Re: [Haskell-cafe] uvector package appendU: memory leak?

2009-04-01 Thread wren ng thornton

Manlio Perillo wrote:

wren ng thornton ha scritto:
> Manlio Perillo wrote:
> > Since ratings for each customers are parsed "at the same time", using 
> > a plain list would consume a lot of memory, since stream fusion can 
> > only be executed at the end of the parsing.

> >
> > On the other hand, when I want to group ratings by movies, stream 
> > fusion seems to work fine.

> >
> [...]
> For the problem as you've discussed it, I'd suggest a different 
> approach: You can't fit all the data into memory at once, so you 
> shouldn't try to. You should write one program that takes in the 
> per-movie grouping of data and produces a per-user file as output. 

Well, creating 480189 files in a directory is not a very nice thing to 
do to a normal file system.

I said *a* per-user file; that is, a file of (Movie,User,Rating) records 
sorted by User, as opposed to your current file which is sorted by 
Movie. As for the interim binning process, one file per user is only in 
the extreme case.

Honestly, you should be able to get away with just reading through the 
file and splitting it into a handful of bins (8 or 16 at most) and 
assigning each user, u, to bin u = u `mod` qtyBins. The bins will be of 
uneven sizes, but they should be even enough that each is small enough 
to fit into memory. For this size data you can probably even leave the 
bins as a bag of (User,Movie,Rating) records and forgo the follow up 
step of sorting each bin by User.

Live well,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] uvector package appendU: memory leak?

2009-04-01 Thread Manlio Perillo

wren ng thornton ha scritto:

Manlio Perillo wrote:
Since ratings for each customers are parsed "at the same time", using 
a plain list would consume a lot of memory, since stream fusion can 
only be executed at the end of the parsing.

On the other hand, when I want to group ratings by movies, stream 
fusion seems to work fine.


For the problem as you've discussed it, I'd suggest a different 
approach: You can't fit all the data into memory at once, so you 
shouldn't try to. You should write one program that takes in the 
per-movie grouping of data and produces a per-user file as output. 

Well, creating 480189 files in a directory is not a very nice thing to 
do to a normal file system.

I should arrange files in directory, but then this starts to become too 

The solution I'm using now just works.
It takes about 950 MB of memory and 35 minutes, but it's not a big 
problem since:

1) Once loaded, I can serialize the data in binary format
2) I think that the program can be parallelized, parsing
   subsets of the files in N threads, and then merging the maps.

   Using this method, should optimize array copying.

   The problem is that unionWith seems to be lazy, and there is no no
   strict variant; I'm not sure.

have your second program read in the reorganized data and do fusion et al.

This reduces the problem to just writing the PerMovie -> PerUser 
program. Since you still can't fit all the data into memory, that means 
you can't hope to write the per-user file in one go. 

The data *do* fit into memory, fortunately.

> [...]

Best of luck.

Thanks  Manlio
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] uvector package appendU: memory leak?

2009-03-31 Thread wren ng thornton

Manlio Perillo wrote:

By the way, about insertWith/alter; from IntMap documentation:

insertWithKey: O(min(n,W)
alter: O(log n)

So, alter is more efficient than insertWithKey?
And what is that `W` ?

As Claus says it's the maximum (value of Int; number of keys). It's in 
an easily overlooked comment at the top of the IntMap page, last I checked.

As for which is faster, it depends. The O(min(n,W)) stuff is effectively 
linear because n can't exceed W (what would you use for the key?), but 
it's a smart linear that rivals O(log n). Because the values of n are so 
small, what really matters here are the constant factors not the 
asymptotic complexity. Also it depends a lot on what operations you 
really need.

If you're interested in the details, I highly recommend Okasaki&Gill's 
paper[1] where they introduce IntMap. It's eminently readable and gives 
comparative numbers to other datastructures for all the basic operations.


Live well,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] uvector package appendU: memory leak?

2009-03-31 Thread Manlio Perillo

Claus Reinke ha scritto:

Can I close this ticket as not being to do with uvector?
-- Don

You did notice the suggestion that performance of uvector and bytestring 
could be improved drastically if compile-time fusion would be augmented

with runtime fusion?

The storablevector package implements Data.StorableVector.Lazy

Just as with Data.ByteString.Lazy, it contains a linked list of chunks.

I think that this can improve performances of my implementation, since 
it is much more efficient to append elements at the end of the vector 
(it avoids a lot of copying).

In my draft implementation of the the Netflix Prize in D language, I 
used a similar implementation, base on:

Unfortunately, D garbage collector is really bad when there are a lot of 
allocations, so I gave up.

Manlio Perillo
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] uvector package appendU: memory leak?

2009-03-31 Thread Manlio Perillo

Claus Reinke ha scritto:
appendU is strict, insertWith just doesn't force it (follow the 
source link

in the haddocks to see why).

Ok, I see.
But, IMHO, this should be clearly documented.

There seems to be some agreement that strict variant operations should
also be provided, but it needs some more thinking, and whenever I look
at the code, I have the feeling that there are just too many operations
defined in it, so I look away again:-(

Well, it does not matter if strict variant operation is provided or not.
But at least it should be documented whether an implemented operation is 
strict or lazy.

However, reading the code now, I prefer my version using alter.

Yes, it is a more direct way to enforce strict evaluation. Btw, if your
update function 'f' is strict in 'old' and 'new', you might just want to 
use 'Just $! f old new' and save all those 'seq's.

Righ, thanks.
And this seems to be a bit more memory friendly, too.

By the way, about insertWith/alter; from IntMap documentation:

insertWithKey: O(min(n,W)
alter: O(log n)

So, alter is more efficient than insertWithKey?
And what is that `W` ?

'W' is a maximum bound (see comment at top of that haddock page).

And the top of that page there is only a link to a paper where the 
algorithm is defined.

'alter' has some shortcuts if the update functions doesn't actually do
anything, but for reimplementing 'insertWithKey', the complexity should 
be the same as the code would be the same.


But piling up appendUs is still not a good idea. For a moment,
I thought that the stream representation's (+++) was handling
runtime fusion gracefully, but a simple test case suggests otherwise
at least for the simpler case of consU (the attached appendU.hs
doesn't do any appendUs, as the consU case already demonstrates
the issue; be careful with large numbers here, it'll quickly eat your 

I'm not sure to fully understand the code.

[ Ok ]


But, again, IMHO it does not apply to my original problem.

It is a question of resource constraints, probably. Instead of maintaining
an 'IntMap (UArr Int)' all the way through buildup, you could use an
'IntMap [Int]' while parsing, and then compress into 'IntMap (UArr Int)'
when parsing is finished. 

No, as I have written, this is not possible for my problem.
Because this would eat all available memory after few minutes.

The data I'm parsing from Netflix Prize data set contains:
17770 movies
480189 customers (with customer ids ranging from 1 to 2649429)
100480507 total ratings

ratings are grouped for each movie, but I want to group them by costumers.
This means that each customer has few ratings (200, on average), so 
there are a lot of small arrays.

Since ratings for each customers are parsed "at the same time", using a 
plain list would consume a lot of memory, since stream fusion can only 
be executed at the end of the parsing.

On the other hand, when I want to group ratings by movies, stream fusion 
seems to work fine.

This is IMHO, of course.

If you can afford the larger memory profile
during parsing, this should give better overall performance, with the
same memory need for the final state, but larger memory needs up
to that state. I'd be interested in the differences, if you try it.

Unfortunately, I can not afford this memory profile!
My PC has only 2 GB of RAM.

And I doubt any other could afford the required memory.
Using UArr, the total required memory is about 900 MB.

Thanks  Manlio
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] uvector package appendU: memory leak?

2009-03-31 Thread Claus Reinke

Can I close this ticket as not being to do with uvector?
-- Don

You did notice the suggestion that performance of uvector and bytestring 
could be improved drastically if compile-time fusion would be augmented

with runtime fusion?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] uvector package appendU: memory leak?

2009-03-31 Thread Claus Reinke

appendU is strict, insertWith just doesn't force it (follow the source link
in the haddocks to see why).

Ok, I see.
But, IMHO, this should be clearly documented.

There seems to be some agreement that strict variant operations should
also be provided, but it needs some more thinking, and whenever I look
at the code, I have the feeling that there are just too many operations
defined in it, so I look away again:-(

However, reading the code now, I prefer my version using alter.

Yes, it is a more direct way to enforce strict evaluation. Btw, if your
update function 'f' is strict in 'old' and 'new', you might just want to 
use 'Just $! f old new' and save all those 'seq's.

By the way, about insertWith/alter; from IntMap documentation:

insertWithKey: O(min(n,W)
alter: O(log n)

So, alter is more efficient than insertWithKey?
And what is that `W` ?

'W' is a maximum bound (see comment at top of that haddock page).
'alter' has some shortcuts if the update functions doesn't actually do
anything, but for reimplementing 'insertWithKey', the complexity 
should be the same as the code would be the same.

But piling up appendUs is still not a good idea. For a moment,
I thought that the stream representation's (+++) was handling
runtime fusion gracefully, but a simple test case suggests otherwise
at least for the simpler case of consU (the attached appendU.hs
doesn't do any appendUs, as the consU case already demonstrates
the issue; be careful with large numbers here, it'll quickly eat your ram):

I'm not sure to fully understand the code.

Writing ':<' for 'snocU', the code for 'singletonU a1:makes a full copy of 'singletonU a1:adds another 'aj' to the end. That can't be good for performance. The
code I provided delayed the 'consU' operations (essentially keeping a 
list of things that need to be 'consU'ed), then did them all at once at

the end (needing only one copy and allocation, for the final array).

But, again, IMHO it does not apply to my original problem.

It is a question of resource constraints, probably. Instead of maintaining
an 'IntMap (UArr Int)' all the way through buildup, you could use an
'IntMap [Int]' while parsing, and then compress into 'IntMap (UArr Int)'
when parsing is finished. If you can afford the larger memory profile
during parsing, this should give better overall performance, with the
same memory need for the final state, but larger memory needs up
to that state. I'd be interested in the differences, if you try it.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] uvector package appendU: memory leak?

2009-03-30 Thread Manlio Perillo

Don Stewart ha scritto:

Can I close this ticket as not being to do with uvector?

Yes, thanks; and sorry for the noise.

But it may be interesting to study this the example I have pasted:

I find it a bit surprising that using appendU is actually faster than 
using snocU.

The interesting thing is that using appendU is *faster*.

Using appendU:
sys 0m0.048s

Using snocU:
sys 0m0.040s

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] uvector package appendU: memory leak?

2009-03-30 Thread Don Stewart
Can I close this ticket as not being to do with uvector?

-- Don

> Claus Reinke ha scritto:
>>> But Claus was right, appendU is lazy; this seems to be the cause of  
>>> the problem.
>> appendU is strict, insertWith just doesn't force it (follow the source link
>> in the haddocks to see why).
> Ok, I see.
> But, IMHO, this should be clearly documented.
> I have updated my test code:
> The interesting thing is that using appendU is *faster*.
> Using appendU:
> real  0m38.736s
> user  0m38.638s
> sys   0m0.048s
> Using snocU:
> real  0m41.279s
> user  0m40.939s
> sys   0m0.040s
> Memory usage is the same.
>>> However now I don't really understand why the two implementations  
>>> differs in lazyness.
>>> Or, to ask a different question, how can I make the version using  
>>> insertWith strict?
>> deja vu:-(
> Your are right, sorry.
> The problem is that at that time I was not able to fully understand the  
> code!
> However, reading the code now, I prefer my version using alter.
> By the way, about insertWith/alter; from IntMap documentation:
> insertWithKey: O(min(n,W)
> alter: O(log n)
> So, alter is more efficient than insertWithKey?
> And what is that `W` ?
>> As you've noticed, alter also allows to enforce strictness.
>> But piling up appendUs is still not a good idea. For a moment,
>> I thought that the stream representation's (+++) was handling
>> runtime fusion gracefully, but a simple test case suggests otherwise
>> at least for the simpler case of consU (the attached appendU.hs
>> doesn't do any appendUs, as the consU case already demonstrates
>> the issue; be careful with large numbers here, it'll quickly eat your ram):
> I'm not sure to fully understand the code.
> But, again, IMHO it does not apply to my original problem.
> > [...]
> Thanks   Manlio
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] uvector package appendU: memory leak?

2009-03-30 Thread Manlio Perillo

Claus Reinke ha scritto:
But Claus was right, appendU is lazy; this seems to be the cause of 
the problem.

appendU is strict, insertWith just doesn't force it (follow the source link
in the haddocks to see why).

Ok, I see.
But, IMHO, this should be clearly documented.

I have updated my test code:

The interesting thing is that using appendU is *faster*.

Using appendU:
sys 0m0.048s

Using snocU:
sys 0m0.040s

Memory usage is the same.

However now I don't really understand why the two implementations 
differs in lazyness.

Or, to ask a different question, how can I make the version using 
insertWith strict?

deja vu:-(

Your are right, sorry.
The problem is that at that time I was not able to fully understand the 

However, reading the code now, I prefer my version using alter.

By the way, about insertWith/alter; from IntMap documentation:

insertWithKey: O(min(n,W)
alter: O(log n)

So, alter is more efficient than insertWithKey?
And what is that `W` ?

As you've noticed, alter also allows to enforce strictness.

But piling up appendUs is still not a good idea. For a moment,
I thought that the stream representation's (+++) was handling
runtime fusion gracefully, but a simple test case suggests otherwise
at least for the simpler case of consU (the attached appendU.hs
doesn't do any appendUs, as the consU case already demonstrates
the issue; be careful with large numbers here, it'll quickly eat your ram):

I'm not sure to fully understand the code.
But, again, IMHO it does not apply to my original problem.

> [...]

Thanks   Manlio
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] uvector package appendU: memory leak?

2009-03-29 Thread Claus Reinke
But Claus was right, appendU is lazy; this seems to be the cause of the 

appendU is strict, insertWith just doesn't force it (follow the source link
in the haddocks to see why).

However now I don't really understand why the two implementations 
differs in lazyness.

Or, to ask a different question, how can I make the version using 
insertWith strict?

deja vu:-(

As you've noticed, alter also allows to enforce strictness.

But piling up appendUs is still not a good idea. For a moment,
I thought that the stream representation's (+++) was handling
runtime fusion gracefully, but a simple test case suggests otherwise
at least for the simpler case of consU (the attached appendU.hs
doesn't do any appendUs, as the consU case already demonstrates
the issue; be careful with large numbers here, it'll quickly eat your ram):

The test is a silly loop, using consU a lot (which isn't uvectors main 
target), to copy an array. The difference between the plain loop and

the unfolded loop shows that compile-time fusion can improve this,
suggesting that no runtime fusion is taking place. The simulated
runtime fusion version demonstrates (by staying within lists till the
end, only then switching back to arrays, avoiding all the intermediate
partial array copies). The old bytesting cons thread I linked to was
about integrating real runtime fusion into things like bytestring/uvector.


Description: Binary data
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] uvector package appendU: memory leak?

2009-03-29 Thread Manlio Perillo

Don Stewart ha scritto:


Don Stewart ha scritto:

So the question is: why appending an array of only one element to an  
existing array causes memory problems?

It must copy the entire array.

Isn't it the same with snocU?

And, since the final result is the same, what happens to the temporary  
memory used for array copying?

I have executed the program with:
   +RTS -A128M -s -c -F1.1 -RTS

The memory seems to leak.

Send me a test case.

But Claus was right, appendU is lazy; this seems to be the cause of the 

However now I don't really understand why the two implementations 
differs in lazyness.

Or, to ask a different question, how can I make the version using 
insertWith strict?

Thanks  Manlio
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] uvector package appendU: memory leak?

2009-03-29 Thread Manlio Perillo

Claus Reinke ha scritto:

IntMap (UArr (Word16 :*: Word8))

I was adding elements to the map using something like:

v = map singletonU (a :*: b)

insertWith appendU k v m

However doing this eats a *lot* of memory.

Since 'insertWith' doesn't actually do the 'appendU', the appends
will also be compressed in time, at point of use, rather than spread
out in time, over construction. Which might be inconvenient if large
volumes of data are involved.

Ah, ok; that may explain the problem, but I'm still not sure.

With this program:

Memory usage seems ok.
955 MB, against 622 MB when ratings are grouped by movies
(  using [(MovieID, UArr (Word32 :*: Word8))]  )

The version using `insertWith appendU` is here:

I still can not explain so much difference in memory usage.

So the question is: why appending an array of only one element to an  
existing array causes memory problems?

It must copy the entire array.

And doing this repeatedly, with arrays of increasing length, would
not be a good idea. 

I can't really see other solutions.

For single-threaded use, one might use fusion
to avoid the construction/recopying of the intermediate arrays.

Fusion is not possible, in my case, IMHO.
I'm parsing movie ratings, where we have customers ratings for each 
movie in separate files (17770 total movies).

Each file has format

I want to group ratings by customers, instead of grouping them by movies.
Stream fusion is only possible in the latter case (but in this case I 
don't even need an IntMap).

I'm missing something?

> [...]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] uvector package appendU: memory leak?

2009-03-29 Thread Manlio Perillo

Manlio Perillo ha scritto:


As with a previous post, I think I have found a possible memory problem 
with the uvector package.

I have this data structure (for, again, my Netflix Prize project):

IntMap (UArr (Word16 :*: Word8))


Today I have rewritten my program to use `alter` and `snocU`:

append Nothing = Just $ singletonU (a :*: b)
append (Just u) = Just $ snocU u (a :*: b)

alter append k m

> [...]
Unfortunately I'm still not able to load the entire Netflix Prize 
training data set, grouping ratings by customers, because my PC has only 
2 GB of RAM.
The required memory is about 2 GB, but when the system start to swap, I 
have to kill the program.

Just another small strictness hint:

append (Just u) = u `seq` Just $ snocU u (a :*: b)

and now memory usage is 955 MB.

Regards  Manlio
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] uvector package appendU: memory leak?

2009-03-29 Thread Claus Reinke

IntMap (UArr (Word16 :*: Word8))

I was adding elements to the map using something like:

v = map singletonU (a :*: b)

insertWith appendU k v m

However doing this eats a *lot* of memory.

Since 'insertWith' doesn't actually do the 'appendU', the appends
will also be compressed in time, at point of use, rather than spread
out in time, over construction. Which might be inconvenient if large
volumes of data are involved.

So the question is: why appending an array of only one element to an  
existing array causes memory problems?

It must copy the entire array.

And doing this repeatedly, with arrays of increasing length, would
not be a good idea. For single-threaded use, one might use fusion
to avoid the construction/recopying of the intermediate arrays. 

As usual, if the single-threading happens in the body of a recursive
loop, compile-time fusion won't get a chance to work unless one
unfolds the recursion a few steps. But one could do similar fusion
dynamically, by partially reifying the construction functions (if we
are appending an array that is itself created via append, then a
single combined append will do). 

Wasn't there once a similar issue with strict bytestrings and cons?
Ah, found it - different mailing list:

Was this actually resolved? From a quick glance, it seems I
suggested runtime fusion, Don answered with compile-time
fusion, Duncan suggested a different hack to achieve runtime
fusion. But was the runtime fusion of nested cons in strict 
bytestring, or nested appends in uvector, ever implemented?

Does the stream-fusion framework handle that implicitly?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] uvector package appendU: memory leak?

2009-03-29 Thread Don Stewart
> Don Stewart ha scritto:
>> [...]
>>> So the question is: why appending an array of only one element to an  
>>> existing array causes memory problems?
>> It must copy the entire array.
> Isn't it the same with snocU?
> And, since the final result is the same, what happens to the temporary  
> memory used for array copying?
> I have executed the program with:
>+RTS -A128M -s -c -F1.1 -RTS
> The memory seems to leak.

Send me a test case.

-- Don
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] uvector package appendU: memory leak?

2009-03-29 Thread Manlio Perillo

Don Stewart ha scritto:

So the question is: why appending an array of only one element to an  
existing array causes memory problems?

It must copy the entire array.

Isn't it the same with snocU?

And, since the final result is the same, what happens to the temporary 
memory used for array copying?

I have executed the program with:
   +RTS -A128M -s -c -F1.1 -RTS

The memory seems to leak.

-- Don

Thanks  Manlio
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] uvector package appendU: memory leak?

2009-03-29 Thread Don Stewart
> Hi.
> As with a previous post, I think I have found a possible memory problem  
> with the uvector package.
> I have this data structure (for, again, my Netflix Prize project):
> IntMap (UArr (Word16 :*: Word8))
> I was adding elements to the map using something like:
> v = map singletonU (a :*: b)
> insertWith appendU k v m
> However doing this eats a *lot* of memory.
> Today I have rewritten my program to use `alter` and `snocU`:
> append Nothing = Just $ singletonU (a :*: b)
> append (Just u) = Just $ snocU u (a :*: b)
> alter append k m
> This, finally, works.
> Unfortunately I'm still not able to load the entire Netflix Prize  
> training data set, grouping ratings by customers, because my PC has only  
> 2 GB of RAM.
> The required memory is about 2 GB, but when the system start to swap, I  
> have to kill the program.
> So the question is: why appending an array of only one element to an  
> existing array causes memory problems?

It must copy the entire array.

-- Don
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] uvector package appendU: memory leak?

2009-03-29 Thread Manlio Perillo


As with a previous post, I think I have found a possible memory problem 
with the uvector package.

I have this data structure (for, again, my Netflix Prize project):

IntMap (UArr (Word16 :*: Word8))

I was adding elements to the map using something like:

v = map singletonU (a :*: b)

insertWith appendU k v m

However doing this eats a *lot* of memory.

Today I have rewritten my program to use `alter` and `snocU`:

append Nothing = Just $ singletonU (a :*: b)
append (Just u) = Just $ snocU u (a :*: b)

alter append k m

This, finally, works.

Unfortunately I'm still not able to load the entire Netflix Prize 
training data set, grouping ratings by customers, because my PC has only 
2 GB of RAM.
The required memory is about 2 GB, but when the system start to swap, I 
have to kill the program.

So the question is: why appending an array of only one element to an 
existing array causes memory problems?

This should be pratically the same as adding an element.

Thanks  Manlio
Haskell-Cafe mailing list