[Haskell-cafe] Re: Sequencing Operations in a Monad

2007-09-21 Thread Al Falloon

SevenThunders wrote:

Well it certainly requires some thought here.  As I see it, I now have two
reasonable choices.  Either I pull all my matrix operations back inside the
IO monad and avoid the matrix action as a matrix variable paradigm  (due to
the loss of referential transparency)  or I devise some way to guarantee
'safety' and use unsafePerformIO.  I suppose I can use a somewhat
generalized version of safety where if I can guarantee that the order of
operations doesn't matter to the final output then I'm OK.  In this case if
I can make it so that reording the computations only reorders the locations
of my matrices on the stack, but otherwise doesn't affect the contents of
the matrices I think I am golden. 

I believe I got burned by following a nice tutorial interpretation of the IO
monad as a way of carrying around an undeclared state variable,  the world. 
But my little matrix IO variable is not just a world state with some matrix

data in it, rather it appears to be a world state with a chain of unapplied
function evaluations.  This is due to laziness I believe.  If I had a data
structure that looked more like a world state with a reference to a variable
in that world state, I could find a way to achieve my goals I think.

I know that you have already made your decision and moved on, but I 
think that there is still another alternative that you can consider: 
make an abstract interpreter for your matrix operations.

The basic idea is to use the normal Num et. al. type classes to write 
your matrix calculations. However, instead of actually performing the 
calculations it instead builds a data structure that represents the 
calculations. You then 'interpret' the data structure in a separate 
function in the IO monad.

The advantage of the approach is that you can pre-process the abstract 
data structure to recognize intermediate matrices that can be consumed 
without copying and other optimizations.

The other advantage is that the matrix math itself doesn't need to be in 
the IO monad, only the interpretation, so you can use all the functional 
goodness when writing the matrix operations.

I was going to whip up a small example, but I am pressed for time. So 
here is a post from Oleg that shows the idea. 
As usual his post is mind-expanding and probably a bit of overkill for 
your problem, but I was the best I could come up with, google was not my 
friend. You might have better luck (try higher order abstract syntax 
and abstract interpretation and go from there)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: I'm stuck in my thought experiment

2007-08-21 Thread Al Falloon

Levi Stephen wrote:

Al Falloon wrote:
This code seems to indicate that you want to be able to extend the 
widget types without changing this source file. This is a good goal, 
but it may not be worth the extra complexity.

Ideally, I'd like Widgets to be added through hs-plugins or similar. That
is a ideal goal though, not a necessity.

Also, this looks a lot like the Composite pattern from OO. A rule of 
thumb that I use is: if I would do this with inheritance in OO, I 
probably want a variant in FP. Since Composite depends on the 
inheritance of the composite object type, I would probably look to use 
a  single data type with multiple constructors for the different 
compisites like the Widget type above.

Interesting. I've been curious how OO concepts can map to FP, as most specs
(consider stuff like DOM) seem to be written with OO implementaitons in 

This is a very interesting discussion that could be its own text book 
(or flame war) as far as I can tell, the only answer everyone agrres on 
is it depends. After that it gets a little hairy.

For me, I find that the best method is to just come at the problem fresh 
using an FP approach, and don't worry about 'mapping' the concepts.

If I wanted to develop the widgets themselves separately from the 
layout, I would probably do something like this:

class Widget a where
render :: a - Html
bbox :: a - Size

type Layout = forall a. Widget a = Widget a
| Rows Spacing [Layout]
| Columns Spacing [Layout]
| Grid Spacing [[Layout]]

type Page = Page String Layout

renderLayout :: Layout - Html

renderPage :: Page - Html

I'm unsure this gives what I'm after. I'm trying to have layouts consist 
of Widgets (e.g., header images, common menu), and as pages also consist 
of Widgets it seems like they can be modelled using a common 

Well if you want to abstract over the layout too, you can just add

instance Widget Layout where
render = renderLayout
bbox = ...

But just because you can, doesn't mean you should. I don't know the full 
details of your design, but what do you gain by allowing the layout to 
intermingle with the widgets? Is worth the extra complexity?

If you treat layout as just another widget then it becomes harder to 
answer specific questions about the page layout because you have less 
information in your tree.

So you want some sort of wildcard element that can be substituted in
later? Maybe I am misunderstanding your requirement, but if thats the
behavior you want, you should check out the term-level evaluators for
lambda calculus for inspiration on substitution, but I expect your
requirement may be simpler than that.

I'm thinking a BlankWidget or ReplacableWidget is a fairly simple 
option. They could be named for the case of multiple replacements, and 
have a method similar to

-- src   -   replacements- result
replaceWidgets :: Widget - [(String,Widget)] - Widget

which replaces all ReplacableWidgets in the source Widget with those 

Would you happen to have some links on the evaluators for lambda 
calculus you talk about? I'm not as familiar as I should be with lambda 

They are surprisingly hard to find! It must be one of those things that 
is so ingrained that no-one thinks to write it down. Anyway, the closest 
I could find to what I meant is the Interpretive Haskell programmer 
heading in The evolution of a Haskell programmer 

However, now that I look at your example again, I may have been too 
quick to answer with LC evaluator! because your language only has 
substitution and not abstraction (defining functions) so you don't have 
much of the complexity to contend with.

The obvious implementation of replaceWidgets will probably work fine for 

It might be simple to have a PlaceHolderWidget. Then insertions of 
the child page

content happens at each of those widgets.

This just gets trickier if I start considering multiple extension 
points for child
pages and what happens when the layout/parent page changes. This is 
why I'm

thinking I may be going along a bad path here.

Exactly. With multiple substitutions you get into issues of naming, so 
thats why looking at lambda calculus evaluators would be the right 
inspiration, but I think it may be more complicated than you need. The 
zipper approach might be easier.

I think I will try and investigate both approaches. I'm after the 
process here, rather than the end result

Good luck.

You can learn a lot just by lurking on the cafe and reading some of the 
better blogs. The papers are also good reading, I have a rule of 2 if 
I have heard the title come up twice, I read it.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: I'm stuck in my thought experiment

2007-08-17 Thread Al Falloon

Levi Stephen wrote:


Apologies for a long post that may not be totally clear. I was thinking 
a problem and how the data might be represented in Haskell. I'm now 
stuck and

frustrated. Now, I'm not even sure whether I'm on the right track (I might
still be thinking too OO). Suggestions/ideas would be much appreciated.

I was imagining a drag and drop web page designer. There are a bunch of
Widgets (e.g., BlogWidget, TextWidget, MenuWidget, etc) that the user can
place on the page.

Along with these are layout/container widgets (e.g., ColumnLayoutWidget) 
that can contain

other widgets.

I'm looking at a data structure that would allow this to be represented 
in Haskell,

so I'm keeping in mind that these won't be written in code, but generated
on the fly somehow (e.g., from a database or file).

Maybe I am misunderstanding your requirements, but it seems to me that 
the simplest solution would be best in this case:

data Widget = BlogWidget [Article]
| TextWidget String
| MenuWiget Menu
| Rows Spacing [Widget]
| Columns Spacing [Widget]

You can also add a type parameter if you want to be able to carry around 
extra metadata about pages, or you could even parameterize the Article 
and Menu types if you want to be able to extend them separately or if 
you want to ensure your layout algorithms don't depend on widget 
contents by keeping their type abstract.

So, my thoughts were along the lines of something like:

class Widget a where
 render :: a - Html

-- A page has a title and a Widget.
-- I know this isn't valid Haskell, but I'm not sure how to specify what I
-- want here. (existential types?)
data Page = Page String Widget

data TextWidget = TextWidget String
instance Widget TextWidget 

-- An example layout widget
data ColumnLayoutWidget = ColumnLayoutWidget [Widget]
instance Widget ColumnLayoutWidget ...

So, entire pages might be represented something like:

Page Main (ColumnLayoutWidget [MenuWidget, TextWidget mainPageText])
Page About (ColumnLayoutWidget [MenuWidget, TextWidget aboutPageText])

This code seems to indicate that you want to be able to extend the 
widget types without changing this source file. This is a good goal, but 
it may not be worth the extra complexity.

Also, this looks a lot like the Composite pattern from OO. A rule of 
thumb that I use is: if I would do this with inheritance in OO, I 
probably want a variant in FP. Since Composite depends on the 
inheritance of the composite object type, I would probably look to use a 
 single data type with multiple constructors for the different 
compisites like the Widget type above.

If I wanted to develop the widgets themselves separately from the 
layout, I would probably do something like this:

class Widget a where
render :: a - Html
bbox :: a - Size

type Layout = forall a. Widget a = Widget a
| Rows Spacing [Layout]
| Columns Spacing [Layout]
| Grid Spacing [[Layout]]

type Page = Page String Layout

renderLayout :: Layout - Html

renderPage :: Page - Html

Where I get stuck, is I want to extract layout information into a parent 
This would allow global changes such as adding a header image to the 
above pages

to be done once only.

By making the layout type separate from the widgets themselves, it 
allows you to examine the layout and do any transformations you want 
without having to know anything about the widgets.

So I want to be able to have something like:

layout = Page Main (ColumnLayoutWidget [MenuWidget, ??? ])
mainPage = ChildPage layout [TextWidget mainPageText]
aboutPage = ChildPage layout [TextWidget aboutPageText]

So, each page is it's layout/parent page, with additional widgets 

So you want some sort of wildcard element that can be substituted in 
later? Maybe I am misunderstanding your requirement, but if thats the 
behavior you want, you should check out the term-level evaluators for 
lambda calculus for inspiration on substitution, but I expect your 
requirement may be simpler than that.

The issue becomes, given a parent page and the customized content for 
the child page,

what is the best way to insert the customized content at the right point?

Might a tree like structure be useful? But, how do you work out where in 
the tree
child content gets added? Store a traversal with each sub tree of child 
page content

that basically says 'insert here'?

This is probably a good use for a zipper (a kind of functional 
iterator). http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Haskell/Zippers that way you can 
pass around a value that means right here, and its clear where the 
substitution will happen.

Another good zipper war story is from xmonad: 

It might be simple to have a PlaceHolderWidget. Then insertions of the 
child page

content happens at each of those widgets.

This just gets trickier if I start considering multiple extension 

[Haskell-cafe] Re: defining last using foldr

2007-08-16 Thread Al Falloon

Kurt Hutchinson wrote:

On 8/15/07, Alexteslin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am really sorry, but i still can't define the function.  The chapter the
exercise is in precedes algebraic types or Maybe a types.  And is seems that
must being easy to define.
I answered some exercises on using foldr such as summing for example, but
this one i am trying:

myLast :: [Int] - Int
myLast (x:xs) = foldr (some function) x xs.

With summing as i understood foldr goes through the list and sums up by (+)
operator and one argument like 0.  Like: foldr (+) 0 xs

I don't think you can do it directly using just foldr. However, you
can use foldr to build up a function that, when applied to the list,
will evaluate to the last element. foldr will be acting like a
function composition engine that evaluates to a function to process
the list.

Something like this? (spoiler warning)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] The problem with abstraction (Was: monte carlo trouble)

2007-08-16 Thread Al Falloon

Chad Scherrer wrote:

I'm starting to think the power of abstraction is a blessing and a
curse. Haskell's abstraction mechanisms are so powerful that it's
generally possible to come up with a way to solve a given problem
elegantly and efficiently. On the other hand, if a problem isn't so
well studied, the bulk of the work is in finding the right
abstraction, which forces generalization beyond what would otherwise
be needed (though it'll be easier the next time!).

I agree with you, which is why I especially liked this post[1] by Claus 
Reinke that shows how you work from the obvious brute-force code and 
apply small transformations to come up with the beautiful abstracted code.

[1] http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.cafe/26066
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Pattern matching articles/explanations

2007-08-16 Thread Al Falloon

Ian Duncan wrote:
Hello everyone, I've been working on improving my Haskell knowledge, and 
in doing so, I have read a little about as-patterns as well as some form 
of pattern that uses ~ that I don't really understand. I suspect there 
are even more lesser-known pattern matching expressions than just these, 
but I don't have the stamina to decode the Haskell 98 Report. Are there 
any articles anyone is aware of, or anything in the Haskell wiki that 
covers the built-in pattern matching facilities pretty comprehensively? 
I've looked in the Haskell wiki myself, but information on different 
pattern matching abilities seems rather scattered and I'm not entirely 
sure what I should be looking for.


That is the pattern section from A Gentle Introduction to Haskell. It 
should be a lot more accessible than the report.

As to the specific reference: the ~pat is called an irrefutable 
pattern, which is an odd name because its primary purpose is to make the 
pattern lazy. For instance:

f ~(Just x) y z = if something_complicated y then x else z

In this case, the first parameter is not evaluated until x is demanded. 
In particular, unless (something_complicated y) is true it will not be 
demanded at all.

The reason is that its called irrefutable is that it always succeeds 
(which could lead to pattern match failure at run-time) because you 
can't check the pattern until you evaluate the parameter. For our 
particular example, that means that (f Nothing foo bar) will still 
match, and if (something_complicated foo) is true, then you will get a 
pattern match failure at runtime when x is demanded.

However, this is really useful if you only have one constructor, because 
it lets you deconstruct the value via a pattern and preserve the laziness.

As another piece of trivia. Let bound patterns are already lazy, so you 
never need ~ in an outer pattern of a let. I.e.

let Just x = foo

is the same as

let ~(Just x) = foo

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Polymorphic variants

2007-08-10 Thread Al Falloon

The proposal that I like the most is this one:
Open Data Types and Open Functions

However, it doesn't readily admit using the variants as overlapping 
enumerations like John suggested in a previous thread:


In fact it doesn't really support structural sub-typing at all (the way 
that polymorphic variants in Ocaml do), but it does support independent 
extension (which PV's don't do).

Dan Doel wrote:

P.S.: Some papers:



The second actually discusses all the operations on variants and whatnot. The 
first just mentions that it's a related topic.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Interval Arithmetics

2007-08-10 Thread Al Falloon

Mitar wrote:


First, disclaimer: everything I know about interval arithmetics comes
from this video:


The discussion in the implementation of the Boost Interval Arithmetic 
Library is also useful.


I would like to know if there is any implementation of interval
arithmetics in Haskell? I would like to play a little with that. I
checked the web and the straightforward approach I found:


has from my point of view invalid implementation. For example, lower
bound in the sum should not be just calculated as the sum of lower
bounds of summands. It should return the greatest representable number
which is smaller or equal to the exact value of the sum. With just
boldly making a sum we ignore any errors we could introduce and this
is somehow against the idea of interval arithmetics.


And as it is said at the end of the talk, a system behind interval
arithmetics should do a lot of work to make those intervals as small
as possible while still correct and counting in all the errors we

I think a strict-typed and lazy language like Haskell would be a good
place to implement this. But I would like to know if this would be
possible to do from the language itself, without making changes to the
compiler and/or runtime itself? Because, for example, a good
implementation should reformulate equations at the runtime accordingly
to exact values it wants to compute them on.

For intervals of floating point numbers you will need to gain access to 
the FPU rounding modes for the machine (see some discussion here 
http://www.boost.org/libs/numeric/interval/doc/rounding.htm). I don't 
think that that is provided in the basic libraries so you would need to 
use the FFI to get it from C. And proper rounding isn't available on all 

For unbounded values defined in Haskell (like Integer and Rational) you 
need to provide round-down and round-up versions of operations that 
won't produce exact answers (like division on Integer and sqrt on 
Rational). Probably some sort of clever type-class setup could be used 
to provide rounding functions for intervals (the same way Ix does clever 
indexing for Array).

Has it been done already?

Sorry, not that I know of.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Very freaky

2007-07-13 Thread Al Falloon
This is the best intro to category theory I have ever heard. I finally 
understand. Thank you.

Dan Piponi wrote:

I thought I'd dive in with a comment to explain why category theory is
an important subject and why it often crops up in Haskell programming.
The key thing is this: in many branches of mathematics people draw
what are known as commutative diagrams:

So what do these diagrams represent? The letters at the 'vertices'
(known as objects) often represent sets and the arrows represent
functions. But in different branches of mathematics the same diagrams
appear with the objects and arrows having a quite different
interpretation. For example you could use a diagram like 1 - 2 to
mean 12. Or you could use X - Y to mean X implies Y. Or in {1,2} -
{4,5,6} the arrow might mean containment and so on. But here's a
remarkable fact: you can often take a definition in one branch of
mathematics and write it diagrammatically. You can then reinterpret
that diagram in a different branch of mathematics as different
definition. Sometimes the new definition isn't interesting, but often
it is. So now you can define things in multiple branches of
mathematics at the same time. It gets better. Statements of theorem
can also sometimes be written in purely diagrammatic language so a
theorem that holds in one branch of mathematics turns out to be an
interesting theorem in another. Sometimes the entire proof can be
written diagrammatically meaning you can solve problems in different
branches of mathematics at the same time. This whole
'multidisciplinary' subject is known as Category Theory.

To a good approximation (and there is a certain amount of choice over
which approximation you pick) Haskell also forms a category. The
objects are types and the arrows are functions. But as I've also
hinted above, objects can represent propositions and arrows can
represent implication. So that suggests theorems about logic might
carry over to theorems about Haskell. They do, as has been mentioned
in another thread. But that's a special case of a much wider
phenomenon where constructions in different parts of mathematics can
feed into Haskell.

So knowing category theory can help you to bring to bear mathematical
knowledge from other fields when writing Haskell code. A big example
of that payoff has been the notion of a monad. But there are many

It also works the other way too. As you acquire a grasp of Haskell you
get insight into other parts of mathematics and computer science, even
if you don't yet know it! Haskell has certainly helped me this way.
(And I should confess that this is one of my primary motivations for
learning it.)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: I just don't get it (data structures and OO)

2007-06-05 Thread Al Falloon

Phlex wrote:

Christopher Lane Hinson wrote:

Where InsidenessMap a b c represents a relationship where b's are 
inside a's, and b's have a state of c.  Then, you need to declare a 
separate InsidenessMap for each possible relationship, but this 
ensures that you'll never put a galaxy inside a solar system.  Or you 
can make 'a' be a reference to any type of object; there are options.

Ketil Malde wrote:

Identity can be emulated by relatively straightforward means: store all
planets in a Map indexed by something that is useful as an identifier
(i.e. stays constant and is unique), and have a Galaxy keep a list of

So basically you guys are saying I should rethink the data structure 
into a relational model instead of sticking to the OO model... I think i 
could do this pretty easily. a table would be a map of id to instance 
...then another map for foreign keys, or maybe just as a member of each 

Is the relational model a better fit than the object model for 
functional programming ?

Of course it depends on what you are doing, but I actually have never 
needed to encode a relational model like this, even when I have deeply 
nested structures.

I find that my usual solution involves doing my transformations on the 
data structure all at once. By that I mean that instead of performing 
a number of steps from the root of the data structure, I do all the 
operations in one pass.

To keep the algorithms decoupled I usually end up passing the operations 
to perform as an argument. Higher-order functions are your friend.

Because Haskell is lazy I don't really worry about doing too much and 
if I really need it, I can use the result as part of the transformation 
(its like recursion, but with values). Between laziness and HOF I rarely 
need any kind of state.

Its not directly related to your question, but I found the iterative 
root-finding and differentiation examples in Why Functional Programming 
Matters [1] to be eye-opening about the functional way because they 
are algorithms that are almost always described as stateful 
computations, but are shown to be very elegant in a pure functional 

[1] http://www.math.chalmers.se/~rjmh/Papers/whyfp.html

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Hardware

2007-06-04 Thread Al Falloon

Bulat Ziganshin wrote:

it seems that now we move right into this direction with GPUs

I was just thinking that GPUs might make a good target for a reduction 
language like Haskell. They are hugely parallel, and they have the 
commercial momentum to keep them current. It also occurred to me that 
the cell processor (in the Playstation 3) might also be a good target 
considering its explicitly parallel architecture.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Implementing Mathematica

2007-05-31 Thread Al Falloon

Jon Harrop wrote:

On Wednesday 30 May 2007 22:15:55 Andrew Coppin wrote:

Note that (as I understand it) GHC implements Haskell's Integer type
using the GMP. And for some reason or other, they want to remove this

Arbitrary precision integers are quite a performance burden and they are 
rarely used. I would not expect a language that is trying to be efficient to 
impose arbitrary precision integers (or floats).

In Haskell, Int gives you the standard signed, fixed size integer for 
your machine, and Integer gives arbitrary precision integers. Int8, 
Int16, ... provide signed ints of a known size, and Word8, Word16 give 
the unsigned.

They are all instances of Num, so integer literals will be whatever type 
is needed.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Has anyone looked into adding subtyping to Haskell?

2007-05-31 Thread Al Falloon
OCaml has been getting a lot of mileage from its polymorphic variants 
(which allow structural subtyping on sum types) especially on problems 
relating to AST transformations and the infamous expression problem.

Has there been any work on extending Haskell's type system with 
structural subtyping?

What is the canonical solution to the expression problem in Haskell?

What techniques do Haskellers use to simulate subtyping where it is 

I bring this up because I have been working on a Scheme compiler in 
Haskell for fun, and something like polymorphic variants would be quite 
convinent to allow you to specify versions of the AST (input ast, after 
closure conversion, after CPS transform, etc.), but allow you to write 
functions that work generically over all the ASTs (getting the free 
vars, pretty printing, etc.).

Alan Falloon

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Has anyone looked into adding subtyping to Haskell?

2007-05-31 Thread Al Falloon

Mark T.B. Carroll wrote:

I don't know what the infamous expression problem is, nor am I
familiar with polymorphic variants or structural subtyping, but have you
looked at the Data.Generics.* stuff and Scrap Your Boilerplate papers?
They may be relevant.
The expression problem is a new name for an old problem, basically 
being able to extend a data type and functions over the data type in 
seperate modules with no knowledge of each other. Here is a link to (I 
think) the original description:


Structural subtyping is something like duck typing in dynamic 
languages, but checked at compile time. For records, it means that if 
you only access two labels then the function will work on any record 
that has those labels with those types, even if it may have more labels. 
For variants (or sum-types, or tagged unions, or whatever they are 
called in Haskell) it means that if your function can handle certain 
cases, then it can also handle values that range over less cases. So in 
pseudo-Haskell with imaginary subtyping:

data Vertical a = U a | D a
data Horizontal a = L a | R a
data Direction a = #Vertical a | #Horizontal a  -- borrowing ocaml 
syntax: this means that Direction shares constructors with Vertical and 

getData :: Direction a - a
getData (U a) = a
getData (D a) = a
getData (L a) = a
getData (R a) = a

getLeftStick :: IO (Vertical Int)
getRightStick :: IO (Horizontal Int)

main = do { accel - getLeftStick; print (getData accel) }

So getData doesn't care that accel is Horizontal and not Direction 
because Horizontal is a sub-type of direction. Of course, in this syntax 
since you named the subtyping relationship its more technically nominal 
subtyping (like in traditional static OO languages) not structural 
subtyping (which figures out the subtype relationship from the structure 
automatically, so if we just reused the U,D,L, and R constructors in 

I have looked into SYB briefly. I will probably end up using it to keep 
the amount of code to a minimum, but it won't save me from having to 
define a different data type for each version of the AST if I want to 
preserve type safety.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Has anyone looked into adding subtyping to Haskell?

2007-05-31 Thread Al Falloon

apfelmus wrote:

Al Falloon wrote:

OCaml has been getting a lot of mileage from its polymorphic variants
(which allow structural subtyping on sum types) especially on problems
relating to AST transformations and the infamous expression problem.

Has there been any work on extending Haskell's type system with
structural subtyping?

There's OO'Haskell but I don't know much about it. The problem with
subtyping is that it renders type inference undecidable and is more
limited than parametric polymorphism. It's more like a syntactic
sugar, you can always explicitly pass around embeddings (a' - a) and
projections (a - Maybe a').

I can see how nominal subtyping would make type inference a pain, but 
I'm pretty sure its solvable for structural subtyping because the 
inference algorithm can simply grow the type as it unifies the different 
terms. I think this paper describes how they pulled it off for OCaml:


Its true that subtyping can be considered syntactic sugar, but its the 
same sort of syntactic sugar as typeclasses, which are pretty popular.

In fact, the mapping you suggest is so close to the mapping of 
typeclasses that it suggests some sort of convenient subtyping library 
using typeclasses might be possible. Has anyone looked into this? Is 
that what Data.Typeable provides?

What is the canonical solution to the expression problem in Haskell?

What techniques do Haskellers use to simulate subtyping where it is

I bring this up because I have been working on a Scheme compiler in
Haskell for fun, and something like polymorphic variants would be quite
convinent to allow you to specify versions of the AST (input ast, after
closure conversion, after CPS transform, etc.), but allow you to write
functions that work generically over all the ASTs (getting the free
vars, pretty printing, etc.).

For this use case, there are some techniques available, mostly focussing
on traversing the AST and not so much on the different data
constructors. Functors, Monads and Applicative Functors are a structured
way to do that.

  S. Liang, P. Hudak, M.P. Jones. Monad Transformers and
  Modular Interpreters.

  C. McBride, R. Paterson. Applicative Programming with Effects.

  B. Bringert, A. Ranta. A Pattern for Almost Compositional Functions.

Thank you, I will definitely look through those.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Has anyone looked into adding subtyping to Haskell?

2007-05-31 Thread Al Falloon

Thomas Schilling wrote:

I bring this up because I have been working on a Scheme compiler in
Haskell for fun, and something like polymorphic variants would be quite
convinent to allow you to specify versions of the AST (input ast, after
closure conversion, after CPS transform, etc.), but allow you to write
functions that work generically over all the ASTs (getting the free
vars, pretty printing, etc.).

Proper subtyping or at least extendable ADTs would be nicer, but you
can have type-checked progress flags using phantom types, e.g.:


I thought that phantom types might be a solution, but how to you 
statically ensure that the AST has only the constructors that are 
appropriate for each phase?

GADTS maybe. Constructors allowed in all phases, or in just one can be 
encoded easily enough. But then how do you encode a constructor that can 
be in two out of three phases? Maybe two phantom types? It all starts 
getting a little hairy.

I will have to go through the papers that the others have provided to 
see if someone has already explored this direction. I have an inkling 
that there is a good idea here, it just might take some time to tease it 

Thanks for the replies.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Has anyone looked into adding subtyping to Haskell?

2007-05-31 Thread Al Falloon

Jon Harrop wrote:

On Thursday 31 May 2007 15:36:13 Al Falloon wrote:

I bring this up because I have been working on a Scheme compiler in
Haskell for fun, and something like polymorphic variants would be quite
convinent to allow you to specify versions of the AST (input ast, after
closure conversion, after CPS transform, etc.), but allow you to write
functions that work generically over all the ASTs (getting the free
vars, pretty printing, etc.).

Although this is the theoretical justification for OCaml's polymorphic 
variants, it is not their most common use.

They are more commonly used to implement overlapping enumerations (see 
LablGL), to avoid sum type declarations with short scope (e.g. [`Some|`None|
`Maybe] inside a single function) and when sum types keep changing during 

I kind of saw the overlapping enumeration case as just a common special 
case of the AST problem. I can't think of a lightweight way to encode 
overlapping enumerations in Haskell. If someone can come up with one, it 
would probably shed some light on the right direction for the AST problem.

The other uses of PV, I hadn't been aware of, but it makes a lot of sense.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Has anyone looked into adding subtyping to Haskell?

2007-05-31 Thread Al Falloon

Stefan Holdermans wrote:


Has there been any work on extending Haskell's type system with 
structural subtyping?

  Koji Kagawaga. Polymorphic variants in Haskell. In Andres Loeh, 
editor, Proceedings of the 2006 ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Haskell, 
Portland, Oregon, USA, September 17, 2006, pages 37--47. ACM Press, 
2006. [1]

What is the canonical solution to the expression problem in Haskell?

Not canonical but Loeh and Hinze have proposed open data types:

  Andres Loeh and Ralf Hinze. Open data types and open functions. In 
Annalisa Bossi and Michael J. Maher, editors, Proceedings of the 8th 
International ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Principles and Practice of 
Declarative Programming, July 10--12, 2006, Venice, Italy, pages 
133--144. ACM Press, 2006. [2]

Thanks for the pointers. I will definitely be reading these papers.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Parsec beginners problem

2007-04-27 Thread Al Falloon

Jim Burton wrote:

After posting I realised the difference between parsing (a) | (b) and
parsing a | aa ... so Parsec doesn't do the latter well or at all?

It should do (try aa) | a just fine. If you mean a general 
sequence of as then (many1 (char a)) should do.

The Morse Code problem is a little harder though. To handle the 
ambiguity you may need to simultaneously consider possible parses of the 
dots and dashes. I suggest you look into using the List monad. As for 
the actual parsing of the dots and dashes, Parsec may be overkill.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: fftw bindings

2007-04-19 Thread Al Falloon

Magnus Therning wrote:

On Thu, Apr 19, 2007 at 09:20:36 -0700, David Roundy wrote:

On Thu, Apr 19, 2007 at 05:37:05PM +0200, Fawzi Mohamed wrote:
I was wondering if someone had fftw bindings for haskell, or if I should 
roll my own.

Not that I'm aware of, but if you roll your own, please make them
public, as I'll be interested in fftw bindings before long.

For us less knowledgable, what's fftw?

Fastest Fourier Transform in the West. http://www.fftw.org/

Its cool, they use generative programming: an OCaml program generates 
codlets in C that can be composed and tuned to the specifics of your 
machine, then compiled into a blazingly fast FFT/DFT library.

/M (curious)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Takusen - error handling and DBM monad

2007-02-01 Thread Al Falloon

Bayley, Alistair wrote:

Al Falloon wrote:

what does withSession return if there is a DBException?

Well, whatever the handler returns, same as with any other exception
handler. Note that this must have the same type as whatever withSession
returns, and this constraint is enforced by the type of catch/catchDB:

Sorry, I wasn't clear. What does it return when there is an uncaught 
exception? It sounds like it raises an exception in IO. Is this correct?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Boost equivalent

2007-02-01 Thread Al Falloon
Boost.Python is for extending Python with C++, or embedding Python in 
C++. This is especially useful because it allows you to use Python as an 
extension language for a C++ program.

Presumably Boost.Haskell would be for integrating Haskell code with C++, 
which would of course be useful, but the main use case (an embedded 
extension language) that draws people to Boost.Python isn't as much of a 
draw for Haskell because of the compilation phase.

On the other hand, I suppose you could always integrate a Haskell 
interpreter like Hugs, or even go the HsPlugins route and dynamically 
load a compiled module, but the fit doesn't seem as natural as it does 
with a latently typed scripting language.

There are also technical problems that are hard to overcome. Extending 
Python is mostly done in C, so a C++ library to add some nice sugar is a 
good fit. Haskell, OTOH, embeds C programs via its FFI. There doesn't 
seem to be any way to export functions and value from C++ to Haskell, 
but instead the C++ code must import from Haskell. All the heavy lifting 
is done on the Haskell side, so there isn't as much opportunity to write 
a slick C++ library.

This could change if someone made a version of Hugs that can be linked 
in as a library with a documented C API for evaluating Haskell code and 
mucking with Haskell values. But I don't think its much of a priority 
right now :)

Alan Falloon

Alexy Khrabrov wrote:
One of the great strengths of Python is Boost.Python.  Practitioners say 
it's a major advantage of Python over Ruby, for example.  So the 
question is not whether there's a Boost in Haskell -- C++ and Haskell 
are too different for it to have much meaning -- but whether there's or 
going to be a Boost.Haskell?


On Feb 1, 2007, at 5:03 AM, John Ky wrote:
Does the Haskell community have an equivalent to C++ community's Boost 
project with the aim of writing libraries for the eventual inclusion 
into Haskell?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: State of OOP in Haskell

2007-01-31 Thread Al Falloon

Bulat Ziganshin wrote:

Hello Al,

Tuesday, January 30, 2007, 6:01:16 PM, you wrote:

Design of functional programs is very bottom-up. The general plan is to
identify the primitives for your domain and embed them in the language,

oh, really? may be i'm using Haskell in OOP way? :)

i strongly prefer to use top-down style for application programming -
i.e. i solve problem introducing auxiliary functions, then fill up
these functions and so on recursively

i use bottom-up style for library development, though, adding more and
more higher-level functionality as library evolves

The method I use is actually more of a meet-in-the-middle. Its hard to 
know what your primitives are unless you know what you are trying to do.

I find that the best approach is to try and write my program using 
whatever constructs feel natural for the domain, then see if I can 
define the domain constructs starting with the smallest, most obvious 
ones and combining them into the more complex nuanced constructs needed 
to solve my actual problem.

Usually some tweaking is required to get a nice fit. Writing usable 
software is more craft than science.

The OOP community has contributed a lot to the craft of programming. 
There are many concepts that have been refined by them that IMHO can be 
applied more easily in a functional style. IMO the major driving 
principle of good software design (OO, FP, or otherwise) is 
If you stick to OAOO, then no matter where you start you tend to 
converge toward a good solution(*).

(*) However, depending on where you start OAOO does not always give the 
same good solution. I find that interesting. To me that implies that the 
solutions from different approaches form a Pereto optimal set 
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pareto_efficiency) of the possible 
solutions, and that each approach buys you some sort of advantage at the 
expense of another.

Alan Falloon

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Takusen - error handling and DBM monad

2007-01-31 Thread Al Falloon

Paul Moore wrote:

Now, I can protect my query with something like

main = do
  withSession (connect ... ... ...) ( do
catchDB (do
  -- simple query, returning reversed list of rows.
  r - doQuery (sql select username from all_users) query1Iteratee []
  liftIO $ putStrLn $ show r

So far, so good. The syntax is messy, but a little refactoring should 
fix that.

But this doesn't catch errors in the connect call.

Wrapping the withSession in catchDB doesn't work, as withSession is in
the IO monad [1], not the DBM one. But using catch with catcher
doesn't work, as that expects an error handler in the IO monad, but
catcher is in the DBM monad.

You can catch exceptions in the IO monad using 'catch' from the prelude:

Unfortunately, you will have to write another error handler though, 
because the catch expects the handler to have type (IOError - IO a) 
instead of (DBException - DBM ...).

Using both catch and catchDB should let you handle all the errors. BTW, 
what does withSession return if there is a DBException?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: State of OOP in Haskell

2007-01-30 Thread Al Falloon

Alexy Khrabrov wrote:

Well, I'm thinking in terms of OOD/OOA/OOP -- Design, Architecture,
Programming.  That's about the only way to model a bog system.  Say I
have a stock market model -- I'll have a database of tickers, a
simulator to backtest things, a trading strategy, etc.

Do Haskell modules provide enough encapsulation to design a system in
terms of them?  What are the design/architecture units in Haskell if
not OO-based?

Design of functional programs is very bottom-up. The general plan is to
identify the primitives for your domain and embed them in the language, 
then solve your problems using those primitives. Evolving your 
primitives and program concurrently as you get a better understanding of 
the problem/solution.

A good intro to this kind of programming is 'On Lisp' by Paul Graham 
(http://www.paulgraham.com/onlisp.html). Of course, he is using Lisp 
instead of Haskell so many of the concrete techniques for implementing 
this method are different[*]. However, the first section of the book 
that talks about how you build something on Lisp is equally applicable 
to building software on Haskell.

I expect that in your domain, the primitives are things like: currency, 
time series data, trades, strategies, and so on. The primitive 
operations would let you perform a trade, back-test a strategy and 
so on. Since it is close to your chosen domain, I highly recommend you 
look at 

[*] On Lisp makes heavy use of macros in Lisp, which have no analog in 
Haskell, but can usually be substituted for lazy-evaluation and/or monads

Alan Falloon

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: proposal: HaBench, a Haskell Benchmark Suite

2007-01-26 Thread Al Falloon

Kenneth Hoste wrote:
The idea is to gather a bunch of programs written in Haskell, and which 
are representative for the Haskell community (i.e. apps, libraries, 

A While ago I tried to write a Haskell version of John Harrops 
ray-tracer benchmark 
(http://www.ffconsultancy.com/free/ray_tracer/languages.html) but the 
performance was not very good (the OCaml version I based it on was at 
least 10x faster).

I would be happy to contribute my code to the benchmark suite if you are 
interested. Perhaps someone can point out obvious speed-ups that I 
missed while trying to improve the performance.

Alan Falloon

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: proposal: HaBench, a Haskell Benchmark Suite

2007-01-26 Thread Al Falloon

David Roundy wrote:

On Fri, Jan 26, 2007 at 10:17:28AM -0500, Al Falloon wrote:

Kenneth Hoste wrote:
The idea is to gather a bunch of programs written in Haskell, and which 
are representative for the Haskell community (i.e. apps, libraries, 
A While ago I tried to write a Haskell version of John Harrops 
ray-tracer benchmark 
(http://www.ffconsultancy.com/free/ray_tracer/languages.html) but the 
performance was not very good (the OCaml version I based it on was at 
least 10x faster).

I would be happy to contribute my code to the benchmark suite if you are 
interested. Perhaps someone can point out obvious speed-ups that I 
missed while trying to improve the performance.

I would think that what we'd want to benchmark would be clean, optimized
actually-used code.  I.e. things like Data.Bytestring, so that we could see
how compilers differed on important code, or how the code generated on
different architectures differed.  e.g. if jhc beats ghc on amd64, the ghc
developers would probably be very curious as to why, and how to fix it.

Code that's not been properly optimized with respect to strictness, etc,
would fail to focus the tests on important optimizations of the compiler.
But of course, the benchmark code should also be clean, since we want to
ensure that our compilers are good enough that we can write useful
beautiful code that is also fast.

I tried to optimize it, but I couldn't approach the speed of the OCaml 
version. I followed the performance tuning advice from the Wiki, and had 
even resorted to writing the inner loop calculations using all unboxed 
doubles, but without significant improvements. This is exactly the kind 
of code that I write most often, and I would love to see improvements in 
the optimizations for this kind of numerically intensive code 
(especially without having to resort to compiler-specific unboxed 

I agree that common libraries like ByteString need to be well 
represented, but the original request additionally included programs 
that are representative of applications. A ray-tracer (even with a fixed 
scene and only one type of scene primitive) is a fairly nice 
approximation of a real numerical batch-oriented application while still 
being small enough to understand and modify. I expect thats why John 
chose it as his benchmark application in the first place.

I think it would also be a good idea to include SPJ's web server (I 
think its from an STM paper). A lot of the people outside the Haskell 
community will be able to relate better to metrics like pages/second.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: A function for Maybes

2007-01-25 Thread Al Falloon

John Ky wrote:

Is there a built-in function that already does this?

Usually, when I have a question like this, I try Hoogle first:

Unfortunatly, the right answer (fmap) is on the second page of results.

(I am really excited for the new version of Hoogle, its supposed to be 
pretty close to release)

foo :: (a - b) - Maybe a - Maybe b
foo f m
  | isNothing m = Nothing
  | otherwise = Just (f (fromJust m))

*Main foo (+2) (Just 3)
Just 5
*Main foo (+2) Nothing

Prelude fmap (+2) (Just 2)
Just 4
Prelude fmap (+2) Nothing

it works over all Functors, so list also works:

Prelude fmap (+2) [2,3]
Prelude fmap (+2) []

and Map and so on.

Alan Falloon

Haskell-Cafe mailing list