[hibernate-dev] NoORM IRC meeting minutes

2019-06-18 Thread Guillaume Smet

As usual, here are the minutes of the NoORM IRC meeting.

15:01 < gsmet> #topic Progress Davide
15:01 < DavideD> On the OGM side, there have been a couple of PRs and
several questions. Always on the MongoDB side. In theory, there is a guy
looking at the support for transaction on MongoDB but I haven't
 received any news about it yet.
15:01 < DavideD> On the Hibernate Async side, I'm still working on it but
progressing very slowly.
15:02 < DavideD> That's pretty much it
15:02 < gsmet> OK
15:02 < gsmet> #topic Next 2 weeks Davide
15:02 < DavideD> There are going to be some OGM prs to review and I will
continue the work on the async side
15:03 < gsmet> is there anything that should be done to help you make more
progress on the async side?
15:03 < DavideD> That's all
15:04 < DavideD> I don't know, I talked about it with Sanne last week
15:04 < gsmet> OK
15:04 < DavideD> I think the main issue is that I'm working on it on my own
15:04 < gsmet> yeah, that sure doesn't help
15:04 < DavideD> But he is aware of it, so I guess at some point we will
have some reorganization
15:05 < gsmet> OK!
15:05 < gsmet> thanks!
15:05 < gsmet> #topic Progress Fabio
15:05 < fax4ever> Starting from where we stayed last time...
15:05 < fax4ever> We have made it possible to provide a
missing-value-replacement for sorting
15:05 < fax4ever> on a String field using the Lucene backend.
15:06 < fax4ever> Furthermore, it seems that Elasticsearch does not apply
some normalizer
15:06 < fax4ever> defined on a field on the sort missing value provied at
query time.
15:06 < fax4ever> We do it in the Lucene backend and it would be nice
having the same behavior
15:06 < fax4ever> on Elasticsearch too.
15:06 < fax4ever> For that reason I wrote this post:
15:06 < fax4ever>
15:06 < jbossbot> Title: Should sort missing values be normalized? -
Elasticsearch - Discuss the Elastic Stack
15:06 < yrodiere> From what I can see nobody answered, you should probably
try a bug report instead
15:07 < fax4ever> OK let's do that
15:07 < fax4ever> thanks
15:07 < fax4ever> using github?
15:07 < yrodiere> yes
15:07 < fax4ever> they don't have Jira... OK
15:07 < fax4ever> So I'll
15:07 < fax4ever> it's time to do that :)
15:07 < yrodiere> let's have a look together, maybe? Wouldn't want it to be
dismissed just because something is not clear
15:07 < fax4ever> Moreover, we removed any dependence on
15:08 < fax4ever> Since it won’t be included in future versions of the JDK.
15:08 < fax4ever> Using Hibernate commons annotations
15:08 < fax4ever> that provide excellent support for annotations
15:08 < fax4ever> but not for generics
15:09 < fax4ever> so for the generics part we kept the Hibernate Search
15:09 < fax4ever> Furthermore, we handled what happens when a client reuses
a query component,
15:09 < fax4ever> such as an instance of predicate, sort or projection.
15:09 < fax4ever> We rely on the addressed index set to check whether a
component can be used on a given scope.
15:10 < fax4ever> If they don't match, we throw an exception log
15:10 < fax4ever> Finally, I revied some large pull requests.
15:10 < gsmet> fax4ever: keep in mind that we don't need all the details of
each issue :)
15:10 < fax4ever> But I'm still to slow in reviewing :/
15:10 < fax4ever> OK :P
15:11 < fax4ever> That's all about Progess...
15:11 < fax4ever> too slow
15:11 < gsmet> #topic Next 2 weeks Fabio
15:11 < fax4ever> I'll be staying on PTO from June 22 to July 15.
15:11 < yrodiere> fax4ever: I still think you're fast enough, just a bit
too meticulous ;)
15:11 < fax4ever> too good :)
15:11 < fax4ever> So in the next three days, the ones up to June 21,
15:12 < fax4ever> I would like to spend much time as possible reviewing
further pull requests.
15:12 < fax4ever> Finally, maybe I'll have the time to solve some issues
15:12 < fax4ever> Like the one to handle the case where a GeoPoint field is
declared sortable.
15:12 < fax4ever> That's all from me.
15:12 < gsmet> ok, thanks!
15:12 < fax4ever> Thank you!
15:12 < gsmet> #topic Progress Guillaume
15:13 -!- sfikes [~sfi...@c-69-246-28-50.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined
15:13 < gsmet> so I worked a bit on ORM to fix an enhancement issue
15:13 < gsmet> and a bit on HV to push new releases for the 6.0 branch and
the 6.1 branch
15:14 < gsmet> nothing much but it was high time we release them as they
contained a few minor but annoying fixes
15:14 < gsmet> #topic Next 2 weeks Guillaume
15:14 < gsmet> I won't work on Hibernate stuff that much
15:14 < gsmet> I want to make progress on the ORM integration in Quarkus
15:15 < gsmet> I made some progress this week but there is still some work
to do
15:15 < gsmet> I also have a talk next week and I will demo Quarkus +
Hibernate Search as a live demo
15:15 < yrodiere> \o/
15:15 < gsmet> so I have to practice a lot until then :)
15:16 < gsmet> that's pretty 

Re: [hibernate-dev] Which branch to target?

2019-06-18 Thread Mark Rotteveel
On 16-6-2019 16:28, Mark Rotteveel wrote:
> After a significant hiatus, I have restarted my work on adding improved
> support for Firebird 2.5 and 3.0 (and more importantly struggling
> through some test failures).
> I am wondering what I should target for my changes: the current master
> branch or the upstream/wip/6.0 branch. What would be the preferred or
> 'better' option?

On a related note, I have touched a lot of tests to either skip them or 
make some changes to make them pass. What is the best approach: commit 
together with the dialect changes, or offer the dialect change in a 
separate pull request from all those test changes?

Mark Rotteveel
hibernate-dev mailing list

[hibernate-dev] Hibernate Search 5.11.2.Final and 5.10.6.Final released

2019-06-18 Thread Yoann Rodiere

We just published two maintenance releases for the Hibernate Search:
5.11.2.Final and 5.10.6.Final. These releases mainly upgrade Hibernate
Search to the latest compatible Hibernate ORM versions and fix several
issues with the Elasticsearch integration.

Find more detailed information on our blog:

Yoann Rodière
Hibernate NoORM Team
hibernate-dev mailing list