I'd like to invite functional programmers in The Netherlands to the
Dutch Haskell User Group [1, 2] meeting next Monday at 19:00.

Two talks are scheduled:

 - Sebastiaan Visser and Tom Lokhorst will give a talk entitled
"AwesomePrelude, Liberating Haskell from data types!"
 - Martijn van Steenbergen will talk about serializing monadic
computations. In particular, he will describe a monadic EDSL to
describe compass-and-straightedge constructions and how to serialize
and deserialize such values.

The meeting will be in the Booth Hall [3] of the Utrecht University
Library. There's free car parking [4] at the library, and it's easily
accessible by bike and bus [5].

After the talks we will move to The Basket [6] for drinks.

See you next Monday!

- Tom Lokhorst

[1]: http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Dutch_HUG
[2]: http://groups.google.com/group/dutch-hug
[6]: http://utrecht.thebasket.nl/
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