Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is (==) commutative?

2012-08-02 Thread wren ng thornton

On 7/30/12 9:51 PM, Christian Sternagel wrote:

Thanks Wren, for the explanations (also in your previous mail)!

On 07/30/2012 01:29 PM, wren ng thornton wrote:

On 7/24/12 9:19 PM, Christian Sternagel wrote:

(x == y) = True ==> x = y
(x == y) = False ==> not (x = y)
(x == _|_) = _|_
(_|_ == y) = _|_

Those axioms state that (==) is sound w.r.t. to meta-equality and strict
in both it's arguments.

An immediate problem that arises here is: what exactly does
meta-equality denote in Isabelle/HOLCF? If it is meant to denote
syntactic identity or Leibniz equality a la Coq, then the first axiom is
certainly too strong for any interesting data types (e.g., Rational,
Data.Set, Data.Map, Data.IntSet,...)

Btw: I don't agree that the axioms are too strong for *any* interesting
data types ;). What about Bool, Int, [a], ...? (Again, this depends on
how we interpret "interesting"; in formalizations the threshold for
being interesting is typically lower.)

Urk. Should've been "many" :) I was waffling between a few different 
quantifiers there, and it seems the "m" was an unfortunate casualty of 
that conflict.

Live well,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is (==) commutative?

2012-07-30 Thread Christian Sternagel

Thanks Wren, for the explanations (also in your previous mail)!

On 07/30/2012 01:29 PM, wren ng thornton wrote:

On 7/24/12 9:19 PM, Christian Sternagel wrote:

(x == y) = True ==> x = y
(x == y) = False ==> not (x = y)
(x == _|_) = _|_
(_|_ == y) = _|_

Those axioms state that (==) is sound w.r.t. to meta-equality and strict
in both it's arguments.

An immediate problem that arises here is: what exactly does
meta-equality denote in Isabelle/HOLCF? If it is meant to denote
syntactic identity or Leibniz equality a la Coq, then the first axiom is
certainly too strong for any interesting data types (e.g., Rational,
Data.Set, Data.Map, Data.IntSet,...)
Yes, we also stumbled about this (but I was only discussing it on the 
isabelle mailing list and not here, sorry). The conclusion was that for 
many type classes there are several "interesting" (whatever that means) 
instances. Thus, in the formalization we will use different "formal" 
type classes for different intended use-cases of Haskell type classes 
(e.g., one eq class for syntactic equality and another one that merely 
requires an equivalence relation, ...). That just means that there will 
not be a bijection between the formal class hierarchy and the actual 
class hierarchy of Haskell, but should not pose any further problems (I 

Btw: I don't agree that the axioms are too strong for *any* interesting 
data types ;). What about Bool, Int, [a], ...? (Again, this depends on 
how we interpret "interesting"; in formalizations the threshold for 
being interesting is typically lower.)



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is (==) commutative?

2012-07-29 Thread wren ng thornton

On 7/24/12 9:19 PM, Christian Sternagel wrote:

(x == y) = True ==> x = y
(x == y) = False ==> not (x = y)
(x == _|_) = _|_
(_|_ == y) = _|_

Those axioms state that (==) is sound w.r.t. to meta-equality and strict
in both it's arguments.

An immediate problem that arises here is: what exactly does 
meta-equality denote in Isabelle/HOLCF? If it is meant to denote 
syntactic identity or Leibniz equality a la Coq, then the first axiom is 
certainly too strong for any interesting data types (e.g., Rational, 
Data.Set, Data.Map, Data.IntSet,...)

While Eq is intended to denote an equivalence relation, it is just that; 
it is not an equality relation. This means you should be treating Eq as 
defining a setoid (or partial setoid, for instances like Double/Float). 
That is, you must distinguish between the raw type and the type 
quotiented by its (==). The containers libraries have taken pains to try 
and ensure that the difference cannot be observed within Haskell, but 
not all instances are so doctrinaire.

Live well,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is (==) commutative?

2012-07-29 Thread wren ng thornton

On 7/24/12 9:19 PM, Christian Sternagel wrote:

Dear all,

Thanks for your replies. Just to clarify: I am fully aware that inside
Haskell there is no guarantee that certain (intended) requirements on
type class instances are satisfied. I was asking whether the intention
for Eq is that (==) is commutative, because if it was, I would require
that as an axiom for the equivalent of Eq in our formal setting (I'm
using the proof assistant Isabelle/HOLCF [1]). Afterwards only types for
which one could prove commutativity could be instances of Eq. But if
there where already "standard" instances which violated this
requirement, adding it in the formal setting would prevent it from being
applicable to "standard" Haskell programs.

Indeed, the standard wisdom is that Eq ought to denote an equivalence 

However, the instance for Double and Float is not an equivalence 
relation. This is "necessary" due to Double/Float vaguely matching the 
IEEE-754 spec which requires that NaN /= NaN. If NaN is removed, I think 
Double/Float ought to behave as desired--- though there was a recent 
kerfluffle about the fact that the CPU-internal representation of 
Double/Float has more bits of precision than the in-memory 
representation, so vagaries about when values leave registers to be 
stored in memory will affect whether two values come out to be equal or 
not. Not to mention that Float/Double violate numerous laws of other 
classes; e.g., Ord is not a total ordering because of NaN; Num is not a 
ring because addition and multiplication are not associative (they are 
commutative though);...

Depending on what your goals are, it may be best to avoid the entire 
cesspool of floating point numbers. It would limit the applicability of 
your work, though if analysis of number crunching isn't your goal then 
it's a legitimately pragmatic option.

Another point to bear in mind is that even though Eq is widely 
recognized as denoting an equivalence relation, people sometimes 
willfully subvert this intention. I'm thinking in particular of the fact 
that the Num class has, until recently, required an Eq instance--- which 
in turn precludes some useful/cute Num instances like lifting Num 
operations over (Num b => a -> b), or implementing powerseries as 
infinite lists, etc.

Live well,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is (==) commutative?

2012-07-26 Thread Joachim Breitner
[Re-sent as my first post did not make it through.]

Hi Christian,

Am Mittwoch, den 25.07.2012, 10:19 +0900 schrieb Christian Sternagel:
> Btw: Isabelle/HOLCF unifies all error values and nontermination in a 
> single bottom element _|_. Currently we are using the following axioms 
> for our formal Eq class (where I'm using Haskell syntax although the 
> real sources [2] use Isabelle/HOLCF syntax which is slightly different; 
> (=) is meta-equality).
>(x == y) = True ==> x = y
>(x == y) = False ==> not (x = y)
>(x == _|_) = _|_
>(_|_ == y) = _|_

I am slightly worried about the latter two; after all one might find it
reasonable to specify

instance Eq () where _ == _ = True

or, maybe slightly more sensible

instance Eq Void where _ == _ = True

But I checked and both the instances of (), the instance of Data.Void
(in the void package) and the derived instance for empty data types are

Prelude> data V
Prelude> :set -XStandaloneDeriving
Prelude> deriving instance Eq V
Prelude> (error "1" :: V) == (error "2" :: V)
*** Exception: Void ==


Joachim Breitner

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is (==) commutative?

2012-07-25 Thread Alexander Solla
On 7/25/12, Christian Sternagel  wrote:
> Dear Alexander,
> On 07/26/2012 01:09 PM, Alexander Solla wrote:
>> On 7/25/12, Christian Sternagel  wrote:
>>> On 07/26/2012 11:53 AM, Alexander Solla wrote:
 The classically valid inference:

 (x == y) = _|_ => (y == x) = _|_
>>> Btw: whether this inference is valid or not depends on the semantics of
>>> (==) and that's exactly what I was asking about. In Haskell we just have
>>> type classes, thus (==) is more or less arbitrary (apart from its type).
>> Indeed.  This is true for the interpretation of any function.  But you
>> apparently want to treat (==) as equality.  This may or may not be
>> possible, depending on the interpretation you choose.  Does _|_ ==
>> _|_, or _|_ =/= _|_, or do these questions not even make semantic
>> sense in the object language?  That's what you need to answer, and the
>> solution to your problem will become clear.  Note that picking any of
>> these commits you to a "philosophical" position, insofar as the
>> commitment will induce a metalanguage which excludes expressions from
>> other metalanguages.

> for my specific case (HOLCF) there is already a fixed metalanguage which
> has logical equality (=) and differentiates between type 'bool' (True,
> False) for logical truth and type 'tr' (TT, FF, _|_) for truth-valued
> computable functions (including nontermination/error). Logical equality
> satisfies '_|_ = _|_'. Now in principle (==) is just an arbitrary
> function (for each instance) but I gather that there is some intended
> use for the type class Eq (and I strongly suspect that it is to model
> equality ;), I merely want to find out to what extend it does so).

Yes, in my opinion, its purpose is to model mathematical/logical
equality.  That said, you brought up a very important point which you
need to address.  I'll discuss it more below.

I will be using scare-quotes quite a bit.  I'm not being sarcastic --
please ask if you don't understand what I mean.

> Currently the axioms of the formal eq class include
> (_|_ == y) = _|_
> (x == _|_) = _|_
> (and this decision was just based on how ghci evaluates corresponding
> expressions).
> The equations you use above would be (roughly) written '(_|_ == _|_) =
> TT' and '(_|_ /= _|_) = TT' in HOLCF and neither of them is satisfied,
> since both expressions are logically equivalent to _|_ (in HOLCF). (But
> still both expressions make sense.)

Okay, you have a metalanguage.  And it places limits on what you can
express.  But you can also put limits on what you can express, to
induce a sublanguage of the metalanguage.  I don't know how "natural"
this idea is given your circumstances and goals, but you may want to
consider it.

I promise I'll get to the meat of my email soon.

> During the discussion I revisited the other two axioms I was using for
> eq... and now I am wondering whether those make sense. The other two
> axioms where
> (x == y) = TT ==> x = y
> (x == y) = FF ==> not (x = y)
> The second one should be okay, but the first one is not true in general,
> since it assumes that we would only ever use Eq instances implementing
> syntactic equality (which should be true for deriving?). E.g., for the
> data type
>data Frac = Frac Int Int
> we would have 'not (Frac 1 2 = Frac 2 4)' in HOLCF (since we have
> injectivity of all constructors). But nobody prevents a programmer from
> writing an Eq instance of Frac that compares 'normal forms' of fractions.

Now, /this/ is an example of what I've been trying to get at.  (To be
fair, it's a generalization of what I've been trying to get at)  You
put it in "behavioral" terms -- "nothing stops a programmer", whereas
I've been trying to put it in "interpretive" terms (... is ..., but
... means many things -- you have to pick an interpretation)

A hypothetical programmer can write:

> data Fraction = Fraction Int Int
> data Rational = Rational Int Int

and have different semantics for each.  In particular, we should treat
Fraction 1 2 to be distinct from Fraction 2 4, /as fractions/.  And
Rational 1 2 should be the same as Rational 2 4, /as rational
numbers/.  These "implied" semantics are just as important as the
minimum Haskell demands (in my opinion).  The minimum Haskell demands
is not (and cannot) be rich enough to distinguish between

"Obviously", Fraction and Rational are intimately related (the
rationals "should" be a ring of fractions in "normal form").  And
functions between Fraction and Rational "should" preserve the
"correct" relationships.  But, what are these?  We can come up with
theorems, but some things are nothing but the
programmer/mathematician's choice.

In other words, by choosing a semantic where (Rational 1 2) ==
(Rational 2 4), a programmer/mathematician has *generated* a
sublanguage of Haskell by imposing his *intended* semantics.  This is
an example of "intensions" versus "extensions" in logic.

So, your task is... difficult.  From my point of view, 

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is (==) commutative?

2012-07-25 Thread Christian Sternagel

Dear Alexander,

On 07/26/2012 01:09 PM, Alexander Solla wrote:

On 7/25/12, Christian Sternagel  wrote:

On 07/26/2012 11:53 AM, Alexander Solla wrote:

The classically valid inference:

(x == y) = _|_ => (y == x) = _|_

Btw: whether this inference is valid or not depends on the semantics of
(==) and that's exactly what I was asking about. In Haskell we just have
type classes, thus (==) is more or less arbitrary (apart from its type).

Indeed.  This is true for the interpretation of any function.  But you
apparently want to treat (==) as equality.  This may or may not be
possible, depending on the interpretation you choose.  Does _|_ ==
_|_, or _|_ =/= _|_, or do these questions not even make semantic
sense in the object language?  That's what you need to answer, and the
solution to your problem will become clear.  Note that picking any of
these commits you to a "philosophical" position, insofar as the
commitment will induce a metalanguage which excludes expressions from
other metalanguages.
for my specific case (HOLCF) there is already a fixed metalanguage which 
has logical equality (=) and differentiates between type 'bool' (True, 
False) for logical truth and type 'tr' (TT, FF, _|_) for truth-valued 
computable functions (including nontermination/error). Logical equality 
satisfies '_|_ = _|_'. Now in principle (==) is just an arbitrary 
function (for each instance) but I gather that there is some intended 
use for the type class Eq (and I strongly suspect that it is to model 
equality ;), I merely want to find out to what extend it does so).

Currently the axioms of the formal eq class include

(_|_ == y) = _|_
(x == _|_) = _|_

(and this decision was just based on how ghci evaluates corresponding 

The equations you use above would be (roughly) written '(_|_ == _|_) = 
TT' and '(_|_ /= _|_) = TT' in HOLCF and neither of them is satisfied, 
since both expressions are logically equivalent to _|_ (in HOLCF). (But 
still both expressions make sense.)

During the discussion I revisited the other two axioms I was using for 
eq... and now I am wondering whether those make sense. The other two 
axioms where

(x == y) = TT ==> x = y
(x == y) = FF ==> not (x = y)

The second one should be okay, but the first one is not true in general, 
since it assumes that we would only ever use Eq instances implementing 
syntactic equality (which should be true for deriving?). E.g., for the 
data type

  data Frac = Frac Int Int

we would have 'not (Frac 1 2 = Frac 2 4)' in HOLCF (since we have 
injectivity of all constructors). But nobody prevents a programmer from 
writing an Eq instance of Frac that compares 'normal forms' of fractions.



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is (==) commutative?

2012-07-25 Thread Alexander Solla
On 7/25/12, Christian Sternagel  wrote:
> On 07/26/2012 11:53 AM, Alexander Solla wrote:
>> The classically valid inference:
>> (x == y) = _|_ => (y == x) = _|_
> Btw: whether this inference is valid or not depends on the semantics of
> (==) and that's exactly what I was asking about. In Haskell we just have
> type classes, thus (==) is more or less arbitrary (apart from its type).

Indeed.  This is true for the interpretation of any function.  But you
apparently want to treat (==) as equality.  This may or may not be
possible, depending on the interpretation you choose.  Does _|_ ==
_|_, or _|_ =/= _|_, or do these questions not even make semantic
sense in the object language?  That's what you need to answer, and the
solution to your problem will become clear.  Note that picking any of
these commits you to a "philosophical" position, insofar as the
commitment will induce a metalanguage which excludes expressions from
other metalanguages.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is (==) commutative?

2012-07-25 Thread Christian Sternagel

On 07/26/2012 11:53 AM, Alexander Solla wrote:

The classically valid inference:

(x == y) = _|_ => (y == x) = _|_
Btw: whether this inference is valid or not depends on the semantics of 
(==) and that's exactly what I was asking about. In Haskell we just have 
type classes, thus (==) is more or less arbitrary (apart from its type). 
But usually there are certain intentions and in HOLCF we can make those 
intentions formal by using axiomatic type classes (i.e., type classes 
together with axioms that have to be satisfied by all instances; and 
when establishing an instance we have to formally prove that all the 
axioms are indeed satisfied).



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is (==) commutative?

2012-07-25 Thread Christian Sternagel

Sorry, I forgot to reply to the list.

On 07/26/2012 11:53 AM, Alexander Solla wrote:

(consider, e.g., 'head undefined' vs. 'head [undefined]')

This was a typo, I meant 'tail undefined' vs. 'tail [undefined]'.

I'm not arguing one way or the other (I know what I do, unless there's
a need to do the other).  What I'm saying is there are lots of ways to
interpret a language, and we can choose between them.  If you want to
analyze Haskell, you will have to choose an interpretation for it.
Haskell, as a logic, is paraconsistent (i.e., it's unsound.  So your
theory for Haskell either needs to keep contradiction in the object
language (the "partial" case where we do not identify bottoms) or take
it out of the object language and put it into the analytical
The intention is not to use Haskell as a logic, but to use an existing 
logic (HOLCF, reference in an earlier mail; thus the interpretation is 
already fixed to a high degree) to formally verify Haskell programs. In 
order to do that the program to be verified has to be "rewritten" inside 
the logic and everything that is proved about this "formal variant" of 
the program should be transferable to the real program (assuming that 
"Haskell's semantics" was captured correctly).

Another problem is if the formalization is too strict, i.e., requires 
properties from functions that are not satisfied in practice and that's 
where my original question about commutativity of (==) came from. If 
there are "reasonable" Haskell programs for which (==) is 
non-commutative, we should not require it, since we could not formalize 
those programs then.



The classically valid inference:

(x == y) = _|_ => (y == x) = _|_

On 7/25/12, Christian Sternagel  wrote:

Dear Alexander,

Let me clarify again: by "we identify all bottoms" I mean that any error
and also nontermination is identified with _|_ . However, I did not mean
that [_|_] is identified with _|_ (since the point of a formal treatment
is exactly to correctly consider the lazy semantics of Haskell). In
Haskell there definitely is a difference between 'undefined' and
'[undefined]' (consider, e.g., 'head undefined' vs. 'head [undefined]')
so this must be taken in to account in a rigorous treatment.

Btw: I didn't get which inference you meant when you where saying it is
"classically valid".



On 07/26/2012 11:13 AM, Alexander Solla wrote:

Depending on the context, it may or may not be wise to distinguish
between undefined and [undefined].  This is a matter of strictness,
laziness, and totality.  If you identify all bottoms as one, you
essentially restrict yourself to (what might as well be, for the
purposes of this discussion) a strict subset of the Haskell language.

If you distinguish between values that "contain" bottom and "are"
bottom, then you need to deal with the semantics of laziness.

Like I said, it is classically valid, so choosing these semantics
means that it will be safe.  But the undecidability of comparing
distinct bottoms means that you have to make a choice.

On 7/24/12, Christian Sternagel  wrote:

It's a classically valid inference, so you're "safe" in that respect,
and it is true that evaluating x == y requires traversing x and y, so
that if x or y "are" bottom, (x == y) and (y == x) will both be bottom.

Well, (x == y) could result in bottom, even if neither x nor y are
bottom, e.g., [undefined] == [undefined]. -cheers chris

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is (==) commutative?

2012-07-25 Thread Christian Sternagel

Dear Alexander,

Let me clarify again: by "we identify all bottoms" I mean that any error 
and also nontermination is identified with _|_ . However, I did not mean 
that [_|_] is identified with _|_ (since the point of a formal treatment 
is exactly to correctly consider the lazy semantics of Haskell). In 
Haskell there definitely is a difference between 'undefined' and 
'[undefined]' (consider, e.g., 'head undefined' vs. 'head [undefined]') 
so this must be taken in to account in a rigorous treatment.

Btw: I didn't get which inference you meant when you where saying it is 
"classically valid".



On 07/26/2012 11:13 AM, Alexander Solla wrote:

Depending on the context, it may or may not be wise to distinguish
between undefined and [undefined].  This is a matter of strictness,
laziness, and totality.  If you identify all bottoms as one, you
essentially restrict yourself to (what might as well be, for the
purposes of this discussion) a strict subset of the Haskell language.

If you distinguish between values that "contain" bottom and "are"
bottom, then you need to deal with the semantics of laziness.

Like I said, it is classically valid, so choosing these semantics
means that it will be safe.  But the undecidability of comparing
distinct bottoms means that you have to make a choice.

On 7/24/12, Christian Sternagel  wrote:

It's a classically valid inference, so you're "safe" in that respect,
and it is true that evaluating x == y requires traversing x and y, so
that if x or y "are" bottom, (x == y) and (y == x) will both be bottom.

Well, (x == y) could result in bottom, even if neither x nor y are
bottom, e.g., [undefined] == [undefined]. -cheers chris

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is (==) commutative?

2012-07-25 Thread Alexander Solla
Depending on the context, it may or may not be wise to distinguish
between undefined and [undefined].  This is a matter of strictness,
laziness, and totality.  If you identify all bottoms as one, you
essentially restrict yourself to (what might as well be, for the
purposes of this discussion) a strict subset of the Haskell language.

If you distinguish between values that "contain" bottom and "are"
bottom, then you need to deal with the semantics of laziness.

Like I said, it is classically valid, so choosing these semantics
means that it will be safe.  But the undecidability of comparing
distinct bottoms means that you have to make a choice.

On 7/24/12, Christian Sternagel  wrote:
>> It's a classically valid inference, so you're "safe" in that respect,
>> and it is true that evaluating x == y requires traversing x and y, so
>> that if x or y "are" bottom, (x == y) and (y == x) will both be bottom.
> Well, (x == y) could result in bottom, even if neither x nor y are
> bottom, e.g., [undefined] == [undefined]. -cheers chris

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is (==) commutative?

2012-07-24 Thread Christian Sternagel

It's a classically valid inference, so you're "safe" in that respect,
and it is true that evaluating x == y requires traversing x and y, so
that if x or y "are" bottom, (x == y) and (y == x) will both be bottom.
Well, (x == y) could result in bottom, even if neither x nor y are 
bottom, e.g., [undefined] == [undefined]. -cheers chris

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is (==) commutative?

2012-07-24 Thread Christian Sternagel

Dear all,

Thanks for your replies. Just to clarify: I am fully aware that inside 
Haskell there is no guarantee that certain (intended) requirements on 
type class instances are satisfied. I was asking whether the intention 
for Eq is that (==) is commutative, because if it was, I would require 
that as an axiom for the equivalent of Eq in our formal setting (I'm 
using the proof assistant Isabelle/HOLCF [1]). Afterwards only types for 
which one could prove commutativity could be instances of Eq. But if 
there where already "standard" instances which violated this 
requirement, adding it in the formal setting would prevent it from being 
applicable to "standard" Haskell programs.

Btw: Isabelle/HOLCF unifies all error values and nontermination in a 
single bottom element _|_. Currently we are using the following axioms 
for our formal Eq class (where I'm using Haskell syntax although the 
real sources [2] use Isabelle/HOLCF syntax which is slightly different; 
(=) is meta-equality).

  (x == y) = True ==> x = y
  (x == y) = False ==> not (x = y)
  (x == _|_) = _|_
  (_|_ == y) = _|_

Those axioms state that (==) is sound w.r.t. to meta-equality and strict 
in both it's arguments. The question is whether we should also add.

  (x == y) = _|_ ==> (y == x) = _|_

Which would directly imply

  (x == y) = (y == x)



[1] (and


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is (==) commutative?

2012-07-24 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

On 24/07/12 14:44, wrote:

There's always this, for ALL types a :(  So even where you would think that the
documentation can claim that a given Eq instance follows the law of
commutativity, it really cannot.

Once you invoke unsafePerformIO, you can break the type system, and probably 
execute random assembly code and write to any memory location. So, at this point 
all bets for the rest of the program are of. It is up to the programmer to 
verify that all the necessary invariants still hold when you do unsafe stuff.

In other words, the issue here is not with a particular Eq instance, it is with 

Essentially `unsafePerformIO (x :: IO Int)` is not really an Int, but rather a 
value that behaves like one in most but not all cases.

Also, let a = unsafePerformIO x in (a,a) is *not* the same thing as 
(unsafePerformIO x,unsafePerformIO x). For your entertainment:

λ> do m <- newEmptyMVar ;putMVar m 1 ; let {a =(unsafePerformIO (do v <- 
takeMVar m; putMVar m 2; return v)); b = (unsafePerformIO (do v <- takeMVar m; 
putMVar m 1 ; return v))} ; print (a == b); print (b == a)



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is (==) commutative?

2012-07-24 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

On 24/07/12 14:39, Jonas Almström Duregård wrote:


I suppose you need to define what commutativity means in the presence
of undefined values. For instance if error "0" is different from error
"1" then you do not have commutativity. Also nontermination needs to
be considered, for instance "(fix $ \x->x) == undefined" typically
fails to terminate but "undefined == (fix $ \x->x)" typically yields
an error.


In the usual Haskell semantics, all bottoms are considered to be the same. In 
other words, there is only one. You could implement this by setting undefined to 
nontermination, and error _ = undefined. In fact, the Haskell report does 
exactly this. Any error messages you get are only visible in IO land, where 
anything can happen anyway.

So  _|_ == x  = _|_  holds for (almost) all types, except perhaps for (). Though 
in practice also  undefined == () = undefined.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is (==) commutative?

2012-07-24 Thread timothyhobbs

There's always this, for ALL types a :(  So even where you would think that
the documentation can claim that a given Eq instance follows the law of
commutativity, it really cannot.

Prelude Control.Concurrent System.IO.Unsafe> do m <- newEmptyMVar ;putMVar m
1 ; print $ (unsafePerformIO (do v <- takeMVar m; putMVar m 2; return v)) ==
(unsafePerformIO (do v <- takeMVar m; putMVar m 1 ; return v)) ; print $ 
(unsafePerformIO (do v <- takeMVar m; putMVar m 1; return v)) ==
(unsafePerformIO (do v <- takeMVar m; putMVar m 2 ; return v))

-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Jonas Almström Duregård 
Datum: 24. 7. 2012
Předmět: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is (==) commutative?

I suppose you need to define what commutativity means in the presence
of undefined values. For instance if error "0" is different from error
"1" then you do not have commutativity. Also nontermination needs to
be considered, for instance "(fix $ \x->x) == undefined" typically
fails to terminate but "undefined == (fix $ \x->x)" typically yields
an error.


On 24 July 2012 10:10, Christian Sternagel  wrote:
> Dear all,
> with respect to formal verification of Haskell code I was wondering
> (==) of the Eq class is intended to be commutative (for many classes such
> requirements are informally stated in their description, since Eq does not
> have such a statement, I'm asking here). Or are there any known cases
> commutativity of (==) is violated (due to strictness issues)?
> cheers
> chris
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is (==) commutative?

2012-07-24 Thread Jonas Almström Duregård

I suppose you need to define what commutativity means in the presence
of undefined values. For instance if error "0" is different from error
"1" then you do not have commutativity. Also nontermination needs to
be considered, for instance "(fix $ \x->x) == undefined" typically
fails to terminate but "undefined == (fix $ \x->x)" typically yields
an error.


On 24 July 2012 10:10, Christian Sternagel  wrote:
> Dear all,
> with respect to formal verification of Haskell code I was wondering whether
> (==) of the Eq class is intended to be commutative (for many classes such
> requirements are informally stated in their description, since Eq does not
> have such a statement, I'm asking here). Or are there any known cases where
> commutativity of (==) is violated (due to strictness issues)?
> cheers
> chris
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is (==) commutative?

2012-07-24 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

On 24/07/12 13:32, Frank Recker wrote:

I agree, that (==) should be symmetric. However, it is easy to write
Eq-instance, which violates this law:

It is impossible to specify laws such as symmetry in Haskell, which is why they 
are usually stated in the documentation. However, this style of documentation is 
a relatively recent trend (last 5 years or so). I suspect that is why the 
documentation for the Eq class does not specify the laws for an equivalence 

So in your formal
verification, the symmetric property of every Eq-instance has to be an

An alternative for equational reasoning is to not use Eq, but just directly use 
syntactic equality. I.e. write (=) instead of (==).

> I frankly don't know, whether the Haskell specification says
> anything about this.

I checked, and it doesn't say anything about laws for Eq instances. The closest 
it comes is with the remark that "The Ord class is used for totally ordered 
datatypes", but there is no requirement that Ord and Eq be coherent, or even 
that (==) and (/=) are coherent.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is (==) commutative?

2012-07-24 Thread Tristan Seligmann
Forgot to copy the list. Sorry for the duplicates :(
On Jul 24, 2012 1:35 PM, "Tristan Seligmann" 

> On Jul 24, 2012 12:32 PM, "Twan van Laarhoven"  wrote:
> >
> > On 2012-07-24 10:10, Christian Sternagel wrote:
> >>
> >> Dear all,
> >>
> >> with respect to formal verification of Haskell code I was wondering
> whether (==)
> >> of the Eq class is intended to be commutative (for many classes such
> >> requirements are informally stated in their description, since Eq does
> not have
> >> such a statement, I'm asking here). Or are there any known cases where
> >> commutativity of (==) is violated (due to strictness issues)?
> >
> >
> > Strictness plays no role for Eq, since to test for equality both sides
> will have to be fully evaluated.
> I don't think this is necessarily true.  For example:
> (==)  :: (Eq a)  => Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Bool
> Nothing == Nothing = True
> Nothing == Just _ = False
> Just _ == Nothing = False
> Just x == Just y = x == y
> This particular example is still commutative, however (at least I think it
> is).
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is (==) commutative?

2012-07-24 Thread Frank Recker
On Tue, July 24, 2012 12:30, Twan van Laarhoven wrote:
> On 2012-07-24 10:10, Christian Sternagel wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> with respect to formal verification of Haskell code I was wondering
>> whether (==)
>> of the Eq class is intended to be commutative (for many classes such
>> requirements are informally stated in their description, since Eq does
>> not have
>> such a statement, I'm asking here). Or are there any known cases where
>> commutativity of (==) is violated (due to strictness issues)?
> Strictness plays no role for Eq, since to test for equality both sides
> will have
> to be fully evaluated. I think (==) is supposed to be equivalence
> relation,
> which is symmetric (i.e. commutative); as well as reflexive and
> transitive.
> There are some cases of (==) not being reflexive, Floats being the most
> notable
> one, but many people consider that to be a bug. I can't think of any
> instances
> that violate symmetry.

I agree, that (==) should be symmetric. However, it is easy to write
Eq-instance, which violates this law:

-- begin code
data Foo = Foo Int
 deriving Show

instance (Eq Foo) where
  (==) (Foo x) (Foo y)
 | x==0 = False
 | x==1 = True
 | otherwise = False

value_1 = Foo 0
value_2 = Foo 1

compare_1 = value_1 == value_2
compare_2 = value_2 == value_1
-- end code

compare_1 is False whereas compare_2 is True. So in your formal
verification, the symmetric property of every Eq-instance has to be an
axiom. I frankly don't know, whether the Haskell specification says
anything about this.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is (==) commutative?

2012-07-24 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

On 2012-07-24 10:10, Christian Sternagel wrote:

Dear all,

with respect to formal verification of Haskell code I was wondering whether (==)
of the Eq class is intended to be commutative (for many classes such
requirements are informally stated in their description, since Eq does not have
such a statement, I'm asking here). Or are there any known cases where
commutativity of (==) is violated (due to strictness issues)?

Strictness plays no role for Eq, since to test for equality both sides will have 
to be fully evaluated. I think (==) is supposed to be equivalence relation, 
which is symmetric (i.e. commutative); as well as reflexive and transitive.

There are some cases of (==) not being reflexive, Floats being the most notable 
one, but many people consider that to be a bug. I can't think of any instances 
that violate symmetry.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Is (==) commutative?

2012-07-24 Thread Christian Sternagel

Dear all,

with respect to formal verification of Haskell code I was wondering 
whether (==) of the Eq class is intended to be commutative (for many 
classes such requirements are informally stated in their description, 
since Eq does not have such a statement, I'm asking here). Or are there 
any known cases where commutativity of (==) is violated (due to 
strictness issues)?



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