Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: vector 0.1 (efficient arrays with lots of fusion)

2008-07-13 Thread Levi Stephen
 On Sun, Jul 13, 2008 at 12:31 AM, Roman Leshchinskiy
 Hi all,

 the vector library will eventually provide fast, Int-indexed arrays with a
 powerful fusion framework. It's very immature at the moment (I haven't
  tested most of the code) and implements just a few combinators but I
 thought releasing early wouldn't hurt. Use at your own risk and expect
 things to break horribly!

Sounds interesting. How does this compare to the uvector library?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] (Lazy) SmallCheck and peano numbers

2008-06-19 Thread Levi Stephen

I have the following definitions

type Zero
type Succ a

so that I can muck around with a Vector type that includes its length
encoded in its type.

I was wondering whether it was possible to use SmallCheck (or
QuickCheck) to generate random Peano numbers? Is there an issue here
in that what I actually want to generate is a type rather than a

I do have

reifyInt :: Int - (forall a. ReflectNum a = a - b) - b

but, I'm not sure if this can help me when I need to generate other
values based upon that type (e.g., two vectors with the same size

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: (Lazy) SmallCheck and peano numbers

2008-06-19 Thread Levi Stephen
 If so, you could write a SmallCheck Series instance as follows.

  instance Serial (Vec Zero a) where
series = cons0 nil

  instance (Serial a, Serial (Vec n a)) = Serial (Vec (Succ n) a) where
series = cons2 (|)

 If we have the property

  prop_vector :: Vec (Succ (Succ Zero)) Bool - Bool
  prop_vector (V xs) = xs == xs

 we can check it, and only 2 element vectors will be tested

I have some code up now at

It looks pretty much like what you've written above and is what I am
doing for the moment, but for various size vectors from zero to four.

 Now, it seems what you really want to do is define polymorphic
 properties like

  prop_poly :: Vec n Bool - Vec n Bool - Bool

 and have SmallCheck check all equal-sized vectors.  If so, good
 question! :-)

Yep, this would be exactly what I'm after. Thanks for a better write
up and background on what I'm after than I gave :)

I'm thinking the property might be written as

prop_poly:: size - Vec size Bool - Vec size Bool - Bool,

so that the size is generated randomly and the types take care of
ensuring the vectors generated are of the same size.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: (Lazy) SmallCheck and peano numbers

2008-06-19 Thread Levi Stephen
On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 3:30 AM, Benedikt Huber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Levi Stephen schrieb:


 I have the following definitions

 type Zero
 type Succ a

 so that I can muck around with a Vector type that includes its length
 encoded in its type.

 I was wondering whether it was possible to use SmallCheck (or
 QuickCheck) to generate random Peano numbers? Is there an issue here
 in that what I actually want to generate is a type rather than a

 I do have

 reifyInt :: Int - (forall a. ReflectNum a = a - b) - b

 but, I'm not sure if this can help me when I need to generate other
 values based upon that type (e.g., two vectors with the same size

 Hi Levi,

 For QuickCheck, I know it is possible as long as you do not need to use type
 level functions in your tests. For example, using Alfonso's type-level and
 parametrized-data packages, one can write:

 instance (Nat n, Arbitrary a) = Arbitrary (FSVec n a) where
arbitrary =
  liftM (unsafeVector (undefined :: n)) $
mapM (const arbitrary) [1..toInt (undefined :: n)]

 propLength :: forall n a. (Nat n) = FSVec n Integer - Bool
 propLength (FSVec xs) = P.length xs == toInt (undefined :: n)

 propLengthEqual :: forall n a. (Nat n) =
FSVec n Integer - FSVec n Integer - Bool
 propLengthEqual v1 v2 = length v1 == length v2

 tests1 = forM_ [0..100] $ \n - reifyIntegral n $ \(t :: ty) -
quickCheck (propLength :: FSVec ty Integer - Bool)
 tests2 = forM_ [0..100] $ \n - reifyIntegral n $ \(t :: ty) -
quickCheck (uncurry propLengthEqual ::
 (FSVec ty Integer,FSVec ty Integer) - Bool)

Thanks for the example code. Ideally it would be great to have n generated also.

Any thoughts on whether something like

propLengthEqual :: forall n a. (Nat n) = n - FSVec n Integer -
FSVec n Integer - Bool
propLengthEqual _ v1 v 2 = length v1 == length v2

with an arbitrary instance for generate all Nat n's is possible?

Is something like instance (forall n. Nat n) = Arbitrary n
possible/legal haskell? and would it for the above test?

 best regards,


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] hmp3 compilation problem

2008-05-18 Thread Levi Stephen

I am trying to compile hmp3. I have the version from darcs at

I am getting the following errors:

   No instance for (Binary FilePathP)
 arising from a use of `get' at Tree.hs:190:14-16
   Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Binary FilePathP)
   In a 'do' expression: nm - get
   In the expression:
   do nm - get
  i - get
  return (File nm i)
   In the definition of `get':
   get = do nm - get
i - get
return (File nm i)

   Couldn't match expected type `L.ByteString'
  against inferred type
   In the second argument of `L.writeFile', namely
   `(compress (encode s))'
   In the expression: L.writeFile f (compress (encode s))
   In the definition of `writeTree':
   writeTree f s = L.writeFile f (compress (encode s))

   Couldn't match expected type
  against inferred type `L.ByteString'
   In the first argument of `decompress', namely `s'
   In the first argument of `decode', namely `(decompress s)'
   In the first argument of `return', namely `(decode (decompress s))'

Any help is much appreciated.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] First go at reactive programming

2008-01-17 Thread Levi Stephen


Below is a version that was aimed at getting rid of the (Handle,IO 
(Request a)) tuples and as a result made it easier to remove the IO 
monad from some types, but I don't think it removed it completely from 
any methods.

module Main where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad

import Data.Reactive

import Network.BSD
import Network.HTTP
import Network

import System.IO

import Text.XHtml.Strict

type RequestHandler = Request - Response

main = runHttpServer helloWorldHandler

helloWorldHandler :: RequestHandler
helloWorldHandler =  Response (2,0,0)  [] . prettyHtml . helloWorldDoc

helloWorldDoc :: Request - Html
helloWorldDoc rq = header  thetitle  Hello World
  +++ body(h1  Hello World +++ p  show rq)

runHttpServer :: RequestHandler - IO a
runHttpServer r = socketServer = runE . fmap (handleConnection r)

socketServer :: IO (Event Handle)
socketServer = withSocketsDo $ do
 (e,snk) - mkEventShow Server
 sock- listenOn (PortNumber 8080)
 forkIO $ forever $ acceptConnection sock $ snk
 return e

handleConnection :: Handle - RequestHandler - IO ()
handleConnection h r =
 handleToRequest h = responseSend h . runRequestHandler r

handleToRequest :: Handle - IO (Result Request)
handleToRequest = receiveHTTP

runRequestHandler :: RequestHandler - Result Request - Result Response
runRequestHandler r rq = rq `bindE` (Right . r)

responseSend :: Handle - Result Response - IO ()
responseSend h rsp = either print (respondHTTP h) rsp  close h

acceptConnection :: Socket - (Handle - IO ()) - IO ThreadId
acceptConnection s k = accept s = \(h,_,_) - forkIO $ k h

instance Stream Handle where
 readLine   h   = hGetLine h = \l - return $ Right $ l ++ \n
 readBlock  h n = replicateM n (hGetChar h) = return . Right
 writeBlock h s = mapM_ (hPutChar h) s = return . Right
 close  = hClose

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] First go at reactive programming

2008-01-15 Thread Levi Stephen


Listed below is my first experiment with reactive programming. It is a 
simple web server written using the Data.Reactive[1] library. The 
intended interface is given by the runHttpServer function, so the 
remainder is intended to be internal.

I'd be happy to hear comments on any parts of this, but am particularly 
interested in the following:

1. Is this kind of code what is intended from reactive programming?
2a. I'm not sure about passing the (Handle,...) tuple around. Is there a 
way to avoid this?

2b. I'm not sure of the best place to handle possible socket exceptions
2c. I'd like to be able to pass a function of type Event Request - 
Event Response to runHttpServer, so that reactive programming could be 
used throughout client code also, but the (Handle,...) tuples seem to be 
getting in the way.

3. I have a feeling there's a clearer way to write responseSend.



module Main where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow ((),())
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad

import Data.Reactive

import Network.BSD
import Network.HTTP
import Network

import System.IO

import Text.XHtml.Strict

type RequestHandler = Request - Response

main = runHttpServer helloWorldHandler

helloWorldHandler :: RequestHandler
helloWorldHandler _ =  Response (2,0,0)  [] $ prettyHtml helloWorldDoc

helloWorldDoc = header  thetitle  Hello World
   +++ body  h1  Hello World

runHttpServer r = socketServer = runE . handleConnection r

socketServer :: IO (Event Handle)
socketServer = withSocketsDo $ do
 (e,snk) - mkEventShow Server
 sock - listenOn (PortNumber 8080)
 forkIO $ forever $ acceptConnection sock $ snk
 return e

handleConnection :: RequestHandler - Event Handle - Event (IO ())
handleConnection r = handleToRequest  runRequestHandler r  

handleToRequest :: Event Handle - Event (Handle, IO (Result Request))
handleToRequest e = fmap (id  receiveHTTP) e

responseSend :: Event (Handle, IO (Result Response)) - Event (IO ())
responseSend e = fmap (\(h,rsp) - rsp = either (putStrLn . show) 
(respondHTTP h)  close h) e

runRequestHandler :: RequestHandler - Event (Handle, IO (Result 
Request)) - Event (Handle, IO (Result Response))

runRequestHandler r e = fmap hrToHr e
   rqhdl :: Result Request - Result Response
   rqhdl rq =  bindE rq (Right . r)
   hrToHr :: (Handle, IO (Result Request)) - (Handle, IO (Result 

   hrToHr (h,req) = (h, liftA rqhdl req)

acceptConnection s k = accept s = \(h,_,_) - forkIO $ k h

instance Stream Handle where
 readLine h = hGetLine h = \l - return $ Right $ l ++ \n
 readBlock h n = replicateM n (hGetChar h) = return . Right
 writeBlock h s = mapM_ (hPutChar h) s = return . Right
 close = hClose

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] FP design

2007-11-07 Thread Levi Stephen

Bulat Ziganshin wrote:

Hello Andrew,

Tuesday, November 6, 2007, 10:55:58 PM, you wrote:

for me, abstraction is anything that i want to be an abstraction. i
just write code in the close-to-natural language and it becomes
Haskell program when appropriate syntax applied.

Well, in my experience, figuring out just the right abstractions to use

i don't think about abstractions, just using top-down approach. for
me, FP benefit is that when you see that some two things are similar -
you can factor out this similarity. in OOP, you should translate it
into some class interface, in Haskell you just define parameterized
code/data and it works. selection of good abstractions based on these
two criteria: 1) factoring out common parts and 2) existence of
natural description of the factored part. if i don't see natural
description, i can slightly change the factored part

This thread sums up some of my thoughts pretty well. I'm coming from OOP where I
was getting comfortable and was confident of spotting appropriate abstractions.

Now I have to learn how to select the appropriate abstractions in Haskell. e.g.,
selecting between a variant type or type class is often a tricky one for me.

It is good to hear that people are having success with the code, refactor
duplication, repeat process. I have used this in OOP as well and the path it
takes is interesting to compare with initial design thoughts. Again, it's just
choosing the best way to remove this duplication :)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] FP design

2007-11-07 Thread Levi Stephen

Donn Cave wrote:

But in the specific matter I'm wrestling with, the Java library's OOP
model is, to its credit, allowing me to do some things.  I'm using their
standard LDAP client library, but swapping in my own function to read
X509 certificates for the SSL.  Actually, swapping in my own SSL socket
implementation, which in my case just calls the standard library SSL
socket implementation to do most of the work.

Now it's not like I can't imagine it working better - it may be a little
fragile, for one thing - but I have wondered what facilities a Haskell
design could have drawn on to de-couple implementation components like that.
Let's say you download an IMAP mail client library, and look to see if it
can operate on a UNIX pipe;  on an SSL socket;  authenticate with GSSAPI
Kerberos 5  -- when none of those things are supported out of the box.
(As I have needed, and done, all three of those with the standard Python
IMAP library module.)  You may also want its I/O operations to integrate
with some dispatching core, for a GUI.  But of course you also want the
basic interface to be simple in this area - the IMAP protocol itself is
complicated enough!

I have similar questions about Haskell abstracting away implementations behind
interfaces as well. I have become used to an approach where I will not worry
about databases/persistence when beginning. I will create an interface to a
database layer (e.g., save(object), retrieve(id), findByName(name)) etc., and an
implementation that uses in memory collections to begin with. Later I will
replace this with database calls.

This also helps in my current project as we support multiple databases. If
findByName requires different SQL on different databases it's easy to have a
different implementation used at run time.

How does this type of approach work in Haskell? or what is the Haskell way to
achieve this?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] FP design

2007-11-07 Thread Levi Stephen

Tim Docker wrote:

levi.stephen wrote:

My concern (which may be inexperience ;) ) is with the monads here
though. What if I hadn't seen that the IO monad (or any other Monad)
was going to be necessary in the type signatures?

You'd have some refactoring to do :-) But actually, it's not possible
to create an interface that works this way without using some monad,
as the interface relies on side-effects. A pure interface would have
to look something like:

I agree in this case the monad use is clear. Practically it might a case of if a 
monad is needed, it's either obvious, or its introduction indicates a refactor 
being a good thing and will lead to a better design.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] FP design

2007-11-07 Thread Levi Stephen

Tim Docker wrote:

levi.stephen wrote:

I have similar questions about Haskell abstracting away
implementations behind interfaces as well. I have become
used to an approach where I will not worry about
databases/persistence when beginning. I will create an
interface to a database layer (e.g., save(object), retrieve(id),
findByName(name)) etc., and an implementation that uses in
memory collections to begin with. Later I will replace this with
database calls.

How does this type of approach work in Haskell?
or what is the Haskell way to achieve this?

If OO is a good approach for a problem, it's straightforward to model
it in haskell. If you plan to access an external DB in any case, then
the interface will involve the IO Monad. Something along the lines

data Object
data ID

data ObjectStore = ObjectStore {
save :: Object - IO ID,
retrieve :: IO - IO (Maybe Object),
retrieveByName :: String - IO (Maybe Object)

createMemoryStore :: IO ObjectStore
connnectExternalStore :: ConnectionParams - IO ObjectStore


Thanks for the example. I keep forgetting that I can have use functions like 
this. I keep having data types made up of just values and/or type classes. I 
should probably use types like the above more often.

My concern (which may be inexperience ;) ) is with the monads here though. What 
if I hadn't seen that the IO monad (or any other Monad) was going to be 
necessary in the type signatures?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] FP design

2007-11-05 Thread Levi Stephen


I'm was wondering how most people work during when designing a functional 
program. Do you create data structures/types first? Do you work from some type 

For example, take a blog. Is the first step likely to be something like:

data BlogEntry = BlogEntry { title::String,content::String,comments::[Comment] }
type Blog = [BlogEntry]

or more likely thinking about what functions will be required:

addEntry :: BlogEntry - Blog - Blog
displayBlog :: Blog - HTML
displayEntry :: BlogEntry - HTML

I'm trying to get my brain out of thinking OO thinking more functionally.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Help understanding type error

2007-09-06 Thread Levi Stephen


I'm after some help understanding either what I'm doing wrong, or why this error 

I have a data type:

 data T a = forall b. (Show b) = T b a

and I want to use/extract 'b' from this.

 extShow (T b _) = b

This gives the following compilation error:

Inferred type is less polymorphic than expected
  Quantified type variable `b' escapes
When checking an existential match that binds
$dShow :: {Show b}
b :: b
The pattern(s) have type(s): T t
The body has type: b
In the definition of `extShow': extShow (T b _) = b

I tried adding a type signature:

 extShow' :: (Show b) = T a - b
 extShow' (T b _) = b

Now I get a different error:

Couldn't match expected type `b' (a rigid variable)
   against inferred type `b1' (a rigid variable)
  `b' is bound by the type signature for `extShow'' at extest.hs:7:18
  `b1' is bound by the pattern for `T' at extest.hs:8:10-14
In the expression: b
In the definition of `extShow'': extShow' (T b _) = b

It seems (to newbie me ;) ) like it should be possible to extract the first part 
of T, and deduce that it is an instance of the class 'Show'.

The following seems ok:

 doShow (T b _) = putStrLn (show b)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Help understanding a partial application

2007-08-26 Thread Levi Stephen


I was browsing through the source code for Data.Foldable and having trouble 
comprehending it (which was kind of the point of browsing the code, so I could 
learn something ;) )

I'm looking at foldl

foldl :: (c - d - c) - c - t d - c
foldl f z t = appEndo (getDual (foldMap (Dual . Endo . flip f) t)) z

But, I haven't got very far. I'm still trying to follow:

Endo . flip f

f is of type c-d-c, so this makes flip f of type d-c-c.

I think the Endo constructor is of type (a-a)-Endo a

I think a is binding to a function type here, but can not work out what.

(From memory) ghci reports

 :t Endo . flip (+)
Num a = a - Endo a

So, this looks like a partial application of the constructor?

But, this still isn't helping me understand.

Any thoughts or pointers that might help me comprehend what's happening?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Help understanding a partial application

2007-08-26 Thread Levi Stephen

Ryan Ingram wrote:

Just expand out the function composition:
Dual . Endo . flip f = (\x - Dual (Endo (flip f x)))
which has the type d - Dual (Endo c).
  -- ryan


I didn't get this straight away, but once I looked at the type signature for 
function composition, it became clear.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: I'm stuck in my thought experiment

2007-08-21 Thread Levi Stephen

If I wanted to develop the widgets themselves separately from the 
layout, I would probably do something like this:

class Widget a where
render :: a - Html
bbox :: a - Size

type Layout = forall a. Widget a = Widget a
| Rows Spacing [Layout]
| Columns Spacing [Layout]
| Grid Spacing [[Layout]]

type Page = Page String Layout

renderLayout :: Layout - Html

renderPage :: Page - Html

I'm unsure this gives what I'm after. I'm trying to have layouts 
consist of Widgets (e.g., header images, common menu), and as pages 
also consist of Widgets it seems like they can be modelled using a 
common type/construct.

Well if you want to abstract over the layout too, you can just add

instance Widget Layout where
render = renderLayout
bbox = ...

But just because you can, doesn't mean you should. I don't know the full 
details of your design, but what do you gain by allowing the layout to 
intermingle with the widgets? Is worth the extra complexity?

If you treat layout as just another widget then it becomes harder to 
answer specific questions about the page layout because you have less 
information in your tree.

Layout might not actually be the right term. Page template might be better.

What I'm trying to gain is best described with an example.

* I have a template with a header image, and footer text.
* I create another template defined as the previous, but with a menu bar down
  the left.
* I create a page based on the previous with some text.

The gain comes from when I want to change the header image, or add a 
Login/Register box on all pages, I only edit the first template.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: I'm stuck in my thought experiment

2007-08-20 Thread Levi Stephen

Al Falloon wrote:

Maybe I am misunderstanding your requirements, but it seems to me that 
the simplest solution would be best in this case:

data Widget = BlogWidget [Article]
| TextWidget String
| MenuWiget Menu
| Rows Spacing [Widget]
| Columns Spacing [Widget]

You can also add a type parameter if you want to be able to carry around 
extra metadata about pages, or you could even parameterize the Article 
and Menu types if you want to be able to extend them separately or if 
you want to ensure your layout algorithms don't depend on widget 
contents by keeping their type abstract.

Thanks for pointing out a simple solution. Over thinking this is something
I'm worried about :)

This code seems to indicate that you want to be able to extend the 
widget types without changing this source file. This is a good goal, but 
it may not be worth the extra complexity.

Ideally, I'd like Widgets to be added through hs-plugins or similar. That
is a ideal goal though, not a necessity.

Also, this looks a lot like the Composite pattern from OO. A rule of 
thumb that I use is: if I would do this with inheritance in OO, I 
probably want a variant in FP. Since Composite depends on the 
inheritance of the composite object type, I would probably look to use a 
 single data type with multiple constructors for the different 
compisites like the Widget type above.

Interesting. I've been curious how OO concepts can map to FP, as most specs
(consider stuff like DOM) seem to be written with OO implementaitons in mind.

If I wanted to develop the widgets themselves separately from the 
layout, I would probably do something like this:

class Widget a where
render :: a - Html
bbox :: a - Size

type Layout = forall a. Widget a = Widget a
| Rows Spacing [Layout]
| Columns Spacing [Layout]
| Grid Spacing [[Layout]]

type Page = Page String Layout

renderLayout :: Layout - Html

renderPage :: Page - Html

I'm unsure this gives what I'm after. I'm trying to have layouts consist of 
Widgets (e.g., header images, common menu), and as pages also consist of Widgets 
it seems like they can be modelled using a common type/construct.

The issue becomes, given a parent page and the customized content for 
the child page,

what is the best way to insert the customized content at the right point?

Might a tree like structure be useful? But, how do you work out where 
in the tree
child content gets added? Store a traversal with each sub tree of 
child page content

that basically says 'insert here'?

This is probably a good use for a zipper (a kind of functional 
iterator). that way you can 
pass around a value that means right here, and its clear where the 
substitution will happen.

I was wondering with zippers were appropriate, or if I just had them in mind
becuase I'd read so much about them lately :)

 So you want some sort of wildcard element that can be substituted in
 later? Maybe I am misunderstanding your requirement, but if thats the
 behavior you want, you should check out the term-level evaluators for
 lambda calculus for inspiration on substitution, but I expect your
 requirement may be simpler than that.

I'm thinking a BlankWidget or ReplacableWidget is a fairly simple option. They 
could be named for the case of multiple replacements, and have a method similar to

-- src   -   replacements- result
replaceWidgets :: Widget - [(String,Widget)] - Widget

which replaces all ReplacableWidgets in the source Widget with those specified.

Would you happen to have some links on the evaluators for lambda calculus you 
talk about? I'm not as familiar as I should be with lambda calculus

It might be simple to have a PlaceHolderWidget. Then insertions of the 
child page

content happens at each of those widgets.

This just gets trickier if I start considering multiple extension 
points for child
pages and what happens when the layout/parent page changes. This is 
why I'm

thinking I may be going along a bad path here.

Exactly. With multiple substitutions you get into issues of naming, so 
thats why looking at lambda calculus evaluators would be the right 
inspiration, but I think it may be more complicated than you need. The 
zipper approach might be easier.

I think I will try and investigate both approaches. I'm after the process here, 
rather than the end result

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] I'm stuck in my thought experiment

2007-08-16 Thread Levi Stephen


Apologies for a long post that may not be totally clear. I was thinking through
a problem and how the data might be represented in Haskell. I'm now stuck and
frustrated. Now, I'm not even sure whether I'm on the right track (I might
still be thinking too OO). Suggestions/ideas would be much appreciated.

I was imagining a drag and drop web page designer. There are a bunch of
Widgets (e.g., BlogWidget, TextWidget, MenuWidget, etc) that the user can
place on the page.

Along with these are layout/container widgets (e.g., ColumnLayoutWidget) that 
can contain
other widgets.

I'm looking at a data structure that would allow this to be represented in 
so I'm keeping in mind that these won't be written in code, but generated
on the fly somehow (e.g., from a database or file).

So, my thoughts were along the lines of something like:

class Widget a where
 render :: a - Html

-- A page has a title and a Widget.
-- I know this isn't valid Haskell, but I'm not sure how to specify what I
-- want here. (existential types?)
data Page = Page String Widget

data TextWidget = TextWidget String
instance Widget TextWidget 

-- An example layout widget
data ColumnLayoutWidget = ColumnLayoutWidget [Widget]
instance Widget ColumnLayoutWidget ... 


So, entire pages might be represented something like:

Page Main (ColumnLayoutWidget [MenuWidget, TextWidget mainPageText])
Page About (ColumnLayoutWidget [MenuWidget, TextWidget aboutPageText])

Where I get stuck, is I want to extract layout information into a parent page.
This would allow global changes such as adding a header image to the above pages
to be done once only.

So I want to be able to have something like:

layout = Page Main (ColumnLayoutWidget [MenuWidget, ??? ])
mainPage = ChildPage layout [TextWidget mainPageText]
aboutPage = ChildPage layout [TextWidget aboutPageText]

So, each page is it's layout/parent page, with additional widgets 

The issue becomes, given a parent page and the customized content for the child 
what is the best way to insert the customized content at the right point?

Might a tree like structure be useful? But, how do you work out where in the 
child content gets added? Store a traversal with each sub tree of child page 
that basically says 'insert here'?

It might be simple to have a PlaceHolderWidget. Then insertions of the child 
content happens at each of those widgets.

This just gets trickier if I start considering multiple extension points for 
pages and what happens when the layout/parent page changes. This is why I'm
thinking I may be going along a bad path here.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Avoiding boilerplate retrieving GetOpt cmd line args

2007-07-26 Thread Levi Stephen


Not sure if this will help avoid the boilerplate, but I've always liked 
the approach at 
(particularly the section Towards a higher level) for being able to 
specify defaults. It's the best resource I've found on command line 
options in Haskell so far.

Ok, I'm writing a command line tool, using System.Console.GetOpt to 
handle command line arguments. My Flags structure so far is

data Flag
= Filter String
| DateFormat String
| DocStart String
| DocEnd String


and I want to write accessor functions that return the strings if 
specified, otherwise returning a default. The best I've been able to 
do is this:

getFilter = getString f
where f (Filter s) = Just s
  f _ = Nothing

getDateFormat = getString f %B %e, %Y
where f (DateFormat s) = Just s
  f _ = Nothing

getDocStart = getString f ^{-$
where f (DocStart s) = Just s
  f _ = Nothing

getDocEnd = getString f ^-}$
where f (DocEnd s) = Just s
  f _ = Nothing

using a generic accessor function `getString`.

There are eight (and growing) needless lines here, where what I really 
want to do is to pass the constructors `Filter`, `DateFormat`, 
`DocStart`, or `DocEnd` to the function `getString`. ghci types each 
of these as `String - Flag`, so one at least knows how to type such a 
`getString`, but using a constructor-passed-as-an-argument in a 
pattern match is of course a Parse error in pattern. (I expected as 
much, but I had to try... `String - Flag` is not enough information 
to make it clear we're passing a constructor, rather than some hairy 
arbitrary function, so such a pattern match would be undecidable in 

So what's the right idiom for avoiding this boilerplate?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Parsec question

2007-06-21 Thread Levi Stephen


Fairly new to Haskell and trying some parsec. (Also, new to 

I had come up with this, which works, but I can't help thinking there's 
a better way :)

| newtype Identifier = Identifier String

newtype Literal = StringLiteral String -- to be extended later
data Primary = PrimaryLiteral Literal | PrimaryIdentifier Identifier

|| primary = do {

   i - identifier;
   return $ PrimaryIdentifier i; }
   |   do {
   l - stringLiteral;
   return $ PrimaryLiteral l; }

|| identifier = do

   i - many1 letter
   return $ Identifier i

stringLiteral = do
   (char '\'')
   s - manyTill anyChar (char '\'')
   return $ StringLiteral s

Is there a way through combining types/parsers that the double do block in 
primary could
be avoided?

I understand it's necessary right now because the parsers identifier and 
return different types, so I can't just write:

i - identifier | stringLiteral

So, I'm not sure whether my types need work, the parsers, or if this is the 
simplest way.



PS, have lurked on the list for a while, enjoy the discussions and content.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Parsec question

2007-06-21 Thread Levi Stephen

Tillmann Rendel wrote:

My self-defined monadic combinator of choice to use with parsec is

  a ~ b = a = \x - b  return x

It works like (), but returns the result of the first instead of the 
result of the second computation. It is kind of an alternative for 

  between lparen rparen p   ==   lparen  p ~ rparen
Cool. I've always liked how Parsec made parsers so readable, and this 
makes it even more so.

It can be usefull like this:

  data Term = TVar Identifier | TTerm Identifier [Term]

  term = (return TTerm
  `ap` try (identififer ~ lparen)
  `ap` (term `sepBy` comma ~ rparen))

 | (return TVar
  `ap` identifier)

After accepting lparen, the second branch is discarded.
Interesting. I think I'll have to keep this one around. Not sure if I'll 
need it, but its the kind of thing that would have taken me a while to 
solve ;)

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