Re: [Haskell-cafe] Automatic Reference Counting

2011-07-05 Thread Maarten Hazewinkel
On 2 Jul 2011, at 18:35, Thomas Davie wrote:
 It's interesting that you cite that GC is both faster and lower memory 
 overhead – Apple's stated reasons for implementing this were that GC was both 
 too slow and too memory intensive to use sensibly on iDevices and that ARC 
 was both faster and less memory intensive.

Reality is probably a little more subtle than this.

In general, and specifically for long-running and memory intensive processes 
(such as used in servers), quality garbage collection (and especially 
compacting garbage collection) are probably more efficient overall.

Apple already supported (and continues to support) garbage collection for 
Objective-C in their desktop systems.

The primary motivation (as I understand it) for developing ARC is to bring 
(mostly) automatic memory management to the iOS platforms. There are 2 reasons 
that I've heard why Apple considers ARC a superior solution for the iOS 

1. iOS devices are much more resource constrained than a desktop system. 
Therefore the delay that garbage collection causes before memory is available 
for re-allocation can have a much greater effects on application.

2. Running a background garbage collector can introduce unpredictable pauses in 
your application, which would destroy the illusion of immediacy that is one of 
the prime characteristics of good iOS apps.

So for iOS immediate memory release and predictable performance trumps overall 
average performance.

To see if this technique would be at all useful for Haskell, you'll have to 
evaluate these points in the context of a Haskell application and decide which 
trade-off brings you the most benefit.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Computer Graphics and Haskell - Radiosity Methods

2010-03-01 Thread Maarten Hazewinkel
 2010/3/1 Hector Guilarte
 Hello cafe,
 While I was studying for my computer graphics test I have tomorrow I
 realized that maybe some of the major problems I've read so far about
 Radiosity Rendering Algorithms may be reduced significantly if it was
 implemented in Haskell and taking advantage of the lazy evaluation so that
 only what can be seen from the viewer's perspective point of view is
 calculated, and the rest of the scene just remains as thunks waiting for
 them to be calculated in case they are needed.

The way radiosity works, those invisible parts of the scene can still
add illumination to the visible parts.
So the first time you query the radiosity data for any part of the scene,
you'll end up forcing the calculation of the entire radiosity solution.

That's basically the difference between plain raytracing, which is lazy in
that way and works backwards from the viewer's perspective, and radiosity.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell on JVM

2009-06-26 Thread Maarten Hazewinkel

On 26 Jun 2009, at 14:09, Timo B. Hübel wrote:

And here comes my question: If there is anybody with proper  
knowledge about

this issue, I would really like to know what are those things that are
missing? For example, Clojure lacks proper tail recrusion  
optimization due to
some missing functionality in the JVM. But does anybody know the  

Basically, the JVM lacks a native ability to do tail calls. It does  
not have an
instruction to remove/replace a stack frame without executing an  
actual return

to the calling method/function.

With the heavy use of recursion in functional programs, this is an  

feature in a language implementation to avoid stack overflows.

Some language implementations (Scala) can do partial workarounds by  
the generated code into a loop in the compiler, but this is frequently  
to only deal with self-recursive calls, and does not deal with the  
general case
(X-calls-Y-calls-Z-calls-X...), which a proper implementation of tail- 
calls at

the JVM level would allow.

At the JIT level (below the JVM spec level) some implementations may  
actually do
the tail call optimization anyway, but this is beyond the control of a  
implementation, and would result in a situation where the behaviour of  
program depends on particular implementations/versions/parameters of  
the JVM

running it. That is something to be avoided if possible.

Maarten Hazewinkel

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Marketing Haskell

2009-04-01 Thread Maarten Hazewinkel

That's not you usual Koala face.
Must be a special Simon^H^H^H^H^HHaskell-Koala species.

inline: haskell-mascot.jpg

On 1 Apr 2009, at 10:07, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:

Dear Haskell enthusiasts,

Now that the logo issue finally has been settled, it is time to select
the proper Haskell mascot.  As you are no doubt aware, Microsoft's
involvement in Haskell means that we have moved from avoiding success
at all cost to actively marketing the language, and any language
striving for success is entirely dependent on a cute and distinctive
mascot.  Where would Perl be today without its camel?

Since the recent logo discussion has demonstrated once and for all the
futility of attempting a democratic process in the Haskell community -
to be quite honest, the elected logo looks like an error message  
from an IBM

mainframe - I have decided to decide on a mascot myself.

So I hereby declare the official Haskell mascot to be the koala, in
the form of the image attached below.  Please ensure that this image
accompanies any material published on the web or on paper.


Haskell mailing list

Maarten Hazewinkel
Tel: 06-53 692 432 (+31-653 692 432 from outside the Netherlands)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Google Android

2008-09-25 Thread Maarten Hazewinkel

On 25 Sep 2008, at 13:33, Adam Langley wrote:

A Google
search for haskell java turns up at least one good candidate[1], but
if you manage to get that working well, binding the APIs is a rather
trivial task ;)


That's actually just a thesis proposal, not actual work done.
Try this for something closer to realization:


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Can you do everything without shared-memory concurrency?

2008-09-10 Thread Maarten Hazewinkel

Hi Bruce,

Some comments from an 11 year Java professional and occasional Haskell  

On 9 Sep 2008, at 20:30, Bruce Eckel wrote:

So this is the kind of problem I keep running into. There will seem  
to be consensus that you can do everything with isolated processes  
message passing (and note here that I include Actors in this  
scenario even if their mechanism is more complex). And then someone  
will pipe up and say well, of course, you have to have threads and  
the argument is usually for efficiency.

One important distinction to make, which can make a lot of difference  
in performance, is that shared memory itself is not a problem. It's  
when multiple threads/processes can update a single shared area that  
you get into trouble. A single updating thread is OK as long as other  
threads don't depend on instant propagation of the update or on an  
update being visible to all other threads at the exact same time.

I make two observations here which I'd like comments on:

1) What good is more efficiency if the majority of programmers can  
never get it right? My position: if a programmer has to explicitly  
synchronize anywhere in the program, they'll get it wrong. This of  
course is a point of contention; I've met a number of people who say  
well, I know you don't believe it, but *I* can write successful  
threaded programs. I used to think that, too. But now I think it's  
just a learning phase, and you aren't a reliable thread programmer  
until you say it's impossible to get right (yes, a conundrum).

In general I agree. I'm (in all modesty) the best multi-thread  
programmer I've ever met, and even if you were to get it right, the  
next requirements change tends to hit your house of cards with a large  
bucket of water.
And never mind trying to explain the design to other developers. I  
currently maintain a critical multi-threaded component (inherited from  
another developer who left), and my comment on the design is I cannot  
even properly explain it to myself, let alone someone else. Which is  
why I have a new design based on java.util.concurrent queues on the  

2) What if you have lots of processors? Does that change the picture  
any? That is, if you use isolated processes with message passing and  
you have as many processors as you want, do you still think you need  
shared-memory threading?

In such a setup I think you usually don't have directly shared memory  
at the hardware level, so the processors themselves have to use  
message passing to access shared data structures. Which IMHO means  
that you might as well design your software that way too.

A comment on the issue of serialization -- note that any time you  
need to protect shared memory, you use some form of serialization.  
Even optimistic methods guarantee serialization, even if it happens  
after the memory is corrupted, by backing up to the uncorrupted  
state. The effect is the same; only one thread can access the shared  
state at a time.

And a further note on sharing memory via a transactional resource (be  
it STM, a database or a single controlling thread).
This situation always introduces the possibility that your update  
fails, and a lot of client code is not designed to deal with that. The  
most common pattern I see in database access code is to log the  
exception and continue as if nothing happened. The proper error  
handling only gets added in after a major screwup in production  
happens, and the usually only the the particular part of the code  
where it went wrong this time.

Kind regards,

Maarten Hazewinkel
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Can you do everything without shared-memory concurrency?

2008-09-10 Thread Maarten Hazewinkel

On 10 Sep 2008, at 20:28, Ryan Ingram wrote:

On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 2:55 AM, Maarten Hazewinkel

[on transaction failures in databases and STM]

This seems to be a bit too much F.U.D. for STM.  As long as you avoid
unsafeIOToSTM (which you really should; that function is far more evil
than unsafePerformIO), the only failure case for current Haskell STM
is starvation; some thread will always be making progress and you do
not have to explicitly handle failure.

This is absolutely guaranteed by the semantics of STM: no effects are
visible from a retrying transaction--it just runs again from the
start.  You don't have to write proper error handling code for
transactional updates failing.

Thanks for the clarification Ryan.

As a hobbyist I haven't actually used STM, so I was grouping it
with databases as the only transactional system I am directly familiar

I suppose I could have guessed that the Haskell community would come
up with something that's a class better than a normal shared database.


Maarten Hazewinkel
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell Propeganda

2008-08-23 Thread Maarten Hazewinkel

On 23 Aug 2008, at 23:10, Tim Newsham wrote:

I guess I didn't express my point very clearly... That C  
programmers apparently don't realise that a type system that's  
sound will give them something -- i.e. their programmer won't ever  
segfault.  I wonder when we try to advertise Haskell if we should  
be saying we can give you programs that never segfault, instead  
of we have a strong type system.

By the way, the Java camp has (correctly) been touting this argument  
for quite a while.

As a day-time java programmer, I can say from experience that  
sometimes (100% pure) Java programs DO segfault.

I've had it happen to me, and while you can justifiably say it's an  
error in the JVM somehow triggered by your program behaviour/timing,  
that doesn't help you very much at the time.

Maarten Hazewinkel

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Why functional programming matters

2008-01-24 Thread Maarten Hazewinkel

On 24 Jan 2008, at 10:45, Peter Hercek wrote:

* safe STM
... and probably a lot of more goodies

Especially STM would be a good point to elaborate on.
Most big systems have issues around concurrency and state modification  
being broken.
Anything that can reliably solve that problem is going to interest  
serious programmers.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The History of Haskell

2006-07-20 Thread Maarten Hazewinkel

Simon and partners,

Thank you for this paper.

As a relative newcomer to Haskell, quite few topics on the mailing
lists went right past me. Now that I've read this paper a can at least
understand generally what most topics are about.

I'd definitely recommend this as reading material to anyone right
after they know a bit about the basic language from a tutorial. It
helps place the basic Haskell language in both its historical context,
and in the current Haskell universe with its miriad extensions and

Thanks again,


On 7/14/06, Simon Peyton-Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Phil Wadler, John Hughes, Paul Hudak and I have been writing a paper
about the

The History of Haskell

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Re: Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] EclipseFP (Haskell IDE) 0.10.0 released

2006-07-04 Thread Maarten Hazewinkel

On 7/3/06, Thiago Arrais [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

EclipseFP is being written in Java, I wonder how the GHC
library would be accessed on such a environment.

The York Haskell Compiler (yhc) compiles to bytecode, and my memory
suggests that there was an implementation of the required runtime
system written in Java. My mail archive confirms this: Neil Mitchell
wrote about it on haskell-cafe on March 28 under the topic of
'Haskell's Market'.
My feeling is that such an approach might be a smoother (and more
portable) integration than JNI. Of course, you'd need to be able
compile GHC with YHC, which I cannot guess the feasability of.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Prime numbers

2005-12-20 Thread Maarten Hazewinkel

Could it be that the arguments to either divides or mod should be reversed?

Currently it seems to be testing whether the candidate prime (n)
divides the possible factor (m).

Or am I to tired to read the code straight?



On 12/20/05, Daniel Carrera [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 John Peterson wrote:
  Add a type signature:
  prime :: Integer - Bool
  It's defaulting to Int and you're getting overflows

 Thanks. Hmm... it's still not working.

 Btw, I mis-reported the problem. The offending number is 38466629, which
 is /not/ prime but the sample program reports as prime.

 38466629 = 31 * 1240859

 The offending program is:
 prime :: Integer - Bool
 prime n = not (factors 2 n)

 factors :: Integer - Integer - Bool
 factors m n | m == n = False
  | m  n  = divides m n || factors (m+1) n

 divides :: Integer - Integer - Bool
 divides a b = (mod a b == 0)

 The math behind the program seems correct... :(


 \/_/I am not over-weight, I am under-tall.
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

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