Re: [Haskell-cafe] TypeLits Typeable

2013-08-26 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
Hi Nicolas,

It's not intentional, but Iavor is aware of this, and we want to change it.
I'm CC-ing him as he might know more about what the current plan is.


On Sat, Aug 24, 2013 at 3:20 PM, Nicolas Trangez nico...@incubaid.comwrote:

 Hello Cafe,

 I was playing around with TypeLits in combination with Typeable (using
 GHC FWIW), but was surprised to find Symbols aren't
 Typeable, and as such the following doesn't work. Is this intentional,
 or am I missing something?



 {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds,
  DeriveDataTypeable #-}
 module Main where

 import Data.Typeable
 import GHC.TypeLits

 data NoSymbol n a b = NoSymbol a b
   deriving (Typeable)

 data WithSymbol (n :: Symbol) a b = WithSymbol a b
   deriving (Typeable)

 data Sym
   deriving (Typeable)

 main :: IO ()
 main = do
 print $ typeOf (undefined :: NoSymbol Sym Int Int)

 let d = undefined :: WithSymbol sym Int Int
 print $ typeOf d

 No instance for (Typeable Symbol sym)
   arising from a use of 'typeOf'

 return ()

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Rank N Kinds

2013-07-29 Thread José Pedro Magalhães

On Fri, Jul 26, 2013 at 10:42 PM, Wvv wrote:

 First useful use is in Typeable.
 In GHC 7.8
 class Typeable (a::k) where ... == class Typeable (a ::**) where ...

 But we can't write
 data Foo (a::k)-(a::k)-* ... deriving Typeable

Why not? This works fine in 7.7, as far as I know.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Typeable typeclass and type-level naturals

2013-06-06 Thread José Pedro Magalhães

On Wed, Jun 5, 2013 at 11:21 PM, TP wrote:

 José Pedro Magalhães wrote:

  Oh, it should probably be simply
deriving instance Typeable 'Zero
deriving instance Typeable 'Succ
  Yes, that's how it should be. Please let me know if that
  doesn't work.

 Thanks, it works perfectly like that.
 I don't understand exactly why the previous syntax did not work, but maybe
 it will be clearer when I finish the paper Scrap your boilerplate: a
 practical design pattern for generic programming (anyway, this paper seems
 very interesting).

It's an interesting paper, but I'm afraid it won't help you understand
what's going
on. Typeable is changing in GHC 7.8 to become poly-kinded. You are using
Typeable instances for things which are not of kind *, so you need this new
poly-kinded variant. The SYB paper says nothing about polykinds (it was
way before polykinds came up).

You can find some more information on the new Typeable here:

By the way, you can also get those Typeable instances derived automatically
if you use the LANGUAGE pragma AutoDeriveTypeable. This is also documented
in the HEAD user's guide.


 Output of the code:

 $ runghc-head test_typeable.hs
 Box test_typeable.hs: Prelude.undefined

 Maybe the Box  in front of the line is strange, but it is OK: one is
 undefined, not Box one.

 This is the full tested code, for sake of reference:

 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}

 import Data.Typeable

 data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat
 deriving ( Show, Eq, Ord )

 deriving instance Typeable 'Zero
 deriving instance Typeable 'Succ

 data Box where
 Box :: (Typeable s, Show s, Eq s) = s - Box
 deriving Typeable

 data Proxy a = P deriving (Typeable, Show, Eq)

 deriving instance Show Box
 instance Eq Box where

 (Box s1) == (Box s2) = Just s1 == cast s2

 main = do

 let one = undefined :: Main.Proxy ('Succ 'Zero)
 let foo = Box one
 print foo

 Thanks a lot,


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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Typeable typeclass and type-level naturals

2013-06-05 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
On Wed, Jun 5, 2013 at 8:46 AM, Roman Cheplyaka wrote:

 * TP [2013-06-05 00:37:36+0200]
  Roman Cheplyaka wrote:
   Try adding
 deriving instance Typeable 'Zero
 deriving instance Typeable a = Typeable ('Succ a)
   to your module.
   (I haven't tested it -- you might need to tweak it a bit.)
  Thanks Roman.
  Unfortunately, I already tried that (without the constraint Typeable a
  what a fool), but it did not work. The error is the same with the
  Derived typeable instance must be of form (Typeable 'Succ)
  In the stand-alone deriving instance for
'Typeable a = Typeable (Succ a)'
  What is the problem?

 Oh, it should probably be simply

   deriving instance Typeable 'Zero
   deriving instance Typeable 'Succ

Yes, that's how it should be. Please let me know if that
doesn't work.

(Sorry for taking so long to reply to this...)



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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Derving NFData via Generics from a type that has a vector doesn't work. (was trying to understand out of memory exceptions)

2013-04-16 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
What is the error that you get?


On Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 8:07 PM, Anatoly Yakovenko aeyakove...@gmail.comwrote:

 -- ok, something in deriving NFData using Generics in a type that has a
 Vector in it.

 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
 import Control.DeepSeq
 import System.IO
 import GHC.Generics (Generic)
 import qualified Data.Vector as V
 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BL

 scanl' :: NFData a = (a - b - a) - a - [b] - [a]
 scanl' f q ls =  q : (case ls of
 []   - []
 x:xs - let q' = f q x
 in q' `deepseq` scanl' f q' xs)

 -- this runs without blowing up
 -- main = print $ last $ scanl' (+) (0::Int) [0..]

 data Simple = Simple (V.Vector Double)
 deriving (Show, Generic)

 instance NFData Simple

 --this blows up
 main = do
let initial = Simple $ V.fromList (take 100 $ repeat 0)
sumvs (Simple a) (Simple b) = Simple $ V.zipWith (+) a b
print $ last $ scanl' sumvs initial $ repeat $ initial

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Which generic zipper? [RESOLVED]

2013-04-11 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
Hi Luke,

Even though you might have made up your mind already, here's some more
info. If you want a
zipper that does not use Typeable (and thus runtime type comparison and
casting, which are
potentially inefficient), you can use the zipper in Multirec [1].

Creating a zipper based on GHC.Generics should be easy taking the zipper
based on
instant-generics [2], or you can just use Sean Leather's rendering [3].



On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 8:44 AM, Luke Evans wrote:

 Thanks Roman.

 I'll probably go with Data.Data then.  Certainly, I'm not looking for any
 significant distractions and I'll heed your cautionary note.
 I read that GHC.Generics is fit and fast in comparison to SYB, but that's
 not really a big concern for me at the moment.
 I just fell in to believing that GHC.Generics was the true religion given
 its apparent status as the adopted generics in GHC.

 On 2013-04-10, at 11:24 PM, Roman Cheplyaka wrote:

  Note that syz is essentially based on Data.Data, which is no less
  official than GHC.Generics. (The compiler can derive Data with
  You can write a zipper based on GHC.Generics, but it won't be a
  straightforward translation of syz (nor would it be a trivial

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Optimizing Fold Expressions

2013-03-30 Thread José Pedro Magalhães

Actually, if you really want folds, you should use regular [1] instead.
Here's an example of
a generic fold using regular:

-- Datatype representing logical expressions
data Logic = Var String
   | Logic :-:  Logic  -- implication
   | Logic :-: Logic  -- equivalence
   | Logic ::  Logic  -- and (conjunction)
   | Logic :||:  Logic  -- or (disjunction)
   | Not Logic  -- not
   | T  -- true
   | F  -- false
   deriving Show

-- Instantiating Regular for Logic using TH
$(deriveAll ''Logic PFLogic)
type instance PF Logic = PFLogic

l1, l2, l3 :: Logic
l1 = Var p
l2 = Not l1
l3 = l1 :-: l2

-- Testing folding
ex7 :: Bool
ex7 = fold (alg (\_ - False)) l3 where
  alg env = (env  impl  (==)  ()  (||)  not  True  False)
  impl p q = not p || q



On Sat, Mar 30, 2013 at 7:36 PM, Roman Cheplyaka wrote:

 The solution to this problem is called scrap your boilerplate.
 There are a few libraries that implement it, in different variations.

 Let me show you how to do it using my library, 'traverse-with-class'.
 You'll need install it and the 'tagged' package to run this example.

   {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, ImplicitParams, OverlappingInstances,
   MultiParamTypeClasses, ConstraintKinds, UndecidableInstances #-}

   import Data.Generics.Traversable
   import Data.Generics.Traversable.TH
   import Data.Proxy

   data Expr = Add Expr Expr
 | Sub Expr Expr
 | Mul Expr Expr
 | Eq  Expr Expr
 | B Bool
 | I Int
 deriving Show

   -- derive a GTraversable instance for our type
   deriveGTraversable ''Expr

   -- class to perform our operation
   class IntToBool a where
 intToBool :: a - a

   -- case for expressions: no recursion, we care only about the one level.
   -- The everywhere function will do recursion for us.
   instance IntToBool Expr where
 intToBool (I x) = B $ if x == 0 then False else True
 intToBool e = e -- default case for non-I constructors

   -- default case for non-expression types (such as Int): do nothing
   instance IntToBool a where
 intToBool = id

   -- the final implementation
   replaceIntByBool :: Expr - Expr
   replaceIntByBool =
 let ?c = Proxy :: Proxy IntToBool in
 everywhere intToBool


 * J. J. W. [2013-03-30 19:45:35+0100]
  Dear all,
  I was wondering whether it was possible to write fold expressions more
  elegantly. Suppose I have the following
  data Expr = Add Expr Expr
| Sub Expr Expr
| Mul Expr Expr
| Eq  Expr Expr
| B Bool
| I Int
deriving Show
  type ExprAlgebra r = (r - r - r, -- Add
r - r - r, -- Sub
r - r - r, -- Mul
r - r - r, -- Eq
Bool   - r, -- Bool
Int - r -- Int
  foldAlgebra :: ExprAlgebra r - Expr - r
  foldAlgebra alg@(a, b, c ,d, e, f) (Add x y) = a (foldAlgebra alg x)
  (foldAlgebra alg y)
  foldAlgebra alg@(a, b, c ,d, e, f) (Sub x y) = b (foldAlgebra alg x)
  (foldAlgebra alg y)
  foldAlgebra alg@(a, b, c ,d, e, f) (Mul x y) = c (foldAlgebra alg x)
  (foldAlgebra alg y)
  foldAlgebra alg@(a, b, c ,d, e, f) (Eq  x y) = d (foldAlgebra alg x)
  (foldAlgebra alg y)
  foldAlgebra alg@(a, b, c ,d, e, f) (B b')= e b'
  foldAlgebra alg@(a, b, c ,d, e, f) (I i) = f i
  If I am correct, this works, however if we for example would like to
  replace all Int's by booleans (note: this is to illustrate my problem):
  replaceIntByBool = foldAlgebra (Add, Sub, Mul, Eq, B, \x - if x == 0
  B False else B True)
  As you can see, a lot of useless identity code. Can I somehow optimize
  this? Can someone give me some pointers how I can write this more clearly
  (or with less code?) So I constantly don't have to write Add, Sub, Mul,
  those things that I just want an identity function?
  Thanks in advance!
  Jun Jie

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Some aggregation of Haskell content

2013-03-18 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
On Mon, Mar 18, 2013 at 9:56 AM, Christopher Done chrisd...@gmail.comwrote:

 As a follow up, here's an implementation:

Could it have an RSS feed?


 More info here:

 On 10 February 2013 18:22, Daniel Díaz Casanueva
  I'm totally with this. Also, it is exhausting to check in so many places
  see what's going on. I have been looking for this for a while.
  On Sun, Feb 10, 2013 at 10:41 AM, Christopher Done
  Is there a page somewhere that aggregates all of Haskell's community
  output into one place?
  As a consumer of Haskell content I neither have the time nor inclination
  to follow haskell-cafe and other various mailing lists, the reddits, the
  google+ community, planet haskell, hackage releases, twitter, youtube
  whatever other submission places I haven't heard of.
  I made this page for the Lojban community some years ago:
  Lojban doesn't have much community activity (tho this doesn't include
  mailing list posts), but Haskell's community is much larger and more
  it would be far more useful.
  I may write such a page for Haskell content, if not for the community
  at least for myself, as I keep missing out on cool things because I
  happen to check out that particular medium of exchange. For example,
  this message will be lost on a thousand people who doesn't follow the
  mailing list but maybe follows G+ or reddit.
  Kind of like a Haskell Weekly news, except more like Haskell news right
  now or in some adjustable time frame. And the option to toggle between
  chronological order or categorized.
  Haskell-Cafe mailing list
  E-mail sent by Daniel Díaz Casanueva
  let f x = x in x

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] GHC.Generics and newtypes

2013-01-27 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
Hi Roman,

Yes, the automatic derivation of Generic instances does not see through


On Sun, Jan 27, 2013 at 8:17 PM, Roman Cheplyaka wrote:


 Is it possible to generate different instances for newtypes and
 datatypes using GHC.Generics?


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Re: [Haskell-cafe] GHC.Generics and newtypes

2013-01-27 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
Ah, no. But that would be easy to add to the Datatype
I think. Perhaps
open a feature request?


On Sun, Jan 27, 2013 at 8:34 PM, Roman Cheplyaka wrote:

 Sorry, I wasn't clear. What I want is somehow to find out whether the
 type under consideration is declared using data or newtype.

 Is it possible?


 * José Pedro Magalhães [2013-01-27 20:29:52+]
  Hi Roman,
  Yes, the automatic derivation of Generic instances does not see through
  On Sun, Jan 27, 2013 at 8:17 PM, Roman Cheplyaka
   Is it possible to generate different instances for newtypes and
   datatypes using GHC.Generics?
   Haskell-Cafe mailing list

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Non-derivable Typeable

2013-01-22 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
Won't it derive it with StandaloneDeriving?


On Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 1:28 PM, Roman Cheplyaka wrote:

 I need to declare a Typeable instance for a type which has an argument
 of kind * - *. GHC refuses to derive it.

 What is a recommended way to go about it?

 In particular, if I write the instance by hand, how important is the
 fingerprint, and how could I generate it?


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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Non-derivable Typeable

2013-01-22 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
Yes, that will work. But soon we'll have poly-kinded Typeable in HEAD,
which will be able to derive that instance.


On Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 2:34 PM, Roman Cheplyaka wrote:

 I just found mkTyCon3 which generates the fingerprint automatically.
 (I was looking at Data.Typeable.Internal.mkTyCon before.)
 That answers my question.

 (Of course, a way to derive the instance would be even better...)


 * Roman Cheplyaka [2013-01-22 15:28:55+0200]
  I need to declare a Typeable instance for a type which has an argument
  of kind * - *. GHC refuses to derive it.
  What is a recommended way to go about it?
  In particular, if I write the instance by hand, how important is the
  fingerprint, and how could I generate it?

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Chordify, a new web startup using Haskell

2013-01-19 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
Hi all,

Thanks for all the feedback and kind words. Yes, we're planning to have
export to PDF/midi
options soon. We have plenty of ideas, but limited time :-/

User feedback is collected (and voted for) on


On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 12:37 PM, Rustom Mody wrote:

 On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 2:09 PM, Thiago Negri wrote:

 Is it possible to play the generated chords as a melody by itself,
 without the original music over it?

 Super work!
 I was meaning to ask something similar -- can we get out something of the
 music that chordify has reverse engineered  -- maybe midi maybe musicxml?

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[Haskell-cafe] Chordify, a new web startup using Haskell

2013-01-17 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
Hi all,

I'd like to introduce Chordify [1], an online music
player that extracts chords from musical sources like Soundcloud, Youtube
or your own files, and shows you which chord to play when. Here's an
example song:

The aim of Chordify is to make state-of-the-art music technology accessible
to a broader audience. Behind the scenes, Chordify uses the HarmTrace
Haskell package to compute chords from audio. I've been working on this
project with a couple of colleagues for a while now, and recently we have
made the website public, free to use for everyone.

We do not use Haskell for any of the frontend/user interface, but the
backend is entirely written in Haskell (and it uses pretty advanced
features, such as GADTs and type families [3]). We're particularly
interested in user feedback at this stage, so if you're interested in music
and could use an automatic chord transcription service, please try Chordify!


[3] José Pedro Magalhães and W. Bas de Haas. Functional Modelling of
Musical Harmony: an Experience Report. In Proceedings of the 16th ACM
SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP'11), pp.
156–162, ACM, 2011.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Navigating 'Strategic' programming babel

2012-12-17 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
Hi Ravi,

You might want to browse through Comparing Libraries for Generic
Programming in Haskell:

SYB and Uniplate are two widely used and well-maintained systems for
strategic traversals over arbitrary datatypes. There are other options,
too, but it depends on exactly what you want to do.


On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 11:30 AM, Ravi Sahni ganeshsahn...@gmail.comwrote:

 Clearly Haskell has great possibilities in the field of
 language-processing.  And the nuisances associated with little actual
 computation buried under much data-structure navigation are well addressed
 by 'strategic-programming' systems.

 But now comes the rub -- there seem to be a lot of very similar systems.

 Any guidance on which/what/how to choose?

 My own current sketchy-patchy knowledge is as below. I would appreciate
 links/pointers to more substansive literature.

 First there was Meertens and his folks working on generic haskell
 Did that later become template haskell?

 That branched out into strafunski, stratego/xt.

 SYB is ___ not sure here: some literature suggests that its identical to
 strafunski.  Some suggests that it is strafunski done more within the
 haskell language rather than in libraries.

 Then there's uniplate. How does it compare to SYB?  Or is that a confused

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] How is default method signatures supposed to be used together with Generics

2012-12-12 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
Hi Johan,

The error message is not ideal, but it does say that adding a Generic (Foo
instance might solve the problem.

I generally do not export classes like GHashable because they are closed;
should never need to provide more instances themselves. Also, exporting the
won't make the error message any better, and the solution to this error
doesn't really
involve the GHashable class...


On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 4:28 AM, Johan Tibell johan.tib...@gmail.comwrote:


 I noticed that you're not required to export the types mentioned in
 the default method signature. For example, you could have:

 default hashWithSalt :: (Generic a, GHashable (Rep a)) = Int - a -
 hashWithSalt salt = ghashWithSalt salt . from

 and not export the GHashable class. However, if users try to define an
 instance of Hashable but forget to derive Generic:

 data Foo a = Foo a String
  deriving (Eq)  -- Oops, forgot Generic here

 instance (Hashable a) = Hashable (Foo a)

 they get a pretty bad error message:

 Could not deduce (Generic (Foo a),
   Data.Hashable.Class.GHashable (GHC.Generics.Rep (Foo
   arising from a use of `Data.Hashable.Class.$gdmhashWithSalt'
 from the context (Hashable a)
   bound by the instance declaration at Test.hs:10:10-41
 Possible fix:
   add (Generic (Foo a),
  (GHC.Generics.Rep (Foo a))) to the context of
 the instance declaration
   or add instance declarations for
  (Generic (Foo a),
   Data.Hashable.Class.GHashable (GHC.Generics.Rep (Foo a)))
 In the expression: (Data.Hashable.Class.$gdmhashWithSalt)
 In an equation for `hashWithSalt':
 hashWithSalt = (Data.Hashable.Class.$gdmhashWithSalt)
 In the instance declaration for `Hashable (Foo a)'

 Exporting GHashable would help a little bit in that users would at
 least know what this GHashable class that the error talks about is.

 What's best practice?

 -- Johan

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Variable-arity zipWith (re)invented.

2012-12-11 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
Hi Takayuki,

Just thought I'd mention another approach to a variadic zipWith, this one
using type families:

The current lack of overlap in type families makes things a bit more
complicated, but it can
be solved using the upcoming overlapping type families.


On Sat, Dec 8, 2012 at 3:27 PM, Takayuki Muranushi muranu...@gmail.comwrote:

 Continued discussion from

 Thank you for all the answeres and thinkings;

 Here's zipWithN for general Zip functors: [1] . This, together with
 [2] may constitute a small hackage. A modification from Wren's idea to
 [1] is the use of fmap instead of repeat.

 I'm wondering if there are any laws for Zip functors. I first thought
 that there are similarity between Zips and Applicatives, as [3] states

 instance Applicative f = Zip f where
 zip = liftA2 (,)

 However, my intuition is that zipping two arrays should result in an
 array of size of the same order as two, giving rise to a Zip functor
 law candidate:

 zipWith const xs $ zipWith const xs ys == zipWith const xs ys

 which is violated by the above statement zip = liftA2 (,) .


 The Hakubi Center for Advanced Research, Kyoto University

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Security] Put on https

2012-10-28 Thread José Pedro Magalhães


On Sun, Oct 28, 2012 at 12:20 AM, Niklas Hambüchen wrote:

 (I have mentioned this several times on #haskell, but nothing has
 happened so far.)

 Are you aware that all websites (hackage, HaskellWiki, ghc
 trac) allow unencrypted http connections only?

 This means that everyone in the same Wifi can potentially

 - read you passwords for all of these services

 - abuse your hackage account and override arbitrary packages
   (especially since hackage allows everybody to override everything)

 I propose we get an SSL certificate for
 I also offer to donate that SSL certificate (or directly create it using
 my Startcom account).


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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Problems translating Conor McBride's talk into Haskell + DataKind + KindPoly

2012-10-26 Thread José Pedro Magalhães

Please use GHC 7.6 for experimenting with PolyKinds/DataKinds; the
implementation in 7.4 was not fully complete. Your code compiles fine in


On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 3:10 AM, Ahn, Ki Yung wrote:

 Promotion works for user defined lists such as

 data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a)

 And, if I use (List Bool) instead of [Bool] everything works out.
 It's only the Haskell list type constructor [] is being a problem.

 In the Giving Haskell a promotion paper, it says that Haskell lists are
 natively promoted. I believe this means that it is treated specially
 somehow. I don't know how it is implemented but what GHC 7.4.1 does
 specially for Haskell lists has some problems. So, it's clearly not a
 limitation of DataKind and PolyKind extension, but that special routine for
 [] is the issue.

 I might have to write bug report.

 On 2012년 10월 25일 18:07, Ahn, Ki Yung wrote:

 Most part of Conor's talk at ICFP, until just before the last stage
 where he heavily uses true value dependency for compiler correctness all
 the code seemed to be able to translate into Haskell with the new hot
 DataKinds and PolyKinds extension.

 I tried it in GHC 7.4.1 and it was possible to do it, but I got stuck
 and I had to make the generic list structure mono-kinded with kind
 signatures rather not use the PolyKinds extension.

 I wonder if this is just a but of GHC 7.4.1's implementation of
 PolyKinds, or a limitation of the DataKind design.

 I attached a literate Haskell script with this message that illustrates
 this problem.

 Thanks in advance for any comments including whether it runs in later
 versions or still has problems, and discussions about the DataKinds and
 PolyKinds extension.

 Ki Yung

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[Haskell-cafe] createProcess fails to find executable in Windows

2012-10-25 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
Hi all,

Consider the following program:

module Test where

 import System.Process (readProcess)

 main :: IO ()
 main = readProcess git [describe, --tags]  = putStr

In Windows I get the following behaviour:

 git --version
 git version 1.7.10.msysgit.1

  ghc --version
 The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 7.6.1

  runghc Test
 Test: git: createProcess: does not exist (No such file or directory)

The same happens with GHC 7.4.2. In Linux, however, it works as expected:

$ git --version
 git version
 $ ghc --version
 The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 7.4.1
 $ runghc Test.hs

Can anyone reproduce this result in Windows? Is this a bug or am I doing
something wrong?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] createProcess fails to find executable in Windows

2012-10-25 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 12:10 PM, Jesse Schalken m...@jesseschalken.comwrote:

 What if you ran the program from within the directory that contains

That seems to work.

  Can you check that the PATH environment variable is set correctly from
 within the program?

If I run `system echo %PATH%` it shows me the expected %PATH%, including
the directory
where the git binary lives.


 On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 10:05 PM, José Pedro Magalhães j...@cs.uu.nlwrote:

 Hi all,

 Consider the following program:

 module Test where

 import System.Process (readProcess)

 main :: IO ()
 main = readProcess git [describe, --tags]  = putStr

 In Windows I get the following behaviour:

  git --version
 git version 1.7.10.msysgit.1

  ghc --version
 The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 7.6.1

  runghc Test
 Test: git: createProcess: does not exist (No such file or directory)

 The same happens with GHC 7.4.2. In Linux, however, it works as expected:

 $ git --version
 git version
 $ ghc --version
 The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 7.4.1
 $ runghc Test.hs

 Can anyone reproduce this result in Windows? Is this a bug or am I doing
 something wrong?


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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type-directed functions with data kinds

2012-10-25 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
Hi Paul,

On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 4:22 PM, Paul Visschers m...@paulvisschers.netwrote:

 Hello everyone,

 I've been playing around with the data kinds extension to implement
 vectors that have a known length at compile time. Some simple code to
  {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, GADTs, KindSignatures #-}
  import Prelude hiding (repeat)
  data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat
  data Vector (n :: Nat) a where
Nil :: Vector Zero a
Cons :: a - Vector n a - Vector (Succ n) a
  class VectorRepeat (n :: Nat) where
repeat :: a - Vector n a
  instance VectorRepeat Zero where
repeat _ = Nil
  instance VectorRepeat n = VectorRepeat (Succ n) where
repeat x = Cons x (repeat x)

 In this code I have defined a repeat function that works in a similar way
 to the one in the prelude, except that the length of the resulting vector
 is determined by the type of the result. I would have hoped that its type
 would become 'repeat :: a - Vector n a', yet it is 'repeat :: VectorRepeat
 n = a - Vector n a'. As far as I can tell, this class constraint should
 no longer be necessary, as all possible values for 'n' are an instance of
 this class. I actually really just want to define a closed type-directed
 function and would rather not (ab)use the type class system at all.

 Is there a way to write the repeat function so that it has the type
 'repeat :: a - Vector n a' that I've missed? If not, is this just because
 it isn't implemented or are there conceptual caveats?

There are conceptual caveats; see (particularly the comments).
This would require fundamentally changing the way in which constraints are
elaborated into core code.


 Paul Visschers

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Transforming a ADT to a GADT

2012-09-16 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
Hi Florian,

Will this do?

class Tc a where
  tc :: Exp - Maybe (Term a)

instance Tc Int where
  tc (Lit i)  = return (TLit i)
  tc (Succ i) = tc i = return . TSucc
  tc (IsZero i)   = Nothing
  tc e= tcIf e

instance Tc Bool where
  tc (Lit i)  = Nothing
  tc (Succ i) = Nothing
  tc (IsZero i)   = tc i = return . TIsZero
  tc e= tcIf e

tcIf :: (Tc a) = Exp - Maybe (Term a)
tcIf (If c e1 e2) = do c' - tc c
   e1' - tc e1
   e2' - tc e2
   return (TIf c' e1' e2')


On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 11:45 AM, Florian Lorenzen wrote:

 Hash: SHA1

 Hello cafe,

 I have a question wrt. to GADTs and type families in GHC (7.6.1).

 I'd like to transform a value of an ADT to a GADT. Suppose I have the
 simple expression language

  data Exp = Lit Int  | Succ Exp  | IsZero Exp  | If Exp Exp Exp

 and the GADT

  data Term t where  TLit :: Int - Term Int  TSucc :: Term Int -
 Term Int  TIsZero :: Term Int - Term Bool  TIf :: Term Bool - Term
 ty - Term ty - Term ty

 that encodes the typing rules.

 Now, I'd like to have a function

  typecheck :: Exp - Maybe (Term t)  typecheck exp = ...

 that returns the GADT value corresponding to `exp' if `exp' is type

 I found a solution at but this has as
 type (slightly adapted)

  typecheck :: Exp - Maybe TypedTerm


  data TypedTerm = forall ty. (Typ ty) (Term ty)  data Typ ty =
 Int | TBool Bool

 That is, the GADT value is hidden inside the existential and cannot be
 unpacked. Therefore, I cannot write a type preserving transformation
 function like

  transform :: Term t - Term t

 that gets the result of the `typecheck' function as input.

 The solution mentioned above uses Template Haskell to extract the
 `Term t' type from the existential package and argues that type errors
 cannot occur during splicing.

 Is there a possibility to avoid the existential and hence Template

 Of course, the result type of typecheck depends on the type and type
 correctness of its input.

 My idea was to express this dependency by parameterizing `Exp' and
 using a type family `ExpType' like:

  typecheck :: Exp e - Maybe (Term (ExpType e))  typecheck (ELit
 = Just (TLit i)  typecheck (ESucc exp1) = case typecheck exp1 of 
 Nothing - Nothing  Just t - Just (TSucc t)  ...


  data TEXP = L | S TEXP | IZ TEXP | I TEXP TEXP TEXP -- datakind 
 data Exp (e::TEXP) where  ELit :: Int - Exp L  ESucc :: Exp e1 -
 Exp (S e1)  EIsZero :: Exp e1 - Exp (IZ e1)  EIf :: Exp e1 - Exp
 e2 - Exp e3 - Exp (I e1 e2 e3)

 It seems to me that `ExpType' then would be a reification of the type
 checker for `Exp' at the type level. But I did not know how to define
 it. Does it make sense at all? Is it possible in GHC?

 All the examples on the net I looked at either start with the GADT
 right away or use Template Haskell at some point. So, perhaps this
 `typecheck' function is not possible to write in GHC Haskell.

 I very much appreciate any hints and explanations on this.

 Best regards,


 - --
 Florian Lorenzen

 Technische Universität Berlin
 Fakultät IV - Elektrotechnik und Informatik
 Übersetzerbau und Programmiersprachen

 Sekr. TEL12-2, Ernst-Reuter-Platz 7, D-10587 Berlin

 Tel.:   +49 (30) 314-24618
 Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: [Haskell-cafe] explicit annotations on kind polymorphism for data types

2012-08-22 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
Nope, but it should work on 7.6 (also on the release candidate).
The 'X' should be lowercase, though, like type variables.


On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 12:01 AM, dude wrote:

 Hello All:

 I'm working through Giving Haskell a Promotion.

 Section 2.4 presents an explicitly annotated data type declaration similar
 to the following:

 data EqRefl (a::X)(b::X) where
   Refl :: forall X. forall (a::X). EqRefl a a

 Has this been implemented in GHC 7.4.2?

 7.8.3 in the GHC User Guide leads me to believe it has not.


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Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Haskell] [ANN] GenCheck - a generalized property-based testing framework

2012-06-23 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 4:04 PM, Jacques Carette care...@mcmaster.cawrote:

 User beware: this is gencheck-0.1, there are still a few rough edges.  We
 plan to add a Template Haskell feature to this which should make deriving
 enumerators automatic for version 0.2.

Can you provide me a quick pointer into what methods need to be generated

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] class instances for kinds with finite ty constrs, does this make sense?

2012-06-07 Thread José Pedro Magalhães

This has been discussed before:

Feel free to open a feature request for this. I think it's something we
should consider
addressing, but at the moment it's not immediately clear how to do it.


On Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 7:32 PM, ex falso wrote:

 Hi, i've been using DataKinds for a while and there seems to be a
 recurring annoyance that could be possibly eliminated with a language
 extension. It goes something like this:

 data Tuple (l :: [*]) where
  Unit :: Tuple '[]
  Comma :: a - Tuple as - Tuple (a ': as)

 data Proxy k = Proxy

 class TupleLength (l :: [*]) where
  tupleLength :: Proxy l - Integer
 instance TupleLength '[] where
  tupleLength _ = 0
 instance (TupleLength as) = TupleLength '(a : as) where
  tupleLength _ = 1 + tupleLength (Proxy :: Proxy as)

 so far so good. but now if we want to use TupleLength:

 printLength :: (TupleLength l) = Tuple l - IO ()
 printLength t = print $ tupleLength t

 we always have to put the class restriction (TupleLength l) there,
 even though all possible type constructors of [*] have a TupleLength
 instance defined!

 If we had a way to signal that all ty constrs are catered for then the
 compiler could check this, and deduce that l::[*] is always an
 instance. Well that's the hypothesis.
 Of course this would only make sense for kinds with finite no. of ty
 constructors, namely DataKinds-lifted types.

 Does this make sense?

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Bug in SYB, SYB-documentation or GHC-API (or I messed up somewhere)

2012-05-13 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
Hi Philip,

On Fri, May 11, 2012 at 5:12 PM, Philip K. F. Hölzenspies wrote:

 However, it turns out that this never leads to an evaluation of
 extTyNamesLoc. I've come as far as to see that, since Located a is a
 synonym for GenLocated SrcSpan a, the type we're looking for really has a
 binary constructor, thus we should use ext2Q.

 This made things work: We first modify the function we apply to Located

 extTyNamesLoc :: (Data loc, Data a) = SrcSpan - GenLocated loc a -
 extTyNamesLoc l (L l' x) = case cast l' of
 Just l'' - extTyNames l'' x
 Nothing - extTyNames l x

Do you really need this? Can't you use the definition of `extTyNamesLoc`
shown previously, and redefine `extTyNames` to use `ext2Q`, as in:

 extTyNames l x = (extTyNamesDef l x `mkQ` extTyNamesTy l `ext2Q`
 extTyNamesLoc l) x


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Annotaing abstract syntax trees

2012-05-09 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
Hi Romildo,

I had a quick look at your code. In general it seems fine, although I
haven't tested it. You might want to use HLint to give you coding tips.

I don't understand your remark about wanting the type checker to produce
an expression annotated with both positions and calculated types. Can't
you make `exprTypeCheck` operate on `Ann (Range, ExprType) ExprF` instead
of just `Ann ExprType ExprF`?



On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 3:05 PM, José Romildo Malaquias


 I am reading Martijn's MSc Thesis Generic Selections of
 Subexpressions, where one can found some discussions about annotating
 abstract syntax trees (AST).

 In order to follow the discussion I wrote the attached Haskell program,
 which is an interpreter for an simple typed expression language. The
 Annotations package is used.

 The expression pattern is represented by a single recursive data
 type. Annotations are used for positions in the input source, and also
 for the type of expressions and subexpressions.

 I would like somebody to review the code and comment on it, as I am not
 sure I am using the concepts right.

 Also I would like the type checker to produce an expression annotated
 with both positions and calculated types. Currently it discards the
 position annotations. Any sugestions on how to modify it is welcome.

 Next step is adding a new form of expression to introduce local variable

 After that I want to start working with ASTs represented by mutually
 recursive data types. Then I will need multirec...


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Annotations in abstract syntax tree

2012-04-26 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
Hi Romildo,

If I understand correctly, you now want to add annotations to
mutually-recursive datatypes. The annotations package supports that.
Section 8 of our paper [1] gives an example of how to do that, and also
Chapter 6 of Martijn's MSc thesis [2].

Let me know if these references do not answer your question.



On Thu, Apr 26, 2012 at 10:07, wrote:


 I need to annotate abstract syntax tree with additional information in a

 Using the Annotations package[1] I have written the following small

  import Annotations.F.Annotated
  import Annotations.F.Fixpoints

  data ExprF r
= Num Double
| Var String
| Add r r
| Sub r r
| Mul r r
| Div r r
deriving (Eq,Show)

  type BareExpr = Fix ExprF

  e :: BareExpr
  e = In (Mul (In (Num 5))
  (In (Add (In (Var x))
   (In (Num 8)

  type ValExpr = Fix (Ann Double ExprF)

  type Memory = [(String,Double)]

  eval :: Memory - BareExpr - ValExpr
  eval _ (In (Num x))   = In (Ann x (Num x))
  eval m (In (Var x))   = let y = case lookup x m of
Just k - k
Nothing - 0
  in In (Ann y (Var x))
  eval m (In (Add x y)) = op m (+) Add x y
  eval m (In (Sub x y)) = op m (-) Sub x y
  eval m (In (Mul x y)) = op m (*) Mul x y
  eval m (In (Div x y)) = op m (/) Div x y

  op m f k x y = let x'@(In (Ann v1 _)) = eval m x
 y'@(In (Ann v2 _)) = eval m y
 in In (Ann (f v1 v2) (k x' y'))

 With these definitions we can represent simple arithmetic expressions
 and we can also evaluate them, annotating each node in the abstract
 syntax tree with its corresponding value.

 Now I want to add statements to this toy language. One statement may be
 a print statement containing an expression whose value is to be printed,
 an assign statement containing an identifier and an expression, or a
 compound statement containing two statements to be executed in sequence.

 How the data types for statements can be defined?

 How a function to execute an statement anotating its node with the
 corresponding state (memory plus output) after its execution can be

 Without annotations the type of statements could be:

  data Stm
= PrintStm Expr
| AssignStm String Expr
| CompoundStm Stm Stm

 How to enable annotations in this case? Note that Stm uses both Expr and



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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Prettier pretty-printing of data types?

2012-03-14 Thread José Pedro Magalhães

On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 07:54, Johan Holmquist wrote:

 I guess you want an automatically derived show that indents, but if
 you don't mind defining you own, Data.PrettyPrint is really nice.

Though most likely any form of pretty-printing will be generic, and can be
defined with GHC.Generics [1], for instance.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Helper classes for Generics

2012-03-12 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
Hi Reiner,

It is indeed not strictly necessary to define such helper classes for kind
* generic functions. You do need them for kind * - * functions, though.
Also, I think they should always be used because they help keep things
separate. If we use an implementation of generics with DataKinds [1], then
the helper classes always have a different kind from the user-facing



On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 04:27, Reiner Pope wrote:

 Hi all,

 I've been playing with GHC's new generics features (see
 All the documentation I've seen suggests creating a helper class -- for
 instance, the GSerialize class in the above link -- on which one defines
 generic instances.

 It seems to me that this isn't necessary. For example, here's the the
 example from the GHC docs, but without a helper class:

  -- set the phantom type of Rep to (), to avoid ambiguity
  from0 :: Generic a = a - Rep a ()
  from0 = from
  data Bit = O | I
  class Serialize a where
put :: a - [Bit]
default put :: (Generic a, Serialize (Rep a ())) = a - [Bit]
put = put . from0
  instance Serialize (U1 x) where
put U1 = []
  instance (Serialize (a x), Serialize (b x)) = Serialize ((a :*: b) x)
put (x :*: y) = put x ++ put y
  instance (Serialize (a x), Serialize (b x)) = Serialize ((a :+: b) x)
put (L1 x) = O : put x
put (R1 x) = I : put x
  instance (Serialize (a x)) = Serialize (M1 i c a x) where
put (M1 x) = put x
  instance (Serialize a) = Serialize (K1 i a x) where
put (K1 x) = put x

 Is there a reason to prefer using helper classes? Or perhaps we should
 update the wiki page ( to
 avoid using helper classes?


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Helper classes for Generics

2012-03-12 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
Hi Yves,

GHC.Generics [1] and SYB [2] are two rather different approaches to generic
programming. There are things that can be done in one but not in the other,
and there are things that are easier on one rather than the other. For
instance, SYB tends to be very useful for large AST transformations, with
functions that have a general behaviour but a couple of particular cases
for a few constructors. GHC.Generics, on the other hand, can encode
functions such as generic fmap and traverse. It lends itself better to
optimisation since it doesn't use runtime casts, and as such tends to be
faster than SYB. It isn't planned to replace SYB.



On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 16:35, Yves Parès wrote:

 I'd have a question concerning GHC.Generics: how does it relate to SYB's
 Is it intended to replace it or complete it?
 In other words: does class Data.Generics.Data class do things that class
 GHC.Generics.Generic can't do?

 Le 12 mars 2012 04:27, Reiner Pope a écrit :

  Hi all,

 I've been playing with GHC's new generics features (see
 All the documentation I've seen suggests creating a helper class -- for
 instance, the GSerialize class in the above link -- on which one defines
 generic instances.

 It seems to me that this isn't necessary. For example, here's the the
 example from the GHC docs, but without a helper class:

  -- set the phantom type of Rep to (), to avoid ambiguity
  from0 :: Generic a = a - Rep a ()
  from0 = from
  data Bit = O | I
  class Serialize a where
put :: a - [Bit]
default put :: (Generic a, Serialize (Rep a ())) = a - [Bit]
put = put . from0
  instance Serialize (U1 x) where
put U1 = []
  instance (Serialize (a x), Serialize (b x)) = Serialize ((a :*: b) x)
put (x :*: y) = put x ++ put y
  instance (Serialize (a x), Serialize (b x)) = Serialize ((a :+: b) x)
put (L1 x) = O : put x
put (R1 x) = I : put x
  instance (Serialize (a x)) = Serialize (M1 i c a x) where
put (M1 x) = put x
  instance (Serialize a) = Serialize (K1 i a x) where
put (K1 x) = put x

 Is there a reason to prefer using helper classes? Or perhaps we should
 update the wiki page ( to
 avoid using helper classes?


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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Helper classes for Generics

2012-03-12 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
It could, yes. Actually, using DefaultSignatures you can probably use SYB
for defining classes with generic default methods, by adding Data and
Typeable constraints instead of Generic.


2012/3/12 Yves Parès

 Thanks for the clarification.
 But could not class Data have been used for generic Deriving of classes? I
 imagine it would have been harder, but I fail to see if would have been

 Le 12 mars 2012 16:58, José Pedro Magalhães a écrit :

 Hi Yves,

 GHC.Generics [1] and SYB [2] are two rather different approaches to
 generic programming. There are things that can be done in one but not in
 the other, and there are things that are easier on one rather than the
 other. For instance, SYB tends to be very useful for large AST
 transformations, with functions that have a general behaviour but a couple
 of particular cases for a few constructors. GHC.Generics, on the other
 hand, can encode functions such as generic fmap and traverse. It lends
 itself better to optimisation since it doesn't use runtime casts, and as
 such tends to be faster than SYB. It isn't planned to replace SYB.



 On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 16:35, Yves Parès wrote:

 I'd have a question concerning GHC.Generics: how does it relate to SYB's
 Is it intended to replace it or complete it?
 In other words: does class Data.Generics.Data class do things that class
 GHC.Generics.Generic can't do?

 Le 12 mars 2012 04:27, Reiner Pope a écrit :

  Hi all,

 I've been playing with GHC's new generics features (see
 All the documentation I've seen suggests creating a helper class -- for
 instance, the GSerialize class in the above link -- on which one defines
 generic instances.

 It seems to me that this isn't necessary. For example, here's the the
 example from the GHC docs, but without a helper class:

  -- set the phantom type of Rep to (), to avoid ambiguity
  from0 :: Generic a = a - Rep a ()
  from0 = from
  data Bit = O | I
  class Serialize a where
put :: a - [Bit]
default put :: (Generic a, Serialize (Rep a ())) = a - [Bit]
put = put . from0
  instance Serialize (U1 x) where
put U1 = []
  instance (Serialize (a x), Serialize (b x)) = Serialize ((a :*: b)
 x) where
put (x :*: y) = put x ++ put y
  instance (Serialize (a x), Serialize (b x)) = Serialize ((a :+: b)
 x) where
put (L1 x) = O : put x
put (R1 x) = I : put x
  instance (Serialize (a x)) = Serialize (M1 i c a x) where
put (M1 x) = put x
  instance (Serialize a) = Serialize (K1 i a x) where
put (K1 x) = put x

 Is there a reason to prefer using helper classes? Or perhaps we should
 update the wiki page ( to
 avoid using helper classes?


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Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: generic-deepseq

2012-02-25 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
2012/2/25 Andres Löh

  Would you have an example of a type for which it would be useful to have
  a DeepSeq instance, and that would require a V1 instance? I cannot think
  of one now; I originaly thought it would be necessary to permit deriving
  DeepSeq instances for types tagged with void types, but as José
  explained, in that case, the V1 instance isn't needed because those void
  types don't show up in the representation.

 While void datatypes are rare, it just doesn't make sense to exclude
 them. It's an arbitrary restriction. Here's a constructed example:

 data X a = C1 Int | C2 a
 data Z -- empty

 type Example = X Z

 We're using Z as a parameter to X in order to exclude the use of the
 C2 case. Without a V1 case, you cannot use deepSeq on values of type

Yes, I agree. There should be a V1 instance, and it should return
`undefined`. This gives the expected behavior of `seq` on an empty
datatype, I think. If there is no V1 instance, you'll get a type-checking
error (no instance for V1), preventing generic deepseq on any datatype that
happens to use an empty datatype in its definition.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: generic-deepseq

2012-02-24 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
2012/2/24 Maxime Henrion

 On Fri, 2012-02-24 at 07:49 +0100, Jos Pedro Magalhes wrote:
  2012/2/23 Maxime Henrion
   * Why do you have the instance:
   instance GDeepSeq V1 where grnf _ = ()
   The only way to construct values of a void type is using ⊥.
  And I
   would expect that rnf ⊥ = ⊥, not (). I think the best thing
  is to just
   remove the V1 instance.
  This would have the consequence that any type tagged with a
  phantom type
  (for whatever reason) couldn't be used with deepseq, it would
  bottom. What if I want to deepseq a 2-3 finger tree tagged
  with a
  type-level natural that ensures the proper shape of the tree
  It seemed to me that I should be able to do that; this is why
  I added
  this V1 instance.
  I'm not sure I understand your comment... V1 should only be used for
  datatypes without constructors, such as `data Empty`.

 Yes, such as the usual type-level naturals (not using DataKinds):

 data Z
 data S n

 Those can be used to tag a type which also contains actual values that
 you would want to deepseq? For example, a length-type vector?

But in those cases they are used as tags, not as values, and hence do not
show up in the generic representation. So if all you want is to be able to
deepseq a value of a type like

data Proxy t = Proxy

even if your value is of type `Proxy Ze`, you shouldn't need a `V1`

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: generic-deepseq

2012-02-24 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
Hi Andres,

2012/2/24 Andres Löh

 I don't understand what's going on here. Instances for V1 should of
 course be defined if they can be! And in this case, a V1 instance
 makes sense and should be defined. The definition itself doesn't
 matter, as it'll never be executed.

The definition certainly matters:

data Ze deriving Generic

 class DeepSeq a where
   rnf :: a - ()
   default rnf :: (Generic a, GDeepSeq (Rep a)) = a - ()
   rnf = grnf . from

 instance DeepSeq Ze

 class GDeepSeq f where
   grnf :: f a - ()

 instance GDeepSeq V1 where
   grnf _ = ()

 instance GDeepSeq a = GDeepSeq (M1 i c a) where
   grnf = grnf . unM1

 -- other instances are not relevant now

 t :: Ze
 t = undefined

seq t () == undefined. rnf t == (), because the V1 instance dictates so.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: generic-deepseq

2012-02-23 Thread José Pedro Magalhães

2012/2/23 Maxime Henrion

  * Why do you have the instance:
  instance GDeepSeq V1 where grnf _ = ()
  The only way to construct values of a void type is using ⊥. And I
  would expect that rnf ⊥ = ⊥, not (). I think the best thing is to just
  remove the V1 instance.

 This would have the consequence that any type tagged with a phantom type
 (for whatever reason) couldn't be used with deepseq, it would return
 bottom. What if I want to deepseq a 2-3 finger tree tagged with a
 type-level natural that ensures the proper shape of the tree statically?
 It seemed to me that I should be able to do that; this is why I added
 this V1 instance.

I'm not sure I understand your comment... V1 should only be used for
datatypes without constructors, such as `data Empty`.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: generic-deepseq

2012-02-19 Thread José Pedro Magalhães

2012/2/19 Bas van Dijk

 I do think it's better to integrate this into the deepseq package (and
 thus removing the default implementation of rnf). Otherwise we end up
 with two ways of evaluating values to normal form.

I agree with this, and I guess many people are already using the deepseq
package (simply because it was there first), so it would be better to
integrate the generic code with that package. As for the backwards
compatibility loss, it is indeed a pity that you are forced to choose
between a generic default and a normal default, but I don't see any easy
way to change that, and the current behaviour is simple and predictable. So
I do not propose we change that. In this case I agree with Bas, and propose
removing the normal default for `rnf`.

 One last issue: Say I have a type like: data T = C !Int
 Currently GHC Generics can't express the strictness annotation. This
 means that your deepseq will unnecessarily evaluate the Int (since it
 will always be evaluated already). It would be nice if the strictness
 information could be added to the K1 type. (José, would it be hard to
 add this to GHC.Generics?)

I don't think so; I think the right place to put it is as a method of the
Selector class, though.

But, I'm wondering, for your example, wouldn't/couldn't GHC optimize away
`seq` calls to strict arguments?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] GHC 7.4: Expected behavior or bug?

2011-12-27 Thread José Pedro Magalhães

This is a change in behavior. Previously GHC was more liberal than Haskell
98 prescribed, and would not default the kind of otherwise unconstrained
type variables to *. 7.4 does default to *, so you have to provide kind
signatures when you want another kind (particularly in phantom type


On Tue, Dec 27, 2011 at 16:47, Bas van Dijk wrote:

 On 27 December 2011 17:38, Michael Snoyman wrote:
  Thanks to Mark Wright for pointing this out[1].
  We have the equivalent of the following code in persistent:
  {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
  data Key backend entity = Key
  class Monad (b m) = Foo b m where
 func :: b m (Key b m)
  This code works fine with GHC 7.0, but I get the following message from
 GHC 7.4:
 Expecting two more arguments to `b'
 In the type `b m (Key b m)'
 In the class declaration for `Foo'
  Is this expected behavior, or a bug? If the former, what would be a
  possible workaround?
  Haskell-Cafe mailing list

 I fixed a similar breakage in the hmatrix library:

 I don't know if it's a bug in GHC, but the workaround is to add an
 explicit kind signature:

 {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
 data Key (backend :: * - * - *) entity = Key

 class Monad (b m) = Foo b m where
   func :: b m (Key b m)



 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Poll: Do you want a mascot?

2011-11-23 Thread José Pedro Magalhães

On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 19:11, heathmatlock wrote:

 Question: Do you want a mascot?


 This is an attempt to figure out if this idea is going anywhere.

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A Mascot

2011-11-15 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
In general, I like the idea of having a mascot, and think that something
along these lines will be great.


On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 01:01, heathmatlock wrote:

 I liked Go's mascot, and I figure it couldn't hurt to have our own. I
 spent the past hour making this:

 What do you think?

 Heath Matlock
 +1 256 274 4225

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Usage question with TemplateHaskell and Generic

2011-11-07 Thread José Pedro Magalhães

I'm not sure I understand your question. But if you mean that you want to
retrieve the type variable names, as they were defined in the source, then
I can tell you that the generic deriving mechanism cannot do this.


On Sun, Nov 6, 2011 at 14:35, Magicloud Magiclouds wrote:

  I'd like to simpler the work of deriving MyClass. And I have two
 ways to do: TemplateHaskell $(derivingMyClass), or Generic deriving
  Since I need to get the type name in the deriving, then I met this
 question: If I have data A b = C b, then with TemplateHaskell, the
 type would be VarT b, which means at compile time, I cannot get the
 exact type, so the type name would be b.
  So I wonder if this could be resolved by TemplateHaskell, or Generic
 is the only choice.

 PS: I have not tried to do this in Generic.

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is generic information dumpable?

2011-11-04 Thread José Pedro Magalhães

Now, for the following datatype:

data X a = X { myX :: a } deriving Generic

You get the following -ddump-deriv output:

 Derived instances 
Derived instances:
  instance GHC.Generics.Generic (Temp.X a_adY) where
GHC.Generics.from (Temp.X g1_aeG)
  = GHC.Generics.M1
  (GHC.Generics.M1 (GHC.Generics.M1 (GHC.Generics.K1 g1_aeG)))
  (GHC.Generics.M1 (GHC.Generics.M1 (GHC.Generics.M1 (GHC.Generics.K1
  = Temp.X g1_aeH

  instance GHC.Generics.Datatype Temp.D1X where
GHC.Generics.datatypeName _ = X
GHC.Generics.moduleName _ = Temp

  instance GHC.Generics.Constructor Temp.C1_0X where
GHC.Generics.conName _ = X
GHC.Generics.conIsRecord _ = GHC.Types.True

  instance GHC.Generics.Selector Temp.S1_0_0X where
GHC.Generics.selName _ = myX

Generic representation:

  Generated datatypes for meta-information:

  Representation types:
Temp.Rep_X = GHC.Generics.D1
  (GHC.Generics.S1 Temp.S1_0_0X (GHC.Generics.Par0

Still not perfect, in that the representation type should really appear as
a type instance inside the Generic instance, but at least all the important
information is printed.


2011/11/3 Bas van Dijk

 2011/11/3 José Pedro Magalhães
  -ddump-deriv will print (most of) it.

 But it doesn't print the most useful piece of information: the
 definition of Rep.

 It would be great if this could be added.

 Currently when I have a type that I want to know the Rep of, say:

 data Foo = Bar Int
 | Boo {hello :: String}
   deriving Generic

 I just convert it to a Rep and show it:

 err = show $ from $ Boo World

 However Reps don't have Show instances so GHC complains:

 No instance for
  (Show (D1 D1Foo (   C1 C1_0Foo (S1 NoSelector (Rec0 Int))
  :+: C1 C1_1Foo (S1 S1_1_0Foo (Rec0 String))
  arising from a use of `show'

 And there you go. This is the only time when I'm happy to see an error
 message :-)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is generic information dumpable?

2011-11-04 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
2011/11/4 Bas van Dijk

 Thanks José!

 Will this make it into ghc-7.4?

Yes, I think so.



 2011/11/4 José Pedro Magalhães
  Now, for the following datatype:
  data X a = X { myX :: a } deriving Generic
  You get the following -ddump-deriv output:
   Derived instances 
  Derived instances:
instance GHC.Generics.Generic (Temp.X a_adY) where
  GHC.Generics.from (Temp.X g1_aeG)
= GHC.Generics.M1
(GHC.Generics.M1 (GHC.Generics.M1 (GHC.Generics.K1 g1_aeG)))
(GHC.Generics.M1 (GHC.Generics.M1 (GHC.Generics.M1 (GHC.Generics.K1
= Temp.X g1_aeH
instance GHC.Generics.Datatype Temp.D1X where
  GHC.Generics.datatypeName _ = X
  GHC.Generics.moduleName _ = Temp
instance GHC.Generics.Constructor Temp.C1_0X where
  GHC.Generics.conName _ = X
  GHC.Generics.conIsRecord _ = GHC.Types.True
instance GHC.Generics.Selector Temp.S1_0_0X where
  GHC.Generics.selName _ = myX
  Generic representation:
Generated datatypes for meta-information:
Representation types:
  Temp.Rep_X = GHC.Generics.D1
(GHC.Generics.S1 Temp.S1_0_0X (GHC.Generics.Par0
  Still not perfect, in that the representation type should really appear
 as a
  type instance inside the Generic instance, but at least all the important
  information is printed.
  2011/11/3 Bas van Dijk
  2011/11/3 José Pedro Magalhães
   -ddump-deriv will print (most of) it.
  But it doesn't print the most useful piece of information: the
  definition of Rep.
  It would be great if this could be added.
  Currently when I have a type that I want to know the Rep of, say:
  data Foo = Bar Int
  | Boo {hello :: String}
deriving Generic
  I just convert it to a Rep and show it:
  err = show $ from $ Boo World
  However Reps don't have Show instances so GHC complains:
  No instance for
   (Show (D1 D1Foo (   C1 C1_0Foo (S1 NoSelector (Rec0 Int))
   :+: C1 C1_1Foo (S1 S1_1_0Foo (Rec0 String))
   arising from a use of `show'
  And there you go. This is the only time when I'm happy to see an error
  message :-)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ghc 7.2.1 Generics problem

2011-11-03 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
Thanks, you spotted another mistake on that page, I corrected it.

Make sure to have a look at the functions in too; I'm sure those
compile :-)


2011/11/3 Magicloud Magiclouds

 2011/11/1 José Pedro Magalhães
  Oh, right, I see that some things on that page need updating; I'll do so.
  On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 09:33, Magicloud Magiclouds wrote:
  On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 1:59 PM, Andres Löh
I do not know why, my ghc 7.2.1 does not seem to support
   DeriveRepresentable. I compiled the ghc 7.2.1 myself by ghc 7.0.4.
   options default.
   $ ghc Types/TopTalkerRecord.hs
  Unsupported extension: DeriveRepresentable
   There's no extension of that name in 7.2.1. Do you mean DeriveGeneric?
  I do not know. I will try that.
  I got the name from
  Haskell-Cafe mailing list

 Thank you. I saw the page was updated.
 So I followed the document. And got stuck again.

 Copying the code and compile, I got:

 25instance (GSerialize a) = GSerialize (M1 i a) where
 26  gput (M1 x) = gput x

`M1 i a' is not applied to enough type arguments
The first argument of `GSerialize' should have kind `* - *',
but `M1 i a' has kind `(* - *) - * - *'
In the instance declaration for `GSerialize (M1 i a)'


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to speedup generically parsing sum types?

2011-11-03 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
Hi Bas,

First of all, thanks for these numbers. I have previously compared the
performance of GP libs [1] and your results confirm what I would expect,
except for that last one, BigSum/fromJSON/generic.

It's good that you're using INLINE pragmas on the generic function already.
What I would also try:
- Compile with -O2 and -fno-spec-constr-count (this last one is
particularly important)
- Add {-# INLINE [1] #-} pragmas to the to/from methods of your Generic

To add these INLINE pragmas you will have to give your own instances of
Generic (so you can't derive them). I'd suggest you get hold of them with
-ddump-deriv, copy-paste and add the pragmas, just for testing purposes.
The phase is important: you first want to make sure you inline the generic
function definition, and only then the from/to.

Please keep me posted on the effects of these suggestions. In particular,
if the INLINE pragmas on the from/to methods are essential, I'll be happy
to add them to the derived instances.



2011/11/3 Bas van Dijk


 I recently added default generic implementations of toJSON and
 parseJSON to the aeson package. Now I'm optimizing them. Here are some
 benchmark results that compare:

 * th: toJSON and fromJSON generated by template-haskell. Can be
 compared to hand-written code. Should be the fastest of all.

 * syb: toJSON and fromJSON from the Data.Aeson.Generic module. Uses
 the Data type class.

 * generic: my toJSON and fromJSON using GHC Generics.

 The benchmark itself can be found here:


 D/toJSON/th 3.631734 us
 D/toJSON/syb32.66679 us
 D/toJSON/generic3.371868 us

 BigRecord/toJSON/th 8.982990 us
 BigRecord/toJSON/syb48.90737 us
 BigRecord/toJSON/generic8.971597 us

 BigProduct/toJSON/th1.578259 us
 BigProduct/toJSON/syb   29.21153 us
 BigProduct/toJSON/generic   1.623115 us

 BigSum/toJSON/th51.81214 ns
 BigSum/toJSON/syb   1.256708 us
 BigSum/toJSON/generic   71.32851 ns


 D/fromJSON/th   7.017204 us
 D/fromJSON/syb  23.46567 us
 D/fromJSON/generic  7.968974 us

 BigRecord/fromJSON/th   8.513789 us
 BigRecord/fromJSON/syb  36.64501 us
 BigRecord/fromJSON/generic  10.07809 us

 BigProduct/fromJSON/th  2.430677 us
 BigProduct/fromJSON/syb 17.97764 us
 BigProduct/fromJSON/generic 2.201130 us

 BigSum/fromJSON/th  414.8699 ns
 BigSum/fromJSON/syb 4.113170 us
 BigSum/fromJSON/generic 13.62614 us !!!

 As can be seen, in most cases the GHC Generics implementation is much
 faster than SYB and just as fast as TH. I'm impressed by how well GHC
 optimizes the code!

 Unfortunately the last benchmark, generically parsing a big sum type,
 is much slower. The code for parsing sums, which can be found here:

 is basically this:

 instance (GFromSum a, GFromSum b) = GFromJSON (a :+: b) where
gParseJSON (Object (M.toList - [keyVal])) = gParseSum keyVal
gParseJSON v = typeMismatch sum (:+:) v
{-# INLINE gParseJSON #-}

 class GFromSum f where
gParseSum :: Pair - Parser (f a)

 instance (GFromSum a, GFromSum b) = GFromSum (a :+: b) where
gParseSum keyVal = (L1 $ gParseSum keyVal) |
   (R1 $ gParseSum keyVal)
{-# INLINE gParseSum #-}

 instance (Constructor c, GFromJSON a, ConsFromJSON a) =
GFromSum (C1 c a) where
gParseSum (key, value)
| key == pack (conName (undefined :: t c a p)) =
gParseJSON value
| otherwise = notFound $ unpack key
{-# INLINE gParseSum #-}

 notFound :: String - Parser a
 notFound key = fail $ The key \ ++ key ++ \ was not found
 {-# INLINE notFound #-}

 Any idea how to make it faster?



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is generic information dumpable?

2011-11-03 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
-ddump-deriv will print (most of) it.


On Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 16:26, Magicloud Magiclouds wrote:

  I am learning the new generic feature of ghc. I'd have to say, it is
 harder than template to enter.
  When I started to learn template, ghc -ddump-slices really helped.
 So I wonder if I could get the representation generated when deriving
 Generic. I think that would be a great help.

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is generic information dumpable?

2011-11-03 Thread José Pedro Magalhães

2011/11/3 Bas van Dijk

 2011/11/3 José Pedro Magalhães
  -ddump-deriv will print (most of) it.

 But it doesn't print the most useful piece of information: the
 definition of Rep.

Yes... I am aware of this.

 It would be great if this could be added.

I'll do it.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ghc 7.2.1 Generics problem

2011-11-01 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
Oh, right, I see that some things on that page need updating; I'll do so.


On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 09:33, Magicloud Magiclouds wrote:

 On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 1:59 PM, Andres Löh
   I do not know why, my ghc 7.2.1 does not seem to support
  DeriveRepresentable. I compiled the ghc 7.2.1 myself by ghc 7.0.4. All
  options default.
  $ ghc Types/TopTalkerRecord.hs
 Unsupported extension: DeriveRepresentable
  There's no extension of that name in 7.2.1. Do you mean DeriveGeneric?

 I do not know. I will try that.
 I got the name from


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Hackage feature request: E-mail author when a package breaks

2011-11-01 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 09:43, Conrad Parker wrote:

 On 1 November 2011 03:43, Alexander Kjeldaas wrote:
  On 31 October 2011 17:22, Yitzchak Gale wrote:
  Gregory Crosswhite wrote:
   could [Hackage] have a feature where when a
   working package breaks with a new version of
   GHC the author is automatically e-mailed?
  This would be nice. However, there would have to be
  a way for it to be turned on and off by the author.
  (Spam is not nice.)
  How about sending an email to
  and then people can join that mailing list if they are interested in that
  sort of stuff?  Mailman is good at doing subscribe and unsubscribe.


 I like this because it is opt-in for the maintainer, and also allows
 anyone else who is interested in the package to track it.

 Per-package RSS updates of build failures would also be useful.




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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] lost in generics

2011-10-20 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
Hi Rusi,

GHC has built-in support for two generic programming libraries. SYB [1]
support has been there for a long time. The new generic mechanism [2], which
allows you to define your own, (almost) derivable classes, only appeared in
7.2, but is planned to stay.

What library you should use depends on what you want to do. There's a
(slightly outdated) paper about that [3]. If you're looking into AST
manipulations, SYB (or Uniplate [4]) might be the best pick. For most things
I prefer the new generic mechanism, though.



On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 18:12, Rustom Mody wrote:

 I need some help finding my way around the various generics libraries.

 My usage scenario is -- at least to start with -- the ASTs of programming

 It appears to me that there are two generations of generics -- earlier
 there was generic haskell and strafunski
 Now there is uniplate and kure (and syb? -- not sure of its generation...)

 I get this impression because I saw a comment somewhat along these lines.

 And also the very first reference link on the strafunski webpage:
 seems to be dead. So I am wondering whether strafunski is still under
 development or is it defunct?

 The following paras from

 The current status of generic programming in Haskell is comparable
 to the lazy Tower of Babel preceding the birth of Haskell
 in the eighties [Hudak et al., 2007]. We have many single-site languages
 or libraries, each individually lacking critical mass in terms
 of language/library-design effort, implementations, and users.

 Although generic programming has been used in several applications,
 it has few users for real-life projects. This is understandable.
 Developing a large application takes a couple of years, and
 choosing a particular approach to generic programming for such a
 project involves a risk. Few approaches that have been developed
 over the last decade are still supported, and there is a high risk that
 the chosen approach will not be supported anymore, or that it will
 change in a backwards-incompatible way in a couple of years time.

  sound omninous :-)

 In general my question is:  What is alive/active and what is alive/active
 and what is -- um -- moved-on-from.
 And of course which are easier and which more difficult to dig into.



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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] DSL for data definition (e.g. compiling Haskell type defs into Google's protocol buffers type defs)

2011-10-04 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
Hi Karel,

You can use SYB's toConstr/dataTypeOf [1] to obtain information about the
name of the constructor and datatype. Alternatively, you can also use the
new generic programming framework of ghc-7.2 [2].



On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 17:02, Karel Gardas wrote:


 I'm trying to find out if it's possible to use Haskell data type definition
 capability to define types and compile defined types into other languages,
 for example into Google's protocol buffers data definition language. So
 basically speaking I'm thinking about using Haskell sub-set as a
 data-definition DSL together with some functions which will generate some
 code based on supplied defined data types. My idea is:

 data Person = Person {
id :: Int
, name :: String
, email :: Maybe String
deriving (Show, Data, Typeable)

 emit_proto Person 1

 where emit_proto is function which will translate Person data type
 definition into Google's proto language (the 1 is index from which start to
 index type's fields) by traversing data type definition and translating all
 its children plus do some header/footer generation etc:

 message Person {
  required int32 id = 1;
  required string name = 2;
  optional string email = 3;

 I've looked for something like that and found SYB papers which works on top
 of data instance (i.e. actual data, not data type). I also found JSON lib
 which again works on top of data and not data type. I've tried to look into
 Data.Typetable etc, but have not found function which will print data type's
 field name and field type name (although JSON lib seems to use field name
 for JSON generation so I'll need to investigate this more). I've tested
 `typeOf' function and it's quite useful, but its limitation is that it's not
 working on ADT name:

 data Color = RED|GREEN|BLUE

 *Main typeOf Color

 interactive:1:8: Not in scope: data constructor `Color'

 *Main typeOf RED

 and I would need that in order to translate Color defined above into enum

 enum Color {
  RED = 0;
  GREEN = 1;
  BLUE = 2;

 My question is: do you think I'm looking into good direction (i.e.
 Data/Typeable) or do you think I'll need to use something different for data
 definition DSL (Template Haskell?, or impossible in Haskell so write my own
 language with full parser? etc?)

 Thanks for any idea or opinion on this!

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Generics (SYB) with parametrized types

2011-08-16 Thread José Pedro Magalhães

I'm not sure I fully understand what you're trying to do, but when I read

Ideally, I'd like to restrict my
 search to Located instances that wrap an instance of Outputable,

I think this means SYB is not the right tool. Due to the way Typeable works
(it's monomorphic), SYB doesn't really play well with adhoc cases for types
which satisfy given class constraints. Your adhoc cases have to be listed
per type, a bit like in the empty function [1], for instance.

Also, SYB and parametrized types don't really mix all that well either. This
affects things like extracting all the `b`s from a `Located b`. Perhaps you
could have a look at the new generics in GHC 7.2 [2]? You should be able to
derive `Generic` for all the GHC API types (using standalone deriving), and
this mechanism deals fine with (single) parametrized types. I'd be happy to
hear what happens if you try this.



On Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 17:56, JP Moresmau wrote:

 Hello, I'm banging my head against a wall there trying to use the syb
 generics schemes against the GHC API. I'm looking at implementing a
 search mechanism in the AST in the more direct way that what Scion
 does (creating an instance of a TypeClass for each AST node type).
 Since the GHC AST types derive from Data and Typeable, I thought it
 would be possible.
 So the problem is a follows: I have a start type, say
 TypecheckedSource, that derives from Data. What I'd like to do is to
 find all instances of the Located type inside that source that span a
 particular range. The problem is that Located is a parametrized type
 that wraps anything and just add location information. So the result
 of the search could be anything. Ideally, I'd like to restrict my
 search to Located instances that wrap an instance of Outputable,
 pretty print that and output only the result.
 So I'm looking to implement something that would have that signature:
 TypecheckedSource - (Line,Column) - [String]

 I have written code along these lines:
 everything (++) ([] `mkQ` overlap) ts
overlap :: forall b1 . (Outputable b1, Typeable b1) =Located
 b1  - [String]
overlap (a::Located b1)= ... trivial code here finding if the
 location overlaps, and if it does, pretty print the object, otherwise
 returns []

 And GHC complains:
  Ambiguous type variable `b10' in the constraints:
   (Outputable b10) arising from a use of `overlap'
at ...
   (Typeable b10) arising from a use of `overlap'
at ...

 So it doesn't like the fact that I don't know which types my Located
 instances wrap. But that's the point, I don't care, I just want to
 restrict my search to the ones I can pretty print. If I just try the
 code against simple non parametrized types it of course works. If I
 add some forall b1 . (Outputable ... in my main function signature it
 complains that I never use b1 anywhere else in the signature, of

 Is there a way to achieve what I want
 (-XOhPleaseDoWhatIwantEvenIfIamNotSureItMakesSense or something)?

 Thanks a million!

 JP Moresmau

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Deriving instances with GADTs

2011-08-04 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
Hi Tim,

On Thu, Aug 4, 2011 at 08:57, Tim Cowlishaw wrote:

 Hi all,

 I've been writing a DSL to describe securities orders, and after a lot
 of help from the kind folk of this list and #haskell have come up with
 the following implementation, using generalised algebraic data types:

 Elsewhere in my application, I make use of the order type defined
 therein in the following newtype declaration:

  newtype OrderListLevel s = OrderListLevel {orders :: [Order s Limit]}
 deriving (Eq, Show)

 However, the 'deriving' clause here fails:

No instance for (Eq (Order s Limit))
  arising from the 'deriving' clause of a data type declaration
   at src/Simulation/OrderList.hs:9:82-83

No instance for (Show (Order s Limit))
  arising from the 'deriving' clause of a data type declaration
   at src/Simulation/OrderList.hs:9:86-89

 I don't fully understand this - the error is correct that there is no
 instance of either Eq or Show for (Order s Limit), however, instances
 are defined for Order Buy Limit and Order Sell Limit, and since these
 are the only possible types that a value can be constructed with (the
 type constructor is 'closed' over these types in some sense I guess),
 it seems to me that this should provide enough information to derive
 the Eq and Show instances. Am I making unreasonable expectations of
 ghci's instance-deriving mechanism here, or missing something obvious?

Here you seem to be using newtype deriving in particular, which behaves
differently from standard deriving. Compiling with -ddump-deriv will show
you the instances GHC is generating, which can help in debugging.

Note however that deriving instances for GADTs is not trivial, in general.
In particular, you should not assume that GHC knows that `s` can only be
instantiated with `Buy` and `Sell` since (because we lack a proper kind
system) nothing prevents you from later using, say, `Order Int Limit`

I describe the issue in more detail in the paper:

 José Pedro Magalhães and Johan Jeuring. Generic Programming for Indexed
 Color pdf:
 Greyscale pdf:


 Many thanks in advance,


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] I confused myself with generics, and now I confused ghc too

2011-07-19 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
Hi Ari,

I won't really try to answer your question, but I'll give you the code for
gzipWithQ written by Alexey Rodriguez Yakushev some years ago for his
comparison on generic programming libraries. The original darcs repo no
longer exists, but here is the file which I think is relevant for you:

 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-}
  {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fallow-undecidable-instances #-}
  {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fallow-overlapping-instances #-}

  module Traversals where

  import Data.Generics.SYB.WithClass.Basics
  import BinTreeDatatype
  import BinTreeReps

 These traversals were copied (and adapted) from CtxSchemes.hs.
 That file is distributed in

 The adaptations are necessary so that it works with SYB3 distributed in:

  darcs get

  -- | A type constructor for accumulation
  newtype A a c d = A { unA :: a - (a, c d) }

  gfoldlAccum :: Data ctx d
  = Proxy ctx
  - (forall d r. Data ctx d = a - c (d - r) - d - (a, c
  - (forall g. a - g - (a, c g))
  - a - d - (a, c d)
  gfoldlAccum ctx k z a d = unA (gfoldl ctx k' z' d) a
k' c y = A (\a - let (a', c') = unA c a in k a' c' y)
z' f   = A (\a - z a f)

  -- | gmapQr with accumulation
  gmapAccumQr :: Data ctx d
  = Proxy ctx
  - (r' - r - r)
  - r
  - (forall d. Data ctx d = a - d - (a,r'))
  - a - d - (a, r)
  gmapAccumQr ctx o r f a d = let (a',l) = gfoldlAccum ctx k z a d
  in (a',unQr l r)
k a (Qr c) d = let (a',r') = f a d
in (a', Qr (\r - c (r' `o` r)))
z a _ = (a, Qr id)

  -- | gmapQ with accumulation
  gmapAccumQ :: Data ctx d
 = Proxy ctx
 - (forall d. Data ctx d = a - d - (a,q))
 - a - d - (a, [q])
  gmapAccumQ ctx f = gmapAccumQr ctx (:) [] f

 Adapted from the source code of SYB 12 to work with syb3

  gzipWithQ :: forall ctx r . Proxy ctx - GenericQ ctx (GenericQ ctx r) -
 GenericQ ctx (GenericQ ctx [r])
  gzipWithQ ctx f x y = case gmapAccumQ ctx perkid funs y of
 ([], r) - r
 _   - error gzipWithQ
perkid a d = (tail a, unGQ (head a) d)
funs :: [GenericQ' ctx r]
funs = gmapQ ctx (\k - GQ (f k)) x
  newtype GenericQ' ctx r = GQ { unGQ :: GenericQ ctx r }

 Adapted from CtxSchemes.hs

  everything :: Proxy ctx - (r - r - r) - GenericQ ctx r - GenericQ
 ctx r
  everything ctx k f x
= foldl k (f x) (gmapQ ctx (everything ctx k f) x)

  everywhere :: Proxy ctx - GenericT ctx - GenericT ctx
  everywhere ctx f
= f . gmapT ctx (everywhere ctx f)

Let me know if this doesn't work, or if you need something else.


On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 15:42, Ari Rahikkala ari.rahikk...@gmail.comwrote:

 I want to implement generic comparison on top of syb-with-class, and
 based on looking at syb, it seems I could base it on something like
 gzipWithQ from syb's Data.Generics.Twins. However, there's no
 Data.Generics.SYB.WithClass.Twins. So I set out to see if I can write
 one myself (well, one with just enough stuff to support gzipWithQ
 anyway) Here's what I've got so far:

 The problem is that GHCi seems to be somewhat confused, or at least
 confusing, about the type of gzipWithQ here. When I ask with :t, it
 reports the type as:

  :: (Data ctx a2, Data ctx a3, Data ctx a) =
 Proxy ctx
 - (forall a0.
 Data ctx a0 =
 a0 - forall a1. Data ctx a1 = a1 - r)
 - a2
 - a3
 - [r]

 If I actually replace gzipWithQ's annotated type with this, GHCi will
 reject the program. And in any case with GenericQ being defined as
 type GenericQ ctx r = Data ctx a = a - r, isn't this closer to
 gzipWithQ's type with the type synonyms expanded?

 gzipWithQ :: forall ctx a r.
 Data ctx a =
 Proxy ctx
  - (Data ctx a0 = a0 - (Data ctx a1 = a1 - r))
  - (Data ctx a2 = a2 - (Data ctx a3 = a3 - [r]))

 (GHCi accepts this as gzipWithQ's type so I assume it's the same one.
 I assume those class constraints after the = come with implicit
 foralls? Because it seems to mean the same thing if I put foralls in

 I have no idea how to even start figuring out how to make gzipWithQ
 and its type work. I only got this far by copying code from
 Data.Generics.Twins and passing down the proxy parameter and/or
 context type parameter (is it even possible for this approach to
 work?). What I can tell is that GHCi will still change the type like
 that even if gzipWithQ = undefined, so I'll have to change the type
 and not just the body of the function. Is this the kind of thing that
 all those newtypes in Data.Generics.Twins are for? Should I read up on
 type theory?

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Build failure on Hackage, missing syb

2011-06-16 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
Hi all,

What causes the following build failure on Hackage?

*** setup configure

 Configuring instant-generics-0.3.2...
 cabal-setup: At least the following dependencies are missing:
 syb 0.4

This is in package
The syb package built fine on Hackage. Previously, packages depending on syb
built fine too (e.g. So why is
instant-generics-0.3.2 not building?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Local copy of hackageDB

2011-04-07 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
Hi all,

I want to use cabal-install on a machine without internet access. I tried
unpacking it and setting the local-repo field in the config file to this
location but that doesn't work, as cabal-install says that it is missing the
package list for the local repo. What should I do?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Local copy of hackageDB

2011-04-07 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
Hi Yitz,

Thanks, but I don't really need a functional server or anything; I just want
to have a local copy of Hackage on disk (latest versions only will do) and
tell cabal-install to use that instead of the web.

Regarding yackage, I don't think I can open ports on that machine either...


2011/4/7 Yitzchak Gale

 José Pedro Magalhães wrote:
  I want to use cabal-install on a machine without internet access.

 Work is ongoing for a version of hackage that you can just
 install on your own server. Perhaps the people working on that
 can comment about the status.

 If all you want is a barebones server that you can upload
 packages to for use via cabal-install, you can get:

 Hope this helps,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Local copy of hackageDB

2011-04-07 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
Yes, I have that tarball. I just don't know how to tell cabal-install to use
it. Going to each package, individually unpacking and installing it is what
I've been doing so far, but I was hoping that could be automated.


On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 14:18, Magnus Therning wrote:

 On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 11:21, Marc Weber wrote:
  Local copy ?
  You know that hackage is hosting several thausands of source archives -
  also old versions you don't want?
  Do you want to mirror everything locally?
  Fetching latest versions only to generate hashes takes many hours.
  (Experience from hack-nix).

 There's a tar-ball served from
 ( which
 contains the latest version of all packages.  I think that's what the
 OP is using.  Downloading a 150MB tar-ball shouldn't take many hours,
 if you're on a decent connection.


 Magnus Therning  OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4
 email:   jabber:
 twitter: magthe

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Install GTK on Windows

2011-03-16 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
Thanks, that worked! First it was loading stuff from graphviz, and then from
sysWOW64... now I finally run threadscope :-)


2011/3/15 Ryan Yates

 Hi Pedro,

 Perhaps the libglib-2.0.0.dll that is getting loaded is not the one you
 want.  You should be able to use a tool like process explorer [1] to see
 which specific dlls are getting loaded when you run.



 2011/3/15 José Pedro Magalhães

 Hi all,

 I'd just like to add that I succeeded in building gtk2hs in Windows XP
 64bit with GHC 7.0.2, using the 2.16 bundle from [1] and following the
 instructions in [2].

 However, running the test program of [2] still fails at runtime with The
 procedure entry point g_assertion_message_expr could not be located in the
 dynamic link library libglib-2.0.0.dll. Any idea what could cause this? Do
 I need to add -l something when compiling the program?




Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Install GTK on Windows

2011-03-15 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
Hi all,

I'd just like to add that I succeeded in building gtk2hs in Windows XP 64bit
with GHC 7.0.2, using the 2.16 bundle from [1] and following the
instructions in [2].

However, running the test program of [2] still fails at runtime with The
procedure entry point g_assertion_message_expr could not be located in the
dynamic link library libglib-2.0.0.dll. Any idea what could cause this? Do
I need to add -l something when compiling the program?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Some quick experiments with GHC 7.0.2 in Intel's Manycore Testing Lab (32 cores)

2011-03-11 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
Hi all,

I've played a bit with Intel's Manycore Testing Lab ( Part
of the agreement to use it requires that you report back your experiences,
which I did in an Intel forum post ( I thought
this could be interesting to the Haskell community in general as well, so
I'm reposting here, and pasting the text below for convenience. I've
replaced the images with links.


As per the agreement with Intel, I am reporting my experiences with the
 Intel Manycore Testing Lab (Linux). This was my first time in the lab, and I
 wanted to test GHC's [1] SMP parallelism [2] features.

 The first challenge was to actually get GHC to work on the lab. There was a
 working version of ghc under /opt/ghc6.13/bin/ghc, but I really needed GHC
 7. So first I built GHC 7.0.2-rc2, which worked without much trouble.

 Next step was to get all the necessary libraries in place. Since the lab
 has no direct internet access, cabal-install [3] wouldn't be of much use.
 Instead, I downloaded a snapshot of hackage [4] with the latest version of
 every package and manually installed the packages I needed. A bit boring,
 but doable.

 Finally I was ready to compile my programs and test. First thing I tried
 was an existing algorithm I had which, at some point, takes a list of about
 500 trees and, for each tree, computes a measure which is expressed as a
 floating point number. This is basically a map over a list transforming each
 tree into a float. Each operation is independent of the others, and all
 require the same input, so it seems ideal for parallelisation. A quick
 benchmark revealed the following running times:

 (Note the non-linear number of cores at the end of the x-axis.) Apparently
 there are performance gains with up to 6 cores; adding more cores after this
 makes the total running time worse.

 While this might sound bad, do note that all that was necessary to
 parallelise this algorithm was a one line change: basically, at the point
 where the list of floats @l@ is generated, it is replaced with @l `using`
 parList rdeepseq@. This change, together with recompilation using
 -threaded, is all that is necessary to parallelise this program.

 Later I performed a more accurate benchmark, this time using the equality
 function (take two elements and compare them for equality). The first step
 was to parallelise the equality function, which, again, is a very simple

 -- Tree datatype
 data Tree a = Leaf | Bin a (Tree a) (Tree a)

 -- Parallel equality
 eqTreePar :: Tree Int - Tree Int - Bool
 eqTreePar Leaf Leaf = True
 eqTreePar (Bin x1 l1 r1) (Bin x2 l2 r2) = x1 == x2  par l (pseq r (l 
 where l = eqTreePar l1 l2
   r = eqTreePar r1 r2
 eqTreePar _ _ = False

 `par` and `pseq` are the two primitives for parallelisation in GHC [5]. The
 performance graph follows:

 (This time I ran the benchmark several times; the error bars on the graph
 are the standard deviations.) Again we get performance improvements with up
 to 6 cores, and after that performance decreases. What I find really nice is
 the improvement with two cores, which is almost a 50% decrease in running
 time. The ratios for 2 to 4 cores wrt. the running time with 1 core are
 0.52, 0.39, and 0.35, respectively. This is really good for such a simple
 change in the source code, and most people only have up to 4 cores anyway.
 In any case, the results of this (very preliminary) experiment seem to
 indicate that GHC's SMP parallelism is not particularly optimized for a high
 number of cores (yet).

 I'm planning to explore this line of research further, and I'm hoping to be
 able to conduct more experiments in the near future. Feel free to contact me
 if you want more information on what I've done.



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] SMP parallelism gains inferior than expected

2011-02-24 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
(Forwarding to haskell-cafe)


I have a program that computes a matrix of Floats of m rows by n columns.
Computing each Float is relatively expensive. Each line is completely
independent of the others, so I thought I'd try some simple SMP parallelism
on this code:

myFun :: FilePath - IO ()
myFun fp =
  do fs - readDataDir fp
 let process f = readFile' f = parse
 printLine = putStrLn . foldr (\a b - show a ++ \t ++ b) 
 runDiff l = [ [ diff x y | y - l ]
 | (x,i) - zip l (map getId fs), myFilter i ]
 ps - mapM process fs
 sequence_ [ printLine x | x - runDiff ps *`using` parList rdeepseq* ]

So, I'm using parList to evaluate the rows in parallel, and fully evaluating
each row. Here are the timings on a Dual Quad Core AMD 2378 @2.4 GHz,
ghc-6.12.3, parallel-

-N  time (ms)
2   1m33
3   1m35
4   1m22
5   1m11
6   1m06
7   1m45

The increase at 7 is justified by the fact that there were two other
processes running. I don't know how to justify the small increase at N3,
though, but that doesn't matter too much. The problem is that I am not
getting the gains I expected (halving at N2, a third at N3, etc.). Is this
the best one can achieve with this implicit parallelism, or am I doing
something wrong? In particular, is the way I'm printing the results at the
end destroying potential parallel gains?

Any insights on this are appreciated.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: htime-0.1

2011-02-24 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
Hello all,

I kept being annoyed at the fact that Windows doesn't come with anything
similar to the unix time utility, so I created a small Haskell program
that does something similar. I thought this could perhaps be useful to
others, so it's now available on Hackage:

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] rewrite rules to specialize function according to type class?

2011-02-15 Thread José Pedro Magalhães

2011/2/15 Simon Peyton-Jones

 but currently any pragmas in a class decl are treated as attaching to the
 *default method*, not to the method selector:

Thanks for this clarification, I had wondered about this for a while. I
think it would also be nice to mention this in the user's guide; currently,
nothing about the semantics of rewrite rules in classes/instances.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] SYB: extending a generic reader with a type class

2011-02-02 Thread José Pedro Magalhães

I don't think you can do that, since `ext` relies on Typeable and Typeable
only works for monomorphic types.


On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 20:31, Sugar Bzzz wrote:

 Dear -cafe,

 Is it possible to extend a generic reader (extR / ext1R from syb) with a
 type class?

 For example, let

 foo :: (Integral a) = SomeMonad a

 I could write:

 reader = ... `extR` (foo :: SomeMonad Int) `extR` (foo :: SomeMonad

 However, that is tedious.  Could I do something like

 reader = ... `extR` foo

 and have it apply to all instances of Integral?

 I hope I am being clear.

 Thank you.

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Compiling UHC

2010-08-23 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
Hi Henk-Jan,

On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 00:15, Henk-Jan van Tuyl wrote:


 I am trying to compile the current release of UHC (1.0.1); I started with
 the installation of the most recent version of uulib and uuagc.  When
  make uhc
 I received the following message:
  Could not find module `UU.DData.Scc':
Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.

 This module is not in the most recent version of uulib, so I installed
 uulib-0.9.10, but then I received the message:
  Could not find module `UU.DData.Scc':
It is a member of the hidden package `uulib-0.9.10'.
Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.

 What can I do to get UHC compiled?

Yes, I think you really have to use uulib-0.9.10 for the latest released
version. Another alternative would be to checkout the HEAD. But if you don't
want that, then uninstall uulib-0.9.12 (ghc-pkg unregister uulib-0.9.12)
first; GHC should then use uulib-0.9.10 automatically.


 (I am using Haskell Platform 2010.2.0.0)

 Henk-Jan van Tuyl

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Tiger compiler in Haskell: annotating abstract syntax tree

2010-07-23 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
Hi Romildo,

2010/7/23 José Romildo Malaquias

 On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 09:17:15AM +0200, José Pedro Magalhães wrote:
  2010/7/19 José Romildo Malaquias
   I am writing here to ask suggestions on how to annotate an ast with
   types (or any other information that would be relevant in a compiler
   phase) in Haskell.
  Indeed I would suggest the method described in our paper:
  Martijn van Steenbergen, José Pedro Magalhães, and Johan Jeuring. Generic
  selections of subexpressions.
  Paper link:
  Related hackage package:

 Annotations-0.1 requires base ==4.1.* and parsec ==3.0.*, but I have
 base- and parsec-3.1.0 on my Gentoo Linux system. Would it work
 with these new versions of base and parsec?

Yes, that version has a problem with the constraints. I think they are too
restrictive; probably base = 4  base  4.3 would do. As for parsec, I am
not sure, but at least you can easily get parsec-3.0.*, whereas base is more
complicated. We will upload a new version soon to fix this.



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Tiger compiler in Haskell: annotating abstract

2010-07-21 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
Hi Oleg,

On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 09:36, wrote:

 Jose Pedro Magalhaes wrote:
  From what I understand, you are using a list of integers to encode a path
  a subterm. This is a practical and lightweight implementation, but less
  type-safe: it is easy to encode annotations that do not correspond to any
  value. Also, it cannot guarantee, with types alone, that every subterm is

 Let us consider the type safety closely. Let us assume a very
 simple data type: lists of integers of length 10. Suppose we want to
 add string annotations to the elements. In my solution, I create an
 IntMap whose key is an integer 0..9 (the index in the original list)
 and the value is the string annotation. It is true that the type
 system does not prevent me from adding an annotation for key 11 (which
 corresponds to no element in the original list) or from forgetting to
 add annotation for key 7.

 As I understand it, your approach is to transform the original list of
 integers into the list of (Int,String) pairs. Now we are sure that
 each element is paired with an annotation and there are no orphan
 annotations. The annotation process creates this new list of pairs and
 returns it. However, how do you get _the type checker_ to ensure that
 the annotated list does correspond to the original list?  That all old
 elements are present in the annotated list, and in the same order?

 It all boils down to enforcing the invariant
proj al == l
 where l is the original list, al is the annotation list, and proj is
 the operation that removes annotations. It is true that my lightweight
 method generally cannot, in type system, enforce that invariant. (I
 can still enforce it if I design an appropriate security kernel and
 prove, _offline_, its correctness). But how could you enforce that
 invariant *in the type system*?

Considering our library approach (using multirec), there is no type-level
guarantee that the generic values correspond to their normal
counterparts. From the type we can see that they have the same shape, but
not that they have the same content. This would be an offline proof: that
the embedding-projection pair really is an isomorphism (between normal and
generic values).

However, this proof is external to the annotations system: it belongs in the
generic library (since the library generates the embedding-projection pair
automatically), and only needs to be done once. Once the
embedding-projection pair has been proven correct, the annotations are
shape-correct by construction, and value-correct by the correctness of
the generic library.

As I understand it, in your system you would need a proof of correctness for
every annotated type.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Tiger compiler in Haskell: annotating abstract syntax tree

2010-07-20 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
Hi José,

2010/7/19 José Romildo Malaquias

 I am writing here to ask suggestions on how to annotate an ast with
 types (or any other information that would be relevant in a compiler
 phase) in Haskell.

 As an example, consider the simplified ast types:

  data Exp
= IntExp Integer
| VarExp Symbol
| AssignExp Symbol Exp
| IfExp Exp Exp (Maybe Exp)
| CallExp Symbol [Exp]
| LetExp [Dec] Exp

  data Dec
 = TypeDec Symbol Ty
 | FunctionDec Symbol [(Symbol,Symbol)] (Mybe Symbol) Exp
 | VarDec Symbol (Maybe Symbol) Exp

 Expressions can have type annotations, but declarations can not.


Indeed I would suggest the method described in our paper:

Martijn van Steenbergen, José Pedro Magalhães, and Johan Jeuring. Generic
selections of subexpressions.
Paper link:
Related hackage package:

Something like what Malcolm proposed (adding one extra constructor) would
also be possible generically, but it would be more similar to how we add
meta-variables in our generic rewriting library (ask for more details if
you're interested in this alternative).



 Computer Science Department
 Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Brasil
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Tiger compiler in Haskell: annotating abstract syntax tree

2010-07-20 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
Hi Oleg,

From what I understand, you are using a list of integers to encode a path to
a subterm. This is a practical and lightweight implementation, but less
type-safe: it is easy to encode annotations that do not correspond to any
value. Also, it cannot guarantee, with types alone, that every subterm is

Our solution, on the other way, requires more intrusive changes to the
user's datatype.


On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 11:06, wrote:

 Jose' Romildo Malaquias wrote:

  I am writing here to ask suggestions on how to annotate an ast with
  types (or any other information that would be relevant in a compiler
  phase) in Haskell.

 There is also a general way of annotating AST post factum, described in

 The method lets one attach arbitrarily many annotations to an already
 built AST, *without* the need to change the definition of the
 datatype. One does not even have to anticipate annotations! The method
 would work with your AST

data Exp
  = IntExp Integer
  | VarExp Symbol
  | AssignExp Symbol Exp

 as _it is_, without any modifications -- neither to the data type
 definition, nor to the tree.

 The method was demonstrated when writing a compiler of sorts:
 annotating an AST with an inferred type for each node. If the type
 inference fails, we can still print out the inferred types for the
 good subexpressions.

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] GADTs and Scrap your Boilerplate

2010-05-16 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
Hi Oscar,

On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 22:19, Oscar Finnsson oscar.finns...@gmail.comwrote:


 I guess my questions are:

 1. Is it possible to combine GADTs with Scrap your Boilerplate?

Your GADT encodes an existential datatype. The closest attempt to encode
existential types in (something like) SYB that I know of is in Section 5.3
of Alexey's PhD thesis [1]. Having said that, he uses the spine view, which
makes the generic view in SYB explicit, but this has never been packaged as
a library. So I'm afraid the answer is no. The link above might still be
useful for your understanding of why this is a complex problem, though.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Data instance for a GADT

2010-04-19 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
Hi Ozgur,

At least template-haskell- (which comes with GHC 6.12) has syntax for
type equality constraints [1], so I'm guessing it should support GADTs (I
haven't actually tested it). It also has syntax for type families.



On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 11:53, Ozgur Akgun wrote:

 Seeing this old thread[1], I hope something happened towards enabling this.
 Does anybody know the current status about using TH on GADTs?


 On 14 April 2010 10:32, Ozgur Akgun wrote:

 answering to myself: I guess this is related:

 On 14 April 2010 10:13, Ozgur Akgun wrote:


 How can I provide a Data instance for a GADT? I am trying to TH on it,
 and Uniplate requires Data.
 I tried StandaloneDeriving, but it seems not to work.


 Ozgur Akgun

 Ozgur Akgun

 Ozgur Akgun

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: cabal: other-modules

2010-04-15 Thread José Pedro Magalhães

On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 14:40, Johannes Waldmann wrote:

 What happened was this:

 1. add some modules to a library (but forget to mention them in the cabal
   then (in the lib source dir, without cleaning/reconfiguring)
   cabal install --global (runs without complaint)

 2. re-compile an application that uses the library
   (cabal configure  cabal build): this gave undefined symbol errors
   (for things from the added modules)

Just to say that this has happened to me very often as well, on Windows. The
first time it took me quite some time to realize what was going wrong...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] SYB/Generics documentation inaccessible

2010-02-02 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
A few days ago I changed the links from the SYB wiki [1] to point to an
archived version of the webpage:

But it would be nice to have the webpage up again, somewhere.



On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 21:23, Arne D Halvorsen wrote:

 I have tried to access a few of the documents on generics that are referred
 to from wikipedia, from the GHC documentation, from hackage and from the
 wiki. These documents (on, subdirectory boilerplate and strafunski)
 are apparently forbidden to me, and have been for some weeks. I tried to
 mail a webmaster and some other mentioned mail addresses, but the mails
 bounced. Could somebody make the docs accessible, or should it be re-hosted
 on Hackage?

 Arne D Halvorsen

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: could we get a Data instance for Data.Text.Text?

2010-01-25 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
Hi Jeremy,

As Neil Mitchell said before, if you really don't want to expose the
internals of Text (by just using a derived instance) then you have no other
alternative than to use String conversion. If you've been using it already
and performance is not a big problem, then I guess it's ok.

Regarding the Serialize issue, maybe I am not understanding the problem
correctly: isn't that just another generic function? There are generic
implementations of binary get and put for at least two generic programming
libraries in Hackage [1, 2], and writing one for SYB shouldn't be hard
either, I think. Then you could have a trivial way of generating instances
of Serialize, namely something like

 instance Serialize MyType where
   getCopy = gget
   putCopy = gput

and you could provide Template Haskell code for generating these. Or even
just do

 instance (Data a) = Serialize a where ...

if you are willing to use OverlappingInstances and UndecidableInstances...



On Tue, Jan 26, 2010 at 03:16, Jeremy Shaw wrote:

 On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 5:49 AM, Neil Mitchell ndmitch...@gmail.comwrote:


 The problem with Data for Text isn't that we have to write a new
 instance, but that you could argue that proper handling of Text with
 Data would not be using a type class, but have special knowledge baked
 in to Data. That's far worse than the Serialise problem mentioned
 above, and no one other than the Data authors could solve it. Of
 course, I don't believe that, but it is a possible interpretation.

 Right.. that is the problem with Text. Do you think the correct thing to do
 for gunfold and toConstr is to convert the Text to a String and then call
 the gufold and toConstr for String? Or something else?

 The Serialise problem is a serious one. I can't think of any good
 solutions, but I recommend you give knowledge of your serialise class
 to Derive 
 and then at
 least the instances can be auto-generated. Writing lots of boilerplate
 and regularly ripping it up is annoying, setting up something to
 generate it for you reduces the pain.

 We currently use template haskell to generate the Serialize instances in
 most cases (though some data types have more optimized encodings that were
 written by hand). However, you must supply the Version and Migration
 instances by hand (they are super classes of Serialize).

 I am all for splitting the Serialize stuff out of happstack .. it is not
 really happstack specific. Though I suspect pulling it out is not entirely
 trivial either. I think the existing code depends on syb-with-class.

 - jeremy

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Largest types in SYB

2009-12-21 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
Hello Paul,

On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 16:47, Paul Keir wrote:


 I'm enjoying using SYB, and had hoped to use only functions from the
 but couldn't find a way; and this does the job for now. I've also seen that
 there are many other approaches to generic programming than SYB (even for
 transformations in particular) but I wanted to understand SYB first. I'm
 interested to know if anyone has a more elegant SYB solution.

I think this looks fine. The package only provides basic generic
functionality, but when you need something more specific you can use the
basics to write your own generic functions, which is what you did.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: deepseq-

2009-11-17 Thread José Pedro Magalhães

The release of the regular library for generic programming on Hackage
[1] also contains a form of deep seq [2]. This means that you don't
even have to write the definition of 'deepseq', you can just use
'gdseq' (assuming you have used Template Haskell to derive the generic
representations for your types).



On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 12:04, Roel van Dijk wrote:
 On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 12:00 PM, Simon Marlow wrote:
 I've just uploaded deepseq- to Hackage

 This is great! I often use rnf to fully evaluate some expression where
 I didn't need parallelism at all. Time to update some packages.

 Thank you,
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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Documentation (was: ANN: text 0.5, a major revision of the Unicode text library)

2009-10-19 Thread José Pedro Magalhães

While I agree that the documentation of Data.Generics is not perfect, I do
not think it is possible to have the haddock documentation be
self-contained. For a thorough understanding of syb, a user has to read the
two initial papers, which are linked from the haddock documentation. I also
do not think it's reasonable to explain all the details beyond monads in the
Control.Monad haddock, for instance.

For the problem at hand (a Data instance for Text), I can only say that
generic programming and abstract datatypes do not mix too well (although
there is work on the area, see [1]). Generics work by exploiting the
structure of types, and if that structure is explicitly kept hidden then
(rather ad hoc) workarounds have to be used. See, for example, the Data
instance for Array:

-- The Data instance for Array preserves data abstraction at the cost of
 -- inefficiency. We omit reflection services for the sake of data
 instance (Typeable a, Data b, Ix a) = Data (Array a b)
   gfoldl f z a = z (listArray (bounds a)) `f` (elems a)
   toConstr _   = error toConstr
   gunfold _ _  = error gunfold
   dataTypeOf _ = mkNorepType Data.Array.Array



On Sun, Oct 11, 2009 at 14:58, John Lato wrote:

 For anyone writing introductions to generic programming, take this as
 a plea from Haskellers everywhere.  If one of the RWH authors can't
 understand how to make use of these techniques, what hope do the rest
 of us have?

 John Lato

 P.S. Some might wryly note that I'm the maintainer of a package which
 is also known for incomprehensible documentation.  To which I would
 reply that our effort is much newer, I consider it a problem, and it's
 being worked on, contrasted to the state of GP where similarly
 impenetrable documentation has been and continues to be the norm.

  From: Bryan O'Sullivan
  I think maybe someone else will have to take a crack at a Data instance
  Text, because the documentation for Data.Data is not written in English.
  its syntax and structure, it closely hews to what we think of as English,
  but it is the kind of documentation that can only be understood by
  who already knows what it is going to say.
  This is an exemplar of my experience with the cottage industry of generic
  programming in Haskell: I'd really quite like to use the stuff, but for
  goodness's sake, o beloved researchers, please aim your expository papers
  non-specialists once in a while. An endless chain of papers of the form
  technique, which you won't understand, is better than this other
  which you haven't read about and won't anyway understand, in subtle ways
  that you won't understand does not feel to me like progress.
  Yours in some misery and frustration,
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Re: Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] Any generic serializer to String? was: Any working example of using genericserialize?

2009-10-01 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
Hi Dimitry,

On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 05:23, Dimitry Golubovsky golubov...@gmail.comwrote:

 OK, I got it to work with gread/gshow.

 However I have noticed this:

 *Main (gread $ gshow $ FuncExpr 0 [] (EmptyStmt 0)) :: [(Expression
 Int, String)]
 [(FuncExpr 0 [] (EmptyStmt 0),)]


 *Main (gread $ gshow $ FuncExpr () [] (EmptyStmt ())) :: [(Expression
 (), String)]

 Or even narrower:

 *Main (gread $ gshow 1)::[(Int, String)]


 *Main (gread $ gshow ())::[((), String)]

 that is, the unit type does not work well with gread/gshow, likely
 because inner parentheses are not parsed as a constructor.

 *Main gshow ()

 Is this a known bug?

I don't think this was noticed before. I wrote it down on the SYB tracker
[1]. It should be fixed for the next release.




 On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 10:19 AM, Dimitry Golubovsky wrote:
  OK, gread/gshow seem to be like the basis primitives. If they work
  properly, then it is what is needed.
  On 9/30/09, Bulat Ziganshin wrote:
  Hello Max,
  Wednesday, September 30, 2009, 5:53:37 PM, you wrote:
  afaik, SYB just provides gshow/gread functions what serialize any Data
  instance to String

 Dimitry Golubovsky

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Ambiguous type variable with subclass instance (also: is there a better way to do this?)

2009-09-17 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
Hey Andy,

On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 15:40, Andy Gimblett wrote:

 Now, some of those algebraic data type types happen to be
 enumerations; in this case, my idea is to list the constructors, with
 the rule that each constructor's position in the list is the Int which
 gets converted into that constructor.

  class Enumerated a where
  constructors :: [a]

 E.g. here's a type Bar with three constructors:

  data Bar = X | Y | Z deriving (Show)
  instance Enumerated Bar where
  constructors = [X, Y, Z]

 (This is certainly ugly.  Any suggestions?)

|constructors| is expressible in SYB:

{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}

 module Test where

 import Data.Data
 import Data.Generics.Aliases (extB)

 -- | Construct the empty value for a datatype. For algebraic datatypes, the
 -- leftmost constructor is chosen.
 empty :: forall a. Data a = a
 empty = general
   `extB` char
   `extB` int
   `extB` integer
   `extB` float
   `extB` double where
   -- Generic case
   general :: Data a = a
   general = fromConstrB empty (indexConstr (dataTypeOf general) 1)

   -- Base cases
   char= '\NUL'
   int = 0  :: Int
   integer = 0  :: Integer
   float   = 0.0:: Float
   double  = 0.0:: Double

 -- | Return a list of values of a datatype. Each value is one of the
 -- constructors of the datatype, populated with 'empty' values.
 constrs :: forall a. Data a = [a]
 constrs = general
   `extB` char
   `extB` int
   `extB` integer
   `extB` float
   `extB` double where
   -- Generic case
   general :: Data a = [a]
   general = map (fromConstrB empty)
   (dataTypeConstrs (dataTypeOf (unList general))) where
 unList :: Data a = [a] - a
 unList = undefined

   -- Base cases
   char= \NUL
   int = [0   :: Int]
   integer = [0   :: Integer]
   float   = [0.0 :: Float]
   double  = [0.0 :: Double]

|constrs| is similar to your |constructors|, but in this way you get it for
free for any datatype with a |Data| instance. Then I guess your |convert|

convert :: forall a. Data a = Int - Maybe a
 convert n = let cs :: [a]
 cs = constrs
 in if (length cs  n) then (Just (cs !! n)) else Nothing

Note that ScopedTypeVariables are essential to typecheck this code.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Ambiguous type variable with subclass instance (also: is there a better way to do this?)

2009-09-17 Thread José Pedro Magalhães

On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 16:05, Daniel Fischer

 Am Donnerstag 17 September 2009 15:56:03 schrieb José Pedro Magalhães:
  Hey Andy,
  On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 15:40, Andy Gimblett
   Now, some of those algebraic data type types happen to be
   enumerations; in this case, my idea is to list the constructors, with
   the rule that each constructor's position in the list is the Int which
   gets converted into that constructor.
class Enumerated a where
constructors :: [a]
   E.g. here's a type Bar with three constructors:
data Bar = X | Y | Z deriving (Show)
instance Enumerated Bar where
constructors = [X, Y, Z]
   (This is certainly ugly.  Any suggestions?)
  |constructors| is expressible in SYB:

 What about

 data Bar = X | Y | Z deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded)

 instance Enumerated Bar where
constructors = [minBound .. maxBound]


Oh yes, that will certainly work for this very simple datatype. However, one
cannot automatically derive instances of |Bounded| for datatypes with
non-nullary constructors.


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Externally derive instance of Data?

2009-09-11 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
Hi Dimitry,

I think what you want is stand-alone deriving:


On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 16:29, Dimitry Golubovsky golubov...@gmail.comwrote:


 Given a datatype defined somewhere in a third-party package, without
 deriving (Data) specified.

 Is it possible, in my module which is importing that datatype from
 that package, to auto-derive instance of Data for the said datatype?
 The goal is not to recompile the package just because an auto-derived
 instance is needed.

 Or no way other than to recompile the package?


 Dimitry Golubovsky

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Deconstructing types

2009-09-09 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
Hello Louis,

On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 19:06, Louis Wasserman wasserman.lo...@gmail.comwrote:


 The answer is, I'm working on a recently semi-released package called

Is that similar to what is done in [1]? A draft paper [2] also refers that


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Generics for constructing Rows

2009-08-21 Thread José Pedro Magalhães

On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 16:54, Max Desyatov explicitc...@googlemail.comwrote:

 Sean Leather writes:

  I'm not sure the problem you're running into is strictly a generic
  programming (GP) one. Typically, GP takes code that is often written
  and generalizes it, so that it doesn't have to be written for multiple

 That seems to be GP problem, as your solution doesn't scale well when I
 wan't to add/remove/change fields in the `Row` record.  The perfect way
 as I see it, would be just editing `Row` data declaration, nothing else.
 Studying few papers about GP in Haskell, I reckon this could be
 represented as generic traversal, using my `Row` declaration with
 `Either`.  I don't see really good way to write a generic producer from
 `[String]` to version of `Row` without `Either`.  But SYB doesn't
 provide a way for passing type-class-parametric functions to gmapT, and
 SYB-with-class has large overhead of its usage.  I don't have enough
 time to find out how this can be written in SYB-with-class, if it really
 can be
 written.  The restriction of EMGM was described in my initial message.

Indeed SYB doesn't work here because Typeable-based run-time type comparison
only works for monomorphic types. Doing something like

readRow l = gmapT (mkT (\(Left (Just ri) :: E Name) - Right $ l `atMay` ri
 = readMay))

would work, but this, of course, is not what you want. I'm guessing the
polymorphic typeOf previously described by Oleg [1] could help here, were it
integrated in SYB.

I don't think syb-with-class will help you here, since it only adds
modularity to the type-based function extension. I think you would still
have to write a case for every field in the Row record.

Multirec would possibly work, were it not for the fact that it doesn't
support parametric datatypes yet...


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Adding a field to a data record

2009-07-29 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
Hello Henry,

The paper A Lightweight Approach To Datatype-Generic Rewriting [1]
describes a way to generically add a constructor to any regular datatype
using type-indexed datatypes [2]. A similar technique could be used to add a
new field to each constructor. Then you get something like:

data Foo
 type Extended f = ...

|Extended Foo| represents your |Foo| datatype with an added |z| field of
type |Int|. Since the underlying generic programming library used (regular
[3]) has Template Haskell generation, you don't even have to write the
generic representations for your many datatypes.

(As far as I know, SYB does not mix with type-indexed datatypes.)


[1] Thomas van Noort, Alexey Rodriguez, Stefan Holdermans, Johan Jeuring,
Bastiaan Heeren. A Lightweight Approach to Datatype-Generic Rewriting.
Submitted to the Workshop on Generic Programming 2008.

On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 16:29, Henry Laxen nadine.and.he...@pobox.comwrote:

 Dear Group,

 It seems to me this should be easy, but I can't quite figure out
 how to do it without a lot of typing.  Here is the question:

 Suppose you have a data type like:
 Data Foo = Foo { a :: Int, b :: Int,
   ... many other fields ...
  y :: Int } deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Typeable, Data)

 Now I would like to add a field z :: Int to the end of Foo.  If
 I have a ton of data out on disk, which I wrote with, say
 writeFile (show foo) -- where foo is a [Foo] say 1000
 long, I would like to get a new file which has a new
 z::Int field.

 So far the only way I can think of is to make a new Data Foo1,
 which includes the z::Int, read in as a list of Foo,
 write a function like:

 fooTofoo1 :: Foo - Foo1
 fooTofoo1 xx = Foo1 {a = a xx, ... y = y xx, z = 1}

 then write the file back out, and perhaps use emacs to
 query-replace all the Foo1's back to Foo's, add the z::Int field
 back into Foo, and read it back.

 Please tell me there is a better way.  Thanks in advance.
 Best wishes,
 Henry Laxen

 I have read syb1, and syb2 a couple of times now, but so far
 haven't been able to connect it with this kind of problem.

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Can you determine a constructor's arity using Data.Typeable and Data.Data?

2009-06-25 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
Hey David,

For instance:

arity :: (Data a) = a - Int
 arity = length . gmapQ (const ())


On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 17:31, David Fox wrote:

 Is it possible to determine the arity of a value's constructor?
 Suppose I have a value x of type

   data A = B Int | C

 They typeOf function returns its TypeRep, which contains its type
 constructor, but I don't see how to decide whether that
 constructor's arity is 0 or 1.  If the type has field names
 I can look at those using Data.Data.conFields and count them,
 but if it doesn't I don't see how to do it.


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Re: [Haskell-cafe] understanding generics

2009-04-16 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
Hello Anatoly,

On Sat, Apr 11, 2009 at 20:44, Anatoly Yakovenko aeyakove...@gmail.comwrote:

 i am trying to understand how works.  How would i traverse
 the subterms of one type and build another type out of them.
 something like this:

  gmapQ (\a - Right a) (Just hello)

I am not sure I understand what you're trying to do here. However, in
general, 'gmapQ' is used in combination with 'mkQ' or 'extQ'. Those are not
in Data.Data: you can import Data.Generics to get everything syb-related.


Inferred type is less polymorphic than expected
  Quantified type variable `d' escapes
In the first argument of `gmapQ', namely `(\ a - Right a)'
In the expression: gmapQ (\ a - Right a) (Just hello)
In the definition of `it':
it = gmapQ (\ a - Right a) (Just hello)

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] type-level programming support library

2009-03-30 Thread José Pedro Magalhães

I suppose Lennart is referring to type-level [1]. But type-level uses
functional dependencies, right?

There is also tfp [2], which uses type families. In general, how would you
say your work compares to these two?



On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 08:22, Lennart Augustsson lenn...@augustsson.netwrote:

 There is already a library for type level number, called typelevel.
 It's nice because it uses decimal representation of numbers and can
 handle numbers of reasonable size.
 I use it in the LLVM bindings.

  -- Lennart

 On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 1:07 AM, spoon wrote:
  I've been doing some basic work on a support library for type level
  programming ( see ).  I know
  there have been similar attempts using fundeps ( Edward Kmett showed me
  some of his work, but I've lost the address... ) but this approach uses
  type families.
  Anyway, I would like to hear your critique!
  Currently I have higher order type functions and ad-hoc parametrized
  Here's what foldl looks like:
  type family Foldl ( func :: * - * - * ) val list
  type instance Foldl func val ( Cons first rest ) = Foldl func ( Eval
  ( func val first ) ) rest
  type instance Foldl func val Nill = val
  Notice the use of Eval - this is a trick to enable us to pass around
  data with kind * - *, or whatever, and then trip this into becoming a
  value. Here's an example, using this trick to define factorial:
  -- multiplication
  type family Times x y
  type instance Times x Zero = Zero
  type instance Times x ( Succ y ) = Sum x ( Times x y )
  -- The first order function version of Times
  data TimesL x y
  -- Where what Eval forced TimesL to become.
  type instance Eval ( TimesL x y ) = Times x y
  -- multiplies all the elements of list of Nat together
  type Product l =
Foldl TimesL ( Succ Zero ) l
  -- here list to creates a list from ( Succ Zero ) to the given number
  type Factorial x =
Product ( ListTo x )
  We can now use the function like this:
  *TPrelude result ( ) :: Factorial ( Succ ( Succ ( Succ ( Zero ) ) ) )
  Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero)
  Using the parametrized types kinda reminds me of programming in Erlang:
  -- What would conventionally be the monad type class, parametized over m
  type family Bind m ma ( f :: * - * )
  type family Return m a
  type family Sequence m ma mb
  Here's the maybe monad:
  -- Monad instance
  type instance Bind ( Maybe t ) Nothing f = Nothing
  type instance Bind ( Maybe t ) ( Just a ) f = Eval ( f a )
  type instance Sequence ( Maybe t ) Nothing a = Nothing
  type instance Sequence ( Maybe t ) ( Just a ) b = b
  type instance Return ( Maybe t ) a = Just a
  type instance Eval ( Just x ) = Just x
  Here's an example:
  *TPrelude result ( ) :: Bind ( Maybe Nat ) ( Just Zero ) Just
  Just Zero
  For more information and to download the loose collection of module
  implementing this please see:
  John Morrice
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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: is there any reason why Language.C.Syntax.AST.CTranslUnit doesn't derive show?

2009-03-28 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
Hello Anatoly,

Bear in mind that gshow behaves a bit differently from the regular show
(namely regarding parenthesis and efficiency). You can also use standalone
deriving [1] to derive Show for those datatypes.



On Sat, Mar 28, 2009 at 02:07, Anatoly Yakovenko aeyakove...@gmail.comwrote:

 ah, i am guessing its because you can use Data.Generics.gshow to do
 the same thing.  Seems like that library will come in handy when
 manipulating the AST, pretty cool stuff.

 On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 5:53 PM, Anatoly Yakovenko wrote:
  is there any reason why Language.C.Syntax.AST.CTranslUnit doesn't
  derive show?  I would like to look at the data structure it generates.
   It's a lot easier to experiment it when i can write a template C
  file, print out the AST and then modify that data structure directly,
  instead of trying to grok the library.
  Thanks for your great work btw, the parser is pretty sweet.
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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Confused by SYB example with zipping

2009-02-16 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
Hello Henry,

Changes to GHC regarding the treatment of higher-rank types required a few
changes to that test too. You have to eta-expand the application of mkTT and
give it a type signature. Therefore, main becomes

print $ gzip (\x y - mkTT maxS x y) genCom1 genCom2

and you have to add the type signature

mkTT :: (Typeable a, Typeable b, Typeable c) = (a - a - a) - b - c -
 Maybe c .

Then this example should work.

As to why exactly these changes are necessary, you might want to check the
GHC manual section on arbitrary-rank polymorphism (


On Sat, Feb 14, 2009 at 21:55, Henry Laxen nadine.and.he...@pobox.comwrote:

 Dear Group,

 When trying to run the example at:
 ghc 6.10.1 says

A pattern type signature cannot bind scoped type variables `a'
  unless the pattern has a rigid type context
In the pattern: f :: a - a - a
In the definition of `mkTT':
mkTT (f :: a - a - a) x y
   = case (cast x, cast y) of {
   (Just (x' :: a), Just (y' :: a)) - cast (f x' y')
   _ - Nothing }
In the definition of `main':
main = print $ gzip (mkTT maxS) genCom1 genCom2
 genCom1 = everywhere (mkT (double Joost)) genCom
 genCom2 = everywhere (mkT (double Marlow)) genCom
 double x (E (p@(P y _)) (S s)) | x == y = E p (S (2 * s))
 double _ e = e
 maxS (S x) (S y) = S (max x y)
 Failed, modules loaded: CompanyDatatypes.

 I must admit I don't really know what to make of this.  Any insights would
 be appreciated.
 Henry Laxen

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] simple generic / data view library?

2008-11-17 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
Hello Conal,

What you've done looks very much like the Regular datatype [1] in the
rewriting library [2]. The rewriting library, as its name indicates, is very
much targeted at rewriting. For a more complete library using a sum of
products view (and without type synonyms), try the new release of EMGM [3].



2008/11/18 Conal Elliott [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Is there a simple existing library that provides views of data types in
 terms of unit, product and sum?

 Here's what I threw together for my own use.  I used associated types,
 though functional dependencies would work as well.

 class HasView t where
   type View t
   view   :: t - View t
   unview :: View t - t

 -- View instances

 instance HasView (Maybe a) where
   type View (Maybe a) = Either () a

   view   Nothing  = (Left ())
   view   (Just a) = (Right a)

   unview (Left ())= Nothing
   unview (Right a)= (Just a)

 instance HasView [a] where
   type View [a] = Either () (a,[a])

   view   [] = (Left  ())
   view   (a:as) = (Right (a,as))

   unview (Left  ()) = []
   unview (Right (a,as)) = (a:as)

 onView2 :: (HasView a, HasView b, HasView c) =
(View a - View b - View c)
 - (a - b - c)
 onView2 op a b = unview (view a `op` view b)

 Thanks,  - Conal

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Proposal for associated type synonyms in Template Haskell

2008-11-11 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
Hello Thomas,

I see this is a proposal for a partial implementation of #1673 ( Maybe it would be good if
the remaining syntax (associated datatypes and type families) would also be
defined and implemented in TH. Or maybe there isn't much demand for this?...


On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 15:57, Thomas van Noort [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Recently, we released a library on Hackage for generic rewriting (package
 rewriting if you are curious). The user of the library is expected to
 define type class instances to enable rewriting on his or her own datatypes.
 As these instances follow the datatype declarations closely, we tried to
 generate the instances using Template Haskell. Unfortunately, associated
 type synonyms are not yet supported by TH.

 After a presentation at the WGP'08, Simon encouraged us to write a proposal
 about adding associated type synonyms to TH, so that it can be added to GHC.
 So, here is our proposal.

 The TH AST must allow 1) kind declarations of associated type synonyms
 in class declarations and 2) their definitions in instance declarations.
 For example,

 class Foo a where
  type Bar a :: *

 instance Foo Int where
  type Bar Int = String

 The TH library defines a datatype Dec which contains a constructor for
 class declarations and instance declarations:

 data Dec
 = ...
 | ClassD Cxt Name [Name] [FunDep] [Dec]
 | InstanceD Cxt Type [Dec]

 1) Associated type synonym kind declarations

 We suggest to add a constructor to the Dec type:

 | AssocTySynKindD Name [Name] (Maybe Kind)

 assocTySynKindD :: Name - [Name] - Maybe KindQ - DecQ

 The first field is the name of the associated type synonym, the second
 field is a list of type variables, and the third field is an optional kind.
 Since kinds are not yet defined in TH, we have to add some kind of kind
 definition (pun intended):

 data Kind
 = StarK
 | ArrowK Kind Kind

 type KindQ = Q Kind
 starK :: KindQ
 arrowK :: KindQ - KindQ - KindQ

 We explicitly choose not to reuse the Type type to define kinds (i.e., type
 Kind = Type as in GHC) since we think a separation between the two worlds is
 much clearer to the users of TH.

 2) Associated type synonym definitions

 We suggest to add another constructor to the Dec type:

 | AssocTySynD Name [Type] Type

 assocTySynD :: Name - [TypeQ] - TypeQ - DecQ

 The first field is the name of the type synonym, the second field is a list
 of type arguments, and the third field is the body of the type synonym.

 We would like to hear your comments to this proposal.

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Hackage Improvement Ideas

2008-10-23 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
I think at least some sort of statistics of visits and downloads of a
package would be very useful, also for the developers to have an idea of how
many people are using the package.


On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 13:12, Jason Dagit [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I was thinking of fun little projects people could work on to improve
 1) Popularity statistics -- like debian's popcon, gives stats on how
 many people have which packages from hackage installed
 2) Per package ratings and feedback listed on the page for each package
 3) A way to mark a package as should be removed
 4) All the hackage pages should be wiki editable -- for example, the
 intro page refers to cabal-install as experimental but I think it's
 moved beyond that point but I'm not sure how to edit that sentence.

 What else should hackage do?

 Who wants to claim one of the above earn some serious karma?

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: Haskore tutorial (programming music using Haskell)

2008-08-06 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
Hi Jinjing,

I remember having written a report on Haskore some years ago, together with
a classmate. I think that the example of transformations in twelve-tone
technique (see [1]) is one that looks very nice in Haskore due to its
simplicity. It's also simple to present to people who do not know music
theory, but are (minimally) mathematically inclined.



On Tue, Aug 5, 2008 at 10:59, jinjing [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi there,

 Here's the project link:

 I found Haskore pretty fun :) so I'm documenting it while learning it.
 Please don't hesitate to give suggestions / corrections.


 * How much music theory should be there ? ( I'm gonna learn those anyway )
 * What kind of examples would be cool ?


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