[Haskell-cafe] Polymorphic Type Safe URL building -- I need advice on my project

2012-11-16 Thread Kyle Hanson

So I started working on a project involving polymorphic type safe urls. I
know there are other type-safe url's out there, but I want some advice
before I start reorganizing it.

It is located here: https://github.com/dracule/web-scatter

One might ask why you would want polymorphic types in your URL. Current
implementation of type-safe URLs use a single type and then have it pattern
match on the constructors.

However, It is a pretty common occurrence that you might want to use a type
from other parts of code. Where this becomes prevalent is in IxSet and
AcidState. For IxSet your Index keys all have to have separate types . So
with this, you can convert your url into your index key's type and then
just make your handler like this:

  myHandler :: BlogId -> SomeWebHandler

I know my code probably has some terrible inefficiencies or something, so I
am looking for some feedback on some jarring problems.

Thank You
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Polymorphic type

2006-06-22 Thread Sara Kenedy

Thanks all. I think for my function, I only need to throw an error
message for the out of range index. But through this, I know more some
ways to deal with the polymorphic type.

On 6/22/06, Brian Hulley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Sara Kenedy wrote:
> Hello all,
> Now I am trying with the function of polymorphic type: This function
> returns the Nth element of list with type a. I try it as below.
> getNthElem :: Int -> [a] -> Maybe a
> getNthElemt _ [] = Nothing
> getNthElem 0 _ = Nothing
> getNthElem n s
>> n > length s = Nothing
>> otherwise = Just ((drop (n-1) (take n s))!!0)
>> getNthElem 2 ["a","b","c"]
> Just "b"
> However, I do not satisfy with this function because I want to return
> the Nth element of type a, not (Maybe a). For example, I want this
> function:
> getNthElem :: Int -> [a] ->  a
> But, I do not know how to define the empty element of type a.
> getNthElemt _ [] = 
> getNthElem 0 _ =  
> If you have some ideas about this, please give me some clues. Thanks
> a lot.

You might find it's always a lot easier to start counting from zero rather
than 1, so that "a" is the 0th element, "b" is the 1st element etc. Just
like a building with 2 floors has a ground floor and a first floor, and if
you want to find what day of the week it is in 46 days from today you just
use (today + 46) `mod` 7 instead of (((today - 1) + 46) `mod` 7) + 1

That aside, why not just throw an error when the function is called with an
index that's out of range?

getNthElemt _ [] = error "getNthElemt"

Regards, Brian.
Logic empowers us and Love gives us purpose.
Yet still phantoms restless for eras long past,
congealed in the present in unthought forms,
strive mightily unseen to destroy us.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Polymorphic type

2006-06-22 Thread Brian Hulley

Sara Kenedy wrote:

Hello all,

Now I am trying with the function of polymorphic type: This function
returns the Nth element of list with type a. I try it as below.

getNthElem :: Int -> [a] -> Maybe a
getNthElemt _ [] = Nothing
getNthElem 0 _ = Nothing
getNthElem n s

n > length s = Nothing
otherwise = Just ((drop (n-1) (take n s))!!0)

getNthElem 2 ["a","b","c"]

Just "b"

However, I do not satisfy with this function because I want to return
the Nth element of type a, not (Maybe a). For example, I want this
getNthElem :: Int -> [a] ->  a

But, I do not know how to define the empty element of type a.

getNthElemt _ [] = 
getNthElem 0 _ =  

If you have some ideas about this, please give me some clues. Thanks
a lot.

You might find it's always a lot easier to start counting from zero rather 
than 1, so that "a" is the 0th element, "b" is the 1st element etc. Just 
like a building with 2 floors has a ground floor and a first floor, and if 
you want to find what day of the week it is in 46 days from today you just 
use (today + 46) `mod` 7 instead of (((today - 1) + 46) `mod` 7) + 1

That aside, why not just throw an error when the function is called with an 
index that's out of range?

   getNthElemt _ [] = error "getNthElemt"

Regards, Brian.
Logic empowers us and Love gives us purpose.
Yet still phantoms restless for eras long past,
congealed in the present in unthought forms,
strive mightily unseen to destroy us.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Polymorphic type

2006-06-22 Thread minh thu

2006/6/22, Sara Kenedy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Hello all,

Now I am trying with the function of polymorphic type: This function
returns the Nth element of list with type a. I try it as below.

getNthElem :: Int -> [a] -> Maybe a
getNthElemt _ []= Nothing
getNthElem 0 _  = Nothing
getNthElem n s
   | n > length s  = Nothing
   | otherwise = Just ((drop (n-1) (take n s))!!0)

>getNthElem 2 ["a","b","c"]
Just "b"

However, I do not satisfy with this function because I want to return
the Nth element of type a, not (Maybe a). For example, I want this
getNthElem :: Int -> [a] ->  a

But, I do not know how to define the empty element of type a.

getNthElemt _ []= 
getNthElem 0 _  =  

 If you have some ideas about this, please give me some clues. Thanks a lot.

precisely, you want to return an "a" only when there is one
accordingly to your above code. the only way to handle this without
resorting to [] or Nothing to say there is no such value is to use
error or default value.

infact, ask yourself, what do you want ?

getNthElem 5 ["a","b","c"]


getNthElem 0 ["a","b","c"]


getNthElem (-1) ["a","b","c"]

do you want


or raise an exception (i.e. you use the "error" function) ?

once you know what you want, you can code it.

note, i think your 'take" is unnecessary here

   | otherwise = Just ((drop (n-1) (take n s))!!0)

you can use

   | otherwise = Just (n!!some_value) -- :)

this is where you see that the function you're trying to write is
really close of


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Polymorphic type

2006-06-22 Thread Jared Updike

On 6/22/06, Sara Kenedy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello all,

Now I am trying with the function of polymorphic type: This function
returns the Nth element of list with type a. I try it as below.

getNthElem :: Int -> [a] -> Maybe a
getNthElemt _ []= Nothing
getNthElem 0 _  = Nothing
getNthElem n s
| n > length s  = Nothing
| otherwise = Just ((drop (n-1) (take n s))!!0)

>getNthElem 2 ["a","b","c"]
Just "b"

However, I do not satisfy with this function because I want to return
the Nth element of type a, not (Maybe a). For example, I want this
getNthElem :: Int -> [a] ->  a

But, I do not know how to define the empty element of type a.

Not all types (especially numbers) have an empty element (what does
that even mean?). Suppose you have a list
 [0, 1, -2, -1, 2]
and you try getNthElemt 4 and your program assumes that the empty
element for integers is 0. How can you tell that 0 from the 0 at the
beginning of the list [0, 1, 2]? Think really hard about what you are
asking and you will see why Maybe a takes the type a and extends it,
in a way, with an empty element, Nothing. To convert it from Maybe a
to a, try, e.g.
 fromJust (Just 4)  >  4
(it will give exceptions when Nothing shows up).

getNthElemt _ []= 
getNthElem 0 _  =  

One possiblity is to make a class called empty with a single member:

class Empty a where
  empty :: a
instance Empty [a] where   -- this also makes   "" = empty   for String
  empty = []
instance Empty Maybe a where   -- is this desirable?
  empty = Nothing
instance Integer where -- or this?
  empty = 0

and then add the constraint to your function:

getNthElem :: Empty a => Int -> [a] -> a
getNthElem :: Int -> [a] -> Maybe a
getNthElemt _ []= empty
getNthElem 0 _  = empty
getNthElem n s
| n > length s  = empty
| otherwise = ((drop (n-1) (take n s))!!0)

but you need overlapping instances to instantiate [a].  Or you could
use MonadPlus and mzero instead of Empty and empty, but that would
only work for List, Maybe and other monads and not for Integer, etc.

Note that in a dynamic language the same thing happens. In python
  4 + None
raises an exception. I don't think it's possible to get away from this
whole "failure" concept (except silently ignore it---in perl   4+null
yields 4 but is that always the right behavior in all situations? It
makes bugs really hard to find.)

reverse ")-:"
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Polymorphic type

2006-06-22 Thread Sara Kenedy

Hello all,

Now I am trying with the function of polymorphic type: This function
returns the Nth element of list with type a. I try it as below.

getNthElem :: Int -> [a] -> Maybe a
getNthElemt _ []= Nothing
getNthElem 0 _  = Nothing
getNthElem n s  
| n > length s   = Nothing
| otherwise = Just ((drop (n-1) (take n s))!!0)

getNthElem 2 ["a","b","c"]

Just "b"

However, I do not satisfy with this function because I want to return
the Nth element of type a, not (Maybe a). For example, I want this
getNthElem :: Int -> [a] ->  a

But, I do not know how to define the empty element of type a.

getNthElemt _ []= 
getNthElem 0 _  =  

If you have some ideas about this, please give me some clues. Thanks a lot.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] polymorphic type

2005-07-06 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Wed, 6 Jul 2005, wenduan wrote:

> Dear all,
> Suppose we have defined two functions as below:
> case :: (a -> c,b -> c) -> Either a b -> c
> case (f, g) (Left x) = f x
> case (f, g) (Right x) = g x

It seems to be
  case == uncurry either

Prelude> :info either
-- either is a variable
either :: forall a c b. (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> Either a b -> c

> plus :: (a -> b, c -> d) -> Either a b -> Either c d
> plus (f, g) = case(Left.f, Right.g)

> of plus should be:
>plus :: (a -> c, b -> d) -> Either a b -> Either c d

That signature looks correct and it is accepted

Prelude> let plus = (\(f,g) -> uncurry either (Left . f, Right . g)) :: 
(a->c,b->d) -> Either a b -> Either c d

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] polymorphic type

2005-07-06 Thread Stefan Holdermans


What I thought at first the signature of plus should be: plus :: (a -> 
c, b -> d) -> Either a b -> Either c d?Anyone know where I was wrong?

Your initial thought was right: it should

  (a -> c, b -> d) -> Either a b -> Either c d

Why didn't you just test it by feeding in to a compiler or interpreter; 
these are really useful, you know. ;)


case :: (a -> c,b -> c) -> Either a b -> c
case (f, g) (Left x) = f x
case (f, g) (Right x) = g x

You can't name your function case: it's a reserved word.

You might want to check out the standard libraries:

  case' = uncurry either



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] polymorphic type

2005-07-06 Thread wenduan

Dear all,

Suppose we have defined two functions as below:

case :: (a -> c,b -> c) -> Either a b -> c
case (f, g) (Left x) = f x
case (f, g) (Right x) = g x

plus :: (a -> b, c -> d) -> Either a b -> Either c d
plus (f, g) = case(Left.f, Right.g)

My question is regarding to the function signature of 'plus' , in its 
signature, does the 'a' in 'a -> b' and in 'Either a b', must be 
instantiated to the same object when the function is applied?E.g.,Either 
a b is instantiated to 'Either Char b', will the  'a' in  'a -> b' be 
instantiated to 'Either Char b'?Furthermore, are the two bs in 'a -> b' 
and 'Either a b' not conflicting?What I thought at first the signature 
of plus should be: plus :: (a -> c, b -> d) -> Either a b -> Either c 
d?Anyone know where I was wrong?


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