Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell Weekly News: Issue 131 - September 19, 2009

2009-09-21 Thread Brent Yorgey
On Sun, Sep 20, 2009 at 03:11:04PM -0400, Joe Fredette wrote:
 Ahh, I found the issue. I generated this on the 18th, the software makes 
 files of the form yearmonthdate.ext, so when Brent uploaded the hwn 
 for me, the link it generates is to the date it was generated on, not the 
 date it was published on.

Actually, it's even simpler than that, the URL is actually something you choose
when you post it, so this is my fault for giving it the wrong
date. You can generate it on whatever day you like, and until you can
post them yourself I'll just be careful about matching the URL to the
date it was generated.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell Weekly News: Issue 131 - September 19, 2009

2009-09-20 Thread Andrew Coppin

Joe Fredette wrote:

Haskell Weekly News
Issue 131 - September 18, 2009

Does anybody else get page not found for this URL?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell Weekly News: Issue 131 - September 19, 2009

2009-09-20 Thread Joe Fredette
Ahh, I found the issue. I generated this on the 18th, the software  
makes files of the form yearmonthdate.ext, so when Brent  
uploaded the hwn for me, the link it generates is to the date it was  
generated on, not the date it was published on.

The appropriate link is

In the future, I'll have to make sure to do the `make` on the date of  
publication, but ATM I don't have access to the  
to post the hwns myself. So I try to get the issue to Brent a day early.

It shouldn't happen again, thanks for catching it.


On Sep 20, 2009, at 3:06 PM, Andrew Coppin wrote:

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Haskell Weekly News: Issue 131 - September 19, 2009

2009-09-19 Thread Joe Fredette
Hopefully the line endings come out okay this week, I did a test  
before sending it to the list, please let me know if you notice  
anything awry. Just put a [HWN] in the subject line so my filter's  
will catch it. /metaeditorial

Haskell Weekly News
Issue 131 - September 18, 2009
   Welcome to issue 131 of HWN, a newsletter covering developments in  

   [1]Haskell community.

   Last week, I received an email from Mark Wotton about his project
   [2]Hubris. I totally forgot to put it in the HWN last week, too busy
   trying to figure out all the tools. So, I thought I'd make it up and
   give him some special editorial status this week. Hubris is a bridge
   between Ruby and Haskell, allowing you to call Haskell from Ruby.  
   very cool, I highly suggest playing with it. Also, I've been  
posting a

   bit about the new HWN tools (dubbed HWN2) on my [3]blog, there is
   also a repo up at [4]patch-tag which will have all the code. If  

   is some interest in helping me, I'll try to come up with a TODO


   hssqlppp, sql parser and type checker, pre-alpha. Jake Wheat
   [5]announced his parser/type checker for SQL. It currently parses a
   subset of PostGreSQL and PL/pgSQL, and can type check some  

   LambdaINet-0.1.0, Graphical Interaction Net Evaluator for Optimal
   Evaluation. Paul L [6]announced a LambdaINet 0.1.0, available on
   [7]Hackage. LambdaINet implements an interaction net based optimal
   evaluator. With an interactive graphical interface allowing the  
user to

   view and directly manipulate the interaction net.

   arbtt-0.1. Joachim Breitner [8]announced the Automatic Rule-Based  

   Tracking tool on hackage. he has an introduction available [9]here.

   A statistics library. Bryan O'Sullivan [10]announced the  

   named [11]statistics library. Which supports common discrete and
   continuous probability distributions, Kernel density estimation,
   Auto-correlation analysis, Functions over sample data, Quantile
   estimation, and Re-sampling techniques.

   CFP: JSC Special Issue on Automated Verification and Specification  
   Web Systems. [12]A Special Issue of the Journal of symbolic  

   was announced. This issue is related to the topics of the Automated
   Specification and Verification of Web Systems Workshop (WWV'09).  

   the announcement for more details.

   Haskeline 0.6.2. Judah Jacobson [13]announced the release of  
   0.6.2, available [14]here. Improvements over the last version  
   new emacs and vi bindings, a new preference to remove repeated  

   entries, recognition of page-up and page-down keys, and more.

   PEPM'10 - Last CFP (Submission: 6 Oct 09, Notification: 29 Oct 09).
   Janis Voigtlaender [15]announced the Last Call for Papers for  

   see the announcement for more details.

   Videos of HIW 2009. Malcolm Wallace [16]announced videos of all the
   presentations/discussions at the recent Haskell Implementers  

   2009, in Edinburgh, are now [17]online. The program of talks is
   available [18]here.

   Unification in a Commutative Monoid (cmu 1.1) and a new release of
   Abelian group unification and matching (agum 2.2). John D. Ramsdell
   [19]announced cmu 1.1, which provides unification in a commutative
   monoid, also know as ACU-unification. The core computation finds the
   minimal non-zero solutions to homogeneous linear Diophantine  

   The linear equation solver has been place in a separate module so it
   can be used for other applications. He also announced agum 2.2,  

   provides unification and matching in an Abelian group, also know as
   AG-unification and matching.

   graphviz-2999.5.1.0. Ivan Lazar Miljenovic [20]announced a bug-fix
   release of the GraphViz package, no major API changes occurred.

   levmar-0.2, bindings-levmar-0.1.1. Bas van Dijk and Roel van Dijk
   announced [21]new [22]versions of the levmar and bindings-levmar
   packages. New features include automatic calculation of the Jacobian
   via Conal Elliot's automatic differentiation from his vector-space

   CmdArgs - easy command line argument processing. Neil Mitchell
   [23]announced CmdArgs 0.1. CmdArgs is a library for parsing
   command-line arguments. It offers several improvements over GetOpts,
   namely that the Command Line Argument Processors are shorter and
   CmdArgs can support multiple-mode command lines such as those  
found in

   darcs, cabal, hpc, etc.

   OpenGL Sven Panne [24]announced a new version of the OpenGL
   package, this version fixes a bug that didn't make it into the  


   OpenGLRaw Sven Panne [25]announced a new version of the