Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] ambiguous partially defined type problem

2006-09-14 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Brian,

Thursday, September 14, 2006, 7:43:55 PM, you wrote:

> Even if the compiler did know, by some other means, that a Node had been
> wrapped, Haskell doesn't support true existentials

> whereas you'd really need an existential:

> getCommon :: (forall gc. Node gc) -> Common

they are supported in ghc 6.6 with name of "impredicative
polymorphism", section 7.4.9 or 7.4.10 of new user manual

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ambiguous partially defined type problem

2006-09-14 Thread Brian Hulley

Maarten wrote:

For a project involving I use some partially defined node (in this
case a simple record, in my project state transformers) in which the
defined part is common to all nodes, and the custom part is different
for each node. They have to become anonymous so I can put them in a
list of connections from each node to another.

For some reason GHC complains of 'ambigous type variable' in the code
below. The thing is, part of the code may be undefined, but since I'm
(explicitly) not using that part, why would GHC care? Are there other
solutions to this problem? Any pointers or comments appreciated.

-- data structure with custom and common part
data Node cust = Node cust Common
   deriving (Show,Typeable)

-- anonymous data structure to put use in list
data AN = forall ar. (Show ar, Typeable ar) => AN ar

instance Show AN where
   show (AN an) = "AN (" ++ show an ++ ")"

-- common part
data Common = Common Integer
   deriving (Show,Typeable)

data Custom = Custom Integer
   deriving (Show,Typeable)

data Custom2 = Custom2 Integer
   deriving (Show,Typeable)

-- extract common part, ignoring type of custom part
getCommon :: forall gc. (Node gc) -> Common
getCommon (Node cust com) = com

main = do
   let a = AN (Node (Custom 5) (Common 10))
   let b = case a of (AN a') -> getCommon (case (cast a') of Just a''
-> a'')
   putStrLn $ "ok:" ++ show b

Hi Maarten -
The problem is that AN is far too general. The compiler can't tell that 
you've wrapped a Node, so the call to getCommon will fail to typecheck.

Even if the compiler did know, by some other means, that a Node had been 
wrapped, Haskell doesn't support true existentials, so the type signature 
for getCommon doesn't do what I think you mean ie:

   getCommon :: forall gc. (Node gc) -> Common

is the same as writing:

   getCommon :: Node gc -> Common

whereas you'd really need an existential:

   getCommon :: (forall gc. Node gc) -> Common

The fact that gc is not used in the definition of getCommon doesn't matter, 
since the type system has to just use the same rules for type inference 
regardless of the content of the function. In other words, without true 
existentials, or some other extension to the type system, there is no way to 
propagate the fact that the actual binding for a type variable is never 
required. Also, AFAIK there is no guarantee that Node Int Common and Node 
String Common would always be laid out in memory in the same way - the 
compiler is allowed to use special optimized layouts for particular 
instantiations of cust (even though it probably won't be clever enough to do 
this at the moment in Haskell implementations).

I suggest you wrap the custom part separately instead of wrapping the whole 
Node eg:

   data Custom = forall cust. ICusom cust => Custom cust

   data Node = Node Custom Common

where the ICustom class is whatever class you need to be able to do anything 
useful with cust.

Alternatively, you could wrap the custom part within the node as in:

   data Node = forall cust. ICustom cust => Node cust Custom

   getCommon :: Node -> Common
   getCommon (Node cust com) = com

Regards, Brian.
Logic empowers us and Love gives us purpose.
Yet still phantoms restless for eras long past,
congealed in the present in unthought forms,
strive mightily unseen to destroy us. 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ambiguous partially defined type problem

2006-09-14 Thread Maarten

Dear all,

For a project involving I use some partially defined node (in this case 
a simple record, in my project state transformers) in which the defined 
part is common to all nodes, and the custom part is different for each 
node. They have to become anonymous so I can put them in a list of 
connections from each node to another.

For some reason GHC complains of 'ambigous type variable' in the code 
below. The thing is, part of the code may be undefined, but since I'm 
(explicitly) not using that part, why would GHC care? Are there other 
solutions to this problem? Any pointers or comments appreciated. Thanks.


(This code is just some dummy code that contains the essence of the 
problem. I posted the complete code with piggy bagged state transformers 
in active objects on, but that is rather long and 
this seems to be the correct mailing list).

-- data structure with custom and common part
data Node cust = Node cust Common
   deriving (Show,Typeable)

-- anonymous data structure to put use in list
data AN = forall ar. (Show ar, Typeable ar) => AN ar

instance Show AN where
   show (AN an) = "AN (" ++ show an ++ ")"

-- common part
data Common = Common Integer
   deriving (Show,Typeable)

data Custom = Custom Integer
   deriving (Show,Typeable)

data Custom2 = Custom2 Integer
   deriving (Show,Typeable)

-- extract common part, ignoring type of custom part
getCommon :: forall gc. (Node gc) -> Common
getCommon (Node cust com) = com

main = do
   let a = AN (Node (Custom 5) (Common 10))
   let b = case a of (AN a') -> getCommon (case (cast a') of Just a'' 
-> a'')

   putStrLn $ "ok:" ++ show b

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