Re: [Haskell-cafe] overloading show function

2011-06-30 Thread Philipp Schneider
On 06/30/2011 02:36 PM, Holger Siegel wrote:
 Am 29.06.2011 um 23:50 schrieb Philipp Schneider:

 Hi cafe,

 in my program i use a monad of the following type

 newtype M a = M (State - (a, State))

 i use the monad in two different ways. The type variable a can be a
 pair as in

 interp :: Term - Environment - M (Value,Environment)

 and it can be just a value as in

 type Environment = [(Name, Either Value (M Value))]
 Simple rule: Never return an environment!

 An environment contains local variable bindings, so no subcomputation will 
 ever need to return its environment. I don't know anything about the language 
 your program interprets, but I'm sure that you can rewrite function interp as

   interp :: Term - Environment - M Value

 The structure of the interpreter will become clearer and your problem will 

Hello Holger,

I'm giving two lambda interpreters. The first one is a call by value
interpreter, the second one a call by name interpreter which are
described in Philip Wadler's paper The essence of functional
programming page 4 and 12. Now my task is to write a lazy lambda
interpreter. The exercise is more playful than serious since Wadler's
call by value interpreter is, since written in lazy Haskell, already a
lazy lambda interpreter. (To get true call by value one would need to
force evaluations of the arguments with the seq function.)
For both of Wadler's interpreters the type of the interpertation
function is:
interp :: Term - Environment - M Value

Now to simulate lazy interpretation i need to do the following: Decide
is the value I need already evaluated or is it still a computation. In
the later case I need to evaluate it and save its value in the
environment. This is the reason I changed the type of the interpretation
function to:
interp :: Term - Environment - M (Value,Environment)

I appened my full interpreter. If you can find a more elegant way to
save the newly interpreted values, you are more than welcome to show my
how to do it.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] overloading show function

2011-06-30 Thread Philipp Schneider
On 06/30/2011 08:25 PM, Philipp Schneider wrote:
 On 06/30/2011 02:36 PM, Holger Siegel wrote:
 Am 29.06.2011 um 23:50 schrieb Philipp Schneider:

 Hi cafe,

 in my program i use a monad of the following type

 newtype M a = M (State - (a, State))

 i use the monad in two different ways. The type variable a can be a
 pair as in

 interp :: Term - Environment - M (Value,Environment)

 and it can be just a value as in

 type Environment = [(Name, Either Value (M Value))]
 Simple rule: Never return an environment!

 An environment contains local variable bindings, so no subcomputation will 
 ever need to return its environment. I don't know anything about the 
 language your program interprets, but I'm sure that you can rewrite function 
 interp as

   interp :: Term - Environment - M Value

 The structure of the interpreter will become clearer and your problem will 

 Hello Holger,

 I'm giving two lambda interpreters. The first one is a call by value
 interpreter, the second one a call by name interpreter which are
 described in Philip Wadler's paper The essence of functional
 programming page 4 and 12. Now my task is to write a lazy lambda
 interpreter. The exercise is more playful than serious since Wadler's
 call by value interpreter is, since written in lazy Haskell, already a
 lazy lambda interpreter. (To get true call by value one would need to
 force evaluations of the arguments with the seq function.)
 For both of Wadler's interpreters the type of the interpertation
 function is:
 interp :: Term - Environment - M Value

 Now to simulate lazy interpretation i need to do the following: Decide
 is the value I need already evaluated or is it still a computation. In
 the later case I need to evaluate it and save its value in the
 environment. This is the reason I changed the type of the interpretation
 function to:
 interp :: Term - Environment - M (Value,Environment)

 I appened my full interpreter. If you can find a more elegant way to
 save the newly interpreted values, you are more than welcome to show my
 how to do it.

I forgot to add the interpreter.
{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances #-}

import Prelude hiding (lookup, fail)

import Control.Monad
-- Basiswerte

data Value= WrongAd
  | WrongAp
  | WrongL
  | Num Int
  | Fun (Either Value (M Value) - M Value)

instance Show Value where
   show WrongAd= wrong add  
   show WrongAp= wrong app 
   show WrongL= wrong lookup   
   show (Num i)  = show i
   show (Fun f)  = function

-- Terme 

data Term = Var Name
  | Con Int
  | Add Term Term
  | Lam Name Term
  | App Term Term deriving Show

-- Interpretation der Terme (Lazy evaluation)

interp :: Term - Environment - M (Value,Environment)
interp (Var x) e   = lookup x e
interp (Con i) e   = return (Num i,e)
interp (Add u v) e =  do
  (a,e) - interp u e
  (b,e) - interp v e
  s - add a b
  return (s,e)
interp (Lam x v) e  = return (Fun (\m - (interp v ((x, m):e)) = return . fst) , e)
interp (App t u) e  = do
  (f,e) - interp t e
  a - (apply f (Right ((interp u e) = return . fst)))
  return (a,e)

add :: Value - Value - M Value
add (Num i) (Num j) = tick = (\() - return (Num (i+j)))
add a b = return WrongAd

apply :: Value - Either Value (M Value) - M Value
apply (Fun k) a= tick = (\() - k a)
apply notFun a = return WrongAp

-- Umgebung

type Environment = [(Name, Either Value (M Value))]
type Name = String

lookup :: Name - Environment - M (Value,Environment)
lookup x eComplete = lookup_h x eComplete
lookup_h x []= return (WrongL,[])
lookup_h x e@((y,b):etl) = 
  if x==y then case b of 
-- schon ausgewertet
Left a - return (a,e) 
-- noch nicht ausgewertet (speichere den ausgewerteten Wert)
Right a - (a = (\x- return (x, (y,Left x):eComplete)))
  else lookup_h x etl

-- Lazy-Interpreter zaehlt die Reduktionen (Wadler: Beispiel 9)

type State = Int

newtype M a = M (State - (a, State))

tick = M (\s - ((), s+1))

instance (Show a,Show b) = Show (M (a,b)) where
   show (M f) = let ((v,_), s) = f 0 in
 Value:  ++ show v ++   Count:  ++ show s

instance Show a = Show (M a) where
   show (M f) = let (v, s) = f 0 in
 Value:  ++ show v ++   Count:  ++ show s

instance Monad M where
   return a = M (\s - (a, s))
   (M m) = k = M (\s0 - let (a, s1) = m s0
   (M m')  = k a
   in m' s1
   fail s = error s -- wird nicht aufgerufen
-- Beispiele:

-- test :: Term - String
test t = (interp t [])

term0 = (Con 10)
term0' = (Var x)
term1 = (Add (Con 10) (Con 11))
term2 = (Lam x (Add (Var x) (Con 10)))
term3 = (App term2 (Con 11))
term4 = (Lam x (Add (Var x) (Var x)))
term5 = (App term4 term1)
term6 = (Lam x (Lam y (Add (Var x) (Var y
term7 = (App term6 (Con 10))

Re: [Haskell-cafe] overloading show function

2011-06-30 Thread Philipp Schneider
On 06/30/2011 09:49 PM, Holger Siegel wrote:
 Am 30.06.2011 um 20:23 schrieb Philipp Schneider:

 On 06/30/2011 02:36 PM, Holger Siegel wrote:
 Am 29.06.2011 um 23:50 schrieb Philipp Schneider:

 Hi cafe,

 in my program i use a monad of the following type

 newtype M a = M (State - (a, State))

 i use the monad in two different ways. The type variable a can be a
 pair as in

 interp :: Term - Environment - M (Value,Environment)

 and it can be just a value as in

 type Environment = [(Name, Either Value (M Value))]
 Simple rule: Never return an environment!

 An environment contains local variable bindings, so no subcomputation will 
 ever need to return its environment. I don't know anything about the 
 language your program interprets, but I'm sure that you can rewrite 
 function interp as

  interp :: Term - Environment - M Value

 The structure of the interpreter will become clearer and your problem will 

 Hello Holger,

 I'm giving two lambda interpreters. The first one is a call by value
 interpreter, the second one a call by name interpreter which are
 described in Philip Wadler's paper The essence of functional
 programming page 4 and 12. Now my task is to write a lazy lambda
 interpreter. The exercise is more playful than serious since Wadler's
 call by value interpreter is, since written in lazy Haskell, already a
 lazy lambda interpreter. (To get true call by value one would need to
 force evaluations of the arguments with the seq function.)
 Hello Philipp,

 that's a nice exercise.

 For both of Wadler's interpreters the type of the interpertation
 function is:
 interp :: Term - Environment - M Value

 Now to simulate lazy interpretation i need to do the following: Decide
 is the value I need already evaluated or is it still a computation. In
 the later case I need to evaluate it and save its value in the
 environment. This is the reason I changed the type of the interpretation
 function to:
 interp :: Term - Environment - M (Value,Environment)
 But that won't work: After you have evaluated an entry of the environment, 
 you store the resulting value but you throw away its updated environment. 
 That means, you lose the results of all subcomputations instead of 
 propagating them to all other copies of the environment. Consider the 
 following expression:

 let x = big_computation in let y = x in y + x

 First, big_computation is bound to the name x, resulting in an environment 
 [(x, big_computation)]. Then a closure consisting of this environment 
 together with the right hand side 'x' is bound to the name y. Now y+x is 
 evaluated: The closure is entered, and from its environment the content of x 
 - a call to big_computation - is looked up. Now big_computation is evaluated 
 and the result is bound to x in this environment. After that, this result is 
 also returned as the value of y. But when returning from the evaluation of y, 
 the environment with the updated value of x is lost and you have to 
 re-evaluate it in order to calculate x+y!
Hello Holger,

Can you give me an example of a lambda term in which this would be an issue?
Evaluating the following works just fine in my implementation.
interp (App (Lam x (Add (Var x) (Var x))) big_computation) []
When the first variable x is evaluated my interp function returns the
value and the updated environment. Then to evaluate the second variable
the value is just looked up from this environment.
Of course in the following big_computation would be evaluated twice
(App (Lam x (App (Lam y (Add (Var x) (Var y))) big_computation))
But i simply don't have a concept like let x=y.
 And that is why I say never return an environment. It is either wrong or 
 unnecessary or the resulting semantics of the interpreter is hard to 

 In order to implement lazy evaluation correctly, you have to maintain some 
 global state in which the thunks are updated. For example, your environment 
 could bind IORefs that contain unevaluated thunks to variable names and 
 update them when the thunk is evaluated. But then your interpreter has to run 
 in the IO monad.
I agree that this would  be the proper way to do it, but I was trying
to minimize the use of monads since they have just been introduced in
the course.
 By the way, do you already know Peter Sestoft's paper Deriving a lazy 
 abstract machine?
I haven't read is so far, but thanks for pointing it out.
 Cheers, Holger


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] overloading show function

2011-06-30 Thread Philipp Schneider
On 06/30/2011 11:46 PM, Holger Siegel wrote:
 Am 30.06.2011 um 22:57 schrieb Philipp Schneider:

 On 06/30/2011 09:49 PM, Holger Siegel wrote:
 (...) But that won't work: After you have evaluated an entry of the 
 environment, you store the resulting value but you throw away its updated 
 environment. That means, you lose the results of all subcomputations 
 instead of propagating them to all other copies of the environment. 
 Consider the following expression:

 let x = big_computation in let y = x in y + x

 First, big_computation is bound to the name x, resulting in an environment 
 [(x, big_computation)]. Then a closure consisting of this environment 
 together with the right hand side 'x' is bound to the name y. Now y+x is 
 evaluated: The closure is entered, and from its environment the content of 
 x - a call to big_computation - is looked up. Now big_computation is 
 evaluated and the result is bound to x in this environment. After that, 
 this result is also returned as the value of y. But when returning from the 
 evaluation of y, the environment with the updated value of x is lost and 
 you have to re-evaluate it in order to calculate x+y!
 Hello Holger,

 Can you give me an example of a lambda term in which this would be an issue?
 Evaluating the following works just fine in my implementation.
 interp (App (Lam x (Add (Var x) (Var x))) big_computation) []
 When the first variable x is evaluated my interp function returns the
 value and the updated environment. Then to evaluate the second variable
 the value is just looked up from this environment.
 Of course in the following big_computation would be evaluated twice
 (App (Lam x (App (Lam y (Add (Var x) (Var y))) big_computation))
 But i simply don't have a concept like let x=y.

  App (Lam x (App (Lam y (Add (Var y) (Var x))) (Var x ))) (Con 2)

 takes three reduction steps, which is correct, but

  App (Lam x (App (Lam y (Add (Var y) (Var x))) (Var x ))) (Add (Con 
 1)(Con 1))

 takes five reduction steps although it should take only four.
Ok, I now see the problem. Thanks for pointing it out to me.

 And that is why I say never return an environment. It is either wrong or 
 unnecessary or the resulting semantics of the interpreter is hard to 

 In order to implement lazy evaluation correctly, you have to maintain some 
 global state in which the thunks are updated. For example, your environment 
 could bind IORefs that contain unevaluated thunks to variable names and 
 update them when the thunk is evaluated. But then your interpreter has to 
 run in the IO monad.
 I agree that this would  be the proper way to do it, but I was trying
 to minimize the use of monads since they have just been introduced in
 the course.
 That shouldn't be too hard. Just change your definition of monad M to

  newtype M a = M (State - IO (a, State))

 and define the corresponding monad instance as an exercise :) (or ask me by 
 private mail if you like).
I'll try to implement it tomorrow. Hopefully I'll succeed without your
help. ;)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] overloading show function

2011-06-29 Thread Philipp Schneider
Hi cafe,

in my program i use a monad of the following type

newtype M a = M (State - (a, State))

i use the monad in two different ways. The type variable a can be a
pair as in

interp :: Term - Environment - M (Value,Environment)

and it can be just a value as in

type Environment = [(Name, Either Value (M Value))]

now in any case when i print the monad, i just want to print the value
and never the environment.

More specific i want to use somthing like the following

instance (Show a,Show b) = Show (M (a,b)) where
   show (M f) = let ((v,_), s) = f 0 in
 Value:  ++ show v ++   Count:  ++ show s

instance Show a = Show (M a) where
   show (M f) = let (v, s) = f 0 in
 Value:  ++ show v ++   Count:  ++ show s

however this gives me the following error message:

Overlapping instances for Show (M (Value, Environment))
  arising from a use of `print'
Matching instances:
  instance (Show a, Show b) = Show (M (a, b))
-- Defined at
  instance Show a = Show (M a)
-- Defined at
In a stmt of an interactive GHCi command: print it

Any ideas how to fix it? Thanks!

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] overloading show function

2011-06-29 Thread Philipp Schneider
Thank you very much, this worked.

On 06/30/2011 12:03 AM, aditya siram wrote:
 Try enabling OverlappingInstances extension by adding this to the top
 of the file:
 {-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances #-}


 On Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 4:50 PM, Philipp Schneider wrote:
 Hi cafe,

 in my program i use a monad of the following type

 newtype M a = M (State - (a, State))

 i use the monad in two different ways. The type variable a can be a
 pair as in

 interp :: Term - Environment - M (Value,Environment)

 and it can be just a value as in

 type Environment = [(Name, Either Value (M Value))]

 now in any case when i print the monad, i just want to print the value
 and never the environment.

 More specific i want to use somthing like the following

 instance (Show a,Show b) = Show (M (a,b)) where
   show (M f) = let ((v,_), s) = f 0 in
 Value:  ++ show v ++   Count:  ++ show s

 instance Show a = Show (M a) where
   show (M f) = let (v, s) = f 0 in
 Value:  ++ show v ++   Count:  ++ show s

 however this gives me the following error message:

Overlapping instances for Show (M (Value, Environment))
  arising from a use of `print'
Matching instances:
  instance (Show a, Show b) = Show (M (a, b))
-- Defined at
  instance Show a = Show (M a)
-- Defined at
In a stmt of an interactive GHCi command: print it

 Any ideas how to fix it? Thanks!

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

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