Hello cafe,

I've packaged my log visualization tools in binary form for several
platforms. Perhaps those of you who have better things to do than
struggle installing them from source will find this useful :)

Here you go:

http://jkff.info/presentations/two-visualization-tools.pdf Documentation

http://jkff.info/software/timeplotters-0.1-1_win32.zip Windows (any
http://jkff.info/software/timeplotters-0.1-1_i386.deb Debian (i386)
http://jkff.info/software/timeplotters-0.1-1_amd64.deb Debian (amd64)
http://jkff.info/software/timeplotters-0.1-1_i386.tar.gz *nix binaries
(i386), require gtk2.0, gmp3, libc6.
http://jkff.info/software/timeplotters-0.1-1_amd64.tar.gz *nix
binaries (amd64), require gtk2.0, gmp3, libc6.

Eugene Kirpichov
Principal Engineer, Mirantis Inc. http://www.mirantis.com/
Editor, http://fprog.ru/

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