Re: Small program that seems to loop

2020-10-16 Thread Michael Hennebry

The problem seems to be that lack of an objective function.
In the transition from branch and bound to branch and bound and cut,
bound lost billing: branch and cut.
With an all-zero objective function, the solver cannot do bounding.
Every solution will be dual-degenerate.
That messes up selection of entering variables for dual pivots.

Try giving the problem an arbitrary objective,
perhaps index numbers or their recipricols.

"Sorry but your password must contain an uppercase letter, a number,
a haiku, a gang sign, a heiroglyph, and the blood of a virgin."
 --  someeecards

Small program that seems to loop

2020-10-15 Thread Neill Clift
I am running on Windows 10 with VS 2019 16.7.5.
I just cut and pasted some old code I had that found minimum values for entries 
in an addition chain for a small project were I just wanted to know if a system 
was feasible over the integers.
I may have done something wrong (for example I still have a call to set the 
objective function as a MIN but there is no objective function).
I generate the small systems programmatically. Seems to work find for a lot of 
the generated systems but I found one that doesn't seem to return from the 
integer portion.
At the top of the code is a symbolic representation of the problem in a comment.
I attach this program just in case this is interesting to find a bug etc.

GLPK Simplex Optimizer, v4.65
30 rows, 17 columns, 62 non-zeros
  0: obj =   0.0e+00 inf =   2.800e+01 (28)
 18: obj =   0.0e+00 inf =   0.000e+00 (0)
GLPK Integer Optimizer, v4.65
30 rows, 17 columns, 62 non-zeros
17 integer variables, none of which are binary
28 rows, 17 columns, 60 non-zeros
17 integer variables, none of which are binary
A: min|aij| =  1.000e+00  max|aij| =  2.000e+00  ratio =  2.000e+00
Problem data seem to be well scaled
Constructing initial basis...
Size of triangular part is 28
Solving LP relaxation...
GLPK Simplex Optimizer, v4.65
28 rows, 17 columns, 60 non-zeros
 18: obj =   0.0e+00 inf =   1.000e+00 (1)
 23: obj =   0.0e+00 inf =   0.000e+00 (0)
Integer optimization begins...
Long-step dual simplex will be used
+23: mip = not found yet >=  -inf(1; 0)
+ 11325: mip = not found yet >=   0.0e+00(8782; 0)
+ 17611: mip = not found yet >=   0.0e+00(13272; 0)
+ 22532: mip = not found yet >=   0.0e+00(16787; 0)
+ 26757: mip = not found yet >=   0.0e+00(19805; 0)
+ 30527: mip = not found yet >=   0.0e+00(22498; 0)
+ 33970: mip = not found yet >=   0.0e+00(24957; 0)
+ 37157: mip = not found yet >=   0.0e+00(27234; 0)
+ 40148: mip = not found yet >=   0.0e+00(29370; 0)
+ 42955: mip = not found yet >=   0.0e+00(31375; 0)
+ 45622: mip = not found yet >=   0.0e+00(33280; 0)
Time used: 60.0 secs.  Memory used: 15.0 Mb.
+ 48170: mip = not found yet >=   0.0e+00(35100; 0)
+ 50604: mip = not found yet >=   0.0e+00(36839; 0)
+ 52948: mip = not found yet >=   0.0e+00(38513; 0)
+ 55208: mip = not found yet >=   0.0e+00(40127; 0)
+ 57387: mip = not found yet >=   0.0e+00(41684; 0)
+ 59501: mip = not found yet >=   0.0e+00(43194; 0)
+ 61558: mip = not found yet >=   0.0e+00(44663; 0)
+ 63552: mip = not found yet >=   0.0e+00(46087; 0)
+ 65490: mip = not found yet >=   0.0e+00(47471; 0)
+ 67381: mip = not found yet >=   0.0e+00(48822; 0)
+ 69228: mip = not found yet >=   0.0e+00(50141; 0)
+ 71023: mip = not found yet >=   0.0e+00(51424; 0)
Time used: 120.0 secs.  Memory used: 22.9 Mb.
+ 72782: mip = not found yet >=   0.0e+00(52680; 0)
+ 74492: mip = not found yet >=   0.0e+00(53901; 0)
+ 76167: mip = not found yet >=   0.0e+00(55098; 0)
+ 77818: mip = not found yet >=   0.0e+00(56277; 0)
+ 79427: mip = not found yet >=   0.0e+00(57426; 0)
+ 80997: mip = not found yet >=   0.0e+00(58548; 0)
+ 82477: mip = not found yet >=   0.0e+00(59605; 0)
+ 83985: mip = not found yet >=   0.0e+00(60682; 0)
+ 85422: mip = not found yet >=   0.0e+00(61709; 0)
+ 86862: mip = not found yet >=   0.0e+00(62737; 0)
+ 88340: mip = not found yet >=   0.0e+00(63793; 0)

// test.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "glpk.h"

int __cdecl main(int argc,char *argv[])
// a = b + b > b = c + c > c = d + d > d = e + e > e = f + f > f = g + 
g > g = h + h > h = i + j > i = k + q > j = m + n > k = l + p > l = o + o > m > 
n > o > p > q > 0
int ia[] = { 
int ja[] = { 
double ar[] = {