Re: [Haskell-cafe] Minim interpreter

2007-07-23 Thread Chaddaï Fouché

I wrote such an interpreter though the code is quite ugly due to my
lack of experience in the field as well as with Haskell... It took me
the better part of two hour but mainly because I didn't use Parsec
before this. I would of course be happy of any suggestion to amend it
but a plain rewriting might be best... (even by me ;-) )
There are probably some bugs (in part due to the fuzzy definition of
the language semantics and real syntax).
Here is the beast :
module Minim (the real work is done here)
module Minim (Statement (..), Test (..), Program (..), Expr (..), eval) where
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Char

data Statement =
   Assign String Expr
   | Inc String
   | Dec String
   | Cond Test Statement Statement
   | Goto String
   | Print Expr
   | Nl
   | Input String
   deriving (Show)

data Test =
   Le Expr Expr
   | Ge Expr Expr
   | Eq Expr Expr
   | And Test Test
   | Or Test Test
   | Not Test
   deriving (Show)

data Expr =
   Str String
   | Number Int
   | EVar String
   deriving (Eq, Ord)

instance Show Expr where
   show (Str s) = s
   show (Number i) = show i
   show (EVar s) = Variable :  ++ s

newtype Program = Program ([Statement],[(String,[Statement])])
   deriving (Show)
eval :: Program - IO ()
eval (Program (xs, tags)) =
   evalS xs tags M.empty

evalS :: [Statement] - [(String, [Statement])] - M.Map String Expr - IO ()
evalS (s0:ss) tags context =
   s0 `seq`
   case s0 of
 Assign str expr - evalS ss tags
$ M.insert str (evalE expr context) context
 Inc str - evalS ss tags
$ M.adjust inc_expr str context
  inc_expr (Number i) = Number $ i + 1
  inc_expr _ = error $ You can't increment 
   ++ str ++ , it isn't numeric.\n
 Dec str - evalS ss tags
$ M.adjust dec_expr str context
  dec_expr (Number i) = Number $ i - 1
  dec_expr _ = error $ You can't increment 
   ++ str ++ , it isn't numeric.\n
 Cond test s1 s2 - if evalT test context
then evalS (s1:ss) tags context
else evalS (s2:ss) tags context
 Goto str - maybe
 (error $ No such tag :  ++ str)
 (\nss - evalS nss tags context)
 $ lookup str tags
 Print expr - do putStr (show $ evalE expr context)
  evalS ss tags context
 Nl - do putStrLn 
  evalS ss tags context
 Input str - do input - getLine
 let expr = if (not $ null input)  all isDigit input
then Number $ read input
else Str input
 evalS ss tags $ M.insert str expr context
evalS [] _ _ = return ()

evalE :: Expr - M.Map String Expr - Expr
evalE (EVar str) context =
   (error $ There's no such variable :  ++ str)
   $ M.lookup str context
evalE e _ = e

evalT :: Test - M.Map String Expr - Bool
evalT t context =
   case t of
 Eq e1 e2 - evalE e1 context == evalE e2 context
 Le e1 e2 - evalE e1 context  evalE e2 context
 Ge e1 e2 - evalE e1 context  evalE e2 context
 And t1 t2 - evalT t1 context  evalT t2 context
 Or t1 t2 - evalT t1 context || evalT t2 context
 Not t1 - not $ evalT t1 context
module MinimParser
module MinimParser (parseFile) where
import Minim
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec hiding (spaces, parseTest)
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Expr
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Token hiding (symbol)
import Control.Monad

spaces :: Parser ()
spaces = skipMany1 $ char ' '

symbol :: Parser String
symbol = many1 letter

litVar :: Parser Expr
litVar = liftM EVar symbol

litString :: Parser Expr
litString = do char ''
  s - many (noneOf \)
  char ''
  return $ Str s

litNumber :: Parser Expr
litNumber = return . Number . read = many digit

parseExpr :: Parser Expr
parseExpr = litVar | litString | litNumber

opTable = [ [Infix (string and  return And) AssocNone,
Infix (string or  return Or) AssocNone],
   [Prefix (string not  return Not)]

parseTest :: Parser Test
parseTest = buildExpressionParser opTable simpleTest

simpleTest :: Parser Test
simpleTest =
   (do char '('
   test - parseTest
   char ')'
   return test
   ) |
   do e1 - parseExpr
  op - oneOf =
  e2 - parseExpr
  return $ case op of
 '=' - Eq e1 e2
 '' - Le e1 e2
 '' - Ge e1 e2

printS :: Parser Statement
printS =
 string print
 expr - parseExpr
 return $ Print expr

inputS :: Parser 

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Minim interpreter

2007-07-23 Thread Chaddaï Fouché

There was more than some bugs, and a lack of strictness that led to
a stack overflow for high values of x... So here is a better version
(not quite there still, but better).

{-# OPTIONS -fbang-patterns -funbox-strict-fields #-}
module Minim (Statement (..), Test (..), Program (..), Expr (..), eval) where 
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Char

data Statement = 
Assign String Expr
| Inc String
| Dec String
| Cond Test Statement Statement
| Goto String
| Print Expr
| Nl
| Input String
deriving (Show)

data Test = 
Le Expr Expr
| Eq Expr Expr
| And Test Test
| Or Test Test
| Not Test
deriving (Show)

data Expr =
Str String
| Number !Int
| EVar String
deriving (Eq, Ord)

instance Show Expr where
show (Str s) = s
show (Number i) = show i
show (EVar s) = Variable :  ++ s

newtype Program = Program ([Statement],[(String,[Statement])])
deriving (Show)
eval :: Program - IO ()
eval (Program (xs, tags)) =
evalS xs tags M.empty

evalS :: [Statement] - [(String, [Statement])] - M.Map String Expr - IO ()
evalS (s0:ss) tags !context =  
case s0 of
  Assign str expr - evalS ss tags 
 $ M.insert str (evalE expr context) context
  Inc str - evalS ss tags $ M.insertWith' inc_expr str undefined context
  inc_expr _ !(Number i) = Number $ i + 1
  inc_expr _ _ = error $ You can't increment 
   ++ str ++ , it isn't numeric.\n 
  Dec str - evalS ss tags $ M.insertWith' dec_expr str undefined context
  dec_expr _ !(Number i) = Number $ i - 1
  dec_expr _ _ = error $ You can't increment 
 ++ str ++ , it isn't numeric.\n
  Cond test s1 s2 - if evalT test context
 then evalS (s1:ss) tags context
 else evalS (s2:ss) tags context
  Goto str - maybe 
  (error $ No such tag :  ++ str)
  (\nss - evalS nss tags context)
  $ lookup str tags
  Print expr - do putStr (show $ evalE expr context)
   evalS ss tags context
  Nl - do putStrLn 
   evalS ss tags context
  Input str - do input - getLine
  let expr = if (not $ null input)  all isDigit input
 then Number $ read input
 else Str input
  evalS ss tags $ M.insert str expr context
evalS [] _ _ = return ()

evalE :: Expr - M.Map String Expr - Expr
evalE (EVar str) context = maybe 
   (error $ There's no such variable :  ++ str) 
   id $ M.lookup str context
evalE e _ = e

evalT :: Test - M.Map String Expr - Bool
evalT t context = case t of
Eq e1 e2 - evalE e1 context == evalE e2 context
Le e1 e2 - evalE e1 context  evalE e2 context
And t1 t2 - evalT t1 context  evalT t2 context
Or t1 t2 - evalT t1 context || evalT t2 context
Not t1 - not $ evalT t1 context
module MinimParser (parseFile) where
import Minim
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec hiding (spaces, parseTest, token)
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Expr
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Token hiding (symbol)
import Control.Monad

sp :: Parser ()
sp = skipMany $ char ' '

spaces :: Parser ()
spaces = skipMany1 $ char ' '

token :: Parser a - Parser ()
token p = spaces  p  spaces

symbol :: Parser String
symbol = many1 letter

litVar :: Parser Expr
litVar = liftM EVar symbol

litString :: Parser Expr
litString = liftM Str $ between (char '') (char '') $ many (noneOf \)

litNumber :: Parser Expr
litNumber = return . Number . read = many digit

parseExpr :: Parser Expr
parseExpr = litVar | litString | litNumber

opTable = [ [infixOp and And AssocNone, infixOp or Or AssocNone],
[Prefix (string not  spaces  return Not)] ]

infixOp name op assoc = 
Infix (try $ token (string name)  return op) assoc

parseTest :: Parser Test
parseTest = buildExpressionParser opTable simpleTest

simpleTest :: Parser Test
simpleTest =
between (char '('  sp) (sp  char ')') parseTest |
do e1 - parseExpr
   op - between sp sp $ oneOf =
   e2 - parseExpr
   return $ case op of
  '=' - Eq e1 e2
  '' - Le e1 e2
  '' - Le e2 e1

printS :: Parser Statement
printS = liftM Print $ string print  spaces  parseExpr

inputS :: Parser Statement
inputS = liftM Input $ string input  spaces  symbol

assignS :: Parser Statement
assignS = do
  var - symbol
  token $ string is
  expr - parseExpr
  return $ Assign var expr

gotoS :: Parser Statement
gotoS = liftM Goto $ string goto  spaces  symbol

incS :: Parser Statement
incS = liftM Inc $ string ++  sp  symbol

decS :: Parser Statement
decS = liftM Dec $ 

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Minim interpreter

2007-07-22 Thread Jon Harrop
On Saturday 21 July 2007 01:41:58 Hugh Perkins wrote:
 Ok, that got the variables working.

Don't fizzle out on me now: this was just getting interesting! :-)

Dr Jon D Harrop, Flying Frog Consultancy Ltd.
OCaml for Scientists
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Minim interpreter

2007-07-22 Thread Hugh Perkins

heh! well everyone was busy working on icfp or something, so the newsgroup
was pretty dead :-)  And I played with opengl a little, which gave better
results than I thought, but not good enough to pursue, and the whole program
was in imperative dos anyway, so I couldnt quite see what was the point of
moving to a non-imperative language!

End of rant...

It looks like there's a huge amount of documentation on the parsing process,
but it's kindof more fun to just figure it out ourselves, I think?

Anyway, for handling loops, what I'm thinking is maybe the Map that holds
variables, rather than holding a Double type should hold a variant type,
something like:

data Variant = VDouble Double | VString String | ... etc...

then, to handle loops, which basically involves creating a pointer
variable, we simply add a variant type that holds a program:

data Variant = ... | VProgram Program

... and then we can just assign to the Variant type in the map corresponding
to the symbol the rest of the program that follows that symbol.

Note that we have to reverse the Program data type to get this to work

data Program = ProgramLeaf Statement | ProgramTree Statement Program

... errr... I think... because that way we can grab any part of the program
tree and store that as a Variant in the map.

How does that sound?  That ought to get looping working?  Then we just have
to handle conditionals, which I havent thought at all about yet.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Minim interpreter

2007-07-20 Thread Hugh Perkins

Newbie question: why does the following give Not in scope 'c' for the last

string :: Parsec.Parser String
string = do c - Parsec.letter
   do cs - string
  return c:cs
   Parsec.| return [c]

(This is copied more or less rote from , so I'm guessing
there's some sort of command-line option I'm missing?)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Minim interpreter

2007-07-20 Thread Brandon Michael Moore
On Fri, Jul 20, 2007 at 10:10:58PM +0200, Hugh Perkins wrote:
 Newbie question: why does the following give Not in scope 'c' for the last

I assume you meant
 string :: Parsec.Parser String
 string = do c - Parsec.letter
 do cs - string
return c:cs
 Parsec.| return [c]

Without adding that indentation, the second do cuts of the first block
and you get a rather different error.

The problem here is that the line beginning Parsec.| is lined up
with the first token after do, so layout adds a semicolon in front
of it, but a statement can't begin with an operator, so to avoid that
parse error the layout rules add the close brace and end the do block.
It parses like this:

string = ( do { c - Parsec.letter
  ; cs - string
  ; return c:cs
  } )
Parsec.| (return [c]

The parse error rule is there so a do block will be closed by the end of
surrounding parens or braces, maybe it has other uses.

In any case, you really ought to use many1.

 string = Parsec.many1 Parsec.letter

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Minim interpreter

2007-07-20 Thread Hugh Perkins

Kindof vaguely made a start on this, but cant quite see how to handle

I guess variables can be stored as a (Map.Map String Double), at least for a
first draft?

Then, I'm building up two hierarchies in parallel:
- a set of parsec functions to parse the incoming string into a Program
- a set of data types to represent a program

Then, there's a class called Eval containing a function eval which is
instanced for each bit of the program hierarchy, so we simply call eval on
the top level, and the program is executed.

That works just fine as long as the only thing eval has to cope with is
print statements (so eval has type IO ()), but I'm guessing the clean
solution is to thread a Map.Map through that somehow?

Solution so far:

-- parsing hierarchy (pretty basic, but this bit doesnt seem particularly

string :: Parsec.Parser String
string = Parsec.many1 Parsec.letter

minimprint = do Parsec.string print
   Parsec.many1 (Parsec.char ' ')
   Parsec.char ''
   stringvalue - string
   Parsec.char ''
   return (Print stringvalue)

-- program data type hierarchy

data Program = ProgramLeaf Statement | ProgramTree Program Statement

data Statement = PrintStatement Print |
AssignmentStatement Assignment

data Print = Print String

data Assignment = VarAssignment Variable Value |
 Increment Variable |
 Decrement Variable

data Variable = Variable String

data Value = ValueFromConstant Constant | ValueFromVariable Variable

newtype Constant = Constant Int

-- eval instances

class Eval a where
  eval :: a - IO()

instance Eval Program where
  eval (ProgramLeaf statement) = eval statement
  eval (ProgramTree program statement) = do eval program
eval statement
instance Eval Statement where
  eval ( PrintStatement print) = eval print
  eval ( AssignmentStatement assignment) = return ()
instance Eval Print where
  eval (Print value) = putStrLn value

-- some code to test this
minimparse minimsentence = case (Parsec.runParser minimprint () 
minimsentence) of
   (Right statement) - eval statement
   Left error - putStrLn(error:  ++

test = minimparse print \hello\

Running test correctly gives an output of hello, which is a good start.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Minim interpreter

2007-07-20 Thread Mark Wassell

Hugh Perkins wrote:
That works just fine as long as the only thing eval has to cope with 
is print statements (so eval has type IO ()), but I'm guessing the 
clean solution is to thread a Map.Map through that somehow?

You could do that but your code starts to become messy and you'll hit 
other limitations. The standard approach to this problem is to use a 
State monad. Since you are already using one monad, IO, you can can 
stack the monads using Monad transformers which makes them both 
available (although you will need to use liftIO, see below)

import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Map

type Env = Map String String
type InterpM = StateT Env IO 

eval :: a - InterpM t

instance Eval Print where
  eval (Print value) = liftIO $ putStrLn value

You access and store the state using get and put. For example:

eval (Variable s) = do
   s - get
   lookup the value and return it.

There is a paper on using Monads with interpreters 
( and an example 
described at

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Minim interpreter

2007-07-20 Thread Hugh Perkins

Ok, that got the variables working.


*Minim evaluateprog $ ProgramTree ( ProgramLeaf $ AssignmentStatement(
VarAssignment (Variable test) ( ValueFromConstant (Constant 3 (
PrintStatement (PrintValue( ValueFromVariable(Variable test

I'm having eval return the IO monad, the Map, and a Double.  That means we
can use the same Eval class to evaluate for example the value of a Value.

Next step is either to get the parsing working for the functional eval
parts, or to get looping working.

Yes, I'm aware that this is Haskell 101 :-D

module Minim

import Char
import List
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Reader
import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec as Parsec
import qualified Data.Map as Map

program := statement
| statement program;
statement := assignment
   | conditional
   | goto
   | tag;
   | print
   | input
assignment := (var is val) { assign a value to a variable }
   | (++ var) { increment a variable }
   | (-- var);{ decrement a variable }
val := constant | var;
var := any symbol;
constant := any number
conditional := (if test then statement else statement);
test := (val comp val)
 | (test and test); { boolean AND}
 | (test or test)   {boolean OR}
 | (not test);{boolean NOT}
comp :=  |  | =;
goto := (goto tag);  {go to}
tag := any symbol
print := (print string) | (print val); nl;  {nl is new line}
input := (input var);   {input the users response to
string := any string;

testtry = Parsec.try (Parsec.string hello)
 Parsec.| Parsec.string help

string :: Parsec.Parser String
string = Parsec.many1 Parsec.letter

minimprint = do Parsec.string print
   Parsec.many1 (Parsec.char ' ')
   Parsec.char ''
   stringvalue - string
   Parsec.char ''
   return (Print stringvalue)

parens :: Parsec.Parser ()
parens = do Parsec.char '('
   Parsec.char ')'
Parsec.| return ()

class Eval a where
  eval :: a - StateT (Map.Map String Double) IO Double

data Program = ProgramLeaf Statement | ProgramTree Program Statement
instance Eval Program where
  eval (ProgramLeaf statement) = eval statement
  eval (ProgramTree program statement) = do eval program
eval statement

data Statement = PrintStatement Print |
AssignmentStatement Assignment
instance Eval Statement where
  eval ( PrintStatement print) = eval print
  eval ( AssignmentStatement assignment) = eval assignment

data Print = Print String | PrintValue Value
instance Eval Print where
  eval (Print value) = do liftIO $ putStrLn value
  return 0
  eval (PrintValue value) = do evaluatedvalue - eval value
   liftIO $ putStrLn (show(evaluatedvalue))
   return evaluatedvalue

data Assignment = VarAssignment Variable Value |
 Increment Variable |
 Decrement Variable
instance Eval Assignment where
  eval (VarAssignment (Variable varname) (ValueFromConstant (Constant
constant))) = do oldmap - get

let newmap = Map.insert varname constant oldmap

put newmap

return constant

data Variable = Variable String

data Value = ValueFromConstant Constant | ValueFromVariable Variable
instance Eval Value where
  eval (ValueFromConstant (Constant i )) = return i
  eval (ValueFromVariable (Variable varname )) = do map - get
return (map Map.!

newtype Constant = Constant Double
instance Eval Constant where
  eval (Constant i) = return i

evaluateprog prog = evalStateT( eval prog ) Map.empty

minimparse minimsentence = case (Parsec.runParser minimprint () 
minimsentence) of
   (Right statement) - evaluateprog statement
   Left error - do putStrLn(error:  ++
return 0

test = minimparse print \hello\
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