Re: [Haskell-cafe] Takusen sqlite3 insert is very slow

2010-03-24 Thread Vasyl Pasternak
Hi Jason,

Your recommendations worked for me. When I enclosed updating into
single transaction, the code executed in less than 0.5 seconds, which
is as fast as HDBC version. I didn't go deeper, hoping, that
everything will be OK from now.

Thank you,

2010/3/20 Jason Dagit

 On Sat, Mar 20, 2010 at 3:32 AM, Vasyl Pasternak

 Hi Cafe,

 I have another problem, please look at code:

 storeInDb = withSession (connect test.db)
                 execDDL (sql create table x (y int))
                 forM_ ([1..1] :: [Int])
                   (\x - do
                       execDML (cmdbind (insert into x (y) values (?);)
                                [bindP x])
                       return ()))

 This code runs 16 seconds which is very slow for this simple task. RTS
 output is below. After profiling this program I found that 85% of its
 time it spends in  'Database.Sqlite.SqliteFunctions.stmtFetch'.
 Currently I don't know how to make it faster, maybe anyone had this
 problem later?

 HDBC inserts very fast, so this is not sqlite error.

 Can you show the HDBC version?  Maybe they make different assumptions about
 transactions or fetching the number of affected rows?
 If I'm reading the source of takusen correctly it's using a different
 transaction for each insert and stmtFetch is getting called to return the
 number of rows inserted.  Which should be 1 every time and for your
 purposes, ignorable.  You should be able to change to execDDL, but I
 seriously doubt that will have any impact on performance.  It looks like the
 only difference between execDDL and execDML is that execDDL has  return
 () at the end of it.
 You might try running your inserts inside withTransaction.  The default
 behavior of sqlite is to use a separate transaction for each statement.
  Perhaps this is adding overhead that shows up during stmtFetch.
 How long does your HDBC version take?  Is it a factor of 10?  Factor of 2?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Takusen and iteratee problem

2010-03-20 Thread Vasyl Pasternak
Hi, seems, that I found how to solve it. I replased `mtl` dependency
with `transformers` and `monads-fd` and everything works fine.

BTW. Iteratee and Takusen didn't want to work because of different
instances of MonadIO (Iteratee needs MonadIO from transformers
package, but Takusen implements MonadIO from mtl)


2010/3/20 Valery V. Vorotyntsev
 Today I stuck with the following problem: I want to read a file with
 iteratee package, and but it to database through Takusen package, but
 it doesn't work. The `Takusen` was built with `mtl` package, and
 `iteratee` - with `transformers`, so they are conflicting when used

 And what error message is displayed?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Takusen sqlite3 insert is very slow

2010-03-20 Thread Vasyl Pasternak
Hi Cafe,

I have another problem, please look at code:

storeInDb = withSession (connect test.db)
 execDDL (sql create table x (y int))
 forM_ ([1..1] :: [Int])
   (\x - do
   execDML (cmdbind (insert into x (y) values (?);)
[bindP x])
   return ()))

This code runs 16 seconds which is very slow for this simple task. RTS
output is below. After profiling this program I found that 85% of its
time it spends in  'Database.Sqlite.SqliteFunctions.stmtFetch'.
Currently I don't know how to make it faster, maybe anyone had this
problem later?

HDBC inserts very fast, so this is not sqlite error.

RTS output:

 156,195,264 bytes allocated in the heap
 591,280 bytes copied during GC
   3,952 bytes maximum residency (1 sample(s))
  10,968 bytes maximum slop
   1 MB total memory in use (0 MB lost due to fragmentation)

  Generation 0:   295 collections, 0 parallel,  0.00s,  0.01s elapsed
  Generation 1: 1 collections, 0 parallel,  0.00s,  0.02s elapsed

  INIT  time0.00s  (  0.03s elapsed)
  MUT   time0.87s  ( 16.09s elapsed)
  GCtime0.00s  (  0.02s elapsed)
  RPtime0.00s  (  0.00s elapsed)
  PROF  time0.00s  (  0.00s elapsed)
  EXIT  time0.00s  (  0.00s elapsed)
  Total time0.88s  ( 16.14s elapsed)

  %GC time   0.5%  (0.1% elapsed)

  Alloc rate179,111,917 bytes per MUT second

  Productivity  99.5% of total user, 5.4% of total elapsed

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Takusen and iteratee problem

2010-03-19 Thread Vasyl Pasternak
Hello Cafe.

Today I stuck with the following problem: I want to read a file with
iteratee package, and but it to database through Takusen package, but
it doesn't work. The `Takusen` was built with `mtl` package, and
`iteratee` - with `transformers`, so they are conflicting when used

To be concrete, I want to run the code, that looks like:

withSession (connect dbname.db) (do
   execDDL (sql create table x (value string))
   fillFromFile file.dat

fillFromFile fname = fileDriverFd iter fname

iter = iterator that uses execDML (sql Insert into  )

I have no ideas how to solve the problem, so appreciate any
recommendations, that will make it possible.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Iteratee performance

2010-03-17 Thread Vasyl Pasternak
Hi Cafe,

Yesterday I played with iteratee package, and wanted to check its
performance. I tried to count lines in a file, as Oleg in his famous
lazy_vs_correct[1] article. The results somewhat disappointed me.

The statistics and code follows, but shortly: lazy bytestring is the
fastest, iteratee with bytestrings 10 times slower than lazy
bytestring. When comparing lazy string and iteratee with [Char], than
their results were close, but lazy string reading uses less memory and
was a bit faster (20%).

I performed test on 250Mb file with 5 millions lines.

Now I am figuring out, is these tests are correct and this is ordinary
behavior, so iteratee not so fast as I thought, or there is some
mistake in my code.



$ time wc -l 500.txt
500 500.txt

sys 0m0.124s

$ time ./bytestring_test 500.txt

sys 0m0.200s

$ time ./bytestring_iteratee_test 500.txt

sys 0m0.252s

$ time ./string_test 500.txt

sys 0m0.648s

$ time ./string_iteratee_test 500.txt

sys 0m0.840s


./bytestring_test 500.txt +RTS -sbs.out
 807,225,096 bytes allocated in the heap
 122,240 bytes copied during GC
  59,496 bytes maximum residency (1 sample(s))
  22,424 bytes maximum slop
   1 MB total memory in use (0 MB lost due to fragmentation)

  Generation 0:  1540 collections, 0 parallel,  0.03s,  0.02s elapsed
  Generation 1: 1 collections, 0 parallel,  0.00s,  0.00s elapsed

  INIT  time0.00s  (  0.00s elapsed)
  MUT   time0.59s  (  0.79s elapsed)
  GCtime0.03s  (  0.02s elapsed)
  EXIT  time0.00s  (  0.00s elapsed)
  Total time0.62s  (  0.82s elapsed)

  %GC time   4.5%  (2.8% elapsed)

  Alloc rate1,372,743,081 bytes per MUT second

  Productivity  95.5% of total user, 72.1% of total elapsed


./bytestring_iteratee_test 500.txt +RTS -siter.out
  11,024,100,312 bytes allocated in the heap
 893,436,512 bytes copied during GC
  95,456 bytes maximum residency (1 sample(s))
  23,216 bytes maximum slop
   1 MB total memory in use (0 MB lost due to fragmentation)

  Generation 0: 21030 collections, 0 parallel,  2.51s,  2.45s elapsed
  Generation 1: 1 collections, 0 parallel,  0.00s,  0.00s elapsed

  INIT  time0.00s  (  0.02s elapsed)
  MUT   time6.37s  (  6.66s elapsed)
  GCtime2.52s  (  2.45s elapsed)
  EXIT  time0.00s  (  0.00s elapsed)
  Total time8.88s  (  9.12s elapsed)

  %GC time  28.3%  (26.9% elapsed)

  Alloc rate1,731,061,437 bytes per MUT second

  Productivity  71.7% of total user, 69.8% of total elapsed


./string_test 500.txt +RTS -sstr.out
  38,561,155,264 bytes allocated in the heap
   9,862,623,816 bytes copied during GC
 223,080 bytes maximum residency (5026 sample(s))
  47,264 bytes maximum slop
   2 MB total memory in use (0 MB lost due to fragmentation)

  Generation 0: 68525 collections, 0 parallel, 22.50s, 22.51s elapsed
  Generation 1:  5026 collections, 0 parallel,  1.38s,  1.36s elapsed

  INIT  time0.00s  (  0.00s elapsed)
  MUT   time   22.80s  ( 23.55s elapsed)
  GCtime   23.87s  ( 23.87s elapsed)
  EXIT  time0.00s  (  0.00s elapsed)
  Total time   46.67s  ( 47.42s elapsed)

  %GC time  51.1%  (50.3% elapsed)

  Alloc rate1,691,170,222 bytes per MUT second

  Productivity  48.9% of total user, 48.1% of total elapsed


./string_iteratee_test 500.txt +RTS -sstriter.out
  40,164,683,672 bytes allocated in the heap
   7,108,638,256 bytes copied during GC
 212,624 bytes maximum residency (821 sample(s))
  50,264 bytes maximum slop
   2 MB total memory in use (0 MB lost due to fragmentation)

  Generation 0: 75791 collections, 0 parallel, 33.14s, 33.75s elapsed
  Generation 1:   821 collections, 0 parallel,  0.56s,  0.63s elapsed

  INIT  time0.00s  (  0.00s elapsed)
  MUT   time   23.99s  ( 24.84s elapsed)
  GCtime   33.69s  ( 34.38s elapsed)
  EXIT  time0.00s  (  0.00s elapsed)
  Total time   57.68s  ( 59.22s elapsed)

  %GC time  58.4%  (58.1% elapsed)

  Alloc rate1,674,540,397 bytes per MUT second

  Productivity  41.6% of total user, 40.5% of total elapsed


$ cat bytestring_test.hs
import System.Environment
import Control.Monad

import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B

count s = liftM (length . B.lines) (B.readFile s)

main = do
  [f] - getArgs
  print = count f


$ cat bytestring_iteratee_test.hs

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Iteratee performance

2010-03-17 Thread Vasyl Pasternak

Thank you, your code helps, now my it runs in the speed of lazy
bytestring test but uses less memory with it.

I've only added to your code more strictness in the recursion, my
version is below.

BTW, I think it is more useful to let user set the chunk size for
reading, so I'd like to see this possibility in the iteratee package.

{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables #-}

import qualified Data.Iteratee.IO.Fd as I
import qualified Data.Iteratee as I
import qualified Data.Iteratee.WrappedByteString as I
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S

import System.Environment
import System.IO

count :: FilePath - IO Int
count s = I.fileDriverFd cnt s

cnt :: (Monad m) = I.IterateeG I.WrappedByteString Char m Int
cnt = go 0
   go n = I.IterateeG $ \ch -
   case ch of
 (I.EOF Nothing)- return $ I.Done n ch
 (I.EOF (Just e))   - return $ I.Cont cnt (Just e)
 (I.Chunk (I.WrapBS s)) - do
 let n' = n + S.count '\n' s
 return $ n' `seq` I.Cont (go n') Nothing

main :: IO ()
main = do
  [f] - getArgs
  print = count f

2010/3/17 Gregory Collins
 Vasyl Pasternak writes:

 Hi Cafe,

 Yesterday I played with iteratee package, and wanted to check its
 performance. I tried to count lines in a file, as Oleg in his famous
 lazy_vs_correct[1] article. The results somewhat disappointed me.

 eris:benchmark greg$ time ./IterateeTest /usr/share/dict/words

 real    0m0.027s
 user    0m0.010s
 sys     0m0.015s
 eris:benchmark greg$ time ./ByteStringTest /usr/share/dict/words

 real    0m0.024s
 user    0m0.015s
 sys     0m0.007s

 Note also that the Bytestring I/O functions use a 32KB buffer and the
 iteratee enumFd function uses a 4KB buffer; if the buffers were the
 same the performance would be comparable. Here is my code:


 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables #-}

 import qualified Data.Iteratee.IO.Fd as I
 import qualified Data.Iteratee as I
 import qualified Data.Iteratee.WrappedByteString as I
 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S

 import System.Environment
 import System.IO

 count :: FilePath - IO Int
 count s = I.fileDriverFd cnt s

 cnt :: (Monad m) = I.IterateeG I.WrappedByteString Char m Int
 cnt = go 0
    go n = I.IterateeG $ \ch -
        case ch of
          (I.EOF Nothing)        - return $ I.Done n ch
          (I.EOF (Just e))       - return $ I.Cont cnt (Just e)
          (I.Chunk (I.WrapBS s)) - do
              let n' = n + S.count '\n' s
              return $ I.Cont (go n') Nothing

 main :: IO ()
 main = do
  [f] - getArgs
  print = count f

 Gregory Collins

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to define instance for type synonym with parameter.

2010-03-16 Thread Vasyl Pasternak

 Aren't ErrorT and ReaderT instances of Applicative already? (At least in
 'transformers' package?)

what difference between 'mtl' and 'transformers' packages ? 'mtl' goes
with Haskell Platform as standard package, so what is the benefit of
'transformers' library ?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] How to define instance for type synonym with parameter.

2010-03-15 Thread Vasyl Pasternak

I am start with example. Suppose I have the following type synonym:

type SomeMonad a = ErrorT String (ReaderT  String IO) a

this is monad, and I want to make it instance of Applicative, so, the
obvious way is to write the following:

instance Applicative SomeMonad where
  pure = return
  (*) = ap

GHCi warns me, that I have to use -XTypeSynonymInstances option to
allow this construction, but than I have following

Type synonym `SomeMonad' should have 1 argument, but has been given 0
In the instance declaration for `Applicative SomeMonad'

Neither `instance Applicative (SomeMonad a)` nor `instance Applicative
SomeMonad a` help. But works the following:

instance Applicative (ErrorT String (ReaderT String IO)) where
  pure = return
  (*) = ap

Which is the same (from my point of view).

Could anyone tell me what is going on, and how to declare SomeMonad as
instance of Applicative ?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] listing mountpoints and getting their properties in Haskell

2010-02-27 Thread Vasyl Pasternak

The only Linux function that can do this is `statvfs`. But binding to
it weren't implemented in the current libraries.

Year ago I implemented function that queries free size of the mounted
filesystem. The file is attached. To get other parameters you should
only extend `peek` function of the `Storable` class.

Hope it helps.


2010/2/27 Eugene Dzhurinsky

 I need to list all currently mounted filesystems and get some stats like
 total space, free space, mount point and physical device.

 Is there any library capable of obtaining such information from OS itself?
 Parsing output of 'df' is locale-dependent and error-prone (because of locale
 settings, output settings etc).

 Thank you in advance.

 Eugene N Dzhurinsky

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Description: Binary data
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Generate random UArray in constant memory space.

2010-02-10 Thread Vasyl Pasternak
Hi all,

To summarize everything in this thread I've tested mwc-random,
System.Random and mersenne random numbers (mersenne-random-pure64).
Here the score table:

[THIRD PLACE] Generic Random Number Generator. Is the slowest and
allocates too much memory in the heap. The total memory usage is
constant and very low.

[SECOND PLACE] MWC-RANDOM. The fastest random number generator ever.
But it uses O(n) memory for generate random numbers. Thought it isn't
possible to calculate a really large set of random numbers (my PC
stuck with calculating 500 millions random numbers with memory usage
above 3,5Gb). The memory usage for me is more important than time,
because I can easily wait additional 5-10-15 mins, but I cant so
easily put additional memory to my PC. Thus this is only second place.

[FIRST PLACE] Mercenne Random number generator. Approx 10 times faster
than generic and two times slower than mwc. But it works in constant
memory space, so theoretically it could generate infinite list of
numbers. It also uses 6 time less total allocations, than generic RNG.

NOTE: These tests didn't test the quality of the random sequences,
only speed/memory.

Thanks to everyone, who helped me with this code, it seems, that now I
understand optimizations much better, than a day ago.

Best regards,

2010/2/10 Felipe Lessa
 On Tue, Feb 09, 2010 at 04:27:57PM -0800, Bryan O'Sullivan wrote:
 It creates and returns a vector, so if you ask it to give you a billion
 items, it's going to require north of 8 gigabytes of memory. This should not
 come as a surprise, I'd hope :-)  Assuming that's not what you actually
 want, you should look at other entry points in the API, which you can use to
 generate a single value at a time in constant space.

 He thought the vector would be fused away by the library, which
 is one of the selling points of uvector.  Sadly the
 implementation of uniformArray wasn't done with this purpose in

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Generate random UArray in constant memory space.

2010-02-09 Thread Vasyl Pasternak
Hello Cafe,

I tried to generate memory-efficient list of random numbers, so I've
used uvector library for this task. But it doesn't work,
it still allocates more than 6Gb of memory for the random list of 10
million elements. Here is the code:

 import Text.Printf
 import System.Random
 import Control.Applicative
 import System.Environment
 import Data.Array.Vector

 randomListU :: (Int, Int) - StdGen - Int - (UArr Int)
 randomListU b g size = unfoldU size gen g
   where gen g = let (x, g') = randomR b g
 in JustS (x :*: g')

 main = do
   [size] - map read $ getArgs
   let ints = randomListU (-10, 10) (mkStdGen 1) size
   printf %d\n  (sumU ints)

Could someone give a hint, how to implement this function in constant
memory space?

Thank you in advance.

Best regards,
Vasyl Pasternak
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Generate random UArray in constant memory space.

2010-02-09 Thread Vasyl Pasternak
Sorry, maybe I should ask more clearer.

I've looked at dons article Haskell as fast as C[1], and tried to
implement similar algorithm but for list of random numbers.

Please look at code:

 import Text.Printf
 import Control.Applicative
 import System.Environment
 import Data.Array.Vector

 main = do
   [size] - map read $ getArgs
   let ints = enumFromToU 0 size :: UArr Int
   printf %d\n  (sumU ints)

This code runs in constant space (on my pc ~25kb allocates on the
heap) regardless of array size. So I tried to achieve similar with
random list, just to replace `enumFromToU` with my own list generator.

So the question - is it possible to implement random list similary to


Thank you,
Vasyl Pasternak

2010/2/9 Daniel Fischer
 Am Dienstag 09 Februar 2010 13:18:23 schrieb Vasyl Pasternak:
 Hello Cafe,

 I tried to generate memory-efficient list of random numbers, so I've
 used uvector library for this task. But it doesn't work,
 it still allocates more than 6Gb of memory for the random list of 10

 million elements. Here is the code:


 $ ghc -O2 --make ranVec
 [1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( ranVec.hs, ranVec.o )
 Linking ranVec ...
 $ ./ranVec 1000 +RTS -sstderr
   4,919,912,080 bytes allocated in the heap
         883,256 bytes copied during GC
          26,896 bytes maximum residency (1 sample(s))
          25,620 bytes maximum slop
               1 MB total memory in use (0 MB lost due to fragmentation)

 maximum residency is just eight bytes more than for 100,000 or 1,000,000
 numbers. I think that is constant space.

 The ~5 GB total allocation is sequential, ten million new StdGens are
 produced and allocated, then immediately garbage collected. I see no
 problem (except that StdGen is slow, e.g. the Mersenne twister is much
 faster [and allocates less, but still linear in size]).

  import Text.Printf
  import System.Random
  import Control.Applicative
  import System.Environment
  import Data.Array.Vector
  randomListU :: (Int, Int) - StdGen - Int - (UArr Int)
  randomListU b g size = unfoldU size gen g
    where gen g = let (x, g') = randomR b g
                  in JustS (x :*: g')
  main = do
    [size] - map read $ getArgs
    let ints = randomListU (-10, 10) (mkStdGen 1) size
    printf %d\n  (sumU ints)

 Could someone give a hint, how to implement this function in constant
 memory space?

 Thank you in advance.

 Best regards,
 Vasyl Pasternak

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Generate random UArray in constant memory space.

2010-02-09 Thread Vasyl Pasternak

Yes, I have 64 bit system.

Maybe you're right. The PRNG code with the same vector size allocates
two times more memory at my PC. (~ 1 Gb)

Thank you,

2010/2/9 Daniel Fischer
 Am Tuesday 09 February 2010 19:19:18 schrieben Sie:

 I've just run venum2 program locally and here is my results:

 $ ./venum2 1000 +RTS -s
 ./venum2 1000 +RTS -s
           22,736 bytes allocated in the heap
              688 bytes copied during GC
           17,184 bytes maximum residency (1 sample(s))
           19,680 bytes maximum slop
                1 MB total memory in use (0 MB lost due to fragmentation)

 $ ./venum2 10 +RTS -s
 ./venum2 10 +RTS -s
           24,152 bytes allocated in the heap
              688 bytes copied during GC
           17,184 bytes maximum residency (1 sample(s))
           19,680 bytes maximum slop
                1 MB total memory in use (0 MB lost due to fragmentation)

 So my PC shows that there is constant memory allocation. Maybe I'm
 doing something wrong ?

 However, I notice that you seem to have a 64-bit system.
 I don't know the details, but usually those have more registers than a 32-
 bit system, so you can get more complicated loops to run completely in the
 I think that's what happens here, enumFromToU' is just complicated enough
 to not run in the registers on my 32-bit system, but still runs in the
 registers on your 64-bit system.

 The PRNG code is too complicated (too many temporary variables) to run in
 the registers on either system (BTW, have you tried it with the specialised
 PRNG code in the source file? I'm not sure whether that might be just small
 enough to run in the registers on a 64-bit system.).

 2010/2/9 Daniel Fischer
  Am Tuesday 09 February 2010 15:43:13 schrieben Sie:
  I've implemented `enumFromToU` through `unfoldU`:
   enumFromToU' from to = unfoldU (to - from) f from
      where f i = let i' = i + 1 in JustS (i' :*: i')
  This code behaves similarly to `enumFromToU` (i.e. constantly uses
  ~25 kb of memory, runs in the same time as above).
  $ cat venum2.hs
  module Main (main) where
  import Text.Printf
  import Control.Applicative
  import System.Environment
  import Data.Array.Vector
  main = do
    [size] - map read $ getArgs
    let ints = enumFromToU' 0 size :: UArr Int
    printf %d\n  (sumU ints)
  enumFromToU' from to = unfoldU (to - from) f from
     where f i = let i' = i + 1 in JustS (i' :*: i')
  $ ghc -O2 --make venum2
  [1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( venum2.hs, venum2.o )
  Linking venum2 ...
  $ ./venum2 +RTS -sstderr -RTS 100
  ./venum2 100 +RTS -sstderr
       48,256,384 bytes allocated in the heap
            6,256 bytes copied during GC
           26,804 bytes maximum residency (1 sample(s))
           25,524 bytes maximum slop
                1 MB total memory in use (0 MB lost due to
  $ ./venum2 +RTS -sstderr -RTS 1000
  ./venum2 1000 +RTS -sstderr
      481,937,552 bytes allocated in the heap
           19,516 bytes copied during GC
           26,804 bytes maximum residency (1 sample(s))
           25,512 bytes maximum slop
                1 MB total memory in use (0 MB lost due to
  So we have constant memory, but linear allocation, just like with the
  random numbers.
  With enumFromToU, also the allocation is constant, so unfoldU
  allocates, enumFromToU not.
  So the question is why random number list generator eats O(n) memory
  It doesn't, not here, at least. Using System.Random, the allocation
  figures are about ten times as high, but the residency is about the
  same. Putting the PRNG code in the same file and tweaking things a bit
  (eliminating all intermediate Integers, e.g.), I get
  $ cat ran2Vec.hs
  {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
  module Main (main) where
  import Text.Printf
  import Control.Applicative
  import System.Environment
  import Data.Array.Vector
  randomListU :: (Int, Int) - StdGen - Int - (UArr Int)
  randomListU b@(l,h) g size = unfoldU size gen g
     !k = h-l+1
     !b' = 2147483561 `rem` k
     gen !g = let (!x, !g') = stdNext g
              in JustS ((l+ (x+b') `rem` k) :*: g')
  main = do
    [size] - map read $ getArgs
    let ints = randomListU (-10, 10) (mkStdGen 1) size
    printf %d\n  (sumU ints)
  data StdGen = StdGen {-# UNPACK #-} !Int {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
  mkStdGen :: Int - StdGen
  mkStdGen s
   | s  0     = mkStdGen (-s)
   | otherwise = StdGen (s1+1) (s2+1)
     (q, s1) = s `divMod` 2147483562
     s2      = q `mod` 2147483398
  {-# INLINE stdNext #-}
  stdNext :: StdGen - (Int, StdGen)
  -- Returns values in the range stdRange
  stdNext (StdGen s1 s2) = z' `seq` g' `seq` (z', g')
         !g'   = StdGen s1'' s2''
         !z'   = if z  1 then z + 

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Generate random UArray in constant memory space.

2010-02-09 Thread Vasyl Pasternak

mwc-random is really fast. But it eats to much memory. My previous
attempts were to reduce total number of allocations. This package made
this possible, but it increases total memory usage.

Here is the code:

import Text.Printf
import System.Random.MWC
import Control.Applicative
import System.Environment
import Data.Array.Vector
import Control.Monad.ST

randomListU size = runST $ flip uniformArray size = create

main = do
  [size] - map read $ getArgs
  printf %d\n $ (sumU (randomListU size) :: Int)

And sample tests:

./mwcvec 1000 +RTS -s
 165,312 bytes allocated in the heap
 688 bytes copied during GC
  17,184 bytes maximum residency (1 sample(s))
  19,680 bytes maximum slop
  78 MB total memory in use (1 MB lost due to fragmentation)

./mwcvec 1 +RTS -s
 165,704 bytes allocated in the heap
 688 bytes copied during GC
  17,184 bytes maximum residency (1 sample(s))
  19,680 bytes maximum slop
 764 MB total memory in use (12 MB lost due to fragmentation)

./mwcvec 10 +RTS -s
mwcvec: out of memory (requested 8000634880 bytes)

I don't know exactly, but is this a normal behavior ?

Thank you,

2010/2/9 Bryan O'Sullivan
 On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 4:18 AM, Vasyl Pasternak

 I tried to generate memory-efficient list of random numbers, so I've
 used uvector library for this task.

 Use the mwc-random package. It provides a function that does exactly this,
 and produces better quality random numbers with much higher performance
 (1000x faster) than System.Random or even mersenne-random.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Some thoughts about Hackage

2009-11-14 Thread Vasyl Pasternak

Yesterday Max complained about documentation for many Haskell modules.
But I found another similar problem with Hackage.

Before coding some Haskell program I try to find most appropriate
libraries, which help me to do task more efficiently. But the problem,
that there are to many libraries with similar functionality (for
example - networking, web servers etc.). And to find the best solution
is not so obvious.

My idea is to improve Hackage to help everyone with package selecting.
I propose the following:

- add download counter for each package, it could show how popular the
package is

- allow registered users set the quality mark of the package (from 1
to 5) and show the average mark of each packet

- add counter which shows how many packages depend on this package

- create an aggregate package rank (a function on previous three
values), similar to Google's PageRank, i. e. rank of the package is
proportional to the package mark and weighted rank of dependent

- allow comments on the package page, so anyone could tell its opinion
or other useful info for this package. All messages should be
delivered to the maintainer. This is useful, because it could speedup
the feedback on the packages, and also could form large knowledge base
on each package. Now everyone, who wants to read more about some
package should use Google to extract info from HaskellWiki,
Haskell-Cafe or hundreds of blog posts from different authors.

What do you think ?

Best regards,
Vasyl Pasternak
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: hs-ffmpeg 0.3.2 - Bindings to FFMpeg library

2009-10-15 Thread Vasyl Pasternak

I am glad to announce next release of hs-ffmpeg library. Now you could
download it from the Hackage along with the ffmpeg-tutorials, which show
capabilities of this library.

The installation process is a bit tricky now, so welcome to my blog post,
where I am describing how to build and install library.

Best regards,
Vasyl Pasternak
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Ctrl-C handling in Haskell with curl on Linux

2009-09-24 Thread Vasyl Pasternak

Yesterday I tried to implement simple tool to download pages, and wanted
catch Ctrl-C (and other 'killing' messages) from haskell to handle state
saving. Without curl (when I perform some long operation) haskell throws
UserInterrupt exception immediately, but if I put long operation, which
downloads page from the WEB (from the far-far-away server :) ) than I
noticed following issues:

 - to break my program I have to press Ctrl-C twice
 - haskell doesn't throw an exception
 - when I rewrite this code to use signals, haskell, after I press Ctrl-C
several times exits with error too many pending signals

I put the test code in the end of the letter. Shortly the longTask doesn't
handle Ctrl-C and longTask' handles it.

I couldn't find any solutions to this problem, I am afraid that this problem
could occur in other non-native haskell modules (bindings to C libraries)

Many thanks in advance,
Vasyl pasternak

Test code:

module Main where

import Prelude hiding (catch)
import Network.Curl
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import System.IO

errorHandler defVal e = do
  putStrLn $ Error:  ++ (show (e :: ErrorCall))
  return defVal

link =

getSite curl l = do
  r - do_curl_ curl l method_GET :: IO (CurlResponse)
  if respCurlCode r /= CurlOK
   then error get page failed
   else return $ respBody r

-- this long task doesn't throw user interrupts
longTask = do
  putStrLn Long task started
  curl - initialize
  setopts curl [CurlCookieJar cookies]

  handle (errorHandler ()) $
 mapM_ (\_ - getSite curl link  return ()) [0..100]
  return ()

-- this trows
longTask' = do
  putStrLn long task started
  let fib n = foldr (*) 1 [1..n]
  h - openFile /dev/null WriteMode
  -- never ends
  mapM_ (hPutStr h . show . fib) [1..]
  return ()

onAbort e = do
  let x = show (e :: AsyncException)
  putStrLn $ Aborted:  ++ x
  return ()

main :: IO ()
main = do
  handle onAbort longTask
  putStrLn Exiting
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Ctrl-C handling in Haskell with curl on Linux

2009-09-24 Thread Vasyl Pasternak
Thank you,

You give me and idea, and I fixed this annoying bug - we should only wrap
curl code into withCurlDo function, so the longTask function should be

longTask = do
  putStrLn Long task started (curl)
  withCurlDo $ do
 curl - initialize
 setopts curl [CurlCookieJar cookies]

 handle (errorHandler ()) $
mapM_ (\_ - getSite curl link  return ()) [0..100]
  return ()

Now it works fine and handles interrupts correctly.

Best regards,
Vasyl Pasternak

2009/9/24 Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH

 On Sep 24, 2009, at 06:20 , Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH wrote:

 On Sep 24, 2009, at 05:30 , Vasyl Pasternak wrote:

 Yesterday I tried to implement simple tool to download pages, and wanted
 catch Ctrl-C (and other 'killing' messages) from haskell to handle state
 saving. Without curl (when I perform some long operation) haskell throws
 UserInterrupt exception immediately, but if I put long operation, which
 downloads page from the WEB (from the far-far-away server :) ) than I
 noticed following issues:

 You're going to have problems any time a C library installs its own signal
 handler, which I would expect libcurl to do so it can clean up after itself.
  This is true even in C-to-C calling; you need a way to hook the signal
 handler, which some libraries provide in their API and others you just lose.

 Just occurred to me I should clarify:  while most exception handling
 mechanisms support the concept of re-throwing exceptions to outer exception
 handlers, POSIX signals do not.  The best you could hope for in a library
 routine which handles signals itself is an API hook into the signal handler;
 next best is the API returning a signal-occurred error/exception value.

 Note that I have no idea how the equivalent signaling mechanism works on

 brandon s. allbery [solaris,freebsd,perl,pugs,haskell]
 system administrator [openafs,heimdal,too many hats]
 electrical and computer engineering, carnegie mellon universityKF8NH

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] FFMpeg, SDL and Haskell

2009-09-22 Thread Vasyl Pasternak
Hi all,

Last few days I was playing with FFI, FFMpeg and Haskell. Currently I am
trying to make this tutorial on Haskell. Now
I have done tutorial 01 and tutorial 02 (show video stream in SDL window).

The third tutorial is about audio, and I found that audio doesn't supported
in SDL bindings completely. So I'd like to fill this gap, but I don't know
where to get latest version and to whom I have to send SDL patches.

Anyway, does anybody interested in FFMpeg bindings ? Should I put it on
Hackage ?

The preliminary version I've put on google code:, but this is
work on my PC version.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Just 3 = (1+)?

2009-05-09 Thread Vasyl Pasternak

Haskell expects the function with type (a - m b) in the right side of
but you put there function with type (a - a):


:t (Just 3 =)
(Just 3 =) :: (Num a) = (a - Maybe b) - Maybe b


:t (1+)
(1+) :: (Num a) = a - a

You should put (1+) into Maybe monad, just do return.(1+), so

Just 3 = return . (1+)

will return `Just 4`

Best regards,
Vasyl Pasternak

2009/5/9 michael rice

 Why doesn't this work?



 data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a

 instance Monad Maybe where
 return = Just
 fail   = Nothing
 Nothing  = f = Nothing
 (Just x) = f = f x

 instance MonadPlus Maybe where
 mzero = Nothing
 Nothing `mplus` x = x
 x `mplus` _   = x


 [mich...@localhost ~]$ ghci
 GHCi, version 6.10.1:  :? for help
 Loading package ghc-prim ... linking ... done.
 Loading package integer ... linking ... done.
 Loading package base ... linking ... done.
 Prelude Just 3 = (1+)

 No instance for (Num (Maybe b))
   arising from a use of `it' at interactive:1:0-14
 Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Num (Maybe b))
 In the first argument of `print', namely `it'
 In a stmt of a 'do' expression: print it

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] [ANNOUNCE] hgettext 0.1.10 - last major release

2009-04-14 Thread Vasyl Pasternak

I've uploaded last (and latest) significant version on hgettext
module. Currently it works fine, and has bindings to all gettext
functions (from libintl.h). Next versions will be only bug fixes of
this version.

GNU GetText allows you only to create simple, standalone desktop
applications for Linux, to make something complex you should use
different trick, fortunately Haskell could do these tricks much easier
than other languages (if you want to see, how to build Gtk
application, which supports run time language switching, and shows
information on two languages simultaneously you could download example
from , or
read about it from

I don't see any strong reasons to write any combinators over this
basic bindings. Haskell needs more powerful internationalization
library, and I am plan to design it, but it will be completely
different from gettext principles, so this library will be released
with another name.


* Added '--version' command line parameter to hgettext tool

* Added support for literate haskell files to hgettext tool

* Changed all functions to throw IOError when they fails instead of
return Nothing

* Added bindings for: ngettext, dgettext, dngettext, dcgettext and
dcngettext functions

Best regards,
Vasyl Pasternak
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE hgettext-0.1.5 - GetText based internationalization of Haskell programs

2009-04-03 Thread Vasyl Pasternak

I have extended my previous version of the library to support
distribution and installation of PO files. Source tarball -

Also I described how to use this feature to distribute haskell
packages in my blog entry

Same description was added to the Haskell Wiki -

Complete example, which uses internationalization capabilities is

Best regards,
Vasyl Pasternak
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Internationalization of Haskell code

2009-03-27 Thread Vasyl Pasternak
In my blog,
I've described
process of internationalization Haskell programms using GNU GetText. I
wrote hgettext tool and
Text.I18N.GetText library to help with internationalization (latest sources on

A bit later I plan to put it to hackage and wiki (waiting for account).

Best regards,
Vasyl Pasternak
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Language.Haskell.Parser question

2009-03-26 Thread Vasyl Pasternak

I want to parse haskell file to find all calls to function 'foo' and
gathers a create a list of all
argumets, which passed to it. E.g. from the following code:

f1 = foo 5
f2 = foo 8
f3 = foo 9

 I want to extract a list [5, 8, 9] (suppouse function takes only one argument)

The most obvious way is to use Language.Haskell for this task. The
parser works pretty good,
but its output data type is terrible. As I understand, I need to
extract all objects that looks like
HsApp (HsVar (UnQual (HsIdent foo))) 

The question is, is there a method to do it quickly or I have to
process each object of different type
separately ?

Maybe it is a work for a template Haskell ?


Best regards,
Vasyl Pasternak
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Language.Haskell.Parser question

2009-03-26 Thread Vasyl Pasternak
Wow, uniplate is the library from my dreams :)

I knew there should be easy, elegant and simple solution (I hate brute
force, that's why I start using Haskell).

Many thanks.

2009/3/26 Neil Mitchell

 f1 = foo 5
 f2 = foo 8
 f3 = foo 9

  I want to extract a list [5, 8, 9] (suppouse function takes only one 

 Firstly, use haskell-src-exts and Language.Haskell.Exts - its a much
 better library, deals with many extensions, and gives you everything
 Language.Haskell did.

 parser works pretty good,
 but its output data type is terrible. As I understand, I need to
 extract all objects that looks like
 HsApp (HsVar (UnQual (HsIdent foo))) 

 It's trivial, if you use a generics solution, say  Uniplate:

 [x | App foo x - universeBi src, prettyPrint foo == foo ]

 I often use prettyPrint to follow down Ident/Qual/UnQual paths without
 having to know as much of the data type. Using universeBi makes it
 easy to find everything that occurs everywhere.

 If you attempt this without using a generics library, I'd say you are
 destined to fail.



Best regards,
Vasyl Pasternak
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ACM Task for C++ and Java programmers in Haskell. How to make code faster?

2009-03-24 Thread Vasyl Pasternak
I changed the program, now it similar to the program from the wiki

The version with ByteString compared to version with ordinary Strings
works 3.5 times faster.
(I put it to

But version with Data.Trie dissapointed me, it works 5 times slover
than version with Data.Map ByteString.
(here is the code

Anyway, thanks to everyone who helped me, Haskell is really powerfull
tool in clever hands :)

2009/3/23 wren ng thornton
 Vasyl Pasternak wrote:
 The entire code I placed on

 Could someone help me to make this code faster? I'd like to see
 solution that will be elegant and fast, without heavy optimizations,
 that will make code unreadable. Also, if it possible, prepare the
 program to support SMP parallelism.

 The solution's already been posted, but to make this particular code
 faster, I recommend using Data.Trie instead of Data.Map ByteString. Tries
 are faster for lookup since they don't redundantly check the prefix of the
 query; also they're better for memory usage because they don't store
 redundant copies of the prefixes.

 Live well,

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Best regards,
Vasyl Pasternak
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ACM Task for C++ and Java programmers in Haskell. How to make code faster?

2009-03-22 Thread Vasyl Pasternak

Recently I've found interesting ACM research on C++ and Java efficiency.
This task also was been solved on lisp/scheme and is described on

I tried to solve this task on Haskell but stuck with efficiency
problems (approx in 1000 times slower and takes 20 times more memory).
I hope
the approach, I've used is correct and problem with data structures
and implementation. It took more than 81% of time for garbage
collection. I tried to use ByteStrings instead of Strings, but
unfortunately it didn't help.

The entire code I placed on

The original instructions are on:

Dictionary file could be downloaded from:

Input data:

Expected output:

Could someone help me to make this code faster? I'd like to see
solution that will be elegant and fast, without heavy optimizations,
that will make code unreadable. Also, if it possible, prepare the
program to support SMP parallelism.

Very thanks in advance. Hope you'll enjoy this task :)

Best regards,
Vasyl Pasternak
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ACM Task for C++ and Java programmers in Haskell. How to make code faster?

2009-03-22 Thread Vasyl Pasternak
Thanks for the point. I've found haskell solution there

The second (shorter) solution is fantastic, it beats all other
languages, but I'll never wrote such code in reasonable time :)

2009/3/22 Bulat Ziganshin
 Hello Vasyl,

 Sunday, March 22, 2009, 8:25:02 PM, you wrote:

 i believe that i already seen this problem here a few years ago :)

 what search structure you was used? i think that immutable hash
 (represented as array of lists) would be useful here


 Recently I've found interesting ACM research on C++ and Java efficiency.
 This task also was been solved on lisp/scheme and is described on

 I tried to solve this task on Haskell but stuck with efficiency
 problems (approx in 1000 times slower and takes 20 times more memory).
 I hope
 the approach, I've used is correct and problem with data structures
 and implementation. It took more than 81% of time for garbage
 collection. I tried to use ByteStrings instead of Strings, but
 unfortunately it didn't help.

 The entire code I placed on

 The original instructions are on:

 Dictionary file could be downloaded from:

 Input data:

 Expected output:

 Could someone help me to make this code faster? I'd like to see
 solution that will be elegant and fast, without heavy optimizations,
 that will make code unreadable. Also, if it possible, prepare the
 program to support SMP parallelism.

 Very thanks in advance. Hope you'll enjoy this task :)

 Best regards,

Best regards,
Vasyl Pasternak
Haskell-Cafe mailing list