Hello all,

 I don't know if this is the right place to ask about
how to compile hugs, but I'll try. :-)

My machine identifies this way:
Linux mymachine 2.6.14 #1 SMP Mon Oct 31 10:55:16 CET 2005 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux

I've downloaded this SRC package of hugs:

Download, unpack - OK

./configure --prefix=/mnt/data/FLP --enable-timer
does not complain, suggests to perform make; make install

Unfortunately, make stops with this error:

gcc runhugs.o server.o builtin.o char.o compiler.o errors.o evaluator.o ffi.o goal.o input.o machdep.o machine.o module.o opts.o output.o plugin.o script.o static.o storage.o strutil.o subst.o type.o version.o -lreadline -lncurses -lm -ldl -o runhugs
evaluator.o(.text+0x137): In function `evaluator':
/mnt/data/FLP/Downloads/hugs98-Mar2005-patched/src/evaluator.c:98: undefined reference to `updateTimers'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [runhugs] Error 1

Well, yes, the symbol is definitely missing, as timer.c, which defines the symbol, is included in hugs.c, which is not in the list of linked files. Nevertheless, I don't think including the file manually would help. Moreover, probably configure
has produced a wrong Makefile.

Any suggestions how to make it work?



Dusan Kolar            tel: +420 54 114 1238
UIFS FIT VUT Brno      fax: +420 54 114 1270
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