Re: [Haskell-cafe] What unsafeInterleaveIO is unsafe

2009-03-19 Thread Ketil Malde
Jonathan Cast writes:

 Couldn't you just substitute catch exceptions with unsafePerformIO
 here, and make the same argument?

 This puzzled me, until I realized you meant `unsafeInterleaveIO'.

Aargh, yes of course!  Sorry about that.

 Assuming you mean unsafeInterleaveIO, not quite.  GHC's scheduler is
 fair, so you are guaranteed after

 forkIO $ a

 that a's side effects will happen eventually.  

Ah, I hadn't thought of that.

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What unsafeInterleaveIO is unsafe

2009-03-19 Thread Claus Reinke

What does this mean again?  I'm working on the assumption that
`context-sensitive' means `under some (not necessarily compositional
and/or continuous and/or monotonic) equivalence relation/

I'm using contexts as expressions with holes, as used for evaluation
contexts in operational semantics, where both contexts and expressions 
tend to be specified by grammars  (in that form usually attributed to 
Felleisen, I think, though structural operational semantics often just
group their rules into local reduction and congruence/embedding of 
reduction in subprograms) and rewrite rules and term relations can 
abstract over both expressions and contexts. For instance, if we have 
lambda calculus expressions

   E := v | \v.E | E E

we can write arbitrary one-hole contexts as (where [ ] denotes
the hole to be filled, and hole-filling is naive, not capture-avoiding)

   C[ ] := [ ] | \v.C[ ] | C[ ] E | E C[ ]

and since we'd expect (using E1[E2/v] for capture-avoiding
substitution of  E2 for v in E1) beta-equivalence to hold in all contexts

   forall C v E1 E2. C[ (\v.E1) E2 ]  =beta= C[ E1[E2/v] ]

we usually abbreviate that as

   forall v E1 E2. (\v.E1) E2 =beta= E1[E2/v]

So context-free rules are the subset of context-sensitive rules that 
neither limits, nor uses, nor changes the contexts in which the rule 
is applicable. A perfect match for purely functional evaluation.

When we add IO, however, we add the ability for an expression
to interact with the context it is running in, and that calls for the
full range of context-sensitive rules. For instance, using monadic 
program contexts

   M[ ] := [ ] | M[ ] = E

and some representation of context state, we can model monadic
IO similar to communication in process calculi, with the functional
program and its runtime context as parallel processes

   M[ getIO ] || Context[ char ] 
   M[ return char ] || Context[ char ]

and so on (see the Awkward Squad [0], Concurrent Haskell [1] and 
imprecise Exception papers [2] for Haskell-related examples; [0,1] use

evaluation contexts, [2] uses separate structural and reduction rules).

The IO monad is still a part of Haskell's denotational semantics, right?

I believe you could make it so. But I suspect that a denotational semantics
that covers both IO and functional evaluation would be more cumbersome
to use than a hybrid semantics that treats functional evaluation denotationally
and IO execution operationally. Which is why I'm with those who prefer
the hybrid here. But then I'm definitely biased towards operational semantics
in general, so others may offer different preferences on the same topic!-)

Which reminds me of a useful encounter I once had with a non-functional,
but thoughtful programming language person: I was going on about the
greatness of purely functional programming and being able to replace 
equals with equals. He said something like this: of course you can

replace equals with equals - if you can't replace them, they can't be
equal, right?-) So, the real question is how useful the equality is, and 
the contexts in which you can do that replacing - after all, one can give

denotational semantics for imperative languages as well.

Otherwise, I don't think we can really claim Haskell, as a language that
includes IO in its specification, is truly `purely functional'.  It's a
language that integrates two sub-languages, one purely functional and
one side-effectful and imperative.  Which is a nice accomplishment, but
less that what Haskell originally aimed to achieve.

[hobby-horse warning: see chapter 3 of [3], at least references in 3.6:-]

Personally, I do indeed think that we should be talking about a pure,
functional interactive language, not a purely functional one. There are 
two qualitatively different aspects of imperative functional programming

languages, and trying to make one look like the other is obscuring the
essential differences without being able to hide them completely. 

The early stream-based IO approaches were cumbersome, Clean's 
uniqueness-typed world passing approach is fairly clean, but at the 
cost of restricting functional code involved in IO (also, one still needs 
to interpret main :: *World - *World as generating a _sequence of 
observable intermediate states_, unlike a real function applied to a 
single world, but similar to what a non-hybrid denotational semantics 
would have to do). 

I find Haskell's approach both simple (functional programs compute
values, these values can include dialogues with the runtime context, dialogue
values that reach the boundary between program and runtime context get
interpreted as interactions between the two) and practical (there are lots 
of things from Clean that would be nice to have in Haskell, including 
uniqueness-typed environment passing as a safe basis for IO, but I'd 
still use monadic IO as an interface to that basis). Where does it say 
that Haskell aimed for anything else, btw?

I still don't understand what 

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What unsafeInterleaveIO is unsafe

2009-03-18 Thread Jonathan Cast
On Tue, 2009-03-17 at 12:59 +0100, Ketil Malde wrote:
 Duncan Coutts writes:
  [..] I have a sneaking suspicion [exceptions] actually *is* `unsafe'.  Or, 
  least, incapable of being given a compositional, continuous semantics.
  Basically if we can only catch exceptions in IO then it doesn't matter,
  it's just a little extra non-determinism and IO has plenty of that
 Couldn't you just substitute catch exceptions with unsafePerformIO
 here, and make the same argument?

This puzzled me, until I realized you meant `unsafeInterleaveIO'.
That's pretty much the argument that is made for unsafeInterleaveIO.

 Similarly, can't you emulate unsafePerformIO with concurrency?

Assuming you mean unsafeInterleaveIO, not quite.  GHC's scheduler is
fair, so you are guaranteed after

forkIO $ a

that a's side effects will happen eventually.  On the other hand, after

unsafeInterleaveIO $ a

you have basically no guarantee the RTS will ever get around to
scheduling a.  (In fact, if you write it just like that in a do block,
rather than saying

x - unsafeInterleaveIO $ a

you are pretty much guaranteed that the RTS won't ever feel like
scheduling a.  It'll even garbage collect a without ever executing it.)

 Further, couldn't you, from IO, FFI into a function that examines the
 source code of some pure function, thus being able to differentiate
 funcitions that are normally indistinguishable?

Regular IO is good enough for this.

 I've tried to follow this discussion, but I don't quite understand
 what's so bad about unsafeInterleaveIO - or rather, what's so uniquely
 bad about it.  It seems the same issues can be found in every corner
 of IO. 


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What unsafeInterleaveIO is unsafe

2009-03-17 Thread Ketil Malde
Duncan Coutts writes:

 [..] I have a sneaking suspicion [exceptions] actually *is* `unsafe'.  Or, at
 least, incapable of being given a compositional, continuous semantics.

 Basically if we can only catch exceptions in IO then it doesn't matter,
 it's just a little extra non-determinism and IO has plenty of that

Couldn't you just substitute catch exceptions with unsafePerformIO
here, and make the same argument?

Similarly, can't you emulate unsafePerformIO with concurrency?

Further, couldn't you, from IO, FFI into a function that examines the
source code of some pure function, thus being able to differentiate
funcitions that are normally indistinguishable?

I've tried to follow this discussion, but I don't quite understand
what's so bad about unsafeInterleaveIO - or rather, what's so uniquely
bad about it.  It seems the same issues can be found in every corner
of IO. 

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What unsafeInterleaveIO is unsafe

2009-03-17 Thread Claus Reinke

So that first step already relies on IO (where the two are equivalent).

Come again?

The first step in your implication chain was (without the return)

 throw (ErrorCall urk!) = 1
 == evaluate (throw (ErrorCall urk!)) = evaluate 1

but, using evaluation only (no context-sensitive IO), we have

throw (ErrorCall urk) = evaluate (throw (ErrorCall urk))

Sure enough.

meaning that first step replaced a smaller with a bigger item on the
smaller side of the inequation. Unless the reasoning includes context-
sensitive IO rules, in which case the IO rule for evaluate brings the
throw to the top (evaluate (throw ..) - (throw ..)), making the two
terms equivalent (modulo IO), and hence the step valid (modulo IO).

Unless you just rely on

But throwIO (ErrorCall urk) /= _|_:
   Control.Exception throwIO (ErrorCall urk!) `seq` ()

in which case that step relies on not invoking IO, so it can't be
mixed with the later step involving IO for catch (I think).

This is very delicate territory. For instance, one might think that
this 'f' seems to define a negation function of information content

f x = Control.Exception.catch (evaluate x  let x = x in x) (\(ErrorCall 
_)-return 0) =

and hence violates monotonicity

(_|_ = ()) = (f _|_ = f ())


*Main f undefined
*Main f ()

But that is really mixing context-free expression evaluation and
context-sensitive execution of io operations. Most of our favourite
context-free equivalences only hold within the expression evaluation
part, while IO operations are subject to additional, context-sensitive

Could you elaborate on this?  It sounds suspiciously like you're saying
Haskell's axiomatic semantics is unsound :: IO.

Not really unsound, if the separation is observed. One could probably
construct a non-separated semantics (everything denotational), but at
the cost of mapping everything to computations rather than values.

Then computations like that 'f' above would, eg, take an extra context
argument (representing the world, or at least aspects of the machine
running the computation), and the missing information needed to take
'f _|_'[world] to '()'[world'] would come from that context parameter
(somewhere in the computational context, there is a representation of
the computation, which allows the context to read certain kinds of '_|_'
as exceptions; the IO rule for 'catch' takes that external information and
injects it back from the computational context into the functional program,
as data structure representations of exceptions).

That price is too high, though, as we'd now have to do all reasoning
in context-sensitive terms which, while more accurate, would bury
us in irrelevant details. Hence we usually try to use context-free
reasoning whenever we can get away with it (the non-IO portions
of Haskell program runs), resorting to context-sensitive reasoning
only when necessary (the IO steps of Haskell program runs).

This gives us convenience when the context is irrelevant as well
as accuracy when the context does matter - we just have to be
careful when combining the two kinds of reasoning.

For instance, without execution

*Main f () `seq` ()
*Main f undefined `seq` ()

but if we include execution (and the context-sensitive equivalence
that implies, lets call it ~),


  a ~ b = `The observable effects of $(x) and $(y) are equal'


Observational equivalence is one possibility, there are various forms
of equivalences/bi-similarities, with different ratios of convenience and
discriminatory powers (the folks studying concurrent languages and
process calculi have been fighting with this kind of situation for a long
time, and have built up a wealth of experience in terms of reasoning).

The main distinction I wanted to make here was that '=' was
a context-free equivalence (valid in all contexts, involving only
context-free evaluation rules) while '~' was a context-sensitive
equivalence (valid only in IO contexts, involving both context-free
and context-sensitive rules).

we have

f () ~ _|_ = return 0 ~ f _|_

so 'f' shows that wrapping both sides of an inequality in 'catch' need
not preserve the ordering (modulo ~)

If f _|_ = f (), then it seems that (=) is not a (pre-) order w.r.t.
(~).  So taking the quotient of IO Int over (~) gives you a set on which
(=) is not an ordering (and may not be a relation).

As I said, mixing '=' and '~', without accounting for the special nature of
the latter, is dangerous. If we want to mix the two, we have to shift all
reasoning into the context-sensitive domain, so we'd have something like

   f () [world] ~ _|_ [world''] = return 0 [world'] ~ f _|_ [world]

(assuming that '=' is lifted to compare values in contexts). And now the
issue goes away, because 'f' doesn't look at the '_|_', but at the 
of '_|_' in the 'world' (the representation of '_|_' in GHC's runtime system, 

 - its whole purpose is to 

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What unsafeInterleaveIO is unsafe

2009-03-17 Thread Jonathan Cast
On Tue, 2009-03-17 at 12:40 +, Claus Reinke wrote:
  So that first step already relies on IO (where the two are equivalent).
  Come again?
 The first step in your implication chain was (without the return)
   throw (ErrorCall urk!) = 1
   == evaluate (throw (ErrorCall urk!)) = evaluate 1
 but, using evaluation only (no context-sensitive IO), we have
  throw (ErrorCall urk) = evaluate (throw (ErrorCall urk))
  Sure enough.
 meaning that first step replaced a smaller with a bigger item on the
 smaller side of the inequation.

And the larger side!  I'm trying to determine whether there can exist a
denotational semantics for IO, which treats it as a functor from (D)CPOs
to (D)CPOs, for which the corresponding denotational semantics for the
IO operations satisfies the requirement that they are both monotone and
continuous.  So I assumed monotonicity of evaluate.

 Unless the reasoning includes context-
 sensitive IO rules,

What does this mean again?  I'm working on the assumption that
`context-sensitive' means `under some (not necessarily compositional
and/or continuous and/or monotonic) equivalence relation/

 in which case the IO rule for evaluate brings the
 throw to the top (evaluate (throw ..) - (throw ..)), making the two
 terms equivalent (modulo IO), and hence the step valid (modulo IO).
 Unless you just rely on
 But throwIO (ErrorCall urk) /= _|_:
 Control.Exception throwIO (ErrorCall urk!) `seq` ()
 in which case that step relies on not invoking IO, so it can't be
 mixed with the later step involving IO for catch (I think).

The IO monad is still a part of Haskell's denotational semantics, right?
Otherwise, I don't think we can really claim Haskell, as a language that
includes IO in its specification, is truly `purely functional'.  It's a
language that integrates two sub-languages, one purely functional and
one side-effectful and imperative.  Which is a nice accomplishment, but
less that what Haskell originally aimed to achieve.

  This is very delicate territory. For instance, one might think that
  this 'f' seems to define a negation function of information content
  f x = Control.Exception.catch (evaluate x  let x = x in x) 
  (\(ErrorCall _)-return 0) =
  and hence violates monotonicity
  (_|_ = ()) = (f _|_ = f ())
  *Main f undefined
  *Main f ()
  But that is really mixing context-free expression evaluation and
  context-sensitive execution of io operations. Most of our favourite
  context-free equivalences only hold within the expression evaluation
  part, while IO operations are subject to additional, context-sensitive
  Could you elaborate on this?  It sounds suspiciously like you're saying
  Haskell's axiomatic semantics is unsound :: IO.
 Not really unsound, if the separation is observed.

I still don't understand what you're separating.  Are you saying the
semantics of terms of type IO need to be separated from the semantics of
terms of non-IO type?

 One could probably
 construct a non-separated semantics (everything denotational), but at
 the cost of mapping everything to computations rather than values.

So as long as Haskell is no longer pure (modulo lifting everything) it

 Then computations like that 'f' above would, eg, take an extra context
 argument (representing the world, or at least aspects of the machine
 running the computation), and the missing information needed to take
 'f _|_'[world] to '()'[world'] would come from that context parameter
 (somewhere in the computational context, there is a representation of
 the computation, which allows the context to read certain kinds of '_|_'
 as exceptions; the IO rule for 'catch' takes that external information and
 injects it back from the computational context into the functional program,
 as data structure representations of exceptions).

 That price is too high, though, as we'd now have to do all reasoning
 in context-sensitive terms which, while more accurate, would bury
 us in irrelevant details. Hence we usually try to use context-free
 reasoning whenever we can get away with it (the non-IO portions
 of Haskell program runs), resorting to context-sensitive reasoning
 only when necessary (the IO steps of Haskell program runs).

So I can't use normal Haskell semantics to reason about IO.  That's
*precisely* what I'm trying to problematize.

 This gives us convenience when the context is irrelevant as well
 as accuracy when the context does matter - we just have to be
 careful when combining the two kinds of reasoning.
  For instance, without execution
  *Main f () `seq` ()
  *Main f undefined `seq` ()
  but if we include execution (and the context-sensitive equivalence
  that implies, lets call it ~),
a ~ b = `The observable effects of $(x) and $(y) are equal'
 Observational equivalence is one possibility, there are various forms

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What unsafeInterleaveIO is unsafe

2009-03-16 Thread Yusaku Hashimoto


On 2009/03/16, at 10:04, wren ng thornton wrote:

 next r = do n - readIORef r
 writeIORef r (n+1)
 return n

Now, if I use unsafeInterleaveIO:

 main = do r - newIORef 0
   x -  do a - unsafeInterleaveIO (next r)
b - unsafeInterleaveIO (next r)
return (a,b)

The values of a and b in x are entirely arbitrary, and are only set  
at the point when they are first accessed. They're not just  
arbitrary between which is 0 and which is 1, they could be *any*  
pair of values (other than equal) since the reference r is still in  
scope and other code in the ... could affect it before we access a  
and b, or between the two accesses.

OK, the values of a and b depend how to deconstruct x.

Moreover, let's have two pure implementations, f and g, of the same  
mathematical function. Even if f and g are close enough to  
correctly give the same output for inputs with _|_ in them, we may  
be able to observe the fact that they arrive at those answers  
differently by passing in our x. Given that such observations are  
possible, it is no longer safe to exchange f and g for one another,  
despite the fact that they are pure and give the same output for  
all (meaningful) inputs.

Hm, Does it means that in optimization, a compiler may replace  
implementation of a pure function that have different order of  
evaluation, so order of actions would be different in some environments?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What unsafeInterleaveIO is unsafe

2009-03-16 Thread Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH

On 2009 Mar 16, at 8:48, Yusaku Hashimoto wrote:

On 2009/03/16, at 10:04, wren ng thornton wrote:
Moreover, let's have two pure implementations, f and g, of the same  
mathematical function. Even if f and g are close enough to  
correctly give the same output for inputs with _|_ in them, we may  
be able to observe the fact that they arrive at those answers  
differently by passing in our x. Given that such observations are  
possible, it is no longer safe to exchange f and g for one another,  
despite the fact that they are pure and give the same output for  
all (meaningful) inputs.

Hm, Does it means that in optimization, a compiler may replace  
implementation of a pure function that have different order of  
evaluation, so order of actions would be different in some  

order of actions is meaningless in pure functions, so yes.  And  
that's why unsafeInterleaveIO is unsafe:  your pure function can have  
side effects which are observable, so there is an order of actions to  
worry about.

brandon s. allbery [solaris,freebsd,perl,pugs,haskell]
system administrator [openafs,heimdal,too many hats]
electrical and computer engineering, carnegie mellon universityKF8NH

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] What unsafeInterleaveIO is unsafe

2009-03-16 Thread Jake McArthur

Hash: SHA1

Yusaku Hashimoto wrote:
| I was studying about what unsafeInterleaveIO is.I understood
| unsafeInterleaveIO takes an IO action, and delays it. But I couldn't
| find any reason why unsafeInterleaveIO is unsafe.

I think it depends on what we want to take unsafe to mean. In my
opinion, the word unsafe should really only be used in cases where
using the function can case an otherwise well-typed program to not be
well-typed. I'm pretty sure I haven't yet seen a case where this applies
to unsafeInterleaveIO.

The biggest problem with unsafeInterleaveIO is that it complicates the
semantics of the IO monad.

- - Jake
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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What unsafeInterleaveIO is unsafe

2009-03-16 Thread Ryan Ingram
On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 7:55 AM, Jake McArthur wrote:
 I think it depends on what we want to take unsafe to mean. In my
 opinion, the word unsafe should really only be used in cases where
 using the function can case an otherwise well-typed program to not be
 well-typed. I'm pretty sure I haven't yet seen a case where this applies
 to unsafeInterleaveIO.

I don't think unsafeInterleaveIO on its own can do this.

However, I disagree with your description of what unsafe should be
used for.  unsafe calls out the need for the programmer to prove
that what they are doing is safe semantically, instead of the compiler
providing those proofs for you.  Whether that is due to type safety
(unsafeCoerce) or breaking the assumptions of the compiler
(unsafePerformIO, unsafeInterleaveIO, unsafeIOToST), depends on the

For example, unsafePerformIO can make your program not type-safe, but
it's convoluted to do so; in fact, at monomorphic types it can't break
type safety.  That's not what makes it unsafe at all.  It's unsafe
because it breaks the rule that pure values don't have side effects,
so that the effects inside the unsafePerformIO might get executed more
than once, or not at all, depending on how the compiler decides to
evaluate the pure value returned.  And what happens could depend on
the optimization settings of the compiler, the timing of the machine
you are running on, or the phase of the moon.

  -- ryan
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What unsafeInterleaveIO is unsafe

2009-03-16 Thread Dan Doel
On Monday 16 March 2009 2:11:10 pm Ryan Ingram wrote:
 However, I disagree with your description of what unsafe should be
 used for.  unsafe calls out the need for the programmer to prove
 that what they are doing is safe semantically, instead of the compiler
 providing those proofs for you.  Whether that is due to type safety
 (unsafeCoerce) or breaking the assumptions of the compiler
 (unsafePerformIO, unsafeInterleaveIO, unsafeIOToST), depends on the

Of course, unsafeIOToST can also break the type system, because you can write:

  unsafePerformIO m = runST (unsafeIOToST m)

 For example, unsafePerformIO can make your program not type-safe, but
 it's convoluted to do so; in fact, at monomorphic types it can't break
 type safety.  That's not what makes it unsafe at all.  It's unsafe
 because it breaks the rule that pure values don't have side effects,
 so that the effects inside the unsafePerformIO might get executed more
 than once, or not at all, depending on how the compiler decides to
 evaluate the pure value returned.  And what happens could depend on
 the optimization settings of the compiler, the timing of the machine
 you are running on, or the phase of the moon.

In practice, 'unsafe' can mean any number of things depending on the context. 
unsafeRead/Write on mutable arrays can (attempt to) read/write arbitrary 
memory locations. An index into a data structure that just calls error instead 
of returning a Maybe result might be called unsafe. In a similar vein, some 
people think head and tail should be called unsafeHead and unsafeTail. :)

Technically, one can probably lay down a semantics of IO such that 
unsafeInterleaveIO maintains the purity of the language by the usual 
definitions. However, such a semantics is necessarily too vague to explain why 
you might want to use it in the first place, because the only real reason 
you'd want to do so is to have side effects triggered in response to 
evaluation of otherwise pure terms. At the very least, using 
unsafeInterleaveIO adds significant complications to reasoning about the 
behavior of otherwise ordinary IO, which might well justify its name.

-- Dan
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What unsafeInterleaveIO is unsafe

2009-03-16 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Sun, 15 Mar 2009, Ryan Ingram wrote:

unsafeInterleaveIO allows embedding side effects into a pure
computation.  This means you can potentially observe if some pure
value has been evaluated or not;  the result of your code could change
depending how lazy/strict it is, which is very hard to predict!

For example:

-- given
f :: Integer - Integer

main = do
r - newIORef 0
v - unsafeInterleaveIO $ do
writeIORef r 1
return 1
x - case f v of
0 - return 0
n - return (n - 1)
y - readIORef r
print y

-- a couple of examples:
f x = 0 -- program prints 0
-- f x = x -- program prints 1

Interesting example. I have implemented the lazyio package. It asserts 
that unsafely interleaved IO actions are performed in order. This should 
prevent such problems, does it? However, they are only avoided within the 
LazyIO monad. Running the LazyIO monad in IO allows the same corruptions 
as shown above.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What unsafeInterleaveIO is unsafe

2009-03-16 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Sun, 15 Mar 2009, Claus Reinke wrote:

import Data.IORef
import Control.Exception

main = do
  r - newIORef 0
  let v = undefined
  handle (\(ErrorCall _)-print hireturn 42) $ case f v of
0 - return 0
n - return (n - 1)
  y - readIORef r
  print y

I don't see what this has to do with strictness. It's just the hacky 
exception handling which allows to catch programming errors.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What unsafeInterleaveIO is unsafe

2009-03-16 Thread Jonathan Cast
On Mon, 2009-03-16 at 22:12 +0100, Henning Thielemann wrote:
 On Sun, 15 Mar 2009, Claus Reinke wrote:
  import Data.IORef
  import Control.Exception
  main = do
r - newIORef 0
let v = undefined
handle (\(ErrorCall _)-print hireturn 42) $ case f v of
  0 - return 0
  n - return (n - 1)
y - readIORef r
print y
 I don't see what this has to do with strictness. It's just the hacky 
 exception handling which allows to catch programming errors.

And which I have a sneaking suspicion actually *is* `unsafe'.  Or, at
least, incapable of being given a compositional, continuous semantics.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What unsafeInterleaveIO is unsafe

2009-03-16 Thread Duncan Coutts
On Mon, 2009-03-16 at 14:17 -0700, Jonathan Cast wrote:
 On Mon, 2009-03-16 at 22:12 +0100, Henning Thielemann wrote:
  On Sun, 15 Mar 2009, Claus Reinke wrote:
   import Data.IORef
   import Control.Exception
   main = do
 r - newIORef 0
 let v = undefined
 handle (\(ErrorCall _)-print hireturn 42) $ case f v of
   0 - return 0
   n - return (n - 1)
 y - readIORef r
 print y
  I don't see what this has to do with strictness. It's just the hacky 
  exception handling which allows to catch programming errors.
 And which I have a sneaking suspicion actually *is* `unsafe'.  Or, at
 least, incapable of being given a compositional, continuous semantics.

See this paper:

A semantics for imprecise exceptions

Basically if we can only catch exceptions in IO then it doesn't matter,
it's just a little extra non-determinism and IO has plenty of that


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What unsafeInterleaveIO is unsafe

2009-03-16 Thread Jonathan Cast
On Mon, 2009-03-16 at 22:01 +, Duncan Coutts wrote:
 On Mon, 2009-03-16 at 14:17 -0700, Jonathan Cast wrote:
  On Mon, 2009-03-16 at 22:12 +0100, Henning Thielemann wrote:
   On Sun, 15 Mar 2009, Claus Reinke wrote:
import Data.IORef
import Control.Exception
main = do
  r - newIORef 0
  let v = undefined
  handle (\(ErrorCall _)-print hireturn 42) $ case f v of
0 - return 0
n - return (n - 1)
  y - readIORef r
  print y
   I don't see what this has to do with strictness. It's just the hacky 
   exception handling which allows to catch programming errors.
  And which I have a sneaking suspicion actually *is* `unsafe'.  Or, at
  least, incapable of being given a compositional, continuous semantics.
 See this paper:
 A semantics for imprecise exceptions
 Basically if we can only catch exceptions in IO then it doesn't matter,
 it's just a little extra non-determinism and IO has plenty of that

I'm not sure that helps much.  Given the following inequalities (in the
domain ordering) and equations:

  throw urk!  = 1
  evaluate . throw = throwIO
  evaluate x = return x  -- x total
  catch (throwIO a) h = h a
  catch (return x) h = return x

we expect to be able to reason as follows:

  throw urk! = return 1
  == evaluate (throw urk!) = evaluate 1
  == catch (evaluate (throw urk!)) (const $ return 2) = catch
(evaluate 1) (const $ return 2)


catch (evaluate (throw urk!)) (const $ return 2)
  = catch (throwIO urk!) (const $ return 2)
  = const (return 2) urk!
  = return 2


catch (evaluate 1) (const $ return 2)
  = catch (return 1) (const $ return 2)
  = return 1

So return 2 = return 1, in the domain ordering?  That doesn't seem


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What unsafeInterleaveIO is unsafe

2009-03-16 Thread Claus Reinke

  exception handling which allows to catch programming errors.
 And which I have a sneaking suspicion actually *is* `unsafe'.  Or, at
 least, incapable of being given a compositional, continuous semantics.
A semantics for imprecise exceptions
Basically if we can only catch exceptions in IO then it doesn't matter,
it's just a little extra non-determinism and IO has plenty of that

I'm not sure that helps much.  Given the following inequalities (in the
domain ordering) and equations:
 throw urk! = return 1
 == evaluate (throw urk!) = evaluate 1

   throw (ErrorCall urk) = evaluate (throw (ErrorCall urk))

as demonstrated here

   *Main throw (ErrorCall urk) `seq` ()
   *** Exception: urk
   *Main evaluate (throw (ErrorCall urk)) `seq` ()

So that first step already relies on IO (where the two are equivalent).

This is very delicate territory. For instance, one might think that
this 'f' seems to define a negation function of information content

   f x = Control.Exception.catch (evaluate x  let x = x in x) (\(ErrorCall _)-return 0) = 

and hence violates monotonicity

   (_|_ = ()) = (f _|_ = f ())


   *Main f undefined
   *Main f ()

But that is really mixing context-free expression evaluation and
context-sensitive execution of io operations. Most of our favourite
context-free equivalences only hold within the expression evaluation
part, while IO operations are subject to additional, context-sensitive
rules. For instance, without execution

   *Main f () `seq` ()
   *Main f undefined `seq` ()

but if we include execution (and the context-sensitive equivalence
that implies, lets call it ~), we have

   f () ~ _|_ = return 0 ~ f _|_

so 'f' shows that wrapping both sides of an inequality in 'catch' need
not preserve the ordering (modulo ~) - its whole purpose is to recover
from failure, making something more defined (modulo ~) by translating
_|_ to something else. Which affects your second implication.

If the odd properties of 'f' capture the essence of your concerns, I think
the answer is to keep =, =, and ~ clearly separate, ideally without losing
any of the context-free equivalences while limiting the amount of
context-sensitive reasoning required. If = and ~ are mixed up, however,
monotonicity seems lost.

The semantics in the imprecise exceptions paper combines a
denotational approach for the context-free part with an operational
semantics for the context-sensitive part. This tends to use the good
properties of both, with a clear separation between them, but a
systematic treatment of the resulting identities was left for future work.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What unsafeInterleaveIO is unsafe

2009-03-16 Thread Jonathan Cast
On Tue, 2009-03-17 at 01:16 +, Claus Reinke wrote:
exception handling which allows to catch programming errors.
   And which I have a sneaking suspicion actually *is* `unsafe'.  Or, at
   least, incapable of being given a compositional, continuous semantics.
  A semantics for imprecise exceptions
  Basically if we can only catch exceptions in IO then it doesn't matter,
  it's just a little extra non-determinism and IO has plenty of that
  I'm not sure that helps much.  Given the following inequalities (in the
  domain ordering) and equations:
   throw urk! = return 1

Oops, left a superfluous return in there.  I meant

 throw urk! = 1

(The inequality is at Int).

   == evaluate (throw urk!) = evaluate 1
 throw (ErrorCall urk) = evaluate (throw (ErrorCall urk))

Sure enough.

But throwIO (ErrorCall urk) /= _|_:

Control.Exception throwIO (ErrorCall urk!) `seq` ()

 So that first step already relies on IO (where the two are equivalent).

Come again?

 This is very delicate territory. For instance, one might think that
 this 'f' seems to define a negation function of information content

 f x = Control.Exception.catch (evaluate x  let x = x in x) (\(ErrorCall 
 _)-return 0) = 
 and hence violates monotonicity
 (_|_ = ()) = (f _|_ = f ())
 *Main f undefined
 *Main f ()
 But that is really mixing context-free expression evaluation and
 context-sensitive execution of io operations. Most of our favourite
 context-free equivalences only hold within the expression evaluation
 part, while IO operations are subject to additional, context-sensitive

Could you elaborate on this?  It sounds suspiciously like you're saying
Haskell's axiomatic semantics is unsound :: IO.

 For instance, without execution
 *Main f () `seq` ()
 *Main f undefined `seq` ()
 but if we include execution (and the context-sensitive equivalence
 that implies, lets call it ~),


   a ~ b = `The observable effects of $(x) and $(y) are equal'


 we have
 f () ~ _|_ = return 0 ~ f _|_
 so 'f' shows that wrapping both sides of an inequality in 'catch' need
 not preserve the ordering (modulo ~)

If f _|_ = f (), then it seems that (=) is not a (pre-) order w.r.t.
(~).  So taking the quotient of IO Int over (~) gives you a set on which
(=) is not an ordering (and may not be a relation).

  - its whole purpose is to recover
 from failure, making something more defined (modulo ~) by translating
 _|_ to something else. Which affects your second implication.

 If the odd properties of 'f' capture the essence of your concerns, I think
 the answer is to keep =, =, and ~ clearly separate, ideally without losing
 any of the context-free equivalences while limiting the amount of
 context-sensitive reasoning required. If = and ~ are mixed up, however,
 monotonicity seems lost.


catch (throwIO e) h ~ h e

but it is not the case that

catch (throwIO e) h = h e

?  That must be correct, actually:

Control.Exception let x = Control.Exception.catch (throwIO
(ErrorCall urk!)) (\ (ErrorCall _) - undefined) in x `seq` ()

So catch is total (even if one or both arguments is erroneous), but the
IO executor (a beast totally distinct from the Haskell interpreter, even
if they happen to live in the same body) when executing it feels free to
examine bits of the Haskell program's state it's not safe for a normal
program to inspect.  I'll have to think about what that means a bit

 The semantics in the imprecise exceptions paper combines a
 denotational approach for the context-free part with an operational

[Totally OT tangent: How did operational semantics come to get its noun?
The more I think about it, the more it seems like a precís of the
implementation, rather than a truly semantic part of a language

 for the context-sensitive part. This tends to use the good
 properties of both, with a clear separation between them, but a
 systematic treatment of the resulting identities was left for future work.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What unsafeInterleaveIO is unsafe

2009-03-15 Thread Ryan Ingram
unsafeInterleaveIO allows embedding side effects into a pure
computation.  This means you can potentially observe if some pure
value has been evaluated or not;  the result of your code could change
depending how lazy/strict it is, which is very hard to predict!

For example:

 -- given
 f :: Integer - Integer

 main = do
 r - newIORef 0
 v - unsafeInterleaveIO $ do
 writeIORef r 1
 return 1
 x - case f v of
 0 - return 0
 n - return (n - 1)
 y - readIORef r
 print y

 -- a couple of examples:
 f x = 0 -- program prints 0
 -- f x = x -- program prints 1

f is pure.  But if f is nonstrict, this program prints 0, and if
it's strict, it prints 1.  The strictness of a pure function can
change the observable behavior of your program!

Furthermore, due to the monad laws, if f is total, then reordering the
(x - ...) and (y - ...) parts of the program should have no effect.
But if you switch them, the program will *always* print 0.

Also, the compiller might notice that x is never used, and that f is
total.  So it could just optimize out the evaluation of f v
completely, at which point the program always prints 0 again; changing
optimization settings modifies the result of the program.

This is why unsafeInterleaveIO is unsafe.

   -- ryan

On Sun, Mar 15, 2009 at 11:31 AM, Yusaku Hashimoto wrote:

 I was studying about what unsafeInterleaveIO is.I understood
 unsafeInterleaveIO takes an IO action, and delays it. But I couldn't
 find any reason why unsafeInterleaveIO is unsafe.

 I have already read an example in
 says lazy IO may break purity, but I think real matter in this example
 are wrong use of seq. did I misread?
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What unsafeInterleaveIO is unsafe

2009-03-15 Thread Jonathan Cast
On Sun, 2009-03-15 at 13:02 -0700, Ryan Ingram wrote:
 unsafeInterleaveIO allows embedding side effects into a pure
 computation.  This means you can potentially observe if some pure
 value has been evaluated or not;  the result of your code could change
 depending how lazy/strict it is, which is very hard to predict!
 For example:
  -- given
  f :: Integer - Integer
  main = do
  r - newIORef 0
  v - unsafeInterleaveIO $ do
  writeIORef r 1
  return 1
  x - case f v of
  0 - return 0
  n - return (n - 1)
  y - readIORef r
  print y
  -- a couple of examples:
  f x = 0 -- program prints 0
  -- f x = x -- program prints 1
 f is pure.  But if f is nonstrict, this program prints 0, and if
 it's strict, it prints 1.  The strictness of a pure function can
 change the observable behavior of your program!

Right.  If the compiler feels like changing the way it implements your
program based on that factor.  But `semantics' that the compiler doesn't
preserve are kind of useless...

 Furthermore, due to the monad laws, if f is total, then reordering the
 (x - ...) and (y - ...) parts of the program should have no effect.
 But if you switch them, the program will *always* print 0.

I'm confused.  I though if f was strict, then my program *always*
printed 1?

 Also, the compiller might notice that x is never used, and that f is
 total.  So it could just optimize out the evaluation of f v
 completely, at which point the program always prints 0 again; changing
 optimization settings modifies the result of the program.
 This is why unsafeInterleaveIO is unsafe.

Well, unsafeInterleaveIO or reasoning based on overly specific
assumptions about how things must be implemented, anyway.  I'm not sure
you've narrowed it down to usafeInterleaveIO, though.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What unsafeInterleaveIO is unsafe

2009-03-15 Thread Daniel Fischer
Am Sonntag, 15. März 2009 21:25 schrieb Jonathan Cast:
 On Sun, 2009-03-15 at 13:02 -0700, Ryan Ingram wrote:

  Furthermore, due to the monad laws, if f is total, then reordering the
  (x - ...) and (y - ...) parts of the program should have no effect.
  But if you switch them, the program will *always* print 0.

 I'm confused.  I though if f was strict, then my program *always*
 printed 1?

But not if you switch the (x - ...) and (y - ...) parts:

main = do
r - newIORef 0
v - unsafeInterleaveIO $ do
writeIORef r 1
return 1
y - readIORef r
x - case f v of
0 - return 0
n - return (n - 1)
print y

Now the IORef is read before the case has a chance to trigger the writing.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What unsafeInterleaveIO is unsafe

2009-03-15 Thread Jonathan Cast
On Sun, 2009-03-15 at 21:43 +0100, Daniel Fischer wrote:
 Am Sonntag, 15. März 2009 21:25 schrieb Jonathan Cast:
  On Sun, 2009-03-15 at 13:02 -0700, Ryan Ingram wrote:
   Furthermore, due to the monad laws, if f is total, then reordering the
   (x - ...) and (y - ...) parts of the program should have no effect.
   But if you switch them, the program will *always* print 0.
  I'm confused.  I though if f was strict, then my program *always*
  printed 1?
 But not if you switch the (x - ...) and (y - ...) parts:
 main = do
 r - newIORef 0
 v - unsafeInterleaveIO $ do
 writeIORef r 1
 return 1
 y - readIORef r
 x - case f v of
 0 - return 0
 n - return (n - 1)
 print y
 Now the IORef is read before the case has a chance to trigger the writing.

But if the compiler is free to do this itself, what guarantee do I have
that it won't?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What unsafeInterleaveIO is unsafe

2009-03-15 Thread Daniel Fischer
Am Sonntag, 15. März 2009 21:56 schrieb Jonathan Cast:
 On Sun, 2009-03-15 at 21:43 +0100, Daniel Fischer wrote:
  Am Sonntag, 15. März 2009 21:25 schrieb Jonathan Cast:
   On Sun, 2009-03-15 at 13:02 -0700, Ryan Ingram wrote:
Furthermore, due to the monad laws, if f is total, then reordering
the (x - ...) and (y - ...) parts of the program should have no
effect. But if you switch them, the program will *always* print 0.
   I'm confused.  I though if f was strict, then my program *always*
   printed 1?
  But not if you switch the (x - ...) and (y - ...) parts:
  main = do
  r - newIORef 0
  v - unsafeInterleaveIO $ do
  writeIORef r 1
  return 1
  y - readIORef r
  x - case f v of
  0 - return 0
  n - return (n - 1)
  print y
  Now the IORef is read before the case has a chance to trigger the

 But if the compiler is free to do this itself, what guarantee do I have
 that it won't?


Wasn't that Ryan's point, that without the unsafeInterleaveIO, that reordering 
wouldn't matter, but with it, it does?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What unsafeInterleaveIO is unsafe

2009-03-15 Thread Jonathan Cast
On Sun, 2009-03-15 at 22:09 +0100, Daniel Fischer wrote:
 Am Sonntag, 15. März 2009 21:56 schrieb Jonathan Cast:
  On Sun, 2009-03-15 at 21:43 +0100, Daniel Fischer wrote:
   Am Sonntag, 15. März 2009 21:25 schrieb Jonathan Cast:
On Sun, 2009-03-15 at 13:02 -0700, Ryan Ingram wrote:
 Furthermore, due to the monad laws, if f is total, then reordering
 the (x - ...) and (y - ...) parts of the program should have no
 effect. But if you switch them, the program will *always* print 0.
I'm confused.  I though if f was strict, then my program *always*
printed 1?
   But not if you switch the (x - ...) and (y - ...) parts:
   main = do
   r - newIORef 0
   v - unsafeInterleaveIO $ do
   writeIORef r 1
   return 1
   y - readIORef r
   x - case f v of
   0 - return 0
   n - return (n - 1)
   print y
   Now the IORef is read before the case has a chance to trigger the
  But if the compiler is free to do this itself, what guarantee do I have
  that it won't?
 Wasn't that Ryan's point, that without the unsafeInterleaveIO, that 
 wouldn't matter, but with it, it does?

Sure.  But *that point is wrong*.  Given the two programs

main0 = do
r - newIORef 0
v - unsafeInterleaveIO $ do
writeIORef r 1
return 1
y - readIORef r
x - case f v of
0 - return 0
n - return (n - 1)
print y

main1 = do
r - newIORef 0
v - unsafeInterleaveIO $ do
writeIORef r 1
return 1
x - case f v of
0 - return 0
n - return (n - 1)
y - readIORef r
print y

There is *no* guarantee that main0 prints 0, while main1 prints 1, as
claimed.  The compiler is in fact free to produce either output given
either program, at its option.  Since the two programs do in fact have
exactly the same set of possible implementations, they *are* equivalent.
So the ordering in fact *doesn't* matter.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What unsafeInterleaveIO is unsafe

2009-03-15 Thread Daniel Fischer
Am Sonntag, 15. März 2009 22:20 schrieb Jonathan Cast:
 There is *no* guarantee that main0 prints 0, while main1 prints 1, as
 claimed.  The compiler is in fact free to produce either output given
 either program, at its option.  Since the two programs do in fact have
 exactly the same set of possible implementations, they *are* equivalent.
 So the ordering in fact *doesn't* matter.

Hum. Whether the programme prints 0 or 1 depends on whether writeIORef r 1 
is done before readIORef r.
That depends of course on the semantics of IO and unsafeInterleaveIO.

In so far as the compiler is free to choose there, it can indeed produce 
either result with either programme.
But I think
Haskell 's I/O monad provides the user with a way to specify the sequential 
chaining of actions, and an implementation is obliged to preserve this 
order. (report, section 7) restricts the freedom considerably.

However, I understand
unsafeInterleaveIO allows IO computation to be deferred lazily. When passed a 
value of type IO a, the IO will only be performed when the value of the a is 
as explicitly allowing the programmer to say do it if and when the result is 
needed, not before.

So I think main0 *must* print 0, because the ordering of the statements puts 
the reading of the IORef before the result of the unsafeInterleaveIOed action 
may be needed, so an implementation is obliged to read it before writing to 
In main1 however, v may be needed to decide what action's result x is bound 
to, before the reading of the IORef in the written order, so if f is strict, 
the unsafeInterleaveIOed action must be performed before the IORef is read 
and the programme must print 1, but if f is lazy, v is not needed for that 
decision, so by the documentation, the unsafeInterleaveIOed action will not 
be performed, and the programme prints 0.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What unsafeInterleaveIO is unsafe

2009-03-15 Thread Jonathan Cast
On Sun, 2009-03-15 at 23:18 +0100, Daniel Fischer wrote:
 Am Sonntag, 15. März 2009 22:20 schrieb Jonathan Cast:
  There is *no* guarantee that main0 prints 0, while main1 prints 1, as
  claimed.  The compiler is in fact free to produce either output given
  either program, at its option.  Since the two programs do in fact have
  exactly the same set of possible implementations, they *are* equivalent.
  So the ordering in fact *doesn't* matter.
 Hum. Whether the programme prints 0 or 1 depends on whether writeIORef r 1 
 is done before readIORef r.
 That depends of course on the semantics of IO and unsafeInterleaveIO.

 In so far as the compiler is free to choose there, it can indeed produce 
 either result with either programme.
 But I think
 Haskell 's I/O monad provides the user with a way to specify the sequential 
 chaining of actions, and an implementation is obliged to preserve this 
 order. (report, section 7) restricts the freedom considerably.

Why not read that line as prohibiting concurrency (forkIO) as well?

 However, I understand
 unsafeInterleaveIO allows IO computation to be deferred lazily. When passed 
 value of type IO a, the IO will only be performed when the value of the a is 

Where is this taken from?  If GHC's library docs try to imply that the
programmer can predict when an unsafeInterleaveIO'd operation takes
place --- well, then they shouldn't.  I'm starting to suspect that not
starting from a proper denotational theory of IO was a major mistake for
GHC's IO system (which Haskell 1.3 in part adopted).

 as explicitly allowing the programmer to say do it if and when the result is 
 needed, not before.

Haskell's order of evaluation is undefined, so this doesn't really allow
the programmer to constrain when the effects are performed much.

 So I think main0 *must* print 0, because the ordering of the statements puts 
 the reading of the IORef before the result of the unsafeInterleaveIOed action 
 may be needed, so an implementation is obliged to read it before writing to 

 In main1 however, v may be needed to decide what action's result x is bound 
 to, before the reading of the IORef in the written order, so if f is strict, 
 the unsafeInterleaveIOed action must be performed before the IORef is read 
 and the programme must print 1,

Although as Ryan pointed out, the compiler may decide to omit the case
statement entirely, if it can statically prove that f v is undefined.

  but if f is lazy, v is not needed for that 
 decision, so by the documentation, the unsafeInterleaveIOed action will not 
 be performed, and the programme prints 0.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What unsafeInterleaveIO is unsafe

2009-03-15 Thread Daniel Fischer
Am Sonntag, 15. März 2009 23:30 schrieb Jonathan Cast:
 On Sun, 2009-03-15 at 23:18 +0100, Daniel Fischer wrote:
  Am Sonntag, 15. März 2009 22:20 schrieb Jonathan Cast:
   There is *no* guarantee that main0 prints 0, while main1 prints 1, as
   claimed.  The compiler is in fact free to produce either output given
   either program, at its option.  Since the two programs do in fact have
   exactly the same set of possible implementations, they *are*
   equivalent. So the ordering in fact *doesn't* matter.
  Hum. Whether the programme prints 0 or 1 depends on whether writeIORef r
  1 is done before readIORef r.
  That depends of course on the semantics of IO and unsafeInterleaveIO.
  In so far as the compiler is free to choose there, it can indeed produce
  either result with either programme.
  But I think
  Haskell 's I/O monad provides the user with a way to specify the
  sequential chaining of actions, and an implementation is obliged to
  preserve this order. (report, section 7) restricts the freedom

 Why not read that line as prohibiting concurrency (forkIO) as well?

Good question.
Because forkIO is a way to explicitly say one doesn't want the one thing 
necessarily done before the other, I'd say.

  However, I understand
  unsafeInterleaveIO allows IO computation to be deferred lazily. When
  passed a value of type IO a, the IO will only be performed when the value
  of the a is demanded.

 Where is this taken from?  If GHC's library docs try to imply that the

From the documentation of System.IO.Unsafe.

 programmer can predict when an unsafeInterleaveIO'd operation takes
 place --- well, then they shouldn't.  I'm starting to suspect that not
 starting from a proper denotational theory of IO was a major mistake for
 GHC's IO system (which Haskell 1.3 in part adopted).


  as explicitly allowing the programmer to say do it if and when the
  result is needed, not before.

 Haskell's order of evaluation is undefined, so this doesn't really allow
 the programmer to constrain when the effects are performed much.

The full paragraph from the report:

 The I/O monad used by Haskell mediates between the values natural to a 
functional language and the actions that characterize I/O operations and 
imperative programming in general. The order of evaluation of expressions in 
Haskell is constrained only by data dependencies; an implementation has a 
great deal of freedom in choosing this order. Actions, however, must be 
ordered in a well-defined manner for program execution -- and I/O in 
particular -- to be meaningful. Haskell 's I/O monad provides the user with a 
way to specify the sequential chaining of actions, and an implementation is 
obliged to preserve this order.

I read it as saying that IO *does* allow the programmer to control when the 
effects are performed.

  So I think main0 *must* print 0, because the ordering of the statements
  puts the reading of the IORef before the result of the
  unsafeInterleaveIOed action may be needed, so an implementation is
  obliged to read it before writing to it.
  In main1 however, v may be needed to decide what action's result x is
  bound to, before the reading of the IORef in the written order, so if f
  is strict, the unsafeInterleaveIOed action must be performed before the
  IORef is read and the programme must print 1,

 Although as Ryan pointed out, the compiler may decide to omit the case
 statement entirely, if it can statically prove that f v is undefined.

I suppose that's a typo and should be unneeded.
But can it prove that f v is unneeded? After all, it may influence whether 0 
or 1 is printed.

   but if f is lazy, v is not needed for that
  decision, so by the documentation, the unsafeInterleaveIOed action will
  not be performed, and the programme prints 0.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What unsafeInterleaveIO is unsafe

2009-03-15 Thread Claus Reinke

main = do
r - newIORef 0
v - unsafeInterleaveIO $ do
writeIORef r 1
return 1
x - case f v of
0 - return 0
n - return (n - 1)
y - readIORef r
print y

-- a couple of examples:
f x = 0 -- program prints 0
-- f x = x -- program prints 1

f is pure.  But if f is nonstrict, this program prints 0, and if
it's strict, it prints 1.  The strictness of a pure function can
change the observable behavior of your program!

Strictness is an effect, even if it isn't recorded in Haskell's types.
Replacing 'v - ..' by 'let v = undefined' provides similar choices.

'unsafeInterleaveIO' explicitly uses the implicit effects of
strictness to drive the explicit effects of IO, which is why it
is unsafe (moving IO effects from explicit to implicit). But even 
if 'unsafeInterleaveIO' where eliminated, strictness/evaluation 
would still remain as an implicit effect in Haskell. Here's a 
variation without 'unsafeInterleaveIO':

import Data.IORef
import Control.Exception

main = do
   r - newIORef 0
   let v = undefined
   handle (\(ErrorCall _)-print hireturn 42) $ case f v of
 0 - return 0
 n - return (n - 1)
   y - readIORef r
   print y

-- a couple of examples:
f x = 0 -- program prints '0'
f x = x -- program prints 'hi0'

(sideline: I often interpret '_|_::t' not so much as an element of 't'
but as failure to produce information at type 't'; the type tells us
what information we can have, evaluation not only provides the
details, but also decides whether or not we have any of that info,
and how much of it)

Furthermore, due to the monad laws, if f is total, then reordering the
(x - ...) and (y - ...) parts of the program should have no effect.

   case f v of { 0 - return 0; n - return (n - 1) }
   return $! case f v of { 0 - 0; n - (n - 1) }
   return $ case f v of { 0 - 0; n - (n - 1) }

Monad laws apply to the latter, so how is reordering justified?
It doesn't matter if 'f' is total, the context requires to know whether
'f v' is '0' or not. Since the only thing used from the result is its
successful evaluation, the case could be eliminated, but that still

   return $! f v
   return $ f v

But if you switch them, the program will *always* print 0.

In my copy of the docs, the only things known about 'unsafeInterleaveIO'
are its module, its type, and that is is unsafe. If we assume, from the name, 
that evaluation of its parameter will be interleaved unsafely with the main IO 
thread, there is no knowing when or if that evaluation will happen. Unless 
there is a dependency on the result of that evaluation, in which case we have

an upper bound on when the evaluation must happen, but still no lower
bound. From the comments in the source code, it appears that lower
and upper bound are intended to be identical, ie. evaluation is supposed
to happen at the latest possible point permitted by dependencies.

Changing dependencies changes the program.

Also, the compiller might notice that x is never used, and that f is
total.  So it could just optimize out the evaluation of f v
completely, at which point the program always prints 0 again; changing
optimization settings modifies the result of the program.

It doesn't matter whether or not 'x' is used. It matters whether 'f v' 
needs to be evaluated to get at the 'return' action. Even if 'f' is total,

that evaluation cannot be skipped. Eta-expansion changes strictness,
which changes the program (eg, '\p-(fst p,snd p)' =/= 'id::(a,b)-(a,b)',
even though these functions only apply to pairs, so we know that
whatever 'p' is, it ought to be a pair - only we don't; and neither do
we know that 'f v' is a number, even if 'f' itself is total).

None of this means that lazy IO and monadic IO ought to be mixed
freely. If a program depends on strictness/non-strictness, that needs 
to be taken into account, which can be troublesome, which is why

lazy IO hasn't been the default IO mechanism in Haskell for many
years. It is still available because when it is applicable, it can be
quite elegant and simple. But we need to decide whether or not
that is the case for each use case, even without the explicit 'unsafe'.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What unsafeInterleaveIO is unsafe

2009-03-15 Thread Jonathan Cast
On Mon, 2009-03-16 at 00:14 +0100, Daniel Fischer wrote:
 Am Sonntag, 15. März 2009 23:30 schrieb Jonathan Cast:
  On Sun, 2009-03-15 at 23:18 +0100, Daniel Fischer wrote:
   Am Sonntag, 15. März 2009 22:20 schrieb Jonathan Cast:
There is *no* guarantee that main0 prints 0, while main1 prints 1, as
claimed.  The compiler is in fact free to produce either output given
either program, at its option.  Since the two programs do in fact have
exactly the same set of possible implementations, they *are*
equivalent. So the ordering in fact *doesn't* matter.
   Hum. Whether the programme prints 0 or 1 depends on whether writeIORef r
   1 is done before readIORef r.
   That depends of course on the semantics of IO and unsafeInterleaveIO.
   In so far as the compiler is free to choose there, it can indeed produce
   either result with either programme.
   But I think
   Haskell 's I/O monad provides the user with a way to specify the
   sequential chaining of actions, and an implementation is obliged to
   preserve this order. (report, section 7) restricts the freedom
  Why not read that line as prohibiting concurrency (forkIO) as well?
 Good question.
 Because forkIO is a way to explicitly say one doesn't want the one thing 
 necessarily done before the other, I'd say.

As is unsafeInterleaveIO.  (And as is unsafePerformIO, as per the docs:

 If the I/O computation wrapped in unsafePerformIO performs side
 effects, then the relative order in which those side effects take
 place (relative to the main I/O trunk, or other calls to
 unsafePerformIO) is indeterminate.


   However, I understand
   unsafeInterleaveIO allows IO computation to be deferred lazily. When
   passed a value of type IO a, the IO will only be performed when the value
   of the a is demanded.
  Where is this taken from?  If GHC's library docs try to imply that the
 From the documentation of System.IO.Unsafe.

This version of those docs:

leaves unsafeInterleaveIO completely un-documented.  So I'm still not
sure what you're quoting from.

  programmer can predict when an unsafeInterleaveIO'd operation takes
  place --- well, then they shouldn't.  I'm starting to suspect that not
  starting from a proper denotational theory of IO was a major mistake for
  GHC's IO system (which Haskell 1.3 in part adopted).
   as explicitly allowing the programmer to say do it if and when the
   result is needed, not before.
  Haskell's order of evaluation is undefined, so this doesn't really allow
  the programmer to constrain when the effects are performed much.
 The full paragraph from the report:
  The I/O monad used by Haskell mediates between the values natural to a 
 functional language and the actions that characterize I/O operations and 
 imperative programming in general. The order of evaluation of expressions in 
 Haskell is constrained only by data dependencies; an implementation has a 
 great deal of freedom in choosing this order. Actions, however, must be 
 ordered in a well-defined manner for program execution -- and I/O in 
 particular -- to be meaningful. Haskell 's I/O monad provides the user with a 
 way to specify the sequential chaining of actions, and an implementation is 
 obliged to preserve this order.
 I read it as saying that IO *does* allow the programmer to control when the 
 effects are performed.

Right.  But by using forkIO or unsafeInterleaveIO you waive that

   So I think main0 *must* print 0, because the ordering of the statements
   puts the reading of the IORef before the result of the
   unsafeInterleaveIOed action may be needed, so an implementation is
   obliged to read it before writing to it.
   In main1 however, v may be needed to decide what action's result x is
   bound to, before the reading of the IORef in the written order, so if f
   is strict, the unsafeInterleaveIOed action must be performed before the
   IORef is read and the programme must print 1,
  Although as Ryan pointed out, the compiler may decide to omit the case
  statement entirely, if it can statically prove that f v is undefined.
 I suppose that's a typo and should be unneeded.
 But can it prove that f v is unneeded? After all, it may influence whether 0 
 or 1 is printed.

[Ignored: begging the question]


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What unsafeInterleaveIO is unsafe

2009-03-15 Thread Daniel Fischer
Am Montag, 16. März 2009 00:47 schrieb Jonathan Cast:
 On Mon, 2009-03-16 at 00:14 +0100, Daniel Fischer wrote:

However, I understand
unsafeInterleaveIO allows IO computation to be deferred lazily. When
passed a value of type IO a, the IO will only be performed when the
value of the a is demanded.
   Where is this taken from?  If GHC's library docs try to imply that the
  From the documentation of System.IO.Unsafe.

 This version of those docs:

 leaves unsafeInterleaveIO completely un-documented.  So I'm still not
 sure what you're quoting from.

The documentation haddock-0.9 built when I compiled ghc-6.8.3 last year.

   programmer can predict when an unsafeInterleaveIO'd operation takes
   place --- well, then they shouldn't.  I'm starting to suspect that not
   starting from a proper denotational theory of IO was a major mistake
   for GHC's IO system (which Haskell 1.3 in part adopted).
as explicitly allowing the programmer to say do it if and when the
result is needed, not before.
   Haskell's order of evaluation is undefined, so this doesn't really
   allow the programmer to constrain when the effects are performed much.
  The full paragraph from the report:
   The I/O monad used by Haskell mediates between the values natural to a
  functional language and the actions that characterize I/O operations and
  imperative programming in general. The order of evaluation of expressions
  in Haskell is constrained only by data dependencies; an implementation
  has a great deal of freedom in choosing this order. Actions, however,
  must be ordered in a well-defined manner for program execution -- and I/O
  in particular -- to be meaningful. Haskell 's I/O monad provides the user
  with a way to specify the sequential chaining of actions, and an
  implementation is obliged to preserve this order.
  I read it as saying that IO *does* allow the programmer to control when
  the effects are performed.

 Right.  But by using forkIO or unsafeInterleaveIO you waive that

That depends on the specification of unsafeInterleaveIO. If it is unspecified 
order of evaluation, then yes, if it is do when needed, not before, as my 
local documentation can be interpreted, then unsafeInterleaveIO reduces that 
ability, but doesn't completely remove it.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What unsafeInterleaveIO is unsafe

2009-03-15 Thread Jonathan Cast
On Mon, 2009-03-16 at 01:04 +0100, Daniel Fischer wrote:
 Am Montag, 16. März 2009 00:47 schrieb Jonathan Cast:
  On Mon, 2009-03-16 at 00:14 +0100, Daniel Fischer wrote:
 However, I understand
 unsafeInterleaveIO allows IO computation to be deferred lazily. When
 passed a value of type IO a, the IO will only be performed when the
 value of the a is demanded.
Where is this taken from?  If GHC's library docs try to imply that the
   From the documentation of System.IO.Unsafe.
  This version of those docs:
  leaves unsafeInterleaveIO completely un-documented.  So I'm still not
  sure what you're quoting from.
 The documentation haddock-0.9 built when I compiled ghc-6.8.3 last year.

So it's a GHC (and base) major version out of date.

programmer can predict when an unsafeInterleaveIO'd operation takes
place --- well, then they shouldn't.  I'm starting to suspect that not
starting from a proper denotational theory of IO was a major mistake
for GHC's IO system (which Haskell 1.3 in part adopted).
 as explicitly allowing the programmer to say do it if and when the
 result is needed, not before.
Haskell's order of evaluation is undefined, so this doesn't really
allow the programmer to constrain when the effects are performed much.
   The full paragraph from the report:
The I/O monad used by Haskell mediates between the values natural to a
   functional language and the actions that characterize I/O operations and
   imperative programming in general. The order of evaluation of expressions
   in Haskell is constrained only by data dependencies; an implementation
   has a great deal of freedom in choosing this order. Actions, however,
   must be ordered in a well-defined manner for program execution -- and I/O
   in particular -- to be meaningful. Haskell 's I/O monad provides the user
   with a way to specify the sequential chaining of actions, and an
   implementation is obliged to preserve this order.
   I read it as saying that IO *does* allow the programmer to control when
   the effects are performed.
  Right.  But by using forkIO or unsafeInterleaveIO you waive that
 That depends on the specification of unsafeInterleaveIO. If it is 
 order of evaluation, then yes, if it is do when needed, not before,

Note that `when needed' is still dependent on the (still unspecified)
(non-IO) Haskell evaluation order.  Also note that, to demonstrate any
strong claims about unsafeInterleaveIO, you need to show that the
compiler *must* perform in such-and-such a way, not simply that it
*will* or that it *may*.

 as my 
 local documentation can be interpreted, then unsafeInterleaveIO reduces that 
 ability, but doesn't completely remove it.

Sure.  The question is whether the compiler has still enough options for
re-ordering the program that transforming a program according to the
standard equational axiomatic semantics for Haskell doesn't change the
set of options the compiler has for the behavior of its generated code.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What unsafeInterleaveIO is unsafe

2009-03-15 Thread wren ng thornton

Yusaku Hashimoto wrote:


I was studying about what unsafeInterleaveIO is.I understood
unsafeInterleaveIO takes an IO action, and delays it. But I couldn't
find any reason why unsafeInterleaveIO is unsafe.

I have already read an example in
says lazy IO may break purity, but I think real matter in this example
are wrong use of seq. did I misread?

For example: I have some universal state in IO. We'll call it an IORef, 
but it could be anything, like reading lines from a file. And I have 
some method for accessing and updating that state.

 next r = do n - readIORef r
 writeIORef r (n+1)
 return n

Now, if I use unsafeInterleaveIO:

 main = do r - newIORef 0
   x -  do a - unsafeInterleaveIO (next r)
b - unsafeInterleaveIO (next r)
return (a,b)

The values of a and b in x are entirely arbitrary, and are only set at 
the point when they are first accessed. They're not just arbitrary 
between which is 0 and which is 1, they could be *any* pair of values 
(other than equal) since the reference r is still in scope and other 
code in the ... could affect it before we access a and b, or between the 
two accesses.

The arbitrariness is not random in the statistical sense, but rather 
is an oracle for determining the order in which evaluation has occurred. 
Consider, as an illustration these two alternatives for the ...:

   fst x `seq` snd x `seq` return x


   snd x `seq` fst x `seq` return x

In this example, main will return (0,1) or (1,0) depending on which was 
chosen. You are right in that the issue lies in seq, but that's a red 
herring. Having made x, we can pass it along to any function, ignore the 
output of that function, and inspect x in order to know the order of 
strictness in that function.

Moreover, let's have two pure implementations, f and g, of the same 
mathematical function. Even if f and g are close enough to correctly 
give the same output for inputs with _|_ in them, we may be able to 
observe the fact that they arrive at those answers differently by 
passing in our x. Given that such observations are possible, it is no 
longer safe to exchange f and g for one another, despite the fact that 
they are pure and give the same output for all (meaningful) inputs.

This example is somewhat artificial because we set up x to use 
unsafeInterleaveIO in the bad way. For the intended use cases where it 
is indeed (arguably) safe, we would need to be sure to manually thread 
the state through the pure value (e.g. x) such that the final value is 
sane. For instance, in lazy I/O where we're constructing a list of 
lines/bytes/whatever, we need to ensure that any access to the Nth 
element of the list will first force the (N-1)th element, so that we 
ensure that the list comes out in the same order as if we forced all of 
them at construction time.

For things like arbitrary symbol generation, unsafeInterleaveIO is 
perfectly fine because the order and identity of the symbols generated 
is irrelevant, but more importantly it is safe because the IO that's 
going on is not actually I/O. For arbitrary symbol generation, we could 
use unsafeInterleaveST instead, and that would be better because it 
accurately describes the effects. For any IO value which has real I/O 
effects, unsafeInterleaveIO is almost never correct because the ordering 
of effects on the real world (or whether the effects occur at all) 
depends entirely on the evaluation behavior of the program, which can 
vary by compiler, by compiler version, or even between different runs of 
the same compiled binary.

Live well,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What unsafeInterleaveIO is unsafe

2009-03-15 Thread Ryan Ingram
On Sun, Mar 15, 2009 at 1:56 PM, Jonathan Cast wrote:
 But not if you switch the (x - ...) and (y - ...) parts:

 main = do
     r - newIORef 0
     v - unsafeInterleaveIO $ do
         writeIORef r 1
         return 1
     y - readIORef r
     x - case f v of
             0 - return 0
             n - return (n - 1)
     print y

 Now the IORef is read before the case has a chance to trigger the writing.

 But if the compiler is free to do this itself, what guarantee do I have
 that it won't?

You don't really have any guarantee; the compiler is free to assume
that v is a pure integer and that f is a pure function from integers
to integers.  Therefore, it can assume that the only observable affect
of calling f v is non-termination.  Note that unsafeInterleaveIO
*breaks* this assumption; that is why it is unsafe.

I erred previously in saying that this was allowed if f is total; it
does still evaluate f v either way.  But I can correct my argument as
follows: the only observable effect from the (x - ...) line is
non-termination.  And the compiler can prove that there *no*
observable effect of readIORef until the value is used or the
reference is written by another function.  So it is free to make this
reordering anyways, as the only observable effect could have been
non-termination which will be observed immediately after.

When you use unsafeInterleaveIO or unsafePerformIO, you are required
prove that its use does not break these invariants; that, for example,
you don't read or write from IORefs that could be accessed elsewhere
in the program.  These are proofs that the compiler can and does make
in some situations; it can reorder sequential readIORef calls if it
thinks one or the other might be more efficient.  It can evaluate
foldl as if it was foldl' if it proves the arguments strict enough
that non-termination behavior is identical (ghc -O2 does this, for

The language has them as escape hatches that allow you to write code
that would not otherwise be possible, by shifting more of a proof
obligation on to the programmer.

  -- ryan
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What unsafeInterleaveIO is unsafe

2009-03-15 Thread Jonathan Cast
On Sun, 2009-03-15 at 18:11 -0700, Ryan Ingram wrote:
 On Sun, Mar 15, 2009 at 1:56 PM, Jonathan Cast wrote:
  But not if you switch the (x - ...) and (y - ...) parts:
  main = do
  r - newIORef 0
  v - unsafeInterleaveIO $ do
  writeIORef r 1
  return 1
  y - readIORef r
  x - case f v of
  0 - return 0
  n - return (n - 1)
  print y
  Now the IORef is read before the case has a chance to trigger the writing.
  But if the compiler is free to do this itself, what guarantee do I have
  that it won't?
 You don't really have any guarantee; the compiler is free to assume
 that v is a pure integer and that f is a pure function from integers
 to integers.  Therefore, it can assume that the only observable affect
 of calling f v is non-termination.  Note that unsafeInterleaveIO
 *breaks* this assumption;

[Ignored; begging the question]


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