[Haskell-cafe] ANN: 11th GhentFPG Meeting Tuesday, 20th of March: Final Program

2012-03-04 Thread Jeroen Janssen
(apologies if you receive multiple postings)

Dear all,

The program and *new location* for the 11th GhentFPG meeting has been 
determined. The meeting will take place on Tuesday, the 20th of March at 19:30 
in auditorium V1 of building S9 at Campus De Sterre (Krijgslaan 281, 9000 
Gent). We will post signs at building S9 to guide you towards the auditorium.

The program is as follows:

1. Jasper Van der Jeugt: digestive-functors 0.3

Formlets are a way of building HTML forms that are type-safe, handle
errors, abstract and are easy to combine into bigger forms. I present
the digestive-functors library, a formlets implementation which solves
a number of issues with the original formlets library, such as
annotation of errors, labelling, and separation of the validation
model from the actual HTML output.

2. Jeroen Janssen: the typeclassopedia.

This is part of a new type of talks we are going to try with GhentFPG.
Each meeting we would like to introduce you to some of the important
papers in the world of FP. This meeting I am going to introduce you to the
brilliant "Typeclassopedia" paper. This paper, which originally appeared
in the monad reader issue 13, introduces many of the important typeclasses
in the Haskell standard library and explains how they are interrelated, both in
a formal fashion as in a practical fashion.

Hope to see you all there!

The GhentFPG Organizing Committee.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] 11th GhentFPG meeting: Tuesday 20th of March at 19:30h. Location and program TBA shortly.

2012-02-20 Thread Jeroen Janssen
(apologies if you receive multiple postings)

Dear all,

The date has been decided and the 11th GhentFPG meeting will take place on
Tuesday, the 20th of March at 19:30h. Note that due to organizational
issues, we will be moving to a different location (still in Ghent though!).
The program and exact location will be communicated shortly. We have two
talks lined up and thus have room for one extra lightning talk, so if you
have something to talk about do not hesitate to contact one of the

Kind Regards,
The GhentFPG organizing committee.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] 8th Ghent Functional Programming Group Meeting on Thursday, the 30th of June, 2011

2011-06-16 Thread Jeroen Janssen
(apologies if you receive multiple postings)

Dear All,

We are pleased to announce the 8th Ghent Functional Programming Group 
(GhentFPG) meeting, which takes place on Thursday, the 30th of June, 2011 at 
19:30 in the Technicum building of Ghent University (Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 
41, 9000 Gent). As before, the electronic sliding doors will be locked, but a 
phone number that you can call to get in will be provided at the doors on the 
far left of the building.

The structure of the meeting is a bit different than before: we begin with two 
short talks and end with a small problem solving activity where everyone tries 
to solve a given problem in his favorite functional language. The exact problem 
will be given at the meeting. The abstracts for the talks are as follows:

Pieter Wuille

I'll talk about the monadic constraint programming (MCP) framework, and in
particular the Finite Domain layer i've developed for it. As explained by Tom
Schrijvers in a previous talk, MCP is a general Haskell framework for Constraint
Programming (CP), allowing users to search for assignments to variables that
satisfy given constraints, while abstracting from the actual algorithm used to
find these solutions.

Finite Domain problems are a subset of CP where the variable's initial domains
are finite, typically small integers. Problems that can be expressed elegantly
in FD include Sudoku and N-Queens. MCP's FD layer provides an embedded Domain
Specific Language (DSL) to describe these problems declaratively, some backend
solvers, and an intermediate translation layer.  I'll introduce the features and
possibilities of the system by showing some examples, and explain some
implementation details along the way.

Jasper Van der Jeugt

I will give a talk about the techniques and patterns used in the Text library.
Text is quickly becoming the de-facto standard type for presenting
human-readable text in Haskell.  My current work focuses on improving the
performance of this library by porting the internally used encoding from UTF-16
to UTF-8.

The talk will present a high-level overview of some tools and techniques to
study and improve the performance of a Haskell program, including: strictness
analysis, pitfalls for benchmarking, fusion frameworks, unboxed type
representations, and GHC core.

If you would like to receive updates on our activities, you can follow us on 
twitter (@ghentfpg), google groups 
(http://groups.google.com/group/ghent-fpg?pli=1) or linked.in 

Hope to see you there!

Andy Georges
Jasper Van der Jeugt
Jeroen Janssen
The GhentFPG Organizing Committee
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Fwd: Functional Programming in Industry Symposium: update correction

2010-10-26 Thread Jeroen Janssen
Dear all,

The link provided below is incorrect.
The correct link is 

Sorry for your inconvenience.

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Jeroen Janssen 
> Date: 26 oktober 2010 18:30:58 GMT+02:00
> To: ghent-...@googlegroups.com
> Cc: haskell-cafe@haskell.org, le...@zeus.ugent.be
> Subject: Functional Programming in Industry Symposiun: update
> Dear all,
> For organizatorial reasons, we would like to ask that everyone interested in 
> attending the symposium on functional programming in industry (see below) 
> registers at 
> https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Ak5F96CGaVoJdFVsNWZPWTdyT3NYOWRnT25GUzdJSFE&hl=en#gid=0
> Kind Regards,
> The GhentFPG Organizing Committee
> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: Jeroen Janssen 
>> Date: 25 oktober 2010 23:25:32 GMT+02:00
>> To: ghent-...@googlegroups.com
>> Bcc: haskell-cafe@haskell.org, cic...@elis.ugent.be, le...@zeus.ugent.be
>> Subject: Functional Programming in Industry
>> Dear all,
>> I am pleased to announce to you that, on the occasion of BelHac, the first 
>> Belgian Haskell Hackathon from 5-7 Nov 2010, the Ghent Functional 
>> Programming Group is organizing a symposium on "Functional Programming in 
>> Industry", to which you are all cordially invited. These talks will be held 
>> on Friday, November 5th at 17:00 in the Jozef Plateauzaal in the Plateau 
>> building of Ghent University (Jozef Plateaustraat 22, 9000 Gent). The 
>> program is as follows:
>> - Duncan Coutts* (Well-Typed, http://www.well-typed.com/, BelHac sponsor) 
>> who will be talking on how Well-Typed are providing consultancy services for 
>> Haskell, a pure functional programming language.
>> - Romain Slootmaekers (Incubaid, http://www.incubaid.com, BelHac sponsor) 
>> who will be talking on the use of functional programming in Incubaid, a 
>> company based in the Ghent area.
>> - Don Stewart (Galois, http://www.galois.com) who will be talking on how 
>> Galois is using Haskell in many of their projects, including government 
>> contracts.
>> The talks will be followed by a reception to which all attendees are 
>> cordially invited.
>> * Actual speaker has yet to be confirmed, but the talk will take place.
>> Kind Regards,
>> The GhentFPG Organizing Committee.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Functional Programming in Industry Symposiun: update

2010-10-26 Thread Jeroen Janssen
Dear all,

For organizatorial reasons, we would like to ask that everyone interested in 
attending the symposium on functional programming in industry (see below) 
registers at 

Kind Regards,
The GhentFPG Organizing Committee

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Jeroen Janssen 
> Date: 25 oktober 2010 23:25:32 GMT+02:00
> To: ghent-...@googlegroups.com
> Bcc: haskell-cafe@haskell.org, cic...@elis.ugent.be, le...@zeus.ugent.be
> Subject: Functional Programming in Industry
> Dear all,
> I am pleased to announce to you that, on the occasion of BelHac, the first 
> Belgian Haskell Hackathon from 5-7 Nov 2010, the Ghent Functional Programming 
> Group is organizing a symposium on "Functional Programming in Industry", to 
> which you are all cordially invited. These talks will be held on Friday, 
> November 5th at 17:00 in the Jozef Plateauzaal in the Plateau building of 
> Ghent University (Jozef Plateaustraat 22, 9000 Gent). The program is as 
> follows:
> - Duncan Coutts* (Well-Typed, http://www.well-typed.com/, BelHac sponsor) who 
> will be talking on how Well-Typed are providing consultancy services for 
> Haskell, a pure functional programming language.
> - Romain Slootmaekers (Incubaid, http://www.incubaid.com, BelHac sponsor) who 
> will be talking on the use of functional programming in Incubaid, a company 
> based in the Ghent area.
> - Don Stewart (Galois, http://www.galois.com) who will be talking on how 
> Galois is using Haskell in many of their projects, including government 
> contracts.
> The talks will be followed by a reception to which all attendees are 
> cordially invited.
> * Actual speaker has yet to be confirmed, but the talk will take place.
> Kind Regards,
> The GhentFPG Organizing Committee.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Functional Programming in Industry

2010-10-25 Thread Jeroen Janssen
Dear all,

I am pleased to announce to you that, on the occasion of BelHac, the first 
Belgian Haskell Hackathon from 5-7 Nov 2010, the Ghent Functional Programming 
Group is organizing a symposium on "Functional Programming in Industry", to 
which you are all cordially invited. These talks will be held on Friday, 
November 5th at 17:00 in the Jozef Plateauzaal in the Plateau building of Ghent 
University (Jozef Plateaustraat 22, 9000 Gent). The program is as follows:

- Duncan Coutts* (Well-Typed, http://www.well-typed.com/, BelHac sponsor) who 
will be talking on how Well-Typed are providing consultancy services for 
Haskell, a pure functional programming language.
- Romain Slootmaekers (Incubaid, http://www.incubaid.com, BelHac sponsor) who 
will be talking on the use of functional programming in Incubaid, a company 
based in the Ghent area.
- Don Stewart (Galois, http://www.galois.com) who will be talking on how Galois 
is using Haskell in many of their projects, including government contracts.

The talks will be followed by a reception to which all attendees are cordially 

* Actual speaker has yet to be confirmed, but the talk will take place.

Kind Regards,
The GhentFPG Organizing Committee.___
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Fourth Ghent Functional Programming Group Meeting on Thursday, Oct 7th: Program, Final Details and BelHac Commercial

2010-09-30 Thread Jeroen Janssen
(apologies if you receive multiple copies)

Dear All,

We are pleased to announce that the fourth Ghent Functional Programming Group 
(GhentFPG) meeting will take place on Thursday, October 7th, at 19h in the 
Technicum building of Ghent University (Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41, 9000 Gent). 
As before, you should enter through the electronic sliding doors on the left. 
The doors will be locked, but there will be a sign with a number that you can 
call to get in.

The final program for our fourth meeting is as follows:

1. Stijn Timbermont - Mapping Interpreters onto Runtime Support

When constructing an interpreter, it is hard to achieve a concise and abstract 
definition of the language semantics and at the same time have sufficient 
control over how the underlying runtime support is implemented. We illustrate 
with a number of examples that gaining more control over runtime support 
implementation forces us to adopt a more machine-like interpreter structure. 
This is problematic for reuse and evolution of interpreters. We present a 
solution to this problem that automates this restructuring of interpreters. The 
solution is based on three cornerstones: the theory of defunctionalized 
interpreters, effect-driven transformations and generic programming. It allows 
us to start from a concise and abstract definition of the language features and 
automatically transform it into a more machine-like form that allows for a 
customized runtime support implementation to be integrated.

2. Tom Schrijvers - Dictionaries: Eager or Lazy Type Class Witnesses?

Type classes are Haskell’s acclaimed solution to ad-hoc overloading.
This talk gives an introductory overview of type classes and their
runtime witnesses, dictionaries.
It asks the questions whether dictionaries should abide by Haskell’s
default lazy evaluation strategy.

   Conceptually, a type class is a type-level predicate: a type is an
   instance of a type class iff it provides an implementation for
   overloaded functions. For instance, `Eq a’ declares that type `a’
   implements a function `(==) :: a → a → Bool’ for checking equality.

   Type classes are used as constraints on type variables, in so-called
   constrained polymorphic functions. E.g. `sort :: Ord a => [a] → [a]’
   sorts a list with any type of elements `a’ that are an instance of the
   Ord type class, i.e. provide implementations for comparison.

Witnesses for type class constraints are necessary to select the
appropriate implementation
for the overloaded functions at runtime. For instance, if `sort’ is
called with Int elements,
the Int comparison must be used, versus say Float comparison for Float elements.

Two forms of witnesses have been considered in the literature, runtime
type representations
and so-called dictionaries, of which the latter are the most most
commonly implementation,
e.g., in GHC . Haskell implementations treat dictionaries just like
all other data, as lazy values
that may potentially consists of non-terminating computations. This
way part of the type checker’s
work, who has made sure that the dictionaries do exist, is simply forgotten.
Is this really necessary?

3. Dominique Devriese - Grammar Combinators - A new model for shallow parser 

Parser combinator libraries are a well-known alternative to parser
generators in the functional programming community. However, their
power is currently fundamentally limited by their representation of
recursion in context-free grammars. We present the grammar-combinators
Haskell library which removes these limitations, and brings some other
advantages (semantic value family polymorphism, natural concepts). In
this talk, I will briefly explain the motivation for the library, and
then present our approach and some of its most important aspects in a
live demonstration and finish with a discussion.

Last, note that GhentFPG is organizing the first Belgian Haskell Hackathon, 
called BelHac, on 5-7 November 2010. The fifth GhentFPG meeting will take place 
at BelHac and will focus on talks concerning the use of functional programming 
in industry.
More info will be provided soon.

As usual, if you want get all the latest info on GhentFPG, you can subscribe to 
our google group (http://groups.google.com/group/ghent-fpg) or follow us on 
twitter (@ghentfpg).

Hope to see you at both of these events!

The GhentFPG Organizing 
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Fourth (and Fifth) GhentFPG Meeting: Date and Call for Talks

2010-08-31 Thread Jeroen Janssen
(apologies if you receive multiple copies)

Dear all,

We would like to announce that the fourth meeting of the Ghent Functional 
Programming Group will be held on Thursday, October 7th at 19h. The location 
will again be the Technicum building of Ghent University 
(Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41, 9000 Gent).
Anyone is free to give a talk, so if you feel like giving one, just contact 
jejan...@gmail.com. The final program will be announced in a few weeks.

Finally, we would also like to remind you that GhentFPG is organizing BelHac, a 
Haskell hackathon on 5-7 November 2010. More details can be found at 
The fifth GhentFPG meeting will take place at this hackathon, so if you plan on 
going, and feel like giving a talk at this fifth meeting, just contact me. We 
would be more than happy to have some international speakers at our meeting!

Hope to see you then,
The GhentFPG Organizing 
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Third Ghent FPG Meeting on Tuesday, June 29: Final Program

2010-06-20 Thread Jeroen Janssen
(apologies if you receive multiple copies)

Dear all,

We have finalized the program for the third Ghent FPG Meeting on Tuesday, June 
29 in the Technicum building of Ghent University (Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41, 
9000 Gent) at 19h. As before, to enter the building, you should go to the 
automatic sliding door on the far left of the building and dial the phone 
number provided on the note that is taped to the door. Someone will then open 
the door for you.

The program is as follows:

1. Pierre Carbonnelle - Declarative programming for Business Logic - a new
Open-source project

Declarative programming has made major
inroads in the Presentation and Persistence layers of applications,
with HTML, CSS and SQL.  Why has it not been popular in the Business
Logic layer of applications ?  Pierre Carbonnelle, an engineer with 20
years of experience in the IT industry, will present a new open source
project, "Yoopf", that aims to fix this gap.  It uses the "formula-
based" models of spreadsheets for the development of business
applications, with a particular emphasis on the Google App Engine
platform.  Research opportunities will be discussed.

2. Tom Schrijvers - Monadic Constraint Programming

A constraint programming system combines two essential components: a
constraint solver and a search engine. The constraint solver reasons
about satisfiability of conjunctions of constraints, and the search
engine controls the search for solutions by iteratively exploring a
disjunctive search tree defined by the constraint program. We give a
monadic definition of constraint programming where the solver is
defined as a monad threaded through the monadic search tree. We are
then able to define search and search strategies as first class
objects that can themselves be built or extended by composable search
transformers. Search transformers give a powerful and unifying
approach to viewing search in constraint programming, and the
resulting constraint programming system is first class and extremely

This is joint work with Peter Stuckey (University of Melbourne) and
Philip Wadler (University of Edinburgh).

3. Wouter Kampmann, Lieven Lemiengre - Lightning Talk on Scala

Hope to see you there!

Bart Coppens (bart.copp...@elis.ugent.be)
Jeroen Janssen (jejan...@gmail.com)
Jasper Van der Jeugt (jasper...@gmail.com)
The Ghent FPG organizing 
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Third Ghent Functional Programming Group Meeting: Tuesday, June 29 at 19h

2010-06-01 Thread Jeroen Janssen
(apologies if you receive multiple copies)

Dear all,

We would like to announce that the third Ghent Functional Programming Group 
Meeting will take place on Tuesday, June 29, in the Technicum Building 
(Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41, 9000 Gent) of Ghent University at 19h. If you are 
interested in giving a talk, please do not hesitate to drop us a note! The 
final program will be announced shortly.

For more information you can follow us at twitter (@ghentfpg) or sign up for 
our google group (http://groups.google.com/group/ghent-fpg).

Hope to see you all then,

Bart Coppens (bart.copp...@elis.ugent.be; Twitter: @bartcopp)
Jasper Van der Jeugt (jasper...@gmail.com; Twitter: @jaspervdj)
Jeroen Janssen (jejan...@gmail.com; Twitter: @jejansse)

Note: if you do not want to receive any more e-mails from Ghent FPG, just send 
an e-mail to Jeroen Janssen (jejan...@gmail.com) and we will remove you from 
our mailinglist.___
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Second Ghent Functional Programming Group Meeting: Date and Call for Talks

2010-04-24 Thread Jeroen Janssen
(apologies if you receive multiple copies)

Dear all,

The second Ghent Functional Programming Group (Ghent FPG) meeting takes place 
on Thursday, May 13 at 19:00 in the Technicum building of Ghent University 
(Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41, 9000 Gent). We have a number of 20-minute 
timeslots (excluding questions) available for talks, so if you are interested 
in giving a talk you can e-mail Jeroen Janssen (jejan...@gmail.com). The final 
program will be announced shortly.

Hope to see you all then,
Bart Coppens (bart.copp...@elis.ugent.be; Twitter: @BartCopp)
Jasper Van der Jeugt (jasper...@gmail.com; Twitter: @jaspervdj)
Jeroen Janssen (jejan...@gmail.com; Twitter: @jejansse)

Note: if you do not want to receive any more e-mails from Ghent FPG, just send 
an e-mail to Jeroen Janssen (jejan...@gmail.com) and we will remove you from 
our mailinglist.___
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] First Ghent FPG Meeting on April 1, 19h: Program and Final Details

2010-03-28 Thread Jeroen Janssen
Dear all,

We are nearing the First Ghent Functional Programming Group (Ghent FPG) 
Meeting, and, judging by the number of people that registered on the google 
form (28!), it will be quite crowded! The final formal program is as follows:

1. Jeroen Janssen - Welcome and short introduction to FP
2. Jasper Van der Jeugt - "BlazeHtml: a blazingly fast Html generator in 
3. Tom Schrijvers - "Functional Pearl: The Monad Zipper"
4. Romain Slootmaekers - "Functional Programming at Amplidata" (not yet fully 
5. Denis Defreyne, Pieter De Baets - "An introduction to Phunctional 
6. Short discussion on the direction of the Ghent Functional Programming Group

The meeting takes place on Thursday, April 1, starting at 19h, in meeting room 
"Shannon" of the Technicum Building of Ghent University 
(Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41, 9000 Gent). Since the automatic sliding doors will 
be closed, we will put up a note on the sliding doors on the front left, with a 
phone number you can call to get in. If you are uncertain whether you'll be 
able to find the venue, just ask for our cellphone number by e-mail, so you can 
call us if you get lost.

Hope to see you all on Thursday,
Bart Coppens (bart.copp...@elis.ugent.be)
Jeroen Janssen (jejan...@gmail.com)
The Ghent FPG organizing committee.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Ghent Functional Programming Group: First Meeting on April 1, 2010

2010-03-01 Thread Jeroen Janssen
Dear All,

The results of the doodle are in, and the result is that the first meeting of 
the Ghent Functional Programming Group will be held on April 1, 2010 at 7pm in 
meeting room "Shannon" in the Technicum building (Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41, 
9000 Gent) of Ghent University. The automatic doors will be closed at this 
time, but we will attach a notice with the telephone number of the meeting 
room at the front door in the outer left of the building, so you can call us 
to let you in.

We would like to ask anyone even remotely considering to participate to fill 
in the following Google form:


Filling in this form does not commit you to anything, but merely serves as an 
indication of the number of participants for our sake. We will also only be 
sending follow-up mails with the final program etc. to the persons that have 
registered. If you do not intend to come to this first meeting, but wish to be 
updated on our activities, you can follow us on Twitter:


or you can sign-up for our Google group:


Our current program already contains one talk by Tom Schrijvers entitled 
"Functional Pearl: The Monad Zipper", with the following abstract:

"This pearl aims to demonstrate the application of Huet's zipper to the
monad stack
for the development of highly modular programs."

Anyone willing to give a talk on a subject that fits the scope can e-mail us 
with a proposed topic, no matter what experience level you have, or no matter 
how short or long the talk will be.

Kind Regards,
Bart Coppens
Jeroen Janssen
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Functional Programming User Group Ghent

2010-02-22 Thread Jeroen Janssen
On 22-feb-2010, at 10:37, Sean Leather wrote:
> I think the Dutch Haskell Users Group [1] has met with great success by 
> establishing English as the lingua franca from the beginning. My impressions 
> are that we attract numerous foreign visitors (including university staff and 
> students) and that we have not discouraged very many native Dutch speakers. 
> Of course, being a foreigner who also has trouble with the local language, I 
> admit being somewhat biased in this matter.

Thanks for the input! Like I said, we're not really planning it as a Dutch-only 
group, thus maybe really proposing English as the lingua franca (unless no 
non-native speakers are not there) isn't such a bad idea.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Functional Programming User Group Ghent

2010-02-22 Thread Jeroen Janssen
On Monday 22 February 2010 08:59:44 minh thu wrote:
> [moving to café from haskell]
> 2010/2/21 Jeroen Janssen :
> > Dear all,
> > We are in the progress of starting up a Functional Programming User Group
> > in Ghent. The basic idea of the group is to have occasional informal
> > meetings where people can give talks, where we have invited speakers,
> > where we go to a bar to chat about all things Functional Programming, to
> > organize Haskell Hacking events etc.
> > To see if enough people would be interested in such a group, and to make
> > the organizing process of the first meeting easier, we would like to ask
> > anyone interested to tick off the dates he/she is available on the
> > Doodle-page provided below. Note that the indicated time is only a rough
> > guideline; if you would prefer another time of day, you can indicate this
> > in the Comments section of the Doodle.
> > http://www.doodle.com/xq2i5hsueidwkh2f
> > If enough people are interested, and a date is decided upon, we will
> > e-mail the Haskell list once more to confirm the date and give anyone who
> > was interested, but could not fill in the doodle, a chance to be present.
> > Also, this ensures that you do not have to leave your e-mail address on
> > Doodle. If you have any questions, do not hecessitate to contact one of
> > us at either bart.copp...@ugent.be
> > jejan...@gmail.com
> > Kind Regards,
> > Bart Coppens
> > Jeroen Janssen
> Hi Jeroen,
> Great, a fp user group in Belgium! Alas my dutch is too rusty too even
> understand the Doodle poll description. Is the group planned only for
> dutch-speaking programmers ?

Hi Thu,

We're not planning it as a strictly Dutch-speaking event, so you are more than 
welcome. I will update the Doodle so it is in English, my apologies!

Kind Regards,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list