Re: [Haskell-cafe] Language Shootout

2012-02-15 Thread David Hotham
  "Louis Wasserman"  wrote in message
  Out of curiosity, do we know why the Language Shootout has upgraded to GHC 
7.4.1, but still isn't using -fllvm for e.g. the spectral-norm benchmark?  (It 
results in a nonnegligible speedup on my machine.)

  Louis Wasserman


  Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] 'Progress bar' enumeratee

2011-04-07 Thread David Hotham

Very interesting - thanks!

"Gregory Collins"  wrote in message

My enumerator style may not be the best (I'm long-winded), but
personally when the stream types are the same on input and output I
often skip the Enumeratee stuff and just write an Enumerator wrapper.
To address your complaint here:

PS Implementations which involve "EB.take count" seem to me 

one surely oughtn't need to have a large buffer to solve this problem

I'd write a helping combinator:

module Main where

import   Control.Monad  (when)
import   Control.Monad.Trans
import   Data.ByteString.Char8  (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L
import   Data.Enumerator
import qualified Data.Enumerator.List   as EL
import   System.IO

takeUpTo :: Monad m =>
 -> Iteratee ByteString m (Stream ByteString, Int)
takeUpTo n' = continue k
n = toEnum n'

k EOF = yield (EOF,0) EOF
k (Chunks xs) = if taken == 0
  then takeUpTo n'
  else yield (stream, taken) rest
s  = L.fromChunks xs
(a,b)  = L.splitAt n s
taken  = fromEnum $ L.length a
stream = Chunks $ L.toChunks a
rest   = Chunks $ L.toChunks b

The code to run a side effect every N bytes is then pretty short (and
should be efficient):

sideEffectEveryNBytes :: Monad m =>
 Int  -- ^ run the side effect every N bytes
  -> m () -- ^ side effect
  -> Step ByteString m a
  -> Iteratee ByteString m a
sideEffectEveryNBytes n act = flip checkContinue1 n $ \loop i k -> do
(str, taken) <- takeUpTo i
when (taken == i) $ lift act
(lift $ runIteratee $ k str) >>= loop (nextI $ i - taken)
nextI 0 = n
nextI i = i

Here's your particular example:

example :: IO [ByteString]
example = run_ $ enumList 1 [ "the quick brown "
, "fox "
, "jumped "
, "over "
, "the lazy dog" ] $$ it
it = do
xs <- sideEffectEveryNBytes 10 (putStr "." >> hFlush stdout) $$
lift $ putStrLn ""
return xs

Running it:

*Main> example

["the quick ","brown ","fox ","jumped ","ove","r ","the lazy"," dog"]

Gregory Collins  

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] 'Progress bar' enumeratee

2011-04-06 Thread David Hotham
The desired behaviour (certainly my desired behaviour, but I think also the 
most useful behaviour generally) is that the enumeratee passes n bytes to 
its iteratee, prints a dot, and repeats.

Given that, printing the dots all in one bunch after passing bytes to the 
iteratee isn't any improvement over printing the dots all in one bunch 
before passing them to the iteratee.

I think that mostly I want it the way that I want it because that's the bit 
that I struggled most over and I'm now reluctant to give it up!  However 
this might actually make a useful difference to behaviour in the case of an 
iteratee that did very expensive processing, or that itself performed IO. 
In such cases, my behaviour could be expected to give a more accurate 
indication of how far through processing we'd actually got.


PS Yes, I already tried out the code ;-).  You'll see that both of my 
versions did indeed hFlush stdout.

"Ertugrul Soeylemez"  wrote in message

"David Hotham"  wrote:

I did have a version along those lines at some point, but I felt it
was cheating rather to print the dots not at the correct point in the

Perhaps I've over-complicated for the sake of the learning experience,
but I do like to have a version that passes on the correct number of
bytes, then prints the ".", and then continues.

Well, then just do the printing after calling the continuation:

   dotsAt :: forall b m. MonadPeelIO m => Int ->
 Enumeratee ByteString ByteString m b
   dotsAt n =
   loop 0

   loop :: Int -> Enumeratee ByteString ByteString m b
   loop i' step@(Continue k) =
   continue go

   go :: Stream ByteString ->
 Iteratee ByteString m (Step ByteString m b)
   go EOF = return step
   go ch@(Chunks strs) = do
   let (numDots, i) = divMod (i' + sum ( BC.length strs)) 
   printDots = tryIO $ BC.putStr (BC.replicate numDots 
'.') >>

   hFlush stdout
   k ch >>== (\step -> printDots >> loop i step)
   loop i' step = return step

By the way, after trying out the code, I found that you should use
hFlush after printing.  Otherwise you may see the dots delayed.


nightmare = unsafePerformIO (getWrongWife >>= sex) 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] 'Progress bar' enumeratee

2011-04-06 Thread David Hotham

Thanks for the reply.

I did have a version along those lines at some point, but I felt it was 
cheating rather to print the dots not at the correct point in the stream.

Perhaps I've over-complicated for the sake of the learning experience, but I 
do like to have a version that passes on the correct number of bytes, then 
prints the ".", and then continues.


"Ertugrul Soeylemez"  wrote in message

"David Hotham"  wrote:

I've spent some time over the last couple of days trying to write an
enumeratee that prints a "." every n bytes (with obvious intended use
as a progress tracker).  Seems like it oughtn't be hard, but it has
been a steep learning curve...

I have come up with something that seems to do the job but I don't
know that I'm completely happy with it (or even that I completely
understand it, to be honest).

If anyone more expert would be kind enough either to reassure me that
I'm doing it right or - more likely - to offer improvements /
suggestions on what obvious simplifications I have overlooked, I'd be

I think that using lazy bytestrings does not have any advantage here,
since the enumerator creates the strict bytestrings at some point, then
your enumeratee converts them into lazy ones just for counting.  Just
use the straightforward approach:  Take the chunks and count the bytes
like here:

   {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

   dotsAt :: forall b m. MonadPeelIO m =>
 Int -> Enumeratee ByteString ByteString m b
   dotsAt n =
   loop 0

   loop :: Int -> Enumeratee ByteString ByteString m b
   loop i' step@(Continue k) =
   continue go

   go :: Stream ByteString ->
 Iteratee ByteString m (Step ByteString m b)
   go EOF = return step
   go ch@(Chunks strs) = do
   let (numDots, i) = divMod (i' + sum ( BC.length strs)) 

   tryIO $ BC.putStr (BC.replicate numDots '.')
   k ch >>== loop i
   loop i' step = return step

I think, this is about the most straightforward and also the fastest


nightmare = unsafePerformIO (getWrongWife >>= sex) 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] 'Progress bar' enumeratee

2011-04-06 Thread David Hotham

An error slipped into the version below.  The line:

E.checkDone (E.continue . dotIn (count - len))

should read

E.checkDone (E.continue . dotIn (need - len))

"David Hotham"  wrote in message 


I've spent some time over the last couple of days trying to write an 
enumeratee that prints a "." every n bytes (with obvious intended use as a 
progress tracker).  Seems like it oughtn't be hard, but it has been a 
steep learning curve...

I have come up with something that seems to do the job but I don't know 
that I'm completely happy with it (or even that I completely understand 
it, to be honest).

If anyone more expert would be kind enough either to reassure me that I'm 
doing it right or - more likely - to offer improvements / suggestions on 
what obvious simplifications I have overlooked, I'd be grateful.



import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BL
import qualified Data.Enumerator as E
import qualified Data.Enumerator.Binary as EB
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO, MonadIO)
import System.IO (hFlush, stdout)

dotEvery :: MonadIO m => Integer -> E.Enumeratee B.ByteString B.ByteString 
m b

dotEvery count = E.checkDone $ E.continue . dotIn count where
  dotIn need k E.EOF = E.yield (E.Continue k) E.EOF
  dotIn need k (E.Chunks []) = E.continue (dotIn need k)
  dotIn need k (E.Chunks xs) = iter where
lazy = BL.fromChunks xs
len = toInteger $ BL.length lazy
iter = if len < need
  then k (E.Chunks xs) E.>>==
E.checkDone (E.continue . dotIn (count - len))
   else let (x1, x2) = BL.splitAt (fromInteger need) lazy
s1 = E.Chunks $ BL.toChunks x1
s2 = E.Chunks $ BL.toChunks x2
enumee = E.checkDoneEx s2 (\k' -> dotIn count k' s2)
in E.Iteratee $ do newStep <- E.runIteratee $ k s1
   liftIO $ putStr "." >> hFlush stdout
   E.runIteratee $ enumee newStep

PS Implementations which involve "EB.take count" seem to me 
unsatisfactory; one surely oughtn't need to have a large buffer to solve 
this problem
PPS I did find an implementation via mapAccumM which I consider pleasing 
enough from an aesthetic point of view - but which runs 30x slower

dotAt :: MonadIO m => Integer -> Integer -> Word8 -> m (Integer, Word8)
dotAt n s w | s >= n= do liftIO $ putStr "." >> hFlush stdout
return (1, w)
   | otherwise = return (s+1, w)

dotEvery' :: MonadIO m => Integer -> E.Enumeratee B.ByteString 
B.ByteString m b
dotEvery' n = EB.mapAccumM (dotAt n) 1 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] 'Progress bar' enumeratee

2011-04-06 Thread David Hotham


I've spent some time over the last couple of days trying to write an 
enumeratee that prints a "." every n bytes (with obvious intended use as a 
progress tracker).  Seems like it oughtn't be hard, but it has been a steep 
learning curve...

I have come up with something that seems to do the job but I don't know that 
I'm completely happy with it (or even that I completely understand it, to be 

If anyone more expert would be kind enough either to reassure me that I'm 
doing it right or - more likely - to offer improvements / suggestions on 
what obvious simplifications I have overlooked, I'd be grateful.



import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BL
import qualified Data.Enumerator as E
import qualified Data.Enumerator.Binary as EB
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO, MonadIO)
import System.IO (hFlush, stdout)

dotEvery :: MonadIO m => Integer -> E.Enumeratee B.ByteString B.ByteString m 

dotEvery count = E.checkDone $ E.continue . dotIn count where
  dotIn need k E.EOF = E.yield (E.Continue k) E.EOF
  dotIn need k (E.Chunks []) = E.continue (dotIn need k)
  dotIn need k (E.Chunks xs) = iter where
lazy = BL.fromChunks xs
len = toInteger $ BL.length lazy
iter = if len < need
  then k (E.Chunks xs) E.>>==
E.checkDone (E.continue . dotIn (count - len))
   else let (x1, x2) = BL.splitAt (fromInteger need) lazy
s1 = E.Chunks $ BL.toChunks x1
s2 = E.Chunks $ BL.toChunks x2
enumee = E.checkDoneEx s2 (\k' -> dotIn count k' s2)
in E.Iteratee $ do newStep <- E.runIteratee $ k s1
   liftIO $ putStr "." >> hFlush stdout
   E.runIteratee $ enumee newStep

PS Implementations which involve "EB.take count" seem to me unsatisfactory; 
one surely oughtn't need to have a large buffer to solve this problem
PPS I did find an implementation via mapAccumM which I consider pleasing 
enough from an aesthetic point of view - but which runs 30x slower

dotAt :: MonadIO m => Integer -> Integer -> Word8 -> m (Integer, Word8)
dotAt n s w | s >= n= do liftIO $ putStr "." >> hFlush stdout
return (1, w)
   | otherwise = return (s+1, w)

dotEvery' :: MonadIO m => Integer -> E.Enumeratee B.ByteString B.ByteString 
m b
dotEvery' n = EB.mapAccumM (dotAt n) 1 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: building unix package on windows

2008-09-08 Thread David Hotham
But the unix package isn't actually required to build HAppS on Windows.  
If you remove the dependency from the .cabal file (and also remove the 
-DUNIX build option) then you'll be fine.

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