Re: [Haskell-cafe] Darcs users [was: New book: Real-World Haskell!]

2007-05-29 Thread Doug Kirk

I didn't say there weren't others, simply that I didn't know of any
others (I don't just go looking for things online all the
time...having a real job really gets in the way of these things)! So I
wasn't really trying to disparage darcs. But here's another statistic:

Results 1 - 50 of about 54,100 for darcs inurl:_darcs. (0.38 seconds)

Results 1 - 50 of about 995,000 for svn inurl:svn. (0.14 seconds)

That's 54,000 pages vs. 995,000 pages. That really was more my point.
(BTW, cvs is still [Results 1 - 50 of about 2,920,000 for cvs
inurl:cvs. (0.17 seconds)])

I *want* people (and companies) to move to Haskell; therefore, I want
to lower the entry price. The goal is to introduce a new language,
not a new SCM tool. You certainly wouldn't want to leave the
impression that one MUST use darcs in order to use Haskell!

On 5/26/07, Donald Bruce Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 26/05/07, Matthew Sackman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
(On the other hand, I don't know of anyone outside immediate
haskellers using Darcs.)

Good idea to get some data on this, instead of speculating. Let's do that.
A quick google reveals the Haskell crew is far from alone as users.

Here's the first 20 hits google finds:  -- Haskell  -- Haskell  -- Haskell Haskell  -- Haskell

Of which only 5/20 are Haskell repos.

-- Don
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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] New book: Real-World Haskell!

2007-05-29 Thread Doug Kirk

OTOH, I work for companies, and they really value their assets,
especially software assets. So they *want* centralized stuff, so they
can ensure they have consistent backups (in the U.S.A. there is a lot
of regulation under Sarbanes-Oxley that requires this stuff). Right
now we're using ClearCase, which I abhor because it's so
heavyweight...but it is centralized control.

And as for the workflow, svn plugins are built in (as in free beer!) to:

-Mac OS X (via DAV)
-HTML browser

and for

-Windows (if I really MUST use it)

via a download/install. So I can usually view, edit, and commit files
(or my favorite svn feature, a set of files atomically) from wherever
I happen to be working.

On 5/29/07, Jules Bean [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Doug Kirk wrote:
 No offense to the darcs creators, but

 1) Only current Haskellers use it; everyone else either uses
 Subversion or is migrating to it;

If that is true, then they have missed the point. DVC is a real win for
most workflows.

The applicable alternatives to darcs are : bzr, git, mercurial, tla.
They have different pros and cons which are discussed at length on
various blogs.

svn just doesn't make the list; it's not a comparable project, because
it's centralised. SVK is more plausible but since it is essentially a
hack to implement decentralisation on top of centralisation, it has
different design constraints than things designed from the bottom-up as


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] New book: Real-World Haskell!

2007-05-25 Thread Doug Kirk

What about a public darcs repository where people can constantly download
and review modifications? People could even send patches to the authors

I realise that everyone wants to eat their own dog food, but really,
if you want the code samples to be available to the masses, you'll use
Subversion instead of darcs.

No offense to the darcs creators, but

1) Only current Haskellers use it; everyone else either uses
Subversion or is migrating to it;
2) It's not suitable for medium- to large-scale software development
(after 24 hrs+ of importing code for a project underway, still
incomplete, I cancelled it and used Subversion, which completed its
import in 45 minutes);
3) I can browse a Subversion repository with a web browser instead of
having to download code from the repository from the command line (of
course command line is still available). Sometimes viewing a version
of a code sample online is all that is needed to answer a question,
and in that case I prefer to look instead of downloading a file that I
have to delete.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] New book: Real-World Haskell!

2007-05-25 Thread Doug Kirk

Last time I read O'Reilly's policy, it stated that you're free to
suggest an animal, but that they have a full-time person that makes
the decision on which animal is on the book.

However, the bigger issue is that anybody familiar with O'Reillys
product lines knows that their Real World series doesn't have any
animals at all!

On 5/23/07, Dan Weston [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

What power animal have you chosen for the cover of your O'Reilly book?
Alas, most of the good ones are gone already!

Donald Bruce Stewart wrote:
 Bryan O'Sullivan, Don Stewart and John Goerzen are pleased, and frankly,
 very excited to announce that were developing a new book for O'Reilly, on
 practical Haskell programming. The working title is Real-World Haskell.

 The plan is to cover the major techniques used to write serious,
 real-world Haskell code, so that programmers can just get to work in the
 language. By the end of the book readers should be able to write real
 libraries and applications in Haskell, and be able to:

 * design data structures
 * know how to write, and when to use, monads and monad transformers
 * use Haskells concurrency and parallelism abstractions
 * be able to write parsers for custom formats in Parsec.
 * be able to do IO and binary IO of all forms
 * be able to bind Haskell to foreign functions in C
 * be able to do database, network and gui programming
 * know how to do exception and error handling in Haskell
 * have a good knowledge of the core libraries
 * be able to use the type system to track and prevent errors
 * take advantage of tools like QuickCheck, Cabal and Haddock
 * understand advanced parts of the language, such as GADTs and MPTCs.

 That is, you should be able to just write Haskell!

 The existing handful of books about Haskell are all aimed at teaching
 programming to early undergraduate audiences, so they are ill-suited to
 people who already know how to code. And while theres a huge body of
 introductory material available on the web, you have to be both
 tremendously motivated and skilled to find the good stuff and apply it
 to your own learning needs.

 The time has come for the advanced, practical Haskell book.

 Heres the proposed chapter outline:

1. Why functional programming? Why Haskell?
2. Getting started: compiler, interpreter, values, simple functions, and 
3. Syntax, type system basics, type class basics
4. Write a real library: the rope data structure, cabal, building projects
5. Typeclasses and their use
6. Bringing it all together: file name matching and regular expressions
7. All about I/O
8. I/O case study: a DSL for searching the filesystem
9. Code case study: barcode recognition
   10. Testing the Haskell way: QuickCheck
   11. Handling binary files and formats
   12. Designing and using data structures
   13. Monads
   14. Monad case study: refactoring the filesystem seacher
   15. Monad transformers
   16. Using parsec: parsing a bioinformatics format
   17. Interfacing with C: the FFI
   18. Error handling
   19. Haskell for systems programming
   20. Talking to databases: Data.Typeable
   21. Web client programming: client/server networking
   22. GUI programming: gtk2hs
   23. Data mining and web applications
   24. Basics of concurrent and parallel Haskell
   25. Advanced concurrent and parallel programming
   26. Concurrency case study: a lockless database with STM
   27. Performance and efficiency: profiling
   28. Advanced Haskell: MPTCs, TH, strong typing, GADTs
   29. Appendices

 We're seeking technical reviewers from both inside and outside the
 Haskell community, to help review and improve the content, with the
 intent that this text will become the standard reference for those
 seeking to learn serious Haskell. If you'd like to be a reviewer, please
 drop us a line at [EMAIL PROTECTED], and let us
 know a little about your background and areas of interest.

 Finally, a very exciting aspect of this project is that O'Reilly has
 agreed to publish chapters online, under a Creative Commons License!
 Well be publishing chapters incrementally, and seeking feedback from our
 reviewers and readers as we go.

 You can find more details and updates at the following locations:

 * The web site,
 * The authors,
 * The blog,

 -- Bryan O'Sullivan, Don Stewart and John Goerzen.
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] COM and Haskell

2007-04-19 Thread Doug Kirk

I hate to recommend Java to Haskellers, but there is a project named
Poi at Apache's Jakarta site[1] that will allow you to (with some Java
programming) read, write, and manipulate Excel files directly. You
don't have to COM to Excel, you don't even need Excel installed! Nice
for producing spreadsheets for download from a web-based app on the

It is complete enough to do formatting, formulas, and such, but you
can see the ugly internals of the Microsoft file formats bleeding out,
or at least that was true 4 years ago.

Maybe it would be a nice project to create a Haskell version of Poi.



On 4/19/07, Paul Moore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 19/04/07, Marc Weber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There is only one library: hdirect. But I don't know its status there
 have been some posts and some authors may have chnaged it.
 I'd suggest grepping some mailinglist archives (you can find them all on or wait till someone else gives a more helpful reply ;)

I tried quite a while ago to build hdirect, and failed. It looked like
it didn't quite support the then-current GHC (6.2???) As far as I can
tell, the library hasn't been updated since, so I doubt there's much
hope. I'd love to be proved wrong...

 If you application will be only small you'll be faster using VBScript.

Or Python or Perl, or (probably, I'm not sure) Ruby. Or likely many others.

Sad, but true...

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Integrating Haskell into a J2EE environment

2004-10-05 Thread Doug Kirk
You're going to spend alot of time marshalling between Java and Haskell 
values, and you'll either have to do it via JNI or by using pipes [as 
in System.exec(haskellprogram param param param)], both of which are 
ugly for a Java app.

Have you looked at Jython and JRuby? Jython is an implementation of a 
Python interpreter in 100% Java, and JRuby implements a Ruby 
interpreter in 100% Java.

Those might get the job done faster than having to delve into the 
native layer. (Not to mention learning how to use Haskell in order to 
implement what you want--not a trivial task in itself!)

Take care,
On Oct 5, 2004, at 4:33 PM, Bhinderwala, Shoeb wrote:
Hi All,
I am new to Haskell and this mailing list.
We have a system that uses a custom high-level language to express
high-level business rules. Expressions in the high-level language get
compiled to Java bytecode. We express the grammar using BNF notation as
required by the javacc parser tool. This is then converted to an AST
using jjtree and from there we build the final Java code. Our language
could be considered a domain-specific language (DSL) and is used by our
business users to express very high-level business logic. The language
currently is very limited - we support boolean logic, function
invocations and if-then statements. We want to convert it into a more
powerful scripting language so that even lower level business logic can
be expressed in it.
I came across a few papers that talk about writing a DSL with Haskell as
the underlying support language. How is this done. Is it possible to
create a sort of domain specific business scripting language easily. How
does that then compile to Haskell code. And how can the Haskell code be
invoked from Java.
Essentially, I am thinking if I could use a Haskell like DSL language to
express our business rule logic and then be able to integrate into and
invoke the logic from a J2EE app server environment. Has anybody done
anything like this with Haskell.
-- Shoeb
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