[Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: hackage-proxy

2013-02-17 Thread Michael Snoyman
I'd like to announce the first release of a new tool called hackage-proxy.
The purpose is to provide a local proxy for a Hackage server, which somehow
modifies files in transport. The motivating case for this was getting more
meaningful error output from Stackage when compiling against GHC HEAD. When
compiling against actual Hackage, cabal will simply refuse to try to build
packages which have upper version bounds such as base  4.7. This
introduces a big dilemma:

* Package authors do not want to bump the version bounds on their packages
until they've tested against that version.

* It's very difficult to do meaningful tests of GHC until packages on
Hackage have been updated.

Hopefully this package can help resolve the dilemma. Instead of requiring
authors to upload new versions of their packages in order to test them,
this proxy will modify the cabal files it downloads and strip off the
version bounds of specified packages. Then, you can test with a newer
version of GHC and find actual compilation errors instead of version bound

## Example Usage

1. cabal install hackage-proxy

2. Run hackage-proxy. By default, it will use the official Hackage server
as the source, drop bounds on the packages base, process, directory,
template-haskell, and Cabal, and serve from port 4200. All of this can be
modified via command-line options.

3. Edit your ~/.cabal/config file. Comment out the
hackage.haskell.orglines, and add in something like the following:

remote-repo: hackage-proxy:http://localhost:4200

4. cabal update

5. cabal install your-package-list-here

I think this can be a very valuable tool for anyone wanting to test out
newer versions of GHC. In addition, as part of my normal Stackage work, I'm
now collecting fairly detailed error logs of a number of packages. If this
would be useful for the GHC team or anyone else, let me know and I can try
and provide the logs somehow.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] [ANNOUNCE] London Haskell user group - Being Lazy - Wed 27-Feb-13

2013-02-17 Thread Derek Wright

Wednesday 27-Feb-2013 6-45pm (prompt)

City University, College Building, St John Street, London. EC1V 4PB


Being Lazy

Speaker: Peter Marks

This talk will explore lazy evaluation in Haskell. After a brief 
introduction to non-strictness, and establishing a basic conceptual 
model of evaluation in Haskell, the primary focus will be on how we can 
utilize laziness to allow us to write programs differently to how we 
would in an eagerly evaluated language. The session will be rich on code 
with a worked example of a complete program. We'll also touch on some of 
the pitfalls of laziness that we run into in real world situations.

Peter Marks has been developing software for over thirty years and has 
been using Haskell commercially for four years. He currently leads the 
FPF team at Barclays and is an active member of the London Haskell 
community, running the Hoodlums meetup group.

N.B. The start time is slightly later than previously, to make sure 
everybody has arrived by the time the talk starts. Doors open 6-30pm, 
try not to be late!

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] MonadReader laws

2013-02-17 Thread Roman Cheplyaka
Has anyone formulated a reasonable set of laws for MonadReader?

The instances for continuation-based monad transformers contradict any
intuition about local and ask.

E.g. for LogicT:

   flip runReader 1 $ observeAllT $ local (const 2) ask

   flip runReader 1 $ observeAllT $ local (const 2) mzero | ask

I wonder whether there are any real use cases for such instances
(and, consequently, whether they should be removed).


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] FunPtr to C function with #arguments determined at runtime?

2013-02-17 Thread Ryan Newton
Hello cafe,

I've been poking around and I haven't seen this addressed anywhere except
obliquely in the end of section 8.5.1 of the report, where it says that
variable argument C functions aren't supported:


The scenario is pretty simple.  I generate C code at runtime.  I compile it
to a .so.  I know how many arguments it expects (but only at runtime), and
I get a FunPtr back from 'dlsym'.  How do I call it?

I was hoping there would be some Raw lower level FFI layer that I could
use to invoke a C function without automagic marshaling and all the other
goodness provided by the normal foreign import mechanism.

Failing that, will I just have to generate complex wrappers on the C side
which I call N times to load up N arguments into some stateful container
before finally launching the function?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] FunPtr to C function with #arguments determined at runtime?

2013-02-17 Thread Krzysztof Skrzętnicki

I think libffi might be the answer here. Please see Hackage and Haskell
wiki for details.

Krzysztof Skrzetnicki
17-02-2013 12:18, Ryan Newton rrnew...@gmail.com napisał(a):

 Hello cafe,

 I've been poking around and I haven't seen this addressed anywhere except
 obliquely in the end of section 8.5.1 of the report, where it says that
 variable argument C functions aren't supported:


 The scenario is pretty simple.  I generate C code at runtime.  I compile
 it to a .so.  I know how many arguments it expects (but only at runtime),
 and I get a FunPtr back from 'dlsym'.  How do I call it?

 I was hoping there would be some Raw lower level FFI layer that I could
 use to invoke a C function without automagic marshaling and all the other
 goodness provided by the normal foreign import mechanism.

 Failing that, will I just have to generate complex wrappers on the C side
 which I call N times to load up N arguments into some stateful container
 before finally launching the function?


 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] JSON querying

2013-02-17 Thread Sergey Mironov
Hi folks. Hackage contains several JSON packages but as far as I see,
they all provide 'static' conversion from JSON format to Haskell data
type. Is there a method of converting object containing optional filed
'a' to for example Maybe a.

Thanks, Sergey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] JSON querying

2013-02-17 Thread Simon Marechal
On 02/17/2013 04:01 PM, Sergey Mironov wrote:
 Hi folks. Hackage contains several JSON packages but as far as I see,
 they all provide 'static' conversion from JSON format to Haskell data
 type. Is there a method of converting object containing optional filed
 'a' to for example Maybe a.

Data.Aeson does this with the .:? operator:

instance FromJSON Bar where
parseJSON (Object v) = Bar $ v .: required * v .:? optional

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] JSON querying

2013-02-17 Thread Oliver Charles

On 02/17/2013 03:01 PM, Sergey Mironov wrote:

Hi folks. Hackage contains several JSON packages but as far as I see,
they all provide 'static' conversion from JSON format to Haskell data
type. Is there a method of converting object containing optional filed
'a' to for example Maybe a.
Assuming you have some sort of 'path' to the key in question, aeson-lens 
might be exactly what you want: 

I use aeson-lens to turn a list of strings of the form [foo, bar, 
baz] into a query into first the 'foo' object, then the 'bar' object, 
then the 'baz' object, using the following:

pathToLens :: Functor f
   = [T.Text]
   - (Maybe Value - f (Maybe Value))
   - Maybe Value
   - f (Maybe Value)
pathToLens [p] = key p
pathToLens ps = let ps' = filter (not . T.null) ps
in key (head ps') . (foldl (.) id . map pathElem $ tail 

pathElem p = maybe (key p) nth (readMay $ T.unpack p)

So as you can see - I turn any arbitrary path into a query into JSON, 
with a chance of failure.

Hope this helps!
- Ollie

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Terminal Win32/Building Haskeline/8.3 file issue

2013-02-17 Thread Matthew Lamari

Hit this compiling darcs on a new machine. . . .  But it may be more
generic to Haskell platform itself.  Bottom line, it presents a
situation where someone could end up dead-in-the-water with respect to
using haskell libraries.  I burned a lot of time tracking this down, it
may discourage users from the platform.

The problem manifests itself when your Win32 home directory has a long
name (or one with a space) and you're compiling haskeline, linking on
the 15th step.  Basically, ld.exe croaks when fed one of these names
rather than an 8.3

I can provide more specific details on the point of failure on request;
but it was a pain to track down.  Maybe a change to the linker, or some
specific project, may get rid of the 8.3 dependency.

A solution that got me out was to enable 8.3 on the volume, and on the
user directory.

A fix:
Logging in as a *different* user:

Open a command prompt with Administrator priveleges

fsutil 8dot3name query c:
(tells you the current status - you probably see a 2 - volume-select of
the feature)

fsutil 8dot3name set c: 1
(This sets volume c to create 8.3 names - for future files only)

fsutil file setshortname c:\Users\YouHaveA VeryBigName YOUHAV~1
(This only works if you're not logged in as 'YouHaveA VeryBigName',
otherwise the directory will be in-use).  You need this step as even
though you've changed the policy on 8.3 naming, this directory was
probably made during the prior policy)

dir /-n
(This shows you the 8.3-sensitive names.  You see YOUHAV~1 in the list,
you got it right)

The user may need to uninstall and reinstall haskell-platform, and wipe
all Cabal and GHC directories under AppData/Roaming

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ifdef based on which OS you're on

2013-02-17 Thread Doug McIlroy
With apologies for prolonging a tangential topic, I'd like to
sharpen anti-ifdef comments that have been posted already.

1. An ifdef for portability is an admission of nonportability.

What it does is point out a nonportability--a useful crutch
for maintainers, but a crutch nonetheless.

2. Ifdefs violate program structure.

All ifdefs appear at top level. Yet, save for those that control
top-level declarations, they embody conditionals at inner levels
of structure.

Doug McIlroy

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] adding recursion to a DSL

2013-02-17 Thread fritsch
I have a tiny DSL that actually works quite well. When I say 

import language.CWMWL

main = runCWMWL $ do
out (matrixMult, A, 1, row, matrix-row)

then runCWMWL is a function that is exported by language.CWMWL. This parses the 
experession and takes some action.

Now, A is the name of the matrix and the third tuple element would represent 
the numbe of the row. For example 1 to 1. I want to achieve some sort of 
elegant (means readable code, a good representation) recursion that would let 
me do something like 
   sequence [ out (matrixMult, A, n, row, matrix-row) | n - [1..1000] ] 
but in a nicer manner an without expending this to 1 lines of code at 
compile time.

How can I best introduce recursion into my DSL or borrow this from the host 
language Haskell effectively? 


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Maintaining lambdabot

2013-02-17 Thread Jan Stolarek
Hi all,

as some of you may have noticed Lambdabot doesn't build on GHC 7.6.1 due to 
OldException being 
removed (and a few other changes). I updated the code so that it builds on 
latest GHC release. 
The updated code is available here:


It builds on Linux, but I am not 100% certain that it will build on Windows. If 
it doesn't I will 
be grateful for reporting this (and any other) issues on the bug tracker:


The changes required to make the code run weren't as small as I initially 
thought they will be. In 
some places this resulted in a bit ugly code, but aside from that I think that 
everything should 
work correctly.

Now I would like to do a bit of maintanance on the project, since the code is a 
bit of a mess and 
it could use some cleanup. My plans are:

- clean up the package namespace by placing existing modules in Lambdabot module
- integrate lambdabot-utils into lambdabot (already done)
- reformat the code so that it's easier to read

ans if time allows:

- cleanup some messy code
- update the package dependencies so that lambdabot relies on maintained 
libraries (e.g. I thought 
about replacing readline with haskeline).

This changes would be quite invasive and code wouldn't be compatible with the 
lambdabot repo on 
haskell.org. So before I start making any of them I would like to hear from the 
community if such 
changes in the source code of lambdabot would be  considered helpful and 


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] FunPtr to C function with #arguments determined atruntime?

2013-02-17 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Ryan Newton rrnew...@gmail.com,

 The scenario is pretty simple.  I generate C code at runtime.  I compile it
 to a .so.  I know how many arguments it expects (but only at runtime), and
 I get a FunPtr back from 'dlsym'.  How do I call it?
 I was hoping there would be some Raw lower level FFI layer that I could
 use to invoke a C function without automagic marshaling and all the other
 goodness provided by the normal foreign import mechanism.

I feel that I might be confused about the problem, but since I don't
see anyone direct answers -- in order to call a FunPtr, you can use
foreign import ccall dynamic, to create a regular function.   As
described in the library documentation for Foreign.Ptr, which I bet
you've seen, so you know this.

You can cast the FunPtr to whatever type you like, so you can call the
function with an argument list different from its initial declaration.

There are two types of support you don't get, as I see it:  1) Haskell
isn't going to make it really super convenient to use a variably typed
function, and 2) there's the argument promotion issue mentioned in the
document you cited.  On that second point, however you go about this,
you'll need to thoroughly understand what that means, but it won't
strictly prevent you from calling this function, just puts you on
notice that the FFI is blind to the argument types and will make
default assumptions, so your C function needs to support that.

On the first point, of course that's how Haskell is - and from a
design point of view, if you're writing C code to be called from
Haskell, wouldn't there be better ways to accommodate variable
inputs than the argument list?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] FunPtr to C function with #arguments determined atruntime?

2013-02-17 Thread Ryan Newton

  The scenario is pretty simple.  I generate C code at runtime.  I compile
  to a .so.  I know how many arguments it expects (but only at runtime),
  I get a FunPtr back from 'dlsym'.  How do I call it?
 I feel that I might be confused about the problem, but since I don't
 see anyone direct answers -- in order to call a FunPtr, you can use
 foreign import ccall dynamic, to create a regular function.   As
 described in the library documentation for Foreign.Ptr, which I bet
 you've seen, so you know this.

You can cast the FunPtr to whatever type you like, so you can call the
 function with an argument list different from its initial declaration.

My problem is that I can't create a type representing what I want at the
Haskell type-check time, and I need such a type for either casting or a
foreign import.  For example, let's say the function takes a number of Int
arguments between 1 and 1000.  If I find out at runtime that I need a
function with 613 Int arguments, I would need to create the type (Int -
Int ... - IO ()) to cast to.  I suppose there may be some way to create
such a dependent type with Typeable/Data.Dynamic, since it's monomorphic.
 Or in theory you could dynamically generate new Haskell code to create the
type (System.Eval.Haskell)...

libffi, which Krzysztof mentioned, is a good solution:


Because it allows you to pass a list of arguments

 callFFI :: FunPtr a - RetType b - [Arg] - IO b

But it does introduce an extra dependency on a C library (read, deployment
liability).  It cabal install'd the first time on my linux box, but my
mac said The pkg-config package libffi is required but it could not be
found.  (even though libffi.dylib is definitely installed globally).

Anyway, in this case it wasn't *too *painful to just generate a bunch of
extra boilerplate C functions for (1) creating a data structure to hold the
arguments, (2) loading them in one at a time, and (3) deallocating the
structure when the call is done.  Yuck.  But no extra dependencies.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] FunPtr to C function with #arguments determined atruntime?

2013-02-17 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Ryan Newton rrnew...@gmail.com,
 Anyway, in this case it wasn't *too *painful to just generate a bunch of
 extra boilerplate C functions for (1) creating a data structure to hold the
 arguments, (2) loading them in one at a time, and (3) deallocating the
 structure when the call is done.  Yuck.  But no extra dependencies.

If I understand you right, that's a better direction in my view -
and when I've done stuff like this I've allocated and marshalled the
data structure from the Haskell side fairly painlessly with
Foreign.Storable(poke) etc., and the .hsc preprocessor macros for
struct access (#poke, etc.)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Maintaining lambdabot

2013-02-17 Thread Cale Gibbard
On 17 February 2013 18:03, Jan Stolarek jan.stola...@p.lodz.pl wrote:
 This changes would be quite invasive and code wouldn't be compatible with the 
 lambdabot repo on
 haskell.org. So before I start making any of them I would like to hear from 
 the community if such
 changes in the source code of lambdabot would be  considered helpful and 


I say go for it! I'll be quite happy to start running your new code in
#haskell as soon as we get GHC 7.6 installed on Jason's Linode
account. :)

 - Cale

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Maintaining lambdabot

2013-02-17 Thread Dan Burton
Sounds great. Lambdabot is an important icon to the Haskell community; it
will be nice to brush off the bitrot and make lambdabot easier for the
average Haskeller to install without having to rely on Cale keeping it
running on irc (grateful, though we are).

-- Dan Burton
On Feb 17, 2013 3:04 PM, Jan Stolarek jan.stola...@p.lodz.pl wrote:

 Hi all,

 as some of you may have noticed Lambdabot doesn't build on GHC 7.6.1 due
 to OldException being
 removed (and a few other changes). I updated the code so that it builds on
 latest GHC release.
 The updated code is available here:


 It builds on Linux, but I am not 100% certain that it will build on
 Windows. If it doesn't I will
 be grateful for reporting this (and any other) issues on the bug tracker:


 The changes required to make the code run weren't as small as I initially
 thought they will be. In
 some places this resulted in a bit ugly code, but aside from that I think
 that everything should
 work correctly.

 Now I would like to do a bit of maintanance on the project, since the code
 is a bit of a mess and
 it could use some cleanup. My plans are:

 - clean up the package namespace by placing existing modules in Lambdabot
 - integrate lambdabot-utils into lambdabot (already done)
 - reformat the code so that it's easier to read

 ans if time allows:

 - cleanup some messy code
 - update the package dependencies so that lambdabot relies on maintained
 libraries (e.g. I thought
 about replacing readline with haskeline).

 This changes would be quite invasive and code wouldn't be compatible with
 the lambdabot repo on
 haskell.org. So before I start making any of them I would like to hear
 from the community if such
 changes in the source code of lambdabot would be  considered helpful and


 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] JSON querying

2013-02-17 Thread Sergey Mironov
2013/2/17 Oliver Charles ol...@ocharles.org.uk:
 On 02/17/2013 03:01 PM, Sergey Mironov wrote:

 Hi folks. Hackage contains several JSON packages but as far as I see,
 they all provide 'static' conversion from JSON format to Haskell data
 type. Is there a method of converting object containing optional filed
 'a' to for example Maybe a.

 Assuming you have some sort of 'path' to the key in question, aeson-lens
 might be exactly what you want:

 I use aeson-lens to turn a list of strings of the form [foo, bar, baz]
 into a query into first the 'foo' object, then the 'bar' object, then the
 'baz' object, using the following:

 pathToLens :: Functor f
= [T.Text]
- (Maybe Value - f (Maybe Value))
- Maybe Value
- f (Maybe Value)
 pathToLens [p] = key p
 pathToLens ps = let ps' = filter (not . T.null) ps
 in key (head ps') . (foldl (.) id . map pathElem $ tail ps')
 pathElem p = maybe (key p) nth (readMay $ T.unpack p)

 So as you can see - I turn any arbitrary path into a query into JSON, with a
 chance of failure.

 Hope this helps!
 - Ollie

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Good news, thanks a lot!


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