Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monad.Reader 8: Haskell, the new C++

2007-09-14 Thread Bill Wood
On Fri, 2007-09-14 at 21:55 +0200, Peter Verswyvelen wrote:
> I'm not sure, I don't know LISP in detail, but as far as I know, LISP
> is a fully dynamic language. 
> I actually meant a static language where you build your own strong
> types using the language itself. On the micro level, the language only
> knows abouts bits and bytes without semantics, just like assembler, no
> types at all. But the language allows you to build whatever "type" or
> "semantics" you want from scratch, by providing a keyword that forces
> certain part of the program to be evaluated at compile time. A bit
> like macros, but written in the same language. Although not exactly
> the same, the Digital Mars D language has a "static if (p) { q }"
> statement, where p must evaluate to a constant expression at compile
> time, otherwise the compiler gives an error/warning (I'm not sure,
> haven't tried it yet). You can do that in C++ (using templates) and
> Haskell (using types) but these are actually mini-sub-languages.
> Probably giving control to the programmer of how type-checking should
> be coded bypasses the advantages of strong typing, so this is most
> likely a dumb idea...

You might find Forth interesting/entertaining.  After implementing
versions of Dijkstra's guarded if and do constructs using the same
mechanisms that were used to implement the "native" control structures I
decided that Forth was the closest thing to a genuine extensible
language that I had ever worked with.

 -- Bill Wood

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monad.Reader 8: Haskell, the new C++

2007-09-14 Thread Peter Verswyvelen
I'm not sure, I don't know LISP in detail, but as far as I know, LISP is 
a fully dynamic language.

I actually meant a static language where you build your own strong types 
using the language itself. On the micro level, the language only knows 
abouts bits and bytes without semantics, just like assembler, no types 
at all. But the language allows you to build whatever "type" or 
"semantics" you want from scratch, by providing a keyword that forces 
certain part of the program to be evaluated at compile time. A bit like 
macros, but written in the same language. Although not exactly the same, 
the Digital Mars D language has a "static if (p) { q }" statement, where 
p must evaluate to a constant expression at compile time, otherwise the 
compiler gives an error/warning (I'm not sure, haven't tried it yet). 
You can do that in C++ (using templates) and Haskell (using types) but 
these are actually mini-sub-languages. Probably giving control to the 
programmer of how type-checking should be coded bypasses the advantages 
of strong typing, so this is most likely a dumb idea...

Anyway, I should not mention these ideas, I'm just a programmer, not a 
computer scientist ;-)


Adrian Neumann wrote:

Hash: RIPEMD160

I heard only rumors, but isn't Lisp supposed to be just that? A
programmable programming language?

Peter Verswyvelen schrieb:

This is all very cool stuff, but sometimes I wander if it isn't possible
to drop the special languages for fiddling with types, and introduce
just a single language which has no types, only raw data from which you
can built your own "types" (as in the old days when we used macro
assemblers ;-), but the language has two special keywords: static and
dynamic, where code annotated with static runs in the "compiler domain",
and code annotated with dynamic runs in "application domain". Of course,
I don't know much about this, so this idea might be totally insane ;-)
Probably this is impossible because of the halting problem or something...


Don Stewart wrote:

Better here means "better" -- a functional language on the type 

to type a functional language on the value level.

-- Don
For a taste, see Instant Insanity transliterated in this functional 

NB: it took me 5 minutes, and that was my first piece of coding ever 
with Type families

Wow. Great work!
The new age of type hackery has dawned.

-- Don
Haskell-Cafe mailing list


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

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Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

Haskell-Cafe mailing list


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monad.Reader 8: Haskell, the new C++

2007-09-13 Thread Adrian Neumann
Hash: RIPEMD160

I heard only rumors, but isn't Lisp supposed to be just that? A
programmable programming language?

Peter Verswyvelen schrieb:
> This is all very cool stuff, but sometimes I wander if it isn't possible
> to drop the special languages for fiddling with types, and introduce
> just a single language which has no types, only raw data from which you
> can built your own "types" (as in the old days when we used macro
> assemblers ;-), but the language has two special keywords: static and
> dynamic, where code annotated with static runs in the "compiler domain",
> and code annotated with dynamic runs in "application domain". Of course,
> I don't know much about this, so this idea might be totally insane ;-)
> Probably this is impossible because of the halting problem or something...
> Pete
> Don Stewart wrote:
 Better here means "better" -- a functional language on the type 
 to type a functional language on the value level.

 -- Don
>>> For a taste, see Instant Insanity transliterated in this functional 
>>> language:
>>> NB: it took me 5 minutes, and that was my first piece of coding ever 
>>> with Type families
>> Wow. Great work!
>> The new age of type hackery has dawned.
>> -- Don
>> ___
>> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monad.Reader 8: Haskell, the new C++

2007-09-13 Thread Claus Reinke

PS: And, no, you won't be able to set breakpoints in type-level

but will i be able to lift type-level programs to the kind level?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monad.Reader 8: Haskell, the new C++

2007-09-13 Thread Thomas Conway
On 9/14/07, Thomas Schilling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The type system doesn't help you avoid writing non-terminating programs,
> so i see no problem with it being possible giving programmers the power
> to express and check more complex properties of their programs -- as
> long as type-checking remains sound.  From a practical standpoint,
> non-terminating type checks are just as much a bug as non-terminating
> library functions.  Type systems need more thought anyways, so why not
> make sure it's terminating, too?  The other extreme is to use dependent
> types everywhere, but this has a bit more drastic consequences to the
> accessibility and practicality of the language.

While I love all the exceedingly cool type hackery, I also like the
compiler to terminate.

Some people in this forum may be old enough to remember Turbo Prolog.
It did mode inference (i.e. data-flow analysis) on programs, but
unfortunately it didn't always terminate. So what you got was a hung
compiler, leaving you to guess what it was about your [quite possibly
correct] program that caused the analysis to loop.

With C++ templates, the problem is addressed by having a limit to the
depth of the "call stack" for template evaluation. I recall with Forte
5, there was no flag to let you increase  the depth, so at one point
we had to do something like

if (0) {
  // Horrible nasty expression to force the evaluation of some of the
 // the lower parts of the template stack

This works because (at least in Forte 5, and probably most
implementations) template instantiations are hash-consed.

I would *much* rather have a simpler type system, than a compiler
which might not terminate.

Thomas Conway

Silence is the perfectest herald of joy:
I were but little happy, if I could say how much.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monad.Reader 8: Haskell, the new C++

2007-09-13 Thread Stefan O'Rear
On Fri, Sep 14, 2007 at 11:05:34AM +1000, Manuel M T Chakravarty wrote:
> Just to complete transferring the discussion from the ephemeral hpaste to 
> the mailing list.  My response to the lack of being able to display 
> normalised types was that GHC actually goes to considerable trouble to 
> preserve the original (non-normalised types) for error messages and other 
> output, as this usually makes these messages easier to understand (eg, you 
> usually rather like String than [Char] in an error message).

That's what they always say, but IME GHC's unpredictable mixing of
expanded and unexpanded form is more confusing than a straight
macro-expansion would be.  What are the motivating examples (ideally I'd
like a mailing list thread or paper citation)?


Description: Digital signature
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monad.Reader 8: Haskell, the new C++

2007-09-13 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Derek Elkins wrote,

On Thu, 2007-09-13 at 11:12 -0700, Don Stewart wrote:
Better here means "better" -- a functional language on the type  

to type a functional language on the value level.

-- Don
For a taste, see Instant Insanity transliterated in this functional  

NB: it took me 5 minutes, and that was my first piece of coding ever  
with Type families
Wow. Great work! 

The new age of type hackery has dawned.

Is the type level functional language non-strict? (Is there a flag that
will allow non-terminating associated type programs?)

The associated type theory is only concerned with terminating (aka 
strongly normalising) sets of type instances.  For a strongly 
normalising calculus, it does not matter whether you use eager or 
non-strict evaluation.

However, there is of course a flag to diable the check for 
termination and to give up on decidable type checking.[1]  It's the 
same flag as for type classes: -fallow-undecidable-instances
(Equations of type families, or type-level functions, are introduced 
with the keywords "type instance", so the option name still makes 

FWIW, the evaluation strategy in this case is right now fairly 
eager, but it is a little hard to characterise.  If the application 
of a type family needs to be normalised to proceed with unification, eg,

  [a] ~ F (G Int)

then F (G Int) will be eagerly evaluated (ie, first G Int, and then 
(F ).  However, type-level data constructors (ie, 
type constructors are non-strict); eg,

  [a] ~ [F Int]

will result in the substitution [F Int/a].  And you can use cyclic 

  a ~ F a

However, they must have a finite solution, as we still only admit 
finite types; eg, the following definition of F would be fine:

  type family F a
  type instance F a = Int


  type family F a
  type instance F a = [a]

will give you one of these "cannot construct infinite type: a ~ [a]" 
messages.  This makes it a bit like Id/pH's lenient evaluation.


[1] This is GHC after all, it tries to gently nudge you in the right
direction, but if you insist, it happily let's you drill
arbitrarily large holes in your foot.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monad.Reader 8: Haskell, the new C++

2007-09-13 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Pepe Iborra wrote,
For a taste, see Instant Insanity transliterated in this functional 

I thought I'd better paste here the code for Instant Insanity with Type 
Families. Otherwise it will vanish in a short time.

I took the opportunity to clean it up a bit.


Although AT are not a supported feature, the code works in a 6.8.1 
But note that you cannot actually see the solution, as there is no way 
to ask

GHCi to display the normalized types.

Just to complete transferring the discussion from the ephemeral 
hpaste to the mailing list.  My response to the lack of being able 
to display normalised types was that GHC actually goes to 
considerable trouble to preserve the original (non-normalised types) 
for error messages and other output, as this usually makes these 
messages easier to understand (eg, you usually rather like String 
than [Char] in an error message).

However, to debug your type-level programs (or to abuse the type 
checker as an evaluator) this is clearly inconvenient.  So, the plan 
is to add a ghci command that given a type will print its normal 
form.  On hpaste, Pepe also suggested a flag to instruct the 
compiler to generally print normalised instead of unnormalised 
types.  However, I think a form of eval for types on the command 
line is the most direct way of experimenting with type families and 
debugging type-level programs.


PS: And, no, you won't be able to set breakpoints in type-level
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monad.Reader 8: Haskell, the new C++

2007-09-13 Thread Thomas Schilling
On Fri, 2007-09-14 at 10:42 +1200, ok wrote:
> I wrote:
> >> Since not all Turing machines halt, and since the halting problem is
> >> undecidable, this means not only that some Haskell programs will make
> >> the type checker loop forever, but that there is no possible meta-
> >> checker that could warn us when that would happen.
> On 13 Sep 2007, at 4:27 pm, Stefan Holdermans wrote:
> > Do not forget that both functional dependencies and associated  
> > types come with syntactic restrictions that are there just to  
> > "tame" the Turing completeness, i.e., to guarantee that type  
> > checking will actually terminate.
> I don't know anything about associated types, so can't comment on those.
> But on the subject of functional dependencies, you and the author of the
> article in Monad.Reader 8 *cannot* both be right, because the whole
> point of that article is to explain how to program in the type system,
> using, amongst other things, conditionals and recursion, in such a way
> that a Turing machine can surely be simulated.  If there is some
> restriction to guarantee termination, then those techniques can't work.
> >
> > Admittedly, it's my experience that whenever one wants to do  
> > something interesting (and here I mean "interesting" in a way that  
> > you would probably label as "rather twisted" ;-)), one has to  
> > bypass these restrictions (and, hence, allow for potentially  
> > undecidable instances).
> Ah, now we have it.  To quote Conrad Parker:
>  This tutorial uses the Haskell98 type system extended with
>  multi-parameter typeclasses and undecidable instances.
>  We need to enable some GHC extensions to play with this type- 
> hackery:
>  $ ghci -fglasgow-exts -fallow-undecidable-instances
> That is the combination I'm talking about.
> > Now, I haven't really worked with associated types (or, for that  
> > matter, associated type synonyms), but my hope is that, when using  
> > those, turning off the checks is needed less often. We'll see.
> If you hope that, then we probably agree more than you might think.
> My point is that the combination exists and is being explained so that
> people can use it, and that the result is comparable in C++.  (Imagine
> Dame Edna Everage saying "I mean that in a loving way, possums.")

The type system doesn't help you avoid writing non-terminating programs,
so i see no problem with it being possible giving programmers the power
to express and check more complex properties of their programs -- as
long as type-checking remains sound.  From a practical standpoint,
non-terminating type checks are just as much a bug as non-terminating
library functions.  Type systems need more thought anyways, so why not
make sure it's terminating, too?  The other extreme is to use dependent
types everywhere, but this has a bit more drastic consequences to the
accessibility and practicality of the language.

I don't think this will become a mainstream tool any time soon, but it
may turn out to be very valuable to library authors.  We also shouldn't
forget that this is a brand-new feature and requires proper evaluation;
how better could this be achieved than by having it included as an
optional feature in a mature and well-used compiler?  I am glad that
Haskellers try to integrate theory and practice that nicely.

/ Thomas

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monad.Reader 8: Haskell, the new C++

2007-09-13 Thread ok

I wrote:

Since not all Turing machines halt, and since the halting problem is
undecidable, this means not only that some Haskell programs will make
the type checker loop forever, but that there is no possible meta-
checker that could warn us when that would happen.

On 13 Sep 2007, at 4:27 pm, Stefan Holdermans wrote:
Do not forget that both functional dependencies and associated  
types come with syntactic restrictions that are there just to  
"tame" the Turing completeness, i.e., to guarantee that type  
checking will actually terminate.

I don't know anything about associated types, so can't comment on those.
But on the subject of functional dependencies, you and the author of the
article in Monad.Reader 8 *cannot* both be right, because the whole
point of that article is to explain how to program in the type system,
using, amongst other things, conditionals and recursion, in such a way
that a Turing machine can surely be simulated.  If there is some
restriction to guarantee termination, then those techniques can't work.

Admittedly, it's my experience that whenever one wants to do  
something interesting (and here I mean "interesting" in a way that  
you would probably label as "rather twisted" ;-)), one has to  
bypass these restrictions (and, hence, allow for potentially  
undecidable instances).

Ah, now we have it.  To quote Conrad Parker:
This tutorial uses the Haskell98 type system extended with
multi-parameter typeclasses and undecidable instances.
We need to enable some GHC extensions to play with this type- 

$ ghci -fglasgow-exts -fallow-undecidable-instances

That is the combination I'm talking about.

Now, I haven't really worked with associated types (or, for that  
matter, associated type synonyms), but my hope is that, when using  
those, turning off the checks is needed less often. We'll see.

If you hope that, then we probably agree more than you might think.
My point is that the combination exists and is being explained so that
people can use it, and that the result is comparable in C++.  (Imagine
Dame Edna Everage saying "I mean that in a loving way, possums.")

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monad.Reader 8: Haskell, the new C++

2007-09-13 Thread Derek Elkins
On Thu, 2007-09-13 at 11:12 -0700, Don Stewart wrote:
> > >Better here means "better" -- a functional language on the type  
> > >system,
> > >to type a functional language on the value level.
> > >
> > >-- Don
> > 
> > For a taste, see Instant Insanity transliterated in this functional  
> > language:
> > 
> >
> > 
> > NB: it took me 5 minutes, and that was my first piece of coding ever  
> > with Type families
> Wow. Great work! 
> The new age of type hackery has dawned.

Is the type level functional language non-strict? (Is there a flag that
will allow non-terminating associated type programs?)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monad.Reader 8: Haskell, the new C++

2007-09-13 Thread Peter Verswyvelen
This is all very cool stuff, but sometimes I wander if it isn't possible 
to drop the special languages for fiddling with types, and introduce 
just a single language which has no types, only raw data from which you 
can built your own "types" (as in the old days when we used macro 
assemblers ;-), but the language has two special keywords: static and 
dynamic, where code annotated with static runs in the "compiler domain", 
and code annotated with dynamic runs in "application domain". Of course, 
I don't know much about this, so this idea might be totally insane ;-) 
Probably this is impossible because of the halting problem or something...


Don Stewart wrote:
Better here means "better" -- a functional language on the type  

to type a functional language on the value level.

-- Don
For a taste, see Instant Insanity transliterated in this functional  

NB: it took me 5 minutes, and that was my first piece of coding ever  
with Type families

Wow. Great work! 

The new age of type hackery has dawned.

-- Don
Haskell-Cafe mailing list


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monad.Reader 8: Haskell, the new C++

2007-09-13 Thread Don Stewart
> >Better here means "better" -- a functional language on the type  
> >system,
> >to type a functional language on the value level.
> >
> >-- Don
> For a taste, see Instant Insanity transliterated in this functional  
> language:
> NB: it took me 5 minutes, and that was my first piece of coding ever  
> with Type families

Wow. Great work! 

The new age of type hackery has dawned.

-- Don
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monad.Reader 8: Haskell, the new C++

2007-09-13 Thread Pepe Iborra
For a taste, see Instant Insanity transliterated in this functional  

I thought I'd better paste here the code for Instant Insanity with  
Type Families. Otherwise it will vanish in a short time.

I took the opportunity to clean it up a bit.

Although AT are not a supported feature, the code works in a 6.8.1  
But note that you cannot actually see the solution, as there is no  
way to ask

GHCi to display the normalized types.

My favorite bit is:
*>  type instance Map f Nil = Nil
*>  type instance Map f (x:::xs) = Apply f x ::: Map f xs

  import Prelude hiding (all, flip, map, filter)
  u = undefined

  data R  -- Red
  data G  -- Green
  data B  -- Blue
  data W  -- White

  data Cube u f r b l d

  type CubeRed = Cube R R R R R R
  type CubeBlue = Cube B B B B B B
  type Cube1 = Cube B G W G B R
  type Cube2 = Cube W G B W R R
  type Cube3 = Cube G W R B R R
  type Cube4 = Cube B R G G W W

  data True
  data False

  type family And b1 b2
  type instance And True  True = True
  type instance And True  False= False
  type instance And False True = False
  type instance And False False= False

  data Nil
  data Cons x xs
  data x ::: xs
  infixr 5 :::

  type family ListConcat l1 l2
  type instance ListConcat Nil l = l
  type instance ListConcat (x:::xs) ys = x:::(ListConcat xs ys)

  type family Apply f a

  data Rotation
  data Twist
  data Flip
  type instance Apply Rotation (Cube u f r b l d) = Cube u r b l f d
  type instance Apply Twist(Cube u f r b l d) = Cube f r u l d b
  type instance Apply Flip (Cube u f r b l d) = Cube d l b r f u

  type family Map f xs
  type instance Map f Nil = Nil
  type instance Map f (x:::xs) = Apply f x ::: Map f xs

  type family Filter f xs
  type instance Filter f Nil = Nil
  type instance Filter f (x:::xs) = AppendIf (Apply f x) x (Filter f  

  type family AppendIf b x ys
  type instance AppendIf True x ys  = x ::: ys
  type instance AppendIf False x ys = ys

  type family MapAppend f xs
  type instance MapAppend f Nil = Nil
  type instance MapAppend f (x:::xs) = ListConcat (x:::xs) (Map f  

  type family MapAppend2 f xs
  type instance MapAppend2 f Nil = Nil
  type instance MapAppend2 f (x:::xs)  = ListConcat (x:::xs)  
(MapAppend f (Map f (x:::xs)))

  type family MapAppend3 f xs
  type instance MapAppend3 f Nil = Nil
  type instance MapAppend3 f (x:::xs) = ListConcat xs (MapAppend2 f  
(Map f (x:::xs)))

  data Orientations
  type instance Apply Orientations c = MapAppend3 Rotation (
   MapAppend2 Twist (
   MapAppend Flip (c:::Nil)))
  type family NE x y
  type instance NE R R = False
  type instance NE R G = True
  type instance NE R B = True
  type instance NE R W = True
  type instance NE G R = True
  type instance NE G G = False
  type instance NE G B = True
  type instance NE G W = True
  type instance NE B R = True
  type instance NE B G = True
  type instance NE B B = False
  type instance NE B W = True
  type instance NE W R = True
  type instance NE W G = True
  type instance NE W B = True
  type instance NE W W = False

  type family All l
  type instance All Nil = True
  type instance All (False ::: xs) = False
  type instance All (True ::: xs)  = All xs

  type family Compatible c1 c2
  type instance Compatible (Cube u1 f1 r1 b1 l1 d1) (Cube u2 f2 r2  
b2 l2 d2) =

  All (NE f1 f2 ::: NE r1 r2 ::: NE b1 b2 ::: NE l1 l2)

  type family Allowed c cs
  type instance Allowed c Nil = True
  type instance Allowed c (y ::: ys) = And (Compatible c y) (Allowed  
c ys)

  type family Solutions cs
  type instance Solutions Nil = (Nil ::: Nil)
  type instance Solutions (c ::: cs) = AllowedCombinations (Apply  
Orientations c) (Solutions cs)

  type family AllowedCombinations os sols
  type instance AllowedCombinations os Nil = Nil
  type instance AllowedCombinations os (s ::: sols) =
  ListConcat (AllowedCombinations os sols) (MatchingOrientations  
os s)

  type family MatchingOrientations os sol
  type instance MatchingOrientations Nil sol = Nil
  type instance MatchingOrientations (o ::: os) sol =
  AppendIf (Allowed o sol) (o:::sol) (MatchingOrientations os sol)

  type Cubes = (Cube1 ::: Cube2 ::: Cube3 ::: Cube4 ::: Nil)
  solution = u :: Solutions Cubes

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monad.Reader 8: Haskell, the new C++

2007-09-13 Thread Pepe Iborra

On 13/09/2007, at 0:06, Don Stewart wrote:

In Monad.Reader 8, Conrad Parker shows how to solve the Instant  
puzzle in the "Haskell" type system.  Along the way he  
demonstrates very

clearly something that was implicit in Mark Jones' "Type Classes with
Functional Dependencies" paper if you read it very very carefully  
I hadn't, but on re-reading it is there).  That is, Haskell types  

multiparameter type classes plus functional dependencies is a logic
programming language.  In fact it is a sufficiently powerful  
language to

emulate any Turing machine calculation as a type checking problem.

So we have

C++ : imperative language whose type system is a Turing-complete
  functional language (with rather twisted syntax)

Haskell: functional language whose type system is a Turing-
  complete logic programming language (with rather twisted

Since not all Turing machines halt, and since the halting problem is
undecidable, this means not only that some Haskell programs will make
the type checker loop forever, but that there is no possible meta-
checker that could warn us when that would happen.

I've been told that functional dependencies are old hat and there is
now something better.  I suspect that "better" here means "worse".

Better here means "better" -- a functional language on the type  

to type a functional language on the value level.

-- Don

For a taste, see Instant Insanity transliterated in this functional  

NB: it took me 5 minutes, and that was my first piece of coding ever  
with Type families

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monad.Reader 8: Haskell, the new C++

2007-09-12 Thread Stefan Holdermans

C++ : imperative language whose type system is a Turing-complete
  functional language (with rather twisted syntax)

Haskell: functional language whose type system is a Turing-
  complete logic programming language (with rather twisted

Since not all Turing machines halt, and since the halting problem is
undecidable, this means not only that some Haskell programs will make
the type checker loop forever, but that there is no possible meta-
checker that could warn us when that would happen.

Do not forget that both functional dependencies and associated types  
come with syntactic restrictions that are there just to "tame" the  
Turing completeness, i.e., to guarantee that type checking will  
actually terminate. (I do agree that these restrictions, for  
functional dependencies anyway, can be thought of as twisted in their  
own right, but then again, there's no such thing as a free lunch.)

Admittedly, it's my experience that whenever one wants to do  
something interesting (and here I mean "interesting" in a way that  
you would probably label as "rather twisted" ;-)), one has to bypass  
these restrictions (and, hence, allow for potentially undecidable  
instances). Now, I haven't really worked with associated types (or,  
for that matter, associated type synonyms), but my hope is that, when  
using those, turning off the checks is needed less often. We'll see.

Another option would be not to care that much about looping type  
checkers: when it loops, you'll probabely notice it quite soon  
already :-). That said, that would not be the option I'd pick though:  
being restricted to, say, structural recursion on the type-level  
could well cause your type-level programs to be better organised.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monad.Reader 8: Haskell, the new C++

2007-09-12 Thread Don Stewart
> In Monad.Reader 8, Conrad Parker shows how to solve the Instant Insanity
> puzzle in the "Haskell" type system.  Along the way he demonstrates very
> clearly something that was implicit in Mark Jones' "Type Classes with
> Functional Dependencies" paper if you read it very very carefully (which
> I hadn't, but on re-reading it is there).  That is, Haskell types plus
> multiparameter type classes plus functional dependencies is a logic
> programming language.  In fact it is a sufficiently powerful language to
> emulate any Turing machine calculation as a type checking problem.
> So we have
>   C++ : imperative language whose type system is a Turing-complete
> functional language (with rather twisted syntax)
>   Haskell: functional language whose type system is a Turing-
> complete logic programming language (with rather twisted
> syntax)
> Since not all Turing machines halt, and since the halting problem is
> undecidable, this means not only that some Haskell programs will make
> the type checker loop forever, but that there is no possible meta-
> checker that could warn us when that would happen.
> I've been told that functional dependencies are old hat and there is
> now something better.  I suspect that "better" here means "worse".

Better here means "better" -- a functional language on the type system,
to type a functional language on the value level.

-- Don
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monad.Reader 8: Haskell, the new C++

2007-09-12 Thread Albert Y. C. Lai

ok wrote:

So we have

C++ : imperative language whose type system is a Turing-complete
  functional language (with rather twisted syntax)

Haskell: functional language whose type system is a Turing-
  complete logic programming language (with rather twisted

They also have twisted semantics.

I've been told that functional dependencies are old hat and there is
now something better.  I suspect that "better" here means "worse".

Lattice duality, Galois connections, functor adjunctions, etc., have 
taught me that better is always equivalent to worse.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Monad.Reader 8: Haskell, the new C++

2007-09-12 Thread ok

In Monad.Reader 8, Conrad Parker shows how to solve the Instant Insanity
puzzle in the "Haskell" type system.  Along the way he demonstrates very
clearly something that was implicit in Mark Jones' "Type Classes with
Functional Dependencies" paper if you read it very very carefully (which
I hadn't, but on re-reading it is there).  That is, Haskell types plus
multiparameter type classes plus functional dependencies is a logic
programming language.  In fact it is a sufficiently powerful language to
emulate any Turing machine calculation as a type checking problem.

So we have

C++ : imperative language whose type system is a Turing-complete
  functional language (with rather twisted syntax)

Haskell: functional language whose type system is a Turing-
  complete logic programming language (with rather twisted

Since not all Turing machines halt, and since the halting problem is
undecidable, this means not only that some Haskell programs will make
the type checker loop forever, but that there is no possible meta-
checker that could warn us when that would happen.

I've been told that functional dependencies are old hat and there is
now something better.  I suspect that "better" here means "worse".

Haskell-Cafe mailing list