Jewish Theological Seminary Library has a manuscript of Sefer ha-Shem
Which the manuscript cataloger ascribed to Moses ben Shem Tov, de Leon,
Who died in 1305,

So I would cutter by 14th century author 
Even if it was not published until 1601,
and not by title 
as if it were a 20th century work.

I would be inclined to class it in BM525 under the author, M64 or M643 or M65, 
or whatever fits best in your shelf list.

Le-shanah tovah tikatevu ve-tehatemu,
Clifford Miller

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Heidi G Lerner
Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2010 11:48 AM
To: heb-naco
Subject: where to class?
I am cataloging a volume "Sefer ha-Shem : ha-meyuhas le-R. Mosheh de Le'on" 
(Los Angeles : Cherub Press, 2010).

This work  was originally published as part of Hekhal ha-Shem in 1601 in Venice.

I am not sure where to class this. 

I am entering it under title since authorship is not clear. I am making an 
added entry for Moses ben Shem Tov, de Leon.

The guidelines for classing modern Cabalistic works under BM525.A7-Z are to 
cutter by author,

Thanks, Heidi G. Lerner

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