Re: [Haskell-cafe] monte carlo trouble

2007-08-17 Thread Paul Johnson
I finally decided to actually solve the problem, and  I'm sorry to say I 
was on the wrong track.  ListT won't do it on its own: you actually need 
a custom monad that does the random pick in the bind operation.  
Attached are a module to solve the problem and a Main module that tests 
it.  I hope this helps.

-- | Test the MonteCarlo Monad

module Main where

import System.Random
import MonteCarlo

f, g :: Int - MonteCarlo Int
f x = returnList $ map (*3) [x .. x+( x `mod` 5)-1]

g x = returnList $ map (*2) [x .. x+( x `mod` 7)-1]

-- The actual Monte-Carlo computation
experiment :: [Int] - MonteCarlo (Int, Int, Int)
experiment xs = do
   x  - returnList xs
   f1 - f x
   g1 - g x
   return (x, f1, g1)

-- Infinite list of generators
generators :: StdGen - [StdGen]
generators g = g1 : generators g2
   where (g1, g2) = split g

main :: IO ()
main = do
   g - getStdGen
   print $ take 10 $ map (runMonteCarlo $ experiment [1..100]) $ generators g

-- | A monad of random non-determinism.  Each action in the computation
-- generates zero or more results.  Zero is failure, but if more than one
-- result is returned then one is selected at random.

module MonteCarlo (
) where

import Control.Monad
import System.Random

newtype MonteCarlo a = MonteCarlo {runMC :: StdGen - (StdGen, [a])}

-- | Run a Monte-Carlo simulation to generate a zero or one results.
runMonteCarlo :: MonteCarlo a - StdGen - Maybe a
runMonteCarlo (MonteCarlo m) g1 =
  (g2, xs) = m g1
  (_,  x)  = pickOne xs g2
   in case xs of
  []   - Nothing
  [x1] - Just x1
  _- Just x

-- Internal function to pick a random element from a list
pickOne :: [a] - StdGen - (StdGen, a)
pickOne xs g1 = let (n, g2) = randomR (0, length xs - 1) g1 in (g2, xs !! n)

instance Monad MonteCarlo where
   MonteCarlo m = f  = MonteCarlo $ \g1 - 
  let -- If I was clever I'd find a way to merge this with runMonteCarlo.
 (g2, xs)  = m g1
 (g3, x)   = pickOne xs g2
 f'= case xs of
[]   - mzero
[x1] - f x1
_- f x
  in runMC f' g3

   return x = MonteCarlo $ \g - (g, [x])

instance MonadPlus MonteCarlo where
   mzero = MonteCarlo $ \g - (g, [])
   mplus (MonteCarlo m1) (MonteCarlo m2) = MonteCarlo $ \g -
(g1, xs1) = m1 g
(g2, xs2) = m2 g1
  in (g2, xs1 ++ xs2)

-- | Convert a list of items into a Monte-Carlo action.
returnList :: [a] - MonteCarlo a
returnList xs = MonteCarlo $ \g - (g, xs)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] monte carlo trouble

2007-08-16 Thread Chad Scherrer
I'm using ListT now, trying to do this:

type Sample a = ListT (State StdGen) a

randomStreamR :: (RandomGen g, Random a) = (a,a) - g - ([a], g)
randomStreamR bds g =(randomRs bds g1, g2)
  where (g1,g2) = split g

sample :: [a] - Sample a
sample [] = ListT (State f)
  where f s = case next s of (_,s') - ([],s')
sample xs = do
  let bds = (1, length xs)
  xArr = listArray bds xs
  i - ListT . State $ randomStreamR bds
  return $ (xArr ! i)

-- Simple example, for testing
main = mapM_ print . flip evalState (mkStdGen 1) . runListT $ do
  x - sample [1..100]
  y - sample [1..x]
  return (x,y)

The abstraction seems much better now, but even the simple little
example blows up in memory. Here's a snippet from profiling with
-auto-all -caf-all (after I interrupted it):

 CAF:lvl4Main 261   1
 0.00.0   100.0  100.0
  main   Main 273   0
 0.00.0   100.0  100.0
   sampleMain 274   1
100.0  100.0   100.0  100.0
randomStreamRMain 276   1
 0.00.0 0.00.0

I'm wondering if the bind for ListT is still effectively building
every possibility behind the scenes, and sampling from that. I could
redo the Sample monad by hand, if that could be the problem, but I'm
not sure what changes would need to be made. Or maybe it's building
lots of different arrays and holding them for too long from the GC. Or
maybe it's a strictness/laziness issue I'm missing. Still not so sure
when I need case vs let/where.

How would you guys going about tracking down the problem?


On 8/15/07, Paul Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Chad Scherrer wrote:
  Thanks for your replies.
  I actually starting out returning a single element instead. But a
  given lookup might return [], and the only way I could think of to
  handle it in (State StdGen a) would be to fail in the monad. But
  that's not really the effect I want - I'd rather have it ignore that
  element. Another option was to wrap with Maybe, but then since I
  really want  a sequence of them anyway, I decided to just wrap in a
  List instead. Is there a way Maybe would work out better?
 Ahh.  How about using ListT Gen then?  That (if I've got it the right
 way round) works like the list monad (giving you non-determinism), but
 has your random number generator embedded as well.  Take a look at All
 About Monads at  Each
 action in the monad may use a random number and produce zero or more


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] monte carlo trouble

2007-08-15 Thread Paul Johnson

Chad Scherrer wrote:

There's a problem I've been struggling with for a long time...

I need to build a function
buildSample :: [A] - State StdGen [(A,B,C)]
given lookup functions

f :: A - [B]
g :: A - [C]

The idea is to first draw randomly form the [A], then apply each
lookup function and draw randomly from the result of each.
I don't understand why this returns a list of triples instead of a 
single triple.  Your description below seems to imply the latter.

You should probably look at the Gen monad in Test.QuickCheck, which is 
basically a nice implementation of what you are doing with State 
StdGen below.  Its elements function gets a single random element, 
and you can combine it with replicateM to get a list of defined length.

(BTW, are you sure want multiple random samples rather than a shuffle?  
A shuffle has each element exactly once whereas multiple random samples 
can pick any element an arbitrary number of times.  I ask because 
shuffles are a more common requirement.  For the code below I'll assume 
you meant what you said.)

Using Test.QuickCheck I think you want something like this (which I have 
not tested):

  buildSample :: [A] - Gen (A,B,C)
  buildSample xs = do
 x - elements xs
 f1 - elements $ f x
 g1 - elements $ g x

If you want n such samples then I would suggest

  samples - replicateM n $ buildSample xs

It's actually slightly more complicated than this, since for the real
problem I start with type [[A]], and want to map buildSample over
these, and sample from the results.

There seem to be so many ways to deal with random numbers in Haskell.


After some false starts, I ended up doing something like

sample :: [a] - State StdGen [a]
sample [] = return []
sample xs = do
  g - get
  let (g', g'') = split g
  bds = (1, length xs)
  xArr = listArray bds xs
  put g''
  return . map (xArr !) $ randomRs bds g'
Not bad, although you could instead have a sample function that returns 
a single element and then use replicateM to get a list.

buildSample xs = sample $ do
  x - xs
  y - f x
  z - g x
  return (x,y,z)

This is really bad, since it builds a huge array of all the
possibilities and then draws from that. Memory is way leaky right now.
I'd like to be able to just have it apply the lookup functions as

Also, I'm still using GHC 6.6, so I don't have
Control.Monad.State.Strict. Not sure how much difference this makes,
but I guess I could just copy the source for that module if I need to.
Strictness won't help.  In fact you would be better with laziness if 
that were possible (which it isn't here).  The entire array has to be 
constructed before you can look up any elements in it.  That forces the 
entire computation.   But compare your implementation of buildSample to 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] monte carlo trouble

2007-08-15 Thread Thomas Hartman
have you looked at pfp, the haskell probabilistic functional programming 
library ?

the paper

describes modeling various statisticy things this way, like tree growth 
and the monty hall problem, I think it's likely this  is applicable to 
monte carlo processes as well.


08/15/2007 02:38 PM

Re: [Haskell-cafe] monte carlo trouble

Chad Scherrer wrote:
 There's a problem I've been struggling with for a long time...

 I need to build a function
 buildSample :: [A] - State StdGen [(A,B,C)]
 given lookup functions
 f :: A - [B]
 g :: A - [C]

 The idea is to first draw randomly form the [A], then apply each
 lookup function and draw randomly from the result of each.
I don't understand why this returns a list of triples instead of a 
single triple.  Your description below seems to imply the latter.

You should probably look at the Gen monad in Test.QuickCheck, which is 
basically a nice implementation of what you are doing with State 
StdGen below.  Its elements function gets a single random element, 
and you can combine it with replicateM to get a list of defined length.

(BTW, are you sure want multiple random samples rather than a shuffle? 
A shuffle has each element exactly once whereas multiple random samples 
can pick any element an arbitrary number of times.  I ask because 
shuffles are a more common requirement.  For the code below I'll assume 
you meant what you said.)

Using Test.QuickCheck I think you want something like this (which I have 
not tested):

   buildSample :: [A] - Gen (A,B,C)
   buildSample xs = do
  x - elements xs
  f1 - elements $ f x
  g1 - elements $ g x

If you want n such samples then I would suggest

   samples - replicateM n $ buildSample xs
 It's actually slightly more complicated than this, since for the real
 problem I start with type [[A]], and want to map buildSample over
 these, and sample from the results.

 There seem to be so many ways to deal with random numbers in Haskell.
 After some false starts, I ended up doing something like

 sample :: [a] - State StdGen [a]
 sample [] = return []
 sample xs = do
   g - get
   let (g', g'') = split g
   bds = (1, length xs)
   xArr = listArray bds xs
   put g''
   return . map (xArr !) $ randomRs bds g'
Not bad, although you could instead have a sample function that returns 
a single element and then use replicateM to get a list.
 buildSample xs = sample $ do
   x - xs
   y - f x
   z - g x
   return (x,y,z)

 This is really bad, since it builds a huge array of all the
 possibilities and then draws from that. Memory is way leaky right now.
 I'd like to be able to just have it apply the lookup functions as

 Also, I'm still using GHC 6.6, so I don't have
 Control.Monad.State.Strict. Not sure how much difference this makes,
 but I guess I could just copy the source for that module if I need to.
Strictness won't help.  In fact you would be better with laziness if 
that were possible (which it isn't here).  The entire array has to be 
constructed before you can look up any elements in it.  That forces the 
entire computation.   But compare your implementation of buildSample to 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] monte carlo trouble

2007-08-15 Thread Chad Scherrer
Thanks for your replies.

I actually starting out returning a single element instead. But a
given lookup might return [], and the only way I could think of to
handle it in (State StdGen a) would be to fail in the monad. But
that's not really the effect I want - I'd rather have it ignore that
element. Another option was to wrap with Maybe, but then since I
really want  a sequence of them anyway, I decided to just wrap in a
List instead. Is there a way Maybe would work out better?

I've seen PFP, but I don't see where that would help here. I'd still
end up with an enormous list of tuples. This could be generated
lazily, but sampling with replacement (yes I want this, not a shuffle)
would require forcing the whole list anyway, wouldn't it? Using my
approach, even asking ghci for the length of the list ran for 30+

If there's a way to lazily sample with replacement from a list without
even requiring the length of the list to be known in advance, that
could lead to a solution.


On 8/15/07, Paul Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Chad Scherrer wrote:
  There's a problem I've been struggling with for a long time...
  I need to build a function
  buildSample :: [A] - State StdGen [(A,B,C)]
  given lookup functions
  f :: A - [B]
  g :: A - [C]
  The idea is to first draw randomly form the [A], then apply each
  lookup function and draw randomly from the result of each.
 I don't understand why this returns a list of triples instead of a
 single triple.  Your description below seems to imply the latter.

 You should probably look at the Gen monad in Test.QuickCheck, which is
 basically a nice implementation of what you are doing with State
 StdGen below.  Its elements function gets a single random element,
 and you can combine it with replicateM to get a list of defined length.

 (BTW, are you sure want multiple random samples rather than a shuffle?
 A shuffle has each element exactly once whereas multiple random samples
 can pick any element an arbitrary number of times.  I ask because
 shuffles are a more common requirement.  For the code below I'll assume
 you meant what you said.)

 Using Test.QuickCheck I think you want something like this (which I have
 not tested):

buildSample :: [A] - Gen (A,B,C)
buildSample xs = do
   x - elements xs
   f1 - elements $ f x
   g1 - elements $ g x

 If you want n such samples then I would suggest

samples - replicateM n $ buildSample xs
  It's actually slightly more complicated than this, since for the real
  problem I start with type [[A]], and want to map buildSample over
  these, and sample from the results.
  There seem to be so many ways to deal with random numbers in Haskell.
  After some false starts, I ended up doing something like
  sample :: [a] - State StdGen [a]
  sample [] = return []
  sample xs = do
g - get
let (g', g'') = split g
bds = (1, length xs)
xArr = listArray bds xs
put g''
return . map (xArr !) $ randomRs bds g'
 Not bad, although you could instead have a sample function that returns
 a single element and then use replicateM to get a list.
  buildSample xs = sample $ do
x - xs
y - f x
z - g x
return (x,y,z)
  This is really bad, since it builds a huge array of all the
  possibilities and then draws from that. Memory is way leaky right now.
  I'd like to be able to just have it apply the lookup functions as
  Also, I'm still using GHC 6.6, so I don't have
  Control.Monad.State.Strict. Not sure how much difference this makes,
  but I guess I could just copy the source for that module if I need to.
 Strictness won't help.  In fact you would be better with laziness if
 that were possible (which it isn't here).  The entire array has to be
 constructed before you can look up any elements in it.  That forces the
 entire computation.   But compare your implementation of buildSample to



Chad Scherrer

Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana -- Groucho Marx
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] monte carlo trouble

2007-08-15 Thread Thomas Hartman
 I've seen PFP, but I don't see where that would help here. I'd still 
end up with an enormous list of tuples. 

I'm not sure I understand what you need, but did you read the bits about 
replacing a pure state expansion (all the possibile states) with an 
approximation using random/io ? the approximation of course used much less 
resources (orders of orders of magnitude :) ) , the more time the random 
process had to evolve the better the approximation matched the pure 
calculation. very wonderful.


Chad Scherrer [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
08/15/2007 03:05 PM

Paul Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED], Thomas Hartman/ext/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: [Haskell-cafe] monte carlo trouble

Thanks for your replies.

I actually starting out returning a single element instead. But a
given lookup might return [], and the only way I could think of to
handle it in (State StdGen a) would be to fail in the monad. But
that's not really the effect I want - I'd rather have it ignore that
element. Another option was to wrap with Maybe, but then since I
really want  a sequence of them anyway, I decided to just wrap in a
List instead. Is there a way Maybe would work out better?

I've seen PFP, but I don't see where that would help here. I'd still
end up with an enormous list of tuples. This could be generated
lazily, but sampling with replacement (yes I want this, not a shuffle)
would require forcing the whole list anyway, wouldn't it? Using my
approach, even asking ghci for the length of the list ran for 30+

If there's a way to lazily sample with replacement from a list without
even requiring the length of the list to be known in advance, that
could lead to a solution.


On 8/15/07, Paul Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Chad Scherrer wrote:
  There's a problem I've been struggling with for a long time...
  I need to build a function
  buildSample :: [A] - State StdGen [(A,B,C)]
  given lookup functions
  f :: A - [B]
  g :: A - [C]
  The idea is to first draw randomly form the [A], then apply each
  lookup function and draw randomly from the result of each.
 I don't understand why this returns a list of triples instead of a
 single triple.  Your description below seems to imply the latter.

 You should probably look at the Gen monad in Test.QuickCheck, which is
 basically a nice implementation of what you are doing with State
 StdGen below.  Its elements function gets a single random element,
 and you can combine it with replicateM to get a list of defined length.

 (BTW, are you sure want multiple random samples rather than a shuffle?
 A shuffle has each element exactly once whereas multiple random samples
 can pick any element an arbitrary number of times.  I ask because
 shuffles are a more common requirement.  For the code below I'll assume
 you meant what you said.)

 Using Test.QuickCheck I think you want something like this (which I have
 not tested):

buildSample :: [A] - Gen (A,B,C)
buildSample xs = do
   x - elements xs
   f1 - elements $ f x
   g1 - elements $ g x

 If you want n such samples then I would suggest

samples - replicateM n $ buildSample xs
  It's actually slightly more complicated than this, since for the real
  problem I start with type [[A]], and want to map buildSample over
  these, and sample from the results.
  There seem to be so many ways to deal with random numbers in Haskell.
  After some false starts, I ended up doing something like
  sample :: [a] - State StdGen [a]
  sample [] = return []
  sample xs = do
g - get
let (g', g'') = split g
bds = (1, length xs)
xArr = listArray bds xs
put g''
return . map (xArr !) $ randomRs bds g'
 Not bad, although you could instead have a sample function that returns
 a single element and then use replicateM to get a list.
  buildSample xs = sample $ do
x - xs
y - f x
z - g x
return (x,y,z)
  This is really bad, since it builds a huge array of all the
  possibilities and then draws from that. Memory is way leaky right now.
  I'd like to be able to just have it apply the lookup functions as
  Also, I'm still using GHC 6.6, so I don't have
  Control.Monad.State.Strict. Not sure how much difference this makes,
  but I guess I could just copy the source for that module if I need to.
 Strictness won't help.  In fact you would be better with laziness if
 that were possible (which it isn't here).  The entire array has to be
 constructed before you can look up any elements in it.  That forces the
 entire computation.   But compare your implementation of buildSample to



Chad Scherrer

Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana -- Groucho Marx


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Re: [Haskell-cafe] monte carlo trouble

2007-08-15 Thread Chad Scherrer
Funny you should say that, I was just experimenting with generating
one at a time using (StateT StdGen Maybe). If I get stuck (again) I'll
check out ListT. Thanks!


On 8/15/07, Paul Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Chad Scherrer wrote:
  Thanks for your replies.
  I actually starting out returning a single element instead. But a
  given lookup might return [], and the only way I could think of to
  handle it in (State StdGen a) would be to fail in the monad. But
  that's not really the effect I want - I'd rather have it ignore that
  element. Another option was to wrap with Maybe, but then since I
  really want  a sequence of them anyway, I decided to just wrap in a
  List instead. Is there a way Maybe would work out better?
 Ahh.  How about using ListT Gen then?  That (if I've got it the right
 way round) works like the list monad (giving you non-determinism), but
 has your random number generator embedded as well.  Take a look at All
 About Monads at  Each
 action in the monad may use a random number and produce zero or more



Chad Scherrer

Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana -- Groucho Marx
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] monte carlo trouble

2007-08-15 Thread Chaddaï Fouché
2007/8/15, Chad Scherrer [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 If there's a way to lazily sample with replacement from a list without
 even requiring the length of the list to be known in advance, that
 could lead to a solution.

I'm not sure what you mean by with replacement but I think it don't
change the fundamental problem. There is in fact a way to get a random
sample from a list without getting it's length first, but it still
require to look at the whole list so it shouldn't change anything
anyway... except if you're dealing with data on disk (which the time
for length() suggests... are you swapping and did you try to push your
data out of RAM ?) where reading is expensive.

Here it is :

getRandomElt :: (RandomGen t) = [a] - t - a
getRandomElt (x:xs) g = aux 2 g xs x
  aux _ _ [] y = y
  aux i g (x:xs) y =
  let (r,ng) = randomR (1, i) g in
  if r == 1 then aux (i+1) ng xs x else aux (i+1) ng xs y

There is an equiprobability that each element of the list is chosen.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] monte carlo trouble

2007-08-15 Thread Chad Scherrer
Yeah, I did have troubles with  (StateT StdGen Maybe). If it hits a
Nothing, I'd like it to skip that one and try again with the next
state. But instead, Nothing is treated as a failure condition that
makes the whole thing fail. I just found MaybeT on the wiki, which
looks like it could work. I'll take a look at that and the ListT

I'm starting to think the power of abstraction is a blessing and a
curse. Haskell's abstraction mechanisms are so powerful that it's
generally possible to come up with a way to solve a given problem
elegantly and efficiently. On the other hand, if a problem isn't so
well studied, the bulk of the work is in finding the right
abstraction, which forces generalization beyond what would otherwise
be needed (though it'll be easier the next time!).

On 8/15/07, Paul Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Chad Scherrer wrote:
  Funny you should say that, I was just experimenting with generating
  one at a time using (StateT StdGen Maybe). If I get stuck (again) I'll
  check out ListT. Thanks!
 You definitely want a list not a Maybe.  List is for 0 or more results
 whereas Maybe is for 0 or 1.  Yes you can have a Maybe [a] with Nothing
 instead of [], but its redundant.

 I'm fairly sure you need it the other way out too.  All About Monads has
 a demo of StateT s [a] where it is used to solve a logic problem.  The
 key point is that in the logic problem each possible result is
 associated with a different state change.  However here you want to have
 a list of results and then a state change when you pick one (or a
 subset, or whatever you want).  So that would be ListT (StateT StdGen).



Chad Scherrer

Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana -- Groucho Marx
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] monte carlo trouble

2007-08-15 Thread Steve Schafer
On Thu, 16 Aug 2007 00:05:14 +0200, you wrote:

I'm not sure what you mean by with replacement

With replacement means that you select a value from the source, but
you don't actually remove it. That way, it's still available to be
selected again later.

Steve Schafer
Fenestra Technologies Corp.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list