Re: [Haskell-cafe] Analysing music

2008-06-05 Thread Dipankar Ray

a somewhat random sample of work done in this direction:

On Thu, 5 Jun 2008, Achim Schneider wrote:

The recent discussion about Markoff chains inspired me to try to
train one with all the Bach midi's I have on my disk, collecting
statistics on what intervals tend to get played simultaneously,
which follow others and in which way the pitch offsets from its mean,
so that melodies fall and raise naturally.

The rationale is that if it's Bach, it's harmonious but not respecting
any kind of usual chord progression.

So far, I got (a bit confused around the edges):

getMid mf = do
   mid - MidiLoad.fromFile mf
   return $ MidiRead.retrieveTracks mid

toMelody :: MidiMusic.T - StdMelody.T
toMelody = Music.mapNote f
   f note =
   let body = MidiMusic.body note
   in Melody.Note (MidiMusic.pitch body)

main = do
   args - Env.getArgs
   let mf:[] = args
   m - getMid mf
   putStr $ Format.prettyMelody $ Optimise.all
   $ Music.chord $ map (\m - Music.line $ map toMelody m) m

which results in
 [e 3 bn na,
[b 2 wn na,
   [hnr, d 3 wn na, hnr, cs 3 hn na, a 2 hn na,
chord [cs 3 hn na, line [b 2 hn na, c 3 hn na]

, for a set of random clicks in rosegarden's matrix editor.

Right now, I'm desperately searching for functions that can help me
analyse this beast, which afaict right now works best by having a
multitude of transformations (e.g. one big top-level chord with maximum
polyphony and a hell a lot of rests) that provide easy access to
whatever information is needed.

Does anyone of you know about previous work in this area? I don't want
to break cultural imperatives by not being as lazy as possible.

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Re[2]: The programming language market (was Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why functional programming matters

2008-01-27 Thread Dipankar Ray

Hello Jerzy and Bulat,

Thanks for your perspectives. Bulat, I can understand that you find it 
shocking that the folks at Moscow University still study Lisp, but I 
wouldn't be so quick to condemn them for being dinosaurs. After all, they 
just stopped teaching the SICP course (using Scheme) at MIT, and I don't 
believe that they replaced it with an intro to CS course that uses (say) 
Haskell or ML! Nor has Berkeley, far as I know.

...ok, I looked, the MIT intro course is now taught in python. I'll let 
you decide if that's a step up from scheme.

Which brings us back to the topic of the original thread - Simon's request 
for perspectives. The wonderfulness of advances in type theory these past 
20 years, which are appreciated so readily here - they don't seem to have 
achieved universal acceptance in industry or in academia.

What I mean by this is that if I look at the CS programs at Berkeley, MIT, 
CMU, I don't see a huge emphasis on PL. Looking now at the MIT 
opencourseware offerings in EECS, I see no undergrad course that suggests 
that you'd learn anything about modern type theory.

Of course we know here of success stories involving modern fp languages. 
But there is no haskell or ml book that has had close to the influence of 
KR's C book. One might argue that adoption on that scale is not the goal 
of the haskell community (was it Kernighan, Ritchie, or Thompson's goal? I 
think not), but still, it's weird to me that:

1) we're clearly on to something, but still

2) many smart people who are interested walk away frustrated (not so easy 
to learn (is the hardness necessary? perhaps?), relative to KR, for 

3) most of the canonical US universities for CS (MIT, Berkeley, Stanford, 
CMU, etc) basically don't teach haskell or ML, or even talk much about it, 
relative to how much they talk about, say, Java.

It's one thing that companies don't move forward; yet another thing that 
Universities don't either. Why is that? Why, in 2008, is Java taught more 
than Haskell?

On Sun, 27 Jan 2008, Bulat Ziganshin wrote:

Hello Dipankar,

Sunday, January 27, 2008, 12:16:38 AM, you wrote:

Anyway, no we're older, and we realize that it would have helped our math
understanding out quite a bit had we learned more physics, engineering,
etc. Or had we learned 19th century mathematics well. The Russian program
seems to do this, actually (at least for the sample set of kids that make
it to the US).

oh, yes, they are really still study 19th century physics, but not
because of great mind, but due to age of university professors. i've
studied at Moscow University in 89-91 and department of computer
languages still studied Lisp at those times (!). a few months ago i
have a conversation with today student and they still learn Lisp (!!!).
it seems that they will switch to more modern FP languages no earlier
that this concrete professor, head of PL department, which in 60s done
interesting AI research, will dead, or at least go to the pension

Best regards,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: The programming language market (was Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why functional programming matters

2008-01-27 Thread Dipankar Ray

thanks for the correction - very informative! that'll teach me to just go 
to the opencourseware site at MIT only...

On Sun, 27 Jan 2008, Dan Licata wrote:

On Jan27, Dipankar Ray wrote:

What I mean by this is that if I look at the CS programs at Berkeley, MIT,
CMU, I don't see a huge emphasis on PL. Looking now at the MIT
opencourseware offerings in EECS, I see no undergrad course that suggests
that you'd learn anything about modern type theory.

3) most of the canonical US universities for CS (MIT, Berkeley, Stanford,
CMU, etc) basically don't teach haskell or ML, or even talk much about it,
relative to how much they talk about, say, Java.

Not to dispute your general point, but CMU is an exception to this rule.

There's a course, taught in SML, on basic functional programming,
continuations, laziness, etc:
This course is required for all CS majors and occurs fairly early in the
sequence (freshman spring or sophomore fall).

We also have a fairly hardcore introduction to type systems and
operational semantics:
and a course on constructive logic:
These electives are taken by ~30-40 students each, so I'd guess that
somewhere between a third and a half of the undergrads go through one of

And then there are electives, either mostly undergrad, like this course
in typed compilation:
or mostly grad, like this course on logic programming (but there are
always at least a handful of undergrads in the room):

And then there are two grad-level PL distribution-requirement courses
(one on type systems, one on denotational semantics), which usually have
a few interested undergrads.  And many undergrads get involved in PL
research as well.

Maybe the real question is why so few universities have large groups of
PL faculty to teach these courses? =)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: The programming language market (was Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why functional programming matters

2008-01-26 Thread Dipankar Ray


this is a very interesting point you bring up, from my perspective.

I should point out that certain US-trained mathematicans (myself included) 
are actually quite jealous of the Russian math education system - they 
produce mathematicians who tend to be excellent in depth and breadth, who 
are both great computationally and in terms of facility with abstract 
formalism. Kontsevich, Drinfel'd, Gromov, Givental, Beilinson, the whole 
Gelfan'd school - these people are incredible on all fronts.

When I was an undergrad math major in the US, there was a clear culture of 
valueing proofs over computation. Integrals were sneered at; the more 
abstract the argument, the more representative of true mathematics it 
surely must be.

Now that I'm older I recognize that this is a special case of the 
teenager's way of declaring himself special: I'm *better* than those 
idiot physicists who are so trivial as to care about integrals. Could be 
a recent convert to jazz talking about rock, or whatever.

Anyway, no we're older, and we realize that it would have helped our math 
understanding out quite a bit had we learned more physics, engineering, 
etc. Or had we learned 19th century mathematics well. The Russian program 
seems to do this, actually (at least for the sample set of kids that make 
it to the US).

What you're telling me below is that part of this emphasis on old-world 
mathematics might have come from an arrogance/bias against computers? 
Interesting - I'll have to think about this.

I've often heard from my Eastern European colleagues that they learned 
almost nothing about computer science back home...

On Sat, 26 Jan 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

You may perhaps remember (which you won't, because you are too young) the
glorious times when computers became a reality even in Soviet Union. They
had at that time plenty of really good mathematicians. But the totalitarian
view of the science, plus the nationalistic proudness, made them (the rulers
not the scientists...) think and say that with so many good people, there
is no need to develop the programming automated tools. 
They neglected the programming languages. Russia and their satellites became
a kind of desert here not only because of economical problems... 

Jerzy Karczmarczuk

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] About scandalous teaching

2007-10-18 Thread Dipankar Ray

On Thu, 18 Oct 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dipankar Ray decided to invest himself after my last grumbling concerning
the uselessnes of recalling that Haskell may be presented in schools in
a very bad way.

sadly, I'm neither the rabbi from minsk nor the one from pinsk. I just 
happened to be on the train... an innocent bystander, I swear! ;-)

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Do you trust Wikipedia?

2007-10-18 Thread Dipankar Ray


I think that an email to Tim Gowers would yield LaTeX source for the pdf 
articles in his Princeton Companion to Mathematics, in case it has 
articles on topics you care about:

On Thu, 18 Oct 2007, Stefan O'Rear wrote:

On Fri, Oct 19, 2007 at 02:45:45AM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

PR Stanley writes:

One of the reasons I'm interested in Wikipedia and Wikibook is because
you're more likely to find Latex source code used for typesetting the
Latex is the one and only 100% tool right now.
A lot of publishers use Latex but try to get anything from them in
electronic form.

I don't understand you. WHAT YOU WANT?
1. Many articles in Wikipedia typeset math formulae as *images*, you don't
 really see the LaTeX sources. Some formulae are typed through plain HTML.

Don't forget that PR Stanley is blind.  Latex page sources are
infinitely superior to unadorned images of unknown providence.


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Re: [Haskell-cafe] On the verge of ... giving up!

2007-10-17 Thread Dipankar Ray

i fear that, at this point, this thread is a test: if I post a reply, it 
shows that I am a fool. ah well.

JK, of course there are foolish teachers out there. I don't think Felipe 
was suggesting that this teacher had the right idea, nor that he himself 
was going to stop haskelling anytime soon. But when people in relative 
power say wrong things, it makes it harder for junior colleagues (or 
students) to establish credibility, with other colleagues and students.

You may be of the opinion that such colleagues and students are fools, or 
beyond help. But I think none of us made it to the promised land of 
haskell in a vacuum - most were introduced by a friend or teacher. Seems 
to me that Felipe feels a little thwarted in his desire to pass on the 
favor to others.

Your tone suggests that it's some kind of moral weakness to want others to 
get what we're talking about, what I'd call the what do you care what 
other people think? philosophy. Of course, such a mindset can be very 
valuable, and we should all cultivate self-confidence.

Nevertheless, I think there's no shame in wanting other people to share in 
our joy - many of us are on this email list because we are 
mini-evangelists as well as lovers of haskell. on the whole, I think we 
evangelists can be a good thing for haskell, though of course we must be 
responsible scholars ourselves.

It's not clear to me that Einstein slept so well (for myriad reasons), and 
one can easily point to people who were geniuses and visionaries, who were 
miserable for much of their life (Cantor, Godel, Turing, etc). Aren't we 
all, to some degree, interested in creating a world where our ideas get 
more support? You mention MS Research supporting the Simons - well, MSR 
does so in part because both of them (and their colleagues at MSR 
Cambridge) are tireless evangelists, who are fantastically generous with 
their time, ideas, and code.

One way to go might be to code haskell in self-confident semi-secrecy, and 
demonstrate the wonderfulness of our ideas by the results it produces. 
This would be great. Another way to go is to teach others what is 
*already* known. I think we can all agree that today there is a vast gulf 
between what is considered good, professional programming, and what is 
the state of the art in CS (and specifically PL theory) today. Hence I 
suspect that the good fight can be fought on many fronts at the same time.

On Thu, 18 Oct 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Felipe Lessa writes: 

On 10/17/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We shall thus understand that a teacher who likes Fibonacci, is a
representant of of the 100% of the human population.

Sorry if I didn't understand very well the tone of your message or if
I wasn't clear enough, however what I was trying to say is that he
makes up the mind of most of his students with the idea that Haskell
is a toy language with poor performance and strange limitations. 

My tone was obviously sarcastic, and the reason is that for ANY niche
of human activity you may find lousy teachers. And - in my eyes - you
shouldn't have agreed on such a pathological example that 100% of the
human population consider Haskell a toy. Haskell is being taught in
hundreds of places. That's all. We shouldn't advertize bad teachers. 
BTW., almost 100% of humanity don't care at all about the General Theory

of Relativity. And *never did*. It didn't prevent Einstein from sleeping.
Of course, this example is as silly as it is, but not more. 

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Do you trust Wikipedia?

2007-10-17 Thread Dipankar Ray

I like wikipedia for mathematics quite a lot. However, I thought I might 
direct attention to the in-progress Princeton Companion to Mathematics:

On Wed, 17 Oct 2007, Dan Weston wrote:

I find the mathematics is more accurate on

Their facts get checked by the Almighty Himself! ;)

Dan Piponi wrote:

The mathematics is probably the most reliable part of Wikipedia.

On 10/17/07, PR Stanley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Do you trust mathematical materials on Wikipedia?

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Re[2]: Why monad tutorials don't work

2007-08-15 Thread Dipankar Ray

At this point I must mention that Tim Gowers has an excellent article on 
Tensor Products, entitled How to lose your fear of tensor products:

Tim Gowers is a pretty ok mathematician - worth taking tips from, I'd say 

On Wed, 15 Aug 2007, Dan Piponi wrote:

On 8/15/07, Dan Weston [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

You too could have invented Universal Algebra and Category Theory.
I nominate Dan Piponi to write it and eagerly await its release!

I've already started on it. Well, that's not the exact title and
subject. And as an example I'll probably use the definition of tensor
product that I linked to, not the even more compact and elegant one
that you just gave.

I'm a strong believer that lots of (but not all) tricky looking
mathematics is just fancy language for intuitions that people already
have. I suspect that most computer scientists already have much of the
intuition behind the idea of a universal property, and that it is in
fact easier to grasp for a computer scientist than a mathematician.

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Math] Category theory research programs?

2007-07-13 Thread Dipankar Ray

are you applying to computer science programs or math programs?

for category theory, you might look at where the Ken Shans of the world 
went to grad school.

for diff geo, there are a host of great places. and I don't know exactly 
what you mean by diff geo. You could be into gauge theory, in which case 
places like Imperial College, Cambridge, Oxford, Columbia, Duke, MIT come 
to mind (advisors like Donaldson, Hamilton, Morgan, Bryant, dozens I'm 
neglecting to mention). The other standard top US schools (Harvard, 
Princeton, Stanford, Berkeley, Chicago, Michigan) are all pretty strong in 
both algebra and geometry, of course (Yau, Givental, Eliashberg, etc, are 
at these schools). Other places like UT Austin, Northwestern, UIUC, UCLA, 
and even UW (University of Washington) come to mind. In Canada, UBC.

Also, you may find that your interests are closer to (say) algebraic 
geometry, which is intimately connected to the kind of diff geo that's 
done in relation to physics these days. In which case you might want to 
consider Chicago and Northwestern strongly, as these schools have amazing 
alg geo groups these days. Of course Harvard is the historical leader here 
(some have left, but Mumford, Mazur, Yau, Griffiths, Harris, Siu, Richard 
Taylor, etc), and Princeton is also incredibly strong.

Pretty much any of these schools will give you a plenty strong background 
in category theory to understand it for haskell, I'd say (perhaps this is 
overstatement, but (for example) algebraic geometers tend to become quite 
expert at category theory).

On Fri, 13 Jul 2007, Creighton Hogg wrote:

Hi Haskell,
Sorry to contribute to the noise but given that we've been talking about
categories lately, I was wondering if anyone had any opinions on good
universities for studying category theory.  I'm trying to figure out where
to apply for my phd.  I want to either be at a place with a strong category
theory program or a strong differential geometry program.


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Re: [Haskell-cafe] How Albus Dumbledore would sell Haskell

2007-05-21 Thread Dipankar Ray

(aside to Dylan T: I hope you don't mind me advertising your (well, 
public) web pages here. In my opinion a lot more people should know about 
the stuff that both you and Ken are doing!)

Here's an example of some great math being done in haskell:

(the code for this paper):

On Mon, 21 May 2007, Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH wrote:

On May 21, 2007, at 14:15 , Andrew Coppin wrote:

Henning Thielemann wrote:

I only know few mathematicians using Haskell, most of the (applied)
mathematician colleagues I know prefer MatLab.

I hate MatLab... it's horrid!

Everyone hates Matlab.  Problem is, it's hard to find anything like its 

brandon s. allbery [linux,solaris,freebsd,perl]  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
system administrator  [openafs,heimdal,too many hats]  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
electrical and computer engineering, carnegie mellon university  KF8NH

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monad pronounced like gonad?

2007-05-10 Thread Dipankar Ray

I cringe to post to a thread with this subject line, but no American 
mathematician I know would call it Moe-nad.

I think the US math consensus is Mon - ad, where mon is like the 
faux-jamaican Hey, mon, or (more to the point) monoid or monomorphism.

Sometimes Dictionaries are only as good as (their current crop of 
fact-checkers) x (current budget)

On Thu, 10 May 2007, Melissa O'Neill wrote:

Although I hate to resort to dictionaries, curiosity got the better of me and 
I find the following.

According to both Merriam Webster and the OED, monad is indeed pronounced 
exactly like gonad.  BUT, in the UK at least, there is more than way to 
pronounce gonad, so it doesn't necessarily clarify things.

In the US (according to Merriam Webster), it appears that the correct 
pronunciation is mō-nad, like joe-nad.

In the UK (according to the OED), it appears that the pronunciation is either 
mȯ-nad, like gone-bad (i.e., with an o sound like the o in lot or pot), 
or  mō-nad, like joe-nad.

So, from this information, we can conclude that to be truly international, go 
with the long O sound, and to sound more English, use the short o sound.


P.S. See for the meanings of 
the phonetic symbols ō and ȯ. (Assuming they make it through email, 
etc., which is probably unlikely, but we'll see.)

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