Re: [Haskell-cafe] Expression parsing problem

2009-05-20 Thread leledumbo

Haha... yes, thanks. It was a mistake, I thought I did it too fast.
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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Expression parsing problem

2009-05-19 Thread Loup Vaillant

2009/5/19 leledumbo :
>> expression ::= term | term "+" expression
>> term ::= factor | factor "*" term
>> factor ::= constant | variable | "(" expression ")"
> Oh, left recursion. Well, it should be easy to transform:
> expression ::= term | moreTerm
> term ::= factor | moreFactor
> moreTerm ::= term "+" expression
> factor ::= constant | variable | "(" expression ")"
> moreFactor := factor "*" term
> correct?

I think not. See for instance:

> expression ::= term | moreTerm
> moreTerm ::= term "+" expression

An expression begins by a term or a moreTerm… which itself begins by a
term. You still have the left recursion problem, I think.

What you mean was probably that:

expression ::= term moreTerm
term ::= factor moreFactor
factor ::= constant | variable | "(" expression ")"
moreTerm ::= "+" expression | nothing
moreFactor ::= "*" expression | nothing
nothing ::=

Unfortunately, if this work (I'm not entirely sure), it is right
associative. Example of parsing left associative operators can be
found on the net, however.

Finally, I strongly suggest you to take a look at the Parsec library
[1] (unless you can't?). It provide a "buildExpressionParser" function
which takes care of associativity and precedence for you.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Expression parsing problem

2009-05-19 Thread leledumbo

I hope you're right. 7 pages... 1-2 nights should be enough. Thanks for all.
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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Expression parsing problem

2009-05-19 Thread Ryan Ingram
> Surely you didn't read my original post, do you? I have a very limited
> knowledge of Monad and I try to find a solution using my current skills
> because the due date is within two weeks. Therefore, I don't think I can
> create a Monadic parser for this.

I think you're giving up way too easily.  My claim is that learning to
make a monadic parser would actually be *faster* than implementing it
this way, and you'll be a better programmer at the end of it.

There's a great functional pearl on this at ; you do yourself a
disservice if you don't read it.  It's only 7 pages!

  -- ryan
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Expression parsing problem

2009-05-19 Thread leledumbo

> Why is Symbol = (String, Token)?  A more sensible token type would
> include values in the Value constructor and string identifiers in the
> Identifier constructor; the strings in everything else seem redundant.

Surely you didn't read my original post, do you? I have a very limited
knowledge of Monad and I try to find a solution using my current skills
because the due date is within two weeks. Therefore, I don't think I can
create a Monadic parser for this.
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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Expression parsing problem

2009-05-19 Thread Ryan Ingram
Why is Symbol = (String, Token)?  A more sensible token type would
include values in the Value constructor and string identifiers in the
Identifier constructor; the strings in everything else seem redundant.

A more pure/monadic parser would have a type like this:

data Result a = Error String | OK [a]
newtype Parser a = Parser (ASL -> Result (ASL, a))

Try to write these functions:

return :: a -> Parser a
(>>=) :: Parser a -> (a -> Parser b) -> Parser b

Next write some simple state modification:

token :: Parser Token
(or, if you insist on your symbol type)
token :: Parser Symbol

expect :: Token -> Parser ()

Then build on these to write:

expression :: Parser Expression
term :: Parser Expression
factor :: Parser Expression

for some suitable type Expression

Good luck, sounds like a tough but interesting project!

  -- ryan

On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 11:28 PM, leledumbo  wrote:
> I'm writing a paper as a replacement for writing exam and decided to write
> a simple compiler (got a little experience with it). However, I got trouble
> in parsing expression.
> The grammar:
> expression  = "get" | [ "+" | "-" ] term { ( "+" | "-" ) term }
>  term      = factor { ( "*" | "/" ) factor }
>    factor  = IDENTIFIER | VALUE | "(" expression ")"
> I can't make term parse, for instance "1 * 2 / 3" (the number is not
> important,
> identifier is also accepted). It stops after parsing 2, i.e. only the first
> multiplication is parsed. Interchanging * and / gives the same result, only
> differs in operation. Whichever got encountered first will be parsed.
> The same problem also arises from expression, where it can't parse "1 + 2 -
> 3".
> Both problems are identical, but I can't figure out what's wrong (don't
> count
> the optional +/- before term in expression, I haven't done it yet).
> Sorry, but I'm lack of knowledge about Monad. I know it can be done better
> with it,
> but I need to learn a lot about it, while I don't have enough time (only 2
> weeks).
> Below are necessary definitions for the parser (some taken from the
> scanner).
> For testing purpose, please try:
> expression
> [("1",Value),("+",Plus),("2",Value),("-",Minus),("3",Value),("EOF",EOF)]
> term
> [("1",Value),("*",Times),("2",Value),("/",Slash),("3",Value),("EOF",EOF)]
> expression
> [("1",Value),("-",Minus),("2",Value),("+",Plus),("3",Value),("EOF",EOF)]
> term
> [("1",Value),("/",Slash),("2",Value),("*",Times),("3",Value),("EOF",EOF)]
>> data Token = Identifier | OpenBlock | CloseBlock | SemiColon | Slash |
>>                Equals   | OpenBrace | CloseBrace |   Minus   | Times |
>>                 Plus    |    Nil    |   Value    |    Var    | Const |
>>                 Put     |    Get    |   Comma    |    EOF
>>              deriving (Show,Eq)
>> type Symbol = (String,Token)
>> type ASL    = [Symbol]
>> type ParseFunc = ASL -> (ASL,[String])
>> expression :: ParseFunc
>> expression (h:s)
>>   | snd h == Get           = (s,["IN"])
>>   | op `elem` [Plus,Minus] = (s2,r1 ++ r2 ++ [operation op])
>>   | otherwise              = (s1,r1)
>>   where (s1,r1) = term (h:s)
>>         (s2,r2) = term $ tail s1
>>         op      = if s1 /= [] then snd $ head s1 else Nil
>> expression s    = (s,[])
>> term :: ParseFunc
>> term s = if op `elem` [Times,Slash]
>>   then (s2,r1 ++ r2 ++ [operation op])
>>   else (s1,r1)
>>   where (s1,r1) = factor s
>>         (s2,r2) = factor $ tail s1
>>         op      = if s1 /= [] then snd $ head s1 else Nil
>> factor :: ParseFunc
>> factor ((id,Identifier):s) = (s,["LOAD " ++ id])
>> factor ((val,Value):s)     = (s,["PUSH " ++ val])
>> factor (("(",OpenBrace):s) = if head s1 == (")",CloseBrace)
>>   then (tail s1,r1)
>>   else error $ "\")\" expected, got" ++ (show $ fst $ head s1)
>>   where (s1,r1) = expression s
>> factor s = (s,[])
> --
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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Expression parsing problem

2009-05-19 Thread leledumbo

> Indeed, the grammar does not admit "1*2/3" as a sentence ...

Huh? Why not? "1 * 2 / 3" should match factor "*" factor "/" factor.
Remember that { } is repetition, so it should be able to handle such term.

> expression ::= term | term "+" expression
> term ::= factor | factor "*" term
> factor ::= constant | variable | "(" expression ")" 

Oh, left recursion. Well, it should be easy to transform:

expression ::= term | moreTerm
term ::= factor | moreFactor
moreTerm ::= term "+" expression
factor ::= constant | variable | "(" expression ")" 
moreFactor := factor "*" term

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Expression parsing problem

2009-05-19 Thread Malcolm Wallace

The grammar:
expression  = "get" | [ "+" | "-" ] term { ( "+" | "-" ) term }
 term  = factor { ( "*" | "/" ) factor }
   factor  = IDENTIFIER | VALUE | "(" expression ")"

I can't make term parse, for instance "1 * 2 / 3"

Indeed, the grammar does not admit "1*2/3" as a sentence of that  
language although it will admit "(1*2)/3" or "1*(2/3)".

If you wish to allow sequences of infix operators without bracketting,  
then examples of the standard grammar for this can be found by  
searching the web for "expression term factor", e.g. 

expression ::= term | term "+" expression
term ::= factor | factor "*" term
factor ::= constant | variable | "(" expression ")"


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Expression parsing problem

2009-05-18 Thread leledumbo

I'm writing a paper as a replacement for writing exam and decided to write
a simple compiler (got a little experience with it). However, I got trouble
in parsing expression.

The grammar:
expression  = "get" | [ "+" | "-" ] term { ( "+" | "-" ) term }
  term  = factor { ( "*" | "/" ) factor }
factor  = IDENTIFIER | VALUE | "(" expression ")"

I can't make term parse, for instance "1 * 2 / 3" (the number is not
identifier is also accepted). It stops after parsing 2, i.e. only the first
multiplication is parsed. Interchanging * and / gives the same result, only
differs in operation. Whichever got encountered first will be parsed.

The same problem also arises from expression, where it can't parse "1 + 2 -
Both problems are identical, but I can't figure out what's wrong (don't
the optional +/- before term in expression, I haven't done it yet).

Sorry, but I'm lack of knowledge about Monad. I know it can be done better
with it,
but I need to learn a lot about it, while I don't have enough time (only 2

Below are necessary definitions for the parser (some taken from the

For testing purpose, please try:

> data Token = Identifier | OpenBlock | CloseBlock | SemiColon | Slash |
>Equals   | OpenBrace | CloseBrace |   Minus   | Times |
> Plus|Nil|   Value|Var| Const |
> Put |Get|   Comma|EOF
>  deriving (Show,Eq)

> type Symbol = (String,Token)
> type ASL= [Symbol]

> type ParseFunc = ASL -> (ASL,[String])

> expression :: ParseFunc
> expression (h:s)
>   | snd h == Get   = (s,["IN"])
>   | op `elem` [Plus,Minus] = (s2,r1 ++ r2 ++ [operation op])
>   | otherwise  = (s1,r1)
>   where (s1,r1) = term (h:s)
> (s2,r2) = term $ tail s1
> op  = if s1 /= [] then snd $ head s1 else Nil
> expression s= (s,[])

> term :: ParseFunc
> term s = if op `elem` [Times,Slash]
>   then (s2,r1 ++ r2 ++ [operation op])
>   else (s1,r1)
>   where (s1,r1) = factor s
> (s2,r2) = factor $ tail s1
> op  = if s1 /= [] then snd $ head s1 else Nil

> factor :: ParseFunc
> factor ((id,Identifier):s) = (s,["LOAD " ++ id])
> factor ((val,Value):s) = (s,["PUSH " ++ val])
> factor (("(",OpenBrace):s) = if head s1 == (")",CloseBrace)
>   then (tail s1,r1)
>   else error $ "\")\" expected, got" ++ (show $ fst $ head s1)
>   where (s1,r1) = expression s
> factor s = (s,[])

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