Re: [Haskell-cafe] Current situation regarding global IORefs

2006-04-29 Thread Tony Finch
On Sat, 29 Apr 2006, Lennart Augustsson wrote:
> And yes, somewhere there's some global mutable state in the OS.
> I've never claimed that it should be totally forbidden.  Various
> circumstances forces it upon us.  What I've been claiming is that
> it should be avoided where possible.  Which is almost always.

The strict object-capability style of programming makes this a strict
rule to prevent capabilities from leaking.

f.a.n.finch  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Current situation regarding global IORefs

2006-04-29 Thread Brian Hulley

Adrian Hey wrote:

Brian Hulley wrote:

The use of a plain value to initialize the ref rather than a monadic
computation would ensure that there would be no problems with trying
to work out which order to initialize top level refs that are
dependent on values of refs in other modules since there could be no

I'm not sure what problem you see with the ACIO monad proposal. It
was designed to prevent the kind of ordering dependency problems
which (I think) you're refering to. You can't read or write
IORefs/MVars or do any other "real IO" operation from ACIO.
All you can do is create them (and more complex data structures
based on them). So they could be evaluated at compile time, in
principle (AFAICS etc..). I think it should also be possible to
fork threads from ACIO, provided you arrange that they're initially
blocked on an empty MVar or something.

If it turns out that that isn't enough to properly initialise them
(like you need to do real IO), then you just can't have them as
top level identifiers. But you can still use something like the
"oneShot" function to implement "get" actions at the top level (in
the IO monad).

I was thinking that there would be a problem with polymorphic refs but now I 
think I understand that there would not be a problem, seeing the description 
of ACIO in 
where it is clear that the ACIO actions are just prepended to main.

So I'll retract my proposal in favour of ACIO :-)

Regards, Brian.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Current situation regarding global IORefs

2006-04-29 Thread Adrian Hey

Brian Hulley wrote:
The use of a plain value to initialize the ref rather than a monadic 
computation would ensure that there would be no problems with trying to 
work out which order to initialize top level refs that are dependent on 
values of refs in other modules since there could be no dependencies.

I'm not sure what problem you see with the ACIO monad proposal. It
was designed to prevent the kind of ordering dependency problems
which (I think) you're refering to. You can't read or write
IORefs/MVars or do any other "real IO" operation from ACIO.
All you can do is create them (and more complex data structures
based on them). So they could be evaluated at compile time, in
principle (AFAICS etc..). I think it should also be possible to
fork threads from ACIO, provided you arrange that they're initially
blocked on an empty MVar or something.

If it turns out that that isn't enough to properly initialise them
(like you need to do real IO), then you just can't have them as
top level identifiers. But you can still use something like the
"oneShot" function to implement "get" actions at the top level (in
the IO monad).

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Current situation regarding global IORefs

2006-04-29 Thread Brian Hulley

Brian Hulley wrote:

The use of a plain value to initialize the ref rather than a monadic
computation would ensure that there would be no problems with trying
to work out which order to initialize top level refs that are
dependent on values of refs in other modules since there could be no

I meant to say that while there *could* be dependencies I don't think they 
would be any different from the dependencies that can exist at the moment 
with one value depending on another which in turn is defined in terms of the 
first either within a module or between mutually recursive modules.

Also, to qualify my suggestion, I am not 100% sure that it would be powerful 
enough for all uses - perhaps monadic computations are needed in some cases 
to init global refs?

Regards, Brian. 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Current situation regarding global IORefs

2006-04-29 Thread Brian Hulley

Lennart Augustsson wrote:

And yes, somewhere there's some global mutable state in the OS.
I've never claimed that it should be totally forbidden.  Various
circumstances forces it upon us.  What I've been claiming is that
it should be avoided where possible.  Which is almost always.

Thus there seems to be agreement that whereas this should be avoided where 
possible, it is still needed in some cases.

Therefore the question arises as to how to safely incorporate this into the 
language. As everyone knows, use of unsafePerformIO could break the type 
system without a programmer knowing it, but I think I am right in saying 
that if only monomorphic refs were allowed at the top level, type safety 
would be ensured (so there would be no need for the truly horrible value 
restriction that infects the whole of SML for example)

Therefore I propose a new keyword to define monomorphic top level IORefs, 
something like:

augment ref = monomorphicvalue -- just a plain value not a monadic 

where "augment" refers to the augmentation of the RealWorld state by the 
state of ref as in John's suggestion to use "augmented IO" in preference to 
"global mutable state"

The use of a plain value to initialize the ref rather than a monadic 
computation would ensure that there would be no problems with trying to work 
out which order to initialize top level refs that are dependent on values of 
refs in other modules since there could be no dependencies.

Regards, Brian. 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Current situation regarding global IORefs

2006-04-29 Thread Lennart Augustsson

Adrian Hey wrote:

I've written about 5 lines of USB devices drivers for *BSD (in C).
They work from the bare metal and up.  They contain no global
mutable state (except for variables that define debugging levels,
because you need to access these from the in-kernel debugger).

Yes, I was aware of this. But with all due respect, if you're running
with an OS already present (not what I would call bare metal :-), your
device driver alone is not the entire IO sub-system. I'm not sure
what you mean by it having no mutable state. Do you mean no top level
mutable state, or do you mean there is no mutable state whatsoever
associated with a particular USB port(device..whatever)?

I said "no *global* mutable state", by which I meant no global
variables.  Of course there's mutable state.  This is C after all. :)
(And it would there in Haskell too.)

And yes, somewhere there's some global mutable state in the OS.
I've never claimed that it should be totally forbidden.  Various
circumstances forces it upon us.  What I've been claiming is that
it should be avoided where possible.  Which is almost always.

-- Lennart

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Current situation regarding global IORefs

2006-04-29 Thread Adrian Hey

Lennart Augustsson wrote:

Adrian Hey wrote:

Or put another way, would it be possible to implement the socket
API, exactly as it currently is, entirely in Haskell, starting with
nothing but hardware? I don't believe it is possible, but perhaps
somebody can show me I'm wrong.

If I get to implement the IO monad, sure. :)

Perhaps you could give some indication of what you have in mind?

AFAICS the problem, if it is a problem, is a semantic problem
that afflicts all IO monad implementations. What would be different
about your implementation?

IME, the approach you take to these kinds of problems can vary
depending what you know or don't know for certain about the
system your working with. But you always end up using top level
mutable state somewhere along the way. I can only assume folk who
insist it's unnecessary (or worse) have never actually tried
implementing an IO sub-system from the ground up, starting with
nothing but bare hardware.

I've written about 5 lines of USB devices drivers for *BSD (in C).
They work from the bare metal and up.  They contain no global
mutable state (except for variables that define debugging levels,
because you need to access these from the in-kernel debugger).

Yes, I was aware of this. But with all due respect, if you're running
with an OS already present (not what I would call bare metal :-), your
device driver alone is not the entire IO sub-system. I'm not sure
what you mean by it having no mutable state. Do you mean no top level
mutable state, or do you mean there is no mutable state whatsoever
associated with a particular USB port(device..whatever)?

I assume you mean the former, and that the mutable device state
itself is passed as a parameter to your code, some how. If so I think
this is fine and good practice (even my noddy device driver on the
wiki does this).

But it seems to me when you consider the system as whole, the real
problem is the creation, management and aquisition of the device
states (state handles) by software that uses particular devices.

I'll try to keep this brief, maybe you or someone else can explain
the flaw in my logic, if there is one..

Consider a bit of code in the IO monad that needs a device handle
to perform some IO action with the corresponding device. How
does it acquire this handle? I can think of 3 ways..

1- It receives it as an argument. No problem, except when I
look at the Haskell libraries most of them don't seem to be
taking such arguments (main takes none whatsoever).

2- It creates it locally with some kind of newDeviceState
constructor. Well there might be some particularly privileged
bit of code somewhere in the system that is allowed to do
this, but clearly this isn't an option for most code.

3- It gets from some other data structure which is accessible
at the top level. IOW a "global variable". This doesn't
seem to be an option either in a language that has been
designed to prevent the creation of such things.

Unless I'm missing something, there seems to be a very serious
problem somewhere. If so, it should be fixed IMO, one way or

Now as JM mentioned, the reason nobody seems to notice this problem
is that in reality folk *are* relying on "global variables" somewhere
in the system. But they're buried so deeply in unsafePerformIO
hacked Haskell libraries, C libraries and OS internals that nobody
notices. They're just accepted as being part of "the world".

So when people say things like "I have never ever had to use a
global variable", I'm inclined to believe them. But I also say that
the only reason they can claim to be without "sin" is because
somebody else has already sinned on their behalf to provide them
with the IO libraries they use.

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Current situation regarding global IORefs

2006-04-27 Thread John Meacham
On Thu, Apr 27, 2006 at 09:53:35PM +0100, Brian Hulley wrote:
> At the moment, there is a strange unnatural discrepancy between the fixed 
> set of built-in privileged operations such as newUnique which are "allowed" 
> to make use of global state and user defined operations which have to rely 
> on a shaky hack in order to preserve natural abstraction barriers between 
> components such as a user-defined Unique, Atom, and anything involving 
> memoisation or device management etc.

In fact, you reminded me of the so obvious it is easy to forget example
of global state that every haskell programer uses since day one.

as in

fibs = 0 : 1 : zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs)

fibs is mutable global state that is updated with its value when it is

not sure how I missed the obvious example.


John Meacham - ⑆⑆john⑈
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Current situation regarding global IORefs

2006-04-27 Thread Brian Hulley

John Meacham wrote:

On Thu, Apr 27, 2006 at 11:09:58AM +0100, Adrian Hey wrote:

What really frustrates me about all this is that AFAIK there are no
significant technical or theoretical reasons why we can't get
this safety (without resort to the unsafePerformIO hack). The
only serious obstacle seems political, with this very strange but
apparently widespread dogma about so called "global variables"
being inherently evil, regardless of the circumstances or purpose
for which they are used.

indeed. perhaps we just need to come up with a more functional name
than 'global variables'. like 'universal monad' or 'world
transformer', maybe 'augmented IO'. :)

I like "augmented IO", because this makes it clear that there is absolutely 
no difference between the existing IO monad which keeps track of global 
RealWorld state, and an augmented IO monad which keeps track of RealWorld + 
state of IORefs needed internally by different components of a software 

At the moment, there is a strange unnatural discrepancy between the fixed 
set of built-in privileged operations such as newUnique which are "allowed" 
to make use of global state and user defined operations which have to rely 
on a shaky hack in order to preserve natural abstraction barriers between 
components such as a user-defined Unique, Atom, and anything involving 
memoisation or device management etc.

Regards, Brian. 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Current situation regarding global IORefs

2006-04-27 Thread John Meacham
On Thu, Apr 27, 2006 at 11:09:58AM +0100, Adrian Hey wrote:
> What really frustrates me about all this is that AFAIK there are no
> significant technical or theoretical reasons why we can't get
> this safety (without resort to the unsafePerformIO hack). The
> only serious obstacle seems political, with this very strange but
> apparently widespread dogma about so called "global variables"
> being inherently evil, regardless of the circumstances or purpose
> for which they are used.

indeed. perhaps we just need to come up with a more functional name than
'global variables'. like 'universal monad' or 'world transformer', maybe
'augmented IO'. :) 

I am tired of having to apologize for using them, they really are the
right solution to a number of practical problems when writing real-world
code. Every haskell programer depends on them whethre they know it or
not, they are just abstracted away in libraries, but the bottom line is
that someone needs to be able to write those libraries.

my ForeignData proposal (on the wiki) fills a hole in the haskell FFI
that can somewhat mitigate the problem, but only for Storable strict

I have thought a safe 'StorableRef' would be a useful data type, that
uses peeks and pokes internally for very fast mutable state, but
provides a safe interface.

There is also the 'dependingOn' primitive which is in jhc and I think
will be in ghc (?) that lets you do global variables without having to
turn off cse.

dependingOn :: a -> b -> a
dependingOn = ...

where it has the same meaning as const, but introduces an artificial
dependence of its return value on its second argument. so you can do

data Var1 = Var1

{-# NOINLINE myVar #-}
myVar :: IORef Int
myVar = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef (0 `dependingOn` Var1)

and now myVar cannot be cse'd with anything else because Var1 will not
match anything of another type.

still not ideal though.

(I have been finding all sorts of uses for 'dependingOn' when it comes
to various tasks)

> >Let me just add one thing.  Sometimes you hear the argument
> >"I need a global IORef here because it's to track the use of my
> >single screen" (or keyboard, or elevator, or some some
> >other gizmo in th real world).

heh. the canonical strawman tactic. :)

> No, this is not the justification for the creation of top level TWI's.
> This is the justification for not requiring that the API that mutates
> a particular top level TWI state takes that state as an explicit
> argument. There's no point if there is (and can be) only one of them.
> This is why you don't have to pass an OS state handle to every IO
> function that interacts with "the" OS (note singular).

it is not just about convinience, for instance my 'Atom' module in jhc
and ginsu depends on the fact you cannot pass in different states for
correctness. its API is purly funcitonal, but it needs to use global
state internally. Haskell has great tools for abstraction, global state
would be another one. What it boils down to is that it helps you write
more correct code in certain cases and there is no reasonable


John Meacham - ⑆⑆john⑈
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Current situation regarding global IORefs

2006-04-27 Thread Lennart Augustsson

Not to fuel the flame war, I will limit myself to two comments.

Adrian Hey wrote:

Or put another way, would it be possible to implement the socket
API, exactly as it currently is, entirely in Haskell, starting with
nothing but hardware? I don't believe it is possible, but perhaps
somebody can show me I'm wrong.

If I get to implement the IO monad, sure. :)

IME, the approach you take to these kinds of problems can vary
depending what you know or don't know for certain about the
system your working with. But you always end up using top level
mutable state somewhere along the way. I can only assume folk who
insist it's unnecessary (or worse) have never actually tried
implementing an IO sub-system from the ground up, starting with
nothing but bare hardware.

I've written about 5 lines of USB devices drivers for *BSD (in C).
They work from the bare metal and up.  They contain no global
mutable state (except for variables that define debugging levels,
because you need to access these from the in-kernel debugger).

-- Lennart
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Current situation regarding global IORefs

2006-04-27 Thread Adrian Hey

Lennart Augustsson wrote:

I was going to respond, but Cale very eloquently said most
of what I was thinking.

I don't think eloquent is the word I would use, but I'm certainly
glad you didn't feel the need to repeat all that. It'd be really nice
if just for once the "global mutable state is evil" folk could give
unsafePerformIO hack users the benefit of the doubt, not start
out from the presumption that we are a bunch of lazy incompetent
retards who are badly in need of education in the rudiments of
the IO monad and (allegedly) good programming practice in general.

These arguments about the language needing to protect users from
doing dangerous things (specifically creating top level mutable
state) are quite wrong headed. Concurrency can be dangerous too,
so should we lose it? Top level mutable state can be a way of
*gaining safety*, not losing it.

What really frustrates me about all this is that AFAIK there are no
significant technical or theoretical reasons why we can't get
this safety (without resort to the unsafePerformIO hack). The
only serious obstacle seems political, with this very strange but
apparently widespread dogma about so called "global variables"
being inherently evil, regardless of the circumstances or purpose
for which they are used.

With regard to Roberts post, I don't want too say much other than
Robert is the first person to provide an answer to my question.
I hope I'm not mis-representing his views, but I believe Robert
objects to the existence of IO libraries that could not be implemented
in Haskell (in principle). I.E. those that implicitly reference top
level mutable state. I might be missing something, but AFAICS just
about all the current IO libraries fall into this category.

To take a specific example, look at the socket API. None of the
functions there take any kind of OS or network sub-system state handle
as an explicit argument. So it seems to me that either the
implementation is entirely stateless, all the way down to peeking and
poking the registers of Ethernet MACs, DMA controllers and wotnot
(unlikely), or it's sneakily accessing top level mutable state in some
extremely devious and non-transparent manner (heaven forbid).

Or put another way, would it be possible to implement the socket
API, exactly as it currently is, entirely in Haskell, starting with
nothing but hardware? I don't believe it is possible, but perhaps
somebody can show me I'm wrong.

Let me just add one thing.  Sometimes you hear the argument
"I need a global IORef here because it's to track the use of my
single screen" (or keyboard, or elevator, or some some
other gizmo in th real world).

No, this is not the justification for the creation of top level TWI's.
This is the justification for not requiring that the API that mutates
a particular top level TWI state takes that state as an explicit
argument. There's no point if there is (and can be) only one of them.
This is why you don't have to pass an OS state handle to every IO
function that interacts with "the" OS (note singular).

But even if there are two or more, you still need some mechanism
to ensure that you have precisely 1:1 correspondance between
physical devices and device state TWI's and/or device driver
threads. This more or less prevents a robust API allowing unconstrained
creation of new device state TWI's. It's far safer and simpler
to provide top level TWIs (state handles) as *abstract data types*
(not IORefs!). This is no different from (or less safe than) having
stdout appear at the top level.

Even if there is an unknown (at compile time) number of such
devices and instead they are discovered somehow at boot time,
you still need to maintain a some kind of finite pool of these
device states, which is itself necessarily a unique TWI.

IME, the approach you take to these kinds of problems can vary
depending what you know or don't know for certain about the
system your working with. But you always end up using top level
mutable state somewhere along the way. I can only assume folk who
insist it's unnecessary (or worse) have never actually tried
implementing an IO sub-system from the ground up, starting with
nothing but bare hardware.

I think such decisions are just generally poor design, and
it should not be done in any language.  The number of physical
resources that a program can control should never be assumed
to be one; things change.

So is it reasonable to assume that there is only one OS?

Perhaps it would be best to let individual Haskell users decide
for themselves what assumptions are or are not reasonable in the
context of their work.

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Current situation regarding global IORefs

2006-04-24 Thread Robert Dockins

On Apr 24, 2006, at 2:42 AM, Adrian Hey wrote:

Lennart Augustsson wrote:

I think global mutable variables should be regarded with utmost
suspicion.  There are very few situations where they are the
right solution.

Well IMO even the use of the term "global mutable variable" causes
muddled thinking on this and I wish people would stop it. There's no
reason to regard top level "things with identity" (call them "TWI"s
or "objects" or whatever) with any more suspicion than top level IO
actions themselves.

Sure there is.  TWI's are just the object-oriented singleton pattern  
warmed over, and the singleton pattern is much maligned in some  
circles (for good reason, IMO).

One thing I never could fathom about the position of the nay-sayers
in this debate is what exactly is it that they object to?
Is it existence of top level "TWI"s and of IO operations that
reference them *in principle*?
Or are they content with their existence but just don't want to
allow people to use Haskell to define them?

The former, in my case.  As I stated in an earlier message, the  
problem is primarily one of defining the dynamic scope of the thing.   
If you look back in the archives, you'll notice I proposed a thread- 
local state mechanism because I felt it placed the scope boundary in  
an appropriate place, where it could be manipulated and reasoned  
about by programmers, and where it has a reasonable semantic  
interpretation.  Presumably, runtime models will have to deal somehow  
with the notion of a thread of execution (even if just to say there  
is only ever one) and will thus fix the dynamic scope of thread local  

I additionally think that thread-local state (and similar mechanisms)  
can be abused to create difficult-to-maintain and buggy code, but  
that's a somewhat separate issue.

If it's the former then we should be purging the IO libraries of
all such horrors, though I can't see much remaining of them (well
anything actually). But I guess an IO incapable language might
still have some niche uses.

Argument by straw-man: there are important differences between  
regular IO actions and TWI's, AKA singletons.  The former is  
referentially transparent, while the latter is referentially opaque,  
for starters.  There's also the scoping issue: the properties of the  
IO monad bound the dynamic scope of regular IO actions, but not so  
for singletons.

If it's the latter then we are advocating a language which cannot
be used to implement many demonstrably useful IO modules and  

*by design*. If so, the claim that Haskell is a general purpose
programming language seems quite bogus and should be removed from
the home page IMO.

You presuppose that a language which "cannot be used to implement  
many demonstrably useful IO modules and libraries" is not general  
purpose.  I claim that is silly.  If we take that argument to its  
logical conclusion, then we should throw out static typing,  
referential transparency and most of the things that make Haskell  
what it is.  I think that what a programming language keeps you from  
doing is as least as important as what it lets you do.  If you don't  
believe that at least to some extent, then your first exposure to  
Haskell probably made your head explode.

That said, I also disagree with the premise.  I don't know of any  
stateful library designs that can't be pretty straightforwardly  
refactored using explicit initialization and ReaderT-over-IO monads.   
Furthermore, I believe that a library so structured is actually  
_more_ useful than the library with implicit state.

Adrian Hey

Rob Dockins

Speak softly and drive a Sherman tank.
Laugh hard; it's a long way to the bank.
  -- TMBG

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Current situation regarding global IORefs

2006-04-24 Thread Lennart Augustsson

Adrian Hey wrote:

I was going to respond, but Cale very eloquently said most
of what I was thinking.

Let me just add one thing.  Sometimes you hear the argument
"I need a global IORef here because it's to track the use of my
single screen" (or keyboard, or elevator, or some some
other gizmo in th real world).
I think such decisions are just generally poor design, and
it should not be done in any language.  The number of physical
resources that a program can control should never be assumed
to be one; things change.

-- Lennart

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Current situation regarding global IORefs

2006-04-24 Thread Cale Gibbard
On 24/04/06, Adrian Hey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Lennart Augustsson wrote:
> > I think global mutable variables should be regarded with utmost
> > suspicion.  There are very few situations where they are the
> > right solution.
> Well IMO even the use of the term "global mutable variable" causes
> muddled thinking on this and I wish people would stop it. There's no
> reason to regard top level "things with identity" (call them "TWI"s
> or "objects" or whatever) with any more suspicion than top level IO
> actions themselves.

What do you mean by "top level IO action"? If you mean something like
'getLine', then there is a huge difference. If you mean actions which
execute automatically in any program which imports the given module,
then I'd contend that Haskell doesn't really even have those (apart
from possibly 'main', if you count that at all).

In the latter case, you might have disconnected components which all
must run, but since they do IO, are potentially noncommutative. With
the ability to mark actions as automatically executing without some
way to control the order of that execution, program behaviour is
unpredictable in general. At least, I wouldn't want the language to
allow that. However, putting an explicit ordering on their execution
is essentially equivalent to defining a new IO action which executes
each of them in a given sequence, obviating the need for such a
feature in the first place.

While only allowing the definition of top-level IORefs (i.e. not
unrestricted IO) wouldn't cause quite as much harm, it's still
questionable as to whether it's ever actually necessary. One can get
computation-global IORefs easily using something along the lines of
ReaderT IORef IO. By newtyping the monad, one could exert even more
control over how the IORef was used.

One problem with real top-level IORefs is that it leaves no way for
the module user to reset things in general. As a library designer, you
might think that the users of your library will only ever want to
initialise things once, but this is being a little bit overly forceful
-- what if the program has reloaded its configuration while running
and wants to restart the functionality your module provides? If you
haven't explicitly provided a way to reset the IORefs, there's no way
for the module user to reliably do so.

There are plenty of other nice ways to enforce things such as
particular actions only running once and so on. For one, you could use
a new monad, which would give extremely fine control over what actions
were permitted, but even with just IO, there are plenty of things one
can do -- just not globally.

We can relatively easily create a context which provides an IO action
that will only run once in that context, and return the same value as
the first time without repeating the execution thereafter:

singletonRegion :: IO a -> (IO a -> IO b) -> IO b
singletonRegion action region = do
r <- newIORef Nothing
let action' = do
t <- readIORef r
case t of
Nothing -> do v <- action
  writeIORef r (Just v)
  return v
Just v  -> return v
region action'

test1 = singletonRegion (putStrLn "Hello") $ \greet -> do
greet -- only this one will actually have any effect.

With a custom monad, this sort of setup would be built into the "run"
function which transforms the action back into IO, and so would be
even more transparent, while still not creating irrevocable
program-global state.
> One thing I never could fathom about the position of the nay-sayers
> in this debate is what exactly is it that they object to?
> Is it existence of top level "TWI"s and of IO operations that
> reference them *in principle*?
> Or are they content with their existence but just don't want to
> allow people to use Haskell to define them?
> If it's the former then we should be purging the IO libraries of
> all such horrors, though I can't see much remaining of them (well
> anything actually). But I guess an IO incapable language might
> still have some niche uses.
> If it's the latter then we are advocating a language which cannot
> be used to implement many demonstrably useful IO modules and libraries,
> *by design*. If so, the claim that Haskell is a general purpose
> programming language seems quite bogus and should be removed from
> the home page IMO.

This argument sounds quite a lot like the ones used by those arguing
against the removal of GOTO from programming languages. Sometimes, by
explicitly not providing some feature, you're also making code in
general easier to comprehend (especially when that feature has
invisible global effects on programs, where you'd need to look
carefully at the source of all modules involved in order to determine
what was actually happening in the presence of its use). It can also
prevent certain classes of design problems from ever cropping up. The
more state whic

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Current situation regarding global IORefs

2006-04-23 Thread Adrian Hey

Lennart Augustsson wrote:

I think global mutable variables should be regarded with utmost
suspicion.  There are very few situations where they are the
right solution.

Well IMO even the use of the term "global mutable variable" causes
muddled thinking on this and I wish people would stop it. There's no
reason to regard top level "things with identity" (call them "TWI"s
or "objects" or whatever) with any more suspicion than top level IO
actions themselves.

One thing I never could fathom about the position of the nay-sayers
in this debate is what exactly is it that they object to?
Is it existence of top level "TWI"s and of IO operations that
reference them *in principle*?
Or are they content with their existence but just don't want to
allow people to use Haskell to define them?

If it's the former then we should be purging the IO libraries of
all such horrors, though I can't see much remaining of them (well
anything actually). But I guess an IO incapable language might
still have some niche uses.

If it's the latter then we are advocating a language which cannot
be used to implement many demonstrably useful IO modules and libraries,
*by design*. If so, the claim that Haskell is a general purpose
programming language seems quite bogus and should be removed from
the home page IMO.

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Current situation regarding global IORefs

2006-04-23 Thread Lennart Augustsson

Robert Dockins wrote:

Ahhh... the singleton pattern.  There is a debate among OO theorists 
about whether the singleton pattern is actually a good idea.  I tend to 
side with those who say that it is Just Wrong.  The reality is that 
"singletons" are only unique within some scope (OS process, VM, sandbox, 
whatever).  "Global" state is similar; it is always bounded by 
_something_.  I think its always better to make the boundaries explicit 
and aligned with the problem domain rather than implicit, because the 
implicit boundaries sometimes/often don't do what you want.  As soon as 
you have an even slightly unusual execution environment, your 
assumptions can be violated (eg, within Java application containers 
*shudder*).  I have to imagine using, eg, HS plugins with modules 
containing top-level state could cause all sorts of havoc.

I couldn't have rambled it better myself. :)
I think global mutable variables should be regarded with utmost
suspicion.  There are very few situations where they are the
right solution.

-- Lennart
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Current situation regarding global IORefs

2006-04-21 Thread Brian Hulley

Brian Hulley wrote:

Robert Dockins wrote:

Sometimes I also think it would be nice if all the standard lib
functions with IO types would instead take arbitrary MonadIO types,
so you could avoid having to write down liftIO all the time

Thanks for the suggestion - it is certainly a lot better to write
liftIO inside my FFI wrappers than each time I use these functions

One additional (very
unfortunate) point is that higher-order IO monad combinators will not
work on your monad, eg, the ones in Control.Exception.  I hope H'

I see now what you mean. This really kills any attempt to make my own api 
use MonadIO since things like bracket_ etc are fundamental. Thus the use of 
IO in Control.Exception has a kind of viral property that destroys all hope 
of eradicating liftIO from user code...

Regards, Brian. 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Current situation regarding global IORefs

2006-04-21 Thread Brian Hulley

Robert Dockins wrote:

Are you compiling with -fglasgow-exts?  You're relying on generalized
newtype deriving, which is a GHC extension.

If that's not it, what's the error you are getting?

'MonadState does not have arity 1'
(I see now from the docs and from Cale's clause below that the instance 
declaration would be

   instance MonadState MState ManagerM where ...

hence the need for (MonadState MState) to be written in the deriving clause)

Cale Gibbard wrote:

try deriving (Monad, MonadIO, MonadState MState) -- I find that
newtype deriving doesn't like guessing at other class parameters, even
with the fundeps there.

Thanks. The other compilation error was caused by the fact that newtype 
deriving doesn't work in a hs-boot file. I had Control and ManagerM defined 
in different modules, but when I just merged these into one module, and used 
Cale's deriving clause, everything now works..

(Perhaps it doesn't really matter about type/newtype in this case anyway 
since MState is hidden)

[suggestions about ReaderT]

I think I'll stick with an immutable state record for the moment since there 
does not seem to be a clear advantage one way or the other, and AFAIK ghc 
6.4.2 at the moment does not use a write barrier for IORefs so every 
intergenerational garbage collection follows every IORef in existence which 
could slow things down for a large GUI with individual IORefs for each state 

Robert Dockins wrote:

Sometimes I also think it would be nice if all the standard lib
functions with IO types would instead take arbitrary MonadIO types,
so you could avoid having to write down liftIO all the time

Thanks for the suggestion - it is certainly a lot better to write liftIO 
inside my FFI wrappers than each time I use these functions elsewhere.

Thanks, Brian. 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Current situation regarding global IORefs

2006-04-21 Thread Cale Gibbard
On 21/04/06, Brian Hulley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Robert Dockins wrote:
> > On Apr 21, 2006, at 10:34 AM, Brian Hulley wrote:
> >> Robert Dockins wrote:
> >>> On Apr 21, 2006, at 9:56 AM, Brian Hulley wrote:
> >>>
>  Hi -
>  I've run into the global mutable state problem described in http://
> >>[snip]
> >>
> >> There is only one GUI for the application and only one control in
> >> it can have the keyboard focus so it seems natural to use global
> >> state here
> >
> > I'd suggest you consider not making those assumptions... they are the
> > kinds of assumptions that can make later code reuse and maintenance
> > more difficult than it should be.  (Obviously, if code reuse/
> > maintenance is a low priority then it doesn't matter).
> >
> >> , but I suppose I could also look into using a state monad. The
> >> advantage (perhaps also disadvantage ;-) ) of global state is that
> >> it allows me to easily convert all my old C++ singleton classes to
> >> Haskell modules...
> >
> > 
> > Ahhh... the singleton pattern.  There is a debate among OO theorists
> > about whether the singleton pattern is actually a good idea.  I tend
> > to side with those who say that it is Just Wrong. [snip]
> Thanks for the comments. I've now changed everything so that controls use a
> ManagerM monad which wraps up the state instead of using the IO monad so
> there are no longer any global variables. It wasn't as difficult as I had
> thought and as you say it makes everything much more scalable, although at
> the expense of having to use liftIO in various places.
> I've defined my state monad by:
> data MState = MState {keyboard:: !Maybe Control} -- etc - other state here
> also
> type ManagerM a = StateT MState IO a
> and everything works ok. However if I try to use a newtype instead of a type
> (to completely hide the representation) eg
> newtype ManagerM a = ManagerM (StateT MState IO a) deriving (Monad, MonadIO,
> MonadState)
> it won't compile. Does this mean it is not possible to wrap combined monads
> in a newtype? I notice that the examples in tutorials I've looked at tend to
> always just use type instead of newtype.
try deriving (Monad, MonadIO, MonadState MState) -- I find that
newtype deriving doesn't like guessing at other class parameters, even
with the fundeps there.

> Another point is that I'm not sure what is the "proper" way to represent the
> state itself ie should each component of the state be a separate IORef to
> avoid having to copy the whole state each time or is it better practice to
> just use an immutable record as I've done above?

If you were to use IORefs/MVars, it would likely be enough to use
ReaderT instead of StateT, since you likely wouldn't be replacing your
mutable cells, just their contents. Both routes are okay -- note that
Haskell data structure nodes are usually just bunches of pointers to
values (or more properly, code which returns values) anyway, so you
should only be copying a few pointers when updates are made. (In a
similar way to how replacing the head of a list is constant time and
space, and not linear.)

 - Cale
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Current situation regarding global IORefs

2006-04-21 Thread Robert Dockins

On Apr 21, 2006, at 1:27 PM, Brian Hulley wrote:

Robert Dockins wrote:

On Apr 21, 2006, at 10:34 AM, Brian Hulley wrote:

Robert Dockins wrote:

On Apr 21, 2006, at 9:56 AM, Brian Hulley wrote:

Hi -
I've run into the global mutable state problem described in  


There is only one GUI for the application and only one control in
it can have the keyboard focus so it seems natural to use global
state here

I'd suggest you consider not making those assumptions... they are the
kinds of assumptions that can make later code reuse and maintenance
more difficult than it should be.  (Obviously, if code reuse/
maintenance is a low priority then it doesn't matter).

, but I suppose I could also look into using a state monad. The
advantage (perhaps also disadvantage ;-) ) of global state is that
it allows me to easily convert all my old C++ singleton classes to
Haskell modules...

Ahhh... the singleton pattern.  There is a debate among OO theorists
about whether the singleton pattern is actually a good idea.  I tend
to side with those who say that it is Just Wrong. [snip]

Thanks for the comments. I've now changed everything so that  
controls use a ManagerM monad which wraps up the state instead of  
using the IO monad so there are no longer any global variables. It  
wasn't as difficult as I had thought and as you say it makes  
everything much more scalable, although at the expense of having to  
use liftIO in various places.

This is true, and mildly irritating.  One additional (very  
unfortunate) point is that higher-order IO monad combinators will not  
work on your monad, eg, the ones in Control.Exception.  I hope H'  
will generalize the types to (use MonadIO)  these combinators to make  
this sort of thing easier, because I think this is a great way to  
structure programs.  *makes mental note to create a ticket for this*   
Sometimes I also think it would be nice if all the standard lib  
functions with IO types would instead take arbitrary MonadIO types,  
so you could avoid having to write down liftIO all the time

I've defined my state monad by:

data MState = MState {keyboard:: !Maybe Control} -- etc - other  
state here also

type ManagerM a = StateT MState IO a

and everything works ok. However if I try to use a newtype instead  
of a type (to completely hide the representation) eg

newtype ManagerM a = ManagerM (StateT MState IO a) deriving (Monad,  
MonadIO, MonadState)

it won't compile.

Are you compiling with -fglasgow-exts?  You're relying on generalized  
newtype deriving, which is a GHC extension. 

If that's not it, what's the error you are getting?

Does this mean it is not possible to wrap combined monads in a  
newtype? I notice that the examples in tutorials I've looked at  
tend to always just use type instead of newtype.

I usually use a newtype myself; but then I usually roll my own monads  
instead of using monad transformers (not a value judgement, just habit).

Another point is that I'm not sure what is the "proper" way to  
represent the state itself ie should each component of the state be  
a separate IORef to avoid having to copy the whole state each time  
or is it better practice to just use an immutable record as I've  
done above?

I usually use immutable records as you have done; it somehow "feels  
better".  Unfortunately, going this way exposes you to the clunkiness  
of Haskell's record system.  If all your record components are  
declared with a bang, you may be able to coerce the compiler to unbox  
the record (-funbox-strict-fields, I think), which would prevent  
copying altogether.  Immutable records are also a little nicer to the  
garbage collector.  However, I've never actually tried to measure the  
performance difference.

If you're going to use a record of IORefs, you should probably go  
with ReaderT instead.

Thanks, Brian.

Rob Dockins

Speak softly and drive a Sherman tank.
Laugh hard; it's a long way to the bank.
  -- TMBG

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Current situation regarding global IORefs

2006-04-21 Thread Brian Hulley

Robert Dockins wrote:

On Apr 21, 2006, at 10:34 AM, Brian Hulley wrote:

Robert Dockins wrote:

On Apr 21, 2006, at 9:56 AM, Brian Hulley wrote:

Hi -
I've run into the global mutable state problem described in http://


There is only one GUI for the application and only one control in
it can have the keyboard focus so it seems natural to use global
state here

I'd suggest you consider not making those assumptions... they are the
kinds of assumptions that can make later code reuse and maintenance
more difficult than it should be.  (Obviously, if code reuse/
maintenance is a low priority then it doesn't matter).

, but I suppose I could also look into using a state monad. The
advantage (perhaps also disadvantage ;-) ) of global state is that
it allows me to easily convert all my old C++ singleton classes to
Haskell modules...

Ahhh... the singleton pattern.  There is a debate among OO theorists
about whether the singleton pattern is actually a good idea.  I tend
to side with those who say that it is Just Wrong. [snip]

Thanks for the comments. I've now changed everything so that controls use a 
ManagerM monad which wraps up the state instead of using the IO monad so 
there are no longer any global variables. It wasn't as difficult as I had 
thought and as you say it makes everything much more scalable, although at 
the expense of having to use liftIO in various places.

I've defined my state monad by:

data MState = MState {keyboard:: !Maybe Control} -- etc - other state here 

type ManagerM a = StateT MState IO a

and everything works ok. However if I try to use a newtype instead of a type 
(to completely hide the representation) eg

newtype ManagerM a = ManagerM (StateT MState IO a) deriving (Monad, MonadIO, 

it won't compile. Does this mean it is not possible to wrap combined monads 
in a newtype? I notice that the examples in tutorials I've looked at tend to 
always just use type instead of newtype.

Another point is that I'm not sure what is the "proper" way to represent the 
state itself ie should each component of the state be a separate IORef to 
avoid having to copy the whole state each time or is it better practice to 
just use an immutable record as I've done above?

Thanks, Brian. 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Current situation regarding global IORefs

2006-04-21 Thread Robert Dockins

On Apr 21, 2006, at 10:34 AM, Brian Hulley wrote:

Robert Dockins wrote:

On Apr 21, 2006, at 9:56 AM, Brian Hulley wrote:

Hi -
I've run into the global mutable state problem described in http://
Since the page was last edited in March last year, I'm wondering if
there have been any developments or further thoughts on how to
safely create top level IORefs since they are absolutely essential
for the library I'm writing.

For my library, which implements a GUI, I have a Manager module
which keeps track of which control currently has the keyboard focus
etc, and I don't want to have to pass round the state of the
manager to every control since this would be monstrously
inconvenient and a total waste of space/time, so at the moment I'm
reduced to:

module Manager where
keyboard :: IORef (Maybe Control)
{-# NOINLINE keyboard #-}
keyboard = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef Nothing

The problem is that I don't know if this is guaranteed to be
completely safe for all Haskell compilers or even for all future
versions of ghc (?)

RE: the technique itself, you should also compile the module with -


RE: the design, Isn't that bit of state local to a dialog/window/
control group or something?  I understand that top level state is a
problem in general that needs some sort of solution, but I'm not sure
it's the right hammer here

There is only one GUI for the application and only one control in  
it can have the keyboard focus so it seems natural to use global  
state here

I'd suggest you consider not making those assumptions... they are the  
kinds of assumptions that can make later code reuse and maintenance  
more difficult than it should be.  (Obviously, if code reuse/ 
maintenance is a low priority then it doesn't matter).

, but I suppose I could also look into using a state monad. The  
advantage (perhaps also disadvantage ;-) ) of global state is that  
it allows me to easily convert all my old C++ singleton classes to  
Haskell modules...

Ahhh... the singleton pattern.  There is a debate among OO theorists  
about whether the singleton pattern is actually a good idea.  I tend  
to side with those who say that it is Just Wrong.  The reality is  
that "singletons" are only unique within some scope (OS process, VM,  
sandbox, whatever).  "Global" state is similar; it is always bounded  
by _something_.  I think its always better to make the boundaries  
explicit and aligned with the problem domain rather than implicit,  
because the implicit boundaries sometimes/often don't do what you  
want.  As soon as you have an even slightly unusual execution  
environment, your assumptions can be violated (eg, within Java  
application containers *shudder*).  I have to imagine using, eg, HS  
plugins with modules containing top-level state could cause all sorts  
of havoc.

As far as I know, the only recent developments in this area are a
rumor from the Simons that they are working on some sort of thread-
local state which (under some sets of design decisions) can fill the
needs of top level state.  If you press them, they might be willing
to give some details about this.

I was kind of hoping that there would just be a safe, simple way to  
create a top level monomorphic IORef without having to use a pragma  

I don't think that exists currently.

Thanks, Brian.

Rob Dockins

Speak softly and drive a Sherman tank.
Laugh hard; it's a long way to the bank.
  -- TMBG

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Current situation regarding global IORefs

2006-04-21 Thread Brian Hulley

Robert Dockins wrote:

On Apr 21, 2006, at 9:56 AM, Brian Hulley wrote:

Hi -
I've run into the global mutable state problem described in http://
Since the page was last edited in March last year, I'm wondering if
there have been any developments or further thoughts on how to
safely create top level IORefs since they are absolutely essential
for the library I'm writing.

For my library, which implements a GUI, I have a Manager module
which keeps track of which control currently has the keyboard focus
etc, and I don't want to have to pass round the state of the
manager to every control since this would be monstrously
inconvenient and a total waste of space/time, so at the moment I'm
reduced to:

module Manager where
keyboard :: IORef (Maybe Control)
{-# NOINLINE keyboard #-}
keyboard = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef Nothing

The problem is that I don't know if this is guaranteed to be
completely safe for all Haskell compilers or even for all future
versions of ghc (?)

RE: the technique itself, you should also compile the module with -


RE: the design, Isn't that bit of state local to a dialog/window/
control group or something?  I understand that top level state is a
problem in general that needs some sort of solution, but I'm not sure
it's the right hammer here

There is only one GUI for the application and only one control in it can 
have the keyboard focus so it seems natural to use global state here, but I 
suppose I could also look into using a state monad. The advantage (perhaps 
also disadvantage ;-) ) of global state is that it allows me to easily 
convert all my old C++ singleton classes to Haskell modules...

As far as I know, the only recent developments in this area are a
rumor from the Simons that they are working on some sort of thread-
local state which (under some sets of design decisions) can fill the
needs of top level state.  If you press them, they might be willing
to give some details about this.

I was kind of hoping that there would just be a safe, simple way to create a 
top level monomorphic IORef without having to use a pragma etc.

Thanks, Brian. 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Current situation regarding global IORefs

2006-04-21 Thread Robert Dockins

On Apr 21, 2006, at 9:56 AM, Brian Hulley wrote:

Hi -
I've run into the global mutable state problem described in http://
Since the page was last edited in March last year, I'm wondering if  
there have been any developments or further thoughts on how to  
safely create top level IORefs since they are absolutely essential  
for the library I'm writing.

For my library, which implements a GUI, I have a Manager module  
which keeps track of which control currently has the keyboard focus  
etc, and I don't want to have to pass round the state of the  
manager to every control since this would be monstrously  
inconvenient and a total waste of space/time, so at the moment I'm  
reduced to:

module Manager where
keyboard :: IORef (Maybe Control)
{-# NOINLINE keyboard #-}
keyboard = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef Nothing

The problem is that I don't know if this is guaranteed to be  
completely safe for all Haskell compilers or even for all future  
versions of ghc (?)

RE: the technique itself, you should also compile the module with - 

RE: the design, Isn't that bit of state local to a dialog/window/ 
control group or something?  I understand that top level state is a  
problem in general that needs some sort of solution, but I'm not sure  
it's the right hammer here

As far as I know, the only recent developments in this area are a  
rumor from the Simons that they are working on some sort of thread- 
local state which (under some sets of design decisions) can fill the  
needs of top level state.  If you press them, they might be willing  
to give some details about this.

Rob Dockins

Speak softly and drive a Sherman tank.
Laugh hard; it's a long way to the bank.
  -- TMBG

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Current situation regarding global IORefs

2006-04-21 Thread Brian Hulley

Hi -
I've run into the global mutable state problem described in
Since the page was last edited in March last year, I'm wondering if there 
have been any developments or further thoughts on how to safely create top 
level IORefs since they are absolutely essential for the library I'm 

For my library, which implements a GUI, I have a Manager module which keeps 
track of which control currently has the keyboard focus etc, and I don't 
want to have to pass round the state of the manager to every control since 
this would be monstrously inconvenient and a total waste of space/time, so 
at the moment I'm reduced to:

module Manager where
keyboard :: IORef (Maybe Control)
{-# NOINLINE keyboard #-}
keyboard = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef Nothing

The problem is that I don't know if this is guaranteed to be completely safe 
for all Haskell compilers or even for all future versions of ghc (?)

Thanks, Brian. 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list