Hi Egorbrandt

1 - Heroku is running a custom version of rails.

If you change your config/environment.rb to say ruby version 2.1, then  
that should clear it up.

The only way to change files on heroku is by git add ; git commit; git  
2 - not sure.

Best of luck,

On Feb 24, 2009, at 4:03 AM, egorbrandt wrote:

> hello group,
> I'm trying to upload my Rails app
> 1. to Heroku: the uploading was successful, however, the app failed to
> start. error: "Missing the Rails 2.1.1 gem. Please `gem install -
> v=2.1.1 rails`,"
> - I don't understand: I'm using Rails 2.1.1,  config/environment works
> fine locally
> - I might've been doing something wrong, but then, how do I change
> remote files on Heroku?
> 2. to Herokugarden: after compressing the app into .rar archive when I
> try to upload this, there's an error page "We're sorry... look in it
> shortly.' am I doing something wrong, or is it just me being
> impatient?
> I am new to (this way of) deploying, so could you help me out? I think
> the idea behind Heroku / Herokugarden is, what do you say, 'awesome'!
> thanks, egorbrandt
> >

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