[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Dynamic binding

2005-06-24 Thread Andreas Rossberg

Ralf Lammel wrote:

Can you just tell how *you* would favor encoding the shapes example
that was posed by poster? (It might just be that your code would be
very close to Lennart's proposal?)

There is no universal answer. The shape example obviously is just a toy 
example. As long as I have no idea what *concrete* problem the original 
poster is trying to solve, I cannot really tell which approach is 
preferable for his endeavour. It seems more appropriate to describe the 
options and their trade-offs.

First of all, note that very often, you do not need a heterogeneous 
collection at all. Then plain polymorphism with type classes is more 
than enough, and more than OO provides in that situation.

In many cases where you need some kind of heterogenicity (is that a 
word?), the standard datatype approach shown by Lennart is perfectly 
suitable - in fact, often much more suitable than the OO solution. You 
know about the expression problem, and the two dual notions of 
extensibility? OO supports one dimension, datatypes the other. It 
depends on the problem which one is more important.

When you really need OO-style intensional kind of behaviour selection 
then first-class functions can bring you quite a long way, and often 
with much less amount of boilerplate than typical OO solutions.

When the behaviour you have to encapsulate in heterogeneous collection 
becomes more complex - say, more then just one or two functions - 
first-class functions can be tedious. Existential types represent a more 
coarse-grained and structured variant of the first-class function 
approach. They combine the power of first-class functions with the 
convenience of type classes, very similar to class-based objects. In 
these cases, they are the most appropriate solution.

Note again that with the latter two solutions, as with the OO approach, 
you do not have extensibility on the operations dimension.


  - Andreas

Andreas Rossberg, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Let's get rid of those possible thingies!  -- TB
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Dynamic binding

2005-06-24 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Andrew,

Friday, June 24, 2005, 12:35:16 AM, you wrote:

AW Assuming I have a list of shapes somewhere in my program. The list would
AW be heterogeneous, or at least contain data constructed using various 
AW different type constructors. The list would also be changing all the 
AW time, for example in a drawing program. So, using the suggestion of a 
AW list of drawing functions, would this not mean I would have to alter the 
AW list of drawing functions each time I alter the list of shapes?

of course, we suggest this solution only for cases when all you need
from shapes - to draw them. as i write in previous letter, one time i
changed a list of regular expressions to list of functions that check
matches with these regular expressions because it was the only
operation i need

if you require several operations, you can pack them in tuple or
structure (really, tuple is a structure without field names)

if you need fields/interfaces inheritance, then this method will not
work. but in 90% of cases it's enough. in C++, creating classes is the
most useful method of structuring program, so it is used for any
problem - from very simple to most complex. when you translate such
thing to Haskell, it's better to see which concrete problem are solved
with help of classes, and not to emulate the classes itself (because
in this case you will write many unneeded code)

AW It does 
AW not seem an extensible solution. When it comes to adding new types or 
AW new functionality for existing types would it not be easy to miss 
AW updating a part of the program source that needed updating?

adding new class needs adding one constructor function. it's hard
to skip that part :)

adding new function to interface need to change interface structure
definition or adding new element to tuple. then type-checker of
Haskell compiler will force you to add new function to all places
where this structure/tuple are created. you just never worked with
such strong type-checking as in Haskell

AW The example I have found the simplest is the one given by Lennart, 
AW however this to me seems equivalent to the way people use switch 
AW statements in C to mimic dynamic binding.

only because it's C-like :)  you just can't believe that Haskell
program can be 3-10 times smaller while keeping the same functionality :)))

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Dynamic binding

2005-06-24 Thread Ralf Lammel

Bulat wrote:

 if you require several operations, you can pack them in tuple or
 structure (really, tuple is a structure without field names)

How are we going to anticipate all possible bodies of a for-loop?
By comparison, when we build a normal Haskell list, does the
construction precisely mirror what we are going to *do* with each
element? Fold the map then!!!

 if you need fields/interfaces inheritance, then this method will not
 work. but in 90% of cases it's enough.

What to do for the other 10%?

 in C++, creating classes is the
 most useful method of structuring program, so it is used for any
 problem - from very simple to most complex. when you translate such
 thing to Haskell, it's better to see which concrete problem are solved
 with help of classes, and not to emulate the classes itself (because
 in this case you will write many unneeded code)

Yes, but we ought to solve the shapes problem.
The shapes example is in Bulat's 10% region.
 only because it's C-like :)  you just can't believe that Haskell
 program can be 3-10 times smaller while keeping the same functionality

But note that same functionality is one thing,
having separate compilation and program extensibility too
is another one.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Dynamic binding

2005-06-24 Thread Andreas Rossberg

Ralf Lammel wrote:

only because it's C-like :)  you just can't believe that Haskell
program can be 3-10 times smaller while keeping the same functionality

But note that same functionality is one thing,
having separate compilation and program extensibility too
is another one.

As I said, and as is well-known, extensibility is a red herring in 
this context - you merely trade one dimension of extensibility for 
another one.


  - Andreas

Andreas Rossberg, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Let's get rid of those possible thingies!  -- TB
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Dynamic binding

2005-06-24 Thread Ralf Lammel
  But note that same functionality is one thing,
  having separate compilation and program extensibility too
  is another one.
 As I said, and as is well-known, extensibility is a red herring in
 this context - you merely trade one dimension of extensibility for
 another one.

I am not going to fight for extensibility.
It's just that I believe
that there is a value in a direct correspondence
as opposed to a transcription. 

I cite from the OOHaskell abstract:
The [...] code [...] demonstrates that OO code translates
into OOHaskell in an intuition-preserving way: essentially
expression-by-expression, without requiring global transformations.

I would like to add a peer-reviewed clear reference
to the OOHaskell paper about the red herring that you mention.
I don't have such a reference. May I kindly ask you to offer
a few for selection?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Dynamic binding

2005-06-24 Thread Andreas Rossberg

Ralf Lammel wrote:

I would like to add a peer-reviewed clear reference
to the OOHaskell paper about the red herring that you mention.
I don't have such a reference. May I kindly ask you to offer
a few for selection?

Off-hand, I recall a paper by Martin Odersky and the Scala people 
discussing their approach to the Expression Problem, and a related paper 
by Jacques Garrigue, where he proposes to solve it using OCaml's 
polymorphic variants. Both should be easy to dig up with Google, and 
probably contain further pointers.

Hope this helps,

  - Andreas

Andreas Rossberg, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Let's get rid of those possible thingies!  -- TB
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Dynamic binding

2005-06-24 Thread Ralf Lammel

 Off-hand, I recall a paper by Martin Odersky and the Scala people
 discussing their approach to the Expression Problem,

So ...


... I guess 

The key innovative idea there is composition of mixins while replacing
formal superclasses of mixins by the actual base class for mixin

I quote:

In a mixin composition
A with B with C, class A acts as actual superclass of
mixins B and C, replacing the declared superclasses of B
and C. To maintain type soundness, A must be a subclass
of the declared superclasses of B and C. A super reference
in either B or C will refer to a member of class A. As
is the case for trait composition, Scala's mixin composition
is commutative in the mixins - A with B with C is
equivalent to A with C with B.

In OOHaskell,
you would parameterize in the superclass and that's it.
DISCLAIMER: we haven't tried this.
Thanks for the inspiration.

 and a related paper by Jacques Garrigue,
 where he proposes to solve it using OCaml's polymorphic variants.

I am not sure.
Is this referring to Objective Label? Which paper exactly?
 Hope this helps,

It's interesting
but I don't see how we make progress with the original 
(by now perhaps trivial) question regarding the transportation of
an OO design into Haskell. The shapes problem doesn't call for
Odersky's new contribution:

I quote:

We add to this list the following criterion:
* Independent extensibility: It should be possible
to combine independently developed extensions so
that they can be used jointly [21].
The shapes problem rather calls for silly subtyping polymorphism.
So we are beating a dead horse (or a red herring)
by detouring to Scala unless I don't get you were hinting at.

BTW, I just notice that
Oderksy's list of partial solutions isn't complete:
- Visitor combinators (Joost Visser) complementing Palsberg et al.
- Many forms of generic functional programming (Hinze etc.)
- Haskell type classes allow for extension in both type and processor

It's getting late here.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Dynamic binding

2005-06-24 Thread Benedikt Schmidt
Ralf Lammel [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 and a related paper by Jacques Garrigue,
 where he proposes to solve it using OCaml's polymorphic variants.

 I am not sure.
 Is this referring to Objective Label? Which paper exactly?

I think it refers to

and the expression problem seems to be the one described in:



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] RE: [Haskell] Dynamic binding

2005-06-23 Thread Ralf Lammel
Andreas Rossberg said:

 [Followups to Haskell Cafe]

 as far as I read it, dynamic or late binding is orthogonal to
 subtyping, or typing in general. It is just that most typed OO
 lump these concepts together.

Absolutely agreed.

 Often a simple first-class function, or a record thereof,
 is enough (in fact, dynamic binding is just the OOO way
 of saying calling a first-class function). In typical
 functional programming style, you need the general
 thing only rarely.

Can you just tell how *you* would favor encoding the shapes example
that was posed by poster? (It might just be that your code would be
very close to Lennart's proposal?)


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