Re: [Haskell-cafe] Records and associated types

2008-12-21 Thread Wolfgang Jeltsch
Am Donnerstag, 11. Dezember 2008 22:04 schrieb Taru Karttunen:
> Hello
> What is the correct way to transform code that uses record selection
> with TypeEq (like HList) to associated types?

Hello Taru,

you might want to look at

and its follow-ups.

Best wishes,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Records and associated types

2008-12-11 Thread Ryan Ingram
I don't think you can get a type equality comparison test into type
families without additional compiler support.  If you are willing to
restrict your labels to type-level naturals or some other closed
universe, and allow undecidable instances, you can do something like

data Z   = Z
data S a = S a

type family Select label record
type instance Select lbl (rlbl, ty, rest) = IfEq lbl rlbl ty (Select lbl rest)

type family IfEq n0 n1 t f
type instance IfEq Z Z t f = t
type instance IfEq Z (S n) t f = f
type instance IfEq (S n) Z t f = f
type instance IfEq (S n0) (S n1) t f = IfEq n0 n1 t f

Better support for closed type families that allowed overlap would be
quite useful.

   -- ryan

2008/12/11 Taru Karttunen :
> Hello
> What is the correct way to transform code that uses record selection
> with TypeEq (like HList) to associated types? I keep running into
> problems with overlapping type families which is not allowed unless
> they match.
> The fundep code:
> class Select rec label val | rec label -> val
> instance TypeEq label label True => Select (Label label val :+: rest) label 
> val
> instance (Select tail field val) => Select (any :+: tail) field val
> And a conversion attempt:
> class SelectT rec label where
>type S rec label
> instance TypeEq label label True => SelectT (Label label val :+: rest) label 
> where
>type S (Label label val :+: rest) label = val
> instance (SelectT tail field) => SelectT (any :+: tail) field where
>type S (any :+: tail) field = S tail field
> which fails with:
>Conflicting family instance declarations:
>  type instance S (Label label val :+: rest) label
>-- Defined at t.hs:19:9
>  type instance S (any :+: tail) field -- Defined at t.hs:23:9
> How is it possible to get the TypeEq constraint into the type family?
> Attached is a complete example that illustrates the problem.
> - Taru Karttunen
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Records and associated types

2008-12-11 Thread Taru Karttunen

What is the correct way to transform code that uses record selection
with TypeEq (like HList) to associated types? I keep running into
problems with overlapping type families which is not allowed unless
they match.

The fundep code:

class Select rec label val | rec label -> val
instance TypeEq label label True => Select (Label label val :+: rest) label val
instance (Select tail field val) => Select (any :+: tail) field val

And a conversion attempt:

class SelectT rec label where
type S rec label
instance TypeEq label label True => SelectT (Label label val :+: rest) label 
type S (Label label val :+: rest) label = val
instance (SelectT tail field) => SelectT (any :+: tail) field where
type S (any :+: tail) field = S tail field

which fails with:

Conflicting family instance declarations:
  type instance S (Label label val :+: rest) label
-- Defined at t.hs:19:9
  type instance S (any :+: tail) field -- Defined at t.hs:23:9

How is it possible to get the TypeEq constraint into the type family?

Attached is a complete example that illustrates the problem.

- Taru Karttunen
  UndecidableInstances, OverlappingInstances, FunctionalDependencies, 
  TypeFamilies, TypeOperators, EmptyDataDecls, GADTs, MultiParamTypeClasses,

-- Fundeps - this works

class Select rec label val | rec label -> val
instance TypeEq label label True => Select (Label label val :+: rest) label val
instance (Select tail field val) => Select (any :+: tail) field val

-- Associated types

class SelectT rec label where
type S rec label
instance TypeEq label label True => SelectT (Label label val :+: rest) label where
type S (Label label val :+: rest) label = val

-- THIS FAILS (comment to get this to compile):
instance (SelectT tail field) => SelectT (any :+: tail) field where
type S (any :+: tail) field = S tail field

Conflicting family instance declarations:
  type instance S (Label label val :+: rest) label
-- Defined at t.hs:19:9
  type instance S (any :+: tail) field -- Defined at t.hs:23:9

-- Support code, to get it compile

data True
data False

type family TypeEqR a b
type instance TypeEqR a a = True

class TypeEq a b result
instance (TypeEqR a b ~ isEq, Proxy2 isEq result) => TypeEq a b result

class Proxy2 inp out
instance (result ~ True) => Proxy2 True result
instance (result ~ False) => Proxy2 notTrue result

data End
data (:+:) a b

infixr :+:

newtype Rec wrap rtype = Rec (OuterWrap wrap (R wrap rtype))

type family InnerWrap wrap t :: *
type family OuterWrap wrap t :: *

data R wrap rtype where
End   :: R wrap End
(:+:) :: InnerWrap wrap x -> R wrap xs -> R wrap (x :+: xs)

data Label l t
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