Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Eta-expansion and existentials (or: types destroy my laziness)

2010-10-22 Thread Max Bolingbroke
On 19 October 2010 19:01, Dan Doel wrote:
 However, this argument is a bit circular, since that eliminator could be
 defined to behave similarly to an irrefutable match.


 Or, put another
 way, eta expansion of a dictionary-holding existential would result in a value
 holding a bottom dictionary, whereas that's otherwise impossible, I think.

I think evaluating dictionaries strictly is more of a want to have
rather than actually implemented. In particular, GHC supports
building value-recursive dictionaries - and making dictionary
arguments strict indiscriminately would make this feature rather

I think this means that even with constrained existential things would be OK.

What is definitely not OK is lazy pattern matching on GADTs which have
*type equality* constraints on their existentials - because the type
equalities are erased at compile time, lazy pattern matching on a GADT
would leave no opportunity for us to observe that the proof of the
type equality was bogus (a bottom) - so allowing this would let our
programs segfault. For example, this program would erroneously

data Eq a b where
  Eq :: EQ a a

f :: Eq Int Bool - Bool
f (~Eq) = ((1 :: Int) + 1) :: Bool

main = print $ f undefined

I'm sticking with my unsafeCoerce based solution for now. It's ugly,
but it's nicely *localised* ugliness :-)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Eta-expansion and existentials (or: types destroy my laziness)

2010-10-22 Thread Dan Doel
On Friday 22 October 2010 5:48:28 am Max Bolingbroke wrote:
 I think evaluating dictionaries strictly is more of a want to have
 rather than actually implemented. In particular, GHC supports
 building value-recursive dictionaries - and making dictionary
 arguments strict indiscriminately would make this feature rather

It now occurs to me that I might be thinking of your paper on strict core.

When does this come up? I only have one example that seems likely:

  data Mu f = In { out :: f (Mu f) }

  instance Show (f (Mu f)) = Show (Mu f) where
show = show . out

Is that an example of a value recursive dictionary? I also considered:

  data AnyShow = forall a. Show a = AS a

  instance Show AnyShow where
show (AS x) = AS ( ++ show x ++ )

  inf = AS inf

but I don't think the dictionary is actually recursive there. Translating to 
explicit dictionary passing seems to confirm the latter impression. The former 
is more iffy.

The most obvious way to build a value recursive dictionary would be an 
existential like:

  inf' = case inf' of AS x - AS (x, x)

but this is prevented from happening by the lack of irrefutable match.

 What is definitely not OK is lazy pattern matching on GADTs which have
 *type equality* constraints on their existentials.

This is certainly the more compelling deal breaker.

-- Dan
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Eta-expansion and existentials (or: types destroy my laziness)

2010-10-22 Thread Max Bolingbroke
On 22 October 2010 12:03, Dan Doel wrote:
  data Mu f = In { out :: f (Mu f) }

  instance Show (f (Mu f)) = Show (Mu f) where
    show = show . out

 Is that an example of a value recursive dictionary?

Assuming the Show (f (Mu f)) instance uses the (Mu f) one, AFAIK this
should indeed build a loopy dictionary.

I think this extension was motivated by Scrap your Boilerplate with
Class - see section 5 of

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Eta-expansion and existentials (or: types destroy my laziness)

2010-10-19 Thread Max Bolingbroke
Hi Oleg,

Thanks for your reply!

 Really? Here are two 'cons' that seem to satisfy all the criteria

Thanks - your definitions are similar to Roman's suggestion.
Unfortunately my criteria 3) is not quite what I actually wanted - I
really wanted something GHC-optimisable - (so non-recursive
definitions are a necessary but not sufficient condition).

The problem is that I'd like to do the static argument transformation
on the Stream argument to cons so that GHC can optimise it
properly. This is why I've made my cons pattern match on str
directly, so the local run/step loop can refer to the lexically
bound step/state fields of the stream being consed on to.

As Roman suggests, the best way to get GHC to optimise these
compositions would be to do something like extend GHC so it can do the
SAT by itself :-). Alternatively, a type-safe eta for data types
involving existentials would let me do what I want without GHC changes
- but I don't think there is a way to define this.

        Finally, if one doesn't like existentials, one can try

I hadn't seen this - thanks! It is certainly a neat trick. I can't
quite see how to use it to eliminate the existential I'm actually
interested eta-expanding without causing work duplication, but I'll
keep thinking about it.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Eta-expansion and existentials (or: types destroy my laziness)

2010-10-19 Thread Dan Doel
On Tuesday 19 October 2010 6:16:16 am Max Bolingbroke wrote:

 Thanks - your definitions are similar to Roman's suggestion.
 Unfortunately my criteria 3) is not quite what I actually wanted - I
 really wanted something GHC-optimisable - (so non-recursive
 definitions are a necessary but not sufficient condition).


 I hadn't seen this - thanks! It is certainly a neat trick. I can't
 quite see how to use it to eliminate the existential I'm actually
 interested eta-expanding without causing work duplication, but I'll
 keep thinking about it.

I doubt it's possible, aside from your unsafeCoerce version.

The nub of the problem seems to me to be the lack of irrefutable match on the 
existential---irrefutable match should be equivalent to eta expanding values, 
so it's been intentionally disallowed. One could argue that this corresponds 
to their weak elimination:

  elim :: (forall a. P a - r) - (exists a. P a) - r

However, this argument is a bit circular, since that eliminator could be 
defined to behave similarly to an irrefutable match. One might expect it to be 
strict, but it isn't necessary (although it might be difficult to specify how 
such a lazy reduction would work formally, without resorting to other, 
stronger elimination principles).

Presumably, GHC requires strictness because of constraints that can be bundled 
in an existential. For one, with local equality constraints, it'd be unsound 
in the same way that irrefutable matches on a type equality GADT are. However, 
I also seem to recall that GHC expects all dictionaries to be strictly 
evaluated (for optimization purposes), while irrefutable matching on a 
constrained existential would introduce lazy dictionaries. Or, put another 
way, eta expansion of a dictionary-holding existential would result in a value 
holding a bottom dictionary, whereas that's otherwise impossible, I think.

However, your stream type has no constraints, so there's nothing that would 
make an irrefutable match unreasonable (unless I'm missing something). I don't 
expect GHC to start to support this, because, you can only use irrefutable 
matches on existentials without constraints, is a complicated rule. But I 
believe that is the core of your troubles, and it doesn't have any necessary 
connection to type safety in this case.

-- Dan
Haskell-Cafe mailing list