Re: [Haskell-cafe] Quasi quotation question

2010-11-20 Thread Oscar Finnsson
Sure. Just use

You are probably interested in parsePat or parseExp. I've used parseExp in a

-- Oscar
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] [ANNOUNCE] text-xml-qq - XML quasiquoter for Text.XML.Light

2010-10-23 Thread Oscar Finnsson

I've just released the first version of text-xml-qq, It's a Template Haskell
quasiquoter that converts XML code into Text.XML.Light.Element compile time.

Feature requests, bug fixes etc are welcomed. The package only got one
backend (xml-package) at the moment but it should be trivial to add more
backends (e.g. for a bytestring-based xml package).

You can embed Haskell variables in the xml code. Inside xml-elements you use
the syntax {foo} for embedded variables. If you wish to embed an element or
text you use the syntax foo. See example or the test-file at
the project site

-- Oscar

=== Example ===

Given the variables

url =
elem = gmail
attrNs = something
attrName = Pelle
attrValue = Arne
elemCont = CRef testing
cont1 = Elem $ blank_element { elName = QName hej Nothing Nothing }
cont2 = CRef other test

the code

{url}:{elem} {attrNs}:{attrName}={attrValue} attr=cool
  elem ns1:elem1=1 ns2:elem2=2elemCont/elem
  elem /
  el /

will generate the data structure

element {
  elName = QName elem Nothing (Just url),
  elAttribs = [Attr (QName attrName Nothing (Just attrNs)) attrValue,
   Attr (qname attr) cool],
  elContent = [
(Elem $ blank_element { elName = QName elem Nothing Nothing,
  elAttribs = [Attr (QName elem1 Nothing (Just
ns1)) 1,
   Attr (QName elem2 Nothing (Just
ns2)) 2],
  elContent = [elemCont]
 (Elem $ blank_element { elName =QName elem Nothing Nothing}),
 (Elem $ blank_element { elName = QName el Nothing Nothing}),

=== End example ===
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Function signatures and type class constraints

2010-08-25 Thread Oscar Finnsson
Thanks for the tip. You saved my day (and code)!

So what is the point of having the constraint on the left side of the
'='? Will it allow me to do anything that the right-side constraint

-- Oscar

On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 11:06 PM, Daniel Fischer wrote:
 On Monday 23 August 2010 22:30:03, Oscar Finnsson wrote:

 I'm wondering why I have to repeat the class constraints at every

 If I got the data type

  data (Eq a, Show a, Data a, Eq b, Show b, Data b, Eq c, Show c, Data
  c) = Foo a b c = Foo a b c

 Type class constraints on datatypes are considered a wart. They don't do
 what people expect, in particular they don't make the constraints available
 at the use site.

 It works if you move the constraints across the '=':

 {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}

 data Foo a b c = (Eq a, Show a, ...) = Foo a b c

 or with GADT syntax:


 data Foo x y z where
  Foo :: (Eq a, Show a, ...) = a - b - c - Foo a b c

 Both make the constraints available at the use site,

 bar :: Foo a b c - String
 bar (Foo a b c)
    = Foo  ++ show a ++   ++ show b ++   ++ show c ++ , Yay!

 and then a function from Foo to String I have to supply the signature

  bar :: (Eq a, Show a, Data a, Eq b, Show b, Data b, Eq c, Show c, Data
  c) = Foo a b c - String

 even though it should be clear that a, b and c *must* fulfill the
 constraints already so I should be able to just supply the signature

 One would think so. It's a wart.

  bar :: Foo a b c - String

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Function signatures and type class constraints

2010-08-23 Thread Oscar Finnsson

I'm wondering why I have to repeat the class constraints at every function.

If I got the data type

 data (Eq a, Show a, Data a, Eq b, Show b, Data b, Eq c, Show c, Data c) = 
 Foo a b c = Foo a b c

and then a function from Foo to String I have to supply the signature

 bar :: (Eq a, Show a, Data a, Eq b, Show b, Data b, Eq c, Show c, Data c) = 
 Foo a b c - String

even though it should be clear that a, b and c *must* fulfill the
constraints already so I should be able to just supply the signature

 bar :: Foo a b c - String

Another related problem I got is that even though I can create the type

 type B = (Eq a, Show a, Data a, Eq b, Show b, Data b, Eq c, Show c, Data c) 
 = Foo a b c

I cannot use it like

 bar :: B - String

so my type class constraints got a tendency become huge!

It is possible to work around this somehow? I'm in a situation at the
moment where I got a data type with four fields each with three
constraints (Show, Eq, Data), so I have to repeat 12 constraints at
every function signature... :(

Finally is there some way to bundle type class constraints, something like

 data {Eq, Show, Data} {a, b, c} = Foo a b c = Foo a b c -- make believe 

so I don't have to repeat every constraint and variable all the time?

-- Oscar
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: text-json-qq 0.2.0 (now with haskell-src-meta goodness)

2010-08-20 Thread Oscar Finnsson

I've just uploaded a new version of text-json-qq, the json quasiquoter.

Now it's possible (thanks to haskell-src-meta) to insert Haskell code
inside the qq-code:

 myCode = [$jsonQQ| {age: | age + 34 :: Integer |, name: | map toUpper name 
 |} |]
 where age = 34 :: Integer
   name = Pelle

For further info read the documentation at

or read/fork the source code at

-- Oscar
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Functional dependencies and Peano numbers (and hoogle-bug?)

2010-07-15 Thread Oscar Finnsson
Thanks for the great feedback. The bijective example was especially interesting.

While reading Fun with Type Functions I notices GNum as an
interesting alternative to the Num type class but I couldn't find any
such package on hackagedb. Do anyone know if there is anything like
GNum on hackagedb?

On an unrelated note:

I hoogled to (i.e. and just
got a blank page. Nothing. Nil (not even html.../html). Is this a
bug or a feature? :) The reason I hoogled it was because I'm
searching for something like explicit casting found in many other
languages, something similar to

 class To f t where
   to :: f - t

 instance To a a where
   to x = x

 instance (Real a, Fractional b) = To a b where
   to = realToFrac

 instance (Read a) = To String (Maybe a) where
   to = maybeRead  -- not from cgi :)

so I can write something like

 (23.2 `to`) :: Maybe Double


 ((42 :: Integer) `to`) :: Float

Anyone made a module/package that solves this problem already? I
cannot be the first that needs generic type safe conversion... .

-- Oscar
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Merge hsql and HDBC -- there can only be one!

2010-07-08 Thread Oscar Finnsson
I'd love to see this too. I've only used HDBC and I think it works well.

A common problem in the Haskell-community is that some produce
low-level bindings/libs and some produce high-level (extremely type
safe) bindings/libs but there's seldom good support for switching
between or combining the two approaches.

My experience is that when it comes to real world scenarios involving
databases/xml/json/c you are seldom able to figure out *all* types
compile time and are thus forces to use the low-level lib for
everything even though you got the types (e.g. of a
table/view/function/...) at compile time for 90% of your code. That's
a shame and something that I wish a merging between the packages would
be able to solve. In other words: a good package should support more
than one way to interface with the db and the different ways should be
possible to seamlessly combine.

My wish-list:
* low level capabilities a la HDBC
* high level capabilities (matching result sets to data types, db
functions - haskell type classes or similar)
* sql 2003/2008-, pl/sql-quasi quoter
* code generation given a db schema.
* schema generation from code (i.e. the opposite from the above).
* fixture generation (Haskell - db, db - Haskell)
* syb-support
* github :)

I'm prepared to spend a couple of hours a week helping out and I got
some experience developing database layers that's used in telecom,
gaming and logistics.

-- Oscar

P.S. I'm not saying that there should be only one; competition is
always good. It would however be lovely if the community made an
effort to (a) produce an package that can cover mosts needs that (b)
most developers/package-maintainers used that (c) other developers can
build upon with new features.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Functional dependencies and Peano numbers

2010-07-06 Thread Oscar Finnsson

there is a lot of buzz around functional dependencies on the mailing
list and Planet Haskell. I've read some of the tutorials and I think I
understand how they work but I still haven't figured out where they
can be useful.

* Can someone give me a real world (preferably hackagedb) example
where functional dependencies are used?

* Can someone give me a real world (preferably hackagedb) example
where Peano numbers a la data Zero; data Succ n are used?


* All the examples involving functional dependencies are on the form

 a b c | a b - c

but can they also be on a form similar to

 a b c d e f g h| b c - d e f | b d g - h

 (i.e. d,e,f are decided by the b,c-combination while h is decided by
the b,d,g-combination)?

-- Oscar
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ANN: text-json-qq - json quasiquatation

2010-06-18 Thread Oscar Finnsson

I've just uploaded the first version of text-json-qq

It's a quasiquatation library converting json into Haskell (Text.JSON).

You can use it like:

 user = [$jsonQQ| {name: Pelle, age: 34.3, likes: [mac, Haskell] } |]

or you can use Haskell variables with the x-syntax like:

 user = [$jsonQQ| {name: name, age: age} |]
 name = Pelle
 age = 34 :: Integer

It seems to have some performance problems at the moment so I guess
I'll have to learn how to profile my code.

-- Oscar
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Announce: hs2dot 0.1.1 - generate graphviz code by analyzing Haskell source code files

2010-06-16 Thread Oscar Finnsson
 It's a small tool that lets you automatically generate graphviz/dot
 code that visualize the relations between data types, types and type

 This sounds very familiar to my SourceGraph package that's already on

I hope that some friendly competition can spur both of us to deliver
even better tooling :)

 You, however, also add the type signatures to your graph; I have the
 sneaking suspicion that this could get too noisy if you also try to
 visualise functions in a large module.

Visualizing every aspect is probably never a good idea. At the moment
I'm sketching on alternative visualizations where only relations
between modules show up or where the data constructors for data types
aren't visualized.

On a related note: has anyone yet tried to visualize the flow of the
IO monad in an application?

-- Oscar
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Announce: hs2dot 0.1.1 - generate graphviz code by analyzing Haskell source code files

2010-06-16 Thread Oscar Finnsson
 On a related note: has anyone yet tried to visualize the flow of the
 IO monad in an application?

 You mean a control flow graph?

Exactly. In (most) other programming languages it would be impossible
for a tool to automatically know which flow to concentrate
on/visualize but in Haskell it should be at least theoretically
possible to inspect a package/module and trace the IO monad (beginning
in main for an executable) in the code and visualize it as a control
flow graph. I think it would probably be a great tool that would help
one to inspect the architecture.

-- Oscar
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Announce: hs2dot 0.1.1 - generate graphviz code by analyzing Haskell source code files

2010-06-15 Thread Oscar Finnsson

I've just released hs2dot on hackagedb.

It's a small tool that lets you automatically generate graphviz/dot
code that visualize the relations between data types, types and type

Example usage:

 hs2dot Hack.hs | dot -T pdf -o Hack.pdf

Multiple files can be analyzed together as in

 hs2dot Foo.hs Bar.hs | dot -T png -o FooBar.png

so their data types can point to each other.

Example diagrams generated using h2dot can be found at

Examples of real code analyzed:
(from hpage) (from Hack)

Example of mock code analyzed:
(three files analyzed together)

The tool is still far from complete. Better handling of algebraic data
types and instance declarations are a must. GADTs, data families and
type synonym families are not yet implemented so they wont turn up.

-- Oscar
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Code review of text-xml-generic

2010-06-11 Thread Oscar Finnsson

I've been working on a (de)serialization package from/to XML (using
SYB) and wondering if anyone feels like giving me a quick code review
before I upload it to hackagedb.

The source code can be found at

It is *heavily* inspired by Text.JSON.Generic.

The three files DataEx.hs (slightly modified version of Olegs code),
ExGeneric.hs and ExTestGeneric.hs are not part of the package yet
since I haven't got the deserialization to work for existentials yet
(but I haven't given up!).

I plan to upload the package to hackagedb by the end of this weekend
so any comments before (and after) are more than welcome.

-- Oscar
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: SYB with Existentials

2010-05-28 Thread Oscar Finnsson
OK. That was probably the most complete answer ever.

Under what license are you releasing DataEx.hs? I'm wondering if I may
use it in my package (under BSD3 license) until something like it is
included in SYB.

Pedro: How are extensions to SYB handled? only seems to
handle issues - not tickets.

-- Oscar

On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 8:31 AM, wrote:

 The only, non-fatal, problem is _not_ with writing the instance of
 gunfold. Defining gunfold is easy. The problem is that the existing
 SYB -- or, the module Data/Data.hs to be precise -- has
 non-extensible constructor and datatype descriptions (Constr and
 DataType). The problem is not fatal and can be worked around in
 various inelegant ways. Alternatively, one can fix the problem once
 and for all by making DataType and Constr extensible -- along the
 lines of the new Exceptions. The following file

 demonstrates one such fix. The file DataEx.hs also tries to avoid the
 overlap with Data.Typeable. (One doesn't need to carry the name of the
 datatype's type constructor in DataType. That name can be obtained
 from the result of typeOf). The file DataEx can be used alongside the
 original Data.hs. The code below uses DataEx in that way, to
 complement Data.hs. The hope is that the maintainers of SYB might
 choose to extend Data.hs -- perhaps using some bits or ideas from
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [ANNOUNCE] SyntaxMacros-0.1

2010-05-25 Thread Oscar Finnsson
 We are pleased to announce the first release of SyntaxMacros [1].

Very interesting. This is something I've been interested in since I
first heard of Ziggurat.

In which order do you recommend I try to learn the packages: HList -
AspectAG - SyntaxMacros?

I tried to read the SyntaxMacros-paper but had a hard time
understanding which parts belonged to the package and which parts
belonged to your new mini-language. Do you got the mini-language as a
separate download?

You mention in the paper that the source of the paper is in literate
Haskell and that the code is available but I can't find it at the
wiki.  I found some code (Expr.hs, Main.hs) in the examples-folder in
the packages source code (SyntaxMacrox-0.1.tar.gz) but it doesn't seem
to match 1:1 to the code in the paper (couldn't for example find
extSpecChars in the paper or updateFinalEnv in the source code).

-- Oscar
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Existentials and SYB [Was: GADTs and Scrap your Boilerplate]

2010-05-22 Thread Oscar Finnsson
 enDataI :: (Int - DataBox)
 enDataI = DataBox

 enDataB :: (Bool - DataBox)
 enDataB = DataBox

 instance Data DataBox where
   gfoldl k z (DataBox d) = z DataBox `k` d
   gunfold k z c = (if True then k (z enDataI) else k (z enDataB))

Interesting solution but I'm not smart enough to see how the solution
can be generalized to any data type that's an instance of Data. Do I
have to repeat the if then else for every instance of the Data type
class (which I can't) or is there some other way?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] GADTs and Scrap your Boilerplate

2010-05-18 Thread Oscar Finnsson

thanks for all the great feedback.

 Your GADT encodes an existential datatype. The closest attempt to encode 
 existential types in (something like) SYB that I know of is in Section 5.3 of 
 Alexey's PhD thesis [1]. Having said that, he uses the spine view, which 
 makes the generic view in SYB explicit, but this has never been packaged as a 
 library. So I'm afraid the answer is no. The link above might still be 
 useful for your understanding of why this is a complex problem, though.

Interesting paper by Alexey. Especially p. 106.

 Have you tried using StandaloneDeriving (and DeriveDataTypeable)?

Thanks for the tip. Didn't know about this feature before but
unfortunately it didn't help me. Standalone deriving gave the same
error message so I guess it generates similar code to what I wrote.

 forall d.   gunfold k z c = k (z (DataBox::d-DataBox d))

Didn't work either. :(

 Also why isn't the paramater c used?

I guess c says which constructor is used, but since I know which
constructor is used (since DataBox only got one) the variable is

 However, I remember the solution: I created a function to convert the GADT 
 into another, unGADT type,

Is this possible for existential data types too? I tried to convert
DataBox to a data type DataBox' a but I couldn't get it to compile.

Are there any libraries for generics/reflection that can handle
existential data types? EMGM/multirec/?

Until I manage to figure this out I'll go with the technique described
in where instead of
exposing a function

 decodeUnknownXML :: String - Maybe DataBox

the package expose a function

 decodeUnknownXML :: Data a = String - (a - b) - Maybe b

-- Oscar

2010/5/16 José Pedro Magalhães

 Hi Oscar,

 On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 22:19, Oscar Finnsson 


 I guess my questions are:

 1. Is it possible to combine GADTs with Scrap your Boilerplate?

 Your GADT encodes an existential datatype. The closest attempt to encode 
 existential types in (something like) SYB that I know of is in Section 5.3 of 
 Alexey's PhD thesis [1]. Having said that, he uses the spine view, which 
 makes the generic view in SYB explicit, but this has never been packaged as a 
 library. So I'm afraid the answer is no. The link above might still be 
 useful for your understanding of why this is a complex problem, though.



Haskell-Cafe mailing list