[Histonet] Eosin Staining Issues

2013-07-12 Thread kristen arvidson
Hello All!
I am having some bizzare staining issues.  The eosin seems to be washing out??  
The slides look sun bleached according to the Pathologists.  The problem is 
that it is only happening on occasion.   One rack stains fine and the next one 
has a problem.   It even appears to be  happening within cases staining in the 
same rack.  My first though is tap water ph.  We don't monitor that, haven't 
needed to,  we've never had a problem like this before.  Thoughts??  Thanks
Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] OCT Code Cuts

2013-05-19 Thread kristen arvidson
What kind of impacts is everyone seeing post cpt cuts?  I am concerned for the 
future of our profession.

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[Histonet] Need AFB controls

2012-06-21 Thread kristen arvidson
Anyone out there have any spare AFB controls?  Thanks is advance :)
Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Looking for Used cassette Printer

2012-03-21 Thread kristen arvidson
I am looking for a used VCP cassette printer from Leica/Surgipath.  My print 
head finally went out.  Thanks.
Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Derm Slide Artifact

2011-06-28 Thread kristen arvidson
The Paths are noticing a halo efftect around the keratinocytes.  This is 
something new.  It appears to be happening during staining.  We haven't changed 
anything and we are making sure that all the reagents are fresh and full.  
Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Processor power supply Back-up

2011-05-24 Thread kristen arvidson
Does anyone have any suggestions on power supply back-up for Leica ASP 300?  We 
are an independant lab and are not hooked up to back-up if we have an outage.  
Thought it might be a good idea :)
Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] DIF Transport Media

2010-10-04 Thread kristen arvidson
Is Michel Medium the same as Zeus?  Do these need to be refrigerated?

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Looking for AFB control

2010-08-30 Thread kristen arvidson
Hello All,
I am looking for an AFB control.  I am willing to trade if I can meet your 
needs.  Thanks.

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Reagent Grade Alcohol Brands

2010-08-09 Thread kristen arvidson
Hello All,
What brands of reagent grade ETOH is everyone using??  Leica is having some 
manufacturing issues...need some ASAP!!

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Recycled Formalin

2010-08-03 Thread kristen arvidson
Has anyone had any quality issues (or any issues) when using recycled formalin?

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Special Stain Storage

2010-07-26 Thread kristen arvidson
Hello All,
We were recently inspected by CLIA and our inspector noticed that we didn't 
have reagent storage temperatures written in our Special Stains procedures.  We 
do our stains by hand so we do have some stored in the refrigerator and others 
stored at room temp.  I went through some of the Histo books and I cannot find 
any specifics on storage of reagents.  Any suggestions??

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Paraffin Question

2010-03-26 Thread kristen arvidson
How often are people changing/rotating their paraffin?  In other words the 
dirtiest paraffin is how many days old?

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Leica Paraplast

2010-03-23 Thread kristen arvidson
Has anyone who uses paraplast (we use the basic one) noticed a change in the 
quality of your tissue?  I have recently found out that they have changed 
manufacturing sites in the past couple of months.  I am having on and off 
issues with my skin specimens that have been going on for about 2 months or 
so.  Thought there may be a correlation.  Any thoughts? 

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Dermpath Lab People

2010-03-18 Thread kristen arvidson
I am looking for a network of people who would be willing to share info on derm 
stuff.  I am currently the supervisor of a fairly large derm lab.  We've been 
open about 13 yrs and I've worked here about 12 yrs (Sup for about 1).  Things 
are going pretty well but when I run into problems I would like to share my 
info with people who may have similar experiences.  Currently, I am having some 
difficulty with quality.  Tissues seem a little dry and tough, but they act 
sensitive to handling.  Upon microscopic exam they ofter look torn.  The 
tearing seems to be occurring a lot at the dermal/epidermal junction.  At first 
I thought it may be happening at embedding but now I not so sure.  Our 
processing schedule/reagents haven't changed and peoples work habits are the 
same.  The Paths have noticed the problem for about 2 months.  Any help would 
be greatly appreciated.  I hope I can be of service to one of you in the future.

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Contamination on Processor

2010-03-15 Thread kristen arvidson
We are experiencing cloudiness in all of our alcohols on our processor.  We 
test them before we dump them by mixing them with water and they cloud up.  To 
me this says there is some clear-rite/xylene (we use both on our processors) 
getting in them somehow.  I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this 
or if there is a possibility it could be some other contaminant or is the 
cloudiness normal after so many processing runs.  We have newer processors, 
leica asp300s.  Any help would be so much appreciated.  thank you.

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Embedding Forceps

2010-03-08 Thread kristen arvidson
Anyone use special forceps for embedding?  I have some recent concerns that 
some of the forceps out there may be to pointy/sharp for delicate tissue (ie. 
skin).  Any insight??

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Looking to sell xtra inventory

2010-02-16 Thread kristen arvidson
Hello Histonetters,
I have recently discovered that I have 11 extra boxes of microtome blades we do 
not use any more.  They are brand new (boxes are sealed) Surgipath low profile 
Triple Facet blades.  Any takers?

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Dako vs Ventana

2010-01-27 Thread kristen arvidson
Hello all,
I am trying to get a feel for some of the special stainers out there.  I came 
to the conclusion that it will be either Dako or Ventana.  Opinions?  Any other 
machines on the market that people love?  Thanks.

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Leica Special Stainer

2010-01-18 Thread kristen arvidson
Has anyone used the Leica Special Stainer?

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Automated special stainers

2010-01-14 Thread kristen arvidson
Which automated Special Stainer does everyone like best?  Does any of them do a 
Fontana stain?

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] reprocessing small pieces of tissue

2009-12-11 Thread kristen arvidson
Has anyone re-processed a small pc. of tissue before?  if so how, do you do it?
In general, how are you re-processing tissue?

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Injuries in the Lab

2009-12-11 Thread kristen arvidson
How are people dealing with injuries like cuts from the microtome blade or cuts 
at the grossing bench (fixed tissue only)?  We do not work in a hospital so we 
do not have employee health.

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] lab spill clean-up

2009-11-05 Thread kristen arvidson
I am looking for quantities of various lab chemicals that are considered safe 
for lab personnel to clean up.  Are there set guidelines for when you should 
call for help?

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Anyone CLIA Certified?

2009-10-21 Thread kristen arvidson
We are a derm lab who is CLIA certified.  We are going through some admin 
changes and I have been reading through (and learning) clia, osha, chemical 
hygiene etc  manuals and noticing they all seem outdated.  I am a lab sup that 
is responsible for all this and not quite sure how to go about it all.  My main 
question here is how do you write a CLIA manual?  I've been on the web site and 
I don't know where to begin.

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Errors in the lab

2009-09-11 Thread kristen arvidson
I was just wondering how others are tracking mistakes.  We have a form that the 
employees fill out when they catch and rersolve mistakes.  I feel this gives me 
the opportunity to recognize problem areas (or people).  I was approached by 
one of my staff who feels that this may take away from a team approach and 
makes people feel picked on.  On one hand I can see that point, but the error 
forms are only seen by the person catching the error and me.  I guess I was 
wondering what everyone thinks?

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Uranyl Nitrate

2009-09-02 Thread kristen arvidson
I am looking for an alternate disposal method for my Uranyl Nitrate.  I was 
quoted at about $3000 from our haz. waste disposal company.  I would like to 
find a cheaper method.  I cannot ship it outside the US.  Would anyone be able 
to take it and add it to their waste?  I have about 500ml of a 1% aq. 
solution to get rid of.  Please let me know if this might be a possibility, I 
will pay for service.  Thank you!!

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] More quality stuff

2009-07-22 Thread kristen arvidson
As most of you have gathered I am working on a large quality project.  I have 
made a lot of progress.  Currently, my focus is error prevention.  I have read 
up on tools such as six sigma and FMEA.  My question is how do you guys prevent 
errors?  I have learned that you cannot always count on the diligence of the 
employee because even the best will screw up sooner or later, so my focus is on 
process improvement.  How are you all approaching your process improvements?  
Thank you all for your input.  You've all been a big help!!

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Special stainers

2009-07-14 Thread kristen arvidson
What stainer is everyone liking the best?

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Uranyl Nitrate

2009-07-13 Thread kristen arvidson
Anyone still using Uranyl Nitrate.  We have some in our fridge from '97 and 
it's very expensive to get rid of.  Any suggestions?

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Error corrections

2009-07-07 Thread kristen arvidson
How are people typically correcting errors that occur.  For example, mislabeled 
slides and path slips.  We do a lot of hand writing in our lab and when we make 
a mistake people are usually whiting out or scribbling.  I'm feeling like we 
shouldn't be doing thisis there a standard like a line through the 
error with the person's initials or something? The other thing is that we do 
all the grossing (Derm) and we do not dictate, we draw a picture of the 
specimen and write down the measurements.  If the picture is wrong people white 
it out and re-draw it.  I hope I'm making sense.  Any suggestions?

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] QA Manual Question

2009-05-15 Thread kristen arvidson
Hi All...Again.  I guess I have a lot of questions lately.  I have asked this 
before but I would like to ask it again.  What are people doing for QA/QC?  I 
have been asked by management to write a QA manual.  I have some ideas but not 
really sure where to start.  Thanks in advance for any input.

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Microtome Alignment

2009-05-07 Thread kristen arvidson
Does anyone know where I can an alignment device? 

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] IHC Stainers

2009-04-05 Thread kristen arvidson
I am looking for any comments (positive or negative) on IHC stainers.  Any info 
on DAKO, Ventana, Leica, and Biocare would be great.  Service, quality, ease of 
use, etc.  I have very little knowledge of any of these as I have not done IHC 
for many years.  Thanks for all your input!!

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] hematoxylin Question

2009-03-24 Thread kristen arvidson
Hello All,
How long is hematoxylin (we use Richard-Allen Heme 2) good for after it is 
poured into a staining container?  The stain gets used so infrequently I would 
like to keep it as long as I can.  We currently dump it weekly regardless of 
use.  Thank you.

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] (no subject)

2009-03-10 Thread kristen arvidson
Does anyone have an opinion on Distilled vs DI water?  Is there a difference in 

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Quality assurance program

2009-02-27 Thread kristen arvidson
I would like to do something different (more) than what we are doing right now 
with qa/qc.  We write everything down that we do so we can track it and then 
when there are mistakes I will talk to the person who makes them.  What are 
people doing in their labs to stop these mistakes in the first place? I know 
there are tools out there like L.E.A.N, but I was hoping to go another route 
for now.  I have added more check lists and made many process changes but 
sometimes I feel as though people need extra incentive to do well.  Sad but 
true.  Thanks for any help!!

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Sectioning on different microtomes

2009-01-24 Thread kristen arvidson
How are people lining up the microtomes so they cut in approximately the 
plane.  I use the old fashioned test paraffin block method but it just seems 
so time consuming and it doesn't always yield the best results especially if 
you are having techs line up there own.  Our paths have complained about recuts 
being too deep.  HELP!!!

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] (no subject)

2009-01-03 Thread kristen arvidson
Hello all,
I am looking for info on IP stainers.  Which stainers are people using?  What 
does everyone like, dislike, etc.  Any info is helpful.  Thanks!!

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] QA/QC

2008-10-29 Thread kristen arvidson
I am looking to update our QA/QC system...it's a mess.  Any suggestions on 
where I would gather info.  What are other people doing??

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