[Haskell-cafe] Using fundeps to resolve polymorphic types to concrete types

2008-07-28 Thread Bryan Donlan

Is there any theoretical reason that functional dependencies can't be used
to resolve a polymorphic type to a concrete type? For example:

 -- compile with -fglasgow-exts
 class DeriveType a b | a - b
 data A = A
 data B = B
 instance DeriveType A B

 simpleNarrow :: DeriveType A b = b - B
 simpleNarrow = id

Since 'b' is uniquely determined by the fundep in DeriveType, it seems that
this ought to work; ie, since the only type equation satisfying DeriveType A b
is B - B, it should reduce to that before trying to fit its type against its

The motivation is this case:

 data ComplexType a where
 SomeConstructor :: DeriveType a b = a - b - ComplexType a
 specialCaseFunc :: ComplexType A - B
 specialCaseFunc (SomeConstructor _ b) = b

Essentially, if I have a data structure with two types used as fields, and
one uniquely determines the other, I'd like to use these instances to avoid
re-stating the implied one in the type equations, if possible.

Is there some theoretical reason for this not to work, or is it just a
limitation of GHC's current implementation? (Note, I'm testing with GHC 6.8.2,
so it's possible this might be fixed in trunk already...)


Bryan Donlan
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] carry state around ....

2008-07-28 Thread Bryan Donlan
On Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 08:48:23PM -0500, Galchin, Vasili wrote:
 what does a datatype with no constructors mean?
 data RSAStruct
 data EVP_PKEY
 data EVP_MD_CTX
 data EVP_MD
 data BIGNUM

It's simply a datatype that can never have a value - a so-called
'phantom type'. They're useful when you need a type (eg as the argument
for a ForeignPointer) but no need for an actual value.

You can of course create values of these types using 'undefined',
'error' and friends, but this is perhaps not very useful most of the
time :)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Control.Exception.evaluate - 'correct definition' not so correct

2008-05-03 Thread Bryan Donlan
Hi all,

After some discussion on #haskell I decided to bring this issue to
haskell-cafe. GHC's documentation for Control.Exception.evaluate states:

evaluate :: a - IO a

Forces its argument to be evaluated when the resultant IO action is
executed. It can be used to order evaluation with respect to other IO
operations; its semantics are given by

   evaluate x `seq` y==  y
   evaluate x `catch` f  ==  (return $! x) `catch` f
   evaluate x = f  ==  (return $! x) = f

Note: the first equation implies that (evaluate x) is not the same as
(return $! x). A correct definition is

   evaluate x = (return $! x) = return

However, if = is strict on its first argument, then this definition is
no better than (return $! x). One might next consider:

evaluate x = (return x) = (return $!)

However, according to the monad laws, this is equivalent to:

evaluate x = return $! x

and we're back to where we started. Although GHC's implementation of IO
is somewhat more relaxed about this, there is no guarentee that this
will be the case in all IO implementations, or future versions of GHC,
or different optimization flags, or...

The best I've come up with so far is:

evaluate x = newIORef (return $! x) = join . readIORef

In any case, if = is to be guarenteed lazy, this ought to be
documented somewhere (or is it?). Otherwise Control.Exception's docs
should be updated to provide a more correct example and/or the caveat
that = must not be left-strict for the example implementation to be


Bryan Donlan

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Hi I need help for very simple question!

2007-03-02 Thread Bryan Donlan

Taillefer, Troy (EXP) wrote:

Hi there

1. First of all never forget your base case for exiting your recursion
2. you need to break up the problem like so

import Char

-- get the first word
word :: String - String
word [] = []
word ( x : x1 : xs )
| isSpace x = []
| isSpace x1 = x : []
| otherwise = x : x1 : word(xs)

-- get everything but the first word
rest :: String - String
rest [] = []
rest ( x : x1 : xs )
| isSpace x = x1 : xs
| isSpace x1 = xs
| otherwise = rest(xs)

intoWords :: String - [ String ]
intoWords [] = []
intoWords ws = word(ws) : words( rest(ws) ) -- glue the first word and
call recursively on the rest

Personally, I think it's a bit clearer to use dropWhile and span:
import Data.List
import Data.Char

mywords :: String - [String]

mywords string
| word == 
= []
| otherwise
= word:mywords remain
(word, remain) =
span (not . isSpace) . dropWhile isSpace $ string
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] nested maybes

2007-02-05 Thread Bryan Donlan

Martin DeMello wrote:

On 2/5/07, Bulat Ziganshin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello J.,

Sunday, February 4, 2007, 11:46:57 PM, you wrote:

 exists s wmap = isJust $ find (==s) . snd = Map.lookup (sort s) wmap

exists s wmap =  Map.lookup (sort s) wmap
== snd
== find (==s)
== isJust

a==b = a=return.b

Very nice! Didn't know about ==. Thanks to everyone else who
responded too; I'm learning a lot from this thread.

(==) is user-defined; that's what the last line is for :)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] List operation question

2007-02-04 Thread Bryan Donlan

Eric Olander wrote:

   I'm still somewhat new to Haskell, so I'm wondering if there are 
better ways I could implement the following functions, especially shiftl:

  moves the first element to the end of the list
shiftr :: [a] - [a]
shiftr [] = []
shiftr (x:y) = y ++ [x]
  moves the last element to the head of the list

shiftl :: [a] - [a]
shiftl [] = []
shiftl x = [last x] ++ init x

If you use Data.Sequence (new in 6.6, I think), these can be O(1):

import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import Data.Sequence ( (|), (|), (:), (:) )

shiftr seq = go (Seq.viewl seq)
go (EmptyL) = Seq.empty
go (e : remain) = remain | e

shiftl seq = go (Seq.viewr seq)
go (EmptyR) = Seq.empty
go (remain : e) = e | remain

Decomposing by elements like this is a bit unwieldy, but using the 
functions in Data.Traversable and Data.Foldable it shouldn't be too bad, 
depending on what you're doing.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: DevRandom

2007-01-31 Thread Bryan Donlan

Yitzchak Gale wrote:

Bryan Donlan wrote:

This re-opens the device every time we need it.
How about opening once, when it's first needed?

Good idea.

hDevRandom :: Handle
{-# NOINLINE hDevRandom  #-}
hDevRandom = unsafePerformIO $ openFile /dev/random ReadMode

hDevURandom :: Handle
{-# NOINLINE hDevURandom  #-}
hDevURandom = unsafePerformIO $ openFile /dev/urandom ReadMode

The NOINLINE guarantees that openFile is called only
once. But does it guarantee that openFile is NOT called
if we do not need it? We could check what the compilers
actually do, but I am not sure we have a guarantee here.

There's commentary in GHC/Conc.lhs that this is the case:
{-# NOINLINE pendingEvents #-}
{-# NOINLINE pendingDelays #-}
(pendingEvents,pendingDelays) = unsafePerformIO $ do
  reqs - newIORef []
  dels - newIORef []
  return (reqs, dels)
-- the first time we schedule an IO request, the service thread
-- will be created (cool, huh?)

I don't know if this is a documented guarentee however.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: DevRandom

2007-01-30 Thread Bryan Donlan

Yitzchak Gale wrote:

It's short, so I'll post it here.
Any comments?

readDev :: Storable a = FilePath - BlockingMode - IO (Maybe a)
readDev dev mode = do
   h - openFile dev ReadMode
   hSetBuffering h NoBuffering
   alloca $ getMaybe h undefined
   getMaybe :: Storable a = Handle - a - Ptr a - IO (Maybe a)
   getMaybe h undef ptr = do
 let size = sizeOf undef
 n - case mode of
Blocking- hGetBufh ptr size
NonBlocking - hGetBufNonBlocking h ptr size
 if n  size
   then return Nothing
   else peek ptr = return . Just

This re-opens the device every time we need it. How about opening once, 
when it's first needed?

hDevRandom :: Handle
{-# NOINLINE hDevRandom  #-}
hDevRandom = unsafePerformIO $ openFile /dev/random ReadMode

hDevURandom :: Handle
{-# NOINLINE hDevURandom  #-}
hDevURandom = unsafePerformIO $ openFile /dev/urandom ReadMode
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] are Monads with slightly stricter types in instances still Monads?

2007-01-30 Thread Bryan Donlan

Julien Oster wrote:


The type of the monadic bind function in the Monad class is

Monad m = m a - (a - m b) - m b

Now, would it be possible to create a monad with a slightly stricter 
type, like

StrictMonat m = m a - (a - m a) - m a

and, accepting that all steps of the computation would be bound to 
operate on the same type, would this be without any undesirable 

It's possible, but it would be difficult to work with, I think. You 
wouldn't be able to do anything in the monad which takes any argument or 
returns any value other than type a, obviously, which would make things 
unwieldy to work with.

You could define:

class TypedMonadishThing m where
  returnS :: a - m a
  bindS   :: m a - (a - m a) - m a

But this bears little resembelance to Monad, as it's impossible to 
define join in it - join being a part of the fundamental theoretical 
structure of monads:

join :: Monad m = m (m a) - m a

For the sake of understanding monads better, I tried to write several 
custom monads which may or may not be useful. Among those were:

 * The Tracker Monad - tracks every result of every step of the
   sequential computation in a (normal, stricly typed) list inside
   of the monad

This sounds a bit like the Writer monad...

 * The Goto Monad - sequential computation that allows restarts of
   the computation at arbitrarily set labels within it

And this a bit like Cont :)

But Haskell doesn't like those. Rightly so, because the bind function 
would have the stricter type mentioned above.

[Otherwise the Tracker monad would have to store values of different 
types in its list and the Goto monad would encounter restarts at labels 
that process different types of the value than what has been computed so 
far. Both doesn't make sense.]

The Writer monad (import Control.Monad.Writer) avoids the problem in 
your Tracker monad by explicitly annotating when you want to emit some 
output, with the tell function:

tell :: (MonadWriter w m, Monoid w) = w - m ()

You can always add an annotation to catch the output of a function as well:
watch :: (MonadWriter [r] m) = m r - m r
watch m = do
  result - m
  tell [result]
  return result

You can run a monad like this with:
runWriter :: Writer w a - (a, w)

And Cont (Control.Monad.Cont) avoids the problems with types by 
explicitly annotating the continuation with the type it expects:

callCC :: (MonadCont m) = ((a - m b) - m a) - m a

You could use this as in:
foo = callCC $ \exitEarly - do
  -- complex computation
  when someCondition $ exitEarly result

Cont's a bit tricky though, your computation is also annotated with its 
/final/ result, so:

runCont :: Cont r a - (a - r) - r
runCont . callCC :: ((a - Cont r b) - Cont r a) - (a - r) - r

You could run the above foo like:
runCont foo id
where id is a function run on the final result of the continuation.

I still have to prove wether those two monads follow the monadic laws at 
all, but that's part of my exercise. But let's say they follow the laws 
(I'm pretty sure that at least the Tracker monad does), is there 
anything else that would prevent the stricter typing from being legal or 
useful? Maybe I'm missing something simple.

And would I still be able to use Haskell's do syntax? My first guess 
is yes, because it really just seems to translate into normal syntax.

You might be able to trick the desugarer into accepting it by:
import Prelude hiding (Monad(..))

but this is probably not what you want. The types of everything to the 
left of a - in such a do syntax would need to be the same.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Replacing [a] with (Set c a) in Monad instance.

2007-01-30 Thread Bryan Donlan

Daniel McAllansmith wrote:



newtype Dist a = D {unD :: [(a,Int)]}

instance Monad Dist where
  return x = D [(x,1)]
  d = f  = D [(y,q*p) | (x,p) - unD d, (y,q) - unD (f x)]
  fail _   = D []

How would one change Dist to wrap an instance of the (Data.Edison.Set c a) 
typeclass so that the Monad instance could be implemented in terms of e.g. 
singleton, unionWith, empty, etc?

I don't know about Data.Edison.Set, but if it's anything like 
base/Data.Set, then there's an Ord constraint on the elements, making it 
impossible to directly transform into a monad. However, Roberto Zunino 
came up with a clever way to bypass this problem with GADTS:


You may be able to apply this to your situation, using various Edison 
collections depending on which typeclasses your monad argument implements.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type infer

2007-01-24 Thread Bryan Donlan

Marco TĂșlio Gontijo e Silva wrote:


I'm trying to define a partition__ function that is like
Data.Set.partition, but use State Monad:

import Data.Set
import Control.Monad.State

partition__ f =
snapshot - get
(firsts, rest) = Set.partition f snapshot
put rest
return firsts

When I try to infer it's type in ghci I got:

$ ghci
   ___ ___ _
  / _ \ /\  /\/ __(_)
 / /_\// /_/ / /  | |  GHC Interactive, version 6.6, for Haskell 98.
/ /_\\/ __  / /___| |  http://www.haskell.org/ghc/
\/\/ /_/\/|_|  Type :? for help.

Loading package base ... linking ... done.
Prelude :load partition.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( partition.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
*Main :type partition__
partition__ :: (MonadState (Set a) t, Ord a) = (a - Bool) - t (Set a)

Ok, then I add

partition__ :: (MonadState (Set a) t, Ord a) = (a - Bool) - t (Set


to the file and then:

*Main :reload
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( partition.hs, interpreted )

Non type-variable argument in the constraint: MonadState (Set a) t
(Use -fglasgow-exts to permit this)
In the type signature for `partition__':
  partition__ :: (MonadState (Set a) t, Ord a) =
 (a - Bool) - t (Set a)
Failed, modules loaded: none.

Why do I need glasgow-exts to specify a type infered by GHCi without

I'd imagine the check that you're using -fglasgow-exts is performed when 
parsing type signatures from the parser. When you allow GHC to infer the 
type, it's pulling that from Control.Monad.State, which was compiled 
with -fglasgow-exts - it's simply not checking that all the types you 
might infer from there are legal without -fglasgow-exts.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Strings in Haskell

2007-01-22 Thread Bryan Donlan

Neil Mitchell wrote:
 Hi Alexy,

 Now I'm reading a
 Haskell book which states the same.  Is there a more efficient Haskell
 string-handling method?  Which functional language is the most
 suitable for text processing?

 There are the Data.ByteString things, which are great, and have much
 less overhead.

 But remember that Haskell is lazy. If you are thinking well I have to
 process a 50Mb file, remember that Haskell will lazily read and
 process this file, which substantially reduces the memory requirements
 so only a small portion will ever be in memory at a time.

Or you can get the best of both worlds by using Data.ByteString.Lazy :)
Even with laziness, all the indirections that String causes hurts 

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