Re: [Haskell-cafe] Best idiom for avoiding Defaulting warnings with ghc -Wall -Werror ??

2007-06-25 Thread Jaap Weel
 I've been going over my code trying to get it all to compile with
 ghc -Wall -Werror

I recently ran across what may be a good reason not to use -Wall in
combination with -Werror (and similar combinations in other
compilers), at least not as the standard build switches for software
you intend to distribute. It causes bitrot, because -Wall will in the
future turn on warnings that don't even exist yet today, and -Werror
will turn those warnings into errors. The upshot is that you can write
code that entirely follows the standard that defines whatever language
you're using (e.g. Haskell 98), and still have it break in the future,
even if future compilers adhere to the standard. If you are serious
about writing portable and durable code, you may want to avoid this.

(I ran into this problem while trying to resurrect an excellent but
unmaintained compiler written in lots of OCaml and a little C. Both
ocaml and gcc have grown many new warnings in the last few years.)



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] csv library

2007-06-20 Thread Jaap Weel
This is an announcement of something so tiny (about 100 lines of code
including comments), I'd feel bad posting it to the haskell list, so
it'll go on haskell-cafe. This was pretty much just a project for me
to learn cabal and hackage, but it may very well actually come in
useful some day.

  csv 0.1.0
CSV loader and dumper

 This library parses and dumps documents that are formatted according
 to RFC 4180, The common Format and MIME Type for Comma-Separated
 Values (CSV) Files. This format is used, among many other things, as
 a lingua franca for spreadsheets and for certain web services.



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Building Yi (and wider Cabal stuff)

2007-06-18 Thread Jaap Weel
On Sunday 17 June 2007 08:26:45 Michael T. Richter wrote:
 I'm trying to build Yi (from the darcs repository) to take a look at it.
 The README that comes with it says it's a standard Cabal project so do
 what you normally do (paraphrased slightly).

GNU autotools comes with a standard boilerplate INSTALL file to
include with your projects. There is some command you run in the
process of autoconfiscation that inserts it automatically. Maybe there
should be a standard boilerplate INSTALL file to be included with
Cabal packages.

Yesterday, I wrote and uploaded a simple Cabal package called csv
(mostly as an exercise, since it's only a screenful of code, really,
but it is actually a somewhat useful library because it saves you the
trouble of reading an RFC). I included the following INSTALL file:

 To install the package, use the standard Cabal incantations:
 runhaskell Setup.hs configure
 runhaskell Setup.hs build
 runhaskell Setup.hs install
 If you want to install into a nonstandard directory, do
 runhaskell Setup.hs configure --prefix /bla/di/bla
 If you want documentation, try
 runhaskell Setup.hs haddock

I think that simply adding those instructions would probably lower the
hurdle a bit. Maybe the Cabal could look into automatically inserting
an instructions file like that if it doesn't exist yet. Another idea
for making things more accessible is to include a shell script called
configure and a Makefile called Makefile, both of which just print the
above instructions when executed.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] OS design FP aesthetics

2007-06-18 Thread Jaap Weel
   Well, since we're on the subject and it's only the Cafe list, what is
   it that you find messy about Linux that you would want to be solved by
   some hypothetical Haskell OS?

The hypothetical Haskell OS, especially if it were targeted toward 64
bit machines, could keep processes from messing with each other by way
of language based security, and run them all in a single memory
space. (The first system to do this, I believe, was the MULTIPOP
timesharing system, but there are other precedents, too.) This would
eliminate or simplify lots of context switches and buffer copies and
memory management and other nastiness that now goes into kernels.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] OS design FP aesthetics

2007-06-18 Thread Jaap Weel
  Normally I've seen capabilities used so that you can't access
  anything you can't name.  Can you elaborate a little?

 He's saying that the language itself prevents programs from writing
 outside their address spaces

Yep. Capabilities are usually not actually unforgeable, they are just
picked from a largish key space. You can guess at them if you want to
bother. Somewhere in the Exokernel papers, there is some discussion of
this, and reference to the fact that a 64 bit capability is at least
as secure as an 8 byte UNIX password, which I suppose is a fair
assessment of the situation. 

With language based security, you can have unforgeable capabilities,
though. An example of a system based on that idea, although expressed
in different words, is

An alternative approach to unforgeable capabilities is to build them
into the hardware using a tagged architecture. There is a paper by Tom
Knight (mastermind of the original Lisp Machine) and Jeremy Brown
that is relevant here, although it actually deals with the somewhat
different problem of data dissemination control (think DRM but more
for military applications and suchlike):

Note that earlier tagged architectures, including the Knight Machine
and the K-machine, used tags mostly to speed up Lisp and not to
enforce any sort of type discipline.

 Which is a nice theory, but is dependent on the runtime not being
 buggy (I think some problems have been demonstrated with large
 arrays in GHC...).

There are three ways to deal with this. The first is the
aforementioned tagged architecture in hardware. The second is running
everything within a virtual machine that has a tagged architecture. In
both of these cases, there would be a trusted security kernel, but
you could make it pretty damn small. Unfortunately hardware is
expensive and virtual machines are slow (although people keep claiming
that they're getting better, and FPGAs are getting faster and cheaper
all the time).

The third way is to have a compiler that compiles Haskell, or any
other typesafe language, into a typed assembly language with a
sufficiently expressive type system. You can then feed TAL-annotated
binaries to the (trusted) loader. This way, you can also support
multiple programming languages while still maintaining language based
security and a small trusted security kernel, viz. the TAL type


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] OS design FP aesthetics

2007-06-18 Thread Jaap Weel
 Every capability system I've seen works like Unix file descriptors.  The
 kernel assigns capability numbers, and since the numbers are only valid
 in one process, and the only valid capability numbers are to
 capabilities your have, there is no danger caused by guessing.

You know, when I typed that, I knew I really ought to qualify it a
bit, because the word capability is used in several ways. You are, of
course, right to say that this is a common implementation of
capabilities in operating systems with multiple memory spaces, but it
does not work in a single memory space design without language
security where user processes can access the kernel tables.


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