Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: type synonym liberalization (was "class []" proposal)

2006-08-23 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Arie,

Wednesday, August 23, 2006, 2:54:54 AM, you wrote:

>> With the proper interpretation, type synonyms like
>> type ABlockStream = BlockStream b => b
>> type AMemoryStream = MemoryStream m => m

> How does your proposal compare to introducing existential types proper? As in

>   type ABlockStream = exists b. BlockStream b => b

existential variables pack dictionary inside the data item (object)
itself, like in the OOP languages. so this the _semantic_ change.
Brandon's idea is just _syntax_ sugar, one of the possible ways to
simplify writing of signatures for regular Haskell polymorphic
functions, what pass dictionaries apart of objects

read the
and look for "existential" there

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: type synonym liberalization (was "class []" proposal)

2006-08-22 Thread Brandon Moore

Arie Peterson wrote:

Hello Brandon,


This could be handled with existential wrappers, except that the
wrapping is annoying, and probably interferes with optimizing when a
concrete type is known. Instead, a few changes to type synonyms handle
Bulat's cases.

With the proper interpretation, type synonyms like
type ABlockStream = BlockStream b => b
type AMemoryStream = MemoryStream m => m

support some of Bulat's signatures like
copyStream :: ABlockStream -> ABlockStream -> Integer -> IO ()
saveToFile :: AMemoryStream -> FilePath -> IO ()

This requires two changes to the interpretation of type synonyms

1) Free variables in the definition of the type synonym are allowed, and
become fresh (wobbly) variables when the synonym is applied

2) Class constraints in the definition of a type synonym float up to the
closest binding of a constrained type.

I find those free variables a bit scary. It is not clear to me what it
means for a value to have type 'AnAuto'. I like to think about type
synonyms as only that, synonyms - so you can always substitute the
definition for an occurrence.

Those free variables are just necessary to match the proposed syntax 
exactly. The type variables could be provided as parameters -

type AMemoryStream m = MemoryStream m => m
writeToFile :: AMemoryStream m -> FilePath -> IO ()

type Stream s = Stream s => s
copyStream :: Stream s1 -> Stream s2 -> Integer -> IO ()

That said, making fresh unification variables seems like a
reasonable interpretation of free variables in a type synonym, the 
converse of the renaming you can see in

type Cont x = forall r . (x -> r) -> r

where the forall doesn't capture the x, even if you use the synonym in

return :: r -> Cont r

How does your proposal compare to introducing existential types proper? As in

  type ABlockStream = exists b. BlockStream b => b

. This is a known extension, supported partly by jhc and fully by ehc. It
seems to be exactly what you need for


copyStream :: ABlockStream -> ABlockStream -> Integer -> IO ()

I don't understand the difference very well. I'm proposing to allow a 
bit of type inference to further resolve these variables when the type 
synonym is expanded. A function taking an existential type must work for 
any type in that existential package. A fresh variable could resolve a 
bit more, if it turns out that those two BlockStream types must be the 
same, or the parameter actually has to be a function type. I think 
mostly it's like a kind of partial type signature, but I'm wondering if 
there's an interpretation as a logical quantifier.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: type synonym liberalization (was "class []" proposal)

2006-08-22 Thread Arie Peterson
Hello Brandon,

> This could be handled with existential wrappers, except that the
> wrapping is annoying, and probably interferes with optimizing when a
> concrete type is known. Instead, a few changes to type synonyms handle
> Bulat's cases.
> With the proper interpretation, type synonyms like
> type ABlockStream = BlockStream b => b
> type AMemoryStream = MemoryStream m => m
> support some of Bulat's signatures like
> copyStream :: ABlockStream -> ABlockStream -> Integer -> IO ()
> saveToFile :: AMemoryStream -> FilePath -> IO ()
> This requires two changes to the interpretation of type synonyms
> 1) Free variables in the definition of the type synonym are allowed, and
> become fresh (wobbly) variables when the synonym is applied
> 2) Class constraints in the definition of a type synonym float up to the
> closest binding of a constrained type.

I find those free variables a bit scary. It is not clear to me what it
means for a value to have type 'AnAuto'. I like to think about type
synonyms as only that, synonyms - so you can always substitute the
definition for an occurrence.

How does your proposal compare to introducing existential types proper? As in

  type ABlockStream = exists b. BlockStream b => b

. This is a known extension, supported partly by jhc and fully by ehc. It
seems to be exactly what you need for

> copyStream :: ABlockStream -> ABlockStream -> Integer -> IO ()




Mr. Pelican Shit may be Willy.


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