Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Allowing hyphens in identifiers

2009-12-11 Thread Johannes Laire
On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 12:54 AM, Richard O'Keefe wrote:
 Given the amazinglyUglyAndUnreadably baStudlyCaps namingStyle that
 went into Haskell forNoApparentReasonThatIHaveEverHeardOf


someCoolFunc fstParam sndParam fooBarBazQuux
some_cool_func fst_param snd_param foo_bar_baz_quux

In the first one, it's easy to see that there are 4 identifiers. But,
at least for me, the second one is significantly harder to read;
spaces and underscored are too similar. So, while underscores more
clearly separate words in a single *identifier* and make it easier to
read, in some cases I think they make *code* with many identifiers
harder to read for exactly the same reason.

In languages where function application looks like f(x,y,z) instead
of f x y z this isn't a problem and I often use underscores.

Johannes Laire
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How i use GHC.Word.Word8 wit Int ?

2009-05-19 Thread Johannes Laire
On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 3:40 AM, wrote:
 Hi, friends

 rollDice :: Word8 - IO Word8
 rollDice n = do
   bracket (openFile /dev/random ReadMode) (hClose)
       (\hd - do v -  fmap B.unpack (B.hGet hd 1)
                  let v1 =  Data.List.head v
                  return $ (v1 `mod` n) + 1)
 blueIdx - rollDice $ length [1..33]

 Couldn't match expected type `Word8' against inferred type `Int'
   In the second argument of `($)', namely `length yesBlue

 I know length [1..33] is Int not Word8, but Word8 is enough here.

Word8 is an instance of Num, so you could use
Data.List.genericLength, which has the type:

genericLength :: Num i = [b] - i

Johannes Laire
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Error: Improperly terminated character constant

2008-05-11 Thread Johannes Laire
Single quotes are for characters, double quotes are for strings. So
change 'es' to es.

Johannes Laire

2008/5/11 Ivan Amarquaye [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I'm writing a function dRop to accept words ending in 'es' and drop the last
 two characters i.e. 'es'.eg. mangoes - mongo but i keep on getting this
 error: Improperly terminated character constant after running this code
 which i have left below. Can i get any form of help from anyone in here...?


  dRop :: String - String
  dRop word = if  drop (length word - 2) word == 'es'
   then take (length word - 2) word
   else word



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