Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: I just don't get it (data structures and OO)

2007-06-06 Thread Jean-Marie Gaillourdet


On 06.06.2007, at 07:00, Phlex wrote:

So here is one more question :

Let's say I want unique System names across the Universe ... that  
would mean i need to have a Data.Map in the Universe, with Name  
keys and System values. Since all data are values instead of  
references, would i end up with two copies of each System (in  
Universe's Data.Map and in its Galaxy), or would these be shared  
somehow ? In other words, should i go for integer (or maybe access  
key/tuple) identified objects or just put the System in both  
Data.Maps it belongs to ?

That depends. In an OO world everything has its own implicit  
identity. The new operator in Java provides you with an object with a  
new and unique key which is not easy to observe. But most formal  
semantics have it. One can think of it as the address of the  
allocated object.

In FP there are no objects, there are only terms. Whether two terms  
are identically is answered by a structural traversal over the values  
and subvalues.

Now, I return to your question. What makes your "objects" galaxies,  
planets, stars, etc. unique? Is it their coordinate in space, their  
name, their structural position in your tree? What is it? Let's  
assume you say their names are unique. Then you only have to store a  
set of all names used in your universe.

If you want a planet which orbits around star "a" to be different  
form another planet that is in orbit of star "b", although both  
planets are the same in every other aspect. Then you might think  
about introducing arbitrary unique integer keys.

This is similar to database design. There are those normal form laws  
[1] which guide you to improve your db schema. In database design  
there are people who introduce artificial primary keys almost always.  
Although there are natural primary keys most of the time.

I hope these random thoughts help a bit to change the perspective.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: I just don't get it (data structures and OO)

2007-06-05 Thread Phlex

apfelmus wrote:

Phlex wrote:

Ketil Malde wrote:

Is the relational model a better fit than the object model for

functional programming ?

Well, not really. I mean, if the problem is indeed to store all known
planets in the universe, then it's indeed a database in nature and you
have to support fine grained operations like

   delete :: Key -> Database -> Database
   insert :: Key -> Item -> Database -> Database
   ... and so on ...

(Note that some proposals like

  changeGalaxies $ changePlanet 0 $ changeName $ const "first"

or functional references can be interpreted as keys for 'insert' or
'delete'. I mean that this expression already is the key to look up a
planet inside the universe, it's just that this key has a rather unusual
type. And that you can compose keys.)

But if the problem at hand is perhaps a binary search tree or some other
data structure, you can implement many operations without using
per-element 'delete' or 'insert' although every operation can in
principle be built up from those. Maybe it helps if you elaborate on
your concrete problem?

Well the current state of my haskell knowledge doesn't allow any kind of 
serious work, so I'm indeed currently playing with Universe, Galaxies, 
Systems, Planets and Moons =P. I'm an application programmer, and i 
thought that if I can model a moving universe (a small one though!), I 
guess i'll be one step closer to translating this knowledge to building 
statefull server applications.

I'm worried that my OO view of things might interfere with the haskell 
ways. So yes, what i'm looking for right now is more of a high level 
"how-to", and that's precisely what you guys provided to me. Thanks for 
that !

So here is one more question :

Let's say I want unique System names across the Universe ... that would 
mean i need to have a Data.Map in the Universe, with Name keys and 
System values. Since all data are values instead of references, would i 
end up with two copies of each System (in Universe's Data.Map and in its 
Galaxy), or would these be shared somehow ? In other words, should i go 
for integer (or maybe access key/tuple) identified objects or just put 
the System in both Data.Maps it belongs to ?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: I just don't get it (data structures and OO)

2007-06-05 Thread Phlex

Christopher Lane Hinson wrote:

Where "InsidenessMap a b c" represents a relationship where b's are 
inside a's, and b's have a state of c.  Then, you need to declare a 
separate InsidenessMap for each possible relationship, but this 
ensures that you'll never put a galaxy inside a solar system.  Or you 
can make 'a' be a reference to any type of object; there are options.

Ketil Malde wrote:

Identity can be emulated by relatively straightforward means: store all
planets in a Map indexed by something that is useful as an identifier
(i.e. stays constant and is unique), and have a Galaxy keep a list of

So basically you guys are saying I should rethink the data structure 
into a relational model instead of sticking to the OO model... I think i 
could do this pretty easily. a table would be a map of id to instance 
...then another map for foreign keys, or maybe just as a member of each data

Is the relational model a better fit than the object model for 
functional programming ?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: I just don't get it (data structures and OO)

2007-06-04 Thread Claus Reinke

|> > data Ref cx t
|> >  = Ref
|> >{
|> >  select :: cx -> t
|> >, update :: (t -> t) -> cx -> cx
|> >}
|> A Ref is a bit like a typed and composable incarnation of apfelmus's

|> indices, or a wrapper around Tillmann's change* functions, containing
|> not only a setter but also the accompanying getter.
|That's a neat idiom. I wonder how far one could usefully generalize it.

you might find Koji Kagawa's papers interesting:

in particular

Mutable Data Structures and Composable References 
in a Pure Functional Language , Koji Kagawa, In SIPL '95: 
State in Programming Languages, San Francisco, USA, January 1995.

Compositional References for Stateful Functional Programming, 
Koji Kagawa, ICFP 1997, June 1997, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. 


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: I just don't get it (data structures and OO)

2007-06-04 Thread David Menendez
Arie Peterson writes:

> There are two things one typically wants to do when working with a
> substructure of some larger data structure: (1) extract the
> substructure; and (2) change the larger structure by acting on the
> substructure. A 'Ref cx t' encodes both of these functions (for a
> substructure of type 't' and larger structure (context) of type 'cx').
> > data Ref cx t
> >  = Ref
> >{
> >  select :: cx -> t
> >, update :: (t -> t) -> cx -> cx
> >}
> A Ref is a bit like a typed and composable incarnation of apfelmus's
> indices, or a wrapper around Tillmann's change* functions, containing
> not only a setter but also the accompanying getter.

That's a neat idiom. I wonder how far one could usefully generalize it.

For example,

type Ref cx t = forall f. Functor f => (t -> f t) -> cx -> f cx

newtype Id a = Id { unId :: a }
instance Functor Id where fmap f = Id . f . unId

newtype K t a = K { unK :: t }
instance Functor (K t) where fmap = K . unK

select :: Ref cx t -> cx -> t
select ref = unK . ref K

update :: Ref cx t -> (t -> t) -> cx -> cx
update ref f = unId . ref (Id . f)

rfst :: Ref (a,b) a
rfst f (x,y) = fmap (\x' -> (x',y)) (f x)

In this implementation, composition of Refs is just function

select (rfst . rfst) :: ((a,b),c) -> a
David Menendez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | "In this house, we obey the laws
  |of thermodynamics!"
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: I just don't get it (data structures and OO)

2007-06-03 Thread Neil Mitchell


> You could also use 'compositional functional references'. These are
> introduced in the paper "A Functional Programming Technique for Forms in
> Graphical User Interfaces" by Sander Evers, Peter Achten and Jan Kuper.
> I've written a template haskell function to derive Refs from a data  
   > structure definition (with record 
syntax): given

I've implemented this in Derive[1] in 12 minutes, counting the time
required to re-familiarize with the code.  The patch is at [2] and has
also been darcs sent.


It's been applied, and is now in the main repo.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: I just don't get it (data structures and OO)

2007-06-03 Thread Phlex

apfelmus wrote:

Phlex wrote:

Donald Bruce Stewart wrote:

Yes and no. The point is that if you can't automate it, you have to code
it by hand anyway which constitutes most of the hairiness. But I know
what you mean and there's a nice way to do that with multi-parameter
type classes.

Let's assume a data structure

  data Universe = Universe [Galaxy]
  data Galaxy   = Galaxy   [Planet]
  data Planet   = Planet   { name :: String, size :: Double }

The insight is that in order to reference a planet inside the universe
structure, you have to know the path from the top. In other words, you
have to know that's it's the 2nd planet from the 4th galaxy before you
look up its name. If you don't throw that information away, you can use
it to update it as well. In effect, the Universe behaves like a finite
map with composite keys.

  {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts -#}
  import Prelude hiding (lookup)

  class Map map key a | map key -> a where
  lookup :: key -> map -> Maybe a
  adjust :: (a -> a) -> key -> map -> map

  instance Map [a] Int a where
  lookup 0 [x]= Just x
  lookup 0 _  = Nothing
  lookup k (x:xs) = lookup (k-1) xs
  lookup _ _  = Nothing

  adjust f 0 [x]= [f x]
  adjust _ 0 xs = error "Index out of range"
  adjust f k (x:xs) = x : adjust f (k-1) xs
  adjust f _ xs = error "Index out of range"

  instance Map Universe Int Galaxy where
  lookup k (Universe gs)   = lookup k gs
  adjust f k (Universe gs) = Universe (adjust f k gs)

  instance Map Galaxy Int Planet where
  lookup k (Galaxy ps)   = lookup k ps
  adjust f k (Galaxy ps) = Galaxy (adjust f k ps)

  instance (Map m k m', Map m' k' a) => Map m (k,k') a where
  lookup (k,k') m   = lookup k m >>= lookup k'
  adjust f (k,k') m = adjust (adjust f k') k m

You can lookup the 2nd planet in the 4th galaxy with

  lookup (4,2) universe :: Maybe Planet

and you can update it via

  adjust (\planet -> planet {name = "Earth"}) (4,2) universe

Thanks to type-classes and overloading, you can still access single
galaxies with

  lookup 4 universe :: Maybe Galaxy


This answers precisely my question.
Hiding the access/update methods behind a common interface, that's the 
key ...

Thanks a lot,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: I just don't get it (data structures and OO)

2007-06-03 Thread Donald Bruce Stewart
> Phlex wrote:
> > Donald Bruce Stewart wrote:
> >>
> >> Imagine updating a node in a tree by just detaching and reattaching a
> >> pointer.
> >>
> >> [1] [1]
> >> / \ / \
> >>   [2] [3] update node 5   [2] [3]
> >>   / \ with value  7   / \
> >> [4] [5] [4]  *
> >>
> >> and share the rest of the structure. Since the rest isn't mutable
> >> anyway, you can share all over.
> > 
> > That's precisely the thing i don't understand.
> > In order to update node 3 with a new pointer, i need to mutate it, so i
> > need to recreate it, and so on up to node 1.
> Yes, that's correct, I think Dons shared a bit too much here :)

Spent too much time with zippers lately ;)

-- Don
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