Re: [Haskell-cafe] HDBC Oracle bindings(?/!)

2008-11-04 Thread Thiago Arrais
On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 11:53 AM, Daniil Elovkov
 Yes, HSQL supports Oracle natively, through OCI. hsql-oracle isn't on
 hackage, only in the repository.

That's exactly what I was looking for, but for HDBC instead. Since OCI
bindings for HDBC don't seem to exist, I guess I'll have to write my
own instead.

 I don't know how Takusen's oci code looks, but I would suspect that porting
 HSQL Oracle code to HDBC could be simpler, because HDBC and HSQL are quite
 similar in their interfaces, unlike Takusen.

Thanks for the tip. I really wasn't aware that HSQL already had OCI
bindings. I'll take a look at the HSQL code, steal some ideas from it
and hopefully make my little HDBC driver production ready some day.


Thiago Arrais
Enjoy Chaos -
Thoughts, ideas and useless ranting about software development and technology
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] HDBC Oracle bindings(?/!)

2008-11-04 Thread Thiago Arrais

On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 2:48 PM, John Goerzen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I would certainly happily reference anyone's native Oracle HDBC
 backend too, though!

You may want to reference mine, given that there aren't any others
currently. Just be aware that it really isn't ready for mass
consumption yet.


Thiago Arrais
Enjoy Chaos -
Thoughts, ideas and useless ranting about software development and technology
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] HDBC Oracle bindings(?/!)

2008-10-30 Thread Thiago Arrais
Are there Oracle bindings for HDBC anywhere? The HDBC project page talks about
Oracle backends but there isn't an Oracle-specific driver listed (I assume one
can reach an Oracle backend through the ODBC interface?).

I started writing Oracle bindings for HDBC based on the Takusen code. It was
done mostly for playing than for anything else and certainly isn't production
ready, but it is available in a darcs repo at in case anyone is interested.

This code isn't ready for prime time yet and I'm looking for some that *is*. Is
there such a thing already?


Thiago Arrais
Enjoy Chaos -
Thoughts, ideas and useless ranting about software development and technology
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] ANNOUNCE: Visual Haskell prerelease 0.2

2006-11-30 Thread Thiago Arrais

On 11/30/06, Johannes Waldmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The main advantage (Visual Haskell  over eclipsefp) at the moment
is that VH uses incremental (on-the-fly) typechecking/compilation
while eclipsefp calls the compiler for whole modules?

I would say this is one of the greatest advantages of VH, don't know if it is
the main one, but it surely is an advantage. I wonder how VH achieves that.
I imagine it manages to run GHC (it uses GHC, right?) inside the .Net VM
or at least access it through some programmatic interface using some kind
of native/VM data conversion. GHC code (and not VH code) do the
typechecking/compilation tricks. Is that right?

Eclipse is Java and I am pretty sure we can do something similar with it
and we actually did something like the second approach prior to version
0.9.1, but just for source code parsing. What do we need for that?


Thiago Arrais
Mergulhando no Caos -
Pensamentos, idéias e devaneios sobre desenvolvimento de software e
tecnologia em geral
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why Exotic Languages Are Not Mainstream

2006-08-11 Thread Thiago Arrais


On 8/11/06, Nicolas Frisby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is there anything similar to VisualHaskell that works in light-weight
(compared to Studio...) and multi-platform editors?

There is EclipseFP:

It doesn't support type inference at edition, but it is likely to be
added in the future. So, I'd advise you keep an eye on it. And you can
trust this is very unbiased advice, since I am the current project
maintainer. :-)

I don't know if Eclipse is what you'd call light weight, but it is
freely available if you want to try it. At least it runs
satisfactorially on my machine with 512MB of memory.


Thiago Arrais
Mergulhando no Caos -
Pensamentos, idéias e devaneios sobre desenvolvimento de software e
tecnologia em geral
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why Haskell?

2006-07-23 Thread Thiago Arrais


On 7/22/06, Matthew Bromberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm not using an IDE does one exist?

You may want to use EclipseFP for your Haskell work. It is still a
work in progress, but it may be worth to give it a try.


Thiago Arrais
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Small syntax question

2006-07-11 Thread Thiago Arrais


The let variant is an expression, while the where one is not. An
expression is allowed to happen inside a greater expression, you just
need to place the parentheres properly as you did.

The where keyword does not construct a valid expression, it can only
happen inside some other constructs (like module and function


Thiago Arrais
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Small syntax question

2006-07-11 Thread Thiago Arrais

By the way, you can find the syntax specification here


Thiago Arrais
Mergulhando no Caos -
Pensamentos, idéias e devaneios sobre desenvolvimento de software e
tecnologia em geral
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] EclipseFP (Haskell IDE) 0.10.0 released

2006-07-03 Thread Thiago Arrais


Thanks for the suggestions (by the way, very good article on IO). Some
comments below.

On 7/3/06, Bulat Ziganshin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

- background compilation with errors highlighting

There is already some support for background compilation using GHC.
Error highlighting doesn't still work as I'd like to, but is there

- syntax highlighting, including highlighting of bracket's pair

There is already some of this too, although it may not be exactly what
you have in mind.

- ability to fall in definition of identifier under cursor

Being worked on. Should be one of the leading features on the next
release, together with some more code completion.

- automatic management of import lists

Being worked on, together with code completion. I would like some more
detail here, though.

- auto-indenting with user-tuned style

This one seems very challenging and interesting, not a must-have for
me but a very attractive feature.

I have purposely left some items behind, just because resources are
limited and we need to focus on some more valuable features. Do you
think the ones I selected are the most valuable ones?

Would you mind to delve into some more detail on the topics above on
the EclipseFP mailing list? I am particularly interested on these four
(in order of priority):

- ability to fall in definition of identifier under cursor
- automatic management of import lists
- syntax highlighting
- auto-indenting with user-tuned style

You can subscribe to our mailing list on

Are you use GHC library?

Not yet, but it may turn to be a very wise decision to make in the
future. EclipseFP is being written in Java, I wonder how the GHC
library would be accessed on such a environment. Need to take a look
at the paper.


Thiago Arrais
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] EclipseFP (Haskell IDE) 0.10.0 released

2006-07-03 Thread Thiago Arrais


On 7/3/06, Leif Frenzel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I think the way to go is to call it via JNI. This has worked fine for me
in the past on Windows with dlls

Although it required quite some glue code written in C, and it did not
look very pretty. Have you already taken a look at this thing here

Seems like it will free us from writing much of the glue code.

I will definetely experiment with the GHC library + JVM-Bridge, it
seems very much promising. Has anyone actually tried something like


Thiago Arrais
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: EclipseFP (Haskell IDE) 0.10.0 released

2006-07-03 Thread Thiago Arrais


Thank you for the detailed responses. I apologize for not answering
before, I was waiting for a quieter time to be able to answer

On 7/3/06, Bulat Ziganshin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

now i'm using editor with just syntax highlighting and therefore i
wrote about things those lacking are most important for me. first is
the compilation.

I agree with you, background compilation is the most important feature
for me too. Therefore, I will try to work on this for the next
release. I am looking for a Cabal-integrated build system and planning
to delegate all the work (like dependency fetching and selective
compilation) to the chosen build system instead of implementing it as
part of EclipseFP.

I think I will experiment with this approach. EclipseFP distributes
live builds for every modification to the source code. Can I contact
you when those builds start to be available? Would you mind trying

after i've compiled program i don't like to find
files, go to specified line just because i'm not Ceasar and can't
think about files/lines and program bugs simultaneously.

Not to mention that with an background compilation running frequently
(at least more frequently that it would run if it was called
manually), people tend to have fewer compilation errors to fix at a
time. This should happen a lot on productivity (at least it helps me).

why the error highlighting is a problem? GHC even supports
-ferror-spans option in which emacs-style error message is printed
(i.e. it includes the exact range of lines/chars what contain error)

I will take a look at that. I don't actually know where our
error-reporting problems come from because EclipseFP is a pretty old
code base and I wasn't around when this was coded. But I do know that
the current error highlighting isn't the best thing one would want. It
certainly helps a lot, but it still isn't as precise as one would

The background compilation and error highlighting issues are already
enough work (and my message is getting quite long already). This
doesn't mean the other issues are not valid, but we need to keep a
focus here if we want to get anything done. So, I am snipping the rest
of the message for the time being (and hoping those issues can be
dealt with soon).


Thiago Arrais
Mergulhando no Caos -
Pensamentos, idéias e devaneios sobre desenvolvimento de software e
tecnologia em geral
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] EclipseFP (Haskell IDE) 0.10.0 released

2006-07-01 Thread Thiago Arrais

EclipseFP 0.10 has been released since last Friday. It is an
open-source development environment for Haskell code.

EclipseFP integrates GHC with an Haskell-aware code editor and also
supports quick file browsing through an outline view, automatic
building/compiling and quick one-button code execution.

For this new release we have been working on code assistance support,
something that has been heavily requested, and a Cabal editor.
Downloads and more information are available on the project home page

This release requires Eclipse 3.2, as opposed to Eclipse 3.1 that was
required on the previous release. You may need to upgrade your Eclipse
platform if you plan to use version 0.10.

I have taken the liberty to create a wiki page for EclipseFP. You can
post your comments and feature requests there, if you'd like. It is
located at


Thiago Arrais
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Editors for Haskell

2006-06-08 Thread Thiago Arrais


On 6/8/06, Imam Tashdid ul Alam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  - about formatted error messages (I am sure you guys
don't care), could someone build a light GHC front end
that given a .hs/.lhs file produces two XML files with
specified DTD, the parsed structure and the error

I would really appreciate that. I am the one maintaining EclipseFP now
and I know that having the syntax-tree in XML format would help us a
lot. For now, we use our own Haskell parser (written in Java). It is
not a full parser (and maybe it'll never be), but it allows us to do
some tricks like showing a simple code outline and do some code

Maybe this isn't as much work as structuring the error messages.


Thiago Arrais
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Eclipse and Haskell

2006-06-07 Thread Thiago Arrais


There is this tool that I am working on called EclipseFP. It is a
Haskell IDE based on the Eclipse platform. We are still in alpha
stage, but maybe you'd like to check it out (and help me squash some
bugs :-). We can reach us at


Thiago Arrais
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Code completion? (IDE)?

2006-02-16 Thread Thiago Arrais

On 2/16/06, Marc Weber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 vim7 has introduced omni-completion... So I'm interested wether there
 are any projects which support any kind of completion.?

I have been working on some code completion support for EclipseFP. It
is right now in a really infant stage, but it at least is something.

Just take a look at the latest integration build that you are able to find at


Thiago Arrais
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Code completion? (IDE)?

2006-02-16 Thread Thiago Arrais
On 2/16/06, Thiago Arrais [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Just take a look at the latest integration build that you are able to find at

There is also a screenshot at


Thiago Arrais
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] EclipseFP (Haskell IDE) 0.9.1 released

2006-02-01 Thread Thiago Arrais
2006/2/1, Graham Klyne [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 [I should say that I haven't yet actually tried this software, though I'd like
 to do so when I get some time.]

I really hope you find the time to do so. We would be glad to be
hearing from you again.

 One of the features of Haskell that I like is that it doesn't require lots of
 IDE support to write complex programs... the compact syntax and clean 
 of concerns that can be achieved make it iasy enough to program using nothing
 more than a regular text editor, and no long wait for the development
 environment to start up.  I can imagine programming Haskell on a palm-top 

Very interesting idea. One that I have thought of some time ago. I
wasn't thinking of Haskell, but Ruby instead. The idea is the same,
but that's another thread.

Every language experiences kind of a wave. At the time it is created,
there aren't many tools. The early adopters work most of the time
using a compiler/interpreter and a text editor. Then the wave starts
to form. This is the time the second generation of tools start to
flock. They are the test frameworks, the build automation tools and

At some point of the wave, the integrated environments appear. They
come, as the name says, to integrate the previous tools in an easy to
use and productive environment. Not that the previous tools were hard
to use or counter-productive, it is just that by integrating them much
time is saved from the details and the programmer can spend more time
on the creative and useful things only he can do.

 So is there a compelling feature in this Eclipse plugin that isn't easily
 achieved using simpler tools?

When we write an Eclipse plugin, we get a lot of things for free. Just
to cite one, there is already CVS integration support within every
Eclipse installation, which includes a very neat diff viewer. Adding
support for other version control systems isn't very hard. There are
plugins, for example, for Darcs and Subversion too.

Another very nice feature of the Eclipse platform is the refactoring
support. Wouldn't you like to refactor your Haskell code as easily as
selecting some context-menu item? Not to mention code assistance and
'go to declaration support' (click a module/function/whatever
reference and open its corresponding declaration). This has saved me a
lot of time when browsing code.

Of course, you need to write the code to tell the platform about your
language. That's what the EclipseFP team is trying to do.

There is one issue, though, that touches a lot of sensitive areas. The
Eclipse platform runs inside a Java Virtual Machine. Unfortunately,
there isn't currently a way to compile Haskell to the JVM (at least I
don't know of any, if someone knows, please let me know). This means
the IDE has to be written in Java, not in Haskell. That's the price we
are paying now. Writing a tool for a language in a different language.

2006/2/1, Duncan Coutts [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Fortunately using an IDE is optional.

And should always be.

An IDE should never be the only way to build things in any language.
And the existing IDEs should always be backward compatible with the
previous tools. They should not, for example, generate unreadable code
or use any vendor-specific format.


Thiago Arrais
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] EclipseFP (Haskell IDE) 0.9.1 released

2006-01-30 Thread Thiago Arrais
EclipseFP 0.9.1 has been released since last Friday. It is an
open-source development environment for Haskell code.

EclipseFP integrates GHC with an Haskell-aware code editor and also
supports quick file browsing through an outline view, automatic
building/compiling and quick one-button code execution. Downloads and
more information are available on the project home page

We are open for comments and general discussion. Actually we would
really appreciate comments from both newbie and veteran Haskell
programmers. This is open-source development and everyone on the
Haskell community is welcome to participate.


Thiago Arrais
Haskell-Cafe mailing list