Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: combinatorics

2012-01-31 Thread Jean-Marie Gaillourdet
On 29.01.2012, at 23:30, wren ng thornton wrote:

 On 1/29/12 5:48 AM, Roman Cheplyaka wrote:
 * wren ng  [2012-01-28 23:06:08-0500]
 Why not to make it more pure? That is, return a lazy list of Ints (but
 not a CAF), which user can throw away by the usual GC means?
 The functions from the other modules that use primes would have to be
 put in a Reader monad. That would make it a little bit more awkward to
 use, but personally I'd prefer that over memory leaks.
 I'd also prefer a more pure solution, but I don't think that the Reader monad 
 is the right tool here. I played around with that approach, but it requires 
 extremely invasive changes to client code, obfuscating what should be simple 
 mathematical formulae. And, it's too fragile, exposing the implementation in 
 a way that breaks client code should I change a non-prime-using algorithm to 
 a prime-using one, or vice versa. The fragility could be partially avoided by 
 providing both prime-using and non-prime-using algorithms, but then that 
 forces users to decide which one they want--- and if their only concern is 
 performance, then they'd have to go through the code-breaking refactoring 
 anyways, just to determine which is faster for their application.
 One alternative I'm exploring is, rather than (only) making the primes not a 
 CAF, instead make the prime-using functions non-CAFs as well. That is, 
 provide a makePrimeUsingFunctions function which returns a record/tuple of 
 all the functions, sharing a stream of primes. This way, after allocating the 
 functions, they can be used purely just as in the current model; and when the 
 client wants the primes to be GCed, they can drop their references to the 
 allocated functions which use those primes (allocating new functions later, 
 if necessary).

A slight variation on that approach is to use implicit parameters to 
parameterize your functions by the primes. Something allong the following lines:

 {-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams, Rank2Types #-}
 data PrimeTable -- abstract
 withPrimes :: ((?primes :: PrimeTable) = a) - a
 withPrimes e = e
 ?primes = ...
 factorial :: (?primes :: PrimeTable) = Integer - Integer
 factorial = ...
 example = withPrimes $ ... factorial n ….

This has the advantage that the user doesn't have to bring all the elemnts of 
your tuple/record into scope. 
And you can have two modules with an almost identical content, one uses the 
implicit primes argument and the other uses a global CAF for its primes. A user 
would only have to change his type signatures and strategically add/remove a 
call to withPrimes when switching.  


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] TCP Server

2012-01-29 Thread Jean-Marie Gaillourdet

On 28.01.2012, at 12:56, Felipe Almeida Lessa wrote:
 I find it funny that conduit is said to be an iteratee library since
 it has no iteratees!  We've had more than one iteratee library since
 at least 1.5 years with the iteratee (Mar 2009) and enumerator (Aug
 2010) packages, and AFAIK now we have four iteratee libraries: those
 two, iterIO (May 2011) and pipes (Jan 2012).  However, conduit is not
 the fifth since it has no iteratees, no enumerators, no enumeratees...
 it's a different concept, not a different implementation.

But it does try to solve the problem, doesn't it? Obviously conduit is an 
alternative to the iteratee-like packages. Why else would Yesod replace 
enumerator by conduit? That is the reason why I added it into my list of 
iteratee-like packages.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] TCP Server

2012-01-28 Thread Jean-Marie Gaillourdet

On 27.01.2012, at 00:47, Alexander V Vershilov wrote:
 Recently I asked about tcp server libraries [1] and there was only one
 answer haskell-scallable-server [2], but in that package there was some
 dependencies and server logic that are not good for my task.

A simple search for server on Hackage turned up the following packages for 
somewhat generic server infrastructure:

In issue 19 of The Monad Reader is an article discussing the design of the 
following web server:

This links might be relevant to your original question. 

 So I decided to make a library with skeletons for different types of 
 tcp servers and a basic library to make server [3]. 
 Now there is only warp based (simplified) tcp server.
 Main logic is:
  * handle new connection and start iteratee green thread
  * enumerator (library side) reads socket and send data into enumeratee 
(application side)
  * enumeratee consumes input and produces server command (now simply output)
and push it into iteratee (server side)
  * iteratee server side reads command and performs action (now simply output
 It gives application possibility to store state in enumerator.
 My questions to community:
  1). can you help to make code better ;) maybe there are some stupid mistakes
  2). is there any ideas what thing can be add to the server to make it 

I think there is still no consensus on which iteratee library is the one to 
use. There are at least iteratee, enumerator, iterIO, conduit, and pipes. The 
reusability of your libary depends on the choice of iteratee-style library you 


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] where to put general-purpose utility functions

2012-01-23 Thread Jean-Marie Gaillourdet

On 21.01.2012, at 21:20, Joey Hess wrote:

 My problem now is that as I start new projects, I want to have my haskell
 utility functions available, and copying them around is not ideal. So, put
 them on hackage. But where, exactly? It already has several grab bag utility
 libraries. The only one with much traction is MissingH. Using the others
 makes a program have an unusual dependency, which while only a cabal
 install away, would make work for distributions that want to package the
 program. I've ruled out using a couple on that basis. Doesn't encourage me
 to add another one.
 My 2000+ lines of reusable code are a grab-bag of generic utility
 functions. Looking them over (see Appendix), I could try to get portions
 into existing libraries on hackage, but it's unlikely I'd find a home
 for most of them, so I'm still left with this problem of what to do.
 I wonder if the model used for xmonad-contrib, of a big library package,
 that is very open to additions from contributors, would be helpful here?
 John, any interest in moving MissingH in this direction? I get the
 impression it's not otherwise changing much lately, and parts of it are
 becoming naturally obsolete, maybe this could inject some life into it.
 Any other thoughts you have on grab-bag utility libraries on hackage
 also appreciated.

Personally, I've always been avoiding those grab-bags of functionality like 
MissingH and other libraries. Not because I think they don't provide anything 
useful. But, because their level of maintenance is not clear to me. A rather 
large library of utility functions tends to need many dependencies on other 
hackage packages. That makes the question of maintenance even more important. 

As others have pointed out some of your functions may already exist in some 
widely used package. And other might be easy to be replaced by some idiom. 
Don't underestimate the depth of Haskell and it's well thought libraries. I am 
regularly amazed by finding some new way to combine seemingly trivial functions 
to do some non-trivial task. Every time that happens I can remove some of my 
utility functions.

Therefore, I would reuse my own collection of utility code as a separate 
repository to be included as a sub repository in other projects. Mercurial and 
Git support that very well, I am not sure about darcs' support for that. This 
approach allows you to avoid copypaste reuse and it allows you to evolve your 
personal collection at your speed without worrying for backwards compatibility 
or API changes.

Publishing a library on hackage comes --- at least in an ideal world --- with 
some commitment to document it, keep it compiling and working with a set of 
compiler and library permutations, fix bugs and so on. In short it comes with a 
commitment to maintain it. At least for some time. If you would just like to 
drop some pile of code in hope someone will find it useful. Do that, but 
perhaps there might be better places for that than hackage.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] partial type annotations

2012-01-20 Thread Jean-Marie Gaillourdet

On 20.01.2012, at 09:30, Paul R wrote:

 x :: Integer - instruction1 -- Require ScopedTypeVariables

This is still enabled by the PatternSignatures extensions. 
 Indeed, that does require ScopedTypeVariables to be enabled, but this
 basic use case is not clearly covered in the ScopedTypeVariables
 Also, it is not clear to me why ScopedTypeVariables is required at all
 here, as Integer is a literal type and not a signature-bound type

In current GHC version PatternSignatures is deprecated and instead integrated 
into ScopedTypeVariables.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] named pipe interface

2012-01-16 Thread Jean-Marie Gaillourdet

On 14.01.2012, at 12:11, Serge D. Mechveliani wrote:

 On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 12:19:34PM -0800, Donn Cave wrote:
 Quoth Serge D. Mechveliani,
 Initially, I did the example by the Foreign Function Interface for C.
 But then, I thought But this is unnatural! Use plainly the standard
 Haskell IO, it has everything.
 So, your advice is return to FFI ?
 Well, it turns out that the I/O system functions in System.Posix.IO
 may work for your purposes.  I was able to get your example to work
 with these functions, which correspond to open(2), read(2), write(2).
 I would also use these functions in C, as you did in your C program.
 Haskell I/O functions like hGetLine are analogous to C library I/O
 like fgets(3) - in particular, they're buffered, and I would guess
 that's why they don't work for you here.
   openFile toA WriteOnly Nothing defaultFileFlags
   openFile fromA ReadOnly Nothing defaultFileFlags
   fdWrite toA str
   (str, len) - fdRead fromA 64
   return str
 Great! Thank you very much.
 As I find,  Posix.IO  is not of the standard, but it is of GHC.
 Anyway, it fits my purpose.
 By  openFile  you, probably, mean  openFd.
 Another point is the number of open files, for a long loop.
 I put
  toA_IO   = openFd toA   WriteOnly Nothing defaultFileFlags
  fromA_IO = openFd fromA ReadOnly  Nothing defaultFileFlags
  axiomIO :: String - IO String
  axiomIO str = do
toA   - toA_IO   
fromA - fromA_IO
fdWrite toA str
(str, _len) - fdRead fromA 64
return str
 When applying  axiomIO  in a loop of 9000 strings, it breaks:
 too many open files.
 I do not understand why it is so, because  toA_IO and fromA_IO  are 
 global constants (I have not any experience with `do').
 Anyway, I have changed this to
  toA   = unsafePerformIO toA_IO
  fromA = unsafePerformIO fromA_IO
  axiomIO :: String - IO String
  axiomIO str = do
fdWrite toA str
(str, _len) - fdRead fromA 64
return str
 And now, it works in loong loops too
 (I need to understand further whether my usage of  unsafePerformIO  
 really damages the project).

I'd say this use of unsafePerformIO is *not* safe. E.g. a Haskell compiler is 
allowed to evaluate the right hand side of toA and fromA multiple times. If you 
aren't 100% sure that it is ok to use unsafePerformIO, don't use it!

Try something like the following:

 initIO = do
 to - toA_IO
 from - fromA_IO
 return (to, from)

 axiomIO (to,from) str = do
 fdWrite to str
 (str, _len) - fdRead from 64
 return str

 main = do
 fds - initIO
 res - axiomIO fds …

Obviously I didn't compile and test this code.

 Its performance is  9/10  of the  C - C  performance 
 (ghc -O, gcc -O, Linux Debian). 
 It is still slow:  12 small strings/second on a 2 GHz machine.
 But this is something to start with.
 I was able to get your example to work
 with these functions, which correspond to open(2), read(2), write(2).
 I would also use these functions in C, as you did in your C program.
 Haskell I/O functions like hGetLine are analogous to C library I/O
 like fgets(3) - in particular, they're buffered, and I would guess
 that's why they don't work for you here.
 Indeed. Initially, I tried  C - C,  and used  fgets, fputs, fflush.
 And it did not work, it required to open/close files inside a loop;
 I failed with attempts. Again, do not understand, why (do they wait
 till the buffer is full?).
 Then, I tried  read/write,  as it is in  fifoFromA.c  which I posted.
 And it works.
 Now,  Haskell - C  gives a hope. Nice.
 Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] GHCi with wxhaskell-dev

2012-01-12 Thread Jean-Marie Gaillourdet
On 10.01.2012, at 19:05, Dave Tapley wrote:

 I'm working on a dev branch of wxHaskell [1] and one of the new
 features is that you can use wxHaskell in GHCi (again), but I seem to
 have broken something in the process:
 Firstly: wxHaskell works in GHCi insomuch as:
 You can load the hello world sample [2] in GHCi, do  main, see the
 window spawn, close it and be returned to the GHCi prompt.
 What I'm interested in is the case where you call wxHaskell's start
 function [3] from GHCi.
 The result is becoming stuck with no way back to the GHCi prompt
 without resorting to sending kill signals.
 I made a screen cast to illustrate my findings [4]:
 1. Once you've done  start $ return () you can press ^C all you
 want, there's no way back to the GHCi prompt.
 2. If you send three (less has no effect) kills to the GHCi process it
 will exit, but it will exit GHCi as well (instead of putting you back
 at the GHCi prompt).
 3. If you do  start $ return () but *do not* try and ^C, you can
 send a single kill to GHCi and be returned to the GHCi prompt.
 My questions:
 1. Why doesn't GHCi respond to the ^C?
 2a. Why does entering ^C from within GHCi then prevent you from
 getting back to the GHCi prompt?
 2b. Why doesn't any other input (i.e. entering anything but ^C) cause
 this behaviour?
 3. If you have sent ^C from GHCi, why do you then have to kill three
 times to get out of GHCi?
 Feel free to pull the repo [1] and try it out, you'll need the latest
 dev release of wxWidgets [5] installed.

I didn't try to reproduce your problem, but are you aware of the  
-fno-ghci-sandbox flag? E.g. it helps with GLUT based programs on OS X. 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] indentation blues

2011-12-13 Thread Jean-Marie Gaillourdet

On 13.12.2011, at 08:51, Adrien Haxaire wrote:

 I don't know how the indent.hs file works for the vim mode, but as you are 
 asking for another indent.hs file, here is the link to the indent.hs file in 
 emacs haskell-mode:
 Maybe you can use it in the vim mode ?
 If not, the emacs haskell mode is nice, and coming from vim you wouldn't 
 spend much time learning emacs. there is also a vi emulator I think, though I 
 haven't tested it.

 On Mon, 12 Dec 2011 16:50:24 -0800, Martin DeMello wrote:
 The vim autoindent for haskell is really bad :( Is there a better
 indent.hs file floating around somewhere? Alternatively, is the emacs
 haskell mode better enough that it's worth my time learning my way
 around emacs and evil?

Yes, the haskell-emacs is nice. It provides two separate implementations of 
indentation engines: haskell-indent and haskell-indentation. And you can use 
emacs default indentation. I use haskell-indent because it considers the right 
indentation candidates for my coding style [1].

Regarding, your question whether this is worth switching from vim to emacs. 
I've been using both editors for some years and I very much doubt, that you 
wouldn't spend much time learning emacs. If you are comfortable with vim, 
stick with it, unless you are interested in Emacs or one of its really great 
modes: org and auctex/reftex.

Regarding, the vi emulations, I'd say they are nice should you ever be forced 
to use emacs for some time. But I don't recommend them, I've tried them all. 
They are not the real thing. Most of them are vi not vim emulators. And they 
always feel like second class citizens in emacs land. YMMW.

[1]: But I am not able to configure it to place where where I like it, 
indented by half the normal indentation width.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] indentation blues

2011-12-13 Thread Jean-Marie Gaillourdet

On 13.12.2011, at 11:43, Martin DeMello wrote:

 On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 2:34 AM, Adrien Haxaire wrote:
 Regarding, your question whether this is worth switching from vim to
 emacs. I've been using both editors for some years and I very much
 doubt, that you wouldn't spend much time learning emacs. If you are
 comfortable with vim, stick with it, unless you are interested in
 Emacs or one of its really great modes: org and auctex/reftex.
 Regarding, the vi emulations, I'd say they are nice should you ever
 be forced to use emacs for some time. But I don't recommend them, I've
 tried them all. They are not the real thing. Most of them are vi not
 vim emulators. And they always feel like second class citizens in
 emacs land. YMMW.
 Thanks for your feedback. I've never tried vim so I couldn't tell precisely.
 I thought the emulations were nice enough to save time learning emacs. If
 they are second class citizens, I agree it would be wiser to stick with vim
 yeah, i was assuming the emulations were nice enough to support my vim
 habits too. if they aren't, not even a good haskell mode would make
 emacs comfortable enough to use given my years of ingrained vim.

I am not saying they are bad, but when I returned to emacs after two years of 
using vim, I was disappointed by their functionality and especially by the 
integration between third-party emacs-modes and the vi emulations. Though, I 
believe there is some work on new vim emulators. I am not sure on their status. 
They are probably no non-brainer option, yet.

What I really liked about Claus Reinke's haskell-mode for vim was the ability 
to insert update statements with one command.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell Platform 64 bit

2011-11-28 Thread Jean-Marie Gaillourdet

On 26.11.2011, at 01:29, Philippe Sismondi wrote:

 I just tried to install the Haskell Platform 64-bit on OS X Snow Leopard 
 10.6.8. The install fails with an error. This is all I see in 
 11-11-25 6:22:01 PM   Installer[53992]The Installer encountered an 
 error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer 
 for assistance.
 Is it known to be broken? I find something in haskell-cafe archives from last 
 spring about a such a problem, but I don't know where to look for anything 
 more recent. I may be blind, but I cannot see anything in the tickets under 
 known problems.

just for your information. Currently I am using Lion, and the Haskell Platform 
64-bit installer worked fine for me. I am pretty sure it worked on Snow Leopard 
for me as well. But I can't tell anymore, since I don't have any Snow Leopard 
machines around.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Ridiculously slow FFI, or cairo binding?

2011-11-02 Thread Jean-Marie Gaillourdet
Hi Eugene,

did you try using the SPECIALIZE pragma? It is part of the Haskell 98 and 
Haskell 2010 specifications. 

On 02.11.2011, at 12:14, Eugene Kirpichov wrote:

 I made a small change in Types.chs and got my original cairo-binding-based 
 program to be just as blazing fast. The only problem I have with this is that 
 I used multiparameter type classes.
 Dear gtk2hs team! Is it possible to incorporate my changes? I'm pretty sure 
 people will be happy by an order-of-magnitude speedup. Probably the stuff 
 could be wrapped in #define's for those who aren't using GHC and can't use 
 multiparameter type classes?
 I am pretty sure I could have done the same with rewrite rules, but I tried 
 for a while and to no avail.
 FAILED SOLUTION: rewrite rules
 cFloatConv :: (RealFloat a, RealFloat b) = a - b
 cFloatConv  = realToFrac
 {-# NOINLINE cFloatConv #-}
 {-# RULES cFloatConv/float2Double cFloatConv = float2Double #-}
 {-# RULES cFloatConv/double2Float cFloatConv = double2Float #-}
 {-# RULES cFloatConv/self cFloatConv = id   #-}

See [1] in GHC User Guide.

cFloatConv :: (RealFloat a, RealFloat b) = a - b
cFloatConv = realToFrac -- or try fromRational . toRational

{-# SPECIALIZE cFloatConv :: Float - Double #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE cFloatConv :: Double - Float #-}

I did not try to compile or even benchmark this code. But I think it might help 
in your case.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: vector-bytestring-

2011-10-17 Thread Jean-Marie Gaillourdet

On 17.10.2011, at 12:14, Bas van Dijk wrote:

 On 17 October 2011 10:18, Christian Maeder wrote:
 My idea is that when vector-bytestring is as fast as bytestring, it
 can replace it. When that happens it doesn't matter if users use the
 vector interface. I would even recommend it over using the bytestring
 interface so that bytestring can eventually be deprecated in favor of

What about lazy bytestrings? I wasn't aware that vector also supports huge 
logical array which are suitable for very large io streams. I'd be glad if 
vector is also suitable for such applications. But if not, then there is still 
a need for the bytestring package in order to support streaming gigabytes of 
data in a small constant sized heap. 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ANN: global-variables-1.0

2011-10-12 Thread Jean-Marie Gaillourdet

I am pleased to announce the first public release of global-variables. A 
providing a global namespace for IORefs, MVars, and TVars.

Hackage URL:


'Data.Global' provides a global namespace of 'IORef's, 'MVar's and
'TVar's. This namespace may be accessed in pure code. Yet reading and
writing to those 'IORef's, 'MVar's and 'TVar's happens still in their
respective monads.
'Data.Global' is designed to meet the following use cases:

 * Simplify the declaration of top-level mutable variables, by
   avoiding any pragmas as well as 'unsafePerformIO'.
 * Avoid having to pass references explicitly throughout the program
   in order to let distant parts communicate.
 * Enable a communication by convention scheme, where e.g. different
   libraries may communicate without code dependencies.
 * Simplify the configuration problem - at least for code in the
   IO monad.

Note, that this library does not encourage sloppy software design by
re-introducing all bad effects of global variables. Nevertheless,
sometimes global variables are a suitable solution to a problem. In
that case Data.Global simplifies and extends their handling


 module Main where
 import Data.Global
 import Data.IORef

 counter :: IORef Int
 counter = declareIORef Main.counter 0

 main :: IO ()
 main = do
   counter `writeIORef` 1
   readIORef counter = print 

Note absence of pragmas and of unsafePerformIO!

Future Plans:

* Support discovery/traversal of existing variables

* TemplateHaskell support to generate private and unique variable names.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Fwd: [Haskell] ANN: global-variables-1.0

2011-10-12 Thread Jean-Marie Gaillourdet

Begin forwarded message:

 From: Jean-Marie Gaillourdet
 Subject: Re: [Haskell] ANN: global-variables-1.0
 Date: 12. Oktober 2011 20:27:16 MESZ
 To: Henning Thielemann
 On 12.10.2011, at 20:20, Henning Thielemann wrote:
 On Wed, 12 Oct 2011, Jean-Marie Gaillourdet wrote:
 * Simplify the configuration problem - at least for code in the
 IO monad.
 Note, that this library does not encourage sloppy software design by
 re-introducing all bad effects of global variables.
 But isn't this kind of solution for the configuration problem an example 
 for sloppy software design? If a global configuration would be passed 
 around, then you could easily use the program functions with different 
 configurations simultaneously. In contrast to that, with the global IORef 
 this is not possible.
 Well, the question whether using a  carefully documented set of global 
 configuration variables which, e.g. only affect the verbosity of logging, is 
 sloppy or not is a question I don't want to answer. But I am convinced there 
 are good reasons to use global-variables *sometimes*. If only for a temporary 
 debugging aid. In any case, an additional possibility to express design 
 intents never hurts. 
 Note, that I wrote simplify not solve the configuration problem  :-)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] type class design

2010-12-21 Thread Jean-Marie Gaillourdet

sorry for answering to such an old thread.

David Menendez writes:

 On Fri, Oct 29, 2010 at 8:33 AM, Tillmann Rendel wrote:

 Uwe Schmidt wrote:

 In the standard Haskell classes we can find both cases,
 even within a single class.

 Eq with (==) as f and (/=) as g belongs to the 1. case

 Note that the case of (==) and (/=) is slightly different, because not only
 can (/=) be defined in terms (==), but also the other way around. The
 default definitions of (==) and (/=) are mutually recursive, and trivially
 nonterminating. This leaves the choice to the instance writer to either
 implement (==) or (/=). Or, for performance reasons, both.

 While I understand the argument in general, I've never understood why
 it applies to Eq. Are there any types where it is preferable to define
 (/=) instead of (==)?

Yes for infinite data structures.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell Weekly News: Issue 155 - October 20, 2010

2010-10-21 Thread Jean-Marie Gaillourdet

On 21.10.2010, at 11:38, Ketil Malde wrote:

 Malcolm Wallace writes:
 might value HWN as a quick-summary catchup of community news.  Can you
 resume posting HWN there as well please?
 s/as well/instead/g
 I'm always getting two copies of everything in haskell@, since
 everything is cross-posted to -cafe.  Are there actually people
 subscribed to -cafe, but *not* to hask...@?  And if so, why?

Over the last year the volume of traffic in haskell-cafe has increased so much, 
that I am often not able to follow everything. Which means there are often 
hundreds of emails in my haskell-cafe folder marked as new. 

Having announcements separated or in haskell@ would be IMHO a real improvement.

If every announcement or periodic status update (as e.g. HWN) is cross posted 
then there is no need for having two separate mailinglist. And I'd assume there 
is no majority in favor of merging those two mailinglist. 

-- Jean

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Lambda-case / lambda-if

2010-10-07 Thread Jean-Marie Gaillourdet

On 06.10.2010, at 22:43, Sterling Clover wrote:

 On Oct 6, 2010, at 5:39 AM, Simon Marlow wrote:
 A slightly different suggestion from Simon PJ and myself (we agreed on 
 something syntax-related :-) is the following:
 \case 1 - f
  2 - g
 where the two-token sequence '\ case' introduces a new optional layout 
 context, the body of which is exactly the same as in a case expression.  So 
 you could also write
 \case { 1 - f; 2 - g }
 if you want.  Guards are allowed of course.
 * a bit more noisy than just \:  I'm not sure what the
  ramifications of having \ introduce a layout context
  on its own would be, but I suspect there would be difficulties.
  Certainly some existing code would fail to parse, e.g.
  (case e of [] - \x - x+1; (x:xs) - \x - x+2)
 \ introducing a layout context is a no-go because, as in the example given, 
 it breaks too much code. However, \case as described is somewhat less 
 powerful. In particular, \ with a layout context lets us have multi-argument 
 pattern matching, while both \case and case of give only single argument 
 pattern matching. I don't know if the extra functionality is that important, 
 but I don't see why we can't provide for it anyway, as in:
 \case (x:xs) n - go xs; _ n - n;

Then, there is an inconsistency between lambda-case and traditional case and 
people will start complaining about that.

Haskell98 is a very well thought out language with very few syntactiv warts. 
I'd avoid introducing new language extensions which do introduce new warts. 
Backwards compatibility is not so important, because GHC will hopefully make it 
optional. Even when an extended \{ p1 - e1; p2 - e2 } is part of Haskell 2012 
GHC will probably support Haskell 2011 as well. Therefore, I'd worry less about 
backwards compatibility, but concentrate more on consistency and elegance. I.e 
I'll favor
\p1 p2 - e1
 p3 p4 - e2

Just my 2 cents.

-- Jean___
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Ultra-newbie Question

2010-09-20 Thread Jean-Marie Gaillourdet
Hi Alberto,

On 20.09.2010, at 10:53, Alberto G. Corona wrote:

 2010/9/18 Daniel Fischer
   n_lastn n = reverse . take n . reverse
 Which is the most elegant definition, but it's an O(length list) space
 operation (as are all others proposed so far). T
 No!. You forget laziness!.  it is 0(n) with n= the parameter passed to 
 It is not  O(length list).
 the reversed and de-reversed elements are just the ones being taken , not the 
 whole list.
 (please kill me if I´m wrong. I don´t want to live in a world where beauty is 

I am afraid you are argumentation is wrong.

Let's see:

 f :: [a] - a
 f = head . reverse

This is a function running in O(n) time, where n is the length of given list. 
That is, because f has to follow at least n pointers in order to reach the end 
of the parameter list. It might be much more expensive if the list has to be 
computed, because f got only a thunk to cumpute a list instead of a finished 

Lazyness helps helps to reduce work if your input list is lazily constructed 
and your function forces the returned element. Then you don't have to force all 
elements of the list, only the last one. Let's say l = [e_0, ..., e_n]. All the 
e_i are expensive calculations.

 g :: [a] - a
 g xs = x `seq` x
 x = head (reverse xs)

In order to compute g l you only have to evaluate e_n, not all the other e_i.

Hope this helps.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Ultra-newbie Question

2010-09-20 Thread Jean-Marie Gaillourdet
Hi James,

On 20.09.2010, at 15:20, James Andrew Cook wrote:

 Lazyness helps helps to reduce work if your input list is lazily constructed 
 and your function forces the returned element. Then you don't have to force 
 all elements of the list, only the last one. Let's say l = [e_0, ..., e_n]. 
 All the e_i are expensive calculations.
 g :: [a] - a
 g xs = x `seq` x
   x = head (reverse xs)
 Can x `seq` x have any different strictness than just plain x?  I may be 
 wrong, but I don't think so.  Essentially, it's saying that when x is 
 needed, evaluate x to WHNF and then return x.

Yes, I think you are right. I was trying to force evaluation of the returned 
element. Something like that:

 {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}

 g :: [a] - a
 g xs = x
 !x = head (reverse xs)

-- Jean___
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Odd parallel haskell observations (some more numbers)

2010-08-09 Thread Jean-Marie Gaillourdet

I am no expert in web server tuning, but I will share my thoughts about your 
approach and expectations nevertheless.

On 08.08.2010, at 21:07, Alexander Kotelnikov wrote:

 So I continue to issue thousands of HTTP GET requests to a local apache
 an got some ThreadScope pictures and numbers (BTW, I all this happens on
 a 4-core machine).

So your apache configuration is very crucial for the performance figures you 
will receive from your benchmark. As far as I know web server benchmarks 
usually run continuously and report a current throughput or average latency of 
the last n seconds or something like that. 

This allows the tested web server to adapt to the kind of load it experiences. 
And the benchmarker is able to wait untill those numbers stabilize.
When you execute your program with a different number of capabilities 
(different -N settings), apache will see a different kind of load and behave 
different. This makes it hard to change your program and expect similar results.

 I would point out the following as deserving an explanation:
 1. It looks like that none of tests used resources of more than 2 cores.

This might be an indication that cpu resources are not the limiting factor in 
this benchmark. You basically bench the io capabilities of your operating 
system, your installed apache with your configuration and of your installed ghc.

Therefore, increasing available cpu resources does't lead necessarily to 
increased performance.

 2. Sometimes there is no activity in any thread of a running program
 (get.N4qg_withgaps.eventlog.png, does this mean that process is in a OS
 queue for scheduling or something else?)

 3. Without RTS's -c or -qg multithreaded run suffers from excessive GC
 4. Even with -c/-qg thread's run looks to be iterrupted too frequent.
 5. Provided that 1 requests in a row can be completed in ~3.4s I
 would expect that 4 threads might come close or even under 1s, but 1.9s
 was the best result.

A last point to consider:

Is getRequest strict? Does it internally use some kind of lazy IO? Is it 
possible that some resource aren't properly freed? Perhaps, because the library 
relies on the garbage collector reclaiming sockets? Or because the request 
aren't completely read?

I simply don't no the internall of Network.HTTP, but if it uses lazy IO it is 
IMHO not suitable for such a benchmark.

Just, my two euro cents.

-- Jean

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to browse code written by others

2010-06-15 Thread Jean-Marie Gaillourdet

On 15.06.2010, at 01:35, Luke Palmer wrote:

 On Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 2:02 AM, Jean-Marie Gaillourdet wrote:
 On 13.06.2010, at 22:32, Martin Drautzburg wrote:
 I need your advice about how to browse code which was written by someone 
 (Paul Hudak's Euterpea, to be precise, apx. 1 LOC). I had set some hopes
 on leksah, and it indeed shows me the interfaces, but I have not yet
 convinced it to show me more than that.
 I ran haddock over the sources, and again I could not see more that just
 I would be very happy with something like a Smalltalk browser. Something 
 would let me zoom down to the source code, but with search and hyperlink
 capabilities (senders and implementers in Smalltalk).
 Anyways, how do you guys do it, i.e. how to you dive into non-trivial 
 I use the following tools:
 * haddock generated docs with hyperlinked sources
 * MacVim (or just vim) with Claus Reinke's haskellmode-vim, see:
  Have a look at the screencasts to see documentation lookup, and code 
  Make sure you know how to use tags inside of vim. ghci is able to generate 
 the tagsfiles for you. This allows you to jump to definitions of   
 If you go this route, I will shamelessly promote hothasktags instead
 of ghci.  It generates proper tags for qualified imports.

That sounds interesting. Thanks for the hint.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to browse code written by others

2010-06-14 Thread Jean-Marie Gaillourdet

On 13.06.2010, at 22:32, Martin Drautzburg wrote:

 I need your advice about how to browse code which was written by someone else 
 (Paul Hudak's Euterpea, to be precise, apx. 1 LOC). I had set some hopes 
 on leksah, and it indeed shows me the interfaces, but I have not yet 
 convinced it to show me more than that.
 I ran haddock over the sources, and again I could not see more that just 
 I would be very happy with something like a Smalltalk browser. Something that 
 would let me zoom down to the source code, but with search and hyperlink 
 capabilities (senders and implementers in Smalltalk).
 Anyways, how do you guys do it, i.e. how to you dive into non-trivial foreign 

I use the following tools:

* haddock generated docs with hyperlinked sources
* MacVim (or just vim) with Claus Reinke's haskellmode-vim, see:
  Have a look at the screencasts to see documentation lookup, and code 
  Make sure you know how to use tags inside of vim. ghci is able to generate 
the tagsfiles for you. This allows you to jump to definitions of   identifiers.
* SourceGraph, it generates an HTML report of a cabal projekt or of any source 
tree. IMHO, great to get the overall picture.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] FRP demos and tutorials page

2010-05-10 Thread Jean-Marie Gaillourdet

since I never took the time to understand frp properly I thought it would be 
helpful to look at some examples. I was able to compile and run the first to 
programs after I managed to find out the dependencies. But I failed to compile 
third one. I just got the a compiler error with ghc-6.12.1 on Mac OS X 10.6, 
see below. 

Best regards,

leibniz:robot_sim jmg$ ./go 
Compiling Generator
[1 of 2] Compiling Model( Model.hs, Model.o )
[2 of 2] Compiling Main ( Main.hs, Main.o )
Linking main ...
Compiling Player
[1 of 5] Compiling ReadImage( ReadImage.hs, ReadImage.o )
[2 of 5] Compiling Sprites  ( Sprites.hs, Sprites.o )
[3 of 5] Compiling ViewSupport  ( ViewSupport.hs, ViewSupport.o )

No instance for (MatrixComponent Double)
  arising from a use of `scale' at ViewSupport.hs:32:7-11
Possible fix:
  add an instance declaration for (MatrixComponent Double)
In the expression: scale
In the definition of `scal': scal = scale

No instance for (NormalComponent Double)
  arising from a use of `normal' at ViewSupport.hs:100:9-33
Possible fix:
  add an instance declaration for (NormalComponent Double)
In a stmt of a 'do' expression: normal (Normal3 nx ny nz)
In the second argument of `($)', namely
`do { normal (Normal3 nx ny nz);
(\ ((vx, vy, vz), tcoord)
 - do { texCoord tcoord;
(zip ([q0] ++ [q1] ++ [q2] ++ [q3]) ts) }'
In the expression:
  renderPrimitive Quads
$ do { normal (Normal3 nx ny nz);
 (\ ((vx, vy, vz), tcoord)
  - do { texCoord tcoord;
 (zip ([q0] ++ [q1] ++ [q2] ++ [q3]) ts) }

No instance for (TexCoordComponent Double)
  arising from a use of `texCoord' at ViewSupport.hs:102:18-32
Possible fix:
  add an instance declaration for (TexCoordComponent Double)
In a stmt of a 'do' expression: texCoord tcoord
In the expression:
do { texCoord tcoord;
   vertex $ Vertex3 vx vy vz }
In the first argument of `mapM_', namely
`(\ ((vx, vy, vz), tcoord)
  - do { texCoord tcoord;
vertex $ Vertex3 vx vy vz })'

No instance for (VertexComponent Double)
  arising from a use of `vertex' at ViewSupport.hs:103:18-23
Possible fix:
  add an instance declaration for (VertexComponent Double)
In the first argument of `($)', namely `vertex'
In the expression: vertex $ Vertex3 vx vy vz
In the expression:
do { texCoord tcoord;
   vertex $ Vertex3 vx vy vz }

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Interpreting profiling results

2010-02-16 Thread Jean-Marie Gaillourdet

Daniel Fischer wrote:
total alloc = 165,728 bytes  (excludes profiling overheads)

 COST CENTREMODULE   %time %alloc

 CAFGHC.Handle 0.0   10.7
 CAFText.Read.Lex  0.02.1
 CAFGHC.Read   0.01.2
 square Main   0.02.8
 solve  Main   0.01.3
 show_aVx   Main   0.03.7
 readsPrec_aYF  Main   0.0   60.6
 main   Main   0.09.6
 genNumsMain   0.05.0
 cell   Main   0.01.2

   no.entries  %time %alloc   %time %alloc

 1   0   0.00.3 0.0  100.0
   186   1   0.09.6 0.0   85.6
  show_aVx   Main
   196   2   0.03.7 0.03.7
   cell  Main
   197  16   0.00.0 0.00.0
  solve  Main
   188   5   0.01.3 0.0   11.8
   genNums   Main
   189   8   0.05.0 0.0   10.4
square   Main
   194  88   0.02.8 0.03.2
   195  16   0.00.4 0.00.4
col  Main
   192   4   0.00.7 0.01.1
   193  16   0.00.4 0.00.4
row  Main
   190   4   0.00.7 0.01.1
   191  16   0.00.4 0.00.4
  readsPrec_aYF  Main
   187   3   0.0   60.6 0.0   60.6
  CAF GHC.Read
   151   1   0.01.2 0.01.2
  CAF Text.Read.Lex
   144   8   0.02.1 0.02.1
  CAF GHC.Handle
   128   4   0.0   10.7 0.0   10.7
  CAF GHC.Conc
   127   1   0.00.0 0.00.0

 Does the column 'entries' represent the number of times the function
 was called?
 Number of times it was 'entered', not quite the same as the number of times 
 it was called.
 I think (Warning: speculation ahead, I don't *know* how the profiles are 
 generated) it's 
 Say you call a function returning a list. One call, first entry. It finds the 
 beginning of 
 the list, the first k elements and hands them to the caller. Caller processes 
 these, asks 
 can I have more, or was that it?. Same call, second entry: f looks for 
 more, finds the 
 next m elements, hands them to caller. Caller processes. Repeat until 
 whatever happens 
 first, caller doesn't ask whether there's more or callee finds there's 
 nothing more (or 
 hits bottom).

Warning: speculation ahead, but is based on my knowledge on other profilers.

Many profilers work statistically, they interrupt a program at more less
random (or equal) intervals and inspect the stack, whick is of course
quite difficult in Haskell as far as I understand it. I have interpreted
the entries column as an indication for the amount of profile
interrupts which happened when a function f was on top of the stack,
whatever that means in Haskell.

The manual of GHC 6.10.4, chapter 5 states:

The actual meaning of the various columns in the output is:


The number of times this particular point in the call graph was

So for me the question remains open, is entries a precisely counted
value or a statistically determined one?

Best regards,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: I just don't get it (data structures and OO)

2007-06-06 Thread Jean-Marie Gaillourdet


On 06.06.2007, at 07:00, Phlex wrote:

So here is one more question :

Let's say I want unique System names across the Universe ... that  
would mean i need to have a Data.Map in the Universe, with Name  
keys and System values. Since all data are values instead of  
references, would i end up with two copies of each System (in  
Universe's Data.Map and in its Galaxy), or would these be shared  
somehow ? In other words, should i go for integer (or maybe access  
key/tuple) identified objects or just put the System in both  
Data.Maps it belongs to ?

That depends. In an OO world everything has its own implicit  
identity. The new operator in Java provides you with an object with a  
new and unique key which is not easy to observe. But most formal  
semantics have it. One can think of it as the address of the  
allocated object.

In FP there are no objects, there are only terms. Whether two terms  
are identically is answered by a structural traversal over the values  
and subvalues.

Now, I return to your question. What makes your objects galaxies,  
planets, stars, etc. unique? Is it their coordinate in space, their  
name, their structural position in your tree? What is it? Let's  
assume you say their names are unique. Then you only have to store a  
set of all names used in your universe.

If you want a planet which orbits around star a to be different  
form another planet that is in orbit of star b, although both  
planets are the same in every other aspect. Then you might think  
about introducing arbitrary unique integer keys.

This is similar to database design. There are those normal form laws  
[1] which guide you to improve your db schema. In database design  
there are people who introduce artificial primary keys almost always.  
Although there are natural primary keys most of the time.

I hope these random thoughts help a bit to change the perspective.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Performance and STUArrays

2007-04-23 Thread Jean-Marie Gaillourdet
Hi Dominic,

Dominic Steinitz wrote:
 I've been playing around some more trying improve the performance of the SHA1
 implmentation in the crypto library. I've isolated one of the functions and
 implemented it using

 a) unfold


 b) STUArray

 The STUArray implementation is about twice as fast but I was expecting an
 order of magnitude improvement given I thought I would have been allocating
 16 x 80 new 32 bit words with unfold but nothing with the STUArray.

 Should I have been disappointed?

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/sha12 time ./arrTest 17 STUArray  /dev/null

 sys 0m0.112s
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/sha12 time ./arrTest 17 Unfold  /dev/null

 sys 0m0.212s

 code snipped

I did not have time to look into your code yet. But the question whether
this is only a constant factor improvement or an implementation with a
different time complexity can only be researched by a series of
experiments with different input sizes. An interpretation of a series of
 results of experiments is more meaningful than just one data point.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: A question about functional dependencies and existential

2007-03-28 Thread Jean-Marie Gaillourdet
Hi Oleg and others,

 Jean-Marie Gaillourdet wrote:
 class T root pos sel | pos - root, root - sel where
f :: pos - sel - Bool
 instance T root (Any root) sel
 If that is correct, I don't understand why this instance should be to
 general, as every instantiation of root exactly determines the
 corresponding instantiation of Any root.
 The class T has two functional dependencies: pos - root and
 root-sel. I believe you are talking about the former whereas my
 previous message was talking about the latter.

But the same applies to the second functional dependency and the type
variable sel. Every instantiation of root determines the instantiation
of sel. And that forbids instance T Int (Any Int) Bool and instance T
Int (Any Int) Int inside the same scope, doesn't it?

At least, that is what I would like to express by those two fundeps.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: A question about functional dependencies and existential quantification

2007-03-27 Thread Jean-Marie Gaillourdet

 The problem is not related to existentials, so we just drop them
 {-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts -fallow-undecidable-instances #-}
 module TestCase where

 data Any root = ANY

 class T root pos sel | pos - root, root - sel where
f :: pos - sel - Bool
 instance T root (Any root) sel

 test x = f ANY x
 Hugs and GHC 6.4 both complain about the instance of T:
 Hush (September 2006 version) says
   ERROR /tmp/j.hs:9 - Instance is more general than a dependency allows
 and GHC 6.4.2 says
  Illegal instance declaration for `T root (Any root) sel'
(the instance types do not agree with the functional dependencies 
 of the class)
   In the instance declaration for `T root (Any root) sel'

As I understand functional dependencies, and I am definitely _not_ an
expert on them, they state, that given the lhs of a dependency is
instantiated, the type variables of the rhs are determined, too.
If that is correct, I don't understand why this instance should be to
general, as every instantiation of root exactly determines the
corresponding instantiation of Any root.

 I concur. The class declares T as being a ternary relation such that
 the following holds
   forall r p p' s s'. T(r,p,s)  T(r,p',s') - s = s'
 Now, the instance `T root (Any root) sel' is satisfied when
 root=Int, sel = Bool and when root=Int, sel = Int. Does it not? That
 falsifies the above proposition. In other words, the instance T is not
 functional with respect to the first and the third arguments.
 That is not surprising. What is surprising is why GHC 6.6 accepts such
 an instance?

GHC 6.6 does not accept such instances. Add the following code to the
module TestCase

 instance T Int Int Int
 instance T Int Int Bool

and you get the following error:

Functional dependencies conflict between instance declarations:
  instance T Int Int Int -- Defined at TestCase.hs:10:0
  instance T Int Int Bool -- Defined at TestCase.hs:11:0

-- Jean-Marie

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] A question about functional dependencies and existential quantification

2007-03-26 Thread Jean-Marie Gaillourdet

I am trying to do something like the following:

 {-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts -fallow-undecidable-instances #-}
 module TestCase where

 data Any root = forall pos sel . T root pos sel = ANY pos

 class T root pos sel | pos - root, root - sel where
f :: pos - sel - Bool

 instance T root (Any root) sel where
f (ANY p) s = f p s

There is a multi-parameter type class T with some functional
dependencies. And I want do define an almost general type for T, Any
root. I would like to have that type in T as well. But ghc is not able
to type check f. It gives:

 Couldn't match expected type `sel1' (a rigid variable)
against inferred type `sel' (a rigid variable)
   `sel1' is bound by the pattern for `ANY' at TestCase.hs:10:7-11
   `sel' is bound by the instance declaration at TestCase.hs:9:0
 When using functional dependencies to combine
   T root pos sel, arising from use of `f' at TestCase.hs:10:18-22
   T root pos sel1,
 arising from is bound by the pattern for `ANY'
at TestCase.hs:10:7-11
 at TestCase.hs:10:7-11
 In the pattern: ANY p
 In the definition of `f': f (ANY p) s = f p s

I think sel1 and sel are equal, because the root in the type of (ANY
p) on the left side is the same as the root of the type of f p s on
the right side. From that should follow with help of the functional
dependency that sel1 and sel are the same types. Do I misunderstand the
type system or is that a weakness of GHC? Or am I trying to do something

I have a solution that involves requiring sel to be in Typeable and
using cast and I never came across a runtime error, so far. Is there a
better way to express that?

Any enlightenment is appreciated.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A question about functional dependencies and existential quantification

2007-03-26 Thread Jean-Marie Gaillourdet

thanks for your quick answer. Do you have any predictions when System
F_c in GHC will be available for usage?


Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
 What you want to do is perfectly reasonable -- but it cannot be translated 
 into System F and that's why GHC rejects it.
 GHC now has a richer intermediate language that *can* handle this; see our 
 Manuel and Martin and I are now working on the *source*-language aspects, 
 incl type inference.  When we are done, we'll be able to compile your 
 program, or at least one very like it.
 So, stay tuned.  Meanwhile thank you for the example.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list