Re: [Haskell-cafe] Computing lazy and strict list operations at the same time

2006-09-29 Thread Brandon Moore

Andrew Pimlott wrote:

This is a follow-up to a thread from June-July[1].  The question was how to
write the function

initlast :: [a] - ([a], a)
initlast xs = (init xs, last xs)

so that it can be consumed in fixed space:

main = print $ case initlast [0..10] of
 (init, last) - (length init, last)

Attempts were along the lines of

initlast :: [a] - ([a], a)
initlast [x]= ([], x)
initlast (x:xs) = let (init, last) = initlast xs
  in  (x:init, last)

I seemed obvious to me at first (and for a long while) that ghc should
force both computations in parallel; but finally at the hackathon
(thanks to Simon Marlow) I realized I was expecting magic:  The elements
of the pair are simply independent thunks, and there's no way to partly
force the second (ie, last) without forcing it all the way.

According to the stuff about selector thunks, it seems this should work

initlast [x] = ([],[x])
initlast (x:xs) =
let ~(init,last) = initlast xs
in (x:init, last)

It does, at least when I build with -ddump-simpl. Other builds, I get a 
program that overflows. Attached is a heap profile for a run with the 
main (10M rather than 100M as above - that just takes too long)

main = print $ case initlast [0..1]
of (init, last) - (length init, last)

Description: PostScript document
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Computing lazy and strict list operations at the same time

2006-09-27 Thread Brandon Moore

Andrew Pimlott wrote:

This is a follow-up to a thread from June-July[1].  The question was how to
write the function

initlast :: [a] - ([a], a)
initlast xs = (init xs, last xs)

so that it can be consumed in fixed space:

main = print $ case initlast [0..10] of
 (init, last) - (length init, last)

Attempts were along the lines of

initlast :: [a] - ([a], a)
initlast [x]= ([], x)
initlast (x:xs) = let (init, last) = initlast xs
  in  (x:init, last)

I seemed obvious to me at first (and for a long while) that ghc should
force both computations in parallel; but finally at the hackathon
(thanks to Simon Marlow) I realized I was expecting magic:  The elements
of the pair are simply independent thunks, and there's no way to partly
force the second (ie, last) without forcing it all the way.

According to the stuff about selector thunks, it seems this should work

initlast [x] = ([],[x])
initlast (x:xs) =
let ~(init,last) = initlast xs
in (x:init, last)

Sometimes it does compile to a program that runs in constant space, 
sometimes it doesn't!

I've sent a message to the list with a heap profile of a run on 10M 
numbers, but it's being held for moderation because it's too big.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Computing lazy and strict list operations at the same time

2006-09-26 Thread Andrew Pimlott
This is a follow-up to a thread from June-July[1].  The question was how to
write the function

initlast :: [a] - ([a], a)
initlast xs = (init xs, last xs)

so that it can be consumed in fixed space:

main = print $ case initlast [0..10] of
 (init, last) - (length init, last)

Attempts were along the lines of

initlast :: [a] - ([a], a)
initlast [x]= ([], x)
initlast (x:xs) = let (init, last) = initlast xs
  in  (x:init, last)

I seemed obvious to me at first (and for a long while) that ghc should
force both computations in parallel; but finally at the hackathon
(thanks to Simon Marlow) I realized I was expecting magic:  The elements
of the pair are simply independent thunks, and there's no way to partly
force the second (ie, last) without forcing it all the way.

Simon Peyton Jones graciously offered that it is embarrassing that we
can't write this in Haskell, so to make him less embarrassed (and
despite my adamance on the mailing list that the implementation be
functional), I wrote an imperative version with the desired space
behavior.  Borrowing the insight that unsafePerform and unsafeInterleave
can be thought of as hooks into the evaluator, this shows more or less
what I would wish for ghc to do automatically.

initlastST :: [a] - ([a], a)
initlastST xs = runST (m xs) where
  m xs = do
r - newSTRef undefined 
init - init' r xs
last - unsafeInterleaveST (readSTRef r)
return (init, last)
  init' r [x]= do writeSTRef r x
  return []
  init' r (x:xs) = do writeSTRef r (last xs)
  liftM (x:) (unsafeInterleaveST (init' r xs))


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Computing lazy and strict list operations at the same time

2006-07-14 Thread Andrew Pimlott
On Mon, Jun 19, 2006 at 05:50:13PM +0100, Duncan Coutts wrote:
 On Mon, 2006-06-19 at 17:03 +0100, Jon Fairbairn wrote:
  il [] = error foo
  il [x] = ([], x)
  il (x:xs) = cof x (il xs)
  where cof x ~(a,b) = (x:a, b)
  --  !
 From a quick test, it looks like none of our suggested solutions
 actually work in constant space.
 main = interact $ \s -
   case il s of
 (xs, x) - let l = length xs
in l `seq` show (l,x)

I was hoping to have enlightenment served to me, but since nobody has
explained this, I took a crack at it.  I still can't explain it, but I
got some data that maybe somebody else will understand.  My code:

initlast :: [a] - ([a], a)
initlast [x]= ([], x)
initlast (x:xs) = let (init, last) = initlast xs
  in  (x:init, {-# SCC last #-} last)

lenshow n (_:xs) last = let n1 = n+1 in n1 `seq` lenshow n1 xs last
lenshow n [] last = show (n,last)

main = interact $ \s - case initlast s of
  (xs, x) - lenshow 0 xs x 

lenshow is just show (length xs, x), written out so I can tweak it
later.  This exhibits the runaway space usage with a large input that
Duncan described.  If you throw away last in lenshow and just show
n, it runs in constant space.

It seems that the reference to last that I annotated as a cost center
is holding a chain of trivial thunks--trivial because last is just
being copied from the result of the recursive call to initlast.  I
thought maybe I could get rid of them by returning an unboxed tuple from
initlast, but this turned out to make no difference.

Profiling gave a couple hints.  Retainer set profiling (-hr) showed the
retainer set holding all the memory was


I think this confirms that last holding a chain of thunks.  I'm still
surprised that ghc doesn't see that they're trivial.  It feels like it
should be an easy optimization.

Constructor and type profiling (-hd and -hy) both show the memory held
by stg_ap_1_upd_info.  I don't know what that means.

Most frustrating, I can't find any work around:  No matter how I tried
to write initlast, it had the same leak when consumed this way.  (NB:
functional implementations only need apply.)  Granted, I can't think of
any good reason to code in this style, but it's hard for me to accept
that it should be impossible.

Finally, here is a (silly) version that doesn't leak:

initlast :: [a] - ([a], [a])
initlast [x]= ([], [x])
initlast (x:xs) = let (init, last) = initlast xs
  in  (x:init, undefined:last)

lenshow n (_:xs) (_:ls) = let n1 = n+1 in n1 `seq` lenshow n1 xs ls
lenshow n [] [last] = show (n,last)

This is the first case I recall in which adding more constructors makes
a space leak go away, because it gives me something to force (vis
_:ls).  With the original implementation, there was no way to partly
force last, one thunk at a time.  Have others used this technique?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Computing lazy and strict list operations at the same time

2006-06-19 Thread Robert Dockins

On Jun 19, 2006, at 11:24 AM, C Rodrigues wrote:

Here's a puzzle I haven't been able to solve.  Is it possible to  
write the initlast function?

There are functions init and last that take constant stack  
space and traverse the list at most once.  You can think of  
traversing the list as deconstructing all the (:) [] constructors  
in list.

init (x:xs) = init' x xs
 where init' x (y:ys) = x:init' y ys
   init' _ [] = []

last (x:xs) = last' x xs
 where last' _ (y:ys) = last' y ys
   last' x [] = x

Now, is there a way to write initlast :: [a] - ([a], a) that  
returns the result of init and the result of last, takes constant  
stack space, and traverses the list only once?  Calling reverse  
traverses the list again.  I couldn't think of a way to do it, but  
I couldn't figure out why it would be impossible.

initlast :: [a] - ([a],a)
initlast (x:xs) = f x xs id
  f x (y:ys) g = f y ys (g . (x:))
  f x [] g = (g [],x)

Its within the letter, if maybe not the spirit of the rules.  The  
accumulated function could arguably be considered to be traversing  
the list again.  FYI, the technique is a fairly well known one for  
overcoming the quadratic behavior of repeated (++).

Rob Dockins

Speak softly and drive a Sherman tank.
Laugh hard; it's a long way to the bank.
  -- TMBG

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Computing lazy and strict list operations at the same time

2006-06-19 Thread Jon Fairbairn
On 2006-06-19 at 15:24- C Rodrigues wrote:
 Here's a puzzle I haven't been able to solve.  Is it possible to write the 
 initlast function?
 There are functions init and last that take constant stack space and 
 traverse the list at most once.  You can think of traversing the list as 
 deconstructing all the (:) [] constructors in list.
 init (x:xs) = init' x xs
   where init' x (y:ys) = x:init' y ys
 init' _ [] = []
 last (x:xs) = last' x xs
   where last' _ (y:ys) = last' y ys
 last' x [] = x
 Now, is there a way to write initlast :: [a] - ([a], a) that returns the 
 result of init and the result of last, takes constant stack space, and 
 traverses the list only once?  Calling reverse traverses the list again.  I 
 couldn't think of a way to do it, but I couldn't figure out why it would be 

il [] = error foo
il [x] = ([], x)
il (x:xs) = cof x (il xs)
where cof x ~(a,b) = (x:a, b)
--  !

Should do it, I think.

Jón Fairbairn  Jon.Fairbairn at

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Computing lazy and strict list operations at the same time

2006-06-19 Thread Duncan Coutts
On Mon, 2006-06-19 at 15:24 +, C Rodrigues wrote:
 Here's a puzzle I haven't been able to solve.  Is it possible to write the 
 initlast function?
 There are functions init and last that take constant stack space and 
 traverse the list at most once.  You can think of traversing the list as 
 deconstructing all the (:) [] constructors in list.
 init (x:xs) = init' x xs
   where init' x (y:ys) = x:init' y ys
 init' _ [] = []
 last (x:xs) = last' x xs
   where last' _ (y:ys) = last' y ys
 last' x [] = x
 Now, is there a way to write initlast :: [a] - ([a], a) that returns the 
 result of init and the result of last, takes constant stack space, and 
 traverses the list only once?  Calling reverse traverses the list again.  I 
 couldn't think of a way to do it, but I couldn't figure out why it would be 

initlast :: [a] - ([a],a)
initlast [x]= ([], x)
initlast (x:xs) = (x : xs', x')
  where (xs', x') = initlast xs

It depends how you use it I think. If you look at the last element
immediately then you'll get a linear collection of thunks for the init.
However if you consume the init and then look at the last then I think
that will use constant space.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Computing lazy and strict list operations at the same time

2006-06-19 Thread Joel Reymont

Where's the solution and what is the repmin problem?

On Jun 19, 2006, at 5:21 PM, Jerzy Karczmarczuk wrote:

Such tricks become your second nature, when you take the solution
(lazy) of the repmin problem by Richard Bird, you put it under your
pillow, and sleep for one week with your head close to it.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Computing lazy and strict list operations at the same time

2006-06-19 Thread Duncan Coutts
On Mon, 2006-06-19 at 17:03 +0100, Jon Fairbairn wrote:
 On 2006-06-19 at 15:24- C Rodrigues wrote:
  Here's a puzzle I haven't been able to solve.  Is it possible to write the 
  initlast function?
  There are functions init and last that take constant stack space and 
  traverse the list at most once.  You can think of traversing the list as 
  deconstructing all the (:) [] constructors in list.
  init (x:xs) = init' x xs
where init' x (y:ys) = x:init' y ys
  init' _ [] = []
  last (x:xs) = last' x xs
where last' _ (y:ys) = last' y ys
  last' x [] = x
  Now, is there a way to write initlast :: [a] - ([a], a) that returns the 
  result of init and the result of last, takes constant stack space, and 
  traverses the list only once?  Calling reverse traverses the list again.  I 
  couldn't think of a way to do it, but I couldn't figure out why it would be 
 il [] = error foo
 il [x] = ([], x)
 il (x:xs) = cof x (il xs)
 where cof x ~(a,b) = (x:a, b)
 --  !

From a quick test, it looks like none of our suggested solutions
actually work in constant space.

main = interact $ \s -
  case il s of
(xs, x) - let l = length xs
   in l `seq` show (l,x)

using ghc:
ghc -O foo.hs -o foo
./foo +RTS -M10m -RTS

using runhugs:
runhugs foo.hs

in both cases and for each of the three solutions we've suggested the
prog runs out of heap space where the spec asked for constant heap use.

So what's wrong? In my test I was trying to follow my advice that we
should consume the init before consuming the last element. Was that
wrong? Is there another way of consuming the result of initlast that
will work in constant space?

Note that by changing discarding the x we do get constant space use:
main = interact $ \s -
  case il s of
(xs, x) - let l = length xs
   in l `seq` show l  -- rather than 'show (l,x)'

Why does holding onto 'x' retain 'xs' (or the initial input or some
other structure with linear space use)?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Computing lazy and strict list operations at the same time

2006-06-19 Thread Robert Dockins

On Jun 19, 2006, at 12:50 PM, Duncan Coutts wrote:

On Mon, 2006-06-19 at 17:03 +0100, Jon Fairbairn wrote:

On 2006-06-19 at 15:24- C Rodrigues wrote:
Here's a puzzle I haven't been able to solve.  Is it possible to  
write the

initlast function?

There are functions init and last that take constant stack  
space and
traverse the list at most once.  You can think of traversing the  
list as

deconstructing all the (:) [] constructors in list.

init (x:xs) = init' x xs
  where init' x (y:ys) = x:init' y ys
init' _ [] = []

last (x:xs) = last' x xs
  where last' _ (y:ys) = last' y ys
last' x [] = x

Now, is there a way to write initlast :: [a] - ([a], a) that  
returns the
result of init and the result of last, takes constant stack  
space, and
traverses the list only once?  Calling reverse traverses the list  
again.  I
couldn't think of a way to do it, but I couldn't figure out why  
it would be


il [] = error foo
il [x] = ([], x)
il (x:xs) = cof x (il xs)
where cof x ~(a,b) = (x:a, b)
--  !

From a quick test, it looks like none of our suggested solutions

actually work in constant space.

main = interact $ \s -
  case il s of
(xs, x) - let l = length xs
   in l `seq` show (l,x)

using ghc:
ghc -O foo.hs -o foo
./foo +RTS -M10m -RTS

using runhugs:
runhugs foo.hs

in both cases and for each of the three solutions we've suggested the
prog runs out of heap space where the spec asked for constant heap  

Actually, the OP asked for constant stack space, which is quite  
different and much easier to achieve.

So what's wrong? In my test I was trying to follow my advice that we
should consume the init before consuming the last element. Was that
wrong? Is there another way of consuming the result of initlast that
will work in constant space?

That is, nonetheless, an interesting question.

Note that by changing discarding the x we do get constant space use:
main = interact $ \s -
  case il s of
(xs, x) - let l = length xs
   in l `seq` show l  -- rather than 'show (l,x)'

Why does holding onto 'x' retain 'xs' (or the initial input or some
other structure with linear space use)?


Rob Dockins

Speak softly and drive a Sherman tank.
Laugh hard; it's a long way to the bank.
  -- TMBG

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Computing lazy and strict list operations at the same time

2006-06-19 Thread jerzy . karczmarczuk

Joel Reymont writes:

Where's the solution and what is the repmin problem?

On Jun 19, 2006, at 5:21 PM, Jerzy Karczmarczuk wrote:

Such tricks become your second nature, when you take the solution
(lazy) of the repmin problem by Richard Bird, you put it under your
pillow, and sleep for one week with your head close to it.

Well, the Functionalist True Lazy Church considers this to be a part
of the Holy Scriptures...

R.S. Bird. Using circular programs to eliminate multiple traversals of data.
Acta Informatica, 21, pp. 239--250, 1984.

Traverse a binary tree ONCE, and replace all the elements by the minimum
of all leaves (i.e., construct a new tree, topologically equivalent, but
with all leaf nodes being the minimum value within the original source. A
one pass algorithm postpones the binding of an argument until the minimum
is found...

data Tree a = L a | B (Tree a) (Tree a)

   rpMin :: (Tree Int, Int) - (Tree Int, Int)
   rpMin (L a,   m) = (L m, a)

   rpMin (B l r, m) = let (l', ml) = rpMin (l, m)
  (r', mr) = rpMin (r, m)
  in (B l' r', ml `min` mr)

   replaceMin :: Tree Int - Tree Int
   replaceMin t = let (t', m) = rpMin (t, m)
  in t'

Google, your not-so-humble friend will find you some dozen references...
For example, Levent Erkök:

Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Haskell-Cafe mailing list