Hi all, I recently published the version -07 draft of RFC5206-bis (mobility support in HIP). This was merely a refresh of -06; I'd like to now start moving through and closing the remaining open issues so we can get the document into shape for WGLC.

I made a pass through the document and plan to publish the following (IMO) minor changes in version -08 next week, if there are no objections. Separately, I will start threads on remaining open issues that require some discussion on the list.

Section 3.2  Protocol Overview
The draft states:

   However, some implementations may want to experiment with sending
   LOCATOR_SET parameters also on other packets, such as R1, I2, and

I propose to delete this sentence since we are no longer experimental; later in the document (section 5.3), it states that:

   A host SHOULD be prepared to receive a LOCATOR_SET parameter in the
   following HIP packets: R1, I2, UPDATE, and NOTIFY.

and it leaves open to the implementation (Section 5.2) when to send such a packet. More on this later.

(also) Section 3.2:
The draft states:

   The scenarios below at times describe addresses as being in either an

'VERIFIED' is a typo; it should be 'UNVERIFIED'

3.2.1  Mobility with a Single SA Pair (No Rekeying)
The draft states:

   This first example considers the
   case in which the mobile host has only one interface, IP address, a
   single pair of SAs (one inbound, one outbound), and no rekeying

I propose to clarify 'IP address' as rather 'one IP address in use within the HIP session', since it is seldom the case now that hosts have one IP address system-wide, and what is really intended here is to talk about the case for which there is only one IP address in use.

3.2.3. Using LOCATOR_SETs across Addressing Realms
I propose to delete this section for now; we have an open issue (http://trac.tools.ietf.org/wg/hip/trac/ticket/5) to better define cross-family handovers, and I'd like to later propose different text based on the work published in "Secure and Efficient IPv4/IPv6 Handovers Using Host-based Identifier-Locator Split" by Varjonen et al.

4.3  UPDATE Packet with Included LOCATOR_SET
There is a sentence that says:

   sending of multiple LOCATOR_SET and/or ESP_INFO parameters is for
   further study; receivers may wish to experiment with supporting such
   a possibility.

I propose to delete this since supporting it is more complicated and I am not sure of the use case.

5.1. Locator Data Structure and Status
The draft states:

   In a typical implementation, each outgoing locator is represented by
   a piece of state that contains the following data:

I propose to clarify this by deleting 'outgoing locator' and replacing with 'locator known about the peer' since outgoing might be interpreted instead as the source address.

I would also like to add these two sentences to the end of this subsection:

  In addition, an implementation would typically maintain similar
  state about its own locators offered to the peer.

  Finally, the locators used to establish the HIP association are
  by default assumed to be the initial preferred locators in
  ACTIVE state, with an unbounded lifetime.

5.2. Sending LOCATOR_SETs
The lead sentence states:

   The decision of when to send LOCATOR_SETs is basically a local policy

I propose to add: "LOCATOR_SET parameters MAY be included in HIP packet types of R1, I2, R2, UPDATE, and NOTIFY."

We have previously not included R2 in this list, but the work published in "Secure and Efficient IPv4/IPv6 Handovers Using Host-based Identifier-Locator Split" by Varjonen et al. discussed some benefits found by allowing the parameter also in R2.

There is also a paragraph that states:

   Note that the purpose of announcing IP addresses in a LOCATOR_SET is
   to provide connectivity between the communicating hosts.  In most
   cases, tunnels or virtual interfaces such as IPsec tunnel interfaces
   or Mobile IP home addresses provide sub-optimal connectivity.
   Furthermore, it should be possible to replace most tunnels with HIP
   based "non-tunneling", therefore making most virtual interfaces
   fairly unnecessary in the future.  Therefore, virtual interfaces
   SHOULD NOT be announced in general.  On the other hand, there are
   clearly situations where tunnels are used for diagnostic and/or
   testing purposes.  In such and other similar cases announcing the IP
   addresses of virtual interfaces may be appropriate.

I'd like to reduce this to the following:

  Locators corresponding to tunnel interfaces (e.g. IPsec tunnel
  interfaces or Mobile IP home addresses) or other virtual
  interfaces MAY be announced in a LOCATOR_SET, but implementations
  SHOULD avoid announcing such locators as preferred locators if
  more direct paths may be obtained by instead preferring locators
  from non-virtual interfaces.

5.3. Handling Received LOCATOR_SETs
The draft states:

   A host SHOULD be prepared to receive a LOCATOR_SET parameter in the
   following HIP packets: R1, I2, UPDATE, and NOTIFY.

Similar to the proposal in 5.2 above, I'd like to change to:

   A host SHOULD be prepared to receive a LOCATOR_SET parameter in the
   following HIP packets: R1, I2, R2, UPDATE, and NOTIFY.

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