Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type families again

2010-12-03 Thread Ganesh Sittampalam

On Thu, 2 Dec 2010, Robert Greayer wrote:

On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 4:39 PM, Antoine Latter  wrote:

On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 3:29 PM, Andrew Coppin

What we /can't/ do is define a polymorphic map function. One might try to do
something like

 class Functor f where
   type Element f :: *
   fmap :: (Element f2 ~ y) => (x -> y) -> f -> f2

 instance Functor [x] where
   type Element [x] = x
   fmap = map

However, this fails. Put simply, the type for fmap fails to specify that f
and f2 must be /the same type of thing/, just with different element types.

The trouble is, after spending quite a bit of brainpower, I literally cannot
think of a way of writing such a constraint. Does anybody have any

Does this do what you need?


I think this doesn't handle the ByteString case (wrong kind).  Here's
another mostly unsatisfactory (injectivity issues) solution that may
possibly not even work though it does compile:

I spent a while looking at this a couple of months ago after a similar 
question. What I came up with is below; I haven't got as far as 
deciding whether or how to incorporate this into rmonad. Also, the Const 
type actually already exists in Control.Applicative.



{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, TypeFamilies, MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, 
ScopedTypeVariables, RankNTypes #-}

module Control.RMonad.Wibble where

import Control.RMonad
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSC
import Data.Suitable
import GHC.Word (Word8)

-- Part I

-- a little warmup: ByteStrings

-- We have two choices for BSWrapper. Either make
-- it a GADT, which means we can leave out the match on the
-- argument constraints below, or make it a H98 phantom.
-- The second option seems cleaner and more symmetric.
-- It also means we can us newtype to avoid runtime overhead.

-- data BSWrapper a where
--   BSWrapper :: ByteString -> BSWrapper Word8

newtype BSWrapper a = BSWrapper ByteString

data instance Constraints BSWrapper a = (a ~ Word8) => BSConstraints

instance Suitable BSWrapper Word8 where
  constraints = BSConstraints

instance RFunctor BSWrapper where
  -- We could also use withResConstraints by rearranging the arguments to mymap 
so Constraints is last
  fmap = mymap constraints constraints
where mymap :: forall x y . Constraints BSWrapper x -> Constraints BSWrapper y -> (x 
-> y) -> BSWrapper x -> BSWrapper y
  mymap BSConstraints BSConstraints f (BSWrapper x) = BSWrapper ( 
f x)

-- Part II

-- OK, now let's generalise:

-- Having a class here rather than a plain type family isn't really necessary,
-- but it feels natural
class SingletonContainer c where
   type ContainedType c :: *

-- data SingletonWrapper c a where
--   SingletonWrapper :: SingletonContainer c => c -> SingletonWrapper c 
(ContainedType c)

-- This is just a generic Const type. Is there a standard one somewhere else?
newtype SingletonWrapper c a = SingletonWrapper c

data instance Constraints (SingletonWrapper c) a = (a ~ ContainedType c) => 

-- important to use the type equality constraint here instead of inlining it
-- on the RHS, as otherwise instance resolution would get stuck
instance (a ~ ContainedType c) => Suitable (SingletonWrapper c) a where
  constraints = SingletonConstraints

class SingletonContainer c => Mappable c where
   lmap :: (ContainedType c -> ContainedType c) -> c -> c

instance Mappable c => RFunctor (SingletonWrapper c) where
  fmap = mymap constraints constraints
where mymap :: forall x y
 . Constraints (SingletonWrapper c) x
-> Constraints (SingletonWrapper c) y
-> (x -> y)
-> SingletonWrapper c x
-> SingletonWrapper c y
  mymap SingletonConstraints SingletonConstraints f (SingletonWrapper 
x) = SingletonWrapper (lmap f x)

-- so, why is Word8 the blessed instance? Why not Char (from 
instance SingletonContainer ByteString where
   type ContainedType ByteString = Word8

-- Part III

-- and finally, let's try to generalise the Singleton concept:

-- using the Const concept again...
newtype Const a b = Const a

instance Show a => Show (Const a b) where
  show (Const x) = show x

data instance Constraints (Const ByteString) a =
   (a ~ Word8) => BSConstraintsWord8
 | (a ~ Char) => BSConstraintsChar

instance Suitable (Const ByteString) Word8 where
   constraints = BSConstraintsWord8

instance Suitable (Const ByteString) Char where
   constraints = BSConstraintsChar

instance RFunctor (Const ByteString) where
  fmap = mymap constraints constraints
where mymap :: forall x y
 . Constraints (Const ByteString) x
-> Constraints (Const ByteString) y
-> (x -> y) -> Const ByteString x -> Const ByteString y


Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type families again

2010-12-02 Thread Roman Leshchinskiy
On 2 Dec 2010, at 21:29, Andrew Coppin  wrote:

> Does anybody have any suggestions?

class Mappable t a b where
 type Rebind t a b
 map :: (a -> b) -> t -> Rebind a b

This is based on an old C++ trick.



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type families again

2010-12-02 Thread Robert Greayer
On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 4:39 PM, Antoine Latter  wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 3:29 PM, Andrew Coppin
>  wrote:
>> Yes, it's me. And yes, I come with yet more questions.
>> With Haskell 98 (or, indeed, Haskell 2010) it is impossible to define a
>> polymorphic version of "head" that works for [], Set and ByteString. You can
>> use a higher-kinded type class for [], but that fails for Set (because you
>> can't specify the Ord constraint) and fails spectacularly for ByteString
>> (because it has the wrong kind). The basic problem is that the function's
>> type needs to refer to the type of the container and the type of elements it
>> contains, but the relationship between these types can be arbitrary.
>> Type families allow you to neatly and cleanly fix the problem:
>>  class Head c where
>>    type Element c :: *
>>    head :: c -> Element c
>> It's simple, comprehensible, and it /actually works/.
>> Following this success, we can define functions such as tail, join, and so
>> forth.
>> What we /can't/ do is define a polymorphic map function. One might try to do
>> something like
>>  class Functor f where
>>    type Element f :: *
>>    fmap :: (Element f2 ~ y) => (x -> y) -> f -> f2
>>  instance Functor [x] where
>>    type Element [x] = x
>>    fmap = map
>> However, this fails. Put simply, the type for fmap fails to specify that f
>> and f2 must be /the same type of thing/, just with different element types.
>> The trouble is, after spending quite a bit of brainpower, I literally cannot
>> think of a way of writing such a constraint. Does anybody have any
>> suggestions?
> Does this do what you need?
> Antoine

I think this doesn't handle the ByteString case (wrong kind).  Here's
another mostly unsatisfactory (injectivity issues) solution that may
possibly not even work though it does compile:

import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.Word

type family P c z

class Mappable1 c1 c2 where
type E1 c1 c2
type E2 c1 c2
map1 :: (P c1 a ~ P c2 a) => (E1 c1 c2 -> E2 c1 c2) -> c1 -> c2

instance Mappable1 [a] [b] where
type E1 [a] [b] = a
type E2 [a] [b] = b
map1 = map

type instance P [a] b = [b]

instance Mappable1 B.ByteString B.ByteString where
type E1 B.ByteString B.ByteString = Word8
type E2 B.ByteString B.ByteString = Word8
map1 =

type instance P B.ByteString b = B.ByteString

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type families again

2010-12-02 Thread Antoine Latter
On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 3:29 PM, Andrew Coppin
> Yes, it's me. And yes, I come with yet more questions.
> With Haskell 98 (or, indeed, Haskell 2010) it is impossible to define a
> polymorphic version of "head" that works for [], Set and ByteString. You can
> use a higher-kinded type class for [], but that fails for Set (because you
> can't specify the Ord constraint) and fails spectacularly for ByteString
> (because it has the wrong kind). The basic problem is that the function's
> type needs to refer to the type of the container and the type of elements it
> contains, but the relationship between these types can be arbitrary.
> Type families allow you to neatly and cleanly fix the problem:
>  class Head c where
>    type Element c :: *
>    head :: c -> Element c
> It's simple, comprehensible, and it /actually works/.
> Following this success, we can define functions such as tail, join, and so
> forth.
> What we /can't/ do is define a polymorphic map function. One might try to do
> something like
>  class Functor f where
>    type Element f :: *
>    fmap :: (Element f2 ~ y) => (x -> y) -> f -> f2
>  instance Functor [x] where
>    type Element [x] = x
>    fmap = map
> However, this fails. Put simply, the type for fmap fails to specify that f
> and f2 must be /the same type of thing/, just with different element types.
> The trouble is, after spending quite a bit of brainpower, I literally cannot
> think of a way of writing such a constraint. Does anybody have any
> suggestions?

Does this do what you need?


> Second, what's the difference between using "type", "newtype" and "data" in
> a class definition?
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Type families again

2010-12-02 Thread Andrew Coppin

Yes, it's me. And yes, I come with yet more questions.

With Haskell 98 (or, indeed, Haskell 2010) it is impossible to define a 
polymorphic version of "head" that works for [], Set and ByteString. You 
can use a higher-kinded type class for [], but that fails for Set 
(because you can't specify the Ord constraint) and fails spectacularly 
for ByteString (because it has the wrong kind). The basic problem is 
that the function's type needs to refer to the type of the container and 
the type of elements it contains, but the relationship between these 
types can be arbitrary.

Type families allow you to neatly and cleanly fix the problem:

  class Head c where
type Element c :: *
head :: c -> Element c

It's simple, comprehensible, and it /actually works/.

Following this success, we can define functions such as tail, join, and 
so forth.

What we /can't/ do is define a polymorphic map function. One might try 
to do something like

  class Functor f where
type Element f :: *
fmap :: (Element f2 ~ y) => (x -> y) -> f -> f2

  instance Functor [x] where
type Element [x] = x
fmap = map

However, this fails. Put simply, the type for fmap fails to specify that 
f and f2 must be /the same type of thing/, just with different element 

The trouble is, after spending quite a bit of brainpower, I literally 
cannot think of a way of writing such a constraint. Does anybody have 
any suggestions?

Second, what's the difference between using "type", "newtype" and "data" 
in a class definition?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list