Re: [Haskell-cafe] SIGPLAN Programming Languages Software Award

2011-06-09 Thread Andres Loeh
I think the history of generics in Java is

Pizza ( -
GJ ( -

I think that if you consider that history, and in particular the Pizza
compiler, then the connection to FP becomes rather obvious.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] cap 3: stopping thread 3 (stackoverflow)

2011-06-07 Thread Andres Loeh
I don't think a stack overflow event indicates an RTS bug. Stack
overflow events usually result in the RTS trying to adjust the stack
size, and only if that fails, the program is halted.

 (... and why can't I copy/paste the text from threadscope's output window)

As a workaround, you can use the show-ghc-events binary that is
provided by the ghc-events package.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Cabal: top level dependency base -any

2011-05-24 Thread Andres Loeh

 Could anyone shed light on the meaning of this error message?

 cabal: cannot configure xmonad-0.9.1 It requires base ==3.*
 For the dependency on base ==3.* there are these packages: base- and
 base- However none of them are available.
 base- was excluded because of the top level dependency base -any
 base- was excluded because of the top level dependency base -any

It's not a great error message. Yes, xmonad-0.9.1 requires base ==3.*.
So far, so good. Now, base is a special package. It comes with ghc,
and cannot be upgraded. That's why Cabal will rule out all base
versions but the one you already have installed. If you have a recent
ghc, that'll be base-4.

So Cabal is correct to fail in this case: you cannot install this
version of xmonad with this version of ghc. But yes, the error message
could (and hopefully soon will) be improved.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Cabal: top level dependency base -any

2011-05-24 Thread Andres Loeh

 So would it be correct to infer that the -any restriction will only (and
 always) come into play with special packages such as base?

No. Unfortunately, -any really means any version is allowed, so
that's why the error message is really misleading.

 Are there any other special packages besides base?

W.r.t. Cabal's dependency resolution? No.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Data constructor synonyms

2011-03-18 Thread Andres Loeh
  Remember that constructors are functions, except that you can't
  pattern match against them.


  The downside is that you can't pattern-match against these functions.

 The thing is that I need pattern matching, just functions won't do.

It's only a preprocessor, but Conor's she allows pattern synonyms:

 Anyway, a new question arose.  If I have already declared a type, can I add 
 new constructors to it from other modules?

Again, not within Haskell itself. she also has a feature that allows
something like this. There are various other techniques or proposals.
For example:


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] lhs2tex and line numbers

2011-02-14 Thread Andres Loeh

 How could I convince lhs2tex to add in poly mode line numbers before
 each code line in code block?

A long time ago, I've written some experimental code that achieves
line numbering in lhs2tex. I've committed the files to the github
repository, so you can have a look at the .fmt file and the demo
document in


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] lhs2tex build failure

2010-12-15 Thread Andres Loeh
The latest version on GitHub should fix the problem. I'll make a new
release soon.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Hackage accounts and real names

2010-04-06 Thread Andres Loeh
  Let me summarise the main arguments against the restriction:
  1. It stops people from contributing [..]
  2. Inconsistency [..]
  3. Privacy issues [..]
 4. It inteferes with people's freedom - who has the right to dictate what 
 name a person (or, for that matter, a group of people) should be known
 5. It encourages dishonesty: if you want to contribute but not reveal
 your real name, you have the option to lie about it, and can be fairly
 confident your lie will never be called.
 +1 for allowing nicks.

Another +1 from me.

I must admit that I had never really thought about this restriction, but
the arguments against the restriction clearly convince me. I have heard
no valid arguments in favour of the restriction. I can see that there are
advantages to requiring real names, but that only makes sense if it is
enforced (and I certainly don't advocate that). The way it is now, where
some people who just silently use pseudonyms get accounts, and others,
who are not willing to lie, are rejected, is very bad.

If people are really worried about trust, then a comment/reviewing
system for Hackage is a better solution.



Andres Loeh, Universiteit Utrecht
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell course, training

2010-03-07 Thread Andres Loeh
Hi Günther,

 all going well this year I'll be able to invest some money on becoming a 
 better Haskeller.

 I think I've reached the point where I need some tutoring, so provided I've 
 got money for travel and course fees, and time, where do I get it? I'm not 
 a student so some courses aren't available to me.

please consider the summer school in Applied Functional Programming
that we at Utrecht University are going to offer this year for the
second time:

While the school is mainly aimed at students (bachelor- and
master-level), we have no formal requirement that participants must be
students, and we will certainly consider other applications.



Andres Loeh, Universiteit Utrecht
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: lhs2TeX \eval{} problem

2010-03-02 Thread Andres Loeh

 I'm having a problem with lhs2Tex and \eval{}. It doesn't work.
 I have the following in a file test.lhs:
 %include polycode.fmt
 %option ghci
 When I try to run this file through lhs2Tex, it crashes:
  lhs2Tex test.lhs
 ... polycode junk removed ...
 %option ghci
 lhs2TeX: fd:7: hGetLine: end of file
 Has someone encountered this problem before, or knows how to solve this?

Two issues:

First, it's

%options ghci

and not

%option ghci

Second, the \eval is executed in the context of the current file,
i.e., the source must be a valid literate Haskell file. An empty
literate file causes the literate preprocessor to fail. This
works for me:

%include polycode.fmt

%options ghci

 x = 0



Andres Loeh, Universiteit Utrecht
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: lhs2TeX \eval{} problem

2010-03-02 Thread Andres Loeh
 Oh, well that teaches me not to type myself... Copy-and-paste is way better!
 Now lhs2TeX no longer crashes, unfortunately it still doesn't work correctly.
 It now simply hangs after printing the line Two.
 It doesn't crash, or eat memory or cpu. It just sits there, doing
 nothing, until I kill the process.

Are you sure you added the extra line at the end? Try to call ghci
on the source file. If it manages to load it without errors, then
lhs2TeX should succeed as well.



Andres Loeh, Universiteit Utrecht
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ANN: lhs2tex-1.15 (was: lhs2tex, Haskell Platform and cygwin)

2009-12-18 Thread Andres Loeh
 Also, it would be nice if there were an lhs2tex version which worked 
 out-of-the-box with base=4, since hacking the Makefile for that seems, er, 

I've just uploaded 1.15 which should work better on Windows. Sorry, I
should have released a new version a long time ago. Please let me know
if this works.



Andres Loeh, Universiteit Utrecht
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] lhs2tex + pretty print

2009-12-10 Thread Andres Loeh
The attached document works for me.



Andres Loeh, Universiteit Utrecht

%include polycode.fmt
%options ghci



 test = putStrLn \\section{Result}\n\nIt works!


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Functors and the Visitor Pattern

2009-06-03 Thread Andres Loeh
 Although, now I'm second guessing myself, because I can't figure out how we
 could create some design pattern that simulates an applicative functor. I'm
 pretty sure the Visitor pattern doesn't take you this far (but I am willing
 to be corrected). So, is there a way to create applicative functors in
 non-functional languages? What would that pattern look like?

Perhaps this paper can answer your question:

Jeremy Gibbons, Bruno C.d.S. Oliveira
The essence of the Iterator pattern



Andres Loeh, Universiteit Utrecht
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The votes are in!

2009-03-24 Thread Andres Loeh
 The results of the Haskell logo competition are in!

 You can view them at

 Congratulations Jeff Wheeler!

 Is there also a measure of how strong the winner wins over the losers?

Scroll to the bottom of the results page linked above and click on the
button, and you'll get a matrix comparing each logo to each other logo.
You still have to interpret the results yourself, though.



Andres Loeh, Universiteit Utrecht
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Hac5 projects page

2009-02-24 Thread Andres Loeh
 on, you can list a project 
 under “Project descriptions” and under “Experiences”. What’s the difference?

Project descriptions are supposed to be projects you're currently
working on or want to work on during the Hackathon.

Experiences are not necessarily projects (and feel free to update the
description on the page to reflect that), but general Haskell-related
things you are familiar with. So, if for example I am looking for
someone with a lot of experience in writing library bindings using the
FFI, I could look in that list if anyone attending might be able to help
me ...



Andres Loeh, Universiteit Utrecht
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type wildcards

2008-12-17 Thread Andres Loeh
 Type wildcards that allow partially specifying types, e.g:
 f :: _ - String
 f x = show x
 This will instruct the type-inferrer to fill out the wild-card part only
 (e.g: Show a = a).

Also see



Andres Loeh, Universiteit Utrecht
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Associated data types

2008-12-10 Thread Andres Loeh

 Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2008 13:36:11 +
 From: Lennart Augustsson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Associated data types
 For an associated data type D, we know that the type function D is
 injective, i.e., for different indicies given to D we'll get different
 data types.  This makes much more powerful reasoning possible in the
 type checker.  If associated data types are removed there has to be
 some new mechanism to declare an associated type as injective, or the
 type system will lose power.
   -- Lennart
 2008/12/10 Eyal Lotem [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  If we have associated type synonyms, is there still reason to have
  associated data types?


Another, somewhat related, issue is that associated type synonyms cannot
currently be partially applied, whereas associated data types can.



Andres Loeh, Universiteit Utrecht

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Function Composition

2007-02-06 Thread Andres Loeh
 Can anyone explain why Shape.Polygon would have a different type to
 (Shape).Polygon, I thought the brackets would be redundant. Here is
 the output from a Hugs session
 Animation :v
 -- Hugs Version 20050113
 Animation :t Shape
 Shape :: Shape - Region
 Animation :t Polygon
 Polygon :: [Vertex] - Shape
 Animation :t (Shape.Polygon)
 Polygon :: [Vertex] - Shape
 Animation :t ((Shape).Polygon)
 Shape . Polygon :: [Vertex] - Region
 Animation :t Shape.(Polygon)
 Shape . Polygon :: [Vertex] - Region

Shape.Polygon is a qualified name, and you probably have a module
called Shape. Use spaces around the dot ...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Decidable type systems? (WAS: Associated Type Synonyms question)

2006-02-16 Thread Andres Loeh
 Can someone explain to me why decidability is of any practical interest 
 at all? What's the (practical) difference between a decision procedure 
 which might never terminate and one which might take 1,000,000 years to 
 terminate? Actually, why push it out to 1,000,000 years: in the context 
 of a compiler for a practical programming language, a decision 
 procedure which might take an hour to terminate might as well be 
 undecidable ... surely all we really need is that the decision 
 procedure _typically_ terminates quickly, and that where it doesn't we 
 have the means of giving it hints which ensure that it will.

I'm tempted to agree with you. I don't care if the compiler terminates
on all my programs, or if it sometimes quits and says: I don't know if
this is correct. However, I do think that it is of very much importance
that programmers and compiler implementors know which programs are legal
and which are not.

If a problem is decidable, it has the nice property that the problem
(*not* the algorithm) can be used as a specification. Implementors are
free to implement different algorithms, as long as they all solve the
problem. If the problem is undecidable, how do you make sure that different
compilers accept the same programs? If you don't want to find a subproblem
that is decidable, you'll have to specify an algorithm, which is usually
far more complicated, error-prone, and difficult to grasp for programmers.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] REMINDER: Contributions to the HCA Report (November 2005 edition)

2005-10-25 Thread Andres Loeh
Dear Haskellers,

the deadline for the November 2006 edition of the Haskell Communities
and Activities Report is only a few days away -- but this is still
enough time to make sure that the report contains a section on *your*
project, on the interesting stuff that you've been doing; using or
affecting Haskell in some way.

Many projects that have been included in former reports have not yet
updated their entries. Please have a look at

and at the May 2005 edition for reference.

* Has your project been listed in previous Reports, but is not yet
  updated? Please write a short update!

* Are you no longer working on a project that was included in the
  Report? Write up what you are working on instead, and tell me if
  someone else has picked up the project.

* Is some project you have heard about not included in any previous
  Report? Please let me know ...

There is still time to write a completely new entry, on a new
compiler, tool, library, company, user group, idea, ... -- as long as
there is a connection to the Haskell language, there is a place for it
in the Report!

Submissions are due by next Tuesday, that is

  Tuesday, 01 November 2005.

Please mail your entries to hcar at haskell dot org, in plain text
or pseudo-(La)TeX format. More information can be found in the
original Call for Contributions at

I look forward to receiving your contributions.

Thanks a lot,

  Andres (current editor)

Haskell Communities and Activities Report (
11/2005 edition submission deadline: 01 November 2005 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: Haskell Communities Activities Report (8th ed., May 2005)

2005-05-12 Thread Andres Loeh
On behalf of the many, many contributors, I am pleased to announce
that the

  Haskell Communities and Activities Report
  (8th edition, May 2005)

is now available from the Haskell Communities home page in several
formats: PDF, for screenreading as well as printing, HTML, for those 
of you who prefer not to deal with plugins or external viewers, and 
PostScript, for those of you who have nice quick printers that do not 
grok PDF.

Many thanks go to all the people that contributed to this report,
both directly, by sending in descriptions, and indirectly, by doing
all the interesting things that are reported. I hope you will find
it as interesting a read as we did.

If you haven't encountered the Haskell Communities and Activities 
Reports before, you may like to know that the first of these reports
was published in November 2001. Their goal is to improve the 
communication between the increasingly diverse groups, projects and
individuals working on, with, or inspired by Haskell. The idea behind
these reports is simple:

Every six months, a call goes out to all of you enjoying Haskell to
contribute brief summaries of your own area of work. Many of you 
respond (eagerly, unprompted, and well in time for the actual 
deadline ;) ) to the call. The editor collects all the contributions 
into a single report and feeds that back to the community.

When we try for the next update, six months from now, you might want 
to report on your own work, project, research area or group as well.
So, please put the following into your diaries now:

   End of October 2005:
target deadline for contributions to the
November 2005 edition of the HCA Report

Unfortunately, many Haskellers working on interesting projects are so
busy with their work that they seem to have lost the time to follow
the Haskell related mailing lists and newsgroups, and have trouble even
finding time to report on their work. If you are a member, user or 
friend of a project so burdened, please find someone willing to make 
time to report and ask them to `register' with the editor for a simple 
e-mail reminder in the middle of October (you could point us to them as 
well, and we can then politely ask if they want to contribute, but it 
might work better if you do the initial asking). Of course, they will
still have to find the ten to fifteen minutes to draw up their report,
but maybe we can increase our coverage of all that is going on in the

Feel free to circulate this announcement further in order to
reach people who might otherwise not see it. Enjoy!

Andres Loeh 
hcar at
andres at

Haskell Communities and Activities Report (
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] lhs2TeX and line numbers in error messages produced by LaTeX

2005-05-02 Thread Andres Loeh
 I use lhs2TeX for typesetting literate haskell code. The problem is that 
 uses the line numbers from the .tex file generated by lhs2TeX and not the 
 line number from the original .lhs file when producing error messages.
 Does anyone have a solution for this problem?

Sorry, I don't. I think it's very much work to change lhs2TeX so
that the generated .tex file will have the same line numbers than
the original (%include would have to be mapped to \input statements
and each code block would have to produce exactly as many lines as
the input was etc.), and AFAIK LaTeX does not have any such thing as
LINE pragmas.

I usually look at the generated file to find what LaTeX complains
about and map this to the original location mentally.
I could make lhs2TeX generate line hints as LaTeX comments, to
facilitate this process, but this would still require to read the
generated file, because the hints wouldn't be interpreted by LaTeX

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] REMINDER: Contributions to the HCA Report (May 2005 edition)

2005-04-28 Thread Andres Loeh
Dear Haskellers,

the deadline for the May 2005 edition of the Haskell Communities and
Activities Report is only a few days away -- but this is still enough
time to make sure that the report contains a section on *your*
project, on the interesting stuff that you've been doing; using or
affecting Haskell in some way.

Many projects that have been included in former reports have not yet
updated their entries. Please have a look at

and at the November 2004 edition for reference.

* Has your project been listed in previous Reports, but is not yet
  updated? Please write a short update!

* Are you no longer working on a project that was included in the
  Report? Write up what you are working on instead, and tell me if
  someone else has picked up the project.

* Is some project you have heard about not included in any previous
  Report? Please let me know ...

There is still time to write a completely new entry, on a new
compiler, tool, library, company, user group, idea, ... -- as long as
there is a connection to the Haskell language, there is a place for it
in the Report!

Submissions are due by next Tuesday, that is

  Tuesday, 03 May 2005.

Please mail your entries to hcar at haskell dot org, in plain text
or pseudo-(La)TeX format. More information can be found in the
original Call for Contributions at

I look forward to receiving your contributions.

Thanks a lot,

  Andres (current editor)

Haskell Communities and Activities Report (
05/2005 edition submission deadline: 03 May 2005 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Call for Contributions -- HCA Report (May 2005 edition)

2005-04-14 Thread Andres Loeh
Dear Haskellers,

it is nearly time for the eighth edition of the

  Haskell Communities  Activities Report

Submission deadline: 03 May 2005

  (please send your contributions to hcar at, in 
plain ASCII or LaTeX format)

This is the short story:

* If you are working on any project that is in some way related
  to Haskell, write a short entry and submit it to the me.

* If you are interested any project related to Haskell that 
  has not previously been mentioned in the HCA Report, tell me,
  so that I can contact the project leaders and ask them to submit
  an entry.

* Feel free to pass on this call for contributions to others that
  might be interested.

More detailed information:

The Haskell Communities  Activities Report is a bi-annual overview of
the state of Haskell as well as Haskell-related projects over the
last, and possibly the upcoming 6 months. If you have only recently
been exposed to Haskell, it might be a good idea to browse the
November 2004 edition -- you will find interesting topics described as
well as several starting points and links that may provide answers to
many questions.

Contributions will be collected until the beginning of May. They will
be compiled into a coherent report which will appear sometime during
May. As always, this is a great opportunity to update your webpages,
make new releases, announce of even start new projects, or to point at
some developments you want every Haskeller to see!

As the purpose of the report is to collect recent or current
activities, we encourage you to update all existing summaries and
reports. We will probably drop any topics that have not had any
activity for the past year, i.e., since May 2004, but we would
very much prefer you to present an updated description of the
topic. Of course, new entries are more than welcome.  Reports should
generally be kept brief and informative, ranging from a few sentences
to a few hundred words, to keep the whole report reasonably sized.

Looking forward to your contributions,

Andres (current editor)

--- topics

New suggestions for current hot topics, activities, projects, etc.
are welcome - especially with names and addresses of potential
contacts, but here is a non-exclusive list of likely topics
(see also ):

General Haskell developments; Haskell implementations; Haskell  
  extensions; Standardization and documentation; Haskell tutorials,
  howtos and wikis; Organisation of Haskell tool and library
  development; Haskell-related projects and publications; new
  research, fancy tools, long-awaited libraries, cool applications;

Feedback from specialist mailing lists to the Haskell community
  as a whole; Haskell announcements;  all (recent) things Haskell

Announcements: if you've announced anything new on the Haskell
  list over the last six months, you'll want to make sure that is
  reflected in this edition!

Project pings: if you're maintaining a Haskell tool or library or 
  somesuch, you'll want to let everyone know that it is still alive 
  and actively maintained, even if there have been no new additions,
  but all the more if there have been new developments.

Tutorials: if you've fought with some previously undocumented 
  corner of Haskell, and have been kind enough to write down how you
  did manage to build that graphical user interface, or if you've 
  written a tutorial about some useful programming techniques, 
  this is your opportunity to spread the word (short, topic-specific,  
  and hands-on tutorials that only show how to achieve a certain   
  practical task would do a lot to make things easier for new
  Haskellers - please write some!)

Applications: if you've been working quietly, using Haskell for  
  some interesting project or application (commercial or otherwise),
  you might want to let others know about what you're using Haskell
  for, and about your experiences using the existing tools and   
  libraries; are you using Haskell on your job?

  An interesting thread about using Haskell and more generally functional 
  programming for non-Haskell things seems to recur with reasonable
  frequency - why not write a sentence or two about your use of Haskell 
  for our report?

Feedback: if you're on one of the many specialist Haskell mailing
  lists, you'll want to report on whatever progress has been made 
  there (GUI API discussions, library organisation, etc.)

If you're unsure whether a contact for your area of work has come   
forward yet, have a look at the report's potential topics page, or 
get in touch with me.  I have contacted last time's contributors,  
hoping they will volunteer to provide updates of their 

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The difference between ($) and application

2004-12-14 Thread Andres Loeh
 Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2004 10:24:15 -0500
 From: Andrew Pimlott [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] The difference between ($) and application
 On Tue, Dec 14, 2004 at 11:23:24AM +0100, Henning Thielemann wrote:
  On Tue, 14 Dec 2004, Andrew Pimlott wrote:
   (Of course, it's still useful, by itself or in a slice, as a higher-order
  You can also use 'id' in this cases, right?
 I'm thinking of things like
 zipWith ($)
 map ($ x)

You can indeed use

zipWith id
map (`id` x)

instead. Look at the types:

id  :: a -  a
($) :: (a - b)  -  (a - b)

The function ($) is the identity function, 
restricted to functions.

Nevertheless, I find using ($) in such a situation 
more descriptive than using id.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: Haskell Communities Activities Report (7th ed., November 2004)

2004-11-10 Thread Andres Loeh

Right in time, I am pleased to announce -- on behalf of the many
contributers -- that the

  Haskell Communities and Activities Report
  (7th edition, November 2004)

is now available from the Haskell Communities home page in several
formats: PDF, for screenreading as well as printing, HTML, for those 
of you who prefer not to deal with plugins or external viewers, and 
PostScript, for those of you who have nice quick printers that do not 
grok PDF.

Many thanks go to all the people that contributed to this report,
both directly, by sending in descriptions, and indirectly, by doing
all the interesting things that are reported. I hope you will find
it as interesting a read as we did.

If you haven't encountered the Haskell Communities and Activities 
Reports before, you may like to know that the first of these reports
was published in November 2001. Their goal is to improve the 
communication between the increasingly diverse groups, projects and
individuals working on, with, or inspired by Haskell. The idea behind
these reports is simple:

Every six months, a call goes out to all of you enjoying Haskell to
contribute brief summaries of your own area of work. Many of you 
respond (eagerly, unprompted, and well in time for the actual 
deadline ;) ) to the call. The editor collects all the contributions 
into a single report and feeds that back to the community.

When we try for the next update, six months from now, you might want 
to report on your own work, project, research area or group as well.
So, please put the following into your diaries now:

   End of April 2005:
target deadline for contributions to the
  May 2005 edition of the HCA Report

Unfortunately, many Haskellers working on interesting projects are so
busy with their work that they seem to have lost the time to follow
the Haskell related mailing lists and newsgroups, and have trouble even
finding time to report on their work. If you are a member, user or 
friend of a project so burdened, please find someone willing to make 
time to report and ask them to `register' with the editor for a simple 
e-mail reminder in the middle of April (you could point us to them as 
well, and we can then politely ask if they want to contribute, but it 
might work better if you do the initial asking). Of course, they will
still have to find the ten to fifteen minutes to draw up their report,
but maybe we can increase our coverage of all that is going on in the

Feel free to circulate this announcement further in order to
reach people who might otherwise not see it. Enjoy!

Andres Loeh 

Haskell Communities and Activities Report (

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] REMINDER: Contributions to the HCA Report (November 2004 edition)

2004-10-26 Thread Andres Loeh

Dear Haskellers,

the deadline for the November 2004 edition of the
Haskell Communities and Activities is approaching
quickly -- but there are still a few days left to make 
sure that the report contains a section on *your* 
project, on the interesting stuff that you've been 
doing, using or affecting Haskell in some way.

In particular, any information regarding upcoming, 
Haskell-related, events is highly appreciated 
(conferences, workshops, summer schools ...).

Many FP research groups have not yet updated their

Furthermore, please have a look at

* Is your project listed, but not yet updated? Please
  write a short update!

* Is a project listed that you are no longer working on?
  Write up what you are working on instead, and tell me
  if someone else has picked up the project.

* Is something you have heard about not in the list? 
  Please let me know ...

There is still time to write a completely new entry,
on a new compiler, tool, library, company, user group,
idea, ... -- as long as there is a connection to the
Haskell language, there is a place for it in the

Submissions are due by the end of this week, that is

  Friday, 29 October 2004.

Please mail your entries to hcar at haskell dot org, 
in plain text or pseudo-(La)TeX format.

I look forward to receiving your contributions.

Thanks a lot,

  Andres (current editor)

Haskell Communities and Activities Report (
11/2004 edition submission deadline: 29 October 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: REMINDER: Contributions to the HCA Report (November 2004 edition)

2004-10-26 Thread Andres Loeh
Sorry, the link was incorrect. The pointer
should have been:

 Furthermore, please have a look at


Haskell Communities and Activities Report (
11/2004 edition submission deadline: 29 October 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Haskell-Cafe mailing list