deduce 
arbitrarily complex conclusions from any arbitrary set of
axioms? That requires *intelligence*!) And yet, in other, seemingly
identical cases, it utterly fails to deduce patently *obvious* results...
really weird!

One of standard exercices in Prolog is the construction of the
meta-interpreter of Prolog in Prolog. While this is cheating, I recommend
it to you. It opens eyes.

Actually, there are three basic items to learn while trying to master Prolog
after having dealt with the syntactic essentials term construction, and the
1. The unification, which shows the "ultimate" instance of pattern-matching
 and is useful for recognizing some techniques for the automatic inference
 of types in functional languages.

2. The usage of unbound "logical variable", which sometimes permits to
 to do things which require laziness in Haskell.

3. The control backtracking, which is at the heart of the logical non-de-

Now, the non-deterministic algorithms in Haskell are usually implemented
using the *data backtracking*, or the List Monad. The control backtrack,
via, say success/failure continuations, is more difficult, they are rarely
taught, and problematic because of strong typing.

Prolog strategies are straightforward, and I simply cannot understand the
comments of Andrew Coppin. Which arbitrary set of conclusions?? Which
patently obvious results not derivable?? Be kind, give some examples,
otherwise people may suspect that you are issuing vacuous statements...

The best.

Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] HApps API Documentation?

2007-09-01 Thread Felipe Almeida Lessa
On 9/1/07, James Britt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Are there alternative sites for HAppS API docs?

I'm currently using the one from the tarball (runghc Setup.hs haddock).

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] HApps API Documentation?

2007-09-01 Thread James Britt

Are there alternative sites for HAppS API docs?

There are two links on but both give 
"File not found!" messages.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] RE: Definition of the Haskell standard library

2007-09-01 Thread Chaddaï Fouché
As a enthusiast Perl user over the years, I note that the CPAN and the
associated toolkit (the CPAN module, its shell, ExtUtils::MakeMaker
and Module::Build) is pretty good at this. It has it's share of cruft
(in fact a whole lot of it) but it's certainly better than most
solutions in this field in my eye. Perl already has it's own
centralised documentation on the CPAN and local copies are installed
and accessible through the command line tool perldoc and miscellanous
other modules that allows a more pleasant esthetic experience
(Pod::POM::Web is pretty good at this, it even comes with it's own
little http server and allow you to search your local doc in many
It might be worth keeping an eye on the development of the CP6AN if it
ever comes to life (I'm a firm Perl6 believer but some don't share
this belief, with some justifications I fear)...

Cabal is an interesting experiment but it just don't compare for now.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] RE: Definition of the Haskell standard library

2007-09-01 Thread Sven Panne
On Tuesday 31 July 2007 19:39, Duncan Coutts wrote:
> [...]
> The docs for those packages would be available for packages installed
> via cabal (assuming the user did the optional haddock step) and would
> link to each other.

Well, on a normal Linux distro a user should *never* have to call cabal (or 
any of its cousins) directly, the distro's package manager should be the used 
instead. On an e.g. RPM system, the .spec file would use Cabal to e.g. 
(un-)register a package, because RPM has to know what is installed, which 
other packages are prerequisites, how to cleanly uninstall, etc. IMHO Cabal 
should not try to mirror a full-fledged package system, simply because on 
every (non-Windows ;-) platform there are tons of native tools for this 
purpose, and Cabal is not "in the driver's seat" when it comes to SW 

> What is missing from the local docs is a single integrated index page
> that lists all the modules and then links off to the various packages's
> docs like we have on the ghc website.
> The problem with generating one of those is what manages it? What
> package would it belong to etc.

Of course we are not the first project to face this kind of problem: Texinfo 
offers a central contents page as well. To maintain this page, it comes with 
a tool "install-info", which updates the index page after (de-)installation. 
On RPM systems, the .spec file calls install-info after (de-)installation of 
a package with info pages.

> On some systems (windows, gnome) there are dedicated help viewers that
> can help with this contents/index issue. haddock supports both (mshelp,
> devhelp). I'm not sure everyone would find that a sufficient solution
> however.

A "install-haddock" tool would be the solution IMHO.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] defining mapPairs function

2007-09-01 Thread Brent Yorgey
On 9/1/07, Alexteslin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> It is the former, but I sat an exam and trying to discuss my exam answers
> which will make no difference to what so ever to an exam, as an exam
> duration was 1.5 hours.  Which means that no matter how much i would like
> to
> try to amend my answers, it is too late.  I merely trying to figure out if
> i
> answered my questions right.

OK, my apologies!  From the way you phrased it, it sounded to me like it was
some sort of take-home exam you were working on.  In retrospect I guess that
was sort of unlikely, but stranger things have happened. =)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] defining mapPairs function

2007-09-01 Thread Ross Paterson
On Sat, Sep 01, 2007 at 04:59:50AM -0700, Alexteslin wrote:
> It is the former, but I sat an exam and trying to discuss my exam answers
> which will make no difference to what so ever to an exam, as an exam
> duration was 1.5 hours.  Which means that no matter how much i would like to
> try to amend my answers, it is too late.  I merely trying to figure out if i
> answered my questions right.

I can confirm that this is innocent checking after the fact.  This is
question 2(e) on my resit paper, but the first posting was half an hour
after the end of the exam.

The answer you posted is correct, though those suggested by Neil and
Max would be neater.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] defining mapPairs function

2007-09-01 Thread Alexteslin

Brent Yorgey wrote:
> On 8/29/07, Alexteslin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I just came across with this question on the exam and can not think of
>> implementing it.
> Wait, is this an exam for a class you're taking?  Or just a problem from
> an
> exam that you're trying to solve for fun?  If the former, it really isn't
> appropriate to ask the list to solve the problem for you, or even for
> hints.  Your work on the exam should be your own.
> -Brent
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list


It is the former, but I sat an exam and trying to discuss my exam answers
which will make no difference to what so ever to an exam, as an exam
duration was 1.5 hours.  Which means that no matter how much i would like to
try to amend my answers, it is too late.  I merely trying to figure out if i
answered my questions right.

View this message in context:
Sent from the Haskell - Haskell-Cafe mailing list archive at

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Data.Unique not "safe" in concurrent environments (or brain burned)?

2007-09-01 Thread Neil Davies
Let me answer this myself - brain burnt...

Of course it is OK, that is precisely the semantics of MVars - the are
empty or full, thus assuring the mutual exclusion between threads.

Been a hard week.

... so the deeper question - why don't you realise these mistakes till
five minutes *after* you've pressed the send button

Neil Davies wrote:
> Hi, I was looking over the libraries for bits of GHC (no doubt a standard 
> form of 
> relaxation for readers of this list), and noticed the following statement 
> (in Data.Unique):
>  -- | Creates a new object of type 'Unique'.  The value returned will
>  -- not compare equal to any other value of type 'Unique' returned by
>  -- previous calls to 'newUnique'.  
> This set me thinking - so I looked at the code 
> newUnique :: IO Unique
> newUnique = do
>val <- takeMVar uniqSource
>let next = val+1
>putMVar uniqSource next
>return (Unique next)
> In the concurrent execution world in which we live - I don't think that the 
> implementation 
> supports the "uniqueness" statement above - or am I not understanding 
> something?
> Cheers
> Neil

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Data.Unique not "safe" in concurrent environments (or brain burned)?

2007-09-01 Thread Neil Davies
Hi, I was looking over the libraries for bits of GHC (no doubt a standard form 
relaxation for readers of this list), and noticed the following statement 
(in Data.Unique):

 -- | Creates a new object of type 'Unique'.  The value returned will
 -- not compare equal to any other value of type 'Unique' returned by
 -- previous calls to 'newUnique'.  

This set me thinking - so I looked at the code 

newUnique :: IO Unique
newUnique = do
   val <- takeMVar uniqSource
   let next = val+1
   putMVar uniqSource next
   return (Unique next)

In the concurrent execution world in which we live - I don't think that the 
supports the "uniqueness" statement above - or am I not understanding something?



Haskell-Cafe mailing list