Re: [Haskell-cafe] Animas/Yampa - Using Zip as a Routing Function in a Parallel Switch with Feedback

2011-09-20 Thread M. George Hansen
> I'm not totally sure, but I sense that you may need a one-instant delay
> in your looping code here:
>>         rec
>>             let senses = map (\state -> (inputEvents, state)) states
>>             states <- par route activities -< senses
> Try adding a one-instant delay by passing the output of your parallel
> switch through the iPre signal function:
>    states <- iPre [] <<< par route activities -< senses
> Hope that helps.

Indeed, that did solve the issue! Apparently the recursion was not
well-founded for reasons beyond my comprehension, so injecting an
initial value was all that was needed.


  M. George Hansen

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Animas/Yampa - Using Zip as a Routing Function in a Parallel Switch with Feedback

2011-09-20 Thread Ertugrul Soeylemez
"M. George Hansen"  wrote:

> I've been playing around with functional reactive programming using
> Animas/Yampa and ran into a strange situation. I'm using a parallel
> switch to route input to a collection of signal functions and using
> the output as feedback (to simulate state). Everything works as
> expected until I attempt to use zip as a routing function (i.e. pair
> each element of input with a signal function). Using zip as a routing
> function causes the program to enter an infinite loop when it
> evaluates the output from the parallel switch.

I'm not totally sure, but I sense that you may need a one-instant delay
in your looping code here:

> rec
> let senses = map (\state -> (inputEvents, state)) states
> states <- par route activities -< senses

Try adding a one-instant delay by passing the output of your parallel
switch through the iPre signal function:

states <- iPre [] <<< par route activities -< senses

Hope that helps.


nightmare = unsafePerformIO (getWrongWife >>= sex)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Animas/Yampa - Using Zip as a Routing Function in a Parallel Switch with Feedback

2011-09-19 Thread M. George Hansen
> process
>    :: [Activity]
>    -> SF [InputEvent] SystemOutput
> process activities
>    = proc inputEvents -> do
>        rec
>            let senses = map (\state -> (inputEvents, state)) states
>            states <- par route activities -< senses
>        returnA -< states
> route
>    :: [Sense]
>    -> [sf]
>    -> [(Sense, sf)]
> -- route a sfs = fmap (\sf -> (head a, sf)) sfs
> route = zip

For those who are interested, I found a "solution" (more of a hack, really):

route a  sfs = zip (take num a) sfs
num = length sfs

In other words, constraining the size of the input list to that of the
signal functions list was the answer. This isn't an ideal solution
though since it silently throws away any "extra" input that might be
introduced by buggy callers, and I still don't understand the problem
with my original code.

  M. George Hansen

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Animas/Yampa - Using Zip as a Routing Function in a Parallel Switch with Feedback

2011-09-19 Thread M. George Hansen

I've been playing around with functional reactive programming using
Animas/Yampa and ran into a strange situation. I'm using a parallel
switch to route input to a collection of signal functions and using
the output as feedback (to simulate state). Everything works as
expected until I attempt to use zip as a routing function (i.e. pair
each element of input with a signal function). Using zip as a routing
function causes the program to enter an infinite loop when it
evaluates the output from the parallel switch.

Here is a minimal program that fails to terminate when using zip as a
routing function:
{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}

module LoopingTest

import Control.Arrow
import FRP.Animas

= embed (process []) ([42], [])

:: [Activity]
-> SF [InputEvent] SystemOutput
process activities
= proc inputEvents -> do
let senses = map (\state -> (inputEvents, state)) states
states <- par route activities -< senses
returnA -< states

:: [Sense]
-> [sf]
-> [(Sense, sf)]
-- route a sfs = fmap (\sf -> (head a, sf)) sfs
route = zip

type Activity = SF Sense State
type InputEvent = Integer
type State = [Integer]
type Sense = ([InputEvent], State)
type SystemInput = ([InputEvent], [State])
type SystemOutput = [State]

If you run the main function as-is the program will run forever, but
if you change the route function to use the commented definition
instead of zip the program terminates normally.

I simply cannot wrap my brain around this issue - zip normally works
just fine with infinite lists as long as one of the lists is finite,
and in this case the number of Activity signal functions is known at
compile time to be finite. I can't find anything conceptually wrong
with using zip as a routing function either. If anyone has any
thoughts I would be very grateful.

  M. George Hansen

Haskell-Cafe mailing list